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Wrong Turns (Seq.) (UC, Z/Ma, Ma/Ky, ADULT) [COMPLETE]

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:50 pm
by gnrkrystle
Wrong Turns- Sequel to Opposites Attract

Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell…and I’m not clever…
Rating: NC-17
Coupling: Maria/Zan and Maria/?
Summary: Sequal to Opposites Attract: viewforum.php?f=5&sid=f95a18ce54df552208d086077fbf6064
You should read that first…It will make this story make much more sence…WARNING: angst and drama…
A/N: Please leave me feedback…that way I know if people like my stuff…

Chapter 1

Maria Deluca-Guerin, several month pregnate walked into her new apartment with her husband, Zan. They had been married for 5 months and they had a little one on the way in 2 months. They were in love.

They were high school sweethearts, who found each other their senior year, and hadn’t parted since. They went off to college together, and got married right after graduation. Maria had gotten a degree in Vocal Performance, and a teaching licence and Zan Majored in Accounting.

Kyle also went to college with them. He got a degree in Physical Training and got his teaching licence as well, just for a fall back. Maria and Kyle stayed close, and eventually, Zan and Kyle became friends as well, but they never COMPLETELY warmed to each other. They were friends and they hung out all the time, but there was always a tension there. Kyle still loved Maria, and Zan knew it. But Kyle had been nothing but respectfull of him and his realtionship with Maria.

“Baby? Are you here?” Maria called into the apartment. Zan walked through the living room to her side and wrapped his arms around her.

“So, how did it go with the doctor? I so sorry I couldn’t be there. I tried to get off.” Zan said pulling her over to the couch and down next to him.

“No, It’s fine. The doctor did find out if it was a boy or girl though. I told him I wanted to find out when you did, so he wrote it down.” Maria said waving the envelope in front of Zan’s face.

“Well, you wanna do this now?” he asked.

“Yeah,” Maria said unable to hide the excitement in her eyes. She had wanted to know for the longest time. She slipped her slim finger under the lip of the envelope and ripped it open. She took a deep breath and pulled out the slip of paper.

Zan smiled when he read it. “I’m going to have a son.” He said. “A little boy. Just like me.” Zan said.

“With my style” Maria added snuggling into him.

“I love you so much, baby.” Zan said kissing her forehead. Then he leaned over and laid his head on her swollen stomach. “And I love you to, Jr.” he said kissing her stomach lightly.

Maria giggled. “That tickles.” She said with a yawn. “I’m kinda tired though, I’m gonna go to bed.” She said. “Go get Kyle for dinner. He lives over there alone.” She reminded Zan making her way to the bed. He nodded. Kyle lived across the hall from them, and he lived alone. Generally the three of them ate dinner together.

“Alrght. Nighty night baby.” He said kissing her forhead as he pulled the covers up to her chin. Then he turned and walked into his personal closet. He shit the door behind him and locked it. He reached for the bottle of pills and swallowed one, sinking to his knees. He held his head in his hands and sobbed silently, as to not wake the love of his life up.


Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 9:39 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 2

Maria padded into the living room after her nap and saw Zan sitting on the couch. The table was already set and the food smelled wonderful. Italian, he favorite. “Hey, baby.” Maria said sitting next to her husband on the couch.

Zan, who looked like he was in his own world, snapped out of it. “Hey baby.” He said smiling at her. “I made dinner already. Kyle sound be over any minute.” He said wrapping his arms around Maria.

“Ok.” Maria siad. “That was a good nap.” She said. She looked up at her husband. He looked tired. He was working a lot. She didn’t want him to get burnt out though. “You look tired. We should go to be early tonight.” She said rasting her head in the crok of Zan’s neck.

Zan cleared his thoat and said, “Yeah, you’re right. That would be nice.” Just then their was a knock on the door. “That’s Kyle.” Maria said with a smile. She got up and opened the door to one of her best friends.

“Hey, Maria,” he said hugging her warmly as he walked into the apartment. He stepped up to Zan and shook his hand. “Zan, are you ok? Coming down with something?” he asked looking at Zan’s tired appearance.

Zan nodded. “Yeah, there’s a bug going areound the office. It’s probably that.” He said. Then, wanting to change the subject he siad, “How about we eat.” As he pulled out a chair for Maria and Kyle sat down next to her. Zan loaded everyone’s plates with pasta and sat down on the other side of Maria.

“So how was work?” Maria asked both of them.

“It was ok. Bill had me doing bitch work all morning. But then in the afternoon, I got to work with a client.” Zan said pouting more cheese on his pasta.

“Well, that’s good. I’m glad they have you doing real work now.” Maria said patting her husband’s knee.

“Well, I got the Job at Thomas High.” Kyle said with a grin 10 feet wide. Maria smiled at her friend. She could tell that he had been waiting to tell them about his news all day.

“That is so awesome. I think I might appy for the music job there.” Maria said. “That would be so cool if we worked together.”

“Oh, My god. That would be great.” Kyle said smiling even wider.

Zan watched his wife and friend interact. He h ad to admit that he would love it if Maria worked with Kyle. That way there would be a friend to keep and eye out for her. Maria was young and beautiful, and Thomas High could be challenging for a first time teacher. He knew this. “So, when do Isabel and Michael get here?” Kyle asked.

“In a week. They will be out here for about 4 days. It is going to be so fun.” Maria siad. “I just hope I can keep them entertained. I’m so tired all the time.” She said rolling her eyes.

“I’m sure they can entertain themselves.” Zan said smiling at his wife.


After Kyle left, Maria plopped down on the couch next to Zan. “I love you so much.” Zan said as he held her tightly. “Don’t ever forget that I love you.” He said seriously.

“I love you too, baby.” Maria said looking at him. “You know that I love you.” She said kissing him lightly. The kiss became deeper as Maria slipped her toung into Zan’s mouth. “Uggghhh,” she grunted pulling away.

“What’s wrong?” Zan asked, grinning already knowing the reason for Maria’s frustration.

“I’m so fucking horney. I just want to fuck you, but I can’t,” Maria pouted.

“Awww, baby. Don’t think you are alone. There is something so sexxy about you being pregnate. But you know we have to wair until Jr. is born.” Zan said with a pang of sadness hiting him as he spoke, but he shrugged it off.

“I know. How about this. We get naked and lay in bed together.” Maria said, her eyes lighting up once more.

Zan nodded and picked her up into his strong arms. He laid her down on the bed and began undressing her, and them hinself. Finally, he moved onto the bed and in behind her. He loved the feeling of her skin against his. He resting his hands on her swollen belly as she drifted off to sleep.

Zan felt tears sting his eyes as he thought about his wife and child. He loved them so much. Life just wasn’t fair. He wipped the tears from he’s eyes breathed in her scent and closed his eyes feeling safe and secure, even if it was just for a little while.


Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 2:20 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 3

“What do you mean, it’s not working?” Zan asked incredulously. His doctor sat infront of him holding his file.

“Mr. Guerin, the pills don’t seem to be fighting the cancer. Little has changed.” Dr. Oakley said calmly and cooly. He hated to say this to such a young patient. Newly married, and expecting his first child. Possibly, only child.

“So what does that mean? All the nights awake because the pills keep me up, and all the times I’ve thrown up, because they make me sick and all the lying to my wife is fr NOTHING?” Zan asked outraged. He knew it wasn’t the doctor’s fault, but he was just so mad.

“No, not nothing. We had to try. Now there is anouther option.” Dr. Oakely said, taking a deep breath. “Radiation. It will make you sick. And your hair will fall out, and it will be quite painful, but there is a chance that it could work.”

“Be straight with me. What are the chances that Cemotherapy is really going to get rid of the cancer in my liver that is already spreading to my stomach and kindeys?” Zan said. The reason they had decided against radiation in the first place was that it most likey wouldn’t work, and he would have to tell Maria. That was something he couldn’t do.

“Honestly,” Dr. Oakley said with a sad sigh, “It doesn’t look good. Zan, I’m sorry to say this, but radiation is the only option, and it’s a long shot.” He said looking down at his desk.

“Then I’m not going to do it. I’m not putting my family through that, for nothing.” Zan said, making up his mind.

“Have you talked to your wife yet?” Dr. Oakley asked.

“No. I wont put her through this. It’s not good for her, or the baby. She doesn’t need to know.” Zan said.

“I don’t mean to intrude, Zan, but she needs to know. If you aren’t going to seek treatment, this cancer is going to spread. It’s just a matter of time. I have drugs that can give you a little more time, but this will…” the Doctor didn’t feel the need to go on. He knew Zan got the picture.

“I can’t. Ok. I can’t tell her.” Zan said getting up. “Thank you, Dr. Oakley. I’ll pick up the perscription on the way out.”


Zan stopped infront of his apartment door and took a deep breath. He regained his composure and opened the door. Maria’s beautiful laugh wafted into his ears as he stepped inside.

On the couch he saw Kyle and Maria sitting together, Kyle was telling jokes to her belly, cuaseing maria to burst into hysterical fits of laughter. Zan almost didn’t want to interupt them. Maria was happy. He loved seeing her happy, and even if it ment lying, he was going to make sure she stayed happy.

“Oh, hey honey.” Maria said noticing Zan standing in the kitchen looking at them. She got up off the couch and wrapped her arms around him. Kyle, too, got up and greeted Zan.

“What took you so long? I was worried?” Maria asked.

“Oh…I just…uh…I got caught up talking to a client.” Zan lied.

Maria’s eyes brightened. She was so happy for him. He nearly broke his heart. “That’s awesome baby. I’m glad you are getting your own clients.”

“Yeah, so what are you two up to?’ zan asked sitting on the couch and pulling Maria down next to him. Kyle sat across from them on the loveseat.

“Oh. I had another one of those nightmares.” Maria explained. “And you weren’t home, so I called Kyle.”

“Oh, baby, I’m sorry.” Zan said, feeling horrible. Maria was having a nightmare and he was at the doctor’s office.

Maria snuggled closed, “No, it’s fine. Kyle was here. I’m glad you are mocing up in work. Don’t worry about it, baby.” She said.

“Yeah, I don’t mind. It’s lonely in my apartment. Maria and I have just been hanging out.” Kyle said. He loved being with maria. She could put a smile on his face anytime of the day.

“Ok, well, dinner is almost done, so we will be eating in about 20 minutes.” Maria said.

“You cooked?” Zan said faking a horrified look.

Maria giggled and slapped him on the chest. “Shut up. I can cook. Kinda. Anyway it’s Mexican, kinda hard to screw up.” She said.

“Well, I’m going to go take a shower. I’ll be back in a minute.” Kyle said leaving the husband and wife alone.

“I love you.” Zan said tightening his grip on Maria.

“I know. And I love you. You’ve been saying that a lot lately.” She said.

“I just don’t want you to ever think I don’t love you.” Zan said.

“I know. Baby, I know. You are the love of my life. I know you love me, but you are starting to scare me.” Maria said.

“Don’t be scared. I’m just overwhelmed at my love for you.” He said with a smile.

“Ditto, baby. All the time.”


Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 1:34 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 4

"Baby, are you ok?" Maria asked, concerned, several weeks later as her husband bent over and threw up all the contents of his stomach into the toilet.

Zan stood up, washed his mouth out and cleaned up. Finally he tured to Maria and said, "Yeah, i'm fine. I think it's jsut some food poisoning." Zan answered trying to reassure Maria that everything was fine.

"Oh. Well, you better stay home. I'll call your office. You get right into bed, and i will take care of you. I may be 8 months pregnate, but i can still take care of my husband." Maria said kissing Zan lightly on the cheek. He smiled at her. He felt so bad for lying to her, but he wasn't going to be responsible for hurting her.

The pills had been working fairly well for the pain and keeping him on his feet. He hadn't missed a day of work until today, Maria still just thought he was worn out from being over-worked, and Kyle seemed to know somthing was off, but he never said anything. Things were going great, relativly speaking.

Maria broke zan from his thoughts as she entered the room with 7-up in hand. "Ok, sip on this baby. And we can spend the whole ay in bed together." she said her eyes lighting up. Zan hated that she had to spend mosst days alone, but when he wasn't actually working, he was going to different doctors, trying to find new medications. None, seemed to work, but he wasn't going to give up the serch.

"That sounds awesome." Zan said letting Maria snuggle in next to him. He looked down on his wife, with child. "You are so beautiful," he whispered into her ear before kissing her temple. She was already on he way to sleep, and she jsut nodded and sighed.

Zan watched his wife sleep. She was so beautiful. She was almost ready to have his baby, and he couldnt think of anything more beautiful. He was going to miss her. He pushed those thoughts away. He didn't want to think about that right now. He jsut wanted to enjoy the time he had with her. As little as it was.

A thought struck Zan. His child was never going to know him. His child was never going t ahve a father. No one to show him how to play baseball and hockey. Maria wouldnt be able to, she was about as athletic as a wet noodle.

Tears began to sting his eyes at the thought. No, we was going to be sure that didn't happen to his child. Not to mention Maria. She was goign to be alone. Sad, scared, and alone. An instant single mother.

As Zan lay there in Maria's arms he thought up a plan. A plan to make sure he was remembered and his Family was happy.


Zan pulled up to his office. it was late, and no one was there. He figured it was the best place to impliment his plan.

He unlocked his office and flipped on the light, shutting and locking the door behind him. He set up the tripod and sat his new vido camera on top. He set up the three vidoe tapes on his desk, taking one out and popping it into the video camera.


"Kyle, do you think you could talk to the principal at your school. I really need to think about a job after the baby is born. I could come in at the semester. That's only 6 weeks away." Maria said setting the table.

"Yeah, no problem. They actually need a choral director," Kyle said with a smile.

"Awesome, thanks." Maria said.

Then Zan came in the apartment. "Hey everyone!" he said in a good mood.

"Hey! I see today was a good day," Maria said kissing Zan on the cheek.

"Wonderful Day. I just seem to be in such a great mood today." Zan said patting Kyle on the back.

"Well, that's good." Kyle said laughing at his friend.

"Yeah, Kyle's going to get me and interview." Maria said.

"That's awesome." Zan said. He was truely happy for her. She would finally be able to start her working life. She had gone straight from college to married and pregnate.

"Yeah, so i figure, i'll have a couple weeks with the baby, then i'll get a nanny. Its the only way to do it, until i can take jr. to daycare." Maria said with a giggle. Zan smiled at her. She was so excited. He just hoped his plan worked.

Just then their was a knock on the door. "ITS THEM!" Maria said excitedly goign to the door. She opened it up to reveal her dear friends Isabel and Michael Evans.


Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 6:01 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 5

"What up, you old married ladie?" Isabel said with a laugh as she walked into Zan and Maria's apartment, Michael next to her.

Maria laughed, "Nothing, what about you? Old Engaged lady? Where is Alex by the way."

"Studying. You know, finals." Isabel said.

"And what about you, Michael? How have you been?" Maria asked as she sat back down next to Zan.

"Good. I'm starting medical school in the fall. Took a year off." Michael said.

The four friends spent all night catching up. Michael noticed somthing off about Zan, but he didn't say anything. he would talk to him later to find out what was going on.

The next day, before the two left, Maria took Isabel shopping, while Michael and Zan watched Hockey. "So, Zan. What's up?" Michael asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I know there is somthing off about you. So i'm asking you, as Maria's friend, and yours, waht is going on with you." Michael asked.

Before he could control himself, Zan began openly sobbing. Crying for himself. For his wife, his unborn child, for all that he hated God for. "I can't tell her..." he sobbed.

"Can't tell her what." Michael said embracing the weeping man.

"I can't tell her i'm dying. That i'm proabably not going to see my child reach one year old. That i'm going to leave her along to be a single mother." Zan wept.

"Wait, what? What happened. Tell me." Michael said.

"You can't tell maria or anyone. You have to promise me!" Zan demanded whiping his eyes.

"Okay, I promise not to tell anyone."

"I have cancer. It's untreatable. I'm going to die. And i'm just getting worse. And i hate god." Zan answered looking into the eyes of his friend.

"Oh, Zan. I'm so sorry. I dont know what to do. Why arn't you telling Maria. She had to know. She has a right to know." Michael explained.

"I can't, okay. And you can't either. I dont want to hurt her. And i dont want her to get upset and hurt the baby by accident." Zan said. "I'm not telling her yet. I will, but not now."

"Fine, but you have to tell her." Michael said.


Zan was laying in bed, a week later, with a headache when Maria came bursting into the room. "Zan," she said with tears in her eyes, "Zan, it's time."

Zan shot up, headache completely forgotten. "Time. You mean, the baby is comming?" he asked already getting up.

"Yeah," Maria said quietly.

Zan looked at the panic in Maria's face and went to get the bag they had already prepared for the hospital. "Baby, you are going to be fine. Everything is fine. We are just going to go to the hospital." he had the overnight bag out and was helping Maria to the door.

"Ok, Take me to the hospital. I'll call Kyle. I want him with us." Maria said, gently getting into the car. She strapped herself in as a contraction hit. "Oh God." she moaned closing her eyes. Zan looked on in pain. He would do anything to take this pain away from her. And at the same time, he was exctatic. The baby was 2 weeks early. That ment 2 more weeks he could spend with his son.

"Breath, baby." Zan said holding Maria's hand until the contraction subsided.

"I love you," Maria said.


Zan held Maria's hand as anouther contraction hit. The nurses were prepping her for delivery. Just as the contraction left her body, Zan heard a comotion outside. It was Kyle. "Just tell them i'm here." Kyle was saying the the nurse trying to do her job.

Zan kissed Maria on the forehead, and said. "Baby, looks like Kyle is here. I'm going to go talk to him and i will meet you in the delivery room."

"Okay," Maria said with a yawn and a tired smile.

Zan went outside and Kyle stopped his confrontation and smiled. "I'm here. I jsut wanted this nurse to let you guys know. So how is she. Is she okay? Is the baby ok?" Kyle asked. Zan smiled at his friend. He cared so deeply for Maria and the baby. It was nice to know that.

"Yeah, she is fine. The baby is still doing well. We are going into delivery in about 5 minutes. There is a special waiting room right outside you can sit in. And i'll come out when the baby is born." Zan assured Kyle.

"Okay. Take care of her, okay?" he said. Zan smiled and nodded then walked Kyle down the hall to the waiting room.


"Zan," Maria said with tears in her eyes. The baby was comming fast and she was almost in the home stretch. "I'm scared. I dont think i can do this."

"It's just a couple more pushed and you there." Zan encouraged, wiping the sweat from her face.

"No, i mena that scares me too. But i mean being a mother. I dont think i'm cut out for this." Maria cried.

"Baby, you are going to be the best mother in the world." Zan said, increadulously. How could she not know that. She was going to be a fabulous mother.

"Promise me you wont ever leave me. That you will be here to help me." Maria asked, tears streaming down your face.

Zan couldn't hold back the tears in his eyes, he really couldn't promise that. But that was what she needed, so he nodded his head and said, "i promise, baby. I'm not going anywhere." Maria smiled and the Doctor todl her to push.

And Maria did push. Two or three hard pushes and the baby was born, screaming into the small delivery room. Zan openly wept at the site of his son.

"Would you like to cut the cord?" the doctor asked. Zan smiled and cut the cord, then the doctor turned to him and said. "We need to clean the mother and baby up. If you wait in the waiting room, we will come get you and take you to her room."

Zan nodded, in a daze and went out to the waiting room to wait with Kyle.

"So, everything ok?" that pacing Kyle asked.

"Yeah. Maria is fine. My son is fine." Zan said still not wrapping his mind around the fact that he had a son. A beautiful son and a beautiful wife.


Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 9:44 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 6

Zan walked Maria into thier spotless apartment. After she went to sleep, he went home and cleaned it, top to bottom. He wanted her and the baby to come home to a clean house, so she had nothing to worry about.

"You cleaned." Maria said with a smiled. Zan blushed and nodded. Maria looked into the eyes of her husband. There was somthing in his eyes she couldnt place. A coldness. An infinate sadness. She couldnt understand it, but she let it go. Right now they jsut needed to get settled in with the baby.

"I want little Zandar to sleep in our room for a while," she said.

"Of Course." Zan said as if that were the only option. He only had a limited time with his family, so he wanted to be as close to them as possible. "I was thinking. I think when you start work next month i would take a leave of absence. You know, so we dont ahev to get a nanny right away." he said.

Maria smiled. "That would be great, as long as it is what you really want."

"I do."

Just then, Kyle came through the door with the gifts maria had recieved from the hospital. "Ok, well i'll just leave these in the living room and leave you guys alone." he said looking down at his feet. He had always been jealous of Zan. He had maria and the family that Kyle had always wanted.

"Bye, Kyle. I'll call you tomorrow, i want to go over all the stuff i need to know fro school." Maria said.

"Ok, i'll see you tomorrow." Maria said as Kyle walked out the door.

"So, what do you want to do now?" Zan asked taking his son out of Maria's arms and placing him in his cradle in the master bedroom.

"I have some ideas, but we have to wait a few weeks for what i have in mind." Maria said with a twinkle in her eyes. She had been perpetually horny for about 4 months and could do nothing about it. Now all she had to do was wait one more month and Zan was hers.

Zan laughed, he wanted the same thing, but it would have to wait. "Well, how about we sit here on the couch, and make out like we are back in high school." he said.

Maria laughed harder. "i'd love to. Though you do realize we went from makeing fun of each other straight to sex. So, really we never just made out." Maria said pulling Zan down on the couch next to her. He winced in pain.

"Oh, baby. Are you ok?" Maria asked. Zan shook his head.

"Yeah, i'm fine. just sat wrong. I'm cool." he said. Actually, he knew that it was time to take his meds again, but he wasn't about to tell her that. He wasnt going to leave her side now for anything.

Maria smiled and pushed Zan back onto the couch, straddling him. "Isn't it nice to be able to get close again without my stomach in the way?" she giggled.

"Baby, you are beautiful no matter what." Max said crashing his lips onto Maria's.


The next month went by pretty fast. Maria was busy taking care of the baby and getting ready to start work. Zan was working only part time and pretending to be at work the rest of the time. His body just couldnt take a full days work anymore.

The medication was really starting to take it's toll on him. But Maria seemed none the wiser. Zan hid it well. Wehn he would get sick and get headaches, he made sure Maria never knew about it.

It was finally Maria's first day of work. Zan quit his job, realizin that he wouldnt need a leave of absence. He wasn't comming back. "Ok, baby. Wish me luck." Maria said looking at herslef in the mirror one last time.

"Good luck baby." Zan said. Before she got to the door, he pulled her back to him, "You remember that song, 'Im hot for teacher?' " he asked with a grin.

"Ha Ha. Youre funny." maria said. "Kiss me, and say goodbye." Maria siad. Zan did, then Maria turned to the sleeping baby in Zan's arms. "Bye bye Junior. Mommy will miss you. You be good for daddy." she said.

With that, she turned and walked out the door to meet Kyle to go to work.


Maria stepped into the music classroom. It was huge. It had a grand piano and risers and everything. She was so excited to get to be working finally. This is what she studied for.

The bell rang and her classroom filled with students. All the guys looked at Maria approvingly. Maria blushed under thier gaze. The girls took note of her dress and we impressed. This teacher seemed cool.

"Hello class. My name is Maria Deluca-Guerin. You can either call me Maria, or Ms. Deluca-Guerin. This is Music 101." she started. She introduced herself. Told the class she had just had a baby and that this wa sher first job.

"Now, dont that that to mean i'm easy. i'm not. I lvoe music, and i expect you all to love it as well. If you dotn feel like working, or if you think you are going to ahve a problem, there is the door." she said pointing at the door. No one moved so she went on with her rules and sylubus.


"So, how was it?" Kyle asked as he walked with Maria to the car.

"it was good. Not as bad as you claimed. The students seemed to be well-behaved. They listened and even smiled at me in the hall." maria said.

"Well, i guess you are much prettier than me." Kyle said with an evil grin.

"Oh shut up," Maria siad smacking him lightly on the arm. "So, can we make a stop somewhere?" she asked.

"Yeah were too Ms. Daisy?" Kyle asked.

"Tasty's Gift and Novelty." Maria said with a grin 10 miles wide.

Kyle blushed. the month must have been up. Kyle pulled into Tastys and waited in the car. It was hard enough to know that Maria loved Zan with all of her heart. To go in while she bought new underwear for him would be too much.

Maria was excited. Tonight was the night. She could finally make love to her husband. She was aching for him. Craving him.

On the other side of Town...

Zan held his sleeping son in his arms. He was so beautiful. He had his mothers lips and eyes and his hair, and unfortunatly ears. He was perfect. Zan wipped a few tears from his eyes.

It was going to be hard to leave them, but he didn't have a choice. He was dying and he couldnt stop it. He would haev to tell Maria eventually, but he didn't know how or when.

Tonight was not the night. Tonight, Kyle was taking Zander adn Maria and he were going to have the alone time they despiratly needed.

Zan gently placed the sleeping baby in his crib and went to his closet to take his medicen. He was up to 10 pills at a time now. He just wished God would grant him one miracle. So that he could stay with his family forever.


Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 11:16 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 7

Maria walked into the apartment, her bag from Tasty's in hand. She smiled at the sleeping Zan on the couch, little Zander asleep on his chest. The baby's hands were curled up in a little balls on Zan's chest. Zan had one arm flung over his head, and other one supporting the baby on top of him.

She walked quietly into the bedroom and set down her school bag, then put her bag from Tasty's next to the bed. Then she walked into the living room and to the couch. She moved in to lay next to Zan and her sleeping child. Zan's eyes fluttered open and he smiled, moving over slowly as to not wake Zandar. Maria snuggled up next to her husband and wrapped her arm around the baby. Zan held her close to him and drifted ff to sleep.

Moments like this were what made life worth living. Laying on his couch with his beautiful wife and precious child. He didn't have time to be sad, becuase he was so cought up in the moment and happy feelings.


They must have slept for a while becuase the next thing they knew, it was dark outside, and Kyle was shaking them away. "Maria, Zan." he whispered.

Maria's eyes fluttered open and she rlled over and off the couch falling half on her ass and half into Kyle's arms. He smiled at the feel of her in his arms. She bursted into laughter, unable to contol herself. That woke both Zan and the baby up. Zan looked at his wife and friend laying on the floor laughing.

"Kyle came up...and...i fell on my ass." she said through her laughter. Zan smiled at her. She was so full of life. He loved that about her. He sat up, holding the now crying baby in his arms.

"I'm here to take little Zandar off your hands for the night," Kyle explained helping Maria up.

Maria collected herslef and smiled at him. "Ok, let me go feed him, then i'lll get him ready. Sorry i woke him up right when you have to take him." she apoligized.

"Nah, it's fine. We are gonna have a great time, arn't we Zander?" Kyle said to the little baby. Maria giggled and took the baby out of Zan's arms. She walked back into the bedroom and removed her shirt and bra. She sat down in the rocker and nursed her son. Moments later, Zan entered the bedroom and smiled at her.

"Kyle's raiding the fridge, so i thought i'd come in here and watch you." He said.

Maria grinned, "It's not all that excited to watch me nurse."

"You have no idea, baby. It's extra-ordinary. I mean that face that you are giving life to our child. It facinates me." Zan answered eyes wide. Maria smiled and motioned for him to come over to her. She slowly stood up and had him sit down on the rocking chair. She then sat on his lap and continued to feed Zandar.

Zan watch in awe. It was so beautiful. He never wanted to leave. The scary, sad thoughts were comming back to him now. The thoughts that he only had a few chances to watch the site in front of him. That his son would not know who he was. That his wife would lose the love of her life. He watched and held back his tears with all of his might. Tonight was not the night. Tonight was about happiness. Celebration. He was going to become one with Maria again tonight.

When Maria was done, she redressed and took the baby back to Kyle. She placed Zander in his loving 'honorary' uncle's arms. "Ok, I'm going to get a bag together for you." she said as she took out Zandar's diaper bag. Finally she placed it on Kyle's arm.

"Ok, now we are right over here, so if there is a problem, come get us. And he will start to push the bottle out of his mouth when he is full. I change him every 2 hours, so you should probably do that. He took a long nap so he might be fussy at bed time. i need to write all of this down?" Maria asked frantically.

Kyle grinned at her. "Maria, i've taken care of a baby before. He will be fine. I will call if anything happens. Everything is goign to be fine. Now, you two have fun. Zander and i are going to have a nice time. Tons of fun. So you do the same." he said kissing Maria on the cheek.

She smiled at her behaviour. But she was worried, this would be the first time anyone other than she or Zan was takign care of the baby, and he was going to be gone all night. "Ok, well have fun." Then she looked at her son. "Ok, you be good for Unky Kyle. Mommy will miss you very very much. I love you, baby. Have fun." she said.

Zan came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her. "Daddy will miss you too, but i promise i will get by. You see mommy and daddy need to be alone. All night." he siad with a mischevious grin. Maria slapped him on the arm and turned atound to kiss him.

"Ok, well we dont need to see all this, do we Zan? We're going to go." Kyle said going to the door.

"Ok, bye. And please call if you need me. You run out of Milk, anything." Maria said.

Kyle nodded and smiled, leaving Zan and Maria alone in the apartment.

Maria smiled at Zan, "Hmmm we are alone." she said.

"Yeah we are," he said pulling her closed and kissing her neck, sucking softly on her flesh.

"I got you a little something," maria said tilting her head to the side, givng Zan more access to her skin. "Want me to go put it on?"

Zan growled against her and moves his mouth over hers, plunging his toung inside. "Mmmm, ok baby," he said losening his grip on her. "Ok, you stay here. I'll change and call you in when i'm ready." she said skipping down the hall and into thier bedroom.

Zan was so ready for this. He knew Maria was too. They had been moving toward this for many months, and finally they were going to make love agian. His body was aching for her. he was so greatful that he was going to be able to experiance making love to Maria again. Even if it was jsut once.

"Baby, I'm ready," Maria called in a seductive voice from the bedroom. Zan was pushed out of his thoughts and into the moment at that point. He walked slowly, as to noot hurt himself, to the bedroom and pushed the door open. There he saw the most beautiful site of his life.

Maria was laying there on the bed, sprawled out before him, a black see-through bra and a black see-through thong. "I got some other things too, but i think tonight should jsut be about making love. We've got plenty of time for my other toys later," Maria said with a grin. Zan wasn't so sure about that, but he was sure that she was right. Tonight was about the two of them and making love.

He walked slowly over to the bed and sat down on the edge. Maria moved up, onto her kneed and placed her small hands on his broad, but shrinking shoulders. "Baby, you need to eat," she joked, not realizing that he really wasnt eating much.

Zan smiled, shruggin it off and turned around to face Maria. "You are so beautiful," he said.

"So are you, baby," Maria said kissing Zan passionatly. Zan turned all the way around and pushed Maria back now hovering above her. He kissed her nose, cheeks and forehead. Then he moved down to her neck, sucking roughly, marking her as his. Maria moaned against his head, holding him close to her.

Maria ran her arms up and down Zan's back finally pulling his shirt up and off of him, then pulling him closer to her, kissing his chest and nipping lightly at his nippled. "Mmmm," zan moaned, closing his eyes.

"I love you so much," Maria said. kissing his neck.

"I love you more than i can ever possibly express." Zan said looking directly into Maria's eyes. She kept her eyes on his as she reached down, between them and unbuckled the belt of his pants. Defltly she unbottoned and unzipped him, pulling his pants down. Zan helped Maria get him out hi his jeans and boxers, laying completely naked before her.

He moved back in between her legs and kissed her once more. "I could kiss you forever." Maria breathed as he moved down her neck once more. This time he pushed the straps of her bra down as he kissed each one of her shoulders. He made quick work of removing her bra from her body.

Quickly, Zan took an already erect nipple into his mouth. "ohhh Zan." Maria moaned, running her hadn through Zan's hair. Zan loved when she said his name like that. He loved when she said her name period, but the what she moaned it in need was the most beautiful sound in the world.

Zan was getting tired. He was still holding his body weight up on his arms, and he didn't know if he could actually hold out for sex. But before he could even finish his thought, Maria flipped him over so that she was now straddling him. "I wanna be on top," she demanded. Her eyes now dark with lust. Zan loved this about her too. The way her eyes lit up with lust when they were about to make love.

"That's fin with me, baby" Zan said, just happy to not be holding himself up anymore.

MAria ran her hands through her hair and ground her wet heat into Zan's rock hard cock. "Mmmm, baby" she moaned. "I need to get out of this thong." she said reaching down to take it off, but Zan stopped her.

"Let me," he said hooking his fingers into the sides and lifting her up to slide the material down her legs. When she sat back down on his abdomen, he looked her in they eye. "I love you." he said kissing her lightly on the side of the mouth.

"Ditto," Maria said as she moved back int Zan's body. She took his raging hard on hin her hand and guided it to her entrance. Zan hissed at the feeling of her hands on him, and hten at the feeling of her wet opening on the head of his cock. Slowly, never taking her eyes off of Zan's, she slid down on his cock. "Mmmm," she moaned at the feeling of him stretching her once more. Her eyes shut for jsut a moment, then she opened her eyes and saw Zan staring back at her.

She moved slowly on him at first. Riesing and falling at a teasingly slow pace. Zan and Maria never took thier eyes off of each other. Zan wanted to remember everything about this experiance, and for some reason, unknown to her, Maria did as well.

Little by little, Maria quickened her pace until she was riding Zan with all she had, "Ohhhh Zan," she MOaned loudly as she positioned herslef so that Zan hit her g-stop with every thrust.

Zan's body was getting tired and he was reaching the edge, but he wanted to hold on. He knew for Maria he could. "Maria, baby," he moaned as he got closer. They continued to stare into each others eyes. Connecting to each other on a new level.

Maria's breath hitched as she got closer. Zan could feel her walls fluttering around his cock. "Come for me baby," he moaned in his last moment of coherant thought.

"Ohhh FUCK! ZAN! MMMMMMMMMMMMUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHH!" Maria screamed as she came hard, clamping down on Zan's engourged cock.

The feeling of maria's pussy huggin him tightly and the vision of her in the throes of passion sent Zan over the edge as well. "Ohh God, BABY. MARRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIAAAAA!" He shouted as he spilled his seed deep inside her.

Maria collapsed on Zan's naked body and wrapped her arms around his neck. Zan hel her tight, letting thier breating even out. Though he tried, Zan could not keep a few stray tears from falling down his face. The thought that he have vry few perfect moments like this made him so puset that he could no longe hold it in.

Maria looked up at her husband, "What's wrong baby?" she asked concerned.

"Nothing. Nothing at all. You are just so perfect. How did i ever deserve you?"

Maria smiled, "Baby, it's me who doesn't deserve you." She said holding him tight.

The rest of the night they made love. It took Zan a little longer to recoup than usual. usually they could go at it, and he would be ready to go again in minutes. But Maria didn't mind. She knew Zan was tired and chaulked it up to that.


Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 1:17 pm
by gnrkrystle
Aussietasha: I'm glad you liked is sad, but there is a method to my madness...i promise

Maya: Thank you for the wonderful comment...i hope you continue to enjoy the story

FaithfulAngel24: Yes, sex is always good...thanx for the feedback

Darkhauntinglove: Heartbreaking is a word for it...thanx for reading...:)

Chapter 8

Maria walked into her class the next morning unable to keep the smile off of her face. She had an amazing night, and it was hard to pretend she didn't. "Hey, Ms. Deluca-Guerin." Her first student in class greeted. His name was Ian. He was a good kid, a little spacy, but he seemed to care about music, and that made Maria happy.

"Morning, Ian." Maria said whispering.

"Having a good morning?" he asked noting her chipper mood. Maria just blushed slightly and nodded.

The day when by quickly, Maria got to actually start her lessons and she was very excited about that. She passed out music to the chior and things were looking good. A few members of the chior were tone deaf, but she was sure she could work out the kinks.

On the way home with Kyle, Maria asked, "So, how was Zandar last night. I forgot to ask."

"He was good. Had a little trouble getting him to sleep thanks to your all day nap, but he was good. And we watched hockey." Kyle said with a smile.

"I swear, between you, Michael, and Zan my kid isn't going to have time to think with all the sports he will be involved in." Maria said with a laugh.

Kyle loved when Maria laughed. It was beautiful to watch her boddy shake with joy as the melodious sounds of her laughter fell out of her mouth. He smiled at her and they drove with rest of the way to the apartments.

Earlier that day with Zan and Zandar.

Zan woke up when Maria placed the sleeping Zandar in his crib. He watched as Maria kissed the baby, then him and walked out the door for work.

He was tired. His body was on fire. He had over exerted himself last night, but he didn't care. Last night was worth it. Besides, as sexually frustrated as he and Maria were and as sexual as they are on a normal basis, Maria would had been suspicious.

Finally, after working hard to get the strength, Zan rolled out of bed, wincing in pain as he stepped out of bed. his body felt heavy. His legs weak and jelly like. He made his way to the closet and put together his pill cocktail and took all 12 pills in one gulp. That should help him. At least for a little bit, until he felt like vomiting.

The rest of the day, Zan sat on the couch with Zandar in his arms. The baby seemed to be still out of his sleeping pattern becuase he slept most of the day. Zan jsut watched his son sleep. Occasionally tears would seep out of his eyes, but he mostly faught them back.

He was so tired. Tired of lying. Tired of dying. Tired of living. Just tired. he never knew he could be that tired. But when Maria walked in the door with a beautiful bright smile on her face, Zan remember why he was lying. He lvoed her too much to hurt her. He remembered why he wanted to live. For his wife and son.

"Hey baby," maria said sitting next to Zan on the couch and wrapping her arms around him.

Two weeks when like this. Zan was getting more and more tired. The pills seemed to be having little or no effect now. He knew he would have to tell Maria the truth soon. She wasn't stupid, she was going to figure out something was more wrong, than the cold excuse he was using at the current moment.


Maria stood before he Chior class. "Ms. Deluca-Guerin, how do we knew that it is A flat Major?" Krissy in the front row asked.

Maria smiled. Duh, she thought. These kids havn't taken formal theory, how are the suppsoed to know. "Becuase i said so," she said with a laugh. The rest of the students laughed as well. They all really liked Maria. She was funny, quick witted, nice, fair, and tough. All the things you want in a teacher, and she was young, so they related to her. Some of her students were only 4 years younger than she anyway.

"No, it's becuase there are 4 flats in the Key Signature. It is actually a little more complicated than that. But in order to move the practice along, i will just tell you that it has four flats B E A and D and that means it is in A flat Major or f minor, but jsut trust me. It's A flat Major. I will explain all of this to you next week, but for now lets jsut sing, shall we?" maria said. She laughed at the fact that she rambled even when she was teaching. Everyone she had ever known had always told her that she rambled about EVERYTHING.

Before he last class of the day, Kyle came into her room and sat on the desk. "So, what are you doing here? Dont you ahve manly jock things to be doing?" Maria said with a grin.

"Ha Ha So funny." Kyle said smiled at her, "No, my last class is cancelled. Scoliosis tests, so i thought i'd come pester you." he said.

Some kids were filing in the class and they watched the interaction between thier Music Teacher and Gym Teacher. Some giggled quietly as the two adults seems unaware of the students around them.

"Whatever Valenti. You comming over for dinner tonight?" Maria asked as Kyle got up and she straightened her desk.

"Are you cooking?" he asked horrified.

"Very funny, i guess you can just east Ramen Noodles by yourself then.

"No, i'll be there. Zandar and i need to watch the hockey game." Kyle said on his way out the door. Maria smiled at him and then turned to the amused faces of her classroom.

Katie, one of the girls in the front row raised her hand, "Ms. Deluca-Guerin, is Mr Valenti your boyfriend?" she asked with a giggle.

Maria couldn't help but laugh loudly outloud. "Ummm No. I'm married. My husband's name is Zandar Guerin. Hence my hyphenated name. Mr. Valenti and i have just been friends forever." Maria said, amused at the imaginations of her students.

The class nodded and smiled, thinking there was probably somthing going on between the two of them that even they didn't see. "So, anyway. Back to Johann Sabastian Bach, shall we?" she said with a smile as the whole class groaned. "Yes, boring. Baroque is not as entertaining as, say the British envasion, but nessacery all the same."

The class opened thier books. "I'll make this a quick and painless as i can." Maria promised with a smile.


"You'll never guess what the kids in my 8th period class asked me when you left." Maria said to Kyle on thier way home.

"What?" Kyle asked sneeking a glance at Maria.

"They asked me if we were dating." maria said with a laugh.

Kyle nervously laughed. It was interesting that they would think that. He thought he was doing a prettty good job of hiding his feeling for Maria, but apparently a bunch of adolecence could tell. "That's funny." he said quietly.

As the walked out of the elevetor and to thier individual apartments, maria called back to him. "Dinner at 6:30?"

"Yeah, that sounds good, i'll be over." he answered with a smiled. Maria opened her Apartment door and heard Zan screaming his head off.

"Awww poor baby." she said setting her books down on the kitchen table and making her way to the bedroom to see what was going on between Father and Son.

The bedroom door was slightly ajar so she pushed it further open. But she didn't see Zan. Where was he. He wouldnt leave the baby alone. She walked to Zandar's crib and lifted him out, holding him in her arms. She looked around the room. Then she saw it.

Zan's hadn sticking out of his closet door. "Zan," she called, pushing the door open. "Oh My God!" she cried. She laid little Zan back in his crib. "Baby, wake up." she cried shaking Zan. But he wasn't moving. Tears streamed down maria's face as she checked him for a pulse, barely able to pull herself together. He had a pulse. Fast and Shallow, but it was there. He was also breathing.

She bawled into her hands, standing up to get Kyle. Then she saw them. the pills. Bottle after bottle of medication. On bottle still in Zan's other hand. "What the fuck?" she asked aloud.


Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 6:37 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 9

Maria stood shocked for only moments, then she ran to the phone and called Kyle. "Kyle, I need you, right now." She cried distressed. Kyle shot up off the couch and rand down the hall to Maria and Zan's apartment without even answering.

"Maria, where are you?" she called, scared to death that somthing happened to her.

"Here," she called from the bedroom, he could hear tears in her voice.

He ran into the bedroom and saw baby Zandar screaming his head off in the crib, while Maria leaned over a lifeless Zan with the phone in her hand. "Maria, what happened?" Kyle exclaimed.

"I dont know. I got home and found him like this. With these pills. What are these pills. Did he...I mean...You dont think..." Maria couldn't even say it. Kyle shook his head, Zan would never kill himself. He had the perfect life. The perfect wife and perfect new son. he would never kill himself.

Maria finally got it together enough to call 911. "Hello, I'm Martha what is your emergency?"

"Ummm, my husband, there's smothing wrong with him," maria said, trying to stay strong and concentrate with Zandar screaming in the background. Kyle quickly picked up the baby and took him into the living room to calm down.

"What is wrong." Martha asked.

"He isn't moving. I checked his pulse and he has a heartbeat, he is breathing shallowly. But he wont wake up," maria said bursting into freshs tears.

"Ok, tell me your address."

"1229 N. Achorage Apt. 485." Maria said

"The ambulance is on it's way. Stay on the line with me to give me a little more information, though." Martha siad.

"Ummm, ok." Maria said shaking her head, trying not to think about her husband laying lifeless in front of her. "There are a bunch of pills around him." she said trying to help.

"Can you read me the labels, sweetie." Martha asked in a nice voice. She really felt for Maria. The woman was obviously distressed for good reason.

"The on in his hand says, 'Pixatrone.' Anouther one says Xyotax." Maria said tears streaming from her eyes.

"How long has your husband been diagnosed with Cancer?" Martha asked.

"He hasn't. I mean he doesn't have cancer." Maria said confused. Just then the emergency techs entered the house. Kyle pointed them into the bedroom and the ran to Zan as quickly as they saw him, moving Maria out of the way. "The EMTs are here," she said.

"Ok, you can hang up now if you want. Make sure to take the bottles of pills to the hospital with you though." Martha said. Maria hung up without saying goodbye as she saw the Techs load her beautiful husband on a stretcher. This couldn't be happening. There was no way. And why would Zan have Cancer drugs.

"Are you his wife," one of the men asked her.

"Y...Yes." Maria said breaking down and falling on the bed. She bawled into her hand as he Tech wrapped an arms around her.

"you can come in the ambulance with us to the hospital. Why dont you have your friend in the livng room follow us." he said to Maria. She didn't look like she was in any state to handle this alone, and judging from Zan's stats he was in bad shape.

"Umm, ok." she said. She went into the living room where she saw Kyle sitting with the baby. "I'm...I'm gonna go to the hospital in the ambulance with Zan. Can...Can you follow?" she asked bursting into tears again. She was cursing herslef for not being strong.

Kyle's eyes too filled with tears at the sight of Maria. "Yes, Zandar and I will be right behind you. I am right behind you. I will help you. Ok? Maria, you arn't alone." Kyle said cupping her cheeks with his plams. She just nodded and followed the Medics out the door.


At the hospital, they rushed zan to the ICU. The plan was to pump his stomach until Dr. Oakley, by the grace of god saw them. "What is the problem," he asked a nurse.

"Mac was brought in. his wife found him unconscious with a bottle of pills." the nurse answered.

"No, i perscribed those pills. This man needs to be taken to Oncology. I'm his Dr." Dr Oakly said putting on his white coat and following the Techs. "Where is his wife?"

"The waiting room." The nurse answered.

"Go to her. Tell her my name and that i'm going to come talk to her when we get Mr. Guerin stablized." Dr. Oakley ordered. The nurse nodded and did what she was told.


Two hours later Maria hadn't heard anything. She was still in the wating room, waiting for this Dr. Oakley, whoever he was. She was pacing the floor, and crying. She couldn't stop crying if she wanted to. She was just so worried. She didn't know what was going on. What was wrong with her husband, or how he was doing.

"Maria, you need to sit down. You are going to make yourself sick." Kyle said. Maria didn't want to sit down, but she knew he was right so she sat down next to Kyle, who was holding the sleeping Zander.

Finally, a Dr. walked toward her. He must be Dr. Oakley, she thought. "Are you Mrs. Guerin?" he asked. Maria jsut nodded, she didn't even both correcting him, like she usually would.

"What is wrong with my husband?" she asked with the most calm voice she ahd been able to muster yet.

"can we talk alone." The doctor asked motioning to Kyle. Kyle got the hint and began to get up.

"No, Kyle is Zan and my best friend. He stays. I need him." Maria said.

The doctor understood and nodded. "Ok, did Zan tell you about his condition?"

"Stop speaking in euphemisems. I thought he had a clean bill of health so jsut tell me what the fuck is going on!" Maria yelled wanting some answeres.

Kyle placed a soothing hand on her back on an act of comfort. "Ok, Mrs. Guerin, your husband has Cancer. He has for several months. Now, he obviously kept this from you against my better judgement. I am hin Oncologist. About 2 months ago i told him that the cancer had spread. There was really nothing i could do for him. I coudl give him radiation and he could be miserable, or he could take some pills to keep him going until his bod gave out. Well, it is giving out. The Cancer is all over." Dr. Oakly said. "I give him until the end of the week." he said feeling terrible that he had to tell this young wife and mother that not only was her husband dying, but she didn't even know he was sick.

Maria stared at the doctor wide eyes. "No," she said shaking her head. "No, he can't die. Not going to happen, so you have to go in there and fix him." she said tears springing to her eyes. "I'll pay you whatever you want. But you ahve to fix him. i can't live without him."

Kyle held her tighter. Zan was dying. If he didn't know better, he would say this was all a big nightmare that he would wake up from. This couldn't be happening. He wanted to run, wanted to cry, but he knew that Maria needed him, and he was going to be there.

Dr, Oakley moved forward putting his arms around the hysterical Maria. She pushed both him and Kyle away. "NO!" she screamed. "No, i dont want you to comfort me. I want you to fix him. WHY CAN"T YOU FIX HIM!" She screamed falling to her knees in the middle of the waiting room as she collapsed into fetal position, crying hysterically.

Dr. Oakely didn't know waht to say, so he jsut turned to Kyle. "Zan's system is being flushed, when he comes around i will come get the two of you personally." Kyle just nodded and the Dr. left.

"Why, kyle." Maria said in a small voice.

He joined her on the floor, pulling her into his arms. "I dont know, baby. I dont know." He said as he held her tight while she cried, rocking her back and forth.


Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 5:47 pm
by gnrkrystle
A/N: Thanks for the mad awesome patience...i hope you all like the update! Much Love

Chapter 10

Maria finally calmed down enough to get off the floor and move back into the waiting room chairs. Kyle sat next to her, his arms wrapped around her tightly. Little Zander had finally fallen asleep in his car seat.

"Maria, you are not alone. I'm right here." Kyle whispered into her ear as the tremors shook her body.

"I can't lose him. What...I mean what will i do if...when...I dont know Kyle." Maria said leaning her head on his shoulder, her eyes too dry to cry anymore.

Dr. Oakley approached the two and in a quiet voice said. "Ok, we have gotten his system flushed and he is concious. He is asking for you."

Maria nodded and stood up. Kyle picked up the carseat and followed Maria and the doctor down the hallway. When they stopped in front of the room, Dr. Oakley pointed to the door and said, "He's in there."

Maria took a deep breath, bitting back tears before she opened the door aqnd slowly walked in side. Kyle stood outside the door, hesitant to come inside. Maria looked abck at him and motioned for him to enter the room with her. SHe needed him. She didn't know what to expect.

She walked slowly over to the bed, Kyle hanging back slightly to give her his support but alow her to have a private moment with Zan.

Maria looked down at Zan, who looked back up at her. He was pale, his lips were dry, and his eyes were only half open, but he was awake and he was looking at her. "Baby..." he said weakly, quietly. Maria's eyes filled with tears and he sat down next to the bed, taking her husbands hand into hers. He sqeezed it lightly.

"Don't," Maria said. She was angry. Angry at Zan for lying to her. Angry at the Dr.s for not being able to save him. And angry at God for allowing him to get Cancer. "I'm so pissed at you right now, but i dont want to talk about that. I just want you to hold me. Like you always do and make things better." Maria said tears comming to her eyes.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry. I love you." Zan said sitting up slighly.

"Lay back down. You are going to hurt yourslef." Maria said push him back down on the mattress.

Zan noticed Kyle in the corner. "Hey Kyle" he tried to say nonchalantly but it came out cracked and strained. "Can i see my son?" he asked, tears easiy flowing down his cheeks. Kyle nodded and then removed Little Zander from his carseat. He walked slowly and silently over to Maria, placing the sleeping baby in her arms.

Zan looked at the baby with wonder and began to cry again. He loved his family so much. He loved Kyle, too in his own way. He was so happy that Kyle was helping Maria through all of this. Maria gently scooted Max over and laid next to him on the bed. Thier bodies cradled little Zan between them. Zan wrapped his arms around his wife and breathed in her scent. "I love you so much," Maria cried burying her head in Zan's chest. Kyle when back to the chair next to the door and sat down.

"I love you too." Zan said kissind her forehead as he driffed out of consciousness and into sleep. Maria soon followed him, and Kyle watched at the two slept. He felt a pang of jealosy and then silently cursed himself. How could he possibly be thinking about how much he wished that Maria saw him the way she saw Zan. First of all, it would never happen, and secondly Zan was dying. The last thing he should be thinking is about his rediculous obsession with the man's wife.

After about and hour a nurse came in. "You are going to have to leave. Visiting hours are over." she said in a cool curt tone.

Kyle stood up and smirked. "Look, lady. We arn't leaving. You see that beautiful woman over there," he said pointing to Maria. "That woman is his wife. She just found out he has 7 days to live. She is loosing the love of her life. The baby is thier first, and now only child. They are savoring the time together. So, unless you have no soul, you will just leave them alone and let them say goodbye." Kyle said to the woman. She rolled her eyes and left the room in a huff.

Kyle smiled with satisfaction and sat back down in the chair. He was going to stay with Maria as long as she needed him. He wasn't going to leave her side.
