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Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 4:11 am
by pLANETv33n3ss
heyy all.. so this week has been a bummer because.. school started again today
and i already have a mountain of homework.. which is why im posting now..
procrastination is so much fun
umm nicki.. my frends are shanno and elizabeth... umm... don't know how you would know 'em haha, but yeah...

i'm not a huge afl fan.. in fact im hardly a fan at all.. but i must admit i watch the grand final every year, and this one was good... and althou i was supporting west coast on order of my friend who would have kicked my butt otherwise, i did feel badly for sydney... they made a pretty damn good come bck

hmm what else is new... ooo its my sixteenth birthday on monday!! so i'm all with the happy (Even thou i have school) and my weekend is all celebratory...
hope u all have good weeks
l8erz xxoo

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 4:51 am
by kerri240879
Welcome back Nicki!

And Vee! Happy sweet sixteenth babe! Hope you have a mad awesome day darlin'! :wink:

Soooo....are we hooking up come December or what?

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 11:02 am
by Aussie_Dreamer
Yeah, I'd say we're meeting up. We got the date set, I reckon. And since everyone seems good to go on La Porchetta, I think we're good fun a lunch meet. Maybe we should count numbers and book a table ahead, so we definitely have somewhere to go? Or should we just wing it?

Happy bday in advance, Vee. You going for your Ls? Better do it as soon as you can- the rules and restrictions are only going to get tougher, and it's great ID for when you're 18. (Yes, Learner's Permits are valid ID. They didn't used to be, but you can refute anyone who doesn't take it)

I can't figure how I'd know 'em either, honestly. So far I've got three ideas.
One: Through Tracey, my stepmum. She knows a lot of people, especially through church and Young Women's group. I can never remember the names of the people she's introduced me to, and there's a lot of people your age in Young Womens...
Two: It's a school thing, though that doesn't quite figure, since you're not MacRob. And a few years younger. Anyone play chess?
Three: I'm just imagining it, and just looks like people I know.

Right now, though one has a vague, tiny chance, I'm going with three. Weird, huh?

School, ugh. I kinda wagged yesterday. One of the guys at work asked me to cover his shift and since he's done mine a few times, I had trouble saying no. Of course, it was only after, I added up how many times I've been absent and I think I've missed too many. Thanks either to work or over exhaustion (aka hitting snooze too many times on my alarm)

Remind me to do my homework this week. Was kinda due uh, last term. And it was an oral...wonder if I can just email it to the teacher? Apology included and a question on how to make it up?

Procrastination IS fun. Remember, why do it today, what you can put off til tomorrow? (And why do it tomorrow, when you can forget about it altogether?)

Catch ya'll later


Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:08 pm
by kerri240879
LMAO! I'm flying up to new castle tomorrow guys, and won't be back for a week ok? And as for lp, i say we just wing it.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 4:36 am
by pLANETv33n3ss
i'm with kerri on the winging it part, crashing restaurents with big groups is always more fun than booking... hehe ;)

and nicki... ummm it's possible u may know one of my pals through ur step mom... but i doubt the two of them...
newayys i agree school is bogus... i have this stupid history assignment which has nothing to do with history and everything to do with "how reliable is the internet for your research assignments?"
which considering that anyone can post there, not very... but i mean we're in yr 10, not year 5, WE KNOW THIS BY NOW!

yet here we are... a lyk 3 page assignment, total bummer

as for my L's... am hoping i'll get them sumtym over the summer... i can wait two months and my parents drive me to school everyday (plus they drive me virtually everywhere else...) so hopefully i can jst drive instead and get a lot of my 120hrs done thru that.. thus making up for the 2 months i spent procrastinating... cause as much as i want my l's... i have yet to read the book... been sitting on my table for about two weeks now :lol:

kerri i hope u're having fun in new castle, and nicki i hope you're not too exhausted with all that work and school

to everyone else hope u're having fun doing... whateva that is u're doing


vee xxoo

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 6:39 am
by lazza
Oh the woos of homework and L's...I remember those days!!! Reading that makes me feel sooooooo old!!

Happy birthday Vee, sweet 16! Again, it makes me feel so old.

I'm on for December, it's a weekend right? City? Something like that anyway.

Kerri have a fab trip and I hope it's the break you all need.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 7:22 am
by ladylou
Hey everyone~

Vee A history assignment on the reliability of the Internet? Cool. I used to work in a very toffee private school, and the things I saw those kids do as regards their assignments, and cutting and pasting tracts from websites used to make me tear my hair out. Oh but one day, one of them found a Spanish-language site relevant to the assignment du jour, and I "translated" it for them. (I speak no Spanish). And they believed me! The gullible fools!

As far as December goes: remember I'm the country hick from out of town. You'll have to tell me exactly where this La Porchetta is. The only one I know is down here in Waurn Ponds.

Can we allow time for a visit to Krispy Kreme Collins St while I'm in Melbourne? It's the only way the kids will give me a leave pass to go!

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 12:50 am
by Aussie_Dreamer
Winging it it is then.

I reckon we can definitely make time for Krispy Kremes. There's *always* time for Krispy Kremes...
Collins St store is tiny compared to Narre Warren, but that's to be expected, I guess.

I can PM the address for the La Porchetta I'm thinking of to anyone who needs it - I don't think we want to widely advertise this to anyone who can access the net. Not sure how interested others would be, but then, I'm not sure why someone decided to hack into my school's reunion forums either.
I'm pretty certain we haven't mentioned physical locations to anyone yet. Maybe. Haven't exactly gone back to check. Still better to be safe than sorry.
And it's not paranoia, in case anyone's wondering.

Current photo up on myspace next week- in the meantime...


Gotta get ready for work- I'm closing food!


PS. Vee, yeah the chances of knowing *both* through Tracey... you could always ask 'em if they know a Tracey who's just had twins.... though they might look at you a bit weird. It's not an everyday question. You mind if I show the photo to her, just so I know to satisfy the curiosity? Won't do it if it's not ok.

PPS. Kerri, have fun in's beautiful. And if you go for a walk on the beach, keep an eye out- my older brother found 50 bucks in the sand there once... :)


Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 6:47 am
by pLANETv33n3ss
KRISPY KREAMS =D im so there

nicki feel free 2 pm me the la porchetta addi in the city... and maybe directions too.. haha it took me 20 miniz 2 find rmit from melbourne central.... yeah im bad with the city
oh and i added u on myspace!! add me!

lady lou... i like the way u think grl! ... would u believe @ my school (a private school in a fairly well off area)... one grl asked if the term "holocaust" was the name of another religious book... lyk the bible and the torah... :shock:

and another jst asked if it was hot in queensland cause hot air rises.

... my schools interesting
but of course we're not alllll lyk that,
i hope

lazza, u're not old!! im jst a baby.... always more fun to think of life that way =D

heyy tomozzas friday... WOOOO
hope u all have gr8 weekends!

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 6:20 am
by lazza
Tell you what, I'm more than happy to meet anyway at Melbourne Central station a little earlier and we can all walk up together. That's easy to find and I'd assume most people would be on trains anyway!!!

If you want to meet up, just PM me and I'll give you my mobile number as well so we can at least get in contact with each other!!

So it's the first weekend in December right? Saturday or Sunday? And time? Say 1pm for lunch (leaving plenty of shopping time!!)

When I was in high school the internet wasn't used at all!!