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Unorthodox Love (UC, K/Ma, Adult) [COMPLETE]

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 3:39 am
by gnrkrystle
“Unorthodox Love”

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Roswell obviously or I would be rich and I wouldn’t have to put my ideas down in the form of fanfic
Category: Kyle/Maria
Summary: I think you should just read to find out ;) tee hee hee
A/N: It starts the summer after Destiny.
Rating: ADULT eventually

Chapter 1

Maria rolled out of bed and smacked her alarm clock off. Since Liz had gone to Florida after all the Destiny crap, Maria had become Jeff Parker’s bitch and was working sun up to sun down practically. It was nice though to have a distraction from the events of late with Michael. The only problem was that at least half the time she was working, so was Michael. Oh well, she was not going to let him get to her.

Maria quickly took a shower and got dressed. She was running a little late, so she skipped breakfast and headed straight to work. She could get something there.

The work day went by rather quickly. It was busy because there was a convention of sorts in town that week. It wasn’t until 3:00 when Michael got to work that Maria’s stomach began to churn. She could handle this. She only had 2 more hours to go and then she could get the hell out of there, and away from him.

The Crashdown crowd had died down and, 15 minutes after Michael got to work, there were only 2 people in the whole resturante. Just her luck. Michael shows up and suddenly the place is slow.

Maria’s luck didn’t change either. As she leaned agaist the bar, Mr. Parker called her into the back room. She went to see what he wanted. “Maria, I need you and Michael to take these boxes to the Lift-off for me,” Mr. Parker said.

Maria silently groaned. “I could go myself. I mean you need someone to work the grill.” She did not want to be in a car with Michael. Well, she did, but not the way he was acting as of late.

Mr. Parker cuckled. “The place is dead, plus those boxes are heavy. It will be fine. I’ll work the grill.”

Maria waited for Mr. Parker to go into the kitchen and talk to Michael, and then she audibly groaned. It would be 30 minutes, alone, in the car with a man that was repulsed at the sight of her. Great, that was really what she needed after a heard days work.

Michael huffed out of the Kitchen and walked outside toward the Jetta without so much as a word.

Lovely to see you too, Michael. Maria thought and rolled her eyes. She got into the car and started it up. He didn’t say a word or glance he way.

Finally, Maria could take the silence no longer. “Michael, what is wrong with you?” she asked. She had a pretty good idea, but she wanted him to say it.

“What are you talking about,” he growled.

“Don’t play dumb, Spaceboy. I know that you’ve decided that I’m not worth your time as a girlfriend. But why are you being such…Such and ass?” Maria said her voice raising.

“I am not being an ass!” Michael said. “I’m just sick of hearing you talk.”

Maria had to admit, that was a little harsh, and it stung. “Michael, I havn’t talked to you in 3 days.”

Michael just grunted and rolled his eyes. This was killing Maria. He was so mean to her. What the hell had she done to make him like this? Yeah, he had a destiny. And she could even understand his need to be single right now. But she did not understand why he seemed to be TRYING to hurt her feelings.

“Whatever,” she said in a huff. The rest of the trip they were silent.

When they got back, the Crashdown was still dead, so Mr. Parker let Maria off early. She really only had about an hour on the clock anyway.

When Maria left, she really didn’t want to be alone. Liz was away. Max usually listened to her bitch about Michael, but she didn’t want to put him through that right now with Liz gone. Isabel didn’t really listen. Alex was out with his dad. Then Maria suddenly thought about Kyle. Maybe she should talk to him. He had been recently thrown into the alien abyss. Maybe he needed a human to talk to about it.

Before Maria knew what she was doing, she was pulling into the Valenti’s driveway. She knocked on the door and waited. A few minutes later, Sheriff Valenti answered the door. “Hi, Maria.” He said in what seemed to be an overly chipper mood. She didn’t dwell on it though.

“Hi, Is Kyle home?” She asked.

“Yeah, common in.” He said. “You know, he’s been taking this ‘aliens are among us’ thing a little hard. Maybe you could talk to him.”

Maria smiled. She figured. “Sure thing.” She said.

Valenti yelled for Kyle and he came down the stairs. He sort of did a double take when he saw Maria. “Hi,” he said.

Maria smiled. “Hi. I was just thinking we could talk.” She said. She didn’t know what to say. She and Kyle had not really hung out much. Yeah, he dated her best friend and they went to the occasional party together, but they didn’t really hang in the same social circles.

Kyle didn’t smile, but nodded and led Maria to his room. Maria sat down on his bed and began talking. “So, I just firgured that you could use someone to talk to. You know about the whole…thing.”

Kyle looked down to the ground. “Well I’ve kinda found Buddah,” he said. He didn’t know why he was telling her this. He didn’t want to have anything to do with the alien-conspiracy, “You know, you didn’t have to come over. I’m not going to tell anyone your boyfriend’s little secret. So, you don’t have to be nice to me.” He said. He figured she was here to save Michael, Max, Tess, and Isabel’s ass.

Maria looked like she had been slapped. What was this. Be a dick to Maria day. Well, she didn’t have to deal with this. “You know what, never mind.” She said with tears in her eyes, and she ran down the stairs and out the door.

Jim saw this and cursed under his breath. He was going to kick Kyle’s ass. First, he picked up the phone and made a call.


Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 4:06 am
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 2

Maria walked into her house and slammed the door. “Hi, Maria!” her mother’s cheerful voice came from the kitchen. Maria sniffed the air. Was he mom cooking?

“Hi, Mom,” she said as she entered the kitchen. “What’s up?” he mother rarely cooked.

“We are having company tonight,” Amy said with a bright smile.

“Cool,” Maria said half heartedly as she walked back to her room. It had been a suck day. First, Michael was mean to her and then Kyle. She had no one left but Max and he was busy wallowing in self-pity.

She flopped down on her bed not even bothering to change out of her sweaty uniform. Suddenly he cell phone rang. “Hello?” she answered. It was Liz.

“Hey, Maria. What’s up?”

“Nothing, how are you doing?” she was always a supportive friend, even when her life was spinning out of control.

“Good. I’ve been hanging out at the beach. How’s Max?” Liz asked.

Maria knew that was the first thing Liz would want to talk about. “He’s pretty devistated that you left.” She answered honestly.

There was a pause. “I know you don’t understand, Maria. But I had let him go.”

No, Maria didn’t understand. In her mind it was stupid. Max didn’t care abou Tess. She almost repulsed him. “It’s cool, Liz.” She said. She didn’t want to tell her friend that she was being an idiot because that would just mean one more person that was against her.

Liz continued to tell Maria about Florida. She was having a good time, and already meeting new people. Maria didn’t like to admit it, but she was jealous. She felt like she was losing one of her last friends.

When she got off the phone, Maria took a shower and put on some jeans and a cute halter top. If they were having company she was going to look good she decided.

Just as she was finishing up, Amy called out to her that company was here. Maria took a deep breath and went into the kitchen. It was Jim and Kyle. First of all, when did they become company. Jim was always over at their house. And secondly, Kyle was just about the last person (next to Michael) that Maria wanted to see at that moment.

“Hi,” she said to Jim, but she didn’t even look at Kyle. They sat down to dinner and began useless chit-chat. Jim asked about work and summer plans. Amy asked Kyle the same things. There was something off about this dinner, but Maria couldn’t place what it was.

Kyle too was confused. After he had blown up and Maria earlier, Jim came into his room and reamed his ass and then told him that they would be having dinner at the DeLuca’s. Just great! He thought.

When Amy sat down one of her famous pies on the table for dessert, she and Jim exchanged some unreadable glances. Finally, Jim cleared his throat and began speaking. He looked at Maria and Kyle and said, “Well, Amy and I have something to tell the two of you.”

Kyle and Maria looked at each other, while Amy smiled. Jim continued. “We are getting married! Isn’t that great?” he said.

Maria thought. It was great. Her mom had been lonely for a long time and Jim was a great man and a great father. But the thought of living with Kyle made her stomach churn.

Kyle thought. He liked Amy. And he missed having a mother. But being close to Maria, for some reason didn’t sit well with him. He knew that he would be dragged further into the alien abyss.

“Yeah, that’s great,” Maria said trying to cover her discomfort.

“I’m happy for you guys,” Kyle eeked out.

Amy and Jim smiled and wrapped their arms around their children. “We are going to be one big happy family.” Amy said with great excitement. She had wanted this for her daughter forever.

Kyle and Maria faked smiles through the rest of the evening. As their parents told them that they would be getting married in 2 weeks. They both thought it was a little sudden, but since this was a second marriage for both of them, it wasn’t as big of a show.

When Jim and Kyle left, Maria told her mother that she was going to go out. She took the Jetta and headed toward the Evan’s.


Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 4:35 am
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 3

Max answered the door and looked surprised to see Maria there. She looked upset and he could bet that his other best friend was the cause of it. He pulled her inside and took her up to his room.

“What’s up?” he said when she sat down on his bed.

She looked up at him. She could tell he was still distraught over Liz, but it made her happy that he actually cared. “My live sucks,” she said.

He grinned. “What did Michael do now?” he could kill Michael for how he treated Maria. He didn’t understand why that boy didn’t just open up and tell Maria how he felt. That he was madly in love with her and that scared the shit out of him.

“Suprisingly, its not just Michael this time.” She siad. He looked at her ready to listen. “Well, first Michael was a complete ass to me today in the car. Then I went over to Kyle’s. I wanted to talk to somone and I couldn’t think of anyone else. Plus, I thought he might like to talk about everything that happened. And he completely went off on me too.” Maria said.

Max put his arm around her. “It will get better, ‘Ria. I’m sorry everything is spinning out of control right now.” He said. He felt responsible. If it weren’t for him, Maria would have never met Michael and Kyle wouldn’t be so upset with all of them right now.

“Oh, no worried, Maxwell. It gets worse.” She said. He looked confused so she continued, “Jim and my mom are getting married…in 2 weeks. Yep, that’s right. One of the many people who hate me right now will be living with me.” She said and hung her head.

Max hugged her tightly. God, it really had been a bad day for Maria. “Look, Kyle doesn’t hate you. He is just overwhelmed with all of this stuff right now.” Maria looked doubtful that Kyle would come around. So he continued, “Do you remember last year when you found out and thought we were all monsters who were going to stangle you?” Max asked. Maria chucked. She could belive that at one time, she thought Max Evans was a threat. “You grew out of that. And so will Kyle.” Max said.

Maria seemed to breath a little easier. “I really want Jim and my mom to be happy, It’s just that this is the last thing I need on top of the Michael situation.” She said. Then she looked at Max. “Well, you have given my my pep-talk for the day, now it’s my turn. Still wallowing?”

He grinned. Maria had that way about her. She could make him laugh. He liked that. “I guess, kinda. I got out of my Pajama’s today though,” he said jokingly.

Maria smiled. Max was a nice guy. She didn’t know why Liz was being a dumbass about the whole destiny thing. She and Michael should start their own club, ‘club I am a dumbass.’ Maybe Kyle could have a trial membership.

As Maria left, she felt better. Max had that effect on her. He could make her see reason. She wasn’t the most reasonable and rational person in the world. As friends, they complemented each other.

When Maria left, Max heard a knock on his window. He already knew who it was. “Hello, Michael.” He said letting the alien inside.

“What did she want?” he asked guffly. He didn’t want Max to notice that he cared, but he did anyway.

“Needed a shoulder to cry on after you and Kyle treated her like crap today,” Max said dissapointed in his friend.

Michael’s head snapped up when Max mentioned Kyle. “Kyle, what did he do to her?” He didn’t like the sound of Kyle mistreating Maria.

“Well, it’s interesting you don’t deny treated her like shit. Why are you so interested in what happens between her and Kyle?” Max said. He knew it mattered to Michael, but he wanted him to get over his pride and admit that he still loved Maria.

“Look, Maria and I are complecated, Maxwell.” He said.

“You still didn’t answere my question,” Max said with a grin.

“Look, Valenit should just leave her alone. That’s all.” Michael finally said.

Max looked up at hid friend. Yeah, he had it bad. “Well, that is going to be quite difficult since they are moving in together.” Mas said, not mentioning the reason.

Michael nearly jumped ten feet in the air, “WHAT?” he screamed. That was NOT going to happen. Over his dead body, or Kyles.

Max couldn’t help but laugh at his idiot friend, “Amy and Jim are getting married. What did you think that in 3 days Maria got over you and decided to shack up with Kyle?”

The idea of Maria shacking up with anyone was unexceptable to Michael. But Max was right. Maria still had feelings for him and she wasn’t like that. He breathed a sigh of relife. “Just, leave it alone, Maxwell.” He said.

“Fine, but you are being a moron.” Max said and then let it go.


Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 5:52 am
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 4

Two and a half weeks passed rather quickly. Mari was working a lot and Kyle was researching Buddah. Michael had continued to be a pain in Maria’s ass, but nothin she couldn’t handle. Hey, she was teflon. Most of her stuff was already moved over to the Valenti’s on movein day.

Kyle silently helped Maria carry in her last few remaining boxes and set them down in her new room. It was right next to his. Oh joy she thought. Kyle hadn’t spoken to her since they found out about their parent, and she had made no effort to talk to him either.

Her room was nice. It was a little smaller than her old one, but she could make do. The house as whole was bigger than her old one.

Days passed in the house. Amy and Jim were on their honey moon and still no words from Kyle. Maria despriatly wanted to break the ice, but since he made it clear last time she spoke to him that he was uninterested in anything she had to say, she just kept to herself. Her lonely existance that she was becoming more and more used to.

Oh well, Maria thought. If he talks to me, fine. If not, I only have 2 months before Alex gets back and then Liz, and Max is always there.

Maria pulled her self off the bed. She had finally gotten everything unpacked and to her liking. Since she didn’t have anything better to do but work it didn’t take her long. She had also unpacked her mother’s stuff for her.

Maria got changed and ready for work. As she headed out of the house she saw Kyle sitting in front of the TV. He was a lonely as she was. She knew it. She was kind of happy about it for some reason. It served him right. Usually all he did was watch TV or meditate.

When Maria walked out the door, Kyle breathed a sigh of relief. He hated how distant he had to be to her, but he was ashamed of the way he treated her that day she wanted to come over and talk. He knew she was going through her own personal hell and he didn’t think his silent treatment was helping matters. Sometimes he thought he could hear her crying at night. But he was a guy. He wasn’t one to swallow is pride easily.

The Crashdown was busy, so that was good. But Maria and Michael were closing together, so that was bad. She dreaded that. The time she would have to spend alone with Michael probably receiving the silent treatment. He didn’t have to date her, but why could he not just be civil to her? Was that so hard?

9:00 rolled around and Maria let out a dramatic sigh. The time had come. Dammit. God must be smiteing her or something.

Michael didn’t say a word to her until the two literally ran into each other in the back room. “Sorry,” Maria said quietly. She didn’t like him but she wasn’t rude. Michael merely grunted. “You know, you could acknowledge my presence!” she yelled at him.

Then she shook her head. He didn’t get it. He turned around on his hell. “How can I not notice you are here?” he said nastily.

“What is that supposed to mean?” she asked taking offense.

“It’s kind of hard to miss your annoing remarks and loud mouth,” Michael said befor going outside to take out the trash.

No matter how much she didn’t want it to, his words hurt. He always talked about how she talked too much, but the way he said it really hurt. She had to get out of their. Tears started in her eyes and she REFUSED to let him see her cry. When he returned, she through the broom she was holding at him and stomped out of the room. “Finish cleaning the place yourself you fucking ass hole.” She screamed and left. She couldn’t take being in there for one more second.

Michael hated when she got upset, but it was for her own good, he told himself. Yeah, right. He knew he was just protecting himself. Always had and probably always would.

Maria stormed into the house and upstairs to her room where she slammed the door. She had held her tears in until that moment, but she could hold them in no longer. She began bawling on her bed.

Kyle heard her door slam and went to it to see if she was ok. He heard her crying hysterically. His heart broke for her. He just hoped that his assness wasn’t to blame. Who was he kidding. She probably didn’t care what he thought. No, this was probably about Michael Guerin.

He knocked on the door and received no answere so he cracked open the door slightly. He saw her sprawled out on the best bawling her eyes out. He slowly entered. “Maria?” he asked quietly.

Her head shot up and she wipped her tears away. “What do you want, Kyle?” she wasn’t as mad as surprised and embarassed.

“I…I heard you crying and…and I wanted to see if you needed to talk…Look, I’m sorry for how I went off on you when you came to talk to me. I was being an idiot, and I just would like to return the sentiment.” He said.

Maria sat up and motioned for him to sit down. It felt good that he wanted to talk to her. “I’m fine, Kyle. Really.” She said. She was convincing no one.

“I may be new to all of this, Maria. But I’m not an idiot. Just tell me what happened.” He said. There was no way she was going to get off the hook that easily.

Maria smiled at him. That’s the same thing she would have said. “It’s just everything, Kyle. My life…well it sucks.” Maria said. She didn’t know why she was telling him this.

“Maria, you are going to have to be more spacific. I feel like that every waking moment of the day,” he answere. He didn’t know why he had just admitted that to her.

Maria sniffled and grinned. What the hell, he was going to be living with her, right. “It’s just everything, but mostly Michael.” She said. Kyle nodded. That’s what he thought, “I mean, since this Destiny crap he has decided he doesn’t want to be together. Sure, that hurts, but I could handle it if he would just be civil to me. But always he finds a way to yell at me, or make me feel stupid or naïve. He looks at me like he is repulsed. It’s like I know that I’m not Liz Parker, but I didn’t know that I was disgusting.” Maria blushed when she realized that all of her thoughts were just spilling out of her mouth without a filter.

Kyle was floored. If there was one thing about Maria, it was that she was anything about repulsive. Kyle personally knew from the locker room that at least half the guys at West Roswell wanted to nail her. He had even started to think that his job as step brother was going to be a though one after she god that damn water bra.

Maria continued, “And I don’t have anyone to talk to about it. Liz decided to join Michael and leave for ‘destiny fantasy land’ and Alex is gone. I don’t know if you have notice, but Isabel isn’t exactly the warmest person to talk to. I mean I have Max, but I hate going to him because he is dealing with Liz.” Maria had just spilled parts of herself to Kyle that she hadn’t told anyone. Not even Liz. What was going on with her?

Kyle placed his hand on her back, “Maria, I know you don’t belive this, but you can come to me anytime. I was an ass a few weeks ago. I know. I was just freeked out.I’m starting to come to terms with this whole being healed by an alien thing now though. You can talk to me any time.” He said. He really did want her to come to him. He felt a closeness to her. Maybe it was becauase she was another human in the conspiracy, or maybe it was because his life had come to suck just like hers. Either way, it felt comforting to talk to her.

Maria smiled, “Thank you, Kyle. But you don’t get off that easy.” She grinned. “Now, tell me how you are really dealing with the alien shit.” She said.

Kyle chucked. Can’t get anything past her, he thought. He told her about how he got into Buddism and how he was scared of becoming an alien. He told her how he was hesitant around the aliens and wasn’t sure about trusting them.

Maria listened and when he was done offered him some advice, “You know, I was in the same place you are in, Kyle. I was having nightmares and was scared of my own shadow and all, but I can tell you. They wont hurt you. Well unless you decided to fall in lvoe with Michael and then you can expect your heart to be ripped out of your chest and trampled on.” She said.

Kyle smiled, “Yeah, I don’t see that happening.” Then he laughed. This conversation had been the first time he had laughed in nearly 3 weeks. He liked that Maria had that affect on him. She was laughing too. He liked that he had that affect on her.

The two new friends said their goodnights, and went to bed early. There was nothing better to do, and spilling your secrets and fears is tiring. Maria hugged Kyle as he left and said, “Thank you.”

“No, thank you.” Kyle said with a smile.


Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 2:47 am
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 5

The next day at work, Maria was surprised to see Kyle walk into the Crashdown. He hadn’t been there since Max brought him back to life. The even bigger surprise was that Kyle sat down in the booth at Max and Isabel were occupying.

She walked over to the table. “What can I get you, Kyle?” she said with a pleasant smile causing Max’s mouth to drop open. They must have made up he thought.

“Just some fries. Thanks, Maria.” He said and smiled back. Then he turned to Max and Isabel. He had to get something off of his chest. “Max, Isabel, I just wanted to appologize to you two for the way I have acted the past few weeks. Especially you, Max. I mean you saved my life and I didn’t even say thank you. So, thank you.” Kyle said taking a deep breath. “I was just freeked out you know.”

Max smiled. Maira must have done a good job of talking to Kyle. Of Course, he didn’t expect any different from her. “It’s not problem, Kyle. I understand. It is a lot to deal with.” Max said honestly. He did know that it was hard to handle. Hell, he had to live with it on a daily basis.

Isabel smiled too. “Welcome to the alien abyss.” She said with a smile. She decided to be nice to Kyle unlike what she had been to Maria at the beginning.

Kyle smiled and nodded. Then he turned to Max. “Max can I talk to you about something…in private?” he said looking at Isabel. Isabel took the cue and got up to go to the bathroom.

“What’s up, Kyle?” Max said. He had no idea why Kyle would need to talk to him. Especially in private.

“OK. Well I know that you have become good friends with Maria, and you know that we are related now.” Max nodded in affermation. “Well, I also know that you are close to Michael for obvious reasons, and I was just hoping that maybe you could talk to him for her sake. I mean last night she was bawling because of how he had treated her. I just thought maybe you could talk to him.” Kyle said. His heart broke for Maria and he didn’t understand why she let Michael get to her, but nevertheless he wanted it to stop and he figured that Max was the only one who could get through to him.

Max was surprised Maria had let Kyle see her cry. She was pretty private about that. But he knew what Kyle was saying and he agreed. If Michael wasn’t going to get his head out of his ass and tell Maria how he really felt than he should at least leave her alone. “Sure, Kyle. I was planning to talk to him anyway.” He said.

Kyle smiled. “Thanks.” He said. Them Maria came with his fries. She sat down next to Kyle.

“I took my break now so I could hang with you guys for a few.” She said and then looked around. “Where is Iz?”

“She had to go to the bathroom. She should be right back.” Max said. “So, how was closing?” he asked.

Maria flinched slightly but remained smiling, “It was fine. I hate Michael Guerin with the fire of 1000 suns, but other than that it was peachy.”

Max and Kyle laughed and Isabel retured to the table. “Hey, ‘Ria. Are you coming over tonight?” Isabel asked.

“For what?”

Isabel turned to Max. “You didn’t invite her over?” she asked incredulously. Max dropped his gaze. Iasabel turned to Maria. “Well, forgive my idiot brother. Anyway we are all getting together tonight at our house for a movie night. You should come.”

“Is Michael going to be there?” Maria asked nervously. She didn’t know how a night would be with Michael Guerin.

“Yes, but I promise you, Maria, he will not be mean. Or I’ll kick his ass.” Isabel promised.

Maria thought it over. Finally, she said, “Only if Kyle comes.” She said. She didn’t know why, but ever since last night she just felt more comfortable when he was around.

Isabel looked embarassed, “Well, of course Kyle is invited too. I didn’t mean to exclude you, Kyle.” She said.

Kyle grinned at her. He knew she hadn’t ment to leave him out. Then he looked at Maria. He thought it would be good for Maria to get used to being around Michael, and if he started anything, Kyle would be there to finish it. “Yeah, I’d love to go.” She said and Maria smiled.

“Well, I got to get back to work.” Maria said. “I’ll see you tonight.”

Kyle stopped her. “How are you getting home? The Jetta is in the shop.”

Maria smiled. “I’ll walk.”

Kyle shook his head. “Absloutly not! I’ll come get you.”

“Over protective brother already!” Maria said rolling her eyes. But laughed and went back to work.


Kyle picked Maria up as promised and they made their way back home so Maria could change. Kyle had to admit. He loved being around Maria. For all the crap she ahd been put though in her life, she still had a enthusiastic glow about her. Kyle envyed that. He hadn’t get enthusiastic about much of anything lately. But that was going to change, he decided.

Maria quickly changed and got back in the car taking the driver’s side. “I’m driving!” she yelled at Kyle with a laugh. She knew how protective he was of his Mustang, but she wanted to drive.

“Oh no! I’ve seen you drive the Jetta. There is no way I’m letting you drive Bessy.” He answered shaking his head.

Maria laughed at him. “Bessy? Anyway, I wanna drive. Please??? Pretty please...with sugar on top???” she begged jutting out her bottom lip. No one could say no to that face. Not even Michael. She had used it on him numerous times.

Kyle sighed. Girls! They always knew wha cards to play to get what they wanted. “Fine, but don’t exceed the speed limit and just be careful.” Kyle finally said looking uneasy.

Maria jumped up and down. “Thank you,” she screeched and threw her arms around Kyle. He just grinned at her. Nothing felt better than making Maria smile. Maria climed behind the wheel and started the car.

Kyle was on the edge of his seat all the way to the Evans’ house. Maria drove a little too fast and didn’t look out her mirrors as much as he would like. Kyle knew he was being irrational, that Maria was perfectly capable of driving 10 miles, but he was still nervous.

Maria on the other hand was thrilled. She loved driving the Mustang. It was a true muscle car. It was faster and smoother than her Jetta. Every so often she would look over at Kyle and see his pained expression and giggle to herself. He was so funny. He loved that car like it was his child, so she drove a little more irratically than usual.

When Maria pulled into Max and Iasbel’s driveway, Kyle let out the breath that he had practically been holding for the whole trip. Maria smiled and said, “See, that wasn’t so bad. Was it?”

Kyle rolled his eyes, “Yeah, you are a regular Mario Andretti.” Then he grinned and they walked up to the door.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 10:57 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 6

Kyle and Maria were the last ones to arrive at Max and Isabel’s. When they walked into the house they saw Max and Isabel on the couch, and Michael sitting in the Lazy boy. “Hey guys,” Isabel called to them getting up.

Maria smiled and returned the greeting, not looking at Michael. She knew that if she looked at him, she would immediately slip into a bad mood.

Max and Isabel hugged Maria and aknowledged Kyle. “So, what movie are we watching?” Maria asked.

Max grinned, “Halloween II and Love Actually.” He knew she would love one and hate the other.

Maria rolled her eyes. “Are you trying to get me so scared I pee my pants?” she asked.

“So, not a Halloween fan, huh?” Kyle asked.

As the made their way back into the living room, Max explained, “When we made her watch the frist Halloween movie she was clinging to me and Michael for dear life.” He said with a chuckle.

Maria stuck her toung out at him, “I can hande it, I wasn’t that scared.” She said.

“Sure, Maria.” Isabel said grinning.

“Ok, well lets just start the damn thing,” Maria said making herself comfortable on the floor. Kyle sat next to her. Michael eyed Maria. God she looked good. It’s too bad that this time they were watching a scary movie, he wouldn’t be able to be there for her to grab on to. He had to push those thoughts out of his head. He needed to be alone, and thinking about Maria grabbing him, didn’t help him stay committed to that.

The move started and Kyle could already see Maria’s body tense. He never knew that she was that scared of movies. He grinned to himself. At the first scarry part, Maria jumped 10 feet in the air letting out a blood curddling scream. The whole room burst out into laughter.

“Oh, shut up!” Maria yelled at them looking embarassed. The next thing that jumped out on the movie caused Maria to lunge herself into Kyle’s arms. She took him by surprise when she did that. HE chuckled a little, but when he saw that she was still really scared, he rested his hand on her back. “Your fine,” he whispered in her ear, “it’s just a movie. You have 4 people here to protect you.” Her reactions were funny, but he still didn’t like that she was so freeked out. It was probably just a brotherly protector thing.
Michael turned his attention from the movie that he had seen 100 times, to Maria and Kyle. He did not like how close they were. Sure, they were step-siblings, but he still felt a pang of jealousy. He knew what it was like to hold Maria in his arms and he didn’t want anyone else to do it. He watched as Kyle whispered something in her ear, and she breathed a sigh of relief. He didn’t want to watch them, it sucked. But he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of them.

Kyle notice how, when the movie got more intense, Maria’s heart would race and her breath would come out in little pants. God, she is beautiful, he thought. Wait…beautiful. She was his step sister. He can’t think she is beautiful. He shook it off.

When Michael Myers jumped out again, Maria clung to Kyle’s hang digging her nails into his flesh. Kyle winced, but said nothing. It hurt, but he didn’t want her to move from him. He liked protecting her. Even when it was just from the TV screen.

Finally the movie was over, and Isabel flipped on the lights. She and Max noticed Maria still clinging to Kyle. They laughed, “Maria, you can release Kyle from your death grip now.” Max said.

Maria blushed and stuck her toung out at him. “This is your fault. You know that I can’t watch scary movies.” She said and then removed herslef from Kyle. Oddly, she felt a loss at detaching herself from him. She decided not to think to deeply on it.

Kyle looked down at the hand she had maimed. It was bleeding. Max noticed too. “I know your pain, Kyle.” Max said. “She did the same to me. You want me to fix it?”

Kyle shook his head, “No, I’m cool.” He siad. He didn’t know why, but for some reason he liked her tiny fingernail marks in his skin.

Isabel grabbed the other DVD and pressed play. “Oh, so now you leave the lights on,” Maria said. She knew that they made her watch scary movies to get a rise out of her. But she couldn’t help how scared she got.

The movie started and she liked this one much better. It was funny. Maria like dry British humor. It was funnier than that slap-stick crap. She noticed Kyle was enjoying the movie too. Apparently he liked British comedies as well.

Now that Maria wasn’t practically in Kyle’s lap, Michael turned his attention back to the screen. He only glanced at Maria occasionally knowing that if he stared he would get caught. God, she was hot. He wanted to kiss her sensless right there, but he knew that he couldn’t.

After the movie it was pretty late. Maria looked at her watch. “I guess we better cut out.” She said.

Kyle nodded and Max walked them too the door. “Thanks for coming, Kyle.” Max said. He was really glad that Kyle was starting to become a part of their dwindling group. “I’m sorry Michael wasn’t speaking to you. He’s just wrapped up in himself right now.”

Michael was an ass. Kyle thought. “It’s cool. Thanks for inviting me.” He said and then he and Maria made their way out the door.

“You wanna drive?” Kyle asked, not knowing where those words came from.

“Naa…Watching you almost have a heart attack once today was enough,” Maria said with a grin, “besides I’m still a little freeked out by Michael Myers and his blood bath in an Illinois hospital.”

Kyle grinned. Man she really DID get freeked out by movies. They drove home in comfortable silence. It wasn’t that awkward silence. It was just peace. When they reached the house, Maria began, “Ummmm…can uhhh…”

“Just say it, Maria.” Kyle said. He could tell she had something on her mind.

“You can totally say no, but do you think you could sit with me and talk until I fall asleep? I just don’t think I’ll be able to sleep after that movie.” He siad shyly. This surprised Kyle because Maria Deluca was rarely shy.

“Sure, no problem,” he said, “let me hit the shower and change.” Maria nodded and did the same.

Maria was sitting on her bed when Kyle walked in. She looked radiant. He didn’t know how it was that he never notice Maria’s beauty. He would have a tough time as a step-brother keeping boys from taking advantage of her. Hell, he wanted to. Wait…what? He had to stop these thoughts.

He sat on the bed next to Maria. Sh stretched out under the covers. “You can lay down if you want, I don’t bit.” She said with a grin.

Kyle gave an awkward smile and laid down on top of the covers next to her. Then Maria began talking, “So I want to know all about you.” She said.

Kyle was kind of taken by surprise, “Ummm what do you want to know.”

“What is the best thing that ever happened to you?”

“Finding Buddah, You?”

Maria thought, “Ummm singing at the Blind Date concert.” Then she asked, “What is the worst thing that ever happened to you?”

Kyle swallowed hard. He finally decided to just tell her the truth. He didn’t know why but he thought of all people in the world, she would understand. “Ummm When my mom left.” He said.

Maria could hear the pain in his voice. She knew that it took a lot for him to admit that, and to be honest she didn’t know why he did, but she felt it was only right to tell him that he was not alone. “The worst thing that happened to my was when my father left,” she said quietly taking his hand in support.

He looked at her. He had never put two and two together. They were both two abandoned children. He knew that she understood his pain in a way that no one else ever could. Even Max and Isabel had adoptive parents that loved them and would never think about leaving. He gave her a slight smile as he saw her drift off to sleep, he hand still wrapped in his.

He didn’t want to wake her or let go, do he made himself comfortable and joined her in slumber.


Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 4:39 am
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 7

Weeks went by and Maria and Kyle got closer. Their parents had come home from their honeymoon happy as ever. Maria was glad to see her mother genuinly happy. She couldn’t remember ever seeing her this happy. Jim was happy too. The two adults grossed out their children on numerous occasions with their PDAs.

Maria and Kyle began to find solice in one another. Whenever Maria had a bad day she went to Kyle and vice versa. They shared things with each other that niether had shared with anyone.

Michael still gave Maria a hard time. And he began to get more and more jealous of Maria’s relationship with Kyle. He wasn’t eactly sure something more wasn’t going on this them. Sure, they were step-siblings, but they were sometimes too close for comfort.

Kyle still found Maria beautiful, but he kept pushing those feelings aside, thinking that is was just proximity that made him feel that way about her. Maria had also taken at rather, unsibling like, notice of Kyle, but she didn’t want to think about it. She didn’t want her feelings to ruin what they had. Which was the best friendship she had ever known.

Liz and Alex were still not back, so Maria spent all of her time with Max, Isabel, and Kyle. Occasionally she would have to deal with Michael, but she was trying hard to let what he said go in one ear and out the other. But it was hard. She wanted him to want her and it hurt that he didn’t.

Weeks tuned into months and the school year started. Alex had come home, and Maria shared her friendship with Kyle with him, but it didn’t look like Liz was ever coming back. She had enrolled in school in Florida, and Maria would be lying if she said she wasn’t hurt. Liz just picked up and left. That stung.

The night before the first day back to school, Kyle passed Maria’s room and found her crying. He had seen her like this more times than he liked to remember. He slowly stepped inside her room. He figured Michael was being an ass again. God, he hated that guy. How could he do this to someone so beautiful, both inside and out?

“Maria,” he said gently. She looked up and him and silently gave him permission to enter. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

Maria began bawling again. She threw her arms around Kyle and sobbed into his chest. Kyle felt a tingling in his groin at the feeling of her body pressed against his. He silently cursed at himself for not keeping his body in control. “Why does everyone leave me?” Maria sobbed loudly.

Kyle’s heart broke for her. He knew how she felt. He had never felt good enough due to his mother’s dissapearing act. “Maria, what is this about? Michael?” he asked quietly.

Maria pulled back and looked at Kyle with tears running down her cheeks. “Yes, no, I don’t know. It’s everyone. I wasn’t good enough for my dad, then it was Michael, and now Liz. No one ever stays for me. I’m never enough for anyone.” She said as she sobbed.

Kyle couldn’t belive that Maria thought so little of her. It was amazing. In actuality, she was his world, and yet she didn’t think that she was enough for people to stay for her. He hated her father, and Michael, and Liz. They had made her feel worthless and that was the opposite of what she was. “Maria, listen to me. They are the ones with the problem. Not you. You are more than enough. If they can’t see that, then they are blind. And you have to know that no matter what happens, I will be here for you. I will never go anywhere.” He said.

Maria hugged him tighter, “Thanks, Kyle. But you shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep.” She said sadly.

“Maria, I’m serious. No matter where I am or where you are, I will always be there for you. I don’t break promises. I’ve had too many broken for me.” He said seriously.

Maria smiled at him. “Will you sleep with me tonight?” she asked. She felt safe with him. Kyle nodded and slipped under the covers with her. She took a hold of his hand and he flipped off the light.


Maria was awakened by her annoying alarm clock at 7:00am. She slapped it off and sat up. God it was early. She did not want to go to school. Undoubtedly, she would have classes with Michael, and he would be either cold and heartless or ignore her completely. Besides the fact that it was school.

Maria looked at Kyle who had slept through the alarm. “Kyle, get up.” She said shaking him. He grunted and pushed his head further into the pillow.

“Unn uhh.” He said shaking his head.

“Common,” Maria said as she pulled him up using all of her strength. “Get up and get in the shower or we will be late.”

Finally, Kyle got up and grumbled down the hall to the bathroom. He was obviously not a morning person. Neither was Maria, but she knew she had to get up.

Once they were both ready they ran out the door. They were running late, as Maria predicted. Finally they arrived at school just before the first bell. They had lunch and Science together, but that was it, so they parted ways for first period.

Just as she thought, there was Michael sitting next to the only empty seat left. He looked at her and then turned away. Her life was beginning to suck more and more as the day went on, and it was only 8:30am.

The morning went by well. Michael mostly ignored Maria in the 2 classes they had together, but she did notice that he would stare at her. She didn’t know if he was undressing her with his eyes, or planning her demise.

At lunch, the gang sat together. Michael only spoke to Maria to ask her to pass the tabasco. Kyle really didn’t like Michael. First, he couldn’t understand how Michael could fall out of love with someone like maria and secondly, he didn’t know what he had to be so cold to her. All she wanted was some affection, and he never gave it to her.

After school Kyle dropped Maria off at the Crashdown. She had to work, with Michael. Kyle was pretty sure he would have to pick up the pieces of Maria’s borken heart when she came home. God, he hated that kid.


Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 7:42 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 8

Just as Maria suspected, Michael was being an ass at work. Her work day completely sucked until Kyle came in. She knew he was there to see how she was. He was so damn sweet.

While Kyle was in the Crashdown, Maria managed to ignore Michael’s dirty looks and rude comments. When she took her break she sat down next to Kyle.

Michael watched every move Maria made. There was something going on with her and Kyle and he didn’t know what it was, but he wasn’t going to stand for it. He saw the way her body was at ease when she sat next to Kyle, a little too close for Michael’s comfort. He even burnt a few hamburgers as he was so engrossed in the scene playing in front of him. He hated Kyle.

When Maria sat down she rolled her eyes and through her arms around Kyle. “You know I love you right?” she asked. Kyle swallowed hard. He knew she ment in a sisterly way, but he was starting to relize he was falling in love with her, and not in a brotherly way. He just nodded. Maria continued, “Well, if you do not leave and go have fun somewhere else, I will be forced to kick your ass, Kyle Valenti!” she said with a smirk.

Kyle chucked. She caught him. He was in protector mode, and he couldn’t hide that from Maria. “Well, I’m sure I won’t have a lot of fun, but I’ll go home after I finish these fries.” He promised.

Maria smiled and hugged him again giving him a kiss on the cheek. Then she pulled away suddenly. Had he felt that electicity between them? She felt it the minute her lips touched his skin. Why had she kissed him anyway. That was so random. Or was it. Maybe she had wanted to do that for a long time. Who was she kidding. She knew that she wanted to kiss him, only not on the cheek. She wanted to kiss him on his lips. What the hell was going on with her. She was thinking about kissing her step-brother. She shook the thoughts off.

As Kyle left he was thinking about that kiss. She had barely touched him and he felt electicity flow through his body. He had it bad and he didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know if he should talk to her about it. He doubted she felt the same way about him. He just needed to go home and take a cold shower and then everything would be fine. Right?


While Maria and Michael were closing that night, Maria silently bitched Mr. Parker ut for making them close together so often. It sucked. Just when she thought the night couldn’t get any worse, with all of Michael’s dirty looks and disaporving grunts, the skys opened and it began to pour down rain.

“Shit,” Maria said aloud.

“What’s your deal?” Michael asked.

“Well, I have to walk home with the great flood raging out there.” As if her life could get anyworse she added silently.

Michael didn’t want her to walk home alone. He knew there was onle one option. He would have to take her. “I’ll take you home,” he said gruffly. Great, alone with Maria in the car.

Maria was surprised, but accepted. Maybe he was finally taking the stick out of his ass. They finished closing in silence and walked out to Michael’s rental car. The ride was completely silent until they reached Maria’s house.

Maria turned to Michael, “Thanks for the ride,” she said. He may have been an ass to her, but she still had manners. Besides, she still wasn’t sure she didn’t want him back. Stupid, right?

He looked at her directly for the first time, “Whatever,” he said. He didn’t want to say that what he really wanted to do was grab her and have his way with her.

Maria rolled her eyes, “Dude, what id your problem. I know we are not together anymore. Trust me, I get it. You have made it quite apparent that I repuls you. But why are you such an ass to me. I’ve stood by you for a while now, and I don’t understand why you are so mean.” She said. She felt tears coming, but there was no way she was going to let him see her cry.

Michael hated for her to think that he was repulsed by her. It was really the opposite. He wanted to fuck her brains out right there in the car, but he couldn’t let her know that. So, he said, “Look, you don’t need me. You’ve moved on quite nicely. I wonder if you will let Kyle touch you the way I used to.” Michael bit out.

Maria saw red. She slapped him in the face and ran into the house. What was he talking about with Kyle. Did he notice something beween her and Kyle. No, he was probably just trying to hurt her. And he did.

Maria ran up to her room and slammed the door. She threw herself on the bed. God, Michael sure did know what to say to get to her. He knew that he was the only person she had gone further than kissing with. They h ad never made it all the way, but the did pretty much everything else. And Michael knew that it was hard for her to be open enough to be intimate with him. So when he implied that she was moving to that same kind of relationship so fast, it made her feel cheap.

She heard a knock on her door, “Come in,” she said between tears. She already knew who it was. It was the one person that could make her feel better. No one else could do that. Not even Alex.

Kyle didn’t say a word. He just sat on her bed and held her as she cried. “I hate him.” She cried. “But then I don’t hate him. I’m so confused Kyle! I mean he is such as ass hole, but I feel like I would talk him back in a minute.” She said.

Kyle didn’t know why Michael had this hold on her. As fas as he could see she was better off without him, but he wasn’t about to make her feelings trival. “It’s ok, Maria. Do you want to tell me what happened?” he said quietly. His voice could always bring Maria comfort. She actually wondered w it was she got through times like this without him.

She looked him in the eyes. Could she tell him. Could she show him her inner most fears? The only person she had ever shared her fear of intimacy with was Michael, and he had thrown it in her face. But Kyle was different. She knew he wouldn’t do that. She took a deep breath, “Kyle, you don’t want to hear my bullshit.” She said.

Kyle lifted her chin to look at him, “What you are feeling is not bullshit. And I do want to know what is bothering you.” Kyle said to her. She could tell that he really did want to know.

“Well, Michael was the first person I was ever intimate with. We didn’t ever have sex, but we…well we did other things. He was the first person I alowed to more than kiss me. I don’t know if you have noticed, but I don’t trust people easily. And I trusted him. Then he left me, like everyone always does. Don’t know Kyle. I guess I just still have these fantasys that Michael would come to his senses and realize that he needed me. It’s stupid I guess.” Maria said.

Kyle wipped the tears from her eyes and said, “Listen, I hate that you have so many insecurities. I can see why you do with your father issues, but you should know that you are the best thing to happen to Michael Guerin. If he doesn’t see that than he is an idiot and sure as hell doesn’t deserve you.” Kyle said sternly. He knew that if he was Maria’s boyfriend he would never make her cry.

“Thank you, Kyle.” Maria said and then, before she could stop herself she kissed him in the cheek. Sparks flew again and Maria regained her senses. “Well I better get to bed. Night, Kyle.” She said. She had to get him out of there before she really lost control. She could feel like this about her step-brother.


Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 3:07 am
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 9

Maria ran up to Max in the hallway the next day at school, “Hey, umm Max can I talk to you later?” she asked. She knew that he was the only person he could talk to about her predicament.

Max looked surprised. While he and Maria had stayed friends, she spent most of her time with Kyle now, and told him everything. “Sure,” he said, “Do you have to work tonight?”

Maria shook her head, “No, I’m off tonight.” She said.

“Well, why don’t you come over after dinner and we can have a ‘Ben and Jerry’s’ night.” Max said. Maria had opened him up to the power of ice cream after Liz left.

Maria smiled, “Great, thanks Max.” she said and she made her way to class. She ignored Michael in all of her classes. Looking at him might have mad her burst into tears and she couldn’t handle that.

After school, she and Kyle rode home together. They talked about the school day and if something had changed last night, Kyle wasn’t making a big deal about it. He wanted her as a friend so he didn’t look into the ‘non-kiss’ too much.

“Hey, Kyle can you take me to Max’s house tonight?” Maria asked as they watched TV.

“Yeah, no problem,” Kyle said with a smile. Secretly he wanted to know what Max wanted. He could help but be jealous. But why? Maria shared her life with him, not Max. He had nothing to be jealous of. Besides, Max was still pining over Liz. Kyle decided he was being stupid and turned his attention back to the TV. As long as Maria wasn’t going to be with Michael, he didn’t have to worry.


Max dished out two bowls of Chunky Munky and handed one to Maria. “Here, wanna go upstairs?” Max asked. He didn’t want Isabel to barge in and interupt. He knew it was had for Maria to open up to people and if Isabel was there, she wouldn’t.

“Sure,” Maria said as she followed Max to his room.

They sat down on the bed and Maria began to pick at her ice cream, “Ok, spill it DeLuca. What is wrong?” Max said.

Maria grinned. Max could always be counted on to keep her on point. “Well, it’s lot of things, max.” she said. “And I can’t talk to Kyle about it.” She knew that he was wondering why she came to him instead of Kyle.

“OK, well what’s the deal? Is is Michael?” Max knew that Michael had been a dick lately and he hated it.

“Kinda. I don’t really know how to say this except to just say it, and if you tell anyone, I will be forced to kick your ass. Alien powers or not.” Maria said.

“I promise, what you say will not leave this room.” Max promised.

“Ok, here we go. Well, you know how Kyle and I have become really good friends, lately.” Max nodded, and Maria continued. “Well, you also know that Michael is being an ass hole. Well, last night shit sort of hit the fan. Michael insenuated that I was a slut basically.” Max looked shocked. Maria noticed. “He didn’t officially say that but he made it sound like I was randomly hooking up with Kyle. The thing is that Michael knows I have intimacy issues, so that really hurt my feelings.”

“Oh, Maria. Michael is an idiot. You know he is like my brother, but that is unexcusable.” Max wanted to kick his ‘brothers’ ass right at that moment.

“Oh, Max. That isn’t all. Now, there is an issue with Kyle. He did nothing wrong. It’s me. And its probably all in my head, but I think I have feelings for him. I know he is my step-brother, and I know I still have feelings for Michael, but last night, when he was comforting me, I kissed him on the cheek and all I could think about was that I wanted to kiss him again.” Maria placed her head in her hands. She felt like an idiot saying it out loud.

Max rubbed Maria’s back. He would be lying if he said he didn’t notice a little tension between the two. Maria continued, “My life is just falling apart Max. Liz left me, Michael is confusing me with his ‘I don’t care, but I’m jealous’ routine, and now there is this whole thing with Kyle.”

“Look, Maria. I know that things are tough for you right now. And I wish Michael would get his head out of his ass. But I don’t think you should be worried about this Kyle thing. If you like him and he likes you, then forget about the step-brother thing. It’s not like you guys grew up together or something. You were thrown together.”

“You think? I mean it wouldn’t be weird? Wait, what am I talking about. He probably doesn’t feel the same way about me.” Maria said.

“Ok, it might be a little weird for some people. But who cares? You deserve to be happy, Fuck what everyone else thinks. As far as Kyle’s feelings, unless my eyes are deciving me, I think Kyle feels the same way you do.” Max said finishing his bown of ice cream.

“Max, what would I do without you?” Maria said as she threw her arms around Max. She immediately noticed that it wasn’t the same thing she felt with Kyle. “But I have one more thing. What about Michael? I’m not sure I’m over him. It wouldn’t be fair to start something with Kyle, if my heart still belongs to Michael.”

“I can’t tell you what to do there. You have to decided what you want.” Max said. He didn’t know why Maria still wanted Michael. It was probably the same thing that wouldn’t let him totally move on from Liz.

Max drove Maria home and she went up to Kyle’s room. “Hey Kyle.” She said and entered.

“Hey Maria,” Kyle said kind of surprised to see her in his room. “What’s up?”

“Nothin, I just got back from Max’s. What did you do tonight?” She asked.

“I just say here.” Kyle said.

“You know Kyle, you need to get a life,” Maria said jokingly as she crossed the room and sat down next to Kyle.

“Ha Ha Ha. I don’t need a life, I hang out with you all the time anyway,” Kyle said.

“Yeah I’m great company, aren’t I?” Maria said with a chuckle. They looked at each other for a long time. Kyle got lost in Maria’s pools of green just she she got lost in his baby blues. She felt her body leaning into his. It was as if she had no control.

Finally, their lips came into contact. Kyle pressed closer. This was what he had been wating for. The feel of her lips against his was better than he had imagined. The wheels in Maria’s head began to turn. She couldn’t do this. She had to talk to him first. Suddenly Maria pushed Kyle away.

“Kyle, wait. We can’t do this. God, I want to. But we can’t.” she said not making eye contact.

“Why?” Kyle asked.

“You’re my step-brother.” She knew that was just an excuse, though. She was over that. She really needed to talk to Michael one last time to see if her feelings for him were gone.

“Maria, I don’t care. I’ve wanted to kiss you for over a month, and I know that you kissed me back. You want it too.”

Maria looked up at him. He’d wanted to kiss her for that long? “Kyle, can you just give me a little time. I want to be with you. I really do. More that you probably know. But I have to think about things. Ok? Can you just let me sort all of this out?”

Kyle smiled and nodded, “I can wait forever.” He said. She couldn’t belive the warmth coming from him. He really cared about her. Maria felt herself falling for him. Maybe this was all she needed to get over Michael. She still felt the need to talk to Michael before continuing with Kyle.

Then Amy was at Kyle’s door. ‘Knock, Knock! How are you tonight?” she asked both teens.

“Fine,” Kyle and Maria said at the same time before bursting into laughter.


Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 7:49 pm
by gnrkrystle
Chapter 10

The next few days, Maria avoided Kyle like the plague, which was pretty difficult since he was still taking her to school. She didn’t talk to him, for fear that she would no longer be able to control her self and she would jump into his arms and kiss him.

She knew that she needed to talk to Michael one last time to make sure he was really out of her life, but it was hard. So she was putting it off.

Kyle noticed Maria’s distance and felt like and ass. He should have never kissed her. He felt like he ruined everything. At least before that kiss he and Maria had become best friends. She used to be able to tell him anything. She used to come to him and cry on his shoulder. And he loved that. He loved being the one she went to. But now she didn’t even speak to him. But Kyle wasn’t willing to take back that kiss. No, that kiss was the most wonderful thing he had ever experianced in his short life.

He would just wait it out a few more days and talk to her. He wanted to be more than friends with her, but he would rather be friends than nothing.

Maria decided that today was the day. She had been ignoring Kyle for 2 days already and she just needed to talk to Michael. She knew he didn’t work that night, so after school she planned to go to Michael’s apartment and get some answeres.


Maria took a deep breath and knocked on Michael’s door. He opened it and glared at her but didn’t say anything. Maria started, “Look, Michael. I need to talk to you.” She stepped past him and into the apartment.

“What do you want?” Michael asked gruffly.

“I want you to sit down and listen to me and not say anything until I’m done.” Maria said in an ‘I-mean-business’ tone. Michael shrugged and sat down. Maria joined him.

She continued, “Michael, I want to know a lot of things, and I think that you own me some answeres after all I’ve been through with you.” She said. “I want to know why you told me that you loved me when you never ment it. I want to know why you get some kind of a kick out of hurting me. I want to know why I cannot enter a room without you throwing me a glare or a hurtful comment. I know that we weren’t close friends before we got involved, but we shared a lot with each other. Weather you want to admit it or not. So, why is it so easy for you to say hurtful things to me? What did I do to you, to make you such an asshole. And finally, I need to know if you see any future with us? Is there any chance that you are going to get your head out of your ass and come back to me?” Then a thought came to Maria. She didn’t care if Michael saw a future with her, she didn’t see one with him anymore. But she still wanted answeres.

Michael looked down to the ground. He couldn’t tell her that he still wanted her. He made a promise to himself to leave her for good. He couldn’t get attached and that was exactly what he had been doing. What he was still doing. He started, “Look, Maria. I don’t know how many different ways I can say this. I don’t want to be with you. Maybe I never have. I’m not being an ass, I’m being who I am. This is me. If you don’t like it than I cant do anything about that, but I’m not going to appoligize for who I am anymore. So if that is all you want, then I can tell you, we are done. We aren’t getting back together.” Michael said in a monotone voice.

Maria knew before she even showed up at Michael’s that she was going to choose Kyle. It was just made apparent to her after Michael’s speech. “Fine.” She siad, “Thank you, Michael.” And with that she got up and left.

Michael punched the wall after she left. Dammit, he just wanted to kiss her senseless and instead he was pushing her away, again.


Maria ran into her house and saw Jim and Amy sitting on the couch together. She must have looked happy because Amy said, “Honey, did you have a good day?”

Maria grinned. “Yeah, mom. I had a really good day. Is Kyle home?”

“Yeah, he is in his room.” Amy said with a smile. She was so glad to see her daughter and Jims son had become such great friends. She was worried, at first, that they would not mix well. But they had become really good friends since the honeymoon.

Maria rushed up the stairs to Kyles room. She stood outside the door collecting herself before she knocked lightly on the door. “Come in.” she heard Kyle say and she did.

Kyle turned around to see who had entered his room. And there she was. The most beautiful woman in the entire world. She had a glow about her that he didn’t quite understand. But he liked it. He wanted to see her that happy all of the time. And she would be, if he had anything to say about it.

“Hi, Kyle.” Maria said hesitantly, as if she didn’t know if he wanted her there. He motioned for her to sit with him on the bed, but remained silent. She began talking, “Kyle, I know I told you that I needed a few days to think over everything. I have to admit to you that I kind of lied.”

Kyle took a deep breath and said, “I understand, Maria. I just want to be friends with you, at least.” Kyle knew he was defeated. The Brother thing was too much for Maria.

Maria lifted her index finger and quieted Kyle. “Let me finish.” She said patiently, “I won’t lie, this step-sibling thing is still weird, but it doesn’t matter to me. I don’t think it ever could. I needed a few days to talk to Michael.” She said pausing for effect. Then she continued, “I think I needed closure on that relationship, before I could move on. You know? I thought I might still have feelings for Michael, but when I talked to him tonight, I realized that I didn’t. I just felt like I needed him because he was the only man who ever loved me. But, you know, Kyle. I realized that I would rather spend the rest of my days without love, than to spend one more minute letting Michael Guerin get to me.” Maria took a deep breath, “So that is why I needed time. I didn’t want to jump into this with second thoughts or unsure feeling.” Maria waited for Kyle’s reaction.

He looked into her eyes, “Maria, you don’t know how happy I am to her you say that. The step-sibling thing never bothered me either. We have never really been brother and sister. I mean we started as friends. As far as the love thing. So many people love you Maria. More than you may know. But trust me, you will not die unloved, and Michael Guerin is a damned fool for not seeing how amazing you are.” Kyle stared at her intently, “So, do you want to do this? To be together?” he asked with all hope.

Maria stared back at Kyle, “Yes, I want to be with you,” she finally said. “But, there have to be rules.” She continued, “I have no way of knowing who Jim and my mom will take this, but knowing my mom it won’t be pretty. And I also don’t think our friends will understand. To them, we are step-siblings. We were never really friends before and they won’t take this well. So, I think that we should keep this to ourselves until we can lay the ground work for our friends at least.” Maria didn’t want to hide their realationship, but she knew that in a small town this could get ugly.

Kyle didn’t want to love Maria in the dark, but he did know what she was saying. Roswell was not the place you wanted to have an unusual relationship. And he KNEW that his dad and Amy would be none to happy about the knew development. He would like to keep his balls intact. “I understand,” he said, “it just sucks. I want to be able to shout to the world that you are my girlfriend.” He said with a grin.

Maria grinned back. “I know but we will eventually be able to tell our friends. But now lets get to the task at hand and why don’t you kiss me like you did last night.”

Kyle laughed. Yeah, he could definaly fall for this woman. He leaned in and kissed Maria with all he had and she kissed back. No longer was she hesitant, and it was the most amazing feeling of both of their lives.
