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Age of Ulyssa -- Part 2 (UC/Adult) ... Players needed!!

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 10:00 am
by isabelle
Name: Age of Ulyssa
Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended."
Pairings/Couples/Category: UC/AU
Rating: Adult

Under NO circumstances can anyone under the age of 17 participate in either one of these. NO if's, and's or buts...

A/N: This idea belongs to Emmylala but she's left RF and has asked me to continue it. Here's the original bit.

Summary: Be fore warned, this is an A/U and U/C RPG. The idea for this was inspired by the ever talented Stormwolfestone, Stephen King's - Storm of the Century and the episode Wipeout. The basic premise is this,

Ulyssa is an embittered old sorceress, hideously ugly and unloved. Shunned by society, her only pleasure is causing other's discomfort and turmoil. Her travels have brought her to Roswell, where she senses great happiness and love.

Walking in the shadows she watches the aliens and their friends. She senses friendship and love among them, she also senses jealousy and envy.

One day, when everyone is in school, Ulyssa commits a horrible act. She forces a boy to commit suicide, jumping off the roof at lunchtime. Confusion ensues as everyone wonders what's happend and who might be responsible. No one knows until Ulyssa appears and let's them in on her plan.

She, herself cannot bear children, and this she desires above all other things. If they will provide her with heirs, she will restore the natural order of things. If not, the group will suffer unfathomable consequences.

The group has relucantantly agreed to her demands, although they made a few conditions of their own. Now they have six months to concieve children with partners they weren't expecting...

Things to remember;

1. The aliens' powers will work, but they cannot unfreeze time/set things right.
2. They cannot destroy Ulyssa.
3. They never see Ulyssa's face.
4. Be prepared for surprises.
5. Ulyssa has control over their environment, manipulating them and everything around them when she desires.


Ulyssa - isabelle
Max - isabelle
Liz - Stormwolfstone
Michael - open
Maria - Stormwolfstone
Isabel - Stormwolfstone
Kyle - open
Tess - M
Alex - FaithfulAngel24

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 1:09 pm
by isabelle
Okies... I'll temp him for a bit.


"Earth to Alex," Kyle says, waving his hand in front of my face. "Can you hear me?"

I turn to look at him, my expression almost completely neutral. I'm still stunned by this whole thing and I haven't the faintest idea how to deal with it all. How do I deal with Kyle now? He's going to have a baby with Isabel. My Isabel.

And me, I'm supposed to be with Tess? I feel like I hardly know the girl. I mean, I do. She's really cute. I have to admit I'm certainly attracted to her looks and if Isabel really wasn't interested then ... But it's not like Maria or Liz or Isabel. What am I supposed to do about that? Everyone knows how hung up she is about marrying Max. She's going to be so furious. ... I wonder if it'll even be safe.

But that part hardly enters my mind just now. All I can think about is Kyle and my Isabel together. Max said he had an idea. I sure hope it's a good one, 'cause part of me feels like killing Kyle right now and he hasn't even done anything yet. If he hurts my princess, then I will kill him, and I won't much care whether they've made their baby yet or not.

"Yeah, I'm here," I say, sounding just a little bit grumpy. I hope Isabel gets back soon. "What do you think about all this? You into Isabel?" I have to ask.


Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 3:33 am
by StormWolfstone

I can't believe this. I can't believe everything that's going on. I'm finally just getting to feel comfortable with the fact that as much as I've denied it, I am interested in Alex as more then a friend and now I have no choice but to sleep with Kyle and have a child by him or this freak of nature is going to cause horrible things to happen to our world.

I know Tess is in the jeep with me at the moment, but I can't think of anything to say. I don't know if there is anything to say. I can't believe she's been paired with Alex. Damn! What am I supposed to do about this whole situation. And earlier, watching her and Alex flirt... it had eaten me up inside.

"So, Is... umm... do you want to talk or something?" I hear Tess say from beside me and turn to look at her for the first time since getting into the jeep. We aren't far from my house but instead of continuing with driving on, I pull over to the side and look at her in silence for a moment.

"What is there really to say, Tess? We've been forced into a situation beyond our control. You've been enjoying flirting with Alex all night so obviously that won't be a big issue for you to take things further. My brother and Michael are having their hearts torn out because they have to think of the women they love being with their best-friends and I .... I end up having to have a child with a guy that I don't love and barely really know. So, what exactly can be said that's going to change anything?" I sigh and look away. I refuse to cry. I'm not going to let it happen. I refuse to break down and lose it.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 2:21 pm
by Anna-Liisa

Alex seemed to think what to say for a while - or how to just be around me. I knew he liked Isabel a lot, and now that I was supposed to be with her...that wouldn't make our friendship any good.

"Yeah, I'm here," he finally said, sounding different than usual. "What do you think about all this? You into Isabel?" he asked and I couldn't help but to look away. I knew he didn't like this situation, neither did I. All this because of Ulyssa.

"Listen, I know how you feel about this. We're all the same. I...I, like Isabel. Only as a friend. I've never had any feelings towards her. Well, maybe small, but they were almost a year ago, when I was a jock and I looked at all the pretty girls.." I explained.

I wasn't sure about what to say to Alex. It was all too confusing. Maybe that was Ulyssas point. She wanted us to be confused about everything. Maybe next she'd change so that I had to be with Max or Michael..

'Okay, I don't want to get that image into my head now' I though and shivered.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 2:41 pm
by FaithfulAngel24
OOC I posted for Alex if you don't like it or don't want me to be him just say so and I'll erase it.


Kyle answers me honestly. Shit. I really wanted a good reason to hate him, but he's being all civil about this.

"This is a really messed up situation, and I'm not even going to pretend I like or understand it. So you do whay you gotta do ,and I'll do what I gotta do to keep our friends safe and we will hold no grudges deal?"

Okay, that is about as diplomatic as you'll ever get from me. Maybe I could start a list. Situations in which you have to give up the love of your life and sleep with someone else. Hmmmmmm. It's gonna be a short list.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 5:29 pm
by isabelle

Liz doesn't pull away. In fact, she pulls me closer to her. I kiss her sweet lips again as my hands explore the shape of her shoulders. I wonder how her skin feels under her shirt. My lips move towards Liz's ear and then down her throat. My fingers trail down her arms and then onto her stomach where I find the hem of her shirt.

I slide my hand under her shirt, feeling her smooth flat stomach. I've seen her stomach before, it's so often visible beneath those short shirts she wears, but feeling it is a whole different thing. I can feel the warmth of her body, the cute little indentation where her belly button is. It makes me warm in other places and I can feel my breath grow more intense.

"You're so amazing," I manage to say as I return my lips to hers for a moment before resuming the slow trail at the base of her neck. I kiss a little lower, down the 'v' neckline of her shirt. It's so warm, so smooth, so perfect ...

Ooo...the sexy post tbc

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 11:18 pm
by Serephinah
~*~Liz Parker~*~

I start kissing Max after my words earlier. All I really want to do is love him and forget all the pain and misery just for this one moment. I still have my misgivings, but for a second time in my life I listen to my heart, instead of my head.

I can feel Max's hands begin to explore beneath my shirt, my stomach jerks every so slightly at the feel of his heated fingers dancing along my stomach. I start to lose all coherent thought as his lips move to my ear and slowly travel down my neck. I can feel his breathing become harsher as he kisses my neck. My own breath becomes shorter and rougher for a moment until he captures my lips in another glowing kiss...and, yes, I do feel as if I am glowing. It feels like that one time when we were in Michael's apartment, but this time it is ten times better. My lower body is tingling and yearning for Max.

"You're so amazing."

"You're amazing too."

I lean a little back from his kissing and put my hands down at the bottom of his shirt. I pull it gently up until he realizes I want to take it off of him. He smiles at me as he disappears for a second to reappear shirtless.

"Oh, wow..."

I gaze at his hard chest in wonderment. I had seen him before, without his shirt, and it still took my breath away.

*I'm such a lucky girl.*

"Max, I want you so much. Please hurry."


ooc: hey isabelle is there anywhere I can find the rules about posting along this vein? Oh and I apologize if it sucks, it is my first time trying this out.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 12:22 pm
by isabelle

I shiver as my shirt comes off, not from any chill, but just from the excitement of being here, bare-chested, with Liz in bed beside me. My body is tense with desire and I can't take my eyes off of her. Or my hands.

"Max, I want you so much. Please hurry," she says.

Hurry. I want to. I want to go fast so fast, but I don't want to miss enjoying her beautiful body. And she wants it, too. There's no question, no hesitation in her voice. She wants me. Not Kyle. Me.

I do my best to obey. I move back and kick off my sneakers before sliding my pants off. I quickly slip under the covers and wrap my arms around her again.

Liz is still completely dressed while I'm wearing only my underwear, but I have other priorites before I worry about her clothing. My lips find hers and my hands run up and down her back and then over her smooth bottom. I pull back from the kiss, catching her lip in my teeth before releasing her and kissing her again. I want this. I want this so badly.

"I love you, Liz," I tell her, breathlessly. "I've always loved you." I'm sure I've told her this before, but I need for her to know...

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 10:01 am
by Bordersinsanity
bump -- this thread has been pruned you may want to resubscribe to it to get your update notices.


Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 7:23 pm
by M
Hope this is ok, and its ok that I post for her..


Isabel pulls over to the side of the road and turns off thhe engine before looking at me. We sit in silence for a minute, but just as I start to become uncomfortable she breaks it. "What is there reaally to say, Tess? We've been forced into a situation beyond our control. You've been enjoying flirting with Alex all night so obviously that won't be a big issue for you to take things further. My brother and Michael are having their hearts torn out because they have to think of the women they love being with their best-friends and I .... I end up having to have a child with a guy that I don't love and barely really know. So, what exactly can be said that's going to change anything?

I sit stunned for a second before I can totally comprehend all the words she has just thrown at me. " I- Alex? Flirting? What... I don't" I stop the inane stuttering for a second before getting a modicum of control and starting again.
"Well first of all Isabel, we could say that we trust each other, at least a little. At least more then we trust Ulyssa. I don't know what you think has been going on with Alex, but you're crazy if you think this situation doesn't bother me. I guess I just accepted a long time ago that my happiness will play very little part in the drama that fate seems to dictate my life to be. I hate to remind you, but I've been told my whole life that the entire point of my being is to- as you so eloquently put it- have a child with a guy that I don't love and barely really know. Add that to the singular unimportance of my happiness and maybe you start to understand where I come from. I guess the difference between us is that I accept what I don't think I can change and just get on with it. I'm sorry if that upsets you, but honestly I don't see that we have a choice. I'm sorry that it will hurt you, but if it saves us, and the rest of the world, from hell I will have a child with Alex. I wish I could say that I would put emotions above that, but I can't. I guess you'll say that's my stronger alien side coming out, and you see that as a weakness, but I see it as a strength. I just hope the rest of you can suck it up enough to help save the world."