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Destiny Awaits (AU, CC, Mature/Adult) Thread #1

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 1:53 am
by POM

The Location: Antar

Species: Alien

Disclaimer: I don't own rights to Roswell

The UpperClass: (The Royals of Antar)


* Zan(Max)- The Reblous King of Antar...a single bachelor who loves to party...and goes from one woman to the next... that is until Elizabeth walked into his live and turned everything upside down and inside out!!


*Alexander(Alex)- Zans little brother.. and Prince of Antar.. he knows is responsabilites and is betrothed to a beautiful girl by the name of Maria. For which whom he does not love..but will do anything.. for the sake of his planet.

*Rath(Michael)- Zans second in command...and his second man.. he will do anything for the sake of his leader...even if his marriage with one he does not love stands in the way of that..


*Ava(Tess)-The some..but will only have one love in her heart for only one..Kyle..The personal servant of Zan. Zan has come to her in aking for marriage, but she has declined...she will not marry a man that she does not love..


*Vilandra (Isabel)-Is married to Rath..but has had a long explict affair with Alexander... their love speaks beyond any one can keep them apart..(Well, maybe her husband Rath, and the fact that Alexander is soon to be Wed..may be ). With Vilandra sharing the house with her little sister Ava--can be kind of troubling at times.

The LowerClass:(Servants)


*Mary (Maria)- Alexanders soon to be wife...But she has no interest in Alex..but the one she really cares for is Rath..they have been flirting a lot and she has caught him glancing at her numberous times..but he has never made is move..mostly becuase he is in a marriage, They were forced to marry by their parents. And Maria hopes she can change all that for him. Elizabeth is her Cousin.


*Keith(Kyle)- Zans assistant..Everything was fine for him until, they day he ran into Tess in the grand hall and It was love at first sight..much to his suprise..he found out that his love was true..but didn't know how do go on from there.


*Elizabeth (Liz)- Elizabeth comes into the picture..because her parents died just a month ago and she couldn't get off her feet until now..she has a new job in the palace to be a servant to the temptress of Antar (Ava). At a personnal request from her Cousin Mary. She dosen't know what to expect from this new chapter in her life but shes not going to turn back now!



Serena was Zan's first love. They were happy and in love. They were expected to be wed. 6 years ago, Kivar decided to bombard Serena with presents and gifts. Being a very material girl, Serena decided to go with Kivar. Zan was heartbroken. They Kivar decided to put the nail in the coffin. He killed her in front of him. The memory wil haunt Zan forever.
Ever since he has been a party animal, getting drunk as to wipe away the painful memory.....then Liz came along...
Sibling Pairings:
Zan and Alex are brothers
Ava and Vilandra are Sisters
Mary and Liz are Cousins
Rath & Keith is related to non of them!!

*Michael/ Maria
*Isabel/ Alexx


*Zan[Max]- madroswellfan

*Elizabeth[Liz]- POM :)


*Kyle[Keith]- Madroswellfan

*Alexxander [Alex]- POM :)

*Vilandra [Isabel]-POM

*Ava [Tess]- ~POM~

*Rath [Michael] - POM

* Kivar - POM [ ME]

* [Dead] Serena- Madroswellfan

** all other characters open--will introduce new characters throughout the Role Play!! :D **

[Max POV on Liz ]
Have you ever really loved a woman?
by: Brayan Adams

To really love a woman
To understand her - you gotta know her deep inside
Hear every thought - see every dream
N’ give her wings - when she wants to fly
Then when you find yourself lyin’ helpless in her arms
Ya know ya really love a woman

When you love a woman you tell her
That she’s really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she’s the one
Cuz she needs somebody to tell her
That it’s gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever really
- really really ever loved a woman?

To really love a woman
Let her hold you -
Til ya know how she needs to be touched
You’ve gotta breathe her - really taste her
Til you can feel her in your blood
N’ when you can see your unborn children in her eyes
Ya know ya really love a woman

When you love a woman
You tell her that she’s really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she’s the one
Cuz she needs somebody to tell her
That you’ll always be together
So tell me have you ever really -
Really really ever loved a woman?

You got to give her some faith - hold her tight
A little tenderness - gotta treat her right
She will be there for you, takin’ good care of you
Ya really gotta love your woman...

Then when you find yourself lyin’ helpless in her arms
Ya know ya really love a woman
When you love a woman you tell her
That she’s really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she’s the one
Cuz she needs somebody to tell her
That it’s gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever really
- really really ever loved a woman?

Just tell me have you ever really,
Really, really, ever loved a woman?
Just tell me have you ever really,
Really, really, ever loved a woman

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 2:44 pm
by POM

"It's the year 2065 and I'm Elizabeth Parker. It has been one month since my parents died in a hurrific acciedient, that has left me and ever more alone. I thought this would be a great way for me to open up and let my feelings and thoughts be heard without even having to say anything. I have no place to go, and my distant cousin(the only family I have) has made arrangements for me to come live with her. She has even gotten me a place of employment, I am to be the servant of Ava Emerson. At the Antarian Place, She must be a royal or something..I guess..Well, anyways my Cousin Mary is about to marry the prince of Antar, Alexander. As I embark this new journey in my life, I don't expect friendship, Adventer, or even Love.. I just want to live life to it's fullest."
As I approach the high stance Marble and Gold doors I have butterflies in my stomach. I ring the royal bell and stand back...afraid of something, but I not sure what exactly. All of a sudden I see a head peak out.. and All I could say is "Mary, is that you?" "It's me Elizabeth.."

Rath:What is your problem Isabel? Ever since we got married, its like we don't even talk anymore. We can't even stand to be in the same room as one another.. Why is that? Fine.. don't say anything. I don't need this right now. And especially not from you.

Alexander: (Walking into the grand walkway, near the main entrance) Mary?... There you are, I've been looking for you everywhere. (I look from Mary to a beautiful young lady...with bruentte eyes and aubrun hair) so, this is the Lizzy my Mary has been talking so much about.. Well, It's nice to put the name to the face.. as I extended out my hand...Please excuse my financee I do believe she has lost her manners..I am Alexander Evans, Prince of Antar

Elizabeth: It is nice to finally meet you. And not just from my dear Cousin, but from the people in my village as well.

Alexander: I do hope it was all good..

Elizabeth: Have no worries Prince Alexander... I current they were.

Alexander: We are almost family... Do call me...Alex. Will you?

Elizabeth: Okay--I'm...umm.. sure that won't be a probelm Alex.

Alexander: There we go..It was nice meeting you, I have to get going..But I will see you at supper?

Elizabeth: Yes..Pri-- Alex.

Alexander: Well, until then I'm sure that Mary will be taking you to your room now to get you settled in. (They head up stairs, and I could see then whispering. But I didn't bother..probably just girl stuff.) I walked down the hallway, and saw Isabel walking towards me. I opened the door to the closet and pulled the both of us inside." Oh, Isabel. I can't get you off my mind..I can't marry Mary.When It is you that I truelly love.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 3:27 pm
by ~Ruby~
Wasn't sure what do post so I hope that this is okay


A proposal from a King is the greatest honor a woman can receive or so I’ve been told countless times by my parents. When a King asks you to be his Queen, it should be the happiness moment in your life.

Today should have been the happiness moment in my life when King Zan asked me to be his wife and yet there was nothing. I didn’t feel anything apart from mild embarrassment since I was going to have say no. I can’t marry him because I don’t love him. I refuse to marry for anything less then utter and complete devotion and love.

"I'm sorry your Highness but I must decline your offer,"

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 5:51 pm
by Fehr'sBear

I was whisked into a dark closet, and suddenly I heard Alex's voice. "I can't marry Mary when It is you that I truly love."

"Alex, I love you too with all my heart, and my being with Rath hasn't changed that." I said, looking into his eyes once they adjusted to the light.

With that said, I wrapped my arm around his neck and kissed him forcefully, pulling him close.[/color]

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 6:27 pm
by Dominicana

When I see Liz, I take her into my arms, God how long it has been since I seen her. But before I have a chance to ask questions, I see Alex walk by us. I sigh as Alex walks up to us. He introduces himself to Liz, I don't want to marry him for nothing. But i'm just a servant girl, I have no say in anything. Me and Liz head upstairs. But I remembered that I forgot my things in the study. I excuse myself from Liz, telling her i'd be back in no less that 8 minutes, the plans all changed when I bumped into none other than Rath himself. I stare into his beautiful eyes. He's married, you're getting Married. I shake my thoughts out.

"I'm so sorry, your majesty." I say bowing my head at him. I hate being a servant. Got to bow at everyone's feet.

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 4:37 am
by POM
Oh.. Vilandra.. run away with me.. I will never love anyone as I do you.. I leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss, got up and left...leaving her in the closet to fend for herself.


I look upon Mary and a quiver runs down my neck--I don't know why...but ever since she came to work for us--I've noticed every single detail about her--every freckle, every bueaty mark. I shouldn't--Mainly because Vilandra was my wife, and has been for some time now. Even though we fought constantly. "Good Day Ladies--" I slightly bowed in their favor and went along my way to find Vilandra. Walking down the hallway I found Alexx walking the opposite direction.

"Alexander, Have you seen Vilandra?"

Alexander: Why do you ask?

Because We had this huge argument, and I don't want people to start to talk, we've already have enough of that around here.

You know I'm sure that she just went out for a walk and I'm sure she'll be back in time for supper... so don't worry old chump!

Rath: I guess your right... I'll see you then .

(hurries away..and locks himself in his room, and lets out a huge sigh of relief) I don't know how long I can keep this up??!!


"Mary, who was that?" I asked curiously as I saw Maria cheecks grow flushed. As She showed me my room, we walked across two people talking. A man and a woman. She had the most beautiful blonde curly hair, and he was the most handsomest man I've ever set my eyes on--I've seen him before, wait--He's the king. Duh-- Stupid Elizabeth--can't even recongize her own King. I just stop there and stare at him. I don't know what to do...if feels like my feet just planeted themselves right there on the floor. Even when he eventually noticed me, I still didn't move--not until Mary came back and grabbed my wrist and pulled me along.


I looked at Ava, "I can understand that--do you love another? Is there someone that you do love?" I asked her, just to ask her. I loved being nosy, and poking in stuff that I wasn't allowed to do. "Is it anyone I know?" While Ava was answering me-- I felt someone watching us..I turned my head to the doorway--and stared at this beautiful creation, a woman looking--actually staring right through me. She was the most wonderful thing I've ever seen. Ava met my glaze at the girl, then Maria came and took her away. I looked at Ava and asked, "Who's she?"

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 1:50 pm
by ~Ruby~

"I can understand that--do you love another? Is there someone that you do love?" King Zan asks. He doesn’t look at all offended that I have rejected his offer, in fact he seems quite interest to know if there is someone else but wait could this be so that he can kill that other person so that I’ll agree to marry him? No, that couldn’t possibly be right. King Zan isn’t like that.

Oh, how should I answer this question? Dare I even begin to answer it when I am not even sure of the answer myself?

Elizabeth, my maid, enters the room and I sigh in relief as the king’s attention is taking away from me.

“Who’s she?” He asks

I frown slightly because what does it matter who she is? She is after all just a servant. “Elizabeth, my personal maid.” I state to Zan.

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 2:43 pm
by POM

"Personal servant huh--did she just arrive?", I got to the door and see her walk into the room just down the hall--I said her name in my head, "Elizabeth, Elizabeth--she probably goes by the name Liz".


I went to go look for King Zan, I found him talking to Ava-- "Sir, you have a very important call do you wish to take it?" I ask as my attention fades towards Ava. I always felt boyish around her. " Lady Ava, I hope you are well."

" Important call huh--well, I guess--" I start to walk away, then stop to say, " Ava..don't worry about the proposal--I've changed my mind anyway. It wouldn't have worked out anyways." I turn back around and start to walk out, and shout out behind me. " Keith you are my servant not hers--what are you waiting for?"

"Right, sorry sir. I must be going Lady Ava--It was nice running into you, I--I just have to go-- I have to be going.." I sounded like a blubbering fool! My face grew red and I just turned and walked out--and while I followed my Lord, I thought to myself--"Way to go Romeo!!"

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 2:49 pm
by Dominicana

God that enounter with Rath, couldn't be more embarassing. I see Liz looking in the direction of Ava, and King Zan. Well more like King Zan. I smile. But frown at the same time, for they could never be.

"THat's king Zan, and that's the priestess, Ava." I whisper to her giving her a little wink.

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 3:02 pm
by POM
"Mary-- do you like it here? I know you are planning to Wed Alexander, is that what you want? I saw that look you gave to Sir Rath--" I told her, as I laughed a little. " I also heard that King Zan is a bit of a player, always going to parties...meeting all kinds of woman--Is that true?" I ask her. then add, " I bet you that I could tame him, he's so geourous!! did you see him?" I ask her.