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No One Has To Know (UC, Ky/Ma, Adult, seq) [COMPLETE]

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:01 am
by gnrkrystle
No One Has to Know

Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell…but I can dream
Rating: Adult
Category: Maria/Kyle
Summery: Third in the Kyle/Maria series:
1- “I Want You”: ... wtopic=337
2. “What Now?”: ... wtopic=622
A/N: You should read the first two first…I hope you enjoy. I love feedback.

“Ohhh God, Kyle!” Maria shouted with release.

“Mmmmmmmmm,” he groaned as he came with her. He collapsed, resting his forhead on hers in the back of Kyle’s Mustang. It was a tight fit, but they were finding places to get together harder to find.

They had been getting together nearly everyday for the last couple of weeks. Their friends still didn’t know what they were doing. They didn’t see any reason to tell them. They would just bitch at them anyway. Besides, broaching the subject of having sex with Kyle, was not something Maria wanted to do with Michael.

Maria squirmed under Kyle. “I’m sorry,” he appologized. He knew that sex in the car was not the most comfortable thing. They hadn’t been planning it, but it seemed they could barely keep their hand off each other anymore.

Kyle was just giving Maria a ride home from work, when she began caressing his thigh. She knew exactly what pushed his buttons. He let our a low growl and made a detour out to the desert, when they promply moved to the back seat.

“No, it’s ok.” Maria said. He sat up so she could do the same.

“This isn’t what I wanted.” Kyle said.

Maria looked hurt. That was rather harsh, she thought. She looked down and covered herself up, now feeling ashamed at her nakedness. It was stupid, because he had seen every inch of her body unclothed.

“No, that’s not what I ment.” Kyle said quickly. He had managed to stick his foot in his mouth, and he could tell it had hurt Maria’s feelings. “I ment, that I didn’t want to do this, in the back seat of my car. I would rather do it…you know…some place more comfortable…with more room.” He said with a warm smile.

Maria’s features softned. She breathed a sigh of relief. She didn’t know what Kyle felt about her, but she was hoping that he didn’t regret what they were doing. She didn’t even know what they were doing. “Oh,” she said. “Well, it was still pretty awsome,” she said with a grin.

“Yeah, it was,” Kyle agreed. They quickly got dressed and headed back into town. “So…” Kyle said when they got back to Maria’s house.

“Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Maria said. That was always how it was. Mind Blowing sex, and then I’ll see you later. Maria didn’t have a problem with that. What she had a problem with, we that fact that she wanted more.

She mentaly screamed at herself, ‘You have the perfect thing going here. A hot guy to fuck, whenever you want! No strings!’ The problem was that, what had started as plain fucking, had turned, in her mind, into something more. She was having feelings for Kyle, and she didn’t like it. She knew that he saw this as sex. It was amazing sex and nothing else. It hurt. She wanted him to need her. But he didn’t need her. No one needed her.


The next day at school the day went by as usual. Kyle and Maria shot heated glances at each other from across the room. But basically didn’t talk to each other. They didn’t want to set they friends off. Then Lunch came.

They all sat together, as usual. Kyle sat next to Maria, so he could touch her without being obvious. Mid-meal, Pam Troy made her way over to the table. That was weird. Pam never condecended to speak to any of them. Except Kyle, occationally. And he was just the person she was coming for.

“Hey, Kyle.” She said wrapping an arm around his shoulder. Maria noticed that he wasn’t exactly pushing her away. That hurt.

“Hey, Pam. What’s up?” he asked.

She leaned in really dramatically and whispered, loudly, into his ear. “Can I talk to you for a minute…In private.” She said in a husky voice.

Kyle nodded and followed her into the school. Maria was hurt. Kyle just followed her. He didn’t say, ‘no, I’m envolved with Maria’ or, ‘take a hike.’ He just followed her. Now they were probably making out in the Eraser room.

And were they really envolved? Not really. They were fuck buddies. Maria wanted more, but obviousl Kyle didn’t. So, she really did have the right to feel jealous. Yeah, tell her body that.

“What’s the matter, Maria?” isabel asked, noticing her friend’s change in demeanor.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I jusst didn’t get a lot of sleep last night.” Maria said. And it was true, but that wasn’t what was bothering her.


Maria had just stepped out of the shower when she heard a knock at her window. Her stomach jumped. She knew who that was. Kyle always came through her window. She opened it up to him and he jumped onto her floor. He smiled, “I love when I catch you right out of the shower.” He said.

Maria smiled weakly and motioned for him to sit on the bed. “We need to talk,” she said.

Kyle say down and placed his hand high up on her knee. Maria cleared her head and looked at him. IT was impossible to concentrate when he was touching her. She moved his hand off of her. “I can’t do this,” she says.

Kyle looks at her confused. “What? Did I do something wrong?”

Maria shook her head. “No, it’s just… I can’t ok.” Maria said. She wasn’t about to spill her guts to him.

“Maria, talk to me. What happened?” Kyle asked. His voice soft and soothing. This was the side of Kyle that Maria loved the most. The side that not many people saw.

“I just CANT. Don’t make this harder on me.” Maria pleaded.

“I’m confused, Maria. Were you just toying with me?” Kyle asked angrily.

Maria was shocked, “What? No. How could you say that?” She asked standing up, creating more distance between them.

“Well, I don’t know. You come over and have sex with me. Then you tell me that you want us to keep sleeping together. We have been together everyday for over 2 weeks. And now you just want to end this. Now? No explination. Did I just fill the time for you?” Kyle asked. He immediately regretted what he said once he said it. But he couldn’t take it back.

A dozen emotions flashed on Maria’s face. Sadness, disapointment and anger most of all. “I don’t know, was I just filling time for you until Pam came long?” she spit out before she could stop herself.

“What?” Kyle asked, confused. Then it hit him. “Oh. What? You thought I was hooking up with Pam?” he asked like it was the stupidest idea in the world.

Maria was confused. Wasn’t that what they were doing? Pam had made it quite clear that she wanted in Kyle’s pants and he didn’t seem to be fighting her. And really, didn’t he have a right to?

“Maria, I don’t care about Pam.” Kyle said lowering his voice. “I wouldn’t just sleep with someone I didn’t care about.”

Maria digested the meaning of his words. “What?” she asked. She thought she must have mis-heard.

“Pam wanted me to go to this party with her. I told her no. I told her I was with someone.” Kyle explained, closing the gap Maria had created between them.

“Who?” Maria asked, her heart breaking again.

Kyle looked at her like she had grown another head, “You! Who the hell else would I be with.” He exclaimed. Tears sprang up in Maria’s eyes. “I didn’t realize it was just sex to you.” Kyle said defeated. He had laid his heart out for her, and she didn’t say anything.

He made his way back over to the window, but Maria stopped him. “Wait!” she said. He turned around and looked her in the eyes. She took a deep breath. “The reason I was going to end this is that I thought this was about sex. I thought I was a good lay. And that would have been fine in the beginning, but I’ve developed feelings for you Kyle. I was jealouse. And I thought that if I ended it, the feelings would stop.” Maria confessed wiping tears from her cheeks.

Kyle was stunned. How could she not know how he felt about her? Then he realized he’d never told her. He had never told her that he craved the time they could be together. Not only because of the sex, but because he really liked her. He could relate to her on a level that he couldn’t relate to other. She had been abandoned by a parent, just like he had.

He walked back over to her and pushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “Maria, it was never just about sex to me. Do you know that I’ve had fantasies about you since before you came over in that sexxy trench coat? I really like you. I have for a while. I never told you. Maybe I was scared, but I don’t want to be with anyone else. I love being with you. Not because the sex is great, which it is, but because I like you.” Kyle confessed.

Maria grinned at him. This was amazing. HE felt the same way she did. Suddenly she captured his lips in hers and kissed him with all the passion she possesed. She pushed him onto the bed and climbed on top, her towle, gone with the wind.

Kyle helped her strip him of his clothes until they lay bare infront of each other like they had so many times before. But this time it was different. This time they knew how they felt about each other. Maria trailed her hands over every inch of Kyle’s body and he did the same to her.

“You are so beautiful,” he said, as he had countless times before, but this time she knew he ment it.

“Ditto.” Maria said kissing him again. She nibbled at his neck, marking him as hers and making her way down his chest. She flicked his nipples with her toung and he let out a hiss. She moved further down to his chisled abs kissing his stomach gently until she got to her destination.

Without warning, Maria wrapped her lips around the head of Kyle’s cock and swirled her toung around it. She knew it drove him wild. “Oh, God, Maria!” he moaned as she pushed all of him into her mouth. As she came back up, she scraped her teeth on his pulsating vien. It was a trick she had read in Cosmo, and apparently the writters there knew what they were talking about. Because his hips bucked off the bed as he screamed, “FUCK MARIA!”

She sucked him ard and fast. Untill she could tell her was about to come. As she knew he was reaching the edge, she took all of him into her mouth and bit down lightly at the base of his quivering cock. Immediately his seed shot deep into her throat, and she licked it up greedily.

As Kyle’s breathing evened out, he looked at Maria, “That was fucking awesome.” He said. He was completely in awe.

“I thought I’d try something new.” She said with a wicked grin.

“My turn.” Kyle said fliping her over so she was laying on the bed. He used her same tactic of kissing down her body. He stopped off at her coller bone, working on a hicky the size of Texas. He wanted to mark her. To make her his. He wanted everyone to know that she was taken. Even if the didn’t know it was by him.

As he moved down to her pussy, he teased her. Never quite moving his mouth to were she wanted it most. “Stop teasing,” me she moaned.

“What do you want me to do?” Kyle asked grinning. He was throwing her question right back in her face.

“I want you to make me come.” She said bucking up toward his face.

“Your wish,” he said before diving into her wet hot cunt. He sucked hard on h er clit before plunging two fingers into her tight passage.

“Oh, shit,” Maria said gasping at the sensation. She was quickly apraching her breaking point. She wanted him so bad. She couldn’t control her hips from bucking faster. Kyle laid a hand on her abdomen, stilling her movements, and within seconds he had her screaming his name.

As Maria caught her breath, Kyle moved up her body, kissing her again. She could taste herself on him, and it made her wet all over again. Then she thought of something, “Kyle, what are we going to do about everyone else?”

Kyle pulled back and carressed her cheek, “Why can’t we tell them?” he asked.

“Well, because Michael will kill you. And me.” Maria said with a giggle.

Kyle pulled her close to him. “Well, no one had to know until you are ready to tell them, but I’m serious, Maria. I want to be with you. Only you. I don’t want us to see other people.” He said. He didn’t care how possesive it sounded.

“Oh, trust me. You are man enough for me.” Maria said flipping him over so that she was on top of him, her wet core rubbin against is rock hard cock.

Kyle growled and grabbed Maria’s hips, halting her movements. “Now, who is the tease?” he said.

Maria grabbed a hold of his dick and guided it into her dripping wet passage. She lowered herself slowly on him. She wanted to take her time. Slowly she moved up and down on him, loveing the sound of his ragged breaths. She leaned forward and locked him in a soul searing kiss while she rode him, hitting her G-spot with every thrust.

“Oh God,” kyle moaned as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. He felt her walls flutter around him. She was getting close, and picking up the pace.

“Kyle,” she whimpered as she sped up her movements.

“Oh, Maria.” He groaned. Suddenly they were tumbling over the edge together. Kyle gripped Maria’s hips with all he had, and she loved the feelin of his hands digging into her. She grabbed his sholders and did the same as they came together in complete unity.

Maria could no longe hold herself up as she fell on top of Kyle. He wrapped her arms around her. She didn’t move. She wanted to feel him inside her as long as possible. As he went soft inside her she kissed him. “God, you are amazing.” She said between kisses.

“Hey, that’s my line.” Kyle said deepening the kisses. Maria could feel his cock grow hard inside her.

“Someone is ready for some more.” She said cocking an eyebrow at him.

“Always,” he said kissing her again.

“God, we need to get help.” She said with a giggle as she began riding him with all she had. His hands went instinctivly to her bouncing tits as she moved up and down his cock with all she head.

“Fuck!” he cried as he came for a second time. He grabbed her clit with his free hand and guided her to her own orgasm.

Maria laid down next to Kyle and he pulled her too him. “I need another shower,” she quipped.

Kyle laughed, “Need company?”

“That would be great, but I think you better go before my mom gets home and makes you a woman.” Maria said kissing him again.

The End.