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Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 11:20 am
by Sternbetrachter

"Yeah, I'm a bit tired." Max replies. "You and Isabel seem to get along."

"Yeah, we are now officially friends!" I state with a silly grin.

"Congrats! You think she suspects something about you liking her?"

"No way. I've been cool as cucumber around her." I say confidently. "After all,she just got rid off Jake so if I move too forward, I'll scare her away so ... I have to wait for my move, calm as a panther. So for now, I'm just a friend."

There's no way that Isabel could suspect something. At least not from the last hours. The first two days maybe but since she was the one who wanted us to be friends, that can't be the case. Or did she offer her friendship so it won't become more? Nah, nonsense, not the case. She just thinks that I wanna be her friend. But she did ... run away earlier and ... no, she isn't suspecting a thing.

"Cool as cucumber!" I tell Max again, now suddenly plaged by self doubts.

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 12:46 pm
by ~Ruby~
Just wanted to make a quick post before I set to work on my homework. -sigh- roll on study leave!!!


“Izzy, have you looked at yourself? I think it’s impossible for guys to not like you, Seriously now, what are the signs that you think were there?”

I chew my lip nervously. “Well…” I pause uncomfortably for a second. I’m going to sound so stupid. I’m most likely getting myself worked up over nothing but still I can’t get rid of this feeling. God, I hate Jake. If I hadn’t have met him then I wouldn’t be in doubt about myself. “Well earlier I caught him staring at me for no reason at all, and he was flirting, at least I think it was flirting. And there’s been other small stuff" I sigh “I don’t know, do you think I’m reading too much into nothing?”

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 3:26 am
by Sugarplum7
<center>~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ Liz ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~</center>

Oh, boy. Alex, what do you think you’re doing! Subtle! You’re supposed to be subtle and friendly not forward and flirtatious! How am I going to fix this?

“Well, I think I know why he was looking at you. He’s probably still amazed at how pretty you are even when you’re not dressed in some fabulous designer dress or outfit. And as for everything else, if he is flirting, he's probably innocent to the whole thing and doesn’t even think he’s flirting. If he was he’d probably be a little bumbling and awkward because he would be so nervous. You know Alex.

“Did he seem like he was nervous? And don’t forget, he knows about what happened just now. He wouldn’t try to be anything other than your friend. He knows that you’re not ready for anything more than that yet. Just, don’t act any different around him than you have been this evening. If you do, he’s bound to notice. Then he’ll ask you about it, and if you felt like talking to him about it, I think you’d be talking to him now and not me,” I say to her. I smile as she looks down at the comforter on her bed, thinking about what I said. I hope I didn’t make things worse for Alex. Should I have said something else?

“Here,” I say as I hand her my glass of water. “Have something to drink. I’m going to run down to the kitchen to get another glass of water. I’ll be right back, and we can talk some more.” I get up from the bed and head for the door, but turn around to add, “That is if you still want to talk about things with me.”

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 8:46 am
by ~Ruby~

I think about Liz’s words carefully, ‘He wouldn’t try to be anything other than your friend. He knows that you’re not ready for anything more than that yet.’ Does that mean when he thinks I’m ready he will try and be more then friends? Or am I just searching for a hidden meaning that isn’t even there? I think about Liz’s earlier words, ‘You know Alex.’ But I don’t know Alex and I think that’s one of the main problems. Every time I think that I’ve finally got him figured out, he will do something that will send my theory spinning.

“Here,” she hands me her glass of water. “Have something to drink. I’m going to run down to the kitchen to get another glass of water. I’ll be right back, and we can talk some more. That is if you still want to talk about things with me.”

I nod with a smile, “It feels good to talk about it,”

At least there is something good coming out of my paranoia. Me and Liz are becoming closer or at least I hope we are. She isn’t someone I would normally be friends with and I doubt that I would be someone that she would normally be friends with but there is just something about Liz Parker. I trust her.

“Okay then, I’ll be right back”

After Liz closes the door, I grab a pair of my pjs and head into the bathroom to get ready for bed. After changing quickly, I go back and sit on my bed and run a brush through my hair. Its hard to believe how much has happened today. My life has turned into such a drama that I nearly miss my old boring life. I wonder what Daddy is doing now, no doubt still working on some important project. I focus on brushing my hair, I wonder what tomorrow is going to bring.

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 5:41 pm
by isabelle

'Cool as a cucumber' Whitman, I think with a grin as I step in the shower to wash the beach off of me. Hard to believe he was that smooth after being so completely off the wall nuts about a girl who mostly just thought he was nuts, but hey, if it's working for him, then it's all good.

A few minutes later, I step out and dry off, heading into the bedroom to find something to sleep in. I'm pleased to see that Alex is still up.

"It'll be nice to sleep in that bed again," I say aloud, not really meaning to.

Alex cocks his head to one side at that comment. "Yeah -- where did you sleep last night?" he asks.

"Well, I slept on the sofa downstairs," I say a bit sheepishly. I can see the questions blooming behind his eyes although he doesn't voice any right away. "I mean, you'd hit me that morning and we hadn't had a chance to talk -- I just -- I just thought it would be safer." I say, turning completely red.

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 1:39 am
by Sternbetrachter

"Safer for you?" I ask surprised. Who would have thought that I can cause fear in others?

"Don't get me wrong now Max but ... honestly, you don't appear as if I could take you down easily and if I hadn't caught you by surprise yesterday, I'd surely be the one with a blue eye." I tell him. And maybe a few broken ribs? "Besides, I was a bit worried about falling asleep too last night, I mean, maybe you thought it was time for revenge."


"Or something like that to get me back." I add hastily. Maybe it's time for a topic change.

"Did you already call home? Today, or any other day?"

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 9:54 am
by isabelle

I decide to ignore Alex's attempt to change the subject. I do want to change the subject, but not to that. I have something-else to talk about.

I sit down on the bed and turn to look at Alex. "You're friends with Liz, right?"

"Well, sure," he says, sounding slightly confused. "She's friends with everyone."

I offer a wry smile to that. Almost everyone, I think, but I don't say that aloud. "She's really great. I agree," I tell him. "But I think I messed up with her. I think I upset her."

Alex sits up a little straighter, looking at me dead on. "Go on," he says slowly and there's a hint of something unpleasant in his voice. Almost like a threat. I started this wrong, I think. But how else should I have done it?

"Well, you know about that rose that was left for her yesterday? I'm the one who left it -- for friendship. Like the one she gave you," I say, gesturing at the yellow rose still sitting on his dresser. "I only found out today that nobody knew. I told her because I wanted to stop the confusion and -- She seemed unhappy about it. Can you help me out? I'm not sure what's wrong or how to fix it."

After the last, I bite the inside of my lip look at Alex in complete helplessness. I only hope he can offer some sort of clue because I really do like Liz. Just because she's not interested in me, doesn't change that I still want to be her friend...

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 12:12 pm
by Sugarplum7
I hope no one minds. If someone does, I'm more than willing to edit or delete.

<center>~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ Liz ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~</center>

I head back to my room, my glass of water in my hand. All the doors are closed, but a small stream of light is slipping between the floor and the base of the door. I didn’t get to say good night to either of them. And I do want to try to fix the aloof way that I’ve been with Max lately. Taking a deep breath, I take a step to their door and knock lightly on it.

I don’t know whether I want to bring up the conversation I’ve been having with Izzy with them because it does concern the whole plot to help Alex get together with Iz, but I did promise her confidentiality. Choosing to uphold that over the agreement to help Alex, I keep my mouth shut about it. The trust I’ve gained with Izzy is so new. Doing something like telling Alex would only serve to hurt things and maybe even ruin the beyond repair.

I hear a rustle of movement in the room and then the door opens to show a slightly surprised face.

“Hey, Liz,” he said, and I could hear the surprise and confusion in his tone.


“Hey, Max. Alex.” I say with a smile. “I was just coming back to my room from the kitchen and saw that your light was on. I just wanted to say good night.” I lightly bite my bottom lip, just standing there in front of him with a brief silence floating between us. “So . . . good night, Alex. Good night, Max.”

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 4:05 pm
by Sternbetrachter
I assume Max opened the door


I sigh in relief when Max told me what he did. I already feared that he hurt her physically or anything and if that were the case, I wouldn't have been sorry for hurting him yesterday. Not that I know what to tell him. I know his rose caused some confusion especially since Liz likes him and he's obviously with Tess. No wonder things are awkward between them.

When there's a knock on the door Max jumps up immediately and heads to the door and I'm glad to not having to answer Max's question right away, because honestly, I don't know what to say.

I give Max a questioning look but he just shrugs back, so I guess he isn't expecting anyone either.

"Liz?" I ask surprised. Wow, this is creepy. We are talking about her and she appears. Did she hear something? NO, the door was closed after all.

“So . . . good night, Alex. Good night, Max.” she says after a weird moment. Weird because there's was a really awkward silence between those two. Poor girl, getting a rose from the guy you like and then seeing him with another woman.

"Leaving already?" I tease her. "Maybe I can get her to stay a bit longer because there is really some tension between Max and Liz and I might be able to figure out what kind of tension if I can observe them for a little bit.

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 4:18 pm
by Sugarplum7
<center>~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ Liz ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~</center>

“Leaving already?” Alex asks as he comes over.

“Yeah. I should get back. Izzy and I are having some roommate, girl talk, bonding time. I just left to get something to drink,” I explain, raising my glass of water. “And don’t worry, Alex. I’m singing your praises,” I tell him with a grin.