What Real Life's Like (AU,CC,MATURE) Thread #1

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Post by morpheus awakened »


"Two cokes coming right up, anything else for anyone?" Liz asks.

“Do we have any Root Beer, Liz?” I ask, turning away from the TV to look at Liz.

“I don’t know, I’ll have to check the fridge.”

“K, and if we don’t have any, could I please have a glass of water instead.”

“Sure thing, Tess. Max, anything for you?” Liz asks, looking at Max.

Well they seem to have broken down some of the shyness barrier that had been plaguing Liz, because she’s actually looking right at him this time.
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Post by Sternbetrachter »

just moving things along a bit, hope no one minds


After taking everyone's orders, Liz and I head into the kitchen and I put the ice cream into the freezer. While preparing the drinks, Liz asks, "And how do you like the movie?"

"It's okay." I reply. Honestly I didn't pay too much attention on it since I had to defend my ice cream from Isabel. "I prefered it more when I watched the first time,I think."

"You already saw it?"


"Why didn't you say so then?"

"Michael seems to like it and I've also already seen Ice Age but I'm looking forward to it so ... it's not such a big deal. Besides, who knows what movies everybody else already saw." I try to explain. Not that i'm afraid of Michael but I'd like to prolong the peace in here.

"So," I ask casually while taking a tray out of the cupboards, "am I the only one who knows about whom you like in here or has it turned already in a group thing like it did with me?"

Maybe she already told Iz and that's why was talking about Max and Liz earlier.
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Post by Sugarplum7 »

<center>~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ Liz ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~</center>

“So, am I the only one who knows about whom you like in here, or has it turned already into a group thing like it did with me?” Alex asks casually and it catches me so much by surprise that I spill some of the root beer that I’m pouring into a glass.

“I’ll take that as a no.” He brings over a sponge and a towel along with the tray he was bringing over.

“And that would be correct,” I tell him as we clean up the spilt root beer. Unless everyone has figured it out and is keeping it a secret from everyone else.” I pick up the can again and pour the rest of the root beer into the glass.

“Max and Tess are happy. I don’t want to get in between that, Alex.” Why is he asking this? Did he already—“Alex, you didn’t did you?”
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


“Alex, you didn’t did you?”

Damn, and I thought I was being casual about it. I quickly look at Liz who stares at me with big brown eyes and raise my hands in defeat.

"No, I didn't tell anyone, Liz. I promise. It's just that ..."

"What Alex?" Liz presses.

"Well, when Isabel and I met up in your room, I didn'T really know what to talk about so I asked what she thought of Max and Tess since she seemed to really like him too at first and now that Jake's gone and ... anyway, she started to answer but then suddenly declaired that I have a big secret that I should tell her since we are friends."

I will leave the fact that Iz started something about Max and Liz out of the picture for now and wait till I know more about that.

"I didn't tell her anything about you, I swear." No, instead I told her embarrassing stuff about myself that Isabel might use to blackmail me.
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Post by Sugarplum7 »

<center>~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ Liz ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~</center>

“I didn’t tell her anything about you, I swear.” As I look at him and his expression, I know that he’s telling the truth. He wouldn’t lie to me about this, would he? “So what did you tell her?”

Seeing how uncomfortable he looks and how clear it is that he doesn't want to say, I think I'll let him have that secret. He is keeping mine after all. And if he and Isabel get together, they are going to have their own secrets. Maybe this can be the first.

“Never mind. Forget I asked.” We place the drinks onto the tray and start to make our way back to the others, and are still a good amount away, but I can see Max and Tess curled together on the couch.

“Alex,” I say, stopping him. “Can you take this the rest of the way? I think I want to take a quick shower and put on my pajamas. The other girls changed out of their beachwear, and I think I’ll follow suit.”
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


I breath a sigh of relief when Liz doesn't want to know what I told Isabel. I'm surprised by Liz suddenly stoping but when I follow her gaze, I think I can understand her.

"Sure, no problem, I will take it all." I watch as she makes her way towards her room, "Liz!"

She turns back to me with a questioning look.

"I really didn't tell her anything. And thanks for not bugging me more because it ... it's really embarrassing what I did say to her." Damn, I can feel that i'm blushing.

"I know you didn't say anything." With that, LIz continues on her way and I start walking into the living room again
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Post by isabelle »


Maria leans a little closer to my arm and I take that as a good sign. She's into me. I'm sure of it.

I know I thought Liz was wanting it, too, but this is different. Maria is different.

Or is it just because I want her more? I don't know.

Liz heads off for the drinks and I try moving my hand a little closer, moving my arm forward enough to be touching Maria's neck. She doesn't move away and I keep my smile to myself. At least one of these girls is responding the right way, some of the time.

The movie ends while Liz and Alex are out of the room and I feel a bit bad that they missed the climax, but maybe they're making their own fun time out there. I wish 'em luck. Picking up the remote, I hit the eject button and then tell Kyle. "Get that, okay? We're doing Ice Age next."

Kyle gives me a glare but I ignore it. I got my arm around Maria and Max is cozy with Tess -- for now, anyway. And I'm not gonna ask Isabel. Kyle seems to be doing the same evaluation and his eyes linger on Isabel for an extra second before he gets to his feet and changes out the DVDs. "There you go," he says and resumes his spot on the floor. I hit the play button and wait...



Tess likes Root Beer. Got it, I think, realizing that I need to start knowing these things since we're now officially going together. Or at least, I think we are. I haven't actually discussed it with Tess but she's here snuggled with me and actions speak louder than words, right?

I wait with her as the movie ends. That was really good, even if I did see it before. I lean forward and give her a little kiss behind her ear. She feels so warm and comfortable there although I'm looking forward to seeing Liz and Alex come back. And not just because I'm thirsty. I'd like to talk to each of them in person when we get a real break...

Michael and Kyle start up the next movie, the cartoon that I haven't actually seen, but Tess and Kyle both recommended it, so I'm looking forwad to the show. "This one should be fun," I whisper to her.

"Oh yeah, you're gonna like it," Tess promises and I smile into her hair. Michael's being a real jerk, bossing Kyle around, or at least it seems that way to me. Maybe I'm just looking for reasons to dislike him since I've found out that he wants to plot against me. After all, Kyle doesn't seem to be objecting that loudly...

In a moment, Alex returns with a tray of drinks, but there's no sign of Liz.

"Um, what did you all want?" Alex asks. "I wasn't really paying attention..."

"Root beer for me," Tess annouces. "And a regular soda for Max."

Alex comes over, handing the sodas over.

"Where did Liz go?" I ask him.

"Shower," Alex explains. "She'll be back in a little bit."

I nod, taking my soda. We're still in the middle of movies and Tess is here in my arms, so I guess my conversation with him will wait. We are room-mates. Unless he falls asleep in front of the TV again, I should have a few moments before we get to bed...
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


Sir, yes sir! Boss me around, why don't you Guerin! Well, I let me boss around after all. Casting a glance at Isabel to check if she's in attack mode, I change the movies and flop down in front of Maria's feet again. Michael has his arm around her but I can't tell whether she enjoys it or not. Oh well, as long as she doesn't slap him, things should be fine.

Alex comes back then, handing out the drinks and explaining where Liz went before he takes his place next to Isabel again. Max looks like he wants to say something but remains quiet and snuggled up next to Tess. Looks like they are indeed together. Damn!

Oh well, who knows what will happen, there are still a few months to come maybe they'll break up and if not ... there are some hot chicks working at the radio station after all!

not much I know
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


After placing Liz's Isabel's and my drink on the floor, I take my spot next to Isabel again and frown when she looks at me a bit weird.

"What?" I whisper as to not disturb the others who are watching the first minutes of Ice Age. Ice Ice baby, baby Ice hehe

"Where's the ice cream?"

"In the freezer, I didn't eat anything while I was gone. Cross my heart." I say crossing my heart and getting a raised eyebrow in response.

"Really. As long as Liz didn't use the shower as an excuse and is eating it now, the ice cream should be safe." Isabel just raises the other eyebrow at that.

"You are pretty paranoid, you know that?" I ask jokingly. Paranoid alone would have been enough but since she's pretty too and ... okay, I guess you know what I mean.
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Post by ~Ruby~ »

This part is horrible but I'm feeling crap so it will have to do!


"You are pretty paranoid, you know that?" Alex says jokingly

“You can never be too paranoid when ice cream is at stake!” I snort, before asking teasingly “Are you sure Liz went upstairs? She didn’t sneak back down and grab the ice cream did she?”

Alex rolls his eyes and grin, “No, I’m pretty sure she went upstairs!”

I nod thoughtfully, “Ice cream stealing isn’t Liz’s style! Its more yours!”

Alex gasps mockingly “You offend me! I wouldn’t dream of committing such a crime!”

“Let’s hope so Buddy, otherwise I might have to tell someone about your dirty little secret!” I say with a straight face. I smile slightly letting Alex know that I’m only kidding. His stripping secret will never cross my lips, however if I happen to write it down and someone happens to see then that’s a whole different matter.