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Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 3:10 pm
by Zanity
#55 Future Loop M/L --- You can change the title if you want.

Ok this is a Groundhogs day type thing... When Future Max disappears Liz finds herself back at the moment Future Max first showed up. She's trapped re-living Future Max's visit over and over. She changes things any number of times... sometimes Future Max leaves earlier sometimes later but whenever he leaves Liz is back at the beginning of his visit.

Finally Liz decides shes tired of having her heart broken over and over and decides she's just going to take what she wants and sleep with Max.... this seems to work better... but when Tess leaves Roswell Liz once again finds herself back at the beginning of Future Max's visit. So Liz realizes the only way she's going to get out of this is if she finds some way to get back together with Max and keep Tess in town.

Her first few attempts are a failure. But she finally succeeds by getting everyone together and telling them everything (Future Max, her time loop, everything) the morning after she and Max cement everything.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 5:22 pm
by Zanity
#56 Finding Quarter Behind Enemy Lines (I know the title stinks feel free to change it) M/L

What if Topolsky didn't die, she only faked her death to get off Pierce's radar.

What if she really was on the aliens side. What if her agents caught up with Max and Liz while they were in the van and took them both into protective custody.

Neither are mistreated Topolsky and her agents really do want to help. They tell her about the other alien race (the skins) ask for their help in saving the planet.

Max and Liz try and get Topolsky to bring their friends too, but Topolsky says she can't risk exposure to do so.

Max and Liz are both given formal combat/survival training (ie their being trained like black ops agents) and Max is encouraged to practice and develop his powers to their fullest. When Liz starts showing signs of powers she'd encouraged to do the same.

Topolsky is working with Cal even though she doesn't let Max and Liz know that she is. So via Cal she learns what she needs to to help Max and Liz train their powers. Max and Liz both get very skilled at both human and alien combat techniques.

During their training they grow even closer and by the time they are finally allowed to leave 3 years later they are married and they have been given paid positions in the FBI.

Back in Roswell....

Everyone thinks Max and Liz are dead; that they were killed by the FBI. With out Max they aren't able to activate the orbs and the signal to their enemies is never sent. After Nasedo shuts down the special unit he returns to Roswell to help Michael and Isabel and Tess learn to use their powers. But he only trains them in their alien powers they don't get the same kind of combat training Max and Liz are getting.

You can decide what else happens in Roswell, but they don't have any run ins with the skins or the dupes or anything. But all in all things are pretty quiet there. Everyone finishes highschool and are moving on on with their lives.

When Max and Liz suddenly show up back in town Nasedo knows it's time. He tells them to activate the orbs. Now the war with the skins is on.


I don't want this to be a quick two battle war like it was in the show.

There are multiple skin encampments all over the world and it's Max's job to lead the compain against them. But he's not just some teenager who happens to have powers anymore, he's a trained tactician prepared for the undertaking.

Must have happy dreamer ending with the skins defeated.

do we know?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 3:08 am
by SarahWhitman
Hi guys! I don't usually venture to this part of the forum so you'll have to educate me. LOL I am really interested in Challenges 38, 48, and 55---that is to say, in reading them! How do I know if they've been taken? What I mean to say is that I've noticed that some seem to have the word "taken" written next to their numbers and others have messages saying "so and so would like to take challenge number whatever" but is there anyother way? Or you know, if you happen to know where the fic might be that corresponds to the above challenge numbers would you please PM it my way? Thanks so much guys!
:) SW

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 12:20 pm
by Evelynn
Zanity wrote:#48

A simple idea I haven't really thought it through much....

What if the conversation in the Band room during "Pilot" went like this:

Liz: Um, I-I scraped some cells from your pencil. This is really hard to say, I'm trying to keep from blacking out here. Um, the cells weren't normal. In fact, they look just like mine.

Max: What?!?.

Liz: Okay, um. So help me out here Max. I mean, what are we?
JJ Dafoe!! I love this and I want to give it a try please.


Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:34 pm
by killjoy

Ok here's an idea I've had in my head for a long time.Seeing how this can be a multi story idea I'm going to put it out here even if I use it for a story.

Ok here goes.

Other than Brody's daughter there were a lot of kids in that cancer ward and Max healed all of them.Now when he heals someone they,like Liz and Kyle,are supposed to change and get powers,right? So what became of those kids? When did their powers kick in? Were they freaked out when it happened? And as I said before what became of them?

Well take up the challenge and tell us!

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 9:51 am
by Tears_of_Mercury
FrenchDreamer wrote:#34
(Just a idea in my mind, hope no one already said it, i apologie in advance ...)
End of the epidode Max To The Max , season one ....
What if Liz was the one kidnapped by the FBI ?

_Must be at least Mature
_Liz must develop powers
_Tess is not obligatory evil
_Must be a Dreamer fic
Hey, I'd really love to expand on this story idea - please PM me with the details. :)

FM challenge

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 10:50 pm
by SarahWhitman
Here's an idea that may have already been proposed but I was watching the Roswell marathon the other idea and this idea came to me--well, it's actually based on the t.v. description, which is:
"Max and Liz devise a plan to change fate when teh Max of the future delivers a warning to himself."

Ok so the challenge part is to take that description literally---what if Future Max could talk to Present Max---and maybe if you added in a little bit of the Max's talking about what it was like to BE with Liz....that would be funny........

Oh and if anyone takes this, please PM me...of course if you need to talk to me or anything feel free to PM me anyway! :)


ETA: I just saw an episode of this strange show called "Weird Weddings" and have 2 new ideas to add:
1.) Did you know that it's possible to get a 24 hour license to legally perform a wedding ceremony? THAT idea could really go places.....
2.) And this one guy said something on the show like, "you may now kiss her for the first time" and that got me to thinking about how some people wait for their first kiss to be on their wedding day....this idea would be really cool if perhaps in a past-lives fic, our bride and groom hate the other person, object to the wedding, etc..and find passion in their FIRST kiss! OK that's all, I'll leave now ;)....

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:59 am
by xmag
# 58

Wipe out Challenge.

CC, M&M.

: near the end of Wipe Out, Maria is the one saving the day. But what if what she did got her to be stuck in a different plane ? She would still be in Roswell, but not her Roswell. While Liz, Max, Isabel think that Maria might have died saving them, Michael is sure that something else happened, that she is alive somehow, because he can see her and talk with her, but he is the only one.

The fic would be about Michael, Alex, Liz trying to find a way to save Maria. Max and Isabel would join their search later.

At thist time, there's no Larek, dupes, or Courtney to help.

Voila, have fun with this one.

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 3:58 pm
by Bubblegal

I don't know if this is allowed but I'm adding it just to see if anyone would pick it up.

Title: Wild Hogs (This is where I got the idea from)

The male adults of the shows have decided to take a road trip to get away from their normal lives.

Jim Valenti: He wants a break from the alien abyss and his confusing relationship with Amy.

Philip Evans: He wants a break from his everyday life of being a lawyer.

Jeff Parker: He wants a break, period. He mostly wants to get away to sort out his head about his little girl dating Max Evans and feels that going away is the only solution.

Charles (Don't have to call him this) Whitman: He wants a break from being a computer tech.

All four men meet up at the Crashdown and decided on this after Jeff catches Max and Liz in a compromising situation and tells them he wants to leave town for a while.

Nancy Parker: She accepts this because she understands Liz's relationship with Max and knows that Jeff would have a clearer head if he goes away for a short time.

Diane Evans: A little worries but understands when her husband explains that he needs time off.

Gloria (Don't have to use this name) Whitman: She also understands and delights in the fact that her husband is going to go out and explore the world.

Amy Delcua: She doesn't know because she and Jim are on a sort of 'off' point in their period.

The children are included - Max, Isabel, Kyle, Alex, Michael, Maria - even Tess if you want to use season 2 except that Future Max never came and Tess has given into her desire to be with Kyle, thus creating everyone to be CC.

I wanted to see a difference - show the men their lives and their children's lives from their point of view as they start to bond - we saw a bit of this in the first season and I would love it if I could read someone taking it further.

Must Have:

Jeff complaining that Liz is too young to be in a relationship with a boy and is far too young to be in any situation with a male.

Someone saying 'Biker in trouble! Biker in trouble!"

"Would you shut up about dying?"
"Yeah, you're have the vulters (Sp? Deserts birds that follow people who are about close to death) following us!"

Amy being major ticked off that Jim had lied to her and gone on a road trip.

There are mentions of alieness - Phillip tells the gang about his son being different and special - about his mother worries off him. - They mostly focus on Max because of the whole 'shooting' thing that happened.

And Bull slapping! That was one of the best part!

But at the most - make it funny and make it a bonding session.

I know that most people probably won't pick this up but if someone out there really wants to give this a try - just let me know.



PS - You don't have to follow the film about how the men get on the wrong side of 'real' biker gangs.

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 11:35 am
by Zanity
#60 -- Taken by Tears_of_Mercury

Challenge text moved to: ... 549#659549