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Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:12 pm
by RiaRath101

I grunted in pleasure feeling my whole body stiffen while my hardened cock pulse. Through heavy lids, I watched Maria drink down my hot seed knowing that was the most erotic thing I had seen so far. I wondered if she had thought the same thing when I had been drinking down her juices. Her mouth continued to tease me making it impossible for me to go soft. Not that I thought I even would since I wanted her desperately. I was certain being an alien had something to do with that too.

Sensing the alien part of myself just below the surface, I wondered if she knew what she was doing to me was effecting the past me as well. I could feel how my pastself wanted Maria as much as I did. “Maria...”I moaned. I didn’t think I could take much more feeling like I would lose the battle if I didn’t have her right now.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:08 pm
by StormWolfstone

Laughing at Lana, I can recall the way I first felt when I'd tasted the coppery sensation of blood myself. "Come on, Lana. We don't have all night. Our Prince will need to meet you. And... fair warning, don't make me regret fighting so that you would live. I can make your life painful for centuries if you do anything to make me regret it." I warn, not about to play loving sire with her or anyone. Although, she was rather attractive, it might prove interesting. Maybe she could become my pawn to take down our Prince and rule in his place.

"You do what I say, when I say and we'll get along fine. In a couple days you'll have the chance to experience real freedom as long as you follow the code and keep me happy. Trust me, you don't ever want me pissed at you."

Without waiting for her to reply, I start walking into the club, looking forward to seeing just what my Prince thinks of my newest acquisition. She'll either learn fast or she'll die. "You're first loyalty is to your clan, Lana. Your second is to your Prince. However, your old life is gone. Your old friends, lovers, family, can never see you again. We'll get you a new cell phone, you'll have the chance to live in comfort and work at something that fits your personality. You can not get into the spotlight until we know everyone that knew you is dead."

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:43 am
by Dream Weaver

I hear Liz moan softly and her body presses against mine. I can’t help but feel the heat grow inside me. As our kiss quickens I feel myself drowning in the essence that is Liz. I can feel her, smell her and taste her. I am where I want to stay for the rest of my life; I am home again.

I feel her reluctantly pull away as she sighs. When she looks into my eyes and gently rubs my cheek with her thumb, I can see the confliction in her eyes. God, I would give anything to take that look out of her eyes. She speaks softly, “I really love this, what’s happening, but we need to go on our drive.”She is looking into my eyes and I can see the fear of rejection in them. She is praying that I understand. She continues, “It isn’t that I don’t want this, I do, but I know we need to talk before anything happens.”

I look into her face and I watch as she nervously bites the bottom of her lip as she adds, “Away from here.” God I love the way she bites her lip when she is nervous. It is the most sensuous expression.

I reach out and brush the strand of hair that has fallen away from her breathtaking face. I gently caress her neck and place a chaste kiss on her cheek. I pull back to look at her so that she can see that I understand. I take her hand and gently pull her to the ladder where I pause and smile, revealing the passion that I feel for her. “I would love to take that drive with you Miss Liz Parker.”

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:20 am
by OnDragonflyWings

I feel myself bristling slightly as Lily hands out directions orders.

WHat am I supposed to do? Aside from follow ehr. And listen. I'm not sure if it's survival instinct or fast forming loyalty, but I do feel like I don't want to make her unhappy.

I follow Lily into the club, taking a look around. First loyalty is to my clan. Her, others that I assume I'll meet.

And then to the prince. I can't help but grin at that, that at least sounds promising. A prince. Although I ahve a feeling that we're not talking the same rules as the outside world with this prince thing.

And I needed to replace my friends and family with these people. Hide in the shadows until they were all dead.

They're still my family and friends. Dead is one thing, killing them another. "Dead, like died of old age? Or dead as in, we kill them?"

As much as I don't want to kill them, the thought brings a twinkle to my eye and inspires a certain stirring in me, almost a desire to commit the act.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 8:18 am
by FaithfulAngel24

“Maria...” Michael grunts my name and I look up to meet his eyes unabashedly. I am tingling all over. The tiny hairs on the back of my neck stand on end and I can feel it coming. Electricity is in the air sticking to my body coating me in warmth. I raise up and flip my hair out of my eyes. My fingertips continue to run uneven patterns across his skin. I can’t seem to be still. I want to touch, taste, feel him everywhere.

”Please Michael.” I plead longingly. “I need you inside me now.” My urgent command is cut off by a gasp that I didn’t even realize came from me. I can't hold out any longer. This is it. This is the sweetest sin I have ever experienced and if it's truly wrong then I never want to be right. My long fingernails scrape along his heated flesh. :D

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 2:14 pm
by RiaRath101

Maria looks up into my eyes her showing the same emotions that I am feeling at this very moment. She raises up and flips her hair out of her eyes as I am trying to decide what to do to her next. Still feeling the alien deep inside of me wanting to raise to the surface and claim her right along with me. One of the weirdest sensations that I have ever felt in my entire life.

"Please Michael"she pleads longingly. I smirk enjoying how she is begging now. "I need you inside me now.” she moans before an almost animalistic moan passes her lips. Slipping my tongue out of my mouth, I enjoy how her touch feels against my heated skin. Knowing I need to take control, I quickly roll our bodies so she is pinned beneath me and I am the one in compelte control. Rocking my hips, I let my hardened cock tease her by brushing against her outer lips.

"I am going to have you in every way imagineable before this night is over"I say in a thick and husky voice. Wanting her to realize that I am not just talking the norm, I said, "Some you have never dreamed or imagined." Lifting myself away from her slightly, I take my hardened cock into my hand and look deep into her eyes as my eyes become pitch black for a moment as the alien Rath deep inside wants her aware that we both want her. Which should leave her with no doubt in her mind that the alien past has agreed with my choice for our future.

"You sure this is what you want?"I ask as my eyes turn back to their normal color. My desire clearly showing while I wait to give her the oppertunity to change her mind about being with me. My heart pounds in my chest almost fearfully afraid that she might fear the alien warrior inside that basically warned her she would find out what it meant to be truely with an alien.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 3:27 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

I watch fascinated as he slides his tongue across his lips. I swallow harshly trying in vain to steady the erratic beat of my heart. I’ve forgotten everything but him in this moment. There is no world outside. My entire existence is wrapped up in the man before me. My best friend. My lover. My soul mate. He is everything to me. My gaze worships the perfection that is his body. The candy sweetness fragrance of me mixes in with the rustic spice that is my lover’s scent.

In one swift movement he rolls our bodies so that I am pressed against the mattress with his body above me. He completely surrounds me. I gasp when he juts his hips forward pressing himself firmly against me. I want more. This delicious torture causes me to shudder with pleasure.
Covered in the sticky sweat of our merging bodies I glide my thighs over him.

"I am going to have you in every way imaginable before this night is over" Michael assures me his tone filled with lust. I’ve never wanted him more then I do right now. His eyes hold promises of things to come that my mind can’t even comprehend. Tonight I will be introduced to a great many new things He will be my teacher as well as my master. I ache to feel deeply within my core. Only he can quench this desperate thirst for knowledge.

"Some you have never dreamed or imagined." Easing back a bit I stare mesmerized as he takes his throbbing cock into his hands. Our eyes meet in a passionate gaze and I am both frightened and thrilled to see Michael’s eyes gloss over black. It’s his true nature making it’s presence known. Instinctively I tilt my head back anxious to complete what we have begun.

"You sure this is what you want?" Michael inquires resolutely. He wants me to know what I’m getting myself into. This could never be like a regular exchange between two willing forms. This is far more personal and intimate. I am giving him my heart and soul as well as my body. I yearn to be bathed in him. Stained and bruised by his actions. “Yes.” I pant while licking my suddenly dry lips.

“I want all of you, Michael. Don’t hold anything back. I want there to be nothing between us.” Reaching up I place my lips to his in an urgent act to show my need as well as my love for him.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 3:43 pm
by RiaRath101

Maria pants, "Yes,"then licks her lips my tongue following the movement with pure hunger. “I want all of you, Michael. Don’t hold anything back. I want there to be nothing between us.” she tells me before bringing her lips to mine. I kiss her with hunger knowing she was to be all mine.

Breaking the kiss, I slowly pressed into her satisfied that Maria wanted to take this step. I grunted in pleasure trying deseperately to pace myself. She was so tight making me want to just thrust inside of her. I forced myself to go slowly knowing that this was hurting her. Feeling her barrier, I captured her mouth in a passionate kiss. Kissing her passionately, I thrust forward breaking through her barrier making her all mine.

Breaking the kiss for air, I breathed in deeply hating the pain that I had caused her. Bringing my hand to her face, I gently touched her cheeks giving her time to adjust to my size. I knew this would not be the last time that I cause her pain tonight.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 4:16 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

Michael shifts against me in the most delicious way as he is preparing to join us. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a tad nervous. I’ve never given myself so fully or completely before. In this moment I am letting go of my childhood and entering a new phase of my life. The beautiful man above me will be my first, my last, and my only.

I shiver anticipating the intrusion as Michael grunts as if he’s struggling to maintain his composure. He gently slides into me and I gasp at the stinging hurt. I am holding him closely. I begin to wonder how he will ever fit when he leans down to press his lips urgently to mine. I am caught up in his ministrations on my mouth that it surprises me when he thrusts forward and breaks my barrier.

My startled cries are swallowed in the kiss. A dull aching pain clouds my senses. I can feel him within me. It is the most wonderful sensation I have ever experienced. No doubt tomorrow I will be sore. I’ll carry that with me and smile at the memory. I want some sort of physical representation of what has happened between us. Proof that we belong to each other in every way.

Ending the most meaningful kiss of my life I watch enchanted as he takes a deep shuddering breath. In a tender gesture he caresses my cheek with his mere fingertips. I love this man with everything I have. He never ceases to amaze me. “Don’t worry.” I softly assure him. “I won’t break.” With that I move so that he knows I am sure.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 4:46 pm
by StormWolfstone

My newest clan member follows me like a good little puppy and I can't help but feel pleased because after all, it just gives me another person to control. Leading the way inside and toward the stairs that would lead us above the club and into the VIP section, I hear her ask, "Dead, like died of old age? Or dead as in, we kill them?"

"That's up to you, Lana. If you want to kill them, their blood can be spilled but normally we don't kill humans unless they learn about our secret. The Masquerade must be protected at all costs, otherwise humans will hunt us." I finish talking as I enter the VIP section and hold the door for her. Once she's inside as well, I turn to look at the one Kindred I hate above all others, the Prince. "Damien, my newest Childe, Lana. Lana, this is Our Prince, Damien. Go before him and kiss his hand." I told her before forcing myself to cross the distance and watched Damien lift his hand. I kissed it as I was meant to and then stepped back to watch him with my Childe. Her innocence I knew was a way to shape things with Damien.

"My Prince, Lana was embraced against her will, but I wish to spare her."

I watched Damien looking her over and saw him nod, "I will grant that wish." His gaze remained fixed on her and I felt pleasure flow through me.