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Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 4:20 pm
by isabelle

My blood runs cold as this doctor describes what happened. It’s bad enough that they decided to test their damn procedure on aliens, obviously deciding it would not be such a loss if it failed; but for them to then decide that Liz, Maria, Alex and Kyle were expendable, too, just because they were our friends – that’s just reprehensible. I guess we should count ourselves lucky that it actually worked and we all made it through the process.

Of course, that’s still assuming what McLean is telling us has ANY resemblance at all to the truth. It could still be some massive trick although I don’t yet know what they would gain from making us think we were a thousand years in the future…

Then he starts talking about enemies outside the country and the continued existence of America. I suppose we’re to find that comforting. “…but this hospital and this city aren’t your enemies,” he says. And he expects me to take his word for it. Just like that.

“And what city is that? Where are we, exactly?” I ask. At the same time, I shoot Isabel another questioning glance, wondering if she’s had any luck in dreamwalking the man. Has she been able to tell if he’s hiding anything, or not?

"And why would we be in danger, anyway? We still look just like you. Unless you've..." I quickly use my powers to stop and check, remember also what I 'saw' when helping Liz and Kyle. " - No, you haven't planted any GPS chips in us, so how would anyone know who we are?"

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 6:42 pm
by KatnotKath
OOC: sorry about the time this took, getting Liz up to date again and hoping not to fall behind any time soon :oops:


Kyle’s response simply serves to further agitate Max and I can see that his patience is wearing thin. His arguments seem sound enough to me…

Of course that doesn’t mean I agree with him about not being out with him. I want to be there beside him for the simple fact that I want to be with him…

I guess that 1000 years – if that can really be true, gave my subconscious a lot of time to chew over this situation, and I’ve come to one conclusion, and that is that Max was right… It’s not my choice whether he and Tess are together, that’s up to him…and he’s not Zan…

He told me he didn’t want Tess, that he wanted me… And up to hearing that message, I had believed him. I had believed that it didn’t matter what the book or Tess said… So why did that message change so much? Why did I decide to make that decision for him…

Mentally I shake my head and bite my lip. I just want to tell him that I love him… That I’m sorry for leaving…

I know this isn’t the time though, and for now I’m not going to say anything of the sort. There are far more important things right now… Like sorting out what we are going to do…

Max is asking our opinion, wanting to know which idea people feel is best, but I can’t say I have much of an opinion. I, like the others, want answers though… I need to know what the truth is…

To my surprise, Isabel is the first to speak up, and she’s speaking in favour of the people in this hospital. She mentions the nurse that woke her up but I can’t really voice an opinion on the way we’ve been treated. It’s not like I was woken up as the others…the only real cotact I’ve had with any of the doctors was when we found Michael. They don’t seem too bad, but then I guess appearances aren’t always very telling…

Kyle starts talking and I can see that he’s stressed. He’s getting more and more upset and I have a feeling something is going to happen. Of course I never even imagine what comes next.

It’s like a low power repeat of what happened to me it seems… Which I guess might be…I mean Max did heal him in the summer…

I shake my head – none of this makes sense… Max moves to try and make a connection with Kyle the same way that he did with me, but I can see that his subject doesn’t seem quite so willing…

“Kyle…let him help…” I say softly as we watch the two of them.

Kyle is clearly panicked, but eventually he seems to calm sufficiently to let Max ‘enter’, and soon after I see the green sparks begin to die down. He’s helping, just as he did with me…

When the two of them finally break apart, Kyle seems a lot more collected and for the first time in a while, as he speaks, it’s actually at a normal level.

“We need to figure this out. We lure someone in here and start asking questions,” He tells us. “Maybe Tess can keep him off balance so Isabel can dreamwalk him and see if he’s telling the truth, like we did with Pierce,”

Max’s new plan seems to have even less appeal to the others than the earlier one it seems. Kyle and Isabel seem to both keep insisting that they’re friendly and only want to help…pointing out about the fact their powers – and crazy as it might seem, ours, are still active.

Of course that doesn’t mean that they’re friendly necessarily…maybe it’s a double bluff, or maybe they have some other way to combat the powers in the future we’re now in… The fact is that we know nothing, and information in such a situation, is pretty much the same thing as power…

Max seems to voice one of my fears at least, mentioning the possibility of some other form of ‘protection’. What if they’re watching us right now…if all the mindwarps Tess has done were in fact useless and they simply want to observe us…?

I shudder at the thought and try to turn my attention back to the conversation as Max asks the others about what their thoughts are.

Tess’s response is sharp and to the point. As much as I might not like her, I can see that she’s tired and all this isn’t helping her one bit.

Of course I’m not too certain about her reference to this as being Max’s decision… She’s right that he has turned into the leader of the group, but I’m not really wanting to go for a ‘what he says goes whatever we might think’ group… We have a leader in Max sure, and I respect his opinions. It’s rare that I would go against him, but he’s not a dictator, and I prefer the way that Max asks for opinions. He’s not anymore sure about what we should do than any of the rest of us. Sure that message said he was the king, but in truth, he’s still the same teenage guy he always was… Just the expectations of him are so much higher…

"He's not our leader, Tess. At least not mine..."

Despite what he’s saying, it appears that Kyle is giving in now anyway, about to call the doctor. In the end, we don’t need him to though as he walks right in on us all.

He hardly seems surprised at the presence of the whole group and I can’t help feeling a little surprised by the way he speaks.

No one woke me up, so I guess I don’t really know what to expect…but I know this wasn’t it… Maybe that’s a contradiction in terms…? I shake my head and decide not to think about that anymore. I could do without giving myself a headache…

Of course Michael is less than willing to just play nice, and immediately his hand is out in an offendive manner.

Max’s immediate action is to tell him to calm down, but how much good that will do I’m not too sure. We all know Michael…

"So what kind of plans are you making here?" The doctor asks seeminly completely unphased by the presence of the whole group.

As Max admits that we want to know what’s going on, the doctor seems to smirk, and I watch him curiously, waiting to see what will come next.

"You're going to answer our questions and explain what's going on. And you're not going to try to call any of your FBI goons to come help you, either, Let's start with the first thing you said. 'All of us.' Is this everyone or do you have others still being held elsewhere on the base?"

Max’s voice is so unlike normal, stiff, forceful and low. He’s trying to be the leader everyone seems to expect.

The doctor seems unimpressed though and simply smiles. "The records said that you're the 'leader'. It seems so. All of you, means the eight here in this room. Max Evans, Isabel Evans, Michael Guerin, Tess Harding, Liz Parker, Maria De Luca, Alex Whitman, Kyle Valenti…You're here because of an FBI experiment. They wanted to see how the cold freezing would go on. It was supposed to be a few years...but they made a mistake and it turned into 1000 years"

This idea just gets more and more crazy… The only good thing, if we can believe it, is that he says that the FBI are history – literally – but then why should we believe them… This sure doesn’t seem like a normal hospital, the locked doors for starters…

I’m about to say something to this effect, but then he starts saying that there are people who would want to hurt us and explains this is why we were locked in. I’m still not certain that I trust, or believe him, but I have to admit, he sounds genuine, that’s for certain…

Shaking my head, I’m still trying to get my head around everything that has apparently happened and without really thinking about it, I find myself stepping slightly closer to Max again, closing the distance between us, and in doing so also moving slightly closer to the doctor. Max is continuing to bombard him with questions, and as he responds, I watch his face carefully for any sign that might indicate this is all a big lie or facarde. It’s not much, and I know that Isabel will be able to be much more certain if she can get in, but at least I feel like I’m trying to do something…

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 5:27 pm
by Galita

I look around to everyone. The doctor is telling us everything we need to know. I'm still not sure about him. He could be lieing to us. People has done that to us before. But if the rest of them are ok with him so am I.

I hope Max will do the right thing. He's been the leader for a very long time.

Sorry I've been busy with a school project

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 2:05 pm
by Anna-Liisa

Max started asking evern more questions. I didn't like this at all. He still couldn't see that the doctor was on our side. I sighed in frustation.

"Max this isn't going anywhere" I said before the doctor could answer. "If you're not going to trust him we'll be here forever"

This wasn't so wise because both - Michael and Max - looked at me with a very warning look. I raised my hands up. "Sorry, sorry, I just think this is stupid"

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 3:43 pm
by isabelle

I look at Kyle quickly, amazed at his comment although although this Dr. McLean is the one I need to focus my attention on.

"It's not a question of trust, Kyle. We need the information," I tell him, my arms still crossed. "If you knew where we were or what sort of danger we were in from the alien-hunters out there, I'd be asking you. Or Liz, or anyone. But since I'm assuming you're as much in the dark as the rest of us, I'm asking the guy who claims to have the answers we need."

I meet Dr. McLean's eyes, waiting for a moment before I go on. In point of fact, he has yet to do anything to earn our trust, save that so far there hasn't been any attempt to interfere with our powers. At least none that we've been able to detect, although that really wasn't a small thing. But even waking us up now does nothing to support his contention that he's a friend. According to his own explaination, we'd have been aroused now, in any case, by friends or enemies.

"Even having said that, we can't afford to just give away our trust for free. If you answer our questions, it will go a long way towards letting us know if that trust is well-placed," I tell him. I relax my stance a bit, dropping my arms and putting my hands on my hips. "So, can you please tell us where we are and why we need protection from these alien-hunters? What do they want and how would they know who we are?"

Anna-Liisa, if you want to skip this conversation and move forward to some other point, just let us know what they found out and where the group is going to be...

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 5:34 pm
by Liz_Parker

I blink a few times after what just happened. Or what I think just happened.

Maria was just sitting on that bed and then she was gone, poof, right into thin air.....ok, now I need to find Dr. McLean and figure out what's going on around here.

Once I get going I look around and notice one of the doors of the others slightly ajar and slowly open it to find the group of frozen people along with Maria.

"Ok, what's going on here? How did you get in here so fast with out me noticing?".

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 7:23 pm
by KatnotKath
OOC: bit stuck for what to post, but I hope this will be ok


Everything about the way this, Dr, is responding, suggests to me that he is genuine, but I can’t say that I don’t share Max’s apprehension about trusting him quite yet, and as Kyle starts telling him get basically get his act together, I shake my head slightly. Even if the others don’t realise it, I know that Max is only trying to make sure we’re all safe… He’s taking on the role of leader and protector as usual…a role he always says he doesn’t want, yet always seems to end up taking…

To my mind, his questions and manner have been calm and collected. They have made perfect sense and I find no problem with the way he is addressing all this. I look over at Kyle. “Personally I’m with Max, I want answers about what is going on before I start to make any decisions about who to trust and who not to…” I push my hair back from my face and bite my lip. This is just all so crazy, it sounds like something from a movie… And yet, I know it’s nothing of the sort. Whether this Dr is genuine or not, the things I saw from the window seem to indicate pretty definitely that this is defininitely not Roswell…well, not from our time anyway…

As Max says though, trust has to be earnt… After everything this group has been through, we tend to be naturally cautious, and personally I’d rather be over cautious, than careless… the former I’m likely to live to regret, the latter not…

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 7:05 pm
by M

I frown lightly and concentrate on the events unfolding before me. I try to take in and process as much information as I can, remembering the techniques Nesado taught me. I don’t listen to the questions Max asks, or the responses, but read the body language of the doctor, the unseen clues he gives as to his state of mine, the truthfulness of his words, and the level to which we should trust him. It is harder then usual, probably because I am still fatigued from the earlier mindwarps, but everything in his demeanor says that he is being truthful with us. I walk to Max, and laying a hand on his shoulder to steady myself I breathe into his ear that we can trust this man, not completely, but we should ask him to give us a full explanation. I barely whisper because although I feel this man means us no harm, I can’t speak for any others and we don’t know the level of surveillance we are currently under. After I give Max my opinion I withdraw to the window and resume my place. Just then the woman who had been in Maria’s room rushes in, looking lost and frightened.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 5:59 am
by isabelle

I nod slightly in response to Tess' comments. So far I haven't seen any obvious signs of untruthfullness in the man, either, but neither have I seen any overt reason for trusting him. I don't want to risk anyone in our group without better assurances than we have so far. What we need most is some answers.

Suddenly, the female agent who woke me arrives in a hurry. She never actually identified herself. We don't need more arriving, so I raise my hand and the door slams shut behind her, locking itself before I turn to the woman.

"Who are you?" I ask her, still hoping the doctor will answer the questions I've already asked twice...

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 7:15 am
by Liz_Parker

I jump at hearing the door slam behind me and look at Max.

"My name is Serena. And I work here, and no Max, we are not here to hurt you. The more you and your friend cooperate the easier things will go for you", I sigh softly and look around at all the teenagers in front of me. "You have to start trusting us".