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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: sorry for the delay, hope this is okay


I hear Max say that he's going to get Zan back, and I'm not surprised. It's only what I would expect from him, he'd do exactly the same for Alexis or Dylan, me, Michael, Isabel or Maria... This is one of his worst nightmares come true I know - since the day he was taken by Pierce, the fear that someone else he cares about would be taken, and it's happened...

And it's his son...

I can feel his emotions through the connection between us, horror, worry, distress, upset... He's trying to keep it together, but this isn't easy for him...

To this day I don't know if he's told me everything about what happened to him that day... What I do know, is that it was probably the worst experience of his life, and those nightmares...well, I think sometimes he was scared of sleeping because of seeing it, experienceing it again...

I want to go up to him, I want to show him I'm here with more than just feelings and words within our connection, but I know right now is not the time... I need to rest, make sure the baby is okay, and more than that, Dylan needs me right now...

Alexis goes over to Max, insisting that she's not angry at us despite the fact that she doesn't truely know what happened anyway... We don't speak about, we've never really spoken to the kids about it, and maybe that's wrong, but I guess a part of us couldn't... It hurt too much to think about the things that happened and those we lost... Max lost his son, and we all lost Alex... We went thorugh hell and back, and there was a time when I didn't think we were going to make it through...

I bite my lip, thinking about it, and then look up sharply as Dreakus' words about killing, and simple humans catch my ear. He sounds like Nacedo, or Tess there...which I suppose makes a worrying way... Max tries to respond to that, telling him not to think that way, but I can't help watching the boy nervously, wondering if he's getting through.

Our family, our friends, those who've helped without having alien powers to protect them... Those who have risked everything, because they love and care for us... Maria, Kyle, Jim... They paid a high price for their involvement... Maria gave up her dream of a singing career, Jim gave up his career... I risked going to prison, but that's nothing compared to Alex... Alex lost his life because of all of this...

But I'm brought out of my musings by Dylan's voice as he continued to press closer and if I didn't know without, I know he's upset from his use of 'mommy' and 'daddy' which he hasn't used on a regular basis for years now . There's time for remembering and maybe some tears later, but right now he needs me to be strong.

Some of his questions I don't quite know how to answer, like what happened to Zaira, I have my suspicions from what little has been said, but I'm not certain, and those suspicions are not ones I wish to share with my son... Max would probably be able to deal with this far better than me, but he's busy at the moment I know and needs me to deal with this side of things. "I'm not completely sure about Zaira honey, but she's going to be okay... And as for her mommy...yes, she did some things, but you know your father and I won't let her hurt you...I promise... She's not going to hurt anyone here again..." I respond softly to him, smoothing his hair out of his face like I did when he was younger. "It's okay's going to be okay..." I repeat over softly, pressing my lips to his forheard briefly.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »


“I'm always proud of you, honey," My father said as he turns back his attention on his other daughter and her brother. My father is very wearily as Dreakus stated his comment about killing humans. I maybe mistake into brother my parent’s origin but I am proud to be half human. I know the human race is scary of what they called not normal, not from this earth. The human words they use for not human like are freaks. I sometimes wish where humans and aliens can combine together and be free but that not possible. We have to hide who we are for a purpose and that is staying alive.

"Humans aren't simple and they're not all your enemies," I caution Dreakus, sternly. "Some have been very good friends." My father shot my mother a looked and looked back at his other daughter, “Zaira might need to rest but I will need both of your help to find him. Can you tell me anything about the people who took him? What their uniforms looked like?"

I then saw my father closed his eyes and then open them as he turns to my Aunt Isabelle, “Do you think you can find him? The way you found me?" he asked. If he means dream walking I’m sure I can help, but knowing my father he won’t want any of children get involved and I never really understood why.

I just stood there watching the scene as my father waits for Aunt Isabel. I stood there feeling a present behind me, I knew in was Ashton. Ashton always stood close in case I needed him maybe that is why he is my best-friend. I turn back to look at my father stilling feeling Ashton close, “Dad, what are you going to do?” I asked.
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Post by Athenea »


Max says humans aren’t simple and I disagree with him but I don’t say anything and Dreakus looks at me and rolls his eyes. He seems to be taking the fact that we don’t share the same father well but I wonder if it just hasn’t sunk in yet.

But the fact of the matter is humans are simple but it doesn’t make them any less dangerous or any less of a threat. We are more superior to humans despite our similarities to them but I agree that not all of them are our enemies but a majority of them are. Maybe Max has just been down here too long to realize that.

"Zaira might need to rest but I will need both of your help to find him. Can you tell me anything about the people who took him? What their uniforms looked like?” Max asks us them turns to talk to his sister

“If you would like and if Dreakus doesn’t mind, I can show you his last memory after we crashed and then maybe you can see for yourself who took Zan. It might be easier than him trying to describe what happened.” I tell him. I don’t want to elaborate on my powers but at least I can show them this.
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Post by isabelle »

OOC -- Using Isabel slightly, with permission.


Isabel takes the altered photo, frowning as she looks at it but she doesn't answer right away. I feel my stomach rolling over as I think about it. I know that when she found me, she'd seen some of what happened. I hate to put her through that again, for her to see the things I've seen in my nightmares -- my visions, that is. They weren't merely nightmares or day terrors, afterall -- but it's a method that worked before. I have to figure out where Zan is so I can save him. Alexis could do it, too, I know, but she's so young. I don't want to expose her to that. Isabel wasn't much older than Alexis the first time it happened but this time at least she'll know what to expect.

I can feel Liz's steady loving support surrounding me like a blanket. It helps so much to have her here, to feel that love. I know she can feel my thanks and my love but I wish I could give her more. I want to go to her and hold her, but I need to sort this first. Worse, I have to wake up Tess again. I promised Zaira that I would.

As distasteful as it feels, I get to my feet so I can sort Tess. But before I move in that direction, I hear Alexi's voice again. “Dad, what are you going to do?”

"I'm going to get your brother back. It's no different than if it were you or Dylan," I say simply. That's all there is to it. I'm not going to fail him. I'm going to get Zan free. My focus goes inwards as I remember so many things. All the things I did eighteen years ago to try and find a way to get to Antar to save him. I didn't know that there was a baby girl there, too, but I would have saved her, too. All the nights I've laid awake, thinking about my son out there, so far away, wondering what his life was like. Wondering how Tess and Khivar might have been using him. What lies they might have told. Now I know about Zaira and I know a little of the lies and I know what Khivar did to my daughter. I didn't protect him or her. I have to do it now.

"I tried so hard to get him free from Tess and Khivar after he was born. And even before that. But it wasn't enough. I couldn't save him or Zaira then, but I will save him now," I vow.

“If you would like and if Dreakus doesn’t mind, I can show you his last memory after we crashed and then maybe you can see for yourself who took Zan. It might be easier than him trying to describe what happened.”

I turn to Zaira, feeling my stomach clench. "Is this some sort of mindwarping?" I ask. It makes sense since she's Tess's daughter, too. I don't want to be subjected to that but I know I can't pass up anything that's going to get me closer to Zan. I have to do this. At least I'll know that it's not real. I glance back at Liz, taking strength from her presence before sitting next to Zaira again. "Go ahead. I need to see."


Mom promises that Tess isn't going to hurt me. It makes me more scared to even hear her say that, but I know that she and Dad are here to help and protect me. She strokes my hair and kisses my forehead, making me feel small and safe. I don't want to feel small, but I'm glad for the promises of safety.

I can tell that Mom is scared, too, although I know she means it. She will protect us. She's our mom. But I squeeze a little closer to her, hoping that I can make her feel safer, too. I know that Daddy will take care of her, but I want to help, too.

I bet my powers could help in getting the other boy free. My ... my brother. I don't know what's happening to him, but I'm sure it's scary. I've seen the movies and I've heard all my parents warnings about not letting anyone see how I'm different. I know it must be terrible. I'm scared. Very scared. But I can't hide. If Daddy's there ...

"Maybe I can help," I say. Not loud enough for Dad to hear. Not yet. I'm just suggesting it to Mom first. I don't know if Dad is talking about doing this tonight or not but it's already past my curfew. The way he talks about Zaira makes it seem rather immediate. I almost hope that Mom tells me that I'm not allowed, except that when he implies that it could have been me ... I don't know what to do.

Last edited by isabelle on Wed Apr 19, 2006 7:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Athenea »


"Is this some sort of mindwarping?" Max asks and I shake my head no. “It’s more like memory projection. I can’t alter the memories only find them and bring them to the surface.”

"Go ahead. I need to see." He says and I nod and move Dreakus so he lays back and his head is in my lap. He is already closing his eyes and trying to relax. If I enter a person’s mind and search for memories when they don’t want me too it can be very painful for the person. Mother called it mind raping and so I never used my power unless the person was willing for me too.

“Everyone needs to just relax and you will feel me sort of brush against your minds. If you want to see just relax and let me in if you panic I will pull out but you won’t be able to see Dreakus’s memory. For those of you that allow me too, the room will disappear and you will be in the memory. Just try and remember you are not really there it will sort of be like a hologram so nothing in the memory can hurt you and you can’t change it.”

I close my eyes and place my fingertips on Dreakus’s temples. It is easy to find the memory I was looking for because Dreakus pushed it to the top of his thoughts. I then concentrate on the people in the room and allow them to see the memory also.

The room fades away and we are outside under the night sky. It looks like we are in a desert but the peaceful night is interrupted by the sounds of jeeps and helicopters. You can also here people yelling in the distance. Zan is the first to come into view and I see he is carrying me in his arms.

His clothes are torn and dirty and there is a gash on his forehead, probably from the ship crashing. Zan is an excellent pilot but he never got to do his combat pilot training so it is no wonder we were shot down. At least he was a good enough flyer to get us safely to the ground.

Zan sits down behind a large rock and Mother and Dreakus are right behind him. They all look exhausted as if they all have run a marathon, especially Zan, probably because he had to carry me along with everything else. Dreakus is looking back over the rock, probally to see how far back whoever is chasing them is.

Dreakus is the first to speak, his words coming out in gasps from overexertion. “Zan we can’t keep this up much longer. The humans are getting closer and we are getting slower.”

Mother just kind of hangs back and is looking out into the distance. Zan closes his eyes for a moment still trying to catch his breath. He shifts slightly trying to get more comfortable and I see myself whimper in his arms and shift even closer to him. It almost looks like I’m just asleep and I am anger at myself for not being able to help my family.

Zan sighs and opens his eyes and looks down at me and pushes the hair off of my face. He looks at my ‘memory self’ for a moment longer as if trying to decide what to do and I can tell the moment he has a plan.

“Dreakus come over here.” He finally says and Dreakus kneels down beside where he is seated and Zan lowers his voice. “ I want you to take Zaira and Mother and head North. I will go back and lead the humans away so you can get away.” Dreakus opens his mouth to object but Zan holds up his hand to silence him and it works. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much determination in Zan’s eyes before. “You can’t trust Mother, Drake. The first chance she gets she will go back to father and drag you and Zaira with her. Father hurt Zaira, he hurt her so bad I almost killed him and I would have killed him if Zaira hadn’t needed me at the time.”

Dreaku’s eyes widen at Zan’s words and I know he never thought Zan was capable of wanting to kill anyone. Zan continues, “The main thing is to keep you and Zaira away from Father and get Zaira help. I will join you as soon as I can.”
Zan then stands tries to stand the semi unconscious me up as well but I cling to him as if he is a lifeline. He bends down and kisses the top of my head before handing my over to Dreakus. “It’ll be okay mei mei. Go with Dreakus for awhile, I’ll be back soon.” He says then walks over to mother and I can here the anger in his voice. “Listen to me Mother. If you betray them, I will find you and you will beg for death before the end. Do you understand?”

Mother simple nods and you can practically feel Zan’s power radiating around him. “Be careful Zan.” She says but her voice is monotone with no feeling what so ever. Zan nods and turns to walk off but Dreakus calls out. “Zan you better come back.”

Zan turns to look at him and he gives Dreakus a sad smile before saying. “I will little brother. Don’t worry.” He turns then and sprints off into the night and soon you hear the voices yelling and a explosion. I also hear a human yelling. “Take the injured back to Eagle Rock.” And the memory ends and we are all back in the living room of Max’s home.
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: sorry for the delay, wasn't too sure what to write, hope this works


I continue to sit there with Dylan, but then I hear Max asking Isabel if she can find 'him'... His next few words leave little doubt as to exactly what he means, and for a moment, I'm back in that day so many years ago. The feelings of terror and worry are as fresh now as they were then as I think of what happened, and my heart pouds hard as I think about the possibility of someone else, whoever it might be, going through that again...

And bad as it would be if it were just anybody, it's a hundred times worse because it's not... It's Max's son...

Hundreds of emotions are flying through me at the revelations which have just been made, but for now nothing is as important as just getting him out. We can deal with everything else later - assuming there is a later... My hand drops to my stomach, rubbing gently, taking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly, trying to keep my own feelings of fear and worry from reaching the baby.

Already there have been complications, I have to stay calm, I can't get upset, I can't risk...

Again I feel myself getting emotional, and while a lot of it is probably pregnancy hormones, a part of it is born from fear of what comes next. Of what we're going to risk, of what could happen...

But Max needs me to be strong too, this is hard for him, harder than anyone can ever know I understand. To think about what happened, to remember some things which even now I'm sure he's never told me about fully... I focus on sending love through our connection, feelings of security and assurance, my love for him, my support. I'll always be here for him, I promise...

I hear him speaking of getting Zan back, just as I knew he would, and I send another burst of support through the connection, wanting him to know I'll be behind him whatever. I know he has to do this, I understand... He speaks of trying to get him free when he was born, and I remember the diamond, and Utah...a cold, empty cell... We did what we could, risked everything, but as Max says, it wasn't enough... I remember knowing that I might never see him again when he went to LA, and I remember a mixture of feelings when he realised he'd never be able to go back. I was with him through it all, and I will be again... Whatever happens, nothing will make me turn away from him.

I look over, feeling the undercurrent of emotions that Max is feeling, trying to reach out to him mentally, to reasure him as Zaira's offer of making him 'see' Dreakus' last memory. He asks if it's some sort of mindwarping, and I share his trepidation. He agrees even before getting an answer of course, and I close my eyes. *It's okay, I'm right here...*

Dylan's been silent up till now, squeezing close, but now he speaks again, making me look down at him. "Maybe I can help..."

I feel my chest tighten at the thought of him being involved, and swallow. I don't want him to see my fear, but nor do I really want him involved, and yet... It could have been him, it still could be, and that thought worries me beyond belief. I swallow and shake my head at him although I know on this occassion a simple 'no' isn't sufficient. It's not that simple, and needs more discussion... "Not now Dylan... We'll talk about it after okay...?" I look at him, praying that he, nor Alexis will get involved and continue to stroke his hair back gently.

Zaira is talking again now, explaining what she's about to do. I swallow, looking from Dylan to Alexis, worried about what will be shown, and wishing I could keep them from seeing this. That's a decision for them to make though, as Zaira says, and I have to focus on myself, trying to stay calm as less than pleasant thoughts of the uses of similar powers comes to mind.

I feel a slight nudge, and force myself to relax, and the room fades, our surroundings replaced by that of the outside with the night sky.

Without saying anything, I watch as the whole scene unfolds, smiling slightly as I recognise aspects of Max in the little of Zan I see. Protecting, leading...risking himself... I watch him as he talks to Dreakus, feeling sick to my stomach as I hear what 'Zan' says about Tess... To do that to her own children...

I watch as Zan runs off, closely followed by shouting, and an explosion, before suddenly we're back in the living room again. I look over at the sofa, taking in Zaira, Dreakus and Max, before my gaze drifts further around the room, resting on Alexis, and then looking down at Dylan who still lies next to me. "It's going to be okay...we'll get him back..." I whisper almost uninteligably, more to myself than for anyone else to hear.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


I relax as Zaira told us to, waiting for the memories she's going to share. I know they'll be hard and I'm a little bit afraid, but I won't back down. I need to see. I need to know as much as I can so I can help my son. Zaira and Dreakus lived through this. The least I can do is witness it.

The livingroom fades away and I'm out in the desert at night. I hear the heliocopters and trucks and I feel the fear spiking through me. I don't know if it's Dreakus' fear he's remembering or if it's from my own memories of the night Liz and the others got me free of Eagle Rock.

What happens next sets my teeth on edge. Zan going back to protect his sister is something I expected. Tess had already hinted at that much. But the things he said to Zaira and to Dreakus and especially to Tess. He didn't trust her and suspected her of bringing the others back to Khivar. She would do it, too, I'm sure. It was clear that she cared far more for her own ambition than she does for other peoples' well-being. And she hasn't changed. She'd now sacrifice her own children -- MY children -- just to further her own ends.

I'm proud of Zan for the way he stands up to her. Proud of the choice he's made to protect his sister. But it ends so suddenly. It seems to be only moments after he leaves them that the military are speaking of taking the injured to Eagle Rock. The injured. My son. Back at Eagle Rock.

The images fade and I'm back in my living room. At least I know where he is. It's not a surprise but it's not good news. Or maybe it is. At least we know that place. We don't have to hunt out a new location. Nacedo had dismantled the S.U. years ago, but they'd come back. I wish he'd had destroyed the base itself, but there hadn't been time and that wasn't really his priority. He was with Tess, just obeying me because he had to, waiting for her to lure the rest of us to our deaths...

Blinking, I look up at Zaira and Dreakus, touching their hands in sympathy for what they went through. Tess had heard it, too. She knew where Zan was but she didn't tell me. Why? Why keep me in the dark? Didn't she WANT me to rescue him? Would she have just left him here and gone back to Khivar?

I feel Liz's constant love and support and I reflect that back to her. All my love. I'm not going to abandon her or the other children. I'll find a way to get him back safe and then we'll figure out what happens next.

Only then, as the sensations filter together, do I realize what she did. "Mind-rape," I say, under my breath, knowing that it's true. It was like what Nicholas had done to me, only Dreakus participated willingly. That must have been why it didn't hurt, but the power is the same.

I clear that thought from my mind because it's not important right now. "I know where he is," I tell Zaira. "We've been there before. It's not going to be easy, but I'll find a way."

Michael, Isabel and even Tess know more about getting in and out than I do, although they had told me all about how they did it later. Still, I'm certain they've put in even more security measures by now. It's not going to be easy, especially if I go it alone, but I'm not going to insist that anyone come who doesn't want to. So far, only Zaira and Dreakus have said that they wanted to help and I'm not sure I can allow that...

I look at Isabel. We don't need a dreamwalk to find out where he is, but it still would help to know what his condition is and to assure him that help is on the way. "Can you try to reach him?" I ask again.

I glance over at Tess, knowing that it's time I allowed her to awake again as I promised but I'm not any less mad than I was when I put her out. I might be even more angry.


The things that I see scare me and I want to pull away but I don't remember how and I'm afraid to try. I can still feel my mother in my arms although I can't see her. I squeeze her tight watching. The way they talk about their mother, I know they don't like her any more than I do. She's so mean. I've never been so glad to have a mom like mine.

When it's all over, I hear mom saying that they're going to get him back and I'm glad. I'm still scared. I can't seem to stop being scared, but I'm glad they're going to help him. I think I'd like Zan a lot. He was so strong and brave. A big brother. We have to help him.

I have to help him.

"Yeah," I agree with Mom. "We will."

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Post by isabelle »



As I become aware of my surroundings again, my sister is the first thing on my mind. I reach for her with my mind, but there’s nothing. I hope she’s okay. I wish there was some way to know that she was safe. My greatest fear is that she’s here somewhere in another room being hurt the same way I am. My captors never say anything about any others but that doesn’t mean they aren’t there. I worry about Dreakus, too, and even Mother. As much as I’ve despised her for the way she acted when Zaira was hurt, I don’t want her to go through this nightmare. I wish I believed in God so I could ask him/her to look after them, but all I can do is hope.

It’s cold here and my head aches. I have only loose linen pants to wear in an unpleasant green color. No blankets. I’m lying on something hard, which means I’m on the floor again. Sometimes, I wake up on a padded gurney but then I’m always bound. At least now I’m free – except for the drugs clouding my senses and imprisoning my mind and body. Although I haven’t opened my eyes, the incredibly bright lights create a red haze in my vision as it pierces my eyelids. I lay still, feigning sleep a moment longer as I contemplate trying to move.

I don’t know why Mother brought us here, of all places. I know she’s familiar with Earth since she spent some time here after she was re-created, but they can’t be good memories … growing up alone with only her protector after all of the others had died. It turned out to be a good thing because if they had lived, they would have challenged father and probably millions would have died in a civil war. As it was, there was peace when mother returned and joined with father. There was nothing for the subversives to fight for. Most followed mother’s example, forgiving Father for his part in her previous death and then moving forward together. Some continue to plot, I know, but their numbers are small and easy to manage. Or at least that's what Father says...

But there’s nothing here on Earth for us now. They don’t have the technology to help Zaira. They don’t have diplomatic ties we can call on for protection. They certainly don’t have weapons that can help us. I demanded answers several times during the trip, but mother refused to explain. She said we would find help, but all this place can offer is more danger – not just from father, but also from these demented, short-sighted human monsters. I only hope Zaira is safe.

I wish I believed in God so I could ask Him/Her to look after my sister, but I don’t. I feel so empty with her gone. All my life, I’ve been aware of her – a feather-light connection that told me she was there. Now she’s locked out of my mind and I’m completely alone.

Well, almost.

The ‘other’ is still there, occasionally, that different distant consciousness that always seems to have been there in the worst times of my life. When I was young, I thought it might be God. Whatever it was that I felt, it never made any difference to what happened. If it was a God, it was a God I didn’t care to support. After all, he did nothing for me and still doesn’t. I suffer through these humans’ unspeakable torture, experiments and interrogations alone. It feels like he’s there sometimes, watching, but nothing happens. Nothing changes.

I try to move, only to be reminded of all the pains in my body. I’ve been hurt in ways I’d never imagined. My healing abilities have been thwarted by the Earthling’s drugs that also cloud my mind and make it hard to move. A trithium amplification generation field would be so much better. I’ve been under those before, so I couldn’t use my powers during training. I couldn’t even tell it was there until I forgot and tried to use my powers and nothing happened. These cursed drugs are so much worse …

I’ve never hurt this way before.

When I studied combat training, I was often forbidden from using my healing powers for a full day after each injury to teach me – so they said – the effectiveness of the attacks I was learning. But I know they were easier on me than on my classmates. I’m the prince and everyone believed it was unlikely that I would ever need to use this training to protect myself. I’d always have guards, or my powers or both. As much as I was never fond of Father, I never expected that I’d end up fleeing from Antar to suffer on this horrible planet.

My healing powers have always been a great mystery. Nobody in the family seems to have them. Probably a throwback to some earlier generation, but I always thought it was a good sign. I read a rumor somewhere that the other King Zan had been a healer. In any case, these powers have served me well. Or at least they did until I got here. I'd depleated my powers defending against Father and there was nothing left for Zaira. I would have recovered by now and been able to help her if I weren't trapped here...

I slide my eyes open and the bright light stabs through them. It’s so white it hurts and there’s no where to hide from it. The room is completely empty of any furniture. The walls are straight and bare. No windows. No visible doors. If my mind wasn’t so muddled I’d have figured out where the doors are hidden by now. I think there are at least two, but it’s so hard to think. So hard to see.

I suppress a groan as I try to roll to my side. I’m bleeding from several places where the scientists have taken samples. Not badly, but painfully. The worst pain is the electrical shocks and some of the drugs. The masked scientists never say a word as they swarm into the room in groups to restrain me and conduct their tests. They wear environmental suits that hide all their features from me, while I’m nearly naked. Once they kept all but my face submerged in ice water for such a terribly long time, I feared I was going to die.

And then there’re the interrogations to deal with. I lost my translator implant when they took me. Not that it made a lot of difference with the scientists who don’t talk to me anyway, but the interrogator does. I’ve been forced to rely on my half-remembered lessons from eight years ago. Although I’d gotten an excellent grade, I promptly forgot most of it. I never thought I’d need it since I didn’t expect to ever come here – and if I did, I’d have the translators. Those lessons didn’t cover the kind of questions my interrogator has, anyway. He’s the only one who ever talks to me but so far, I haven’t said a word to him, no matter what he’s done. He only comes after the others tie me down. I’ve never seen his face but I can hear the hatred in his voice. He sounds almost like Father…

If I were a prisoner on any other world, I’d be treated well as befits my rank. Given good food and a soft bed. Instead, I’m here – starved and tortured. Why did Mother come here? These primitive, horrible creatures don’t even merit being called ‘people’.

They shot us right out of the sky. I’m not old enough yet to have received combat pilot training and Father was still debating if it would be safe for me to take it. Because of that, I crashed the ship and Zaira suffered even more injuries. Dreakus took her when I tried to keep the humans away. I hope he found someplace safe for her. That he kept her safe from Mother, too. I’ve seen things in Mother’s eyes that leave me cold. She’s so calculating and uncaring. I fear that she came here for her own purposes and not to help Zaira at all. Dreakus will protect her. I know he will. I would have named him my second, if I had ever gotten the chance to rise to the throne. There seems to be little chance of that happening now. Instead, I fear I will die here and maybe one day Zaira or Dreakus will rule, when Father is gone. He may have disowned us all already, but I’m sure Antar will accept them. There’s nobody-else…

I promised Zaira that I’d see her again and I don’t want to break my promise, but I just don’t have any idea how to get out of here. I don’t even dare to hope that Mother is going to try to help me. Except for that unreliable and unhelpful stranger in the back of my mind, I’m on my own.

I push myself up onto my elbows and manage to sit but I stop there. I’m not going to be able to stand. Not just now. Far too dizzy. Maybe in a while. I don’t even have any idea how long I’ve been here. I close my eyes and lean my head against the wall as I try to steady myself. My head feels like it’s going to explode. My fingers feel numb. I flex them, experimentally and they start to tingle.

Suddenly, there’s a subtle change in the air that I recognize but I can’t explain. I open my eyes in time to see four more of the scientists in environmental suits approaching. They must have noticed that I was awake. I tense myself for what’s coming, but I can’t even stand so I know I can’t fight them… They reach for me, hauling me to my feet and I’m so afraid. I can’t let them see that. I can’t. It may be true that I’ll die here, but I’m not going to let them win. I’m a prince of Antar. I can’t let them beat me. I can’t. I won’t.
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by Athenea »

****POM will be taking over for Isabel from now on.

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