What Real Life's Like (AU,CC,MATURE) Thread #1

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Post by Sternbetrachter »

it wasn't horrible! and about feeling like crap ... you and me, Ruby, you and me :(


I don't trust that smile. Isn't it sad? I'm in love with a girl who I am never sure if she's serious or not ... but then again, that's the case with most women so it ain't that bad, right?

Glancing around to check if someone's paying attention to us, I whisper, "You enjoy blackmailing, don't you?"

“You offend me! I wouldn’t dream of committing such a crime!” she throws my earlier response back to me.

"I was serious, I hope you are too!" I say back. "I'll keep an eye on you, Anderson!" I certainly will - if only for pleasure.
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Post by ~Ruby~ »

This is beyond short since I couldn't think of anything to write.


“I'll keep an eye on you, Anderson!” Alex states.

“Is that a promise?” I ask innocently. I nearly laugh out loud at the expression on Alex’s face but somehow manage to control myself because heaven forbid that we should interrupt while Michael is watching his movie.
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


“Is that a promise?”

Shit! Does she know something or was that just a teasing comment? Oh please, let it be a tease and ... she's grinning so .. it has to be a joke, right? Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease.

Okay Alex, be calm, suave and witty! I lean a bit closer to her, whispering, "Wouldn't you like to know!"

Yeah, I guess that was okay, no squeaky voice, no harshness and it doesn't count as flirting, just two friends having fun. Yeah.
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Post by ~Ruby~ »


“Wouldn't you like to know!” Alex whispers in my ear causing a shiver to run down my spine. I pull away abruptly and quickly get to my feet. Alex Whitman is not the sort of guy that normally sends a shiver down my spine.

“I’m going to get uh…something from the…uh kitchen!” I explain briefly before making my escape. Jake was the last guy that managed to give me a shiver and look how that turned out. Alex is meant to be my friend and we’ve only been friends for what? Less then four hours? And I’ve sworn of guys for the rest of this show. I don’t want to get involved with anyone until I get back home, back to normal.

Was Alex flirting with me? Or was he just being friendly? Husky whispers are normally reserved for flirting. I wish I could call Kathryn and speak to her. She would know what is going on, she always does.
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Post by Sternbetrachter »

I'll take it as a plus point that she shivered, too bad that Alex doesn't know that :lol:
this is not great but after five coffees and three RedBull the best I could come up with :?


“I’m going to get uh…something from the…uh kitchen!” Isabel stammers after jumping to her feet as if bitten and rushes out.

I guess I was being a bit forward. Looking up, I see Tess frowning at me while Max looks questiongly at me. Shrugging I turn back to the tv, trying to focus on Sid who's trying to charm the ladies .... reminding me of Michael in a strange way.

I knew I shouldn't have said anything ... everything was going way too good to last for longer than a few hours. Maybe I should start playing roulette since I have no luck with love, I should be a devil at the game ... or poker maybe. I could probably make a fortune.

Well, Isabel could just have made something up to eat all the ice cream alone but that's ... not realistic considering the shocked look in her eyes after I dropped that horrible statement. Back to reserved or "buddy" Alex mode again, I guess.
Last edited by Sternbetrachter on Sat Apr 23, 2005 2:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sternbetrachter »

I might have overlooked it (which really is a huge possibility) but I didn't see a picture of Alex posted on the first 15 pages, so ... tada :D

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Post by Sternbetrachter »


After Isabel leaves, I relax a bit and move closer to the cookies which are next to Alex. Chuckling at another funny scene in the movie, I look over to Tess. She is also laughing at the scene and I take that as my hint to make my move.

"So, are you two enjoying the movie?" she's laughing, of course she is, oh, Max is smiling too. "I told you it is a riot." They might not be together forever and who knows - maybe Michael's stunt with the magazines (c'mon, it's obvious that he did it after our talk in the kitchen this morning) has planted some doubts about Max in Tess' mind.

I don't really have somethign against Max but if Tess blows him off, I won't pity him. I have more important things to do then - being around Tess to make sure that she's "okay" after breaking up with him. Or around Maria, if there is no luck with Ms. Harding.
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Post by isabelle »

That's the way I understand it.

I'm sorry, but I just don't seem to have anything for Max or Michael to respond to... It's probably pretty late by now... dinner (including cooking) it's probably nearly 8 by the time the first movie started, so it'll be close to midnight when Ice Age is done, right?



"It's great," I tell Tess when she asks how I'm enjoying the movie. "Glad you suggested it."

I wonder a little why Isabel suddenly got up to leave when it looked like she and Alex were getting along so well. I couldn't really hear their conversation and wasn't trying to, but I was watching their body-language and it looked like they were getting pretty comfortable. Quite a change since yesterday morning when Isabel was certain that Alex needed proffessional help and possibly an institution....

Still, I should keep my mind on Tess, here in my arms, so warm and snug and wonderful. Definately, I shouldn't be thinking of Liz, naked up in her shower.

Stop it! I mean nothing to Liz. I know that. She's upset with me, or she was. She seemed halfway okay earlier when she was talking to me and Tess about cookies and drinks -- or maybe that was because of Kyle...

Tess. Think about Tess.

Yeah. Cozy. Snug. Smells so nice. Hmm.... Very sweet.

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Post by morpheus awakened »

Hi everyone. Sorry about not posting. I tried to post something last night but the forum was on the fritz and so it didn't take it. And I think my part might still be able to be fit in here because it's just some light convo stuff between Tess and Kyle. I'm fine with what you said about moving forward, Ruby, it's all kosher. But I won't be able to write another part till the weekend though. Anyway, here it is.


“So, are you two enjoying the movie?” Kyle asks us while we’re watching a particularly hilarious part of the movie. “I told you it is a riot,” he says, which is obviously directed at Max since he knows I’ve already seen it. I’m laughing too much to respond so I just nod my head affirmatively. Kyle smiles at that and for a second he turns back to the screen.

A few seconds later we see Scrat making another one of his futile attempts to grab that elusive and apparently slippery acorn; in between giggles, I manage to comment about how much I love slapstick. For this declaration I receive a quick glare from Michael, who looks at me over Maria’s head with a look that says ‘do you mind, I’m trying to watch the movie’ and then he turns back to watching the TV.

Well, excuuuse me, I didn’t know we were sitting in a movie theater. Last time I checked I was sitting here in my pajamas on a couch. But whatever.

Kyle turns back around when I speak up, and so I lean forward this time and continue more quietly. “I mean, this totally harks back to the classic Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner cartoons, you know, with the poor misguided Coyote trying every single gadget available from the ACME Company to try and make the Road Runner his next meal.”

“Oh yeah, it so does.” Kyle replies with a knowing grin. “The look on Scrat’s face each time he falls down a cliff or gets buried by an avalanche is totally reminiscent of that. But he’s a hardy little fellow isn’t he.”

“Yeps, he most certainly is.” I love how Kyle is as in to the classics of slapstick cartoons as I am. I grew up watching them and so it’s hard not to reference other things back to them or to not watch them for long. I’m glad we have that in common. Max released his grip on my waist when I leaned forward to whisper to Kyle, and hasn’t added anything of his own. He’s staring at the screen, although not uninterested, but he doesn’t seem to be having a blast or anything. Hasn’t really laughed at much either. Maybe his mind is elsewhere, because this stuff is just too funny to sit by and watch passively.
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


I can't help but yawn slightly when the credits of Ice Age are being shown. No matter how funny that movie is, I certainly can feel it in my bones that it's after midnight. I wonder if that's a sign that i'm getting old?

"Anyone else thinking that we shouldn't watch Pirates this night but maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?" Kyle asks and since no one is arguing, I guess that is what we'll do.

Getting up, I stretch a bit before grabbing some of the empty bowels and glasses that are standing around while Kyle dashes to the dvd player and gets the dvd.

I start walking towards the kitchen where Isabel is probably devouring my ice cream but then turn around again. "Are we gonna discuss the driving arrangements tomorrow or should we settle that now?"

didn't really know what to post so ... *shrugs* see above
Colin Hanks
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