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Opposites Attract (UC, Ma/Zan, Adult) [COMPLETE]

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 2:50 am
by gnrkrystle
Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell…big surprise…
Rating: Adult
Category: Maria/Zan
Summery: Maria is Miss Popular. Zan is a bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks…see what happens
A/N: This is a fanfic challenge from AngelinaGuerin at the Dreamwalkers site…enjoy

Chapter ONE:

Maria sat next to her two best friends, Liz and Isabel in the quad at lunch. They were babbling about cheerleading piramids. Usually, Maria would be right there with them, gabbing and gossiping. But her attention was else where.

She was staring at Zan Guerin. That’s right, ladies and gentlemen. She couldn’t take her eyes off od her arch enemy. And it was beginning to piss her off. She wasn’t supposed to be staring at him. But his tan skin and rock hard muscles rippling under his wife-beater were sending her senses into overload.

“MARIA!” Isabel yelled snapping her out of her daze.

“What?” Maria snapped. They didn’t need to yell.

“We have been calling your name for like 5 min. What’s up?” Liz said.

“Nothin. I’m just thinking.” Maria said as she gathered her books. “I got to go. If I’m lat for Bio one more time I think Mr. Seligman is going to kill me.”

“Ok. Bye.” The two girls waved at her. She walked into the school stopping at her locker, where Kyle Valenti promptly cornered her.

“He baby,” he said wrapping his arms around her.

Maria flinched. They had been broken up for a while, but he didn’t seem to be getting the hint. You see, accepted social standards say that Head Cheerleader dates star quarterback, but Maria wasn’t feeling it. So she bailed.

“Kyle. We aren’t together. Stop calling me baby.” Maria said squirming out of his embrace.

Kyle’s eyes narrowed. “What the fuck is your problem?” he asked.

“What do you mean? What is my problem?” Maria demanded. Kyle always tried to dominate her, but it never worked. The man was a fool if he thought she would roll over and play dead like Liz and Isabel did.

“I mean, we have a good thing. It’s not like you are with anyone else.” Kyle said.

“So? I don’t need to be in a relationship.” Maria said. She wasn’t really anti-relationship. She just hadn’t found anyone worth being in a relationship with. At least not in Roswell.

“You’re a fucking head case. You know that?” Kyle said before he slammed her locker closed.

“Fucking dick,” Maria huffed under her breath before pulling her back over her shoulder and walking toward her class. Just then, she bumped into something hard. She looked up to see Zan smirking at her.

“Trouble in paradise, princess?” He asked. He had watched the whole thing, with a twinge of anger and jealousy. He wanted Maria. He wanted her like he had wanted nothing else in the world. But he could have her. She was rich, popular and Beautiful. He was just a poor boy with a bad reputation. He had no chance. So he fucked with her.

Maria pushed away from him. Trying hard to ignore the twinge of desire in her stomach. “Fuck you,” she said.

“No thanks, babe.” Zan smirked. In fact that is exactly what he wanted to do. Fuck her so good she would never even think about being with an asshole like Kyle.

Maria rolled her eyes and walked into class. Zan followed her as they had the same class. Maria took her seat next to Alex, a friendly nerd that she was quite fond of. “Ok, class.” Mr. Seligman started. “I’m going to break you off into new pairs. And your are going to have a take home lab.” The whole class groaned.

“You know you love it,” the teacher replied. “Ok. Whitman and Chase. Parker and Michael Evans. Deluca and Guerin…” The teacher went on but Maria was no longer listening. As if her life could get worse. Now she was going to have to spend her evening with a guy who hated her, that she was starting to have feelings for.

After class Zan pulled Maria aside and grinned. “So, princess, I guess we better meet up after school.”

“Yeah. Did you drive?” Maria asked. She tried to hide the quiver in her voice. She hoped she was succesful. God help her if she wasn’t.

“No. I don’t’ have a car. Mommy and Daddy don’t hand me everything.” He said with bitterness.

Maria glared at him. She knew that life was rough where he was from, but that wasn’t her fault. And she couldn’t help it. Why was he mad at her. “Whatever. Look, just meet me int eh parking lot after school. We can go to your place.” She said before turning on her heel and going the other direction.

Damn, Zan thought. She was so fucking hot. He didn’t know how he was going to make it through a night with her an not have a raging hard on the whole time.


Zan saw Maria spralwed out on the hood of her car. Holy shit, he tought reajusting himslef. It was going to be a long night. “Took you long enough.” She said looking up.

“Whatever, princess.” He shot back.

Maria rolled her eyes and got in the car. Zan followed her and they sped off to his trailerpark. Zan didn’t want to take her there. But she had suggested it. He was embarrased of where he lived and his fosterfather. Hank was a drunk asshole, and Zan didn’t want to expose Maria to that. But when the girl made up her mind. She made up her mind.

Maria pulled up in the parking spot next to the trailer. Zan looked at her. He could tell that she was uncomfortable and out of place. “We don’t bite,” Zan said indicating her facial expression. Maria sobered up and followed Zan to the door.

She felt bad for him. She honestly did. No one should have to live in that place. Maria was getting confused about her feelings for him. At first it was just attraction. But now she didn’t know if it was more. It hurt when he made fun of her. And when he called her princess she cringed. She hated that he saw her as a mortal enemy. But she guessed she did that you herself.

Zan pushed open the door and sighed when he saw that Hank wasn’t there. Thank God, he thought. He rubbed his lip peircing out of habit as he set down his books and took Maria back to his room. He tried to clean a place for her to sit on the bed. And she smiled at him before she could stop herself.

They opened their books and Maria said, “Look, I suck at the science stuff. This is Liz’s department. So, you are going to have to exlain a lot of this to me.”

It just so happened that science was Zan’s strong suit. “I got ya,” Zan said.

Was he flirting with her? Maria wondered. No. It couldn’t be. “So yeah…” Maria said.

Just then the trailer door swung open. “Zan??? Where the fuck are you…” Hank yelled. Zan cringed at the voice, which Maria noticed. He looked scared. Maria couldn’t think of one time she had ever seen Zan scared until this very moment.

“Stay here,” Zan said getting up to talk to Hank. Maria sat on the bed uncomfortably listening to the two men exchange words.

“No. You are a piece of shit.” She heard Hank yell.

“Fuck you? What are you father of the year?” she heard Zan shoot back. She couldn’t take anymore. She got up and made her way to the main room on the trailer.


Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 2:47 am
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 2

Maria watched the two yell at each other from the hallway. Neither of them noticed her there. Hank was a dick. She wanted to smack the shit out of him. She had no idea where these feelings were coming from. She was almost protective of him.

“Do the laundry,” Hank demanded.

“Do it yourself,” Zan shot back. Maria was proud of him. Just then, Hank looked over his shoulder and spotted Maria. His lip turned up into an evil grin as he walked toward her.

“Hey, baby.” Hank said. Maria walked into the living room now that she had been noticed.

“Leave her alone, Hank,” Zan warned. Maria stood next to Zan and looked at Hank definantly.

Hank gave Zan a disgusted look. “Let her speak for herself.” He sneered. Maria saw a look in Hank’s eyes that she didn’t like. It made her uncomfortable, but she wasn’t going to back down. “So, pretty little thing, what are you doing here with Zanny boy?” Hank asked.

“A project.” Maria answered honestly.

Hank came closer to her. “Well, what do you say we ditch him and make our own fun.” He said suggestivly. Maria had to control the urge to retch. Hank slid his hand up her arm, and Maria tried to back away, but he grabbed her wrist.

“Get the fuck away from her.” Zan said. Then anger was building up inside of him. He hated Hank, but he could not STAND that he was touching her. Zan couls see fear in discomfort in Maria’s eyes.

“What are you going to do about it?” Hank asked never taking his burning glare off of Maria.

“Get off me.” Maria said pullin her arm back.

“Bitch, do what I say.” Hank slurred as he came at her.

That was it fr Zan he flew at Hank knocking him on the grownd and pinning him there. “I said stay the fuck away from her. Never touch her again!” he screamed punching him until Hank had passed out.

Maria pulled Zan off of Hank. “ZAN! Stop. It’s ok. He’s passed out.” She said in a soothing tone as Zan got up and looked at her. They looked into each other’s eyes. She could see something there that she never saw before. Zan stared at her like he wanted her. That was weird.

“I’m sorry. I thought he would be gone for a while.” Zan said looking down. Maria had never seen Zan this sad a quite.

“Do you two fight often?” Marai asked. Zan just nodded. “Does he hurt you?” Zan looked down at te ground. At that moment, Maria was filled with rage. How could anyone hurt Zan like that. And she couldn’t belive that Zan took it.

She grabbed his hand and led him back to his room, where she sat him down on the bed. Befor she could re-think it, maria leaned in and pressed her lips to Zan’s ever so lightly. She wanted it, but she wasn’t sure he did.

Zan wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in close to him, deeping the kiss. His toung probed into her mouth and then, suddenly, he stopped and pulled back, shaking his head. “No, I don’t need your pity.” He said.

“Pity?” Maria countered. “That’s not what this is. Zan, I want you. I don’t know where these feeling are commign from, but I’ve had them for a while.”

Zan looked into her eyes to see the truth. All he saw was love and confusion. He smiled at her and pulled her closer to him. His instincts took over. He couldn’t control his body anymore. Maria’s angelic face and killer body was driving him insane. He crashed his lips onto her’s, pullign her into his lap. Maria moaned into him, as she felt his growing erection in her back.

“Zan, what are we doing?’ she asked as she flipped around so she was stradding him.

“I don’t know, and I don’t care.” He said breathlessly. The continued kissing as Maria pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his perfectly sculptled chest. His nipples were pierced and she found that to be completely erotic.

“Your turn,” Zan growled as he pulled her tank top over her head as well. Maria wasn’t wearing a bra, so her creamy breasts were in full view. Zan immediately latched onto one of her nippled with his hot mouth.

“Ohhhh, God.” Maria moaned. She had never felt anything like it. She and her previous boyfriends never went this far. She didn’t know why she was now, but she didn’t care. She needed Zan like she never needed anything before.

Zan pushed his hands down the back or Maria’s jeans feeling her ass. “Zan…” Maria breathed.

“What do you want, baby?” Zan asked looking her in they eye.

“You,” she said as she reached for his belt, unbuckling it. Zan helped her get out of her own jeans before he removed his. There they stood completely nude in front of each other. Arch enemies. The good girl and bad boy of Roswell High about to take the plunge into unknown territory.

Zan swept Maria off her feet and placed her on the bed. He climbed on after her. There hadns were everywhere. They touched every inch of each other’s bodies. Learning each other and memorizing each other.

“Zan, I need you.” Maria whispered in his ear as he came back up to her face.

Zan nodded and moved in between her legs. He couldn’t believe this. Just this morning he was making fun of her, and now she was laying her waiting for him to take her. As he guided himself to her opening, Maria stopped him. “Wait,” she said.

“What’s wrong?” Zan asked caressing her cheek. IT was such a tender act that Maria nearly lost her train of thought.

“I’ve…I’ve never…I mean. I’m a virgin.” Maria said uncomfortably.

Zan smiled at her, “We don’t have to do this.” He said.

“No, I want to. I just heard that it hurts.” Maria said. She was nervous. There was not point lying about it.

“That’s what I’ve heard, but I’ll try not to hurt you.” Zan said honestly. He would never want to hurt her. Truth be told he was falling for this girl. She was going to be his fisrt too.

Maria nodded and kissed him. Zan began to ease into her, once more. When he reached her barrier he thrust into her hard and fast. Maria yelped in pain and held on to him tightly. She stayed still inside to for her to become accustomed to his length inside her.

Finally Maria began to wiggle her hips, and Zan took that as his hint that he could move. He thrust in and out with her with ease, not wanting to hurt her again.

“Harder,” Maria pleaded with pure lust in her voice. The pain was completely gone and she wanted him to really fuck her.

Zan picked up the pace. “Ohh God, Maria.” He moaned. “You are so tight!”

“MMMM HMMM,” Maria groaned as she bucked against him. “Zan…” she said ver and over again. She felt te pressure building up inside of her.

Zan felt her walls flutter around him and knew she was close. “Cum with me, baby.” He grunted and with three more thrusts he shot his seed deep into Maria. “OOOHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGNNNNNNNNNNN!” He screamed.

“Oh Shit. Zan! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!” Maria yelled as she came hard.

Zan collapsed on the bed next to her. He was exhasted. So was Maria. She fell asleep the minute she came down from her high. Zan watched her sleep as he drifted off himself.


Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 4:31 am
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 3

Maria’s eyes snapped open and she was in an unfamiliar room. She looked around and noticed a beautiful tan arm flung over her. It was Zan. She was in his trailer. Oh God. Hank was still outside in the living room.

She turned to look at Zan’s sleeping figure. He was absolutly amazing. She couldn’t believe that she had, had sex with him. It was so uncharacteristic. She barely let Kyle get to second base. But nothing felt more right. She just hoped Zan wouldn’t regret it. He hated her right? Had he just thought of her as a good lay.

She didn’t think so. He was so tender with her. His caresses soft and gentle. But who knew. Slowly, Zan’s eyes fluttered open and he smiled at Maria pulling her closer. Maria winced in Pain and Zan’s looked at her worried. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Nothing. I’m just…I’m a little sore,” Maria said blushing. “You are very…well endowed.” She grinned.

Zan didn’t smile. “I’m sorry I hurt you.” He said looking down.

Maria lifted his face to look at her. “Don’t be sorry. It was amazing.” She said with a warm smiled. “But we need to talk.”

Zan knew this was it. The part where she told him it was a mistake and they shouldn’t talk about it. He knew he wasn’t good enough for her. “Talk on,” he said loosening his grip on her.

“It’s just. I don’t know what happened here.” Maria said. She didn’t know how to explain what she was feeling.

“Well, we had sex.” Zan clarified, ever the smart ass.

“I know that. It’s just. I don’t do this. I mean I’ve only been to second base before this, and I just…God…this is hard,” she said looking away from him.

“And it was just a one time thing. It’s fine. I get it.” Zan said. He didn’t want her to think she h ad to pretend to like him.

“What? No, that wasn’t that I was going to say. Wait. Is that all this was to you?” Maria asked pulling away and wrapping his sheet around her body.

“Well, I mean you came over and one minute you are completely unfriendly, and then we are having sex.” Zan said. What was he supposed to think.

“Answere the question, Zan. Was I just a good lay?” Maria asked, holding back tears.

“How could you think that?” Zan asked, incredulously.

“Well, I mean you call me princess all the time. You are always mean to me and give me dirty looks, but then today you were gentle and careing and I’m confused ok…what am I supposed to think?” Maria demanded.

Zan sighed. It was the moment of truth. He had to tell her how he felt. He could tell she was hurt, and she did sleep with him. Maybe she felt the same way. “Maria,” he started, caressing her cheek, “You were my first too. I do like you. And I loved making love to you. I’ve liked you for a while. The reason I am mean to you at school is that I have a large case of Kindergarden syndrom. I figured you didn’t like me, so it was my way of being close to you.” He admited, embarassed.

Maria wiped the tear from her eyes and placed her hand on Zan’s cheek. “Is that for real?’ she asked.

“Of couse It is.” He said looking at her.

“Well, I feel the same way. I’m not proud of the way I treated you, but I thought you didn’t like me, so I was mean. I’ve been hurtful to you, and I hate that. But when we…made love…It was the best thing that I’ve ever felt. And I don’t just mean that mind-blowing orgasm.” Maria said with a giggle. “I mean, I really like you, Zan. And I don’t want to get hurt.” She admitted.

Then Zan did something she didn’t expect. He kissed her softly and gently. When he pulled away, he looked her in the eyes. “Maria, you remember last night when I told you that I wouldn’t hurt you? Well that holds true here. I want to be with you. I’m falling for you, and I wont hurt you.” He said kissing her again.

Maria gave into the kiss and stroked his toung with hers, wrapping her legs around his body. “Mmmm,” she breathed as they parted.

Just then a banging on the door started. “Zan!!! Where the hell are you. You fuckin’ piece of shit. You in there with that whore. I don’t want whores in my house!” He screamed, pulling on the locked door.

Zan saw red. Not only had he interrupeted and intense lip-lock, he had dared call, Maria a whore. Zan untangled himself from Maria and pulled on his jeans, not bothering with a shirt. He threw Maria’s clothes on the bed. “Get dressed, baby.” He said tenderly kissing her. She did so, and Zan opened his door, ready for battle.

“Ah, she is in here.” Hank said. “Now, you are going to pay. How dare you hit me.” He demanded.

Zan pushed into the living room, away from Maria. He didn’t want her to get hurt again. “I hit you because you were messin’ with my girl!” Zan explained.

“I was just mentioning tha ti could give her a better time than you could.” Hank said, now knowing how to push Zan’s buttons. Maria could hear the whole thing and she listened at the door.

Zan had to control the urge to punch Hank. “Fuck you, Hank.” He said through gritted teeth.

“You know, I think I need to teach you a little discipline.” Hank said before slamming his fist into Zan’s stomach, making him fall to the floor.

Maria heard the punch and came running to Zan’s defense. She saw Hank kicking him in the stomach and tried to pull him off of her new boyfriend. “stop it!” she screamed. And Hank slaped her hard across the face. Maria was dazed for just a moment, but then she saw red and she punched Hank with all her might, right in the eye, knocking him out.

Zan looked at Maria with amazement from the floor. She was holding her cheek that Hank had hit. Zan felt awful. It was his fault she got hurt. He was so pissed at himself and Hank. Maria didn’t deserve this. She deserved better. He was still struggling to get up when Maria ran to his room. Seconds later, she came back with his duffle bag full of stuff.

“What..” was all Zan got up and Maria helped him off the floor.

“You aren’t living here. You are coming with me. My mom is out of town. You are staying with me.” Maria said in a no-nonsense tone.

“But…” Zan started.

“No, you are coming. Let’s go.” Maria said. She jotted down a note for Hank and left.

You are an asshole, and I hope you rot in hell. Zan won’t be living with you anymore. You may not know this, but you just slapped Congressmen DeLuca’s daughter. So basically you are fucked. If I were you I’d leave town.
Maria and Zan.


Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 3:10 am
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 4

Maria dove the whole way home, silent and angry. She could have killed Hank if she wasn’t careful. The rage she felt toward that man was so great she clenched the sterring wheel with all her might, even though her hand was throbbing.

When they approached the house, Zan was dazed at the size of it. 20 of his trailers could fit in that house. He gulped and got out of the car, picking up his back. “Come on,” Maria motioned.

Zan followed her into the house. It was awesome. Just as decked out on the outside as it was on the inside. “Wow,” he said.

Maria smiled at him. He was like a kid in a candy store. It was weird seeing him so vulnerable. “Common, We can put your stuff in my room.” She said with a smile leading him upstairs.

In Maria’s room, he set his stuff down on the bed. Maria sat down, and he joined her. “What am I going to do, Maria?” he asked looking at her. “I mean, Hank was the only family I had.”

Maria wrapped her arms around him and sat in his lap. “You are going to stay here. When my mom gets home, I’m telling her what happened, minus the sex, and we will figure it out. I won’t let anything happen to you.” She promised.

Zan smiled at her. “I’m sorry he hurt you,” he said caressing her red cheek. It was starting to bruise. He wished he had some kind of healing powers.

“It does kinda hurt. But this hurts more.” She said lifting her hand.

“That was some right hook,” Zan said trying to make light of the situation.

Maria giggled at him, and then kissed him hard. “So, what do you want to do today? It’s Saturday. I have to be at work at 4, but it’s only 7:30.”

Zan grinned at her evily. “I got some ideas.” He said kissing her passionatly.

Maria moaned, “I’d love to, but I’m really sore.” Then an idea popped into her head. She gave Zan a smirk as she picked up a pillow off her bed and set it down at the foot of the bed. Zan watched her. He didn’t know what she was doing.

She kneeled on te pillow and motioned for him to sit in front of her. Zan’s cock immediately got hard. He sat in front of her on the bed, straddling her body with his legs. He reached for his belt, but Maria stopped him. “Let, me.” She said.

She reached for his belt and unbuckled it slowly. It was maddening to Zan. He wanted her to rip his pants off, but she was teasing him. She unbottoned his pants and pulled down his zipper, slowly, applying preasure to his hard cock. Zan’s eyes rolled back into his head as Maria pulled off his pants, along with his boxers.

She stared at his cock. The first time they had sex, she didn’t really explore the appendage, but this time she wanted to. She wanted to take her time, and give Zan the same pleasure he gave her last night. She looked up at him. His eyes were closed.

“Zan?” she said tentativly.

“What, baby?” he asked, opening his eyes.

“I…ummm…I don’t want to sound stupid, but I’ve never done this before. I…I want to do it right.” She said feeling stupid.

Zan smiled at her warmly. “You’ll do fine. I’ll help you.” He said as he took one of her hands in his and placed it on his quivering member. Zan moved his hand as Maria becan to caress him softly. “Mmmmm,” he groaned at the sensation. It was the first time that a woman had touched him like that.

Maria inspected her new toy, noting which movements got the best reactions. The groans got louder as she became more forceful. She wrapped her hand fully around his cock and tugged up. “Oh God!” Zan moaned, and Maria stopped.

Zan’s eyes snapped open. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Did I hurt you?” she asked.

Zan smiled again. “No, It was awesome.” He said.

Maria smiled and began moving again. This time Zan kept his eyes on her. Maria was mesmerized. She stroked him harder and faster. “Oh, Maria, baby, that’s it.” Zan said.

Suddenly Maria noticed pre-cum leaking from the tip of Zan’s large cock. She couldn’t help herself, she leaned forward and licked it off. “OHHH FUCK!” Zan moaned grabbing the sheets on the bed.

“Is this ok?” Maria asked.

“Oh yeah, don’t stop,” Zan moaned.

Maria smiled and swirled her toung around Zan’s mushroom head while still stroking him with her hand. As she got more bold, she took him more and more into her mouth. “OHHHHH,” Zan moaned.

Maria pushed him deep into her throat, making up for what she couldn’t fit in her mouth this her hand. She fucked him faster and faster with her mouth, and Zan was squirming under her. When his balls began to contract, Zan tried to remove himself from her, but she wouldn’t budge. “Baby, I’m gonna…uhhhhhh,” he moaned.

Maria held on and only sucked him harder. “Ohhh FUCK. God! OOOOHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNN!” Zan yelled, as his hot seed dripped down her throat. She drank it up, greedily and licked him clean. Zan fell back on the bed, dazed from his orgasm.

Maria crawled on the be next to him and watched him come down from his high, fascinated. Zan finally came back to earth and grinned at Maria, “Fast learner,” he said.

Maria giggled. Zan’s eyes filled with lust again and he pulled her into a soul-searing lip-lock. The taste of himself in her mouth was the most erotic thing he had ever felt. He pulled her up higher on the bed, pulling his shirt off. He made quick work of pulling Maria’s clothes off of her. He could tell that she was uncomfortable with him seeing her naked body. “You are so beautiful.” He said kissing her stomach lightly.

She blushed. He decided he would make it is business to make her see how beautiful he thought she was. Slowly he made his way down her body and spread her legs. Placing gently kisses on her inner thighs, he moved closer to her aching pussy.

Maria writhed under him, trying to get him to give her aching clit attention. Zan smirked and lightly brushed her bundle of nerved with the tip of his toung. “Oh God!” Maria breathed.

Zan spread her lips wider and licked her slit up and down. “MMMMMMMMM,” Maria moaned.

Slowly, Zan entered a digit into her dripping wet cunt. “Oh Zan, don’t stop,” Maria said, shutting her eyes. But Zan did stop. “What’s wrong?” she asked in frustration looking at him.

“I want you to look at me,” he said shyly. “I’ve never done this before either. I want you to watch me.” He said.

Maria smiled and kept her eyes focused on him. Zan immediately went back to pleasuring her. “Ohhh God.” Maria said as she slipped another finger into her. He fucked her with his fingers while he teased her clit with his tounge.

Maria bucked into his face, unable to control her body any longer. “Oh FUCk! Zan!!!” She moaned. Zan felt her pussy walls flutter around his fingers as her nibbled lightly at her clit. “Ohhhh. FUCK!!! YES. DON’T STOP!” Maria screamed.

“OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNMMMMMMMMMMMMMM,” She screamed at the top of her lungs as she came hard around his fingers.

Zan licked up her juices, then pulled her into his arms. “That’s was fucking amazing.” Maria said looking at him.

“Fuck has become your new favorite word,” Zan said with a grin.

“Well, you must be a bad influence.” Maria said snuggling into him.


Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 6:32 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 5

Maria and Zan laid in bed naked for a while, and maria could see a huge bruise forming on Zan’s ribs. “I think we should go to the sheriff.” She said lightly running her fingers over the mark.

Zan’s first reaction was to shake his head, “No. I don’t need his help.” He said.

“Zan, don’t be stubborn. Hank hurt you. And judging from the other marks on you, this wasn’t the first time. You need to report him. And you really need to go to the hospital. I think I do too. My hand really kills.” Maria said. She knew that Zan had a lot of pride. But Valenti could help him. He could put Hank in jail and help him live on his own.

Zan looked at Maria’s hand. That was all it took. Her being in pain. “Ok. We better go now, though.” He said. Maria smiled and kissed him.

They got dressed and Maria and Zan got back into the car and headed to The Valenti’s. Maria could tell Zan didn’t want to be there when they rolled into the driveway, but he had to. This was the best thing. Maria knocked on the door with her good hand.

Soon, a shirtless Kyle came to the door. He smiled when he saw Maria, but frowned when he saw Zan behind her. “What do you want? And what is up with your face?” he asked looking at Zan.

Maria rolled her eyes. “Don’t flatter yourself. We aren’t here to see you. Is your dad home?” Maria said ignoring his last question. Zan smiled inside. It was nice t be standing there with Maria, knowing that Kyle wanted what he already had. Kyle may have been one of the richest guys at West Roswell, but Zan had Maria, and that was all that mattered.

Kyle motioned for them to come inside. And yelled for his dad. Within a couple of minutes, Sheriff Valenti appeared in the living room. He smiled warmly and then frowned. “Maria, what happened?” He asked, lifting her chin so he could see it better in the light.

“That’s kinda what we are here about. Can we talk? Alone?” She asked motioning at Kyle.

“Yeah, common in here.” Jim said motioning to the kitchen.

“So, what is up?” he asked.

Maria looked at Zan. He didn’t seem to be ready to talk, so she started. “Ok, so Zan and I had a project for class, so I went over to his house and then his foster father came home. Zan and Hank got into a verbal argument and then I came into the living room, and Hank came onto me, then he passed out. So Zan and I locked ourselves in his room and worked on the project, and I fell asleep over there.” Maria explained. She left out a few details, but they were none of his business. The sheriff listened intently.

She continued, “Well, in the morning, Hank was not happy and he banged on the door, drawing Zan out. They got into another verbal argument and Hank punched Zan. I came out of the room and saw Hank kicking Zan in the ribs and I tried to pull him off of Zan. He slapped me hard across the face and I punched him so hard that he passed out again.” Maria said, summing up the events.

Jim looked at her face and hand and then motioned for Zan to come closer. “Is that what happened, son?” he asked.

“Yes,” Zan answered quietly.

“I need to see if you have any visable injuries.” Jim said. Zan nodded and lifted his shirt, showing the huge bruise that had formed on him.

“Ok. You two need to get to the hospital. Maria, you have to get that hand ex-rayed, and Zan, you should have a broken rib.” Jim said grabbing his coat. “Then we will go to the station and file a report.”

Zan and Maria nodded and followed him to his SUV.


Maria sat in the waiting room at the hospital, waiting for the doctors to finish with Zan, they had x-rayed her hand and found that it was just sprained and it would be ok in a couple of days.

“He is asking for you,” the doctor said to Maria taking her to his room.

“Is he ok.” She asked.

“He is fine now, but if you hadn’t brought him in, he oculd have died. He has 2 broken ribs very close to his heart. They should heal fine, now. But they could have punctured his heart.” The doctor explained.

Maria’s eyes filled with tears as she walked into the room. The doctor left the teens alone and Maria sat down at the chair by Zan’s bed. “What’s wrong, baby?” Zan asked wipping her tears.

“They said…” she couldn’t finish her sentence.

“I know, but I’m fine now. I even get to leave tomorrow.” Zan said cuppin her cheek.

“But what if we hadn’t come? What if I just let it go? I mean…” Again, maria was at a loss for words.

“But you didn’t, and I’m going tot be fine. Please, don’t cry, baby.” Zan said.

Maria sobbered off and tried to smile. “Don’t you have to go to work?” Zan asked looking at the clock.

“Fuck that.” She said. “I’ll call Liz. I’m not leaving.” Maria said squeezing his hand.

Zan smiled. “Ok,” he said.

The two teens talked forever after that. They talked about their hopes and dreams. Fears and weaknesses. Zan was surprised to learn that Maria was just as scared of being hurt as he was. Her father who was a Congressman was gone with the wind. All she knew of him was Chrismas outings and the monthly child support check that paid for her beautiful house.

She loved to sing and dance, and she hated Math and Science. She told him that she was sick of having to be popular and happy all the time. That sometimes she just wanted to run away and never come back. To fly free. Be a singer in Greenwich Village and live life to it’s fullest.

Maria learned that Zan wanted to be a doctor. That he was scared of clowns and he loved science in all senses. It made sense to him. Facts and controled experiments. That he also wanted to run away. Be free from Hank and the bad-boy image that he had attained over the years.

The hours passed as they got to know each other better. Their souls intertwining. They were opposites, but not in the superficial way most people would recognize. They were not the good, rich girl and the bad, poor boy. They were a young woman who was creative, enthusiastic and artistic and the young man who wanted to study facts and figures as he worked to help people. She was a bohemian at heart and he was a realist.

Finally, a nurse walked in and said, “Miss, I’m sorry. Visiting hours are over. You need to leave.”

Maria looked the woman in the eye, “I know this is your job, but the only way you are getting me out of this room is if you physically drag me out.” She said smiling.

The nurse nodded and left the two alone.


Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 11:07 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 6

Zan got out of the hospital the next night and Maria promptly brought him back to her house. Valenti tried to call her mother, but she wasn’t around. So, Maria set Zan up in the master bed to make him more comfortable.

“So, you ready to get back to school tomorrow?” Zan asked as he got into bed.

“Oh, no. You are not going to school tomorrow.” Maria said crossing her arms.

“Maria, I’m fine. The doctor said I could go. We have that project due, and I really can’t stay in bed any longer.” Zan said asserting his authority right back.

“But…What if…” Maria started.

Zan pulled her down on him, carfully watching his bruise. “Maria, I’m going. And I’m going to be fine. I promise that if anything happens I will come back here.” Zan promised.

Maria smiled and kissed him on the lips. “Ok, but you better.” She said turning serious. Her eyes began to tear and she looked away.

Zan lifted her chin to look at him. “What’s the matter?”

“I just…I mean, I just found you, and you almost left me. Like everyone does. I was so scared, Zan. I didn’t know what to do.” Maria admited. She didn’t know why she was being so honest, but she wanted him to know how she felt.

“Baby, I’m never leaving you. Like I said. I’ve wanted you for so long. I need you to know that I’m not leaving you.” Zan said pulling her closer to him.

“Okay,” Maria said snuggling into him. Soon they fell asleep.


The next day at school, Maria and Zan entered the main building hand in hand. Everyone stared at them. Zan looked down uncomfortably as he watched people whispering around him. He knew that they were whispering about him, and that made him slightly uncomfortable.

Finally, Zan and maria parted for their first class. They wouldn’t meet up again until lunch. At lunch they sat together and quickly Isabel and Liz joined them. “Hey, ‘Ria.” They called.

“Hi guys.” Maria greeted back, “you know Zan.” She said pointing to her boyfriend.

Isabel and Liz looked at Zan like an insect, but politely greeted him with a ‘hey’. “So, why weren’t you at the party Saturday night?” Isabel asked.

“Oh, Zan and I were hanging out.” Maria answered, confidantly.

Liz and Isabel smiled and nodded, but looked confused. They didn’t seem to understand why Maria would skip out on and important party to hang out with a guy so low on the social totum pole.

After lunch, Maria and Zan walked to Biology together. “You ready?” Maria asked.

“Yep,” he said winking at her and they entered the class room. But before they could even get to their seats, a football player stopped Maria and Zan.

“So, what is this?” the jock said, indicating Maria and Zan’s intertwined hands.

“What are you talking about?” Maria said trying to push past the guy, but he wouldn’t budge.

“I mean, are you stepping out on my man Kyle with this guy?” He asked indignatly.

“First of all, I can’t step out on someone I’m not with. And second of all, my relationships are none of your concern.” Maria said. Zan couldn’t help but smile at his little pixi. But then his smile turned to a frown when he saw the jock lay his hand on Maria’s arm.

He smacked it away. “Don’t touch her,” he growled. Maria looked at him, and with pleading eyes, told him to let it go. And Zan did. But he intended to insure that no one touched Maria like that again.

As they sat down, Maria leaned over to Zan and whispered, “By the way, I was thinking. We should talk to Mr. Evans. He can help you get Emancipated.”

Zan thought. He didn’t really know Philip Evans except that he was a lawyer and Michael Evan’s father. Michael had always been cordial to Zan and he trusted Maria, so he nodded. Maria smiled and then they were called to do their report, which they got a C on. Mostly, because they had been completely distracted when putting it together.


Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 2:34 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 7

“Hey, Michael, wait up!” Maria yelled down the hall, dragging Zan behind him. Michael stopped and turned around, smiling at Maria.

“What’s up?” he asked, as she and Zan approached. He nodded at Zan and smiled at Maria. Michael had always been cool as far as Zan was concerned. They didn’t exactly hang out in the same social circles, but Michael Evans had always been nice to everyone. He was smart, and kind, soft spoken.

“We need a favor. Zan and I need to talk to your dad. Its some legal stuff.” Maria explained. It had taken her some convincing to get Zan to talk to Michael.

“Oh, Ok. Well, do you want to come over tonight for dinner? My mom would love that. She loves you.” Michael said with a smiled. Zan couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. Was Michael flirting with Maria? His concerns were gone when Maria squeezed his hand, reassuring him that she was his.

“That would be great. But I don’t want to put her out.” Maria said.

“No, she loves that stuff. Just come over around 6:00. I’ll give my dad the heads up.” Michael said and walked out to the parking lot.

“See, that wasn’t so bad.” Maria said kissing Zan on the cheek.

“Yeah, I’m sorry to put this on you. I just..I have a hard time talking to people.” Zan said.

“I know, but trust me. Michael is a good guy. Isabel and Liz are good people too, but they are kinda wrapped up in themselves.” Maria explained as she got behind the wheel. Zan nodded and they drove back to Maria’s house.


“Hi, Maria!” Mrs. Evans greeted giving her a warm hug as she entered the house. She looked at Zan, “And is this a new Baux?” she said with a wink.

Zan turned about 15 shades of read before Maria chuckled and said, “Yes, this is Zan, my boyfriend.” She answered. Zan was filled with such pride. Maria had introduced him as her boyfriend. She didn’t just want to love him when no one was around. It was an awesome feeling to know that she was not ashamed of him. He figured she would be. He was a bad boy and she was the most populare girl in school.

Diane Evans took everyone by surprise when she wrapped Zan up in a big bear hug. Michael and Philip Evans walked into the room laughing. “Is it time to eat?” Michael asked.

“Yeah, call your sister down.” Diana said, unhanding Zan and walking into the Kitchen.

“Isabel!” Michael yelled. Soon she was bouncing down the stairs.

“Hey, Maria. Hi Zan.” She said with a warm smile. Much more approachable than she was at lunch earlier that day.

Dinner was pretty uneventful. Everyone talked about school and work. Zan even got in on the conversation, which was unusual for him. He told jokes and laughed and acted like they had all been old friends. Everyone liked him, and Maria was happy. She wanted Zan to be more comfortable with new people, and she could tell that he was making great strides.

“So, what is this legal matter?” Philip asked as he walked his plate to the sink.

Zan got up and followed him to the sink with his own plate. “It’s kind of personal. Can we talk about it…somewhere else.” Zan asked. He likes Michael and Isabel, but he wasn’t sure he was ready to spill his guts to them just yet.

“Sure. Why don’t we go into my office.” Philip said motioning to the den. Maria looked up and silently asked if Zan wanted her to come with him. He shook his head, and she smiled. It was important for him to talk to Philip alone. She understood.

She turned back to Michael and Isabel. “Maria, let’s go into the living room.” Isabel said. Maria followed her and sat down next to her on the couch. “So, whats going on?” Isabel asked.

“What do you mean?” Maria asked.

“I mean with Zan. Is this serious?” Isabel asked.

Maria sighed. “I think I’m falling for him, iz.” She admitted.

Maria didn’t get the reaction she was expecting. Instead, Isabel’s eyes lit up, “Really? That is awesome Maria.” She said.

“What?” Maria asked, shocked.

“It’s awesome that you found someone that you can connect to.” Isabel elaborated. “I have a secret to tell you.”

Maria sat up straighter, “Spill…” she said.

“Well, you know Alex Whitman?” Isabel asked.

“Yeah, I love that kid. What about him.” Maria asked.

“Well, we kinda…we went out on a date. And I really like him.” Isabel said blushing.

“Really. That is awesome. He is such a nice guy. And so funny. He is my lab partner.” Maria said.

“I just…I don’t know what to do. You know that dating him is not okay in the eyes of our group. But seeing you with Zan, I wonder if I can get away with it.” Isabel said.

“Isabel, listen. It doesn’t matter what those airheads and ass holes we hang out with think. If you like him, you should go for it. He is a great guy, and you deserve someone great. Not those meat head jocks that we usually go with.” Maria siad.

Isabel leaned in and hugged Maria, “Thank you. Only you would understand. You have always been independent, even though you are the most popular girl in school. But anyway, how did you and Zan get together.” Isabel asked.

It was Maria’s turn to blush. “Well, it’s a long story. We had a project to do. We were at his house and one thing led to another…and we go together.”

“Wait a minute…rewind. That is such and insufficiant answere. What do you mean by one thing led to anouther?” Isabel asked, excitedly.

Maria’s face turned bright red and she looked down at her lap. “Well…”

“You did it! Didn’t you? Oh My God! So, how was it?” Isabel asked grinning ear to ear.

“It was amazing. Is amazing.” Maria said simply.

“Well, you will have to tell me all about it sometime.” Isabel said. Then she turned serious. “Thank you for being such a good friend Maria.” She siad.

“Ditto, babe.” Maria said.

Meanwhile in the Den…

“Well, I think I can help you.” Philip said after hearing Zan’s story. “Did you file a report on Hank?”

“Yes, sir.” Zan answered.

“You can call me Philip. Well, with that, we have proof of his abuse, and as long as you can get a job, I think that Judge Reid with grant you Emancipation.” Philip said.

“Oh thank you. That would be awesome.” Zan said excitedly.

“Why don’t we meet to morrow at my office and we will get everything in order.” He siad standing and shaking Zan’s hand. “You know, you have a really good friend in Maria.” He said.

“I know, she is amazing.” Zan said with a smile. Philip nodded and the two men went back into the living room. Maria and Isabel were talking on the couch.

“You ready, babe?” Maria asked getting up. Zan smiled and nodded. “Ok, let me just hit the bathroom.” She said.

When Maria left, Michael and Isabel turned to Zan. “Zan, thank you for making Maria so happy.” Isabel said.

“I really like her.” He said honestly. He couldn’t belive that he was telling them this.

“Well, you are welcome over here anytime. Any friend of Maria’s is a friend of ours.” Michael said warmly.

“Thanks,” Zan said uneasily.

“Just be god to her. She is like a sister to me.” Michael said.

“I will. Don’t worry.” Zan answered as Maria re-entered the room. They said their goodbyes and left.


Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:03 pm
by gnrkrystle
A/N: Violence…be warned…please read…

Chapter 8

Two weeks had passed, and Zan was granted his emancipation. The Judge was very impressed with him. Maria, Michael, and Isabel all came to the hearing for support. Michael and Isabel were sad to hear about how Hank had treated Zan, but they were proud of him for getting his life on track.

He had gotten an apartment, and was working at the Crashdown, which was great, because it let Maria and Zan spend more time together.

Most of Maria’s friends were nice to her on the outside, but she could tell that they were judging her and her relationship with Zan. Liz wasn’t hanging out with her or Isabel as much. Some of the football players made snide remarks to her, and she took them all in stride. It wasn’t the end of the world. No one was flat out mean. And she still had Michael, Zan, Isabel, and Alex, who had been inducted into their litter group by Isabel.

“So, are we going to move Zan in tonight after work?” Isabel asked at lunch.

“Yeah, I think he is mostly done, but he could prbably use the two of us to unpack him.” Maria said with a smirk.

Just then, Zan sat down inbetween them, wrapping his arm around Maria and kissing her on the cheek. Maria giggled and they continued eating.

Kyle finally walked up to the table. “Hey, Maria.” He said.

“Hey, Kyle.” Maria said not looking up.

“Look, can you come over tonight?” Kyle asked.

“What?” she asked finally looking up. Zan tightened his hold on here.

“I need some help with something…it’s kind of personal. Can you come over.” He asked.

Maria thought for a moment. “Yeah, Kyle. I’ll be there. I’ve got a shift until 7:00, then I’ll be over.”

Zan didn’t say anything until Kyle was gone. “Maria, I don’t want you to go over there.” He said.

Maria’s eyes narrowed. “Are you kidding me?” she said.

“What?! I don’t want you to be alone with him, Maria.” Zan said incredulously.

Isabel just watched the scene play in front of her. “Well, then I guess it’s a good thing I don’t need your permision, huh?” Maria said getting up and fllinging her bag over her shoulder. “I’m not someone you can control, Zan. I’m my own person. If you don’t think you can trust me, then…then I guess we have a problem.” She said turning on her heel and walking back into the school.

Zan hung his head. He fucked up, and he knew it. “Just giver her some time,” isabel told him. “She hates being told what to do. And she hates when people don’t trust her.” Isabel explained.

Zan nodded, but didn’t look up. He was such an idiot. Hopfully, after Maria get done at Kyle’s she would come over and will allow him t appologize to her.


“Ok, Liz. I’m out.” Maria called from the back room at exactly 7:00. She quickly changed and headed out the door. It was a short walk to Kyle’s, but she still wished she had her car. It was in the shop, the alternator went out. What was going to suck was the walk back to Zan’s after she was done at Kyle’s.

She headed down the road, toward Kyle’s neighborhood. She was taking the short cut, down the ally. It was dark and cold, and for some reason, Maria felt like she was being followed. ‘You’re paranoid, DeLuca,” she though to herself.

But her hopes of mere paranioa were shattered when Luke Baxter stepped out in front of her. “Hey, Luke,” she said, not betraying her inner fear.

“Hey baby.”he said coming closer to her.

Maria backed up until she ran into another body. She turned around and saw another football player grinning behind her. Adrian Morris. They were Kyle’s friends, and they were looking at her like she was a piece of meat.

“What do you want?” she said, trying to be defiant.

“We needed to have alittle chat with you,” Luke said grabbing her wrist.

‘Get off me!” Maria yelled at the top of her lungs. Immediately, Adrian clamped his hand over her mouth to shut her up.

“You better not do that again, you we will really have to hurt you.” Luke said smacking her hard across the face.

“Why are you doing this?” Maria asked helplessly.

“We need to teach you a little lesson. You see, you let our boy, Kyle down. You broke up with him before he could even get into your pants, then you started dating that scrub, Zan. What white trash, Maria.” He said, then he pushed her down on the ground.

“Stop,” Maria begged.

Adrian punched her square in the jaw. “Shut up, bitch,” he said ripping her shirt and bra off in one tear. Maria tried to cover herself up, but Luke grabbed her wrists and held them abover her head, as Adrian began removing her pants and panties.

“Stop…You ass holes. What are you doing?!” Maria whispered.

“We are getting what every guy at West Roswell wants.” Luke growled, as he punched Maria in the stomach. She whimpered and tried to hold abck her tears, but it was a lost cause. Her whole boddy hurt.

Then it dot worse, as Adrian loosened his belt and freed his cock. HE slammed into her with full force. It hurt. Maria wasn’t ready, and he was large. It hurt so bad, she was sure she was bleeding. Maria just laid their whimpering as Adrian plunged in and out of her with all he had.

Finally, he pulled out an came in her face. It was so degrading. Maria felt worthless and used, but at least it was over.

Or at least she thought. After Adrian caught his breath, Luke lifted Maria’s limp body. “Get up bitch,” he said. But she couldn’t move. He placed Maria on top of Adrian and his cock and forced her down on him once more.

“Stop,” Maria weakly begged. But Luck didn’t stop, Instead, as Adrian lifted Maria roughly up and down on his cock, Luke plunged his dick into Maria’s virgin ass. She could not hold back the tears and screams that escaped her.

“Shut up,, bitch!” Luke demanded and he fucked her ass harder and harder. Now, Maria knew she was bleeding. As the boys ploughed into her, they continued to hit her over and over. Everywhere. Finally, Adrian pulled out and came all over Maria’s stomach, and Luke came deep into her ass.

When the boys were done, they kicked her one more time for good measure and said, “Tell anyone, we will kill you.” And they ran off. Leaving Maria half conscious, naked, and broken in the ally.

Maria could see her phone. On the other side of the ally. She tried to stand up, but it was impossible, so she crawled. The rough concreat broke the skin of her hands and knees and she made her way to the phone. Finally, it was in reach. She grabbed it and sighed.


Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 12:22 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 9

RING, RING, RING! Isabel, Michael and Zan heard from his new apartment. Michael was the first to get to it. “Hello?” he said.

“Zan?” Maria sobbed out weakly.

Michael was concerned with the sound of her voice. “No, Maria. This is Michael. What’s wrong?”

Zan heard this and came running into the living room, Isabel right behind him.

“I…I need to talk to Zan,” Maria choked out.

Michael handed the phone to Zan, the concern was clear in his eyes, as Zan said, “Maria, what’s wrong.”

“I…I need you to come get me,” she sobbed and choked out.

Zan was trying desparately to keep his cool. He could tell something wat seriously wrong. “Yeah, baby, where are you? Kyle’s?” He couldn’t help but feel rage at the thought that Kyle may be been responsible for her pain.

“I…I’m behind the laundramat. On Cirtus.” Maria said as her whole body shuddered. The pain was unbearable.

Zan didn’t even say goodbye. He just hung up the phone and grabbed his coat. “What happened?” isabel asked.

“Maria. She’s hurt. I have to go.” Zan said.

Michael and isabel nodded and followed him out the door. In the car, Zan got behind the wheel. Michael didn’t say anything, he knew that Zan needed to get to Maria, and truth be told, he needed to get to her too.

Zan pulled into the ally on Citurs, and that was where he saw her. Maria was laying laked and broken in the middle of the ally, trying with everything she had to stay conscious. Zan’s eyes went wide with rage as he jumped out of the Jeep and ran for Maria.

“Maria, baby. What happened,” he cried, not caring that Michael and Isabel were right behind him. Zan kneeled down next to Maria and pulled her into his arms. He could see bruises all over her body. Cuts and scrapes on her hands and knees. She had scratch marks on her sholders and hips. And Zan could see seaman in Maria’s hair.

“What happened to her Zan?” Isabel asked from behind him. She had a pretty good idea, but she needed someone to say it.

Zan ignored her, “Baby, tell me what happened!” Zan pleaded, tears falling from his eyes.

Maria looked into Zan’s eyes and took in a deep shaky breath. “I was…walking to…to Kyle’s, casue the car is in the shop. And they came. They came. It hurt…” Maria sobbed. Zan knew that she was in too much pain to tell him what happened, so he wrapped his arms tighter around her.

“Shhh, baby. It’s ok. I’m going to take care of this.” He said. Finally, remember that Michael and Isabel were still there, he turned to them. “Can I have your jacket?” Zan asked Michael.

Michael nodded and shrugged out of his jacket. Zan wrapped it around Maria, and lifted her into his arrms. “We have to go to the sheriff.” Michael siad.

Zan nodded, silently, and place Maria in he back seat, in Isabel’s lap. Then he got behind the wheel and headed down the road to Kyle’s house.


Zan beat agnrily on the Valenti’s door. Finally, the light flipped on and Kyle answered. “What are…?” he got out before Zan pushed right by him.

“Your dad home?” he asked. Then Kyle saw Maria. Michael was holding her in his arms and Isabel was crying.

“DAD!” Kyle called. Jim quickly entered the room.

He took notice og Maria in Michael arms and ran over to her. “What happened. Maria? Wake up!” he cried, as she had slipped into unconsciousness. Maria’s eyes fluttered open and she looked around the room, seeing that she was in Valenti’s house.

Immediately Maria became desprate. “No…No!” she screamed. Then she spotted Kyle. Her eyes when wide and she screamed. “Zan, I need Zan. Get me out of here!” she moaned in pain.

Zan went to her. Lifting her into his arms. “It’s ok baby. I’m here.” He siad. The rest of the room didn’t know what was going on. But Zan had a pretty good idea. Maria flipped out when she saw Kyle. He must have been the bastard who did this.


Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 9:21 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 10

“Maria. Maria. Calm down,” Isabel said as she gently movied her h air out of her face.

“No. I need to get out of here!” Maria screamed clinging to Micahel with everything she had. “Get him away from me!” she bellowed with her face against Michael’s chest.

Zan was trying his hardest not to break every bone in Kyle’s body. Kyle just looked confused. “What?” he asked.

“Leave me alone!” Maria screamed, looking at him with hate in her eyes.

“You heard her.” Zan said stepping up to Kyle in offensive mode.

Jim finally, stepped in between the two of them and said, “Look, Kyle. Just get out of here. Obviously you are making maria uncomfortable, and she doesn’t need to deal with this right now. Just go over to Liz’s house. I’ll call you if we need you.”

Kyle finally backed down and made his way out the door, but before he left he turned around and said, “Call me if anything happens.”

“That’s rich,” Zan mumbled under his breath.

Jim nodded and Kyle left. “No, what happened.” Jim said looking at Zan.

“I don’t know. She called me and she was laying in the ally naked and bleeding. I don’t know what to do.” Zan said running a frustrated hand through his hair.

Then Jim walked over to Maria. “Maria, honey. Were you raped?” he was pretty sure she was, but he needed her to say it. Then he coujld go from there.

Maria’s tearful eyes looked at Jim. Slowly she nodded as anouther sob escaped her. Michael held her tighter, and isabel began crying.

“Okay. Maria, we need to get to the hospital. Okay.” Jim said. Maria just nodded. Then Jim turned to Zan, Isabel and Michael. “I need to take her with me. You guys can fallow. And Zan you can come with us.”

Zan who was still in an inraged daze just nodded as Michael placed Maria in his arms and they made their way to the cars. “You don’t have to go, you guys. You should probably get home.” Zan said.

“No, we are coming.” Isabel said grabbing her brother’s hand and getting behind the wheel of the Jeep. There was no way she was going to leave her best friend now, whens she needed them the most.


Jim walked quickly down the hall to where Zan, Isabel, and Michael were sitting. Well, actually, Zan was pacing the floor. He couldn’t belive he had let this happen. He should have never let Maria walk to Kyle’s alone. He knew there was something off about his invitation. He should have been there. It was his fault she was hurt. And he knew he would kill Kyle and whoever else was involved in this.

“Zan, Maria wants you.” Jim said quietly. He felt for Zan. He knew he was broken up inside. He didn’t know what his son had to do with what happened to Maria, but he was going to get to the bottom of it. Jim saw Maria as a daughter. Her father was never around and he always watched after her. He felt like a failure. He was the sheriff of this town, and look what had happened to maria only a couple blocks from his own house.

Michael and Isabel were in their own personal hells as well. Maria was so important to them. To think that someone had raped and beaten her like that. They didn’t want to think about it, but they had to. Someone had hurt Maria in such a way, they didn’t know if she would ever get past it. More than likely it was Kyle and his football buddies. Their buddies. How had they been so stupid to care what those assholes thought in the first place?

Zan looked up at Jim and nodded solomnly. He followed him down the long corridor, leading to where they had taken Maria. Her doctor was standing outside her room, waiting for them. “What’s going on?” Zan asked the doctor.

“Look, son. We don’t usually do this, but Miss DeLuca is really nervous and scared. She wants you to be in the room with her, while I check her out. Generally, we make alowences in these situations.” The docrot explained.

Zan nodded. “OK,” he said following the doctor into the room. Truth be told, he felt better about being with her. He didn’t want Maria out of his site for a minute. When he entered the room, he saw Maria sitting on the cold hospital table in a gown, trembling with fear. Or at least he assumed it was fear.

He stood next to her and wrapped his arms around her. “It’s ok baby. I’m here.” He whispered softly into her ear. Maria nodded slightly and clung to him with the little strength she had left.

“Now, Maria. I’m going to check you out completely. This is going to be uncomfortable, but it is nessesary.” The doctor said.

“Ok,” Mari squeeked out, then she turned her attention to Zan. The doctor removed her gown, and Zan looked at her broken body. She had a large bruise over one side of her ribs. Her knees were bloody and she had a shoe print on her stomach. Zan couldn’ help the feeling of rage that was building up inside him, but he held Maria with all te gentleness he possesed.

The doctor instructed her to lean back as he placed Maria’s feet in the stirups, causing her to spread her legs. Maria was uncomfortable and held Zan’s hand tightly, still trembling. “It’s ok. I’m right here. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” Zan promised. He wished he could have been there for her before this happened. He never should have left her. He never should have yelled at her at lunch. If he hadn’t, maybe she would be safe and sound right now.

When the doctor was done he looked Maria in the face. “Maria, you did so well. I’m all done. We are going to get you a room. You can put your gown back on.” He said as warmly as he could.

“Why…Why can’t I go home.” Maria asked.

The doctor looked at Zan and Maria, debating weather to tell her with him in the room. Finally, he decided it would be ok. “Maria, we need to run some test, and fix your broken rib, as well as check for internal bleeding.” He said. There was no use lying to the girl, now. She had already been through enough.

Maria nodded. She was in shock. Zan looked down at his beautiful girlfriend. The only girl he ever loved and decided then and there, that Kyle and his friend would pay. But his number one priority was Maria. He had to make sure she was ok first.