Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 53 & Epilogue Complete 5/3/17

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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 28 4/6/17

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Carolyn Carolyn is lucky to have a cousin like Brian. Max really is the best thing to happen to Liz. He will be there when she is ready to admit her feelings for him.

Part 29

Monday morning came and Liz walked up the steps of school to see her friends waiting for her. She smiled knowing that her friends were there for her.

"Well if it isn't crazy Lizzie. I'm surprised that they let you leave the funny farm." Came annoying voice

Liz turned to see Pam and Lori standing behind her.

"Lori, I would watch who you call crazy. Because I am far from crazy. I may have issues but at least I am not a bitch." Said Liz

Max looked at Liz and smiled. He had never seen Liz act like that before.

"Who you calling a bitch nut case!" Said Pam
"Pam don't talk to my sister like that! From the day we started school you, Lori and Courtney have been nothing but mean bitches to us. We have never done anything to you!" Said Serena
"Yeah right. Serena, you beat up Courtney." Said Lori
"Courtney was asking for it. She should have kept her big mouth shut." Said Maria
"I believe that all of you have classes to be in five minutes." Came a voice from behind them.

They turned to see the school guidance councilor standing there. Lori and Pam looked at each other and headed in. Max hugged Liz then headed to his class. The whole group left leaving Serena and Liz alone.

"Liz, this is Ms. Baker the new school councilor." Said Serena

Liz looked at the woman in front of her. She felt like she had met her before.

"Serena, you should head to class. I want to speak to your sister before she returns to her classes." Said Ms. Baker
"It will be OK Liz. I will see you later OK?" Said Serena

Liz nodded and watched her sister walk off. Liz then followed Ms. Baker to her office.

"Take a seat Liz." Said Ms. Baker

Liz sat down in front of the desk while Ms. Baker sat behind it. Liz watched as Ms. Baker pulled something out of a desk drawer.

"How does it feel to be back home Liz?" Asked Ms. Baker
"OK I guess. I am still learning to deal with what happened when I was younger."
"I can understand that. I didn't have a good childhood either. Grew up in foster care. But you got lucky. You got a family that loves you."
"Too bad I was already emotionally damaged by then."
"But you are getting help now."
"Liz, I want you to see something."

Ms. Baker handed Liz a photograph. Liz looked at it and felt tears start to fall from her eyes.

"Katie?" Asked Liz
"It has been a long time Lizzie."
"It has."
"I am surprised you remember."
"I under went hypnosis while I was in the hospital. I remember what he did to you. Bits and pieces had been coming back to me for a while."
"Is that why you started to hurt yourself?"
"Part of it. I really should get to class."
"I will get you a pass."

Liz nodded. She took the pass and headed out to her class.

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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 29 4/7/17

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Pam and her friends always have to start something. So glad Liz stood up for herself against Pam and Lori. Glad Max and friends are there for Liz and Serena. So Liz and Katie finally seeing each other after all these years. So happy it was a good reunion.

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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 29 4/7/17

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Liz still has a way to go......but at least she's facing the issues now.
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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 29 4/7/17

Post by SmileeUk »

I am intrigued how Liz would deal with Katie's return to her life .... hmmmm...
More please :wink:
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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 29 4/7/17

Post by Roswelllostcause »

L-J-L 76 Yes Pam and her friend are always trying to start something. It is good that Liz stood up for herself.

Carolyn Yes Liz has a ways to go. But she is doing much better.

SmileeUk Liz is surprised that Katie has come back into her life.

Part 30

Liz walked out to the quad at lunch and saw her friends gathering at their normal table. She headed over to them. She sat down and pulled out her lunch.

"So how is your first day back going Liz?" Asked Alex
"Not bad. But I don't like that everyone is staring at me." Said Liz
"I doubt that everyone is staring at you. I mean Gina Sanchez just dyed her hair green." Said Maria
"So what if they are staring at you. I mean none of these loser options mean anything." Said Michael

Just then Max came up to the table with Serena right behind him. He leaned down and kissed Liz on top of her head. Liz felt her heart skip a beat at the feel of him near her.

"Hey Max." Said Liz
"Hey sweetie." Said Max

Liz blushed at him calling her sweetie. But it made her feel good inside.

"Hey mind if we join you?"

Liz looked to see Brian with a very nervous looking Carolyn.

"Hey sure. Guys this is Carolyn. Carolyn, meet Isabel, Maria, Alex, Kyle, and Michael. I think you remember my sister Serena and uh Max." Said Liz
"Nice to meet all of you." Said Carolyn
"So how do you like West Roswell so far?" Asked Serena
"It's OK. I mean to me it's just another school to me. I have never been at one more then a couple years." Said Carolyn
"What do you mean?" Asked Maria
"Her dad is a major in the army. So Care has moved around a lot. In fact she is staying with my mom and me to be close to her doctors. Her dad about a month ago got transfered to Germany." Said Brian
"That must be hard. To be away from your parents and rest of your family." Said Isabel
"Not really. I am kind of the black sheep. I have no interest at all in being in the military. My older brother is in his last year at West Point. My younger sister wants to go. My dad wanted me to go. But I can get in. There is a pysch exam. I can't pass it because I have schizophrenia. Don't worry I am not dangerous or anything. Most schizophrenics aren't. I just sometimes hear voice no one else can. Some see things that aren't there. I admit when I started to hear voices one of them told me to hurt my sister. I started to but I was able to stop before I hurt her to badly. But she is scared of me now." Said Carolyn
"Amber, loves you. She knows that you weren't yourself Care bear." Said Brian
"Care bear?" Snicked Kyle
"Valenti shut up or I won't go out with you Friday." Said Serena
"Rena is there something you want to tell me?" Asked Liz

Serena blushed as realized what she just said.

"Well uh Liz, Kyle and I are sort of dating." Said Serena
"Sort of dating? Please! Liz, your sister and my stepbrother spent the night before you came home with their tounges down each others throats." Said Maria

Liz watched as her sister blushed again and let out a laugh. Everyone turn to stare at Liz.

"What? You all act like you never heard anyone laugh before." Said Liz
"Liz, sweetie it's just in the time we have known you we have almost never heard you laugh." Said Max

Liz smiled at them.

"I know. But the fact is until recently I never felt happy enough to laugh." Said Liz

They spent the rest of lunch talking and joking. Liz watched as Serena and Kyle kissed softly before they headed off to class. She bit her lip as she felt Max wrap his arm around her and led her off to her next class. But one thought ran through her mind. What would it feel like for Max to kiss her like that?

Max watched Liz and wondered what was going on in Liz's mind. She seemed to be kind of quite since they headed off to their next class together.

"Hey you OK?" Asked Max
"I'm good Max. Don't worry so much. I am not going to hurt myself."
"I wasn't."
"Don't lie. But that is a good thing. You worrying about me. It means you really care about me."
"Glad you think it is good that I worry about you."

They walked into the biology room and took their seats.

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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 30 4/8/17

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Liz got a surprise regarding Kyle and Serena. A good surprise!
And she'll soon get used to Max calling her "sweetie".........especially if she gets some of those special kisses the others seem to be getting.
Thanks, Carolyn
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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 30 4/8/17

Post by SmileeUk »

So glad I can read another chapter so soon and NO I am not complaining :mrgreen:

Liz's newly developed feeling towards Max needs serious exploration :wink: :wink: :lol: :mrgreen:

:shock: Serena & Kyle are an item now :shock: Let's read more about them :mrgreen:
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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 30 4/8/17

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Carolyn Liz did get a surprise in finding out that Serena and Kyle are together. I think she will learn to love Max calling her sweetie. She may enjoy those special kisses even more.

SmileeUk Oh I think it will be very soon that Liz will explore her feelings for Max.

Part 31 Six months later

Liz curled up next to Max on the sofa in the Evans family living room. They were spending a Friday night together watching movies. Isabel had gone out with Alex for pizza. Serena and Kyle were who knows where doing who knows what. A week before Liz had walked in on the two of them on Serena's bed with her shirt off and Serena with her hands under Kyle's shirt. They had been lucky it had not been Jeff Parker who had walked in on them. Max wrapped his arms around Liz as they watched the movie. Liz rested her head on his shoulder. She felt safe with him. Safer then she even felt with her family.

"Yeah Max?"
"Do you think we could go out some time?"
"Are you trying to ask me on a date? I mean a real date?"
"Uh yeah. I guess I am."
"I would like that. But if we do this. You know the whole more then friends thing. We need to go slow. Cause if it doesn't work out I don't want to lose my best friend."
"Liz, no matter what you won't lose my friendship."
"You really mean that don't you?"
"Lizzie, I know that things were bad for you when you were little. But you need to remember that a lot of people care about you now. You have your parents. Parents that chose you to be their little girl. A sister who will do anything to protect you. A great group of friends who have stood by you when you were at your lowest. You have Ms. Baker who even after more then ten years never forgot the little girl she tried to protected from something far worse then being beaten."
"I wish Katie hadn't had to go through what she did."
"So do I."
"Max watching that happen to her was what really fucked me up."
"Liz, we never talked about it. But does your doctor know what might have triggered the memory?"
"Yeah. It was the sex ed unit in eighth grade health. It was around that time that I started to cut myself. It was only once in a while at first. But as I started remembering more I started to cut myself more."
"Liz, I was so scared when I found out you had been taken to the hospital."
"Max, I can't say at times I haven't thought about hurting myself. Because the truth is I have. But I have not given in to those thoughts."
"What do you do when you have those thoughts?"
"I talk to someone. My parents, Serena. Once I called Carolyn."
"You can talk to me."
"Max, I know. But it has happened late at night for the most part. I can't be calling you at two in the morning when I wake up from a flashback dream. Carolyn's Aunt understands that sometimes we need to talk. Even if it is in the middle of the night."
"I guess I can understand that. But remember I am here for you."
"I know."

Liz turned to face Max and gave him a kiss.


Diane watched Max and Liz from the doorway silently. She had to smile a little as she watched. She could see a change in the teenage girl. She was no long the scared little girl that she had met nearly ten years ago. But a young woman who was finally starting to heal.

"Diane should we say something to them?" Asked Philip who came up behind her.
"No. Liz is still healing. Nothing is going to happen beyond a little kissing at this point."
"I guess you are right."


Max was surprised when Liz started to kiss him. It took him a second to return it. It was soft and sweet. He looked into her eyes and saw a spark in them that he had never seen before. They broke apart and Max smiled at her.

"Well I have to say that this is a bit of a surprise." Said Max
"Yeah? Well I kinda wanted to do that for a while."
"You did? So tell me Miss Parker where did you learn to kiss like that?"

Liz blushed bright red and buried her face in Max's chest. She didn't want to admit what she had been using to practice kissing when no one was around.

"Come on Lizzie it can't be that bad." Said Max
"Yes it is!"
"Come on you can tell me."
"Rudy? You mean your teddy bear?" Asked Max trying not to laugh
"Yes! See it is embarrassing."
"Well, I uh use to practice kissing Isabel's Rainbow Bite doll."

Liz started laughing at the image she got in her mind of Max kissing the doll.

"Oh you think that it funny? At least I use something that looked human. Unlike you my darling who used a purple and pink teddy bear."

Liz took a playful swat at him. Max gently grabbed her arms and pulled her in for another kiss. That was how Alex and Isabel found them when they came in.

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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 31 4/9/17

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Interesting that Liz's sex-ed class triggered the memories.
I think Liz now knows that Max will be there for her.
LOL........the kissing practices!
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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 31 4/9/17

Post by SmileeUk »

Interesting objects to practice kissing :lol: :lol:
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