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Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 12:23 pm
by FrenchDreamer
I really hope someone will take #60 it looks fantastic :) !!


Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:56 pm
by Tears_of_Mercury
I've never posted a challenge before, so I hope that I'm doing this right.

Summary: Taking place exactly where Cry Your Name let off. When Serena Harper shows up for her first day at West Roswell High, she finds the entire student body in mourning for a student that was killed in a car accident the previous night. As she goes through her day unnoticed for the most part, she tries to ignore the strange pull she feels every time she comes across an image of the dead boy or hears someone mentioning him. When she feels compelled to make a trek out to the football field to pay her respects, she accidentally overhears part of Maria and Michael's conversation and runs into Liz confronting the delivery boy. In an effort to get away from the weirdness she cuts class and goes home but finds herself unable to think of anything else.

The next night she feels drawn to the nearby cemetery and happens upon Liz Parker standing at Alex's grave. Her heart goes out to the girl, and as she walks up to ask if Liz is all right she is startled by Liz's mechanical, almost frantic actions. Liz says that she's never seen her before, and Serena tells her that her family has just moved to Roswell. Liz makes a wry comment about the welcoming committee being temporarily out of commission, and Serena offers her a ride home. Liz introduces herself and asks Serena for her name. When Serena replies, Liz immediately embraces her and says that this has to have happened for a reason. Serena asks what Liz means, and Liz says that she thinks Serena is supposed to help her find Alex Whitman's murderer. Serena asks Liz how she knew Alex, and Liz tells her that she was one of his best friends. Serena in turn tells Liz that she is Alex's biological sister.

Serena finds herself immediately pulled into the alien abyss as Liz confides in her without reservation and pleads for her help. Serena tells her that she's not even sure why she's in Roswell; she's been having strange dreams ever since October, and when she asked her adoptive mother about her family she told her that the only relative of Serena's that she was aware of was Alex Whitman, a teenager only a year older than her who lived in Roswell, New Mexico and was supposed to be her brother.

Liz asks Serena why she came and she says that she was hoping someone could explain the recent changes she'd been experiencing - changes eerily similar to Liz's own. As they set out to find the truth behind Alex's death they face a furious and panicked pod squad and the onset of powers that are definitely of an alien origin.

* Tess must be the one who killed Alex
* Mr. Whitman must be the second shapeshifter and the father of both Serena and Alex
* Serena and Liz must share a connection similar to the one between Isabel, Max, and Michael

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 2:09 pm
by Zanity

Ok this is an idea I got for a fun little fic...

What if Michael never got sick from the sweat, Max never took a step back from Liz and therefore never got drunk during blind date. What if things settled down after that and the FBI and Tess never came back to town.

Now they've graduated from highschool and Max and Liz are getting married before they attend Harvard together.

All of our teens are still technically underage so our aliens have never learned the effect of alcohol on their systems. But because it's Max and Liz's wedding reception the adults decide to make an exception. So after Michael makes his toast as Max's best man... they all take a sip of champaign and Max, Isabel and Michael become immediately plastered.

The rest of the night Liz, Alex, and Maria have to try and control the aliens and cover for when the aliens use their powers.

Max is being all honest and romantic like he was in blind date... you can decide how Isabel and Michael act when drunk but all the have to behave in a manner that might out their secret if their human counter parts aren't careful.

You can decide if they succeed or if they fail at some point. If they fail you can decide who and how many learn the alien secret.

When all is said and done though the sobered aliens don't remember what happened and have to face the aftermath.

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 6:38 pm
by kj4ever

*Came up with this while chatting with Zanity*

Title: Divide and Conquer (Can be changed)

This story would pick up at EOTW, except there would be no Future Max, and Liz and Max would proceed to cement their relationship.

Tess, realizing she doesn't have a snow balls chance in hell with Max now, has to pick another plan. She knows all about Copper Summit, and Courtney, so she sets her sites on Michael, knowing that Nasedo's plan would never work now.

The story should be about Tess playing on Michael's insecurities, how he always comes second to Max, how he always gets the short end of the stick and Max comes out smelling like a rose. She uses this to cause a great divide between Michael and Max/Isabel, hoping to get him to lead the rebellion of Antar, and making her Queen once again.

Max, Liz, Maria, Isabel, and Alex all see the change in Michael. The tension between Max and Michael that was present at the beginning of Season two is intensified immensely, but Max knows something is wrong, as do all the others. As they realize he is spending more and more time with Tess, they begin to put two and two together and realize that she may be filling his head with thoughts to turn him against them.

Michael loyalties begin to become confused, but in the end, when it counts, they should lie with Max and Isabel.

You decide just how far the relationship goes with Tess, but Michael should fight any kind of romantic involvement with her, but be enthralled by the possibility of it at the same time. He should spend a lot of time with her, learning about the planet and their powers.

Kyle should be very suspicious along with Maria, and the two may even team up to follow Tess and Michael, wondering if there is something else going on besides alien practice.

The Antar story should be altered a bit, with Max and Tess being only a political match, with Tess admitting to Michael that Nasedo made her lie about certain things. She may even throw in something about how Ava loved Rath but Zan took her away from him, which would be a lie.

You also decide just how evil Tess really is, if she was really going to go along with Nasedo's plan or was just acting like it for his benefit. Is she a power hungry person who wants to be Queen of a planet, or one that just wants to bring peace to her people, people she remembers, and is willing to do anything to achieve it.

In the end Michael should choose Maria and you decide what becomes of Tess, if she finally gets to go back to her planet (WITHOUT the or if she decides to stay on Earth and wins over the other's forgiveness.

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 1:15 am
by xmag
kj4ever, your challenge number 63 sounds good, you're sure you don't want to write it yourself ? Anyway, if you don't, I hope someone will take it.

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 10:47 pm
by Temptation_K

I would love to write this myself, but I'd feel better with one of you amazing roswell writers! Perhaps I could even be a cowrite.

M/L maybe some other CC (Adult)

I want to explore Max's mean side. I'd like to see how far he would have gone to stop Liz's search for the truth. The show kind of just made everything better. So I want Max to stand up for himself in this fic and make sure Liz stops her dangerous pursuit. We never got to see Max really get to play the "King Card" so I'd like to see a fic where for once he was a complete asshole instead of a pushover. However, i do want them to end up together in the end.

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 11:21 pm
by dreamer19
Temptation_K wrote:#64

I would love to write this myself, but I'd feel better with one of you amazing roswell writers! Perhaps I could even be a cowrite.

M/L maybe some other CC (Adult)

I want to explore Max's mean side. I'd like to see how far he would have gone to stop Liz's search for the truth. The show kind of just made everything better. So I want Max to stand up for himself in this fic and make sure Liz stops her dangerous pursuit. We never got to see Max really get to play the "King Card" so I'd like to see a fic where for once he was a complete asshole instead of a pushover. However, i do want them to end up together in the end.
This sounds like it could be really good. CC is intimidating, I hope someone takes this. I would offer to cowrite but I could never do it justice. I'm still a beginner, but I definitely got ideas sparking in my mind. So again I hope someone takes this soon!

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 1:52 am
by Rostheiceprincess1

Okay here i go, i have never do this before so, i hope i'm doing it right.
I soo hope that i'm posting these in the right place.

Summary: What happens when you realize that everything is not how you think it was, that you are not only a small town girl and that you also have a Destiny and that no matter where you run you can never hide from it, cause not only aliens can travel back on time and disaster is to happen when someone look upon the gods and falls in love with one of them.

Okay this is the story.

Liz is a goddess reborn her name was Ariahnna. She was married to a great King, loved by almost all his people a Man name Ascot. On the day they where announcing the pregnancy of the Queen she was kidnapped and tortured until she was kill, the King was devastated and so was the court. (The court was based on eight gods, the gods of the planets on the solar system.) The king seek revenge and ended getting everyone kill, but not before he make a deal with the communed. (The communed was a ancient community of dead gods and only existed on astral projection) The deal was that they would all be reborn and that will get back to take care of the balance in the universe, in exchange of his seek of revenge and promise that he will free his people from the mistake he make on his quest. And that he would rice when time was right and his people seek him. His wish was granted and they all reborn again and waited, until the need for them to get together and unlash their powers came. But they never had their memories so they all get on with their life’s and the need never came until they all had a life and a path already and for some of them it was too late for the love that just to existed between them.

Scott Randall: 21 years old, former King Ascott of Afccord he is involve with a Girl name Marion, well Marion realize that Scott is being too distracted with something and that she needs to make sure he stays with her, so she makes sure he sleeps with her and get her pregnant. But once these happen Scott realize that he was trick and leaves her but promise to take care of the baby and she when Marion realize that Scott doesn’t want her she tells him that she doesn’t want the baby, so he tells her that he does and that she should give it to him.
The baby it’s a Girl named Alia, because the named sounded familiar to him.
Liz Parker: 19 years old. Former know as Ariahnna Queen of Afccord and now know as Eliza Whitman (Liz to friends) wife of Mathew Whitman (Max to the friends), has been living on the Boston area for the past three months with her family and husband. They have been on the run from the FBI for the past year and are now hiding in Boston with other Names.(the Whitman’s)
Dana: 19 years old. She is in collage and is dating her high school sweet heart. (you pick the name)
Adam: 20 years old. He it’s an adventure kind of Boy, all the girls want him, but he doesn’t want any of them. (he is dating someone, you pick)
David: the oldest he is 24 years old. He is engaged to Kathleen they meet at collage.
Kathleen: She is 23 and she is engaged to David, they had been together for years. It was love at first site.
Josh: The football start, he is 23 and is a Casanova; every girl is okay to him.
Jennifer: She is 22 and has her eyes set in Josh, the campus boy, the football start.
(girl)Mercury –The Queen Sister in law and most trusted advisor engaged to her youngest brother. Dahana (Dana, Liz’s best friend)
(girl)Venus-Queen. Ariahnna (Liz)
Earth: There Home and portal to Afccord.
(male)Mart-The Queens General and Second in command of the king . Adiv (David, Liz’s former older brother)
(girl) Jupiter –The king’s sister and wife to his General and Fourth in command. Jetna (Jennifer Scott’s former little sister)
(male)Saturn- The king . Asccot (Scott)
(male)Uranus-The Kings Trusted advisor and his Third in command Adald (Adam, Liz’s former little brother)
(girl)Neptune-The shift on the intelligence for the king and wife of the Queens brother and General . Akathla (Kathleen, Jennifer best friend)
(male)Pluto-The kings General and fourth in command. Shosh(Josh, Scott’s best friend)

Serena: Blood sister of Elizabeth Parker. She is 21 years old. (From her father side) You decide how they found her. It happen in Boston that is why they stay there for more than a month.(she is interest in Kyle.)
Ava: Was found by the gang and is riding with them. (she is dating someone when they found Liz at the palace)
Jesse: Found the gang and leaves everything behind to go with Isabel, Liz wasn’t with them when it happens.
Lara: Sexy god reneged, she runs into the gang went the where traveling before the twins birth. And a day before the birth she and Max sleep together.
Benjamin Alexander Evans-Randall: The heir (He doesn’t trust Max and is afraid of him)
Claudia Isabella Evans-Randall: The second born (she loves max but follow her brother)
Zan: Max and Tess’s son, they found him and because is adopted parents die, they take him with them, this happen after they leave Liz.

That is the general story, but this is the idea.
Fifteen years in the future there is only a God left, the rest die, cause they didn’t honor the deal that was made for their king, and weren’t prepared to fight and defended the city of Afccord when that was needed. So Adam try all that he could think of to find a way to save his family but couldn’t and then one of the last General come with one idea. To used the powers of the Queen heirs and try to go back on time to the precise moment that they were all found and make sure this time they form a connection and they become a family, so they would get their memories back and feel the need to fulfill the promise made in their past life.
The twins are Liz and Max children, but their mother was kill when they where little, and their father follow after a few years. Their mother die because she wasn’t prepared to an attack made from the enemies from her past. Max dies looking to revenge his wife. So, the only thing they both always wanted was their family, and this act maybe will get them that. So they agree and help the general to go back on time to the moment their mother realize she is pregnant.
Once there the general follow her own agenda, because to make sure her king gets heirs, she has to make sure Max, doesn’t know about his children until the birth and the baby’s have already connected Scott to them, there for making them, his heirs and Max only their biological father and dorm is seal. And active Scott seal on them. That way Elizabeth would bound herself so Scott as well and maybe try to care for him. And for the family they just to be. The twins only knew part of these; they didn’t know that the general was going to make sure their parents didn’t get back together after the birth.
The General convince Max to turn the table on Liz and now make her believe that he sleep with the Clone of her nemesis, with Zan´s former Wife Ava. And that he leaves Liz for the time being until everything works out and they could come back, and that she would stay with them and take them to Liz when the time come. She tells them only the part that applies and leaves the twins out of it. So to fulfill that Max makes sure to stage a very convinced scenery so when Liz touch him, she would get a flash about it. And she does, so she gets out of the department they live in to walk, and when she comes back, Max and the rest of the gang is gone, leaving her behind. So she goes to the street to look for them and found herself looking to Adam, and looking at him she thinks he is familiar and remembers something about him, and so does him. That is when the general goes to both of them and tells them about their destiny. And they start to look for the other part of their family, so when the time comes they would be prepared. (you can think of the ways they founded each other).
In the mid time Liz refuses to think of Scott as something more but the day before the twin’s birth she feels her connection to Max die. Because Max sleeps with someone else. And makes an oath to never trust Max again and to give Scott one opportunity to probe himself to her.
So times pass and the birth comes and Max and Gang realize the truth about the babies and Start to look for them, because they don’t trust the general anymore, yet she takes them to the palace in Afccord after a lot of looking for the portal there. It takes them 3 years.
The gods are already seating on their thrones, everyone is starting to get together as a couple then, a war comes with the rebels that were left behind from their past, that is when the gang goes to the palace.
This war must involve the planet Antar and the royal fourth. The good ones win of course.
In between the war Max and Liz had moments where she wants to go back to him. But don’t let herself do it because she has some feelings for Scott. And she still believes that Max cheats her.

Of course she discover the truth and don’t leave Scott until he tells her to do it, to make a family with the person she loves the most, that he knows she loves him, but not like she loves Max.

So she stays being an Empress to her kingdom with Max as an Imperator to her side.
And Scott the king and get’s together with Lara (Not Kristen kreuk please.) and makes her his Queen.
And together the fourth of them rule.
And all of this with them running from the FBI, until they realize Liz inst running anymore because her files where erase with the help of her guards, and so were theirs.
Must have:
-This happen after a year or two on the run
-They having a run in with the FBI before they meet the General.
-the names of the characters
- The back on time travel
-the way Max makes Liz believe the betray, and Max sleeping with Lara.
-Max and Liz must end together. And the kids trusting Max.

i hope you understand my writting is the first time i write something this long in english. You can change anything you want.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 1:06 am
by Zanity

May 2001:

Shortly after the Granolith takes off Max and Liz re-enter the chamber to see what is left. As Liz passes over the spot where the Granolith used to be her powers suddenly flare to life and her mind reaches back in time ever so briefly touching its past self.

June 2000:

Liz has been in Florida now for about two weeks when one night she has a horrible nightmare. (Everything that happened from her present through departure) Across the next couple of days she realizes her nightmare is coming true.

So she makes a couple of decisions 1) There is no way she is going to push Max to Tess now that she knows she's a traitor and 2) There is no way she is going to let Alex die.

She immediately heads back to Roswell and tries telling Maria but Maria thinks it's just a dream but tells her to go to Max anyway because he has been a wreck since she left.

So Liz goes to Max and tells him knowing he'll believe her. He does believe her and they get back together.

Michael and Isabel don't believe her however... they refuse to consider that Tess is a traitor and it drives a rift between Max and the other aliens.

You can decide how things progress from there....

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 4:32 am
by Bubblegal
Zanity wrote:#66

May 2001:

Shortly after the Granolith takes off Max and Liz re-enter the chamber to see what is left. As Liz passes over the spot where the Granolith used to be her powers suddenly flare to life and her mind reaches back in time ever so briefly touching its past self.

June 2000:

Liz has been in Florida now for about two weeks when one night she has a horrible nightmare. (Everything that happened from her present through departure) Across the next couple of days she realizes her nightmare is coming true.

So she makes a couple of decisions 1) There is no way she is going to push Max to Tess now that she knows she's a traitor and 2) There is no way she is going to let Alex die.

She immediately heads back to Roswell and tries telling Maria but Maria thinks it's just a dream but tells her to go to Max anyway because he has been a wreck since she left.

So Liz goes to Max and tells him knowing he'll believe her. He does believe her and they get back together.

Michael and Isabel don't believe her however... they refuse to consider that Tess is a traitor and it drives a rift between Max and the other aliens.

You can decide how things progress from there....

Oh I would love to take this! But unfortunatly, I already have too many stories on at the moment.

I hope someone will pick this up!