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Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 11:44 pm
by OnDragonflyWings

Great. Now I'm chasing Byron around. And it feels a little, well wrong. This is Max's business isn't it? Shouldn't we not be bugging him in the middle of deals or directions or whatever is going on here.

Although, if I can admit it, at elast to myself. I'm curious too. Curious what this whole thing is about. If nothing else it can go into the odd category.

I cast Max an apologetic look as I approach behind Byron, staying silent. Not interested in talking to these people really, especially sicne this is maybe a new job. Shouldn't get physical with people you're workign with, or for.

I look the girls over. One's a little waif of a blonde. Innocent looking. Pretty. her eyes really captivate you, hook you in, the color of them.

And then a brunette. Tough looking. Plain, yet still has something noticeable about her.

And the third girl almost would make it worth the risk of mixing business with pleasure. Strawberry blonde. Long legs. Amazing figure. Expressive eyes. Something about her doesn't just grab, but yanks my attention, it seems almost impossible not to notice her.

As I realize my looks might be to appreaciative, I grumble slightly to myself at the situation I've found myself in, knowing there's no way Byron will leave yet.

And not sure if I want to either.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 5:02 am
by magamnm
you guys are doing an amzing job... :wink:
I'm loving this one... :D

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 3:50 pm
by ~Ruby~
Sorry that this is so short. I just want to get this moving again.


"Hello ladies, what are you up to on this fine day?" A male voice asks.

I ignore the question, I ignore the person. Both are unimportant to me. The only thing that matters is getting of this planet and the only person who can help me is the captain.

“Are we agreed then? You will help us get off Janos?” I ask anxiously.