Roswell Revisited (AU/CC Mature) Part 5

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Post by madroswellfan »

"Okay, we're going to split you up in pairs... There's an odd one, Max, right? You'll come with me. We're just going to be going to different sections of the building for an hour or two. Meet back here when you hear it on the intercom."

Ok thats JUST my luck. I would get the boss in effect... and yet as well as feeling nervous I feel somewhat... excited. Probably just because of this job. I stand up and watch as the others leave the room. Oh God what am I gonna say to her???

I give a faint smile to her and say a quiet. "Hi." Ok that was lame... I need to say something else... "I'm really excited to work here..." I say as I look at the floor, hoping it will swallow it up.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"History." Isabel sighs out, and I smile looking at her. She's so cute when she's exasperated. "More useless knowlegde about America's past. Look to the future I say," she adds with a glance, and I get the feeling she's talking about truancy.

The hallway is loud, and I grin as I wink at her. I hope she means what I think she means. "You wanna get out of here?"

Please let her say yes.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"Hi." Max starts once we've started on our separate ways, and I get the feeling he's one of those few words types. Great. This'll be a boring day.

"I'm really excited to work here..." he adds looking at the ground, and I grin, walking fast down the hall, smiling at people as I go.

"Listen, you already got the internship. You don't need to suck up to me, just because I'm your boss. I'm really a nice person and I'm human and everything, I swear," I say with a wink, ushering him through the door to my office. I want to show him the computer system before we continue.
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Post by madroswellfan »

"You wanna get out of here?"
I look round at him, and pull a "shocked" face... although I have to admit I having trouble not to smile. "Alex Whitman...I am surprised at you..."

I can't hold off a grin anymore and it quickly plants itself on my face. "Absolutely... lets go now before anyone notices," I say quickly as I change direction for the exit.
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Post by madroswellfan »

"Listen, you already got the internship. You don't need to suck up to me, just because I'm your boss. I'm really a nice person and I'm human and everything, I swear,"

I can't help but smile at that. And it feels good. It shouldnt feel good. I shouldnt feel good about smiling right now. My girlfriend just left me for the absolute last time. I don't know what I'm going to do now. My life is over...

No... I wont let her ruin my life... I'll just... try and put a brave face on it.

"Sorry..." I say as my smile becomes a straight line... neither a smile or frown. "To be honest... and I guess this isn't the kind of thing I should be admitting but... currently I don't think my head is screwed on right... Im certainly not having the best day of my life..."

I walk into her office and its very nice. "This is nice." I comment trying to move the subject away from the painfulness that is Liz.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"Alex Whitman...I am surprised at you..." Isabel grins as a fake shocked look spreads across her face. "Absolutely... lets go now before anyone notices," she adds quickly, and I'm actually a bit surprised at how quickly she jumped at the chance to cut school.

Not that I dislike it. She heads towards the exit and I race towards it with her, grabbing her hand and pulling her out the door just as the bell rings to get to class.

"You truant you..." I joke, checking for the parking lot guy, before heading towards the car.
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Post by madroswellfan »

"You truant you..." I give his arm a playful slap. "I'm sorry I just... I don't wanna be here today... everything thing feels...odd...." I look at him, "I'm just feeling a bit jumpy today...and I guess I wanna hang out with you... is that a problem?" I say as I follow him.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


Isabel slaps my arm playfully and I jokingly wince. "I'm sorry I just... I don't wanna be here today... everything thing feels...odd....I'm just feeling a bit jumpy today...and I guess I wanna hang out with you... is that a problem?"

"Problem? No, that's far from a problem," I say quietly, leaning forward, near a centimeter from her face. "In fact, I agree. Totally." Smiling, i back away and head for the driver's seat door, hopping in to wait for her.

"Come on, let's blow this popsicle stand."
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Post by madroswellfan »

"Problem? No, that's far from a problem," He says leaning in close to my face. I swallow, wishing he would close the tiny distance between us. "In fact, I agree. Totally." I try not to frown as he moves away and gets in the car.

"Come on, let's blow this popsicle stand." I smile as I jump in and say, "Oohh are aren't you the bad boy...." I laugh lightly say, "So where are you taking me?" I say with a smile.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"Oohh are aren't you the bad boy...." Isabel says with a laugh as she gets in the car. Smiling, she adds "So where are you taking me?"

"Well," I say, pondering my options. "I'm taking you wherever you say you want to go, since I'm fresh out of ideas..." Starting the car, I pull out of the parking lot quickly, glad we didn't run into trouble. Not that our school particularly cares. I mean, where are all our friends now? In school? Yeah. Right.

Personally I want to go somewhere where there aren't too many people, but well, I don't have much experience with that. Basically my life consists of haniging out with Michael, Liz, and our band. That's it.
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