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Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 8:02 pm
by isabelle

"Well, um. If you're sure," I tell her. Why did she knock on our door if she didn't want to talk? Maybe she wanted to see Alex but not me? "We can't really offer anything but our company, but you're welcome to stay if you like," I say.

Damn. Maybe I should offer to go. Would that help? Nah, I'm being stupid. She said she had to get back to Isabel, didn't she? She must think I'm an idiot for not remembering that from eight seconds ago.

"You're doing wonders with Isabel," I smile. She really is an angel. Alex's angel. Getting him and Isabel together. It's a miracle, that's for sure.

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 1:01 am
by Sternbetrachter

Singing my praises? Nice. What can go wrong now? Knowing me, a lot. Standing besides Max, I'm only partly listening to Max and wondering what kind of praises she is actually singing.

"If you need bodyguards for your girl talk, you know where to find us." I tell her with a grin. "Not that something could happen to you since we are all being watched already. Who knows, I might find out how to deactive the cameras that are used during the nights when everyone's asleep." I joke, immediately turning to the camera guy next to us, who appeared out of nowhere. "Just kidding of course!" I reassure him before turning back to Liz and winking at her.

Hm, wonder if it is possible to deactive the cameras or what the penalty for that would be.

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 1:42 am
by Sugarplum7
<center>~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ Liz ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~</center>

“Well, um, if you’re sure,” Max says in a not quite so articulate way that makes me smile. It’s cute; a teacher being inarticulate. “We can’t really offer anything but our company, but you’re welcome to stay if you like.”

I smile again as Max extends the offer to stay up with them. And I think it would be so much fun to spend some time with the both of them, but Izzy is waiting. Maybe I can see if she wants to spend time with them too. If I can spin it just right . . .

“If you need bodyguards for your girl talk you know where to find us,” Alex says grinning. “Not that something could happen to you since we are all being watched already. Who knows, I might find out how to deactivate the cameras that are used during the nights when everyone’s asleep,” he says jokingly. “Just kidding of course,” he addresses the cameraman standing there. If I wasn’t looking at him, I wouldn’t have seen his wink to me away from all the cameras.

“How about I go to Izzy and see if she wants to join you guys. We can just stay up and talk and play cards or something. If I’m not back in five minutes, I think it’s safe to say that she felt like sticking with the girl talk. If I don’t see you two again tonight, good night.” I lean in and give Alex a hug, whispering, “See what you can do about those cameras,” into his ear before I head back to my room.

“Back,” I announce as I close the door behind me. “And I think I have some news. So I just stopped by Alex and Max’s room to say good night, but I think they’re going to be up for a bit and offered their company. How do you feel about spending some time with Alex? You won’t be alone with him. I’ll be there the entire time. If you want we can even come up with a signal or a codeword when you think that Alex is flirting with you. That way I can pay attention and see what you mean first hand. And we can leave any time you want to. It’s late so we can easily leave saying that we’re tired.”

I head over to my bag and pull out a deck of cards and Phase 10. Holding a small box of cards in each hand, I smile and ask, “What do you say to some safe, friendly conversation over cards and some pseudo-undercover work?”

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 5:23 am
by isabelle
OOC -- I think the set-up said there were no cameras in the bedrooms...
Max still doesn't know about Liz and Michael... Not sure how that's going to come up. :?



I can't help but feel disappointed as Liz turns to go, although It was fairly clear that this was the way it was going to be.

I close the door behind me and lean against it with a sigh. I suppose I should leave it open since there's still a chance we might soon get some company, slim as that might be. However, I'm still waiting on an answer from Alex and the last thing I need is for Liz to return to and hear us talking about her.

"The only thing I can think," I continue as if we hadn't been interupted. "Is that she's taking it as something less innocent than friendship. That she thinks I'm being too foward and I know she doesn't want that..." I walk over and sit down on my bed again, feeling completely unsure again. "I just really want to be her friend. What do you think I should do?"

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 6:46 am
by Sternbetrachter
no bedroom cameras? this is nicer than MTV then
hope the Michael-Liz mention is okay


"Did you tell her that it was meant as a sign of friendship? Because after everything happened with her and Michael today, she is probably a bit worried what it is supposed to mean."

"What happened with Michael?" Max asks confused.

"No one told you yet?" I ask back. "Well, when they were in the water, Michael kissed her and she ran away, shocked, surprised and not really happy. She felt ... violated, I guess. At least she said something like that to Isabel in the car earlier."

I totally forgot abut that with everything that happened with Isabel. I'm such a bad friend. Maybe the girls come over and we can talk about it and geez, I can't believe that Max hadn't known.

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 7:21 am
by isabelle

I rise to my feet, without thinking. "I'm going to kill him!" I say, clenching my fist. "I can handle him plotting against me - porn in the car and whatever the hell-else he dreams up. But Liz!!!... That's too far!"

God! He kissed her! I can't believe it. He hurt her! Why didn't Kyle tell me what had happened while Tess and I were gone? He told us about Isabel and Jake... Damn! How could anyone do that to Liz? She's so wonderful!

I take a step towards the door but Alex grabs my elbow. "Hold up, Max. What do you think you're doing?"

"I don't know, but I can't let him get away with that!" I say. I truly don't know what I'm going to say or do to him. God! I guess she's going to kiss someone, but not Michael. Alex said she ran off, so I don't think I'm over-reacting. She didn't want it. She didn't. I won't let her be hurt.

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 7:37 am
by ~Ruby~
I'm avoiding homework so here's an Isabel part.


“What do you say to some safe, friendly conversation over cards and some pseudo-undercover work?”

“Sounds like a plan but I swear if the words strip poker leave Alex’s mouth I will beat him!” I joke nervously. Should I change? I mean, my pjs aren’t indecent or too revealing or anything like that but do I really want the guys to see me like this. I guess it makes me feel slightly self-conscious. Normally, I would have my makeup on and my hair done. And right now I have neither, no makeup at all and my hair is just pushed back into a messy ponytail. I look a mess.

“What should we use as our codeword?” I ask, feeling like a female James Bond. This could be fun. I haven’t had a chance to talk to Max since earlier and Liz will able to tell me if I’m being paranoid about the whole Alex flirting thing. Although I’m not too sure about the whole card game thing. I’ve never really played card games apart from of course poker. And somehow I doubt we will be playing that game.


Isabel's pjs

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 7:47 am
by Sternbetrachter
looks at Isabel's outfit ... poor Alex :P


"I know you only mean well but you can't run over to Michael and act like a jealous boyfriend. That would probably cause some trouble with Tess too on top of the fight with Michael." I try to calm Max down and I hope mentioning Tess helps. Not that I can't understand his reaction.

"Believe me, I want to give Michael a piece of … *advice* too but … Liz is a big girl. She should talk with Michael first if she wants to. She probably won't be happy if we act all Rambo on him. Maybe the girls are coming over and we might have a chance to talk with them about it first. And if not, you should really wait till you have calmed down a bit before talking with Michael."

I hope I got Max to calm down a bit and that he won't push me away and run over to Michael to show the guy where God lives. Wait …

"Do you have a proof that Michael put the magazines in your car or is it just a guess?".

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 8:21 am
by isabelle

I know that what Alex says makes sense, but I'm having a hard time convincing my body to relax. I really want to go make a point with Michael. They'd probably kick me off the show, if I did anything. Alex got away with it, but that was just one hit -- this isn't supposed to be a fight show.

I grit my teeth and struggle to calm my breathing. "Okay," I say at last, although I don't sit down yet. I manage to focus on Alex again. "No, I don't have any proof. But he did say he was going to sabotage me, and he was alone this afternoon."

With a sigh, I step back and take a seat on my bed again. "And yeah, I did tell her it was for friendship, but maybe the timing was bad," I say. That might explain her distress. She really doesn't need a second unwanted suitor, not when it's been so clear that she's not interested in me. The poor girl must be running scared. "I guess it's a safe bet that she and Isabel aren't going to be coming back, then. Sorry, Alex."

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 8:48 am
by Sternbetrachter

"It's okay, Max. It isn't your fault when they aren't coming, besides, I wouldn't want to suffocate the girl with my presence anyway." I tell Max jokingly before turning serious again. "It really looks like it was Michael and I can imagine it but ... until you have proof, I'd wait before approaching him. Just watch him a bit for awhile maybe he starts acting normal anytime soon and if not ... well, there might be some more reasons for you to adress him and it won't sound as if you are imagining things then. My father would tell you to observe and form an attack plan."

oot: Ruby, any chances for a CitL update?