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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 31 4/9/17

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:39 am
by L-J-L 76
Interesting toys to learn to kiss with. Cool Max finally asked Liz on a date. Love the change Liz is doing. So glad Max is there for Liz. And so glad Carolyn, Brain and friends are there for each other.

L-J-L 76

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 31 4/9/17

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 5:36 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Liz does know that Max is going to be there for her.

SmileeUk Glad you enjoyed it!

L-J-L 76 Yes Max asked Liz out for a date.

Part 32

"Are we interrupting something?" Asked Isabel

Both Max and Liz fell off the couch surprised by Isabel's voice.

"Uh we didn't hear you come in." Said Max helping Liz up.
"We see that." Said Isabel with a raised eyebrow
"Uh I should get home." Mumbled Liz
"Me too. I will walk you Liz." Said Alex
"Bye Max, I'll see you tomorrow Max." Said Liz kissing him on the cheek.

Liz grabbed her jacket and headed out of the house. Alex said a quick goodbye to Isabel and ran after Liz.

"Hey Liz wait up!"

Liz stopped and waited for Alex to catch up.

"Hey you OK?" Asked Alex
"Yeah fine." Said Liz
"Come on Liz. It's me Alex. I think I have gotten know you kind of well. I think of you like a sister."

Liz smiled at Alex and hugged him.

"I'm sorry. It's just I guess I am a little embarrassed about you and Isabel catching Max and me like that."
"You mean making out with his parents in the next room?"
"Uh we were not making out. We were just kissing. Kyle and Serena do the whole makeout thing."
"Uh your sister and Kyle are almost doing more then making out."
"So you have feelings for Max?"
"Yeah. I have for a while. I think they started even before I ended up in the hospital."
"Liz, are you still scared of your emotions?"
"Yeah. I got so use to blocking them that now it's kind of scary to let them out. Alex, you telling me that you think of me as a sister means a lot to me. My early memories are full of people telling me that no one will want me. That no one will ever love me. That did more damage then any of the beatings did."
"Emotional abuse from what I understand is very damaging. You being so young it would have done a real number on you. But the thing you need to remember is that you are this kind very loveable young lady. You also have a number of people who will go to the bat for you."
"Thank you Alex."

Alex hugged Liz on her front porch. Before she headed inside. He then headed home.


"So I take it that you and Liz are moving part the just friends stage?" Asked Isabel
"Isabel that is none of your business." Said Max
"Max, I think this is a good thing. Just make sure that you take things slow. I think that Liz is still very fragile."
"I know that. Isabel, I would never do anything to hurt Liz. I love her Isabel. I love her more then anything."
"Then brother dear, I think you need to show her. Do something to show her often."
"Will you help me?"
"Of course. Now have you asked her on a date yet?"
"Sorta? What the hell does that mean?"
"It means I did. But didn't say when or what time."
"That is no good dear brother. First thing tomorrow you will call her with firm plans for next Friday night."
"Where will I take her? I mean I can't take her to the Crashdown."
"You could try Señor Chows or the Flying Pizza Pan."
"Señor Chows. Liz likes them. Besides it would be quieter than the Flying Pizza Pan."
"Sounds like a plan."
"Thanks Izzy."
"Love you Max."

Max hugged his sister. Then they both went up to bed.


Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 32 4/10/17

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 5:55 am
by L-J-L 76
Love how Alex and Isabel are there for Max and Liz. And are willing to help Max and Liz when they need it. Alex would make a great brother for Liz. Love how Isabel is helping Max plan a date for Liz.

L-J-L 76

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 32 4/10/17

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 1:25 pm
by keepsmiling7
Isabel has Max heading in the right direction......
And Alex is a good brother/friend that Liz really needs.

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 32 4/10/17

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 4:16 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Alex and Isabel want Max and Liz happy. Alex really would be the ideal "brother" to look out for Liz.

Carolyn Isabel does have Max headed in the right direction. Alex may not technically be Liz's brother but their relationship has taken on that roll for him.

Part 33

Liz walked into her house said goodnight to her parents and head up to bed. Liz notice that Serena's door was open so she stopped.

"Rena can I talk to you?" Asked Liz
"Yeah sure. What's wrong?"

Liz walked into Serena's room and started to pace.

"Liz what is wrong?"
"I think I am falling in love with my best friend."

Serena looked at Liz surprised.

"What? Rena you are acting like I don't have feelings."
"Of course I know that you have feelings. I am just surprised that you are admitting how you feel about Max. Liz, are you scared to be in love?"
"Rena, until six months ago I was afraid to love at all! Now to fall in love with Max it is a little scary."
"Liz, love is scary."
"Rena do you love Kyle?"
"I like him a lot. I don't know if it is love yet."
"But you want to find out."
"Yeah. Kyle makes me feel things I never felt before."

Liz nodded.

"Liz, when you go to your therapy appointment maybe you should talk about how you feel about Max."
"I have. Dr. Davis thinks I should explore my feelings for Max."
"Have you yet?"
"A little. He and I kissed tonight. I mean really kissed. Not like the kisses he has given me for a while."
"How did that make you feel?"

Liz smiled and Serena watched as Liz's eyes lit up in away she had never seen before.

"It was wonderful! Rena I mean I think I saw stars!"
"Damn! I am happy for you."
"Liz, I love you. I want you happy. Do you understand how much it hurt me to see you just going through the motions of life? But now you are starting to live."
"Rena, I wanted to be happy. But I also didn't want to relive the nightmare that I lived the first five years of my life."
"But in order to get better you have to deal with it."
"I know. Rena, you spent time in therapy right?"
"Yeah. You know that whole thing with my bio dad murdering my bio mom."
"Right. I forgot about that."
"Hey no worries. You have enough of your own issues to deal with."
"I know. But I have never been as good of a sister to you as you have to me. I am going to try and be better at that."

Serena pulled Liz into a hug and that was how their mom found them. She smiled at seeing so much life in Liz. She had prayed that the broken little girl would heal. It seemed that it might finally be happening.


Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 33 4/11/17

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 4:58 am
by L-J-L 76
Love the sister talk Liz and Serena had. Agree with Dr. Baker and Serena Liz needs to explore her feeling for Max. Love the way Liz was talking about this kiss they had.

L-J-L 76

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 33 4/11/17

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 10:27 am
by keepsmiling7
Liz is falling in love with her best friend. That's a good sign and a good move forward.
She'll still have some issues to face, but it's always easier with good friends and family around you.

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 33 4/11/17

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 4:12 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Liz does need to explore her feelings for Max.

Carolyn Falling in love with her best friend might be the best thing for Liz to truly heal.

Part 34

Liz picked up the phone after her mom told her she had a call Saturday morning.

"Hello?" Asked Liz
"Hello beautiful." Came Max's voice
"Hey Max. What's up?"
"Well I was hoping that you will join me for dinner at Señor Chows on Friday?"
"I would really like that. What time?"
"How about I pick you up at five thirty?"
"That would be good. So anything else planned besides dinner?"
"Do you trust me?"
"You know that I do. I have for a long time."
"But you didn't tell me what was going on with you."
"Max, I really didn't understand it myself. But I promise that I will tell you or someone else if I feel like I can't handle things. I also promise that if you or anyone else I trust tells me that I am acting different I will listen."
"Good. Because I know that I don't want to lose you. The world would not be the same without you in it."
"You are so sweet. Max, we should talk in person."
"What do you want to talk about?"
"Max please?"
"Sure. How about I come over after lunch?"
"Sounds good. Two this afternoon?"
"I will be there."
"Great see you then."
"Liz, I love you."

Liz bit her lip. She knew that Max wanted her to say that she loved him. But she was not ready to do that yet.

"See you later Max."

Liz hung up the phone and turned to see her sister watching her.

"Hey Rena."
"So Lizzie what did Maxie want?"
"He and I have a date on Friday. He is also coming over later so we can talk about things."
"So you tell him how you feel yet?"
"Liz, do you love Max?"
"I think so."
"No Liz, you either do or don't. None of this think stuff."
"Why don't you tell me about your feelings for Kyle?"
"We aren't talking about me. We are talking about your feelings for Max. Liz, you need to face your feelings."
"You know you can be really annoying Serena."
"Honey, for a long time you have been afraid to let your feelings about anything out. So why won't you admit how you feel?"
"I really don't want to talk about it Rena."

Liz walked out of the living room and headed for her room. Serena let out a sigh and knew that she had pushed her sister to much. Serena headed into the kitchen and got a glass of juice. She sat at the table wondering if Liz would ever admit her feelings for Max.

"Honey, give your sister time. This is very new to her. Maybe she needs to see how deep her feelings are for Max before she fully admits them." Said Nancy coming in.
"I just want Liz to be happy. I hated seeing her in so much pain for so long."
"We all have. But she has finally started to heal. But she still needs more time. Five years of abuse at such a young age is something that is very hard for her to over come."
"I know mom."
"When she is ready she will talk to you about her relationship with Max. But you will have to return talk about you and Kyle."

Serena nodded gave her mom a hug and went to find Liz.


Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 34 4/12/17

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 4:26 am
by L-J-L 76
So Max asked Liz on a date. Now that is great. So glad Max is coming over to talk to Liz. Serena shouldn't push Liz. It may take time for Liz to admit to anything. Agree with Nancy on what she said to Serena.

L-J-L 76

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 34 4/12/17

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 8:50 am
by keepsmiling7
Can't wait for Liz and Max's talk........and their up coming dinner date.
Seems like things are falling into place for Liz at last.