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A Life of Love- (K/Ma/Mx) (Adult) A/N 4/23 [WIP]

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 11:24 am
by gnrkrystle
A Life of Love

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own words. Roswell Characters are property of someone else, somewere else…
Coupling: Maria/Max/Kyle
Rating: Mature
Summery: Sequel to “One Special Night” ... D=89.topic - where the trio looks back on their life together.
A/N: I hope everyone likes this…there will be more slash than the prequal…so beware if you are not into that…Also, leve me feed back… I would love to know how it is coming…

Chapter 1

Kyle opened his eyes to find his usually crowded bed empty. Where were Max and Maria? Probably eating breakfast. The three of them had lived together preacefully and happily, relativly speaking, for 40 years. A coupling that no one ever thought was possible had worked out longer than usual 2 person heterosexual marriages.

Today was their 40th anniversary, and Kyle had been hoping to relieve some sexual tention on this special occasion, but it seemed his life companions had other ideas. They came skipping into the bedroom singing and carrying trays of food for Kyle. Breakfast in bed. He loved these two. They knew the way to Kyle’s heart. Food.

The compassionat act caused his mind to retreat into a time when he was younger. They all were. Their now worrn and wrinkled skin was smooth and elastic. Their hair was a little fuller, but the same twinkle remained in his eyes as well as his beloveds’.

It was summer of 2002. They had all three just graduated from high school, and hd just moved into their new apartment. Amy, Jim, and the Evans’ were less than thrilled about the three of them living together, but they had saved the money and they were adults.

Kyle hated leaving his father, but he knew that the only way for him to be with the two people he loved completely was to move out. He felt the worst for Maria. Amy took their relationship like Maria had personally betrayed her. Kyle could understand Amy’s situation. She had been left by everyone in her life. Her parents gave up on her, and now two men that she knew as boys were taking the one thing she had from her. It was much harder to feel sorry for Amy, though, when she took a broom to my head, and smacked Max in the face.

Max’s parents took it the worst. Or, rather, Max’s dad took the relationship the worst. Kyle could still vividly remember the confrontation when the three of them told Philip and Diane about their relationship. Hurtful comments were thrown around the room. Four letter words screamed and much crying on the part of Maria. In the end, Philip had called Maria a slut, which almost made Kyle unhinge the man’s jaw, he called Kyle a fag, and told Max that if he ever steped foot in the house again, he was going to have him arrested.

After that, Isabel pretty much told her father to fuck off, and she stayed at Michael’s a lot.

As for Michael and Liz’s reaction to the new relationship, Kyle remembered how hard it had been for them. Understandably. He remembered Michael taking a swing at him, as well as Max. He remembered Liz calling Maria a bitch and a slut. But for some reason, Kyle didn’t get angry with them. Frustrated, sure, but not angry. As much as Kyle loved Max and Maria, he knew that were he in Michael or Liz’s posistion, he would have acted the same way. He had Max and Maria and he wasn’t going to let them go without one HELL of a fight.

But more to the point, this special Breakfast tradition reminded him of that summer because that was the summer the tradition had started. The three lovers had moved into an apartment just down the road from Michael’s and needless to say it needed to be broken in. By that, they needed to have sex in every room. It was tradition after all.

After the last box had been unpacked, Kyle was tired. He ploped down on their new couch and cracked open a coke. Max plopped down next to him and rested his hand high up on Kyle’s thigh. Kyle turned to him and smiled. It was amazing how the slightest touch from Max could fill him with a sense of calm.

Maria walked into the living room from the kitchen and looked at her two men. They were tired, but she wasn’t. Yes, she had been working all day like they had, but she was just getting her second wind and she was VERY horny. Plus, Maria was never one to argue with tradition. Especially when it called for mulitpul orgasms.

“Oh Boys!” she taunted as she began pulling her shirt over her head. Both men looked at the object of their affection and grinned. All thoughts of resting were forgotten as they made their way to the bed room.

“No!” Maria said firmly. “We have to make love in everyroom of the apartment. It’s tradition.” Kyle and Max looked at each other and then at Maria. Was she serious? Maria began unbuckling her pants. Apparently, she was very serious.

“Whatever you want, baby.” Kyle said taking Max’s hand and walking over to Maria. Max then pulled Kyle into a soul seering kiss that made him week in the knees.

Maria giggled and began undressing Kyle and Max, until all of them stood their in all of their glory. Kyle knew he would never get tired of his lovers. Even when they were old and grey he would find them as magnificent as the first time he laid eyes on them.

They started their sexcapade in the living room. Filling the room with grunts and moans, and “Oh Fuck!’s.” Over the next 2 hours the trio had managed to make love in all 6 rooms of their modest apartment including the half bathroom. Kyle to this day is amazed that they had pulled that one off.

They finished in the master bedroom where they collased together on the bed, limbs intertwined to the point that you could only tell which one’s belonged to who based on skin tone. Max’s deep and tan. Maria’s almost alabaster. Kyle’s pale and olive at the same time.

In the morning, Kyle, who was not a morning person to say the least, was awakened to the sound of Max and Maria skipping into his room with breakfast for the three of them to share in bed. Thus, the tradition began.

At the beginning of the relationship, it was an everyday occurance. Then, as lives evolved and got busier the special breakfasts got fewer and further between until the were no more.

One day after years of forgotten breakfasts in bed, and durning her toughest pregnacy, Maria burst into tears at the kitchn table. Immediately, Max and Kyle were alarmed. “What’s the matter, baby?” Kyle asked, concerned.

“We never have breakfast in bed anymore.” She cried, “I loved that. And now we don’t have enough time for it. What is happening to us?”

Kyle rubbed her back and said, “Honey, we just forgot about breakfast in bed, that’s all. But how about this. How about every anniversary, we have breakfast in bed? That way is can be special.” He said with a smile.

Max nodded in afermation. Maria stopped crying and looked at Max and Kyle. “Yeah, we should do that. But that isn’t to say that if we get the idea in our heads on a day that isn’t our anniversary, we cant have breakfast in bed, right?” she asked.

“Right,” Max answered, “We will make sure we have breakfast in bed every aniversary and the rest of the time it will be spur of the moment.” Maria smiled and kissed both Kyle and Max.

“I love you guys. Even if you two do want to keep me pregnate forever.” She said with a grin.

Coming back to the scene in front of him, Kyle smiled at Maria and Max. They were so beautiful. Even to this day. They were still as beautiful as always. They eat their breakfast together between fits of tickling and kissing. It was a wonder they ever got anything done with all the touching and cuddling.

But they were happy. 40 years of living together and they were still happy. Kyle felt very privlaged to know both of his lovers and he wouldn’t trade them for anything.


Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:19 am
by gnrkrystle
A/N: Thanks to everyone for being patient with me... i had to put this one on the back burner...but its tell me what you all think.

Chapter 2

Kyle stepped into the shower after the he, Max, and Maria took all morning to eat breakfast. Max walked into the kitchen and looked at Maria leafing through a familiar book. He smiled at her. It was the Soulmate and the Zodiac book. He shook his head and sat down next to his beautiful wife, wrapping his arm around her.

Maria looked up and Max and smiled. "Hey baby." she said. "Just checking out what moon we are in."

"And waht's the verdict?" Max asked.

"Scorpio." Maria said with a wicked grin.

"So, in other words we arn't getting out of bed for a week," Max said with a smile. He remembered when Maria first brought out that book. He laughed at the memory.

They had been officially bonded for 2 years. It was December of 2004. They three of them were sitting in the living room, and she pulled this book out of a Barnes and Noble bag. "Look what i got!" she said with bright eyes.

"What is it?" Max asked smiling at Maria's excitement.

"It's called the Soulmate and the Zodiac," Maria said. She had recentl gotten very into the Zodiac. Kyle growned. "Hey this si real." Maria said with a frown.

"Well what does it say about us?" Max asked, loving to endulge his little spit fire.

Maria leafed through the pages to each of thier individual profiles. "Hmmm. Well Max, you are a Cancer. So, you are a complex individual. You can be moody and closed off, but you are a passionate lover and a giver in bed." Maria said with a smirk as she read, "You care deeply about those you love and would do anything for them." she finished.

"I am a scorpio. It says i'm Passionate and artistic. Mysterious and Stubborn. The number 1 sexual sign, i love a good game of give and take in the bed. When i find somthing i don't like in a mate, i can tend to get angry and distant." Maria said frowning at that last part. That didn't sound good.

"Kyle, is a Taurus, the most stubborn sign. Practical and Logical. Stable and steady, emotionally selfish and slightly possesive. The number 2 most sexual sign. Open and honest, intolerant of intolerance." Maria read, smiling at how much it sounded jsut like Kyle.

"See, it's crap." Kyle siad leaning in and kissing Maria's neck then kissing Max on the lips.

"No it ISN"T!" Maria insisted with a huff. She turned a few more pages, "It has all the love matches in here. Lets see whats going on between the three of us. Cancer and Scorpio: Ok, we make a great match, the Cancer gives while the Scorpio is only too happy to recieve. The Cancer understands the Scorpio's mood swings. But when both signs are in a slum, beware. War can start. Usually the Scorpio wins in the end due to thier stubborn nature. Sex between these two will always be amazing due to the Scorpio's sexual nature and the Cancer's willingness to give a little." Maria read. "Hmmm, sound's prettg good." she said looking at Max. Kyle rolled his eyes behind maria's back.

"Now for You and Kyle" Maria said to Max. "Cancers and Taurus's work very well together. Cancers by nature are givers while Taurus's by nature can be selfish. This works out well in a Cancer/Taurus relationship. Taurus's will have a hard time relating to Cancers, though when they get reserved and moody. They will also get annoyed with a Cancer's lack of backbone at times. Conversly, Cancers with become agitated when provoked to argument by Taurus's and wont understand why a Taurus can be so unyeilding. Sex will be great and last for long periods of time, as both signs have great endurance sexually." maria siad. Well, that wasn't too bad.

"Ok, now lets do you and me." Maria said talking to Kyle. "Taurus and Scorpio: Both passionate signs. And very stubborn. You will but heads on many fundemental things, but if you keep love in your heart, you should be fine. The Scorpio is a somewhat fickle sign, and the Taurus can tend to be a homebody with a strict schedule. this can be a problem only if you make it one. Also, both signs love to argue, so be prepared," Maria and Max laughed at that. Kyle jsut frowned. "The good news is: Scorpio and Taurus sex is among the best and most passionate. The only match that could give it a run for it's money would be Two Scorpios. The sex will always be amaxing and never loose it's fire." maria said. "Hmmm, sounds pretty awesome."

"Well, except for the sex thing, i think its a load of crap." Kyle said with a grunt.

"It is not." Maria countered jutting out her bottom lip.

"We dont fight that much!" Kyle argued. Max bursted into laughter, no longet able to hold it in. "Stay out of this, Max." Kyle warned. Max kept his outh shut and watched the two in front of him.

"Look at us. We are fighting right now over the ZODIAC! Kyle." Maria said getting up and waiving her hands in the air like a crazy person.

Kyle stood up in front of her. "You dont honestly believe that crap do you? Signs and birthdates." Kyle scoffed.

"I do believe it. Look how accurate it is. Are you telling me you are not stubborn?" Maria countered.

"Not any more stubborn than anyone else dammit." Kyle yelled getting closer to Maria's face.

"You are unbelievable. YOu are the most stubborn man to ever exist on the PLANET...and probably any other." Maria screamed right back.

Just then, Kyle captured Maria's lips in his. She was hot when she was angry and hi got a charge out of arguing with her. But it didn't have anything to do with the zodiac. He'd be damned if he would conceed to that. Maria wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her. She wanted to argue with him more, but his kisses were too perfect.

"mmmm," Kyle moaned as he moved into her and pulled her flush to him.

"Uh HUH." Maria nodded as they made thier way to the bedroom. Max just watched. It was so funny to watch them go at it. Kyle and Maria would fight like cats and dogs sometimes, and it always ended the same. The best sex they both of them ever had. They loved each other and that was what was important. But at times they were like oil and water.

Max moved into the bedroom as well, to watch the show. Often the three would have individual sex with one anouther. It was just natural to want a one-on-one connection, but the other was always alowed to watch, adn while usualy they didn't, Max wanted to now.

He walked into the room as Maria was ripping off Kyle's boxers. They were both naked on the unmade bed. "I love you so much, baby." Kyle said bringing her mouth to his.

"I love you too, but you know i'm right." Maria said with a grin. Both of them stubborn as hell.

"Never." Kyle said with a laugh as he plunged into her.

"Oh Fuck!" Maria moaned feeling complete. Max kept his eyes on his two lovers. They were beautiful.

"Maria, baby..." Kyle moaned. And so it went on for nearly and hour. Those two really were the most sexually charged signs. Max has stamina, but he didn't have that kind of passion for hours. Max always wondered how Kyle and Maria did it. Even when they were all three together, Maria and Kyle were ready for more when Max passed out.

He shook his head smiling. Yep, those two could make a living out of fucking, but he was glad they didn't.

"Oh FUCK, KYLE i'm comming, baby. Come with me" Maria screamed as her walls consticted around Kyle.

"OHHHH MARIIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAA" Kyle moaned loudly as he came deep into her womb. That was the same night that Maxwell James Valenti-Evans was concieved.

MAx looked at his wife as she looked through the book today. It was hard to keep the smile off his face. They had had a good life together. Not completly without hardships, but they came through. And they had so much to show for it.


Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 2:51 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 3

"Happy Aniversary!" All four of Max, Maria, and Kyle's children greeted them on a conferance call later that morning.

"Aww, thanks." Maria said.

"How are things going with you guys." Max asked holding both of his lover's hands.

"Good, the kids are doing well in school." Isabella answered.

"I got a promotion at the firm." Kyle said.

"Not a lot, going on vacation in Tahiti in a few weeks," Maxwell said.

"My art for the primere is almost ready." Tess informed her parents.

"Well that's great." Max said.

"Yeah, i can't wait till you all come home for thanksgiving." Maria said.

"We miss you guys." Kyle told them.

After they were done catching up, Max, Maria, and Kyle hung up. "I miss them." Maria said snuggling into Max and Kyle.

"Me too," they both said.

"But its only a month till Thanksgiving." Kyle said.

"And a week until my birthday." Maria said with a grin. Birthdays were a big deal in the Valenti-Evans household. Maria could remember the first birthday she shared with Max and Kyle. It was amazing.

They had been living together for about 4 months. Maria was turning 19 and was very excited. She knew that her two lovers had somthing up thier sleves, but she didn't know what it was. When she woke up that morning and went to work, They weren't around. They had already left for wherever it was they had to be for the day.

She walked into the apartment with a sigh. She got off at 4:00 and it had been a long day at the Crashdown. She set her purse down in the chair and noticed a rose sitting on the coffee table. She smiled and picked it up and read the card attached.

My Dearest Maria,
Pick up the bag next to the couch and meet me in the bathroom.
Your Maxwell.

She smiled wider and spotted the bag Max was referring to. She picked it up as skipped down the hall to the large master bathroom. She pushed the door open and saw Max lighting candles all around the room. He turned around to see her and smiled brightly. "Hey, baby," he said motioning for her to come inside and close the door.

"What's this?" maria asked.

"A little birthday present for my birthday girl." Max said.

"Aww baby." Maria sais flinging her arms around his neck as she put down the bag. "So, where is Kyle?"

"His present is separate. This is just you and me." Max said.

"Ok, so what's in the bag?" Maria said picking it up again with one finger and waving it in his face.

"I thought we would have a bubble bath," Max said pulling out some Mr. Bubbles. "And i got some bath salts." he said taking those out. "And finally some incense," Max said pulling out a few sticks.

"Ohhh i love it," Maria said. "But dont you think we are a little overdressed for the bath?" she asked with a evil grin. Max jsut nodded as Maria pulled his shirt up over his head.

She kissed his chest gently before unbuckeling his belt and pulling down his zipper. He pushed Max's slacks down over his hips where they balled up at his feet. Max closed the gap between him and Maria stepping out of his pants, kicking them behing him.

"Your turn," Max said as he unbottoned Maria's shirt slowly and seductivly. Max always has a way of making every act sensual. After he pushed the shirt off her shoulders, he reached around her small frame and unzipped her skirt and as it fell to the floor, she kicked off her shoes. "You are so beautiful, Maria." Max said lovingly as he leaned down an brushed a kiss on her neck.

"So are you, baby." Maria said stepping into Max's embrace. She reached up and kissed his coller bone as he unsnapped her bra and let it fall to the floor with the rest of their clothes. Next he hooked his fingers in the side of her panties and pushed them down her legs. Maria returned the act by pulling Max's boxers off.

Max started the water and poured the bubble bath in, then he poured the bath salts into the water and lit the incense setting it on the bathroom counter.

Finally, Max took Maria's hand and stepped into the warm bath Maria joined him sitting inbetween his legs. She leaned back into Max's Strong chest. "I love you," she said. Max smiled and kissed her temple.

"I love you too. Happy birthday."

Maria felt Max's erection poking her in the back, "Hmmm, someone is a little frisky." she said knowing was she was already wet from being so close to her lover

"Always for you," max said kissing her deeply. His tounge jutted out and matted with hers. "But this isn't about me. It's about you." Max said with a smile as his hand slipped around Maria's middle and down to the apex of her thighs. He lightly rubbed her wet folds, just teasing her.

"Oh Max," She moaned quietly. Max gently slid a finger into her tight pussy as he lighly brushed her clit. "MMmm," she breathed archign into his hand. She threw her head back onto his shoulder and he bent down to kiss her pouty parted lips.

He slid another finger into her. He pumped them in and out of her faster as she moaned with pleasure. "Max, oh God." she cried. Sher couldn't stop from bucking into his hand. Her ass moved against his dick with every thrust. Max held back his moans. This was all about Maria. he could relive himself once she was with Kyle.

Now Max hd three fingers in Maria's tight passage and he was rubbing her clit with his thumb. "Oh Fuck, Dont Stop," Maria moaned loudly as her body began to spasm. "OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH GOOOOOOOOOD!" she screamed comming around max's fingers.

Max smiled in satisfaction at seeing the pure joy on Maria's beautiful face. "I love watching you come." he said.

"I lvoe when you make me come." Maria said with a laugh. "Thank you."

"My pleasure. Now let's get you nice and clean." Max said picking up the lufa and pouring Maria's favorite coconut bodywash into it. They cleaned each other completely between fits of kissing and touching.

When they were done, Max dried Maria off and wrapped her up in her huge bathrobe. "Ok, Now, you go into the bedroom and there should be a suprise waiting for you." Max said with a smirk.

"You arn't comming?"

"No, i need to take care of this," he said pointing to his massive erection, "besides, the suprise is not for me."

Maria nodded and smiled kissing Max on the cheek. She walked out of the bathroom and down the hall to the bedroom, when she entered, she smiled at Kyle laying on the bed in only his boxers. "So are you my next suprise?" Maria said sitting on the bed next to Kyle.

"YEha, you approve?" he asked in a fake concerned voice.

"Oh baby, i totally aprove," she said leaning down and capturing his mouth in hers.

"MMm, So how about i give you my present now." Kyle said.

"Ohh what it is?" Maria asked excitedly. She was hopping it was somthing like the one Max had jsut given her.

"A little back massage?" Kyle said taking out Maria's favorite massage oil.

"Oh, you are a god" maria said orgasmically.

"Why thank you. Turn over baby, i'll do your back first." Kyle said. maria undid her robe and let it fall from her shoulders. she climbed onto the bed and lay down on her stomach. Kyle straddled her ass and squeezed some oil into his hand. With long sensual strokes he worked the oil into her back.

"Baby, did you have a tough day?" he asked she felt the knots in her back. He worked them out one by one.

"Yeah, it was busy." maria said in a moan. Kyle's fingers on her felt so good. "That feels so good." she said.

Kyle smiled at her as he continued to work. When he finished her back he flipped around and began messaging her legs. He worked his was up until he was at her upper thighes. He chuckled as her sharp intake of breath as he lightly ran a finger across her wet folds.

"Time to turn over," he said. Maria's eyes fluttered open and she turned over. Kyle massaged her this time from the side. He started with her arms and moved to her stomach, then to her breasts, paying them special attention.

"MMmmm, Kyle." she breathed, her eyes screwed shit. She felt his hands leave her and his weight move to the edge of the bed. he pick one foot up and worked it over in his hands. Then the other. He moved up her legs slowly. maria could feel her pussy grow wetter and wetter the closer her lover got to it.

Finally he reached his destination. He parted Maria's legs wide and moved inbetween them so that his head was placed right in front of her dripping wet core. "Kyle, please." Maria begged as she felt his breath on her skin. she opened her eyes to look at him as he darted his tounge out and tasted her. "Oh Yessss," she kissed.

Kyle licked her harder and faster finally being his hand into the equation, as he plunched two finger hard into ehr. "Oh Fuck Kyle." Maria moaned, thrashing on the bed. He contiued to lic, suck and nibble her clit. It was almost more thans he could bear. "OhhH God, Kyle...Make me come." she moaned louder.

Kyle thrust his fingers into her hader and harder until finally he felt Maria's walls flutter around his fingers. Her remvoed them and stuck his tounf deep into her pussy while lightly flicking her clit. Maria srched her back and came hard, while Kyle drank up her delicious juices. "Ohhh FUCK! Yeah. UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Maria screamed.

Kyle moved up the bed next to her as she come down from her high. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her next to him. He was hard, but that could wait. He loved watching maria come down from her orgasmic high. She was so beautiful and flushed. "I love you," Maria said.

"i love you too. What do you say we get Max in here and finish this birthday party together." Kyle asked.

"Max!" Maria yelled from the bed room. Within minutes was in the bed next to them. They all lay there naked, legs intertwined.

That night they made love over and over again. Together. That was the way it was on their birthdays. They always spent some one-on-one time with each other then the whole night together. stamina was becomming and issue as they got on in years, but they still managed to keep going until the wee hours of the morning.

Maria smiled at the thought. it wasn't long until her birthday. It was going to be one hell of a ride as usual.


Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 7:14 pm
by gnrkrystle
A/N: Thank you everyone for being patient with me...I heart you is anouther chapter...its been really busy around here...finals and papers and what i'm glad you are all still being patient with me...i hope you enjoy :)

Chapter 4

Maria got up from the Kitchen table with a sigh. "Alright. i'm going to go get Tess and Isabel. You guys behave." Maria said with a grin.

"Bring them back here after the movie." Max said. "They havn't been by in months."

"Where's Alex and Jesse?" Kyle asked getting up to kiss his wife.

"It's a girls day, by we can swing by and pick them up on the way back here." Maria offered.

"Cool." Kyle said, then Maria walked out the door. "So, what do you want to do?" Kyle said to Max with a wink.

"Oh, i've got some ideas." Max said pulling his lover into a warm embrace.

Kyle smiled and pulled Max down on the couch with him. "Hey, you remember the first time we were together, just the two of us." he asked.

"Ha. Of course i remember i was scared to death." Max said snuggling into Kyle.

"Yeah me too." Kyle said thinking back to the first time he and Max made love to each other.

It was the end of thier senior year. Maria, Kyle and Max had been together several times, but Kyle and Max had never worked up the courage to be together completely, nor alone. They made out a lot, and engaged in some heavy petting, and at this point, they were screaming to be together.

Finally, Kyle took the bull by the horns and went to Max's house one night when the Evans' were out of town and Maria was in LasCruses with Isabel and Jesse.

Kyle nervously knocked on the front door and stood there impatiently waiting for Max. When Max answered he smiled and pulled Kyle into a soul searing kiss. "What are you doing here?" Max asked taking Kyle's hand.

"I uhhh..." Kyle started, not really able to say what he wanted.

"What is it?" Max asked. He was stratin to get worried. Kyle was acting strange.

"It's just. I want to be with you." Kyle blurted out.

"Well you are with me. This is a nice suprise." Max said, not getting Kyle's meaning.

"No, i mena i want to be with you. I want to make love to you, Max." Kyle said with more confidence.

Max looked at Kyle and smiled. "I want that too, i'm just kinda nervous." Max said. Kyle smiled back at him and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"Me too." he said moving in closer to kiss Max more deeply. Max's hands came up Kyle's chest ans nestled in his hair. Kyle's hands were busy running up and down Max's back. "Mmmm, max." he moaned as Max scraped his nails against Kyle's scalp.

Max and Kyle were both nervous. This was a huge step. There was no going back after this. And this act would make thier bisexuality official. It wasn't as if they were unsure of thier love for each other. IT was just that making love would cement it. And having been straight thier whole lives, and growing up in a homophobic world, all of this change was nerve wrecking.

"You know...go upstairs?" Max asked, wide eyes.

"Uh huh." Kyle said nervously, but sure. Max took his hand and led him up the stairs. Kyle took a deep breath before entering his room. Then he stopped Max before they reached the bed. "Max, i want you to know that i love you." Kyle said.

Max smiled. "I love you too." He squeezed Kyle's hand and they sat down on the bed together. Max looked into Kyle's eyes and they lost themseves in each other. "Let's just take this slow." he said.

"OK," Kyle said with a sweet smile as he leaned in and kissed Max sweetly. The kiss quickly turned passionate as Max slipped is toung into Kyle's mouth hungrily. He leaned back on the bed as Kyle moved on top of him. "You are so beautiful." Kyle breathed in between hot kisses.

"So are you." Max said as he hesitantly pulled at the hem of Kyle's tee-shirt. His fingers made light circles on Kyle's abdomen. Kyle grinned against his mouth. He knew what Max wanted, so he decided to help him out. He pulled his shirt off his body and threw it on the other side of Max's immacualte room.

Max grinned at Kyle and took of his own shirt, then they went back to kissing each other. Kyle's hands romed Max's chest, feeling his hard muscles under his fingers. His skin was so soft, but his muscles were so hard. It was an amazing sensation.

Max was doing the same thing, but he was a little bolder, suprisingly. He was beginning to unbuckle Kyle's belt as thier kisses heated up. Kyle moaned into Max's mouth and finally Max freed him oh his belt.

Kyle pushed his hands into the front of Max's sweatpants. He took a hold of Max's aching erection. Slowly he began pumping Max, lightly. "Oh God Kyle." Max moaned, rolling his hed back. "That feels good!"

Max kissed Kyle deeper and unbuttoned and unzipped his lover's pants. He gently pulled them off of Kyle before removing his own pants. Now they were both clad in only thier boxers. Max breathed in a shakey breather before reaching into Kyle's boxers and pumping him the same way that Kyle had done to him. "Oh Max!" Kyle hissed.

They both fucked each other's hands with ugency as they panted heavily into each other's mouths between searing kisses. Max's breath hitched as he felt his climax approaching and he pumped Kyle faster to ensure that he was right there with him. "Oh Fuck." Kyle moaned as he felt his balls tighten.

Seconds later both Max and Kyle shot thier seed into each other's hands. They pressed thier forheads together and caught they breath. "Where." max said as he came down form his orgasmic high.

"Yeah, you can say that again. How about we take these off," Kyle said with a grin as he motioned to thier boxers. Quickly, they peeled off they last remaing barrier and laid there for a few moments in a tight embrace.

"I want you, Kyle," Max said looking into the shorter man's eyes. He could see anxiety on his lovers have and he knew that Kyle wanted the same thing, it was jsut a big step for them.

"I want you too." Kyle said as he brushed some stray hairs out of Max's face. He kissed him hard as he moved up Max's body. "How do you want to do this?" Kyle asked, not really knowing what to do.

"I want you inside me." Max breathed as he looking into Kyle's eyes and soul. Kyle's cock jumped at the implication. He smiled and kissed Max again.

"Ok, baby." he said. Max turned slightly and reached into his bedside stand, pulling out a bottle of lube. He handed it to Kyle who cocked and eyebrow at him.

"I got it a few weeks know, jsut in case." Max said looking down. Kyle placed a finger under Max's chin to make him look up.

"You dont have to explain anything. I'm gald you were thinking, i didn't think of it." he said as he kissed Max's chest lightly.

"Where do you want me." Max asked.

"Just like this. i want to look at you." Kyle said as he settled in between Max's legs. He lifted his lover's legs on his arms and squeezed some lube into his hand.

First Kyle entered a finger cautiously into Max's virgin hole. Max hissed at the sensation. Kyle then lubed up is already aching cock. Max's cock was stiff as well, pressing aginst his stomach. As Kyle took his own cock in his hand, he pressed it to the openeing of Max's ass.

Slowly, Kyle began to move into Max. He felt Mac tense up as he entered him. He stopped himself and took Max's hand. "Relax baby, i've got you." he said. It was all he coudl do to stay slow when entering his lover. Max's ass was so tight and felt so good around his cock, but he didn't want to hurt him. Finally, Max was relaxed and Kyle was all the way sheathed. He stayed there to allow Max to get accustomed to him. Within minutes, Max began to move into Kyle.

Kyle took that as he cue to move. He slowly moved out and then thrust back into Max. "Oh Kyle." Max moaned.

"You are so fucking tight, Max." Kyle breathed as he picked up his pace slightly. He bucked into Max with more force, still mindful off that fact that his action might hurt his beloved.

Max was in heaven as each of Kyle's thrusts hit his prostate. "Oh god, right there baby." Max moaned as he pulled Kyle down in a kiss. Kyle continued to fuck Max as thier toungs mated that way thier lower bodies were. "Oh fuck, Max." Kyle moaned, feeling himself reach his breaking point.

Kyle took Max's aching cock into his hand and began pumping him in rhythm with his own thrusts. "FUUUUUUUUUUUCKK KYLE!" Max screamed as he felt his balls constrict.

Max's ass constricted around Kyle as he came, triggering Kyle's release. "Oh Baby. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD MMMMMMMMMMMM FUCK!" he screamed as he shot his load deep in Max's wanting ass.

Kyle removed himself from Max and rolled onto the bed, unable to keep himself up anylonger. He pulled Max into a warm, naked embrace. "That was amazing." he said breathlessly.

"You have no idea." Max said drowsily.

"Hey, Max. Tomorrow, con we do this again, only i want you inside me?" Kyle asked.

"Of course." Max said. as they fell asleep. They next morning, they rose early and continued thier matinf ritual. When Maria came to Max's house the next day she found them in bed together and with a smile on her face she joined them. They were truely mated.


"I love you," Max said as her rolled over next to his lover of 40 years.

" I love you too." Kyle returned. "But i think we need to shower again." he said with a grin.


Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 7:17 pm
by gnrkrystle
A/N: Thank you everyone for being patient with me...I heart you is anouther chapter...its been really busy around here...finals and papers and what i'm glad you are all still being patient with me...i hope you enjoy :)

Chapter 4

Maria got up from the Kitchen table with a sigh. "Alright. i'm going to go get Tess and Isabel. You guys behave." Maria said with a grin.

"Bring them back here after the movie." Max said. "They havn't been by in months."

"Where's Alex and Jesse?" Kyle asked getting up to kiss his wife.

"It's a girls day, by we can swing by and pick them up on the way back here." Maria offered.

"Cool." Kyle said, then Maria walked out the door. "So, what do you want to do?" Kyle said to Max with a wink.

"Oh, i've got some ideas." Max said pulling his lover into a warm embrace.

Kyle smiled and pulled Max down on the couch with him. "Hey, you remember the first time we were together, just the two of us." he asked.

"Ha. Of course i remember i was scared to death." Max said snuggling into Kyle.

"Yeah me too." Kyle said thinking back to the first time he and Max made love to each other.

It was the end of thier senior year. Maria, Kyle and Max had been together several times, but Kyle and Max had never worked up the courage to be together completely, nor alone. They made out a lot, and engaged in some heavy petting, and at this point, they were screaming to be together.

Finally, Kyle took the bull by the horns and went to Max's house one night when the Evans' were out of town and Maria was in LasCruses with Isabel and Jesse.

Kyle nervously knocked on the front door and stood there impatiently waiting for Max. When Max answered he smiled and pulled Kyle into a soul searing kiss. "What are you doing here?" Max asked taking Kyle's hand.

"I uhhh..." Kyle started, not really able to say what he wanted.

"What is it?" Max asked. He was stratin to get worried. Kyle was acting strange.

"It's just. I want to be with you." Kyle blurted out.

"Well you are with me. This is a nice suprise." Max said, not getting Kyle's meaning.

"No, i mena i want to be with you. I want to make love to you, Max." Kyle said with more confidence.

Max looked at Kyle and smiled. "I want that too, i'm just kinda nervous." Max said. Kyle smiled back at him and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"Me too." he said moving in closer to kiss Max more deeply. Max's hands came up Kyle's chest ans nestled in his hair. Kyle's hands were busy running up and down Max's back. "Mmmm, max." he moaned as Max scraped his nails against Kyle's scalp.

Max and Kyle were both nervous. This was a huge step. There was no going back after this. And this act would make thier bisexuality official. It wasn't as if they were unsure of thier love for each other. IT was just that making love would cement it. And having been straight thier whole lives, and growing up in a homophobic world, all of this change was nerve wrecking.

"You know...go upstairs?" Max asked, wide eyes.

"Uh huh." Kyle said nervously, but sure. Max took his hand and led him up the stairs. Kyle took a deep breath before entering his room. Then he stopped Max before they reached the bed. "Max, i want you to know that i love you." Kyle said.

Max smiled. "I love you too." He squeezed Kyle's hand and they sat down on the bed together. Max looked into Kyle's eyes and they lost themseves in each other. "Let's just take this slow." he said.

"OK," Kyle said with a sweet smile as he leaned in and kissed Max sweetly. The kiss quickly turned passionate as Max slipped is toung into Kyle's mouth hungrily. He leaned back on the bed as Kyle moved on top of him. "You are so beautiful." Kyle breathed in between hot kisses.

"So are you." Max said as he hesitantly pulled at the hem of Kyle's tee-shirt. His fingers made light circles on Kyle's abdomen. Kyle grinned against his mouth. He knew what Max wanted, so he decided to help him out. He pulled his shirt off his body and threw it on the other side of Max's immacualte room.

Max grinned at Kyle and took of his own shirt, then they went back to kissing each other. Kyle's hands romed Max's chest, feeling his hard muscles under his fingers. His skin was so soft, but his muscles were so hard. It was an amazing sensation.

Max was doing the same thing, but he was a little bolder, suprisingly. He was beginning to unbuckle Kyle's belt as thier kisses heated up. Kyle moaned into Max's mouth and finally Max freed him oh his belt.

Kyle pushed his hands into the front of Max's sweatpants. He took a hold of Max's aching erection. Slowly he began pumping Max, lightly. "Oh God Kyle." Max moaned, rolling his hed back. "That feels good!"

Max kissed Kyle deeper and unbuttoned and unzipped his lover's pants. He gently pulled them off of Kyle before removing his own pants. Now they were both clad in only thier boxers. Max breathed in a shakey breather before reaching into Kyle's boxers and pumping him the same way that Kyle had done to him. "Oh Max!" Kyle hissed.

They both fucked each other's hands with ugency as they panted heavily into each other's mouths between searing kisses. Max's breath hitched as he felt his climax approaching and he pumped Kyle faster to ensure that he was right there with him. "Oh Fuck." Kyle moaned as he felt his balls tighten.

Seconds later both Max and Kyle shot thier seed into each other's hands. They pressed thier forheads together and caught they breath. "Where." max said as he came down form his orgasmic high.

"Yeah, you can say that again. How about we take these off," Kyle said with a grin as he motioned to thier boxers. Quickly, they peeled off they last remaing barrier and laid there for a few moments in a tight embrace.

"I want you, Kyle," Max said looking into the shorter man's eyes. He could see anxiety on his lovers have and he knew that Kyle wanted the same thing, it was jsut a big step for them.

"I want you too." Kyle said as he brushed some stray hairs out of Max's face. He kissed him hard as he moved up Max's body. "How do you want to do this?" Kyle asked, not really knowing what to do.

"I want you inside me." Max breathed as he looking into Kyle's eyes and soul. Kyle's cock jumped at the implication. He smiled and kissed Max again.

"Ok, baby." he said. Max turned slightly and reached into his bedside stand, pulling out a bottle of lube. He handed it to Kyle who cocked and eyebrow at him.

"I got it a few weeks know, jsut in case." Max said looking down. Kyle placed a finger under Max's chin to make him look up.

"You dont have to explain anything. I'm gald you were thinking, i didn't think of it." he said as he kissed Max's chest lightly.

"Where do you want me." Max asked.

"Just like this. i want to look at you." Kyle said as he settled in between Max's legs. He lifted his lover's legs on his arms and squeezed some lube into his hand.

First Kyle entered a finger cautiously into Max's virgin hole. Max hissed at the sensation. Kyle then lubed up is already aching cock. Max's cock was stiff as well, pressing aginst his stomach. As Kyle took his own cock in his hand, he pressed it to the openeing of Max's ass.

Slowly, Kyle began to move into Max. He felt Mac tense up as he entered him. He stopped himself and took Max's hand. "Relax baby, i've got you." he said. It was all he coudl do to stay slow when entering his lover. Max's ass was so tight and felt so good around his cock, but he didn't want to hurt him. Finally, Max was relaxed and Kyle was all the way sheathed. He stayed there to allow Max to get accustomed to him. Within minutes, Max began to move into Kyle.

Kyle took that as he cue to move. He slowly moved out and then thrust back into Max. "Oh Kyle." Max moaned.

"You are so fucking tight, Max." Kyle breathed as he picked up his pace slightly. He bucked into Max with more force, still mindful off that fact that his action might hurt his beloved.

Max was in heaven as each of Kyle's thrusts hit his prostate. "Oh god, right there baby." Max moaned as he pulled Kyle down in a kiss. Kyle continued to fuck Max as thier toungs mated that way thier lower bodies were. "Oh fuck, Max." Kyle moaned, feeling himself reach his breaking point.

Kyle took Max's aching cock into his hand and began pumping him in rhythm with his own thrusts. "FUUUUUUUUUUUCKK KYLE!" Max screamed as he felt his balls constrict.

Max's ass constricted around Kyle as he came, triggering Kyle's release. "Oh Baby. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD MMMMMMMMMMMM FUCK!" he screamed as he shot his load deep in Max's wanting ass.

Kyle removed himself from Max and rolled onto the bed, unable to keep himself up anylonger. He pulled Max into a warm, naked embrace. "That was amazing." he said breathlessly.

"You have no idea." Max said drowsily.

"Hey, Max. Tomorrow, con we do this again, only i want you inside me?" Kyle asked.

"Of course." Max said. as they fell asleep. They next morning, they rose early and continued thier matinf ritual. When Maria came to Max's house the next day she found them in bed together and with a smile on her face she joined them. They were truely mated.


"I love you," Max said as her rolled over next to his lover of 40 years.

" I love you too." Kyle returned. "But i think we need to shower again." he said with a grin.


Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 6:47 pm
by gnrkrystle
A/N: Thank you guys for the feedback...hope you like this chapter

Chapter 5a

When Maria got back to the house, she had Isabel and Tess with her. "Hey, girls." Max greeted.

"Didn't get into any trouble did you?" Kyle asked.

"Not really," Tess answered.

"Of course we did meet some biker guys, and let them drive us to Lax Caruces and back." maria siad with a wink.

"Ha Ha, very funny." Kyle said as Isabel and Tess tried to control thier laughter.

"You guys. Married for 40 years and you are still a disgustingly in love as ever." Isabel said.

"You're one to talk, Mrs. Whitman." Maria said. Isabel quickly shut her mouth, knowing that Maria had a point. "So, what are we doing?" Maria asked

"We can't really stay," Isabel said.

"Yeah, i got to get home, but we wanted to come by and see Max and Kyle." Tess explained.

"Ok, well it was nice seeing both of you. Drive safe." Max said hugging his sister and good friend.

"Later girls." kyle said wrapping them in a brotherly embrace. Then he turned back to Maria and MAx and smiled. God, he loved his family.

"Let's get out the photo album!" Maria said with sparking eyes. Kyle and Max rolled thier eyes but nodded. Maria sometimes got into these nostalgic moods.

She got up and quickly grabbed one of thier many photo albums. Slowly they flipped through the pages. Some were completely made up of pictures. Other pages held news clippings of thier lives and the lives of thier children.

On page in the middle Maria stopped on. "You remember that?" Maria asked her lovers pointing at a news clipping. The headline read, 'Unorthdox Threesome Cause PTA Uprising'. Max and Kyle nodded solomnly. They remembered that. That whole ordeal sucked.

It was right when little Maxwell entered the 2nd grade. Maria, Max and Kyle had just moved into thier house, having anouther baby and one on the way, the apartment was just too small. Max had started a new school after the move in a more rural area.

One day, about a week or two into the school year, Max ran off the bus and into the house crying. Immediatly, Maria wrapped him in her arms. "What's wrong baby?" she asked.

He looked up at his mother, tears still streaming down his face. "Why do i have two daddies and everyone else only has one?" he asked. It broke Maria's heart. She knew that this was comming at some point. She just hadn't expected it in the 2nd grade. Then against this was the suburbs, and people had a tendancy to be closed-minded in the suburbs.

"Awww, baby, You have two daddies becuase..." how the hell was she supposed to answere that question for a 7 year old? "How about we get your daddies to come home and we can all talk about it? OK?" Maria said.

Little Max nodded his head. "Ok," he said, his tears beginning to dry. When Maria told Max and Kyle what had happened, they rushed home immediatly. They didn't know how to answere thier son's question any better than Maria, but they didn't think she should have to try to answere it alone.

"Max," Kyle began, "Me, and daddy Max, and Mommy all love each other very much. We all created you, so we are all your parents. A lot of kids only have one daddy, but you get to have two. Thats a good thing." he tried to explain.

"Yeah, you get tripple the love." max said.

"I know that," little Max answered with a huff. It made Maria smirk. "But the other kids in school make fun of me. They said that i'm weird. They never leave me alone."

Maria's smile was gone. Her heart broke for her son. But she snapped out of his when she heard Isabell waking from her nap. "I'm comming," she called to her daughter who could not understand her anyway.

Max and Kyle turned back to little Max. "I love you guys," little Max said.

"We love you too." Kyle and Max said wrapping thier son in a hug.

"What you need to do is just not listen to those kids who make fun of you." Kyle said. "Remember that we love you."

"Yeah, just ignore them." Max said. He didn't knwo if it would work, but he also didnt know what else to say.


The next day, little Max came running in the house crying again, only this time he was bleeding from the lip. "Oh My God," Maria cried when she said him. "What happened, baby." she asked scooping her child into her arms.

"They hit me." Max said chocking on his tears.

"Who hit yow, Sweetie?" Maria said trying to control her rage.

"The kids on the bus. I tried to ignore them, mommy. But they knocked my books out of my hand and hit me." Max cried. Maria held her son close to her.

"It will be ok. mommy will take care of it." she promise. She cleaned his lip and tucked him in for a nap. He ahd tired himself out from crying so much.

When Kyle got home, he could see that Maria was shaken. "What is wrong?" he asked wrapping his arms tightly around his pregnant wife.

"They hit him, Kyle. The Kids on the but hit my baby." She cried.

"Is he ok?" Kyle asked just as Max walked through the door with a smile on his face. His expression fell the minute he saw Kyle and Maria.

"What's wrong?"

"Little Max was hit at school." Kyle summed up for him.

"What? Who?" Max asked, steaming.

"The kids on the bus. I'm going to go down to the school first thing tomororw and get this straightened up." maria resloved.

"How is Max?" Max Sr. asked.

"He is ok. They busted his lip, and it hurts, but he will be ok." Maria said with tears in her eyes. "Why are they doing this." she asked. "Can't people jsut leave our children out of it."

"It will be ok." Max promised.

"Yeah, we will get it straightened out," Kyle said.


The next day, Maria left Isabel with the nice lady next door, and took Max to school. She held his little hand as she walked him to his class-room. His teacher gave her a strange look when she kissed little Max goodbye and told him to be good, then started to approach the teacher's desk.

"Can i help you, Mrs. Valenti-Evans?" The teacher asked shortly.

"Yes, i would like to talk to you about my son's safty. He was physically asulted on the bus yesterday." Maria explained, not to happy about the woman's curt attitude in front of her.

"Well, i'm sorry to hear that, but i really have no control over what happens on the bus." The woman said.

"I understand that," maria said and then paused before she began to scream, "But you see, he told me that kids were making fun of him in class. I just wanted to come in here and ask that you keep an eye on the situation." Maria said.

"Well, i can try, but i really think you need to talk this up with the principal." the teacher said.

Maria saw red. "Alright, Ms. Hill, but i sincerly hope you do a little more than TRY to protect my son. It's not as if the workload you give these children is overly strenuous. I think you can handle it. After all, it is your JOB!" Maria said with a huff, then turned on her heel and walked out of the room and down the hall to the principal's office.


"I understand that you are upset, Mrs. Valenti-Evans, but i do not know what to tell you. Sometimes, kids will be kids." Principal Eaton said to a fuming Maria. She stopped pacing his office and turned to him.

"Kids will be kids? Are you honestly using that as an excuse for your disregaurd of my child's safty?!" Maria yelled.

"No, i'm simply saying that some of these things are character building. I mean, what do you expect. This town is almost 100% good christian families." The principal answered. It was all Maria could do to not punch that man square in the face.

"I'll be taking this to the PTA." Maria said as she took some calming breathes. "And please, if it is not too much trouble, can you see that my child comes home from school today without any blood seeping from his body?!" Maria yelled and walked out the door. She couldnt stay their any longer. She was getting madder by the minute and that wasn't good for the baby.


Two days later was the night of the PTA meeting. Maria had hired a babysitter and Kyle and Max were just finishing thier dinner before they left. "Now, Maria, I want you to try and stay calm." Max said.

"It isn't good for the baby for you to get worked up," Kyle explained.

"I know. but these people are rediculous. Builds Character?!? Are you kidding me?" she said throwing her hands up in the air. "Good Christian families," she mocked, "these people are pathetic."

"I know." Max said. He hated these people. But he hated seeing Maria upset too. He wished they could just go in, talk to the PTA and make them see that little Max's safty was part of the school's job, but he had a feeling that it was not goign to be that easy in this conservative town.

"Alright, let's go." Kyle said. He was just as upset as Maria, but he wanted her to stay calm. It was kind of hard to keep Hurricaine DeLuca under wraps, though, he he knew that. They would just have to see how things went down at the PTA meeting.


A/N: Pt. 5b will be up soon

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 4:15 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 5b

When Maria, Max, and Kyle walked into the gym for the PTA meeting, they were suprised to see how crowded it was. "Jeez, there are alot of people here." Maria said.

All eyes focuse on the threesome as they walked in the door. No one looked at them in a friendly manner. "What the hell is going on?" Kyle asked out loud.

"Ok. Ok. OK, it's time to start the meeting." Principal Eaton said into the microphone at the front of the gym. All the people began to calm down and take thier seats. Maria, Max, and Kyle sat down in the back.

"Now, first things first." Mr. Eaton started, "Are there any issues that you would like to discuss tonight?" Maria smiled and began to raise her hand, but before she could another parent had already stepped up to the mike. She sat back, willing to wait.

"Hi, My name is Bobby Mason. My son is in the 2nd grade, and i have a problem." he said angrily. Maria, Max, and Kyle wondered what had this man so upset. "I don't want my child in the same class with thier child," the stout man at the microphone said pointing at Maria, Max and Kyle.

The three of them looked at each other confused, then back to the man at the mike, as his wife joined him at the podium. "It ain't right." he said loudly into the microphone and his wife stroked his chest.

Kyle stood up and yelled back, "Are you kidding?"

Mr. Eaton approached the mike. "Let's all take turns. You will get your chance to speak, Mr. Valenti." he assured.

"That's Mr. Valenti-Evans." Kyle corrected as he allowed Maria to pull him back down to his seat. She kissed him gently on the lips, as she, Kyle, and Max held hends tightly.

"It isn't right. Thier heathen ways will rub off on our children. Now, i did not raise my child to be a good christian, just to go off and become butt-buddies with some guy and the whore of the county." Bobby Mason went on.

"You should be ashamed of yourselves, bringing a poor child into that." Mrs. Mason said with disgust.

When the Mason's time was up, nearly 15 other couples came to the mike to tell Maria, Max, and Kyle how they felt about them. "You're nothin' but a whore," One woman said. "You just couldn't choose." she accused.

Maria was holding back tears. She wasn't going to let these people see her cry.

"I saw those two," One guys saud pointing at Max and Kyle. "They were kissing. Right in broad daylight. For any child to see. That shouldn't be aloud at our children's school." he said.

"Is it our turn to speak?" Maria asked finally. Mr. Eaton knew that this PTA meeting was getting out of hand, so he nodded, allowing Maria, max, and Kyle to say thier piece.

They slowly made thier way to the podium, with people around them booing and hissing. As they got to the mike, They waited for the croud to quiet, which they finally did, but not as quickly as they had before.

"Look," Max started, "The reason we came here tonight, was that our son was assulted on the school bus. We thought maybe if we got the parents together, they would stand up for the safty of our children. Well, apparently we were wrong. When my precious son came home crying becuase the kids in his class were making fun of him, i couldn't fathom 7 year olds being so cruel, but now i see why. Thier parents are hate mongers." Max said with anger in his eyes. Both Kyle and Maria laid a calming hand on Max's shoulder.

Then Kyle spoke. "First of all, i do not understand your hate. But ok, you hate us, but how is it ok for you to punish our children because of your feelings about us. You don't like our life choices, fine. I dont really care, and we arn't asking you to join into our family life. But safty is somthing that this school is required to offer our child, and we will fight for it. Little Max should be able to go to school and get and education without red-neck brainwashed children ruining it for them." He said as calmly as he could.

"Look, I'm a mother, like many of you. I love my family. I love my children, and i know that if the script were flipped, you would want ME to understand you. You all think i'm a whore, i dont really care. I know i'm not. But this behavior toward my child will not continue, if i have to take the school to court, that's what i'll do. So think about what is more important to you. Continuing to be small minded ass-holes, or remembering that school is a place that everyone has the right to learn. I know what JEsus would do, the question is what would you wanna be christians do." Maria said.

They stepped away from the mike and walked out of the gym. They didn't need to hear any more. They had enough. They had pretty much decided thier next course of action while they were sitting in the gym listening to the hatred and prejudice comming out of the mouths of thier son's classmate's parents.

"As much as i want to take those ass-holes to court," Max started as he paced thier living room, "We've got to put the kids in private school, in a real city."

"I know. It's the only way. These people are just too small minded." Maria said.

"Well, i guess we better look for a bigger city." Kyle said, "Cuase, Roswell just wont cut it."

"Sante Fe, we have to move to Sante Fe." Maria said.

Two weeks later, they found a huge house in Sante Fe and a wonderful Provate school for the kids. They all three hated giving up, but this was one of those situations where it was better to give up, than put thier children in harms way.

Maria, Max, and Kyle came back to the present. "Yeah, that was quite interesting. Who would have thought that 40 years later, Roswell now host's thier own gay rights festival." Kyle said, as he leaned into Max and kissed him before kissing Maria.

They laughed and smiled thinking about it. Actually, ironically, about 10 years after that PTA meeting, Isabel called the threesome to tell them that Bobby Mason left his wife for his secretary...his male secretary.


Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 7:26 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 6

Maria, Max, and Kyle leafed through a few more pages in the precious scrapbook. “Hmmm,” Maria said sighing. “We’ve had a pretty good life, havn’t we?” she said with a smile.

“Yes, we have,” Max said warmly.

“It’s been a hell of a ride,” Kyle said kissing his lovers. He spotted a picture and pointed at it and said, “Oh, how did THOSE get in there?” he asked with wide eyes. The picture was one from their private collection. It was one that Max must have taken of Maria and Kyle mid thrust while making love.

Maria giggled, “I’m not sure. I wonder if the kids have seen this.” She laughed.

“I hope not,” Kyle said turning red. Max laughed at him.

“Oh, common, they know we have sex,” Max said.

“Yeah, but it isn’t like I want to advertise it. Though, I have to say that my ass looked really good in that picture,” he said cocking his head to get a better look at himself.

“You ass still looks good, baby.” Max said nibbling Kyle’s ear.

“Oh My God! Do you remember when you wanted to become a director?” Maria said to Max. “We got that digital video camera, and man did we have fun with that. I think you could have defiantly broken into the porn industry.” She teased.

Kyle laughed at the memory. He remembered that. They spent, like, a month in bed when they weren’t feeding the baby and going to work. His mind rolled back to the year the all turned 21. It was early spring of 2005 and Max had a new obsession. He wanted to be a director in his spare time.

Kyle and Maria had gone out and bought him a top of the line digital video camera. They were so excited for him to get home so he could open it.

When they heard him walk through the door and set down his books, they skipped into the living room to greet him. “Oh God, what did you two do?” Max asked with a chuckle as he looked at his two lovers. They must be trying to butter him up for something.

“Nothing,” Maria said faking hurt. “We have a supise for you,” she said grinning and leading him back to the bed room.

Kyle wrapped his arms around Max’s waist and squeezed him tight. Max’s face lit up when he saw the new camera they had gotten him. “Oh My God!” he said. “This is so awesome, he said picking the camera up off the tripod it was sitting on.

Maria and Kyle smiled at each other. “We thought you would like it.” Maria said. “And we thought you could try it out,” she said with an evil gleam in her eyes. She and Kyle had decided that there would be nothing hotter than fucking each other on camera while Max directed.

Max’s cock jumped at the implication. “Oh baby,” he said attacking Maria’s mouth, and then Kyle’s. “Let me just figure this camera out really quick and I’m there,” he said.

Maria and Kyle hopped on the bed and watched as their beautiful husband played this his new toy, and they didn’t have to wait long before Max said, “Ok, I’m ready.” He said.

“Alright, give us a little direction.” Maria said teasing Max. Kyle looked at her, rolled his eyes and then began attacking her mouth with his. “Mmmm,” she moaned leaning back against the pillows on their king-sized bed. Max, watched the two in his camera and almost growled in desire for them.

Maria gently pulled Kyle’s shirt off of himand kissed her way down his chest casuing him to moan and buck into her as she latched onto one of his nipples. He removed her shirt as well, and gently passed his hand over the small hump on her stomach. She was now 3 and a half months pregnant with their child and just starting to show, and truth be told he couldn’t think of anything sexier.

Maria unsnapped her bra, and Max zoomed in closer at her pert breasts that were already beginning to become larger with her pregnancy. His breath quickened as he watched Maria slowly, and seductively removed Kyle’s pants as his hands went up her outer thighs, and under her short skirt.

As Maria wrapped her small hand around Kyle’s cock he hissed, “Maria…” she said grinned at him, looking over that the camera man and winking. Max gulped, but continued filming Maria’s hand moving quickly up and down Kyle’s beautiful shaft.

Kyle soon flipped them over and kissed Maria’s neck, gently removing her skirt and panties. He took his own cock in his hands, and teased her opening with it. “Oh Kyle,” she moaned throwing her head back. “Fuck me,” he groaned in frustration as he continued to tease her.

Finally giving in, Kyle plunged into her and his breath caught at the familiar feeling of her silky, dripping wet walls fluttering around him. “Fuck, Maria, you’re so wet,” he breathed.

“You always my me wet, baby?” she groaned as she leaned up and captured his lips in hers. He began pumping into ther slowly at first until her need was too much and she began bucking into him faster. Max caught it all on tape, zooming on the apex of their thighs meeting, thrust for thrust. His cock was hard and aching to be touched. He never found anything as much of a turn on as his two lovers making love to each other.

“Mmmmm, Fuck!” Maria moaned arching into him. He reached between them and flicked her clit with his thumb. “Yeah…Right there…Oh God!” she nearly screamed.

“MMMNNNNn Fuck!” Kyle moaned feeling Maria purposely contract her pussy around his cock.

“You like that, baby?” She asked, pretending to be innocent. He just growled and plowed into her faster and harder. “Oh Fuck, I’m gonna come!!!” She warned. “OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!” she yelled as she came hard around him.

Kyle followed right behind screaming her name at the top of his lungs. Max filmed the whole thing and at this point was out of breath. He needed release, and Kyle knew it. So, slipping off the bed, he took the camera from Max, pointing it at themselves, he kissed Max long and hard, gently moving his hand down to his lover’s jean clad cock that was aching for release. “My turn to film,” he grinned pushing Max to the bed.

Max hopped on next to Maria who wasted no time undressing her lover. “Have a rough day, baby?” she asked kissing his neck ever so lightly. Sex with Max was different than sex with Kyle, and Maria had mastered the art of changing her style to accommodate each of them. For rough, passionate, fucking, sex Kyle was her man. For tender, loving, intense, sex Max had no match.

Max’s hand’s roamed Maria’s naked body as h e two paid special attention to her womb that was carrying their child. “You are so beautiful when you are pregnant,” he said to her as she unbuckled his jeans.

“More like fat,” she said with a laugh.

Max lifted her chin to look at him, “No, beautiful,” he said kissing her softly. The kiss became more demanding on Maria’s part after she had finally freed Max from the confines of him jeans and boxers. She broke the kiss to dip her head down and taste the little bit of pre-cum seeping from Max’s cock. “Maria…” he hissed at the feeling of her warm tongue and plump lips aound his cock.

She didn’t stay there long, though, needing him inside her. She kissed her way up his long torso and then straddled him slowly. Kyle moved around to the side of the bed to get a better angle of the two most beautiful people he had ever known making love to each other.

Maria mounted Max’s cock and slowly easer herself onto it. She moaned as she felt him fill her inch by inch. Max grabbed a hold of her hips and moved her up and down slowly. Maria leaned forward on him and kissed him with heated passion. The movement of her body made it so that Max’s thick cock hit her g-spot with every long sweet thrust. “That’s it baby,” Maria moaned against his open lips.

“Maria,” he groaned speeding her up, just slightly, “oh God!” She was riding him like a pro and his senses were in overload. As he looked over Kyle, he saw his husband stare at them through the camera with a heated look and his cock stood at attention. The sight pushed Max over the edge and he began thrusting up into Maria with more force. “You’re so tight,” he breathed.

“Your so big,” she returned in wild abandon. She sat up straighter and fondeled her own breasts as she felt the orgasm rise in her. “Oh fuck!” she moaned throwing her head back. Max knew she was almost there, and so was he, so just just send her over the edge, he thrust into her really deep so that his pubic bone hit her clit. ‘OHHH FUCK! RIGHT THERE! MMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGFFFFFFFF!” she moaned. “Uhhhh!”

She collaped on him as he thrust into her a couple more times before he two was coming deep inside her. “OH YEAHHHHHH!” he groaned, clinching his teeth in respnce t his bodies overwhelming pleasure.

Maria laid down next to him and caught her breath. She turned to Kyle and winked, noticing his rock hard cock. “It’s only fair that I get a turn with the camera,” she said. Kyle smiled at her and kissed her before passing the camera off to her and climbing on the bed next to Max.

He knew Max would need a break, and he was surprised when he immdiatly felt Max’s hot breath against the skin of his neck. “I’ll take care of you, baby,” Max promised, kissing him lightly and then moving down his neck. He sucked hard on Kyle’s pulse point, giving him a hicky the size of Texas. He moved further down, stopping shortly at both of Kyle’s nipples. But he didn’t stay long. He moved down his lovers creamy hard stomach before reaching his destination.

Max looked at Kyle’s massive cock for just as second before decending on it. “Oh Max,” Kyle moaned, weaving his fingers in Max’s hair. Max paid special attention to Kyle’s head, knowing exactly what made his lover come. He finally engulfed the entire cock with his mouth, moaning as Kyle’s dick hit the back of his thoat.

Kyle’s cock pulsed with need feeing the vibrations of Max’s moan run through his system. “Oh Fuck, Max, that’s it,” he said though pants of breath.

Max fucked him master with his mouth until Kyle came hard and spilled his seed deep into Max’s throat. Max liked up his husband’s essence greedily as he moved back up Kyle’s body, finally kissing his breathless lip once again. Kyle could taste himself on Max’s lips and moaned. “Fuck me Max,” he begged.

“Of course, baby,” Max whispered seductively in his ear as Kyle flipped over and pushed his ass into the air for Max. Maria licked her lips in anticipation for the show awaiting her. She got so wet everytime she watched Max and Kyle fuck each other. It was so erotic, it almost made her wish she was a man so she could partake in the festivities.

Max reached into the bedside table and pulled out a bottle of lube and lubed himself up as well as two of his fingers. He gently stuck on of his fingers into Kyle’s as and as he heard him moan, he grinned and added another one.

After he finger fucked Kyle’s ass for a few minutes he removed his fingers, and took his aching cock into his hands. Pulling Kyle’s cheeks apart he placed the tip of his cock at Kyle’s puckered enterance and took a deep breath as he slowly entered his lover. “Max…” Kyle moaned feeling Max filling him inch by inch. He leaned back into Max begging for more. “Deeper,” he got out in a strangled breath.

Max pushed himself completely into Kyle’s ass and began thrusting. His balls slapped Kyle’s ass everytime he pounded into him. “Kyle, Fuck!” he moaned, bucking into his lover in tandem.

“Harder Max,” Kyle begged. Max was hitting his prostate just right, and he kenw he was going to come again any minute. Max obliged fucking his lover harder and faster.

“Come for me baby,” he moaned, wanting to let go. Max reached around and pumped Kyle’s cock several times before his ass clinched around Max and he came all over the comforter on the bed.


As Kyle’s body tightened around him, Max came into Kyle’s ass, holding on tightly to Kyle’s hips for support. “KYLE!” he screamed at the top of his lungs before he collapsed on top of the man he loved.

Maria, flushed and dripping wet, set down the camera on the tri-pod which was facing the bed, climbed in next to the two panting men. “Oh god, now I’m all wet,” she said in a seductive voice. Kyle and Max looked at each other and winked.

Kyle spread Maria’s legs apart as she closed her eyes in anticipation. As Kyle entered two fingers into her dripping wet pussy, Max licked her nipples, moving slowly down her body. “OH Yeah,” Maria moaned arching into Kyle’s hand.

Max moved closer to Kyle’s hand, gently licking Maria’s clit. Her body immediately stiffented as she silently and breathlessly came for the 3rd time that afternoon. “Mmmm,” she moaned as she came down from her orgasmic high.

Kyle wrapped his arms around her, as Max did the same from the other side. He used his alien powers to clean off the comforter from their sex, then pulled the covers over them. “What do you say we take a little nap, and then try this together?” he said with a wink.

“I knew I loved you,” Kyle said kissing him. Maria was already asleep and they snuggled into her, quickly falling into the recesses of sleep, as they were now spent.

Kyle came back to present day with a ragin hard on that noth of his lovers noticed. Maria cocked her eyebrow at him. “Memories?” she teased.

“Umm yeah,” Kyle said coming back to earth. “What do you say we take out that first tape we made and watch it.”

Max’s eyes sparkled and he nodded getting off the couch to fetch the tape. Maria smiled as well. She remembered that day as clearly as if it were yesterday, and thinking about it could always get her in the mood. Not like she needed help, being married to Max and Kyle.


Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 10:27 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 7

It was night time before Maria, Max, and Kyle emerged from their bedroom. They may have been older, but they were still like three teenagers in the sack. “So,” Maria said, sitting down on the couch again and pulling Kyle down with her. Max sat on her other side.

“So,” Kyle chuckled. “I’m tired.” He stated what they were all feeling.

“Me too,” Max said, “But its only 7:00. We aren’t that old. We can’t go to bed,” he laughed.

Maria grinned at her husbands and tapped her finger against her chin as if to think. “Hmmm,” she said, “What should we do?” Sex was out of the question because her two boys were pretty much tapped out for the night.

“I don’t know,” Kyle said, I’m kind of enjoying reminiscing.” He smiled.

“Yeah, me too,” Max said, “But if we think of one more sexual encounter I might have a heart attack,” he laughed.

“Well, we had a lot more going for us than sex,” Maria laughed curling up on the couch, Max and Kyle curling around her.

“Yeah,” Max said, “What about the wedding? Remember that?”

“I remember it like it was yesterday,” Maria said, her smile growing wider.

They were 19 years old, and just out of their First year of college. They could have waited, but Maria really wanted to start a family, and she wanted them to be officially married. Well, technically, only she and Max would be officially married, because triple marriages were illegal, but the three of them decided on a three-way commitment ceremony. Max was the chosen one by a game of rock, paper, scissors. Not very official, but in the end it didn’t matter. They were all married to each other in their hearts.

When the day approached, Maria was running around like a chicken with her head cut off. She wanted the day to be perfect, and the way their families were acting, she wasn’t sure it was going to happen. Even their friends, with the exception of Isabel and Tess were making things a little harder.

It was a small ceremony, to take place in Jim and Amy’s backyard. Of everyone, Jim had been the most supportive. Amy and Diane agreed to come to the ceremony, and even gave their blessings, in the end, but Maria, Kyle, and Max knew they never really understood or were happy with the situation. The best Maria could hope for on that front was that Liz, Michael, and Philip Evans didn’t show up to the wedding.

Isabel finally entered Kyle’s room where Maria was getting ready. Kyle was in the master bedroom and Max was in the guest room. “Maria, calm down,” Isabel said with a smile. “If I’m the Christmas Nazi, you are the Wedding Nazi.”

Maria sighed and smiled, knowing she was right. The details of the day would not be what she remembered. The love and commitment would. “I know,” she said, “So, how do I look?” she smiled, twirling around in her beautiful emerald green wedding dress. They decided to go completely unconventional with the whole thing. She was in green and the men were in while Lenin suits.

“You’re gorgeous girl!” she said, with a grin. “I only hope I look this good when I get married.”

Maria rolled her eyes and looked at herself in the mirror. She smiled at her self, fixing the last stray strands of hair. “Ok, better get going,” Isabel said looking at her watch. “Its about that time.


Max and Kyle stood on either side of the alter set up in the Valenti back yard. They had decided to go non-religious with the ceremony because Kyle was Buddhist, Max was atheist, and whatever little part of Maria was Catholic had pretty much died when she was 7 years old.

The minister, who used to be a priest, but left the church, smiled at both of them, as they looked into each other’s eyes, waiting for their bride. ‘I love you,’ Max mouthed to Kyle.

Kyle smiled and mouthed, ‘ditto,’ back to him. The wedding had gone great so far, but then again, it hadn’t really started. But Philip hadn’t shown up, which was just as well. Diane and Amy were smiling in the front row. Jim was giving Maria away. And most of all, Michael had shown up. He hadn’t said anything to anyone, but he wasn’t scowling, and he was there. That was important.

The back yard looked beautiful in white and pink flowers. There were only about 15 guests, most of whom were not 100% on board with the marriage, but were willing to hold their tongues out of love for Maria, Max, and Kyle.

Soon, the music started, it was Maria’s uncle playing the guitar, and Kyle and Max looked down the make-shift aisle waiting form Maria. She appeared, looking radiant in her beautiful green dress. She smiled at Jim, on her arm, and then down the aisle at Max and Kyle. She beamed at them as she and Jim made their way to them.

Kyle and Max looked at each other, and then Maria again. It was almost too good to be true. The three of them were really making this official. When Maria reached them, Jim kissed all three of them on the cheek then took his seat next to Amy.

The vows were hand written. What they said had not really been as important is the meaning behind them. They loved each other. And they were expressing their commitment to each other.

“You are now committed to each other, in this one, and the next,” the minister said, and the three shared a kiss before turning around and walking down the aisle, Maria in the middle.


The reception was typical. Finally everyone loosened up and had a good time. It was small and intimate, which was just what they wanted.

Finally, toward the end of the night, Michael approached the three of them. He had sort of avoided them all night, but he needed to talk to them. There were only 20 people, tops, at the reception and he knew that they knew he was avoiding talking to them.

“Hey,” he said, looking at his hands as he approached their table.

“Hi Michael,” Maria said, with a soft smile. She was just glad he was there. He hadn’t really spoken to any of them since they told him they were together and they got into a huge fight. She knew Max missed him a lot, but she missed him too. They hadn’t been together for a long time, but at one time he was her best friend.

“So, Congratulations,” Michael said. He didn’t sound excited, but he didn’t sound like he was just saying it because he had to.

“Thank you,” Kyle said.

Maria bit her lip before saying, “Michael, can we talk?” she said. She couldn’t let this be the end.

Michael looked up for the first time. “Yeah,” he said, almost like he was relieved that she asked. Maria smiled at him and excused herself from the table. Max and Kyle watched her leave with Michael, and looked at each other.

“Hope this goes well,” Kyle said.

“You and me both,” Max replied, nervously.

Kyle kissed him lightly on the cheek. “I’m sorry about your loosing Michael.”

“Don’t worry about it, baby.” Max said with a smile. If he had to choose between Michael and Kyle and Maria, Kyle and Maria would be his choice everytime.

Back with Maria and Michael…

“Look, Maria, I just wanted to say I’m sorry for being such an asshole.” Michael said.

“What do you mean?” Maria asked, confused as to why he was apologizing.

“I mean, we weren’t together when you got together with them. It isn’t like you cheated. I had no reason to get mad at you, except that I’m still in love with you. But that is my own problem. It isn’t your fault. You’ve moved on, and I need to as well.” Michael explained.

“Oh Michael,” Maria said, hugging him. “I’m just sorry I hurt you. Does this mean you and Max can be friends again?” she asked, hopefully.

Michael sighed and shook his head, looking at his feet again before he looked back at her. “No, Maria. I just cant. You may have done nothing wrong, but Max knew I still loved you, and he went for you anyway.” Michael explained. “Not that I blame him. I know he loves you too. He loves you better than I ever could, but Max and I are a done deal.” Michael said.

Maria sighed an nodded. There was no use trying to push Michael, she knew it never worked. “Ok,” she said, huggin him one last time. “But, thank you for coming, Michael. It really means a lot to me.”

“Ok, Bye, maria.” Michael said, awkwardly as he looked at her for a few more minutes, then he was gone.

Maria made her way back to the table and smiled as she sat down. “Where’s Michael.” Max asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

“He left,” Maria said, kissing him lightly. To bring the mood back up she stood up and pulled them both with her. “What do you say we hit up that hotel room Jim and my mom got us?”

All thoughts of Michael flew out of their heads as they hurried as quickly as they could to the hotel room that night.

The three of them, now back in their cozy apartment many years later, smiled at each other. “You remember how we made love for 8 hours that night?” Maria asked.

“How could I forget?” Max said. “I think I pulled a muscle that night!”

“Whiner,” Kyle said, good-naturedly.