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Re: Twined Roads (AU, CC, Adult) CH 26, 10/10/2014

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 3:45 pm
by sarammlover
Awww, Max can finally be happy and carefree around Liz. I love that. And poor Michael, I wouldn't want to be caught by amy either! HA HA HA...awkward. Great update!

Re: Twined Roads (AU, CC, Adult) CH 26, 10/10/2014

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 9:22 pm
by keepsmiling7
That was an interesting first meeting between Michael and they neither one will forget the event.
Liz and Max are enjoying each other........especially reliving memories about the old jeep. Must admit it is a change from the current BMW.
Can't wait to see what the gang does for the rest of the day.

Re: Twined Roads (AU, CC, Adult) CH 26, 10/10/2014

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 7:39 am
by begonia9508
Hey, fantastic part again!

But first
Thanks for the friendly bump. I’m afraid I’m filling my days with too much. My only problem is that I like to do so many things: writing & reading, making cloths for the kids...

Yeah but you know the best with all these things you do, it is never boring in life! And I know bc myself, I always have thausend things to do, especially caring for my 20 or so orchids, which need a lot of attention, every week! and all the rest, Roswell Fanatics or Heaven........ and I can go and go... with no end! :D

Anyway, the part was so funny! And I loved Maria's reaction and her way to deal with her mom!
Next times, should she close the door with the key and let it into it! :lol:

And her mom has to learn that Maria has a right to have sex with who she wants, without having to discuss it with her mom and justifies herself! :lol: At least, her daughter could convince Michael to come back!

Loved how it started with Max and Liz! I have this feeling it will take a really rapid course, with the
feelings they have already with each other!!!

So Eva, I am really looking for more impatiently and thanks! EVE :mrgreen:

Re: Twined Roads (AU, CC, Adult) CH 26, 10/10/2014

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 6:04 am
by Eva
@ Roswelllostcause: Thank you!

@ Sara:
No, me either! Just imagine, my mother-in-law in our bedroom. Brrr! But somehow it fitted Amy, don’t you think?

Ah, Max & Liz: they started on another rhythm in this story. After knowing each other for years – annoying each other because Max had denied the attraction between them – they are more open now to enjoy life. After ten years of loneliness, of not finding anything about his origins or having problems with the FBI, Max feels he has to catch up lost times.

@ Carolyn:
It really was, wasn’t it! I surely wouldn’t have wanted to meet my mother-in-law like that.

Max & Liz didn’t date but they still have history together. Although Max denied it stone-hard, they were attracted towards each other. Yeah, the BMW surely is an upgrade towards the jeep.

Well, brace yourself! The gang is coming together today!

@ Eve:
Yeah but you know the best with all these things you do, it is never boring in life! And I know bc myself, I always have thausend things to do, especially caring for my 20 or so orchids, which need a lot of attention, every week! and all the rest, Roswell Fanatics or Heaven........ and I can go and go... with no end
I can second that completely!

Yeah, this was a very typical Amy & Maria reaction. And it was fun to watch! Your idea is great, by the way. But I think it will be Michael who will be using it, otherwise he will never be at ease while making out. :lol:

True about Max & Liz! You really nailed what is going on between them!

Chapter twenty-seven

With steady hands Max drove his cabriolet through the gate up to the main house. Smoothly he turned the wheel so he could park next to an old yellow VW Beetle. The car clearly had a lot of miles under the hood and the back window was decorated with a bunch of different stickers, most of them with alien or protest themes.

With an open mouth Max stared at the exuberantly decorated car.

“It’s Amy’s car. She’s Maria’s mom.” Liz clarified when she saw his astonishment. “You know the little shop with organic products and alien souvenirs?”

He nodded in affirmation.

Liz pointed to the energetically gesturing woman with short brown hair standing next to an even more active Maria and Emily. They were a stark contrast to the stoic Michael next to them. “That’s her.”

“Ok,” he murmured out loud when it became clear to him.

His dry response made her snicker. “It looks like you’re as enthusiastic as Michael seems to be. Come on, let’s rescue him.”

They both clicked their seat belts open and got out of the car.

“Auntie Liz!” With a cheerful smile Emily launched herself at the newcomers.

Liz opened her arms and lifted the girl with a swung into the air. “Hi, Emily! Whoa, you’re very good-tempered!”

“We just ate all together! And do you know what Michael made? Pancakes!” little Emily jabbered along, just like any other four-year-old would do. “And now, me and Gran Amy are going to the playground! And tonight we’re having a sleepover. Gran Amy makes hot chocolate then. Cool, huh!”

Holding her loosely against her right hip, Liz smiled and let the child talk while she walked further to greet the others.

“Hello, everybody. We’re not interrupting, are we?”

Liz tried to hold her smiling poker face when she heard Michael’s muttered “Hell, no!” and Amy’s fake, “No, dear, Emily and I were just saying goodbye after a wonderful breakfast.”

“This is Max Evans, Mom.” Maria introduced. “He’s Michael’s brother.”

Amy inspected him from head to toe before shaking his hand. “Aren’t you the son of Phil Evans, the lawyer?”

Max smiled politely. “Phil Evans is indeed my father. Mom and he adopted me when I was little.” And before Amy could interrogate him further, he directly added. “Liz is my colleague at the hospital.”

“Oh, you’re a doctor!”

Maria rolled her eyes at her mom’s overexcited squeal. For the hippie and rebellious woman she always had been, she could be so presumptuous too. “So, Mom, didn’t you need to start going if you want to pick up Jim before going to the park?”

Confused, Amy looked at her daughter before realizing what she had said. “Jim. The park. Yes, of course.” She immediately turned to her grandchild, fussing over her collar. “Emily, have you got everything with you?”

The girl took her little bright colored backpack and kissed everybody goodbye, starting with her mom. Several minutes later she climbed into her grandmother’s car while Maria fastened her seatbelt.

“And she’s off,” Michael mumbled when Amy started her engine and drove away.

His dry comment made Liz and Max explode with laughter while Maria slapped his side. “She wasn’t that bad!”

The way Michael pulled faces amused everybody.

“Hey, tell me if you would be so happy if somebody walked in your room when you’re lying there naked,” he stated.

Liz’s eyes bulged. “No, she didn’t.”

“She did.” Maria affirmed, smiling while nodding her head. “My mom is unique.”

Michael rolled his eyes. “Yeah, right.”

It made them all chuckle again. Even Michael got affected and smirked, although it was still on the wrong side of his mouth.

A horn made them all look up. Kyle’s white van drove up to the main house, directly followed by a beige Fiat 500.

Skillfully Kyle navigated his van next to Max’s car, the Fiat maneuvered on the other side.

Watched by curious spectators, Isabel got out of her car. While she grabbed her sky blue purse from the front seat, Kyle opened the door for his passenger. A young blonde woman with shoulder length hair with bouncing curls stepped out of the vehicle with a smile.

Michael immediately observed that her smile didn’t reach her eyes. This lady was nervous. But why? And why did she feel so familiar? Skeptical, he gazed at her while she stepped up the borders together with Kyle and Isabel.

Kyle kissed his sister and Liz on the cheek and nodded vaguely towards the others. He still didn’t trust any of them, especially Michael. The fact that the guy had found his way too easily into Maria’s home and didn’t have any intention of leaving soon, bothered him more than he could say. Ok, the guy had saved his little niece but there were still too many questions unanswered for his sake.

Normally he would’ve made a harsh remark towards Michael but Tess had asked to meet him and Maria because she wanted to query some details. So he behaved. For now.

“Maria, this is Tess Harding. She’s Cliff’s sister and works as a P.I. for their family business. Tess, this is my sister Maria.” Kyle introduced the women to each other.

Alarmed, Max and Michael looked briefly at each other. Fuck, a private investigator!

The gesture was missed by Kyle who just continued his introductions. “Liz is Maria’s best friend. And that’s,” he nodded towards Michael, “Michael Guerin with his friends Max and Isabel Evans.”

Tess tried to hide her surprise. Seeing the resemblance between Isabel and Michael and the way they all stood protectively around each other made it pretty clear that she had found them. The rest of the Royals Nacedo always had talked about. Her family.

The way her eyes had lit up didn’t go unnoticed by Michael’s scanning eyes though. He narrowed his eyes and unconsciously pulled his shield up even more. After living a week with Maria now, he knew his escape routes around her house. He had mapped them out and had left survive kits at certain points. The minute it became dangerous, he would drag Isabel and Max along. Sitting on the fence he waited.

It dawned on Tess that he was the only one who hadn’t greeted her. Oh boy, this wouldn’t go easily.

With a smile plastered on her face, she shook Maria’s hand and offered one to Michael too. Unwillingly he accepted. “Hello, Kyle asked me to investigate last week’s accident. At the moment I’m following several leads and I was wondering if I could check some of my ideas against your memories. Is that possible?”

“Of course,” Maria agreed willingly.

After a glance at Max, Michael just nodded.

Tess noticed that they all remained standing. This wasn’t the way she thought it would go. “Is it possible to talk privately?” she asked Maria in a friendly tone.

“Don’t see the need to do that,” Michael shrugged his shoulders while he crossed his arms over his chest. “Don’t think I’ve got any secrets left.”

Max furrowed his brows in alert and gave a gentle sign towards Isabel with his head, hoping that Michael would get the warning to keep his big mouth shut.

“I can understand that,” Tess replied. “But this investigation requires tactfulness and caution.”

Her remark didn’t get things rolling either. Michael’s refusal made everything complicated, certainly with all the others around. Tess knew she had to reveal a bit in order to make them understand how delicate the matter was.

“Look, it’s very important that we speak alone. I wasn’t planning on revealing this on the doorstep but my questions and remarks have a lot to do with who we are.” The plea in her voice and attitude couldn’t be missed.

“We?” Max demanded firmly.

Instead of moving, they were all even more on guard.

“Ok,” Tess mused out loud. “Here I go. I was born,” She emphasised the last word while making quotation marks with her hands, “in the desert, more than twenty years ago. When I came out of my pod I had the body of a five-year-old. So again, shouldn’t we talk about this alone?”

Michael was the first to react. “No!” He couldn’t have been anymore clear.

Isabel and Tess stared at him, the incomprehension clear in their expressions.

“There isn’t a thing she doesn’t know already.” He pointed towards Maria.

“Same here.” Max’ guilty face said it all.

“What?” Isabel bristled, “I had to keep my mouth shut to the only people who ever cared a damn about us. Our parents. And then, all of the sudden, you both start thinking with your penises?”

“Liz found it out on her own.”

The venom in Isabel’s words was tangible. “And her too, huh?”

“Actually, yes.” Michael responded with a smug face.

“Ha! Who do you take me for? A silly goose? What did she do? A lap dance? Did she strip her clothes off?”

Michael took a deep breath. It took everything in him not to react harshly at her attack. “Did you ever wonder why I could break our connection? Why you couldn’t dreamwalk me anymore?” he countered.

Furious, she looked at him. “What has that got to do with…?”

“I’m not proud of the choices I made but I couldn’t cope anymore. I just couldn’t take anymore after – you know. So I started drinking.”

“Drinking? We can’t…”

“Yeah, we can. If we drink long enough, we get numb. Just like anyone else.”

He had her and everybody’s attention now. For a second he didn’t know how to proceed, until he felt Maria’s hand settle reassuringly on his back.

“Anyway, I kept drinking. Not as much as a human, but you know, still enough to stay as I was.” He scratched his eyebrow with his thumb. “That’s the way I was when I stumbled on Emily and Maria. In one bright moment I saw the danger they were in. I couldn’t save Hannah and Court. For them I wasn’t there. But maybe I could save this little girl.”

They all hung on every word he said but he didn’t notice. In his head he was reliving the moment.

“And I could. I saved her, Iz.” His hand went through his brown messy hair. “The car got me though.”

“What?!” Isabel’s scream startled everybody. Her built-up anger and anxiety made her snap. Offended, she attacked Max. “You told me he was alright! That he was ok. Being hit by a car doesn’t sound alright!”

“Yeah, as if I could tell you what a mess he was when I found him.” Max snorted in defence.

Her purse hit him on the arm and his voice rose within a second. “Hey, stop it and listen! I needed to think quickly. Posting you wasn’t an option. With all respect, sis, I know you. You would’ve gone bananas and lectured him even more. He didn’t need that. On the contrary. That’s why I asked Maria to let him stay after I had checked his injuries.”

“You healed him.” Isabel’s remark sounded like a statement.

“What would you have done?” Max threw back at her. “Would you have let him suffer with internal injuries? Or would you have given him away to Liz to the hospital?” He shook his head now. “I don’t think so.”

All the pieces of the puzzle fell into place for Isabel. “So, that’s how she found out, huh?” she sighed at Liz. “But that doesn’t explain why Maria had to know.”

Michael hadn’t interfered in the discussion. Every word he would say would’ve made it worse. But now he gave her a look. “Think, Isabel, think. How was I when Max and I accidently sipped from the punch at prom?”

Isabel’s eyes widened in recognition.

Affirmatively he smirked at her. “Yeah, well, my powers went on overload. There wasn’t much to hide after I rebuilt her house twice. Am I proud of that? Hell, no. Am I angry because she knows what a freak I am? At first, yes. But now I’m not sure anymore.”

Maria searched his hand with hers and tucked them closer. Letting him know she didn’t agree with the way he saw himself. Her gesture caused many brows to frown but before they could react, Kyle’s monotone and stern voice broke the silence.

“Can somebody please explain this to me?”

Re: Twined Roads (AU, CC, Adult) CH 27, 10/24/2014

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 7:02 am
by keepsmiling7
I was enjoying the coming together of the characters.......Until Tess arrived. What will be her mission be now that she has found her "family"?
There is still a mystery about little Emily.
Michael is such a character.
Thanks for bringing us this wonderful story,

Re: Twined Roads (AU, CC, Adult) CH 27, 10/24/2014

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 8:57 am
by begonia9508
Another fantastic part!

I only hope that - in this story - Tess isn't the beast she was on the show... Even if I think that Max or Michael would never accept her to act the way she did...

Of course waiting impatiently for more! EVE :mrgreen:

Re: Twined Roads (AU, CC, Adult) CH 27, 10/24/2014

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 10:18 am
by Roswelllostcause
Great part! Hurry back with more!

Re: Twined Roads (AU, CC, Adult) CH 27, 10/24/2014

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 9:58 am
by sarammlover
How funny....they all assume Kyle knows the secret otherwise they would NOT have gone off like that in front of him. This is about to get really interesting. I am so glad Tess has found her family (assuming she stays good in this story....).

Great update Eva!! WOOHOO!

Re: Twined Roads (AU, CC, Adult) CH 27, 10/24/2014

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 2:03 am
by Eva
@ Carolyn: Are you in for more? Because all the questions you had in the past are going to be revealed in the near future! So hold on.
And Tess? Well, let’s wait and see.

@ Eve: This Michael & Max are more mature than the ones we knew. So, they will reacted differently too. The question will indeed be: is this Tess different too?

@ Roswelllostcause: I’m here!

@ Sara: In the drama of the moment they indeed forgot that Kyle was standing there too. Isabel was so angry that she pushed Michael’s buttons. But will they take full responsibility now? Will they grin and bear it?

A/N: A brand new chapter with some very old things in it. A beautiful way to say that you can find bits and pieces of the 1st season’s ‘285 South’ & ‘Destiny’ and the 2nd season’s ‘Skins and Bones’ in this chapter.

Chapter twenty-eight

Maria heard them all catching a breath but she knew Kyle’s question had been inevitable. And very evident considering the quarrel he had just overheard. His ears had to be tingling after everything he had discovered.

“Come on. Let’s go inside.” She ushered them all into her house. “Miss Harding had it right. This isn’t the place for a discussion like that.”

Withdrawn they followed her inside and into the living room. Strategically they all took up a place. Michael directed Max and Isabel towards the bar, a position that gave him an overview of the room. He also knew that he had a great escape route through the nearby kitchen door from that position. Kyle went straight to center of the room where he stood leaning against the table. Arms crossed and confident he would find some answers at last. Nobody would leave until every single question he had was answered.

Liz and Maria both felt the tension rise. They were in a tight place, between the opposing groups. So that’s where they placed themselves: on the couch which stood on the sideline.

Unsure Tess followed them into the room. She was on unknown territory. Not only did she only know Kyle, the things that would follow affected her too. She had wanted to enlighten the others, to find some allies, some family. Instead she felt as if she had sent everything up in flames, jeopardizing the safety of her and the others. But then she thought about her original reason for coming to see Michael. It gave her a much needed calm and serenity.

When nobody seemed to have the intention to start, Kyle exploded, his impatience very clear in every word he spoke. “Guerin, I warned you! You promised not to endanger this home, so start talking."

Michael unknotted his spine when he heard the accusations. His eyes fired. “Hey, I never harmed anybody!”

“That’s bullshit and you know it!” Angry he pointed his index finger towards Michael.

Like two fighting cocks they stood in front of each other, neither of them willing to back down. Trying to calm the fight, Maria rushed up. Standing right between the two stirred alpha males she both loved, she appealed to them both. “Stop it, Kyle! Michael! This is not the way.”

“No, what is?” Kyle snarled at her. “Protecting him because you fell head over heels in love with him?”

His accusation made her flinch for a second, which only poured more fuel on the fire for Michael.

“You leave her alone!”

“Like you do, huh?” Kyle’s sarcastic smile provoked him even more.

It made Michael grind his teeth even more. “I said...leave her alone!” Threateningly he took a step closer.

“Michael, don’t!”

But the minute Max tried to stop his brother, it was already too late. With a swing enforced by alien power, he threw Kyle across the room.

“Kyle!” Maria rushed towards her friend and brother and while she helped him back up, her attention went back and forth between the two opponents. “Just stop it, both of you, ok? This has gotten so out of control!”

Not so gentle Kyle brushed her off. “You said it!” He scrambled back onto his feet. His furious glare deviated to the others. “Who the hell are you guys?”

The undeniable plea in Maria’s eyes tried to convince Michael to step up but it was Max who took the lead. Uncomfortable he waved a hand towards the chairs and couches. “I suggest we all take a seat.”


But Max shook his head at Michael’s hissed warning. “No, Maria is right. It stops here. We messed up. All of us. This is a moment we can’t avoid anymore. I’m tired of hiding. And I know you are too.”

He locked eyes with Kyle. “Look, Kyle, everything that’s going to be said, stays in this room. And that goes for everyone.”

It was the first time Kyle heard Max call him by his first name. It made him even more edgy. He saw the girls nod. Isabel hesitated but followed. A still angry looking Michael glanced at Maria. When he saw the hope shimmering in her eyes, he gave in. Max patiently directed his attention back to him now. As last person in the room, he reluctantly gave his approval with a short nod.

For the second time in a couple of minutes, Max stroked a weary hand through his hair. “I can’t tell you much though. If there’s one thing that’s certain, it is that we’re different. But we don't know where we're from. We don't know why we're here. For the past 20 years, we've been aging much like humans, but clearly there are differences. Liz and Maria are the only ones who know. And now you. We don't want to hurt anybody, Kyle, we just want to live our lives. From the beginning, we had the instinct to keep this to ourselves, to hide in plain sight. Then one day last week, everything changed.”

Perplexed Kyle stared at all of them. It was one thing to think something, but to hear it out loud was something different. “Are you guys alien?”

Max inhaled deeply before answering. He locked eyes with the man in front him to see how he would react. “Yeah, we believe we are.”

“Actually,” Tess corrected. “We’re hybrids. You know, human DNA mixed with alien DNA...that kind of thing.”

She had observed everything on the sideline without interfering: the increasing exchange of words between the siblings, the fight between Kyle and Michael. With wide eyes she had witnessed how Max and Michael had trusted the girls. It had surprised her enormously. But then again, it didn’t. When she thought back on the open-minded conversations she had with Kyle, the way she felt comfortable around him, she understood them more. She didn’t know if she would’ve taken that step. But now, after her remark that escalated everything, she knew she had to tell them what she knew.

Her soft voice attracted everyone’s attention. “The first years of my life on earth I lived with Nacedo.”

“Who’s Nacedo?” Michael was the first to react. His plain and demanding question vocalized what they were all thinking.

“Nacedo was our so-called protector. But oh boy, he surely wasn’t.” Her curly hair bounced from agitation, her eyes sparkled with anger but she tried to contain herself.

“So, there was somebody for us? We weren’t alone.” Isabel remarked hopeful.

“Yes and no.” When she saw the confusion, she knew she had to start from the beginning.

“Well, this is what I know: the crash of 1947 wasn’t a weather balloon. It was indeed a space ship that crashed in the desert outside Roswell. Onboard were several residents of a planet called Antar and a set of pods containing the Royal Four. It was the intention to save those four from a warzone on their own planet. As you know, the ship crashed. The survivors saved the pods from the US Government and stashed them away in a safe place. In 1988 and 1989 those pods opened themselves. Nacedo was too late to intercept you guys, but he was there when I came out.”

Tess stopped briefly before continuing. “So, yes, there was somebody there for us.” She gave Isabel a significant look. “But be so happy that you weren’t raised by him.”

She wrinkled her nose. “Actually, raised isn’t the right word here. Ok, he fed me with food and a lot of crap. I’m still sorting the truth out of everything he said. If I would’ve stayed with him, I would’ve turned into a brainwashed wacko and embittered woman who thought every human was a replaceable enemy. And that I should marry one of my brothers.” That last one made her grin sarcastically.

Michael, who had started pacing during her explanation, stopped right in his tracks and stared at her. “You aren’t with him anymore?”

She shook her head in denial. “No, he disappeared when I was ten. I was adopted by the Harding family. I discovered a lot of his lies through their warm welcome. And when I became seventeen, I had a dream.”

“One in which you saw four children, us, playing in a desert full of alien symbols.” Max guessed.

“Yeah. How did you –?”

“Know? We had just about the same dream.” He shook his head and mused. “It all makes sense now. You were the little girl behind the tree.”

Tess nodded in understanding. Although the circumstances were beyond weird, she was glad that she had been able to tell her story.

Now that silence reigned, Maria took the time to gaze around. The Czechoslovakians were lost in thought and Kyle was even more shell shocked. The truth had had the same effect as a bomb exploding. One that had rocked her world a week ago too. Was it really just a week ago? It seemed as if she had known Michael a lot longer than that.

Michael. Everything she knew of him she had learned with bits and pieces. Had he not been under the influence last Friday, he would have never revealed his origins. Maria had observed the same tiptoeing attitude with Max and Isabel, and today with Tess too. The fact that they all guarded their background so carefully made her think.

“You didn’t come here just for a reunion, did you?”

Her comment not only broke the silence but the tension too. Grateful for her understanding, Tess nodded at the blond woman.

“No, I’m afraid not. Though I was very curious to meet the others, I’ve got serious suspicions. Suspicions that could endanger us all, and our children.”

“Children?” It was Isabel who asked out loud what everybody was thinking. “Only Michael had a daughter.”

Tess bit her lip. “Maria, what were the names on Emily’s birth certificate?”

Maria wrinkled her nose. “Why is that relevant?”

With a nod Tess encouraged her to go on.

“Ok. Father: unknown. Mother: Courtney Banks.”

Michael’s face paled. Several glasses behind the bar started to tinkle. In an effort to inhale, he wavered outside.

“What did I say wrong?” Maria asked when he was gone.

Nobody answered. They were all too struck by a bolt from the blue. Kyle’s deep voice eventually broke the silence. “Based on the report I read Courtney Banks died about a year ago along with her daughter Hannah Guerin. It was a hit and run in the centre of LA.”

“Oh. My. God!”

The exclamation came from all directions. His remark had awakened everybody.

In the complete confusion it was Isabel who tried to regain control over the situation. “But that doesn’t mean Emily is his daughter, right?” She looked at her brother, hoping to find some reassurance.

To her devastation Max confirmed. “Oh, she is. Michael saw her changing the television set without using the remote control. He just never considered she was his.”

“I’m going to kill that son of a bitch!” Michael blared out while storming in outrage.

A lamp exploded. Liz ducked away behind the sofa. Isabel and Tess shielded their faces with their hands while Kyle grabbed his gun from its holster. Next to him stood Max, his hand high while he scanned the room inch by inch.

It stayed calm. Kyle released the trigger a bit and Max lowered his right arm. On guard they looked at each other. “What was that?”

Before anyone could react, the cups in the cabinet started swinging. The crystal vase burst, flooding the bright blue and green coloured tablecloth with water and flowers. It startled everyone. Kyle aimed his piece again but his finger relaxed on the trigger when he noticed Maria standing next to a totally off looking Michael. She was the only one who didn’t seem to be affected by the chaos.

Carefully she tried to make eye contact with the man next to her. “Michael?”

Apologetically he shrugged his shoulders. “My powers are slightly out of whack.”

“Out of whack?” Max’s eyes almost bulged. “Get them under control!” he ordered his brother.

In response the glasses tinkled again.

“I can’t,” was his stoic response.

With wide strides Max closed the gap between them. “Michael, get yourself together!” he demanded him sternly.

After giving him another look, Maria knew enough. She had encountered Michael several times this week and she could almost predict how this was going to end. In one word: disastrous. So determinedly she interfered.

“He can’t, Max. He just can’t.” Maria let her gaze wander. “I suggest we all take a break. It’s already noon and we’ve all had enough to take in. Let it rest and we’ll see each other back this evening or maybe even tomorrow. We’ll see. But we’re all in this together and we just need to find a way out. Together.”

Re: Twined Roads (AU, CC, Adult) CH 28, 11/07/2014

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 11:23 am
by begonia9508
Such a great part!

Especially I like stories who Tess isn't the Royal bitch she was on the show!

And now, it is confirmed, Maria's adoptive daughter is in fact, Courtney and Michael's daughter...

That's great because now, the situation is cleared and Kyle can quiet himself a little bit! :lol:

Max was really tranquility in person there... let's see if it stay this way...

Waiting impatiently for more and thanks! EVE :mrgreen: