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Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 1:02 pm
by StormWolfstone

I watch as Max nods and give him a chance to speak, "You are correct. This is a lot of information to take in and decide on the spot." He seems to stare into my eyes but in all honesty, it doesn’t bother me in the slightest. In fact, I like it. I simply stand there awaiting anything more he might like to say.

"I offer my hospitality to you and allow you to relax and eat while I discuss your Queen's proposal. Isabel can show you to a room to rest if you would like or would you like to return to your ship?" He questions and I can’t help but feel pleased by the offer to remain in the palace, it would be easier in many ways for negotiations as well as should any of them have further questions about the proposal or simply about my people.

“I’m honored by the offer and as long as you are certain it would not be an imposition upon your court or your staff; I’d be more then willing to accept the offer. I feel that being here would make things easier on both sides should there be a need for further discussion or simply questions about each other’s people. I am always open for conversation.” I tell him and glance at the Princess who nods and smiles; though I can see she seems a bit wary. “At your leisure, Your Highness. There is no rush; I will need to return to my ship for some of my belongings. If anyone would like to have a tour of the ship, they are welcome to it.” I offer, thinking that they might like the chance to see more of the Lytharian technology.

“Please, call me Isabel. Standing on ceremony with me would seem odd when you and my brother have dispensed with it.” Isabel replies and I can see there is something else that she is planning to say. “I believe I would like to accompany you to your ship and take a tour, however, I will need to do so another time perhaps. However, when you return here I can show you to your quarters.” Odd, from her expression I had thought she’d be joining me. Well, perhaps the Queen or one of the men would like to. I’ll wait to see.

“My thanks, Isabel.” I simply reply giving her another smile, looking around to see if any of the others would like to join me.

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:25 pm
by ~Ruby~

I listen silently as Rae speaks of her home planet, her queen and her queen’s need for a marriage. I watch in equal silence as Rae eyes my husband with what can only be described as sexual interest. I feel my jaw clench with annoyance. Perhaps, I should have had one of the guards make a banner that stated clearly that I was the King’s wife.

This isn’t the first time that a woman has looked at Max lustfully. I should really be used to by now. Max is a truly beautiful man and the fact that he is a king makes him so much more appealing. I don’t doubt that there are a score of women desperate to take my place as Queen.

"I know that this is a great deal for you to take in and I'll understand if before we take the chance to know more about each others people, you wish to confer with your family."

"You are correct. This is a lot of information to take in and decide on the spot." Max nods before adding, “I offer my hospitality to you and allow you to relax and eat while I discuss your Queen's proposal. Isabel can show you to a room to rest if you would like or would you like to return to your ship?"

“I’m honored by the offer and as long as you are certain it would not be an imposition upon your court or your staff; I’d be more then willing to accept the offer. I feel that being here would make things easier on both sides should there be a need for further discussion or simply questions about each other’s people. I am always open for conversation.” Rae says with a smile. “At your leisure, Your Highness. There is no rush; I will need to return to my ship for some of my belongings. If anyone would like to have a tour of the ship, they are welcome to it.”

Please, call me Isabel. Standing on ceremony with me would seem odd when you and my brother have dispensed with it.” Isabel states with her usual grace. “I believe I would like to accompany you to your ship and take a tour, however, I will need to do so another time perhaps. However, when you return here I can show you to your quarters.”

“I would be interested in a tour of the ship,“ I state, stepping forward. I smile slightly, still unsure about the woman in front of me. “It would be fascinating to see how your ships differ from ours. Michael, perhaps you would like to escort us.”

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 11:17 pm
by magikhands

I had watched the exchange with the newcomer in silence. I'm not much of a diplomat and have learned to allow Max or my brother to do most of the diplomating. I'm better in combat. That's my forte. So when Tess turns to me and asks if I wanted to go with her, it was a bit of a surprise. I looked to Max unsure who returned my gaze with warning. I knew that look. I'd seen it too many times.

I glanced at our visitor. She was beautiful and as soon as she walked in, I wondered how she would feel under my body but quickly wiped the thought out of my head. I don't know if she was of Royal blood, but I sure as hell didn't want to chance ruining this for Max. I understood Max's warning. He knew too well how my brain worked around women...excluding Tess and Isabel.

"What kind of gentleman would I be if I allowed you to go alone." I say with a charming smile. "Majesty," I addressed Max formally. "Would you call my brother so that you may confer with him about this? And I will escort the Queen to tour our guest's ship. I too would be interested in seeing their technology."

Ok, maybe I could be diplomatic and politically correct when I put my mind to it. But then, I also refuse to let any of my family be in danger because of my calusness.

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 4:06 am
by Anna-Liisa
Don't let this die.

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 1:51 pm
by magikhands
I'm still here... but missing Storm :(

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 10:13 am
by StormWolfstone
Will be trying to post when I get home from D*C. I'm half way home now. Stopped the night with a friend so we could get some sleep.

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 6:10 pm
by StormWolfstone

“I would be interested in a tour of the ship,“ I heard the Queen state and nodded as she stepped forward, I could note that she seemed a bit uncertain but I was determined to show them all that I wasn't here to cause trouble for them. “It would be fascinating to see how your ships differ from ours. Michael, perhaps you would like to escort us.”

"I'm honored that you have the desire to see something from my people, Your Majesty." I replied and then looked at the man called Michael as he responded.

"What kind of gentleman would I be if I allowed you to go alone." The rather charming smile on the man's face was certainly interesting and I could definitely see how it could be rather intriguing to have a night with him. Though, I think a night would probably be all I would want. "Majesty," I watched him address Max, "Would you call my brother so that you may confer with him about this? And I will escort the Queen to tour our guest's ship. I too would be interested in seeing their technology."

"Both of you are more then welcome to join me. It won't take long for me to gather my things and I'm honestly not concerned about you having the chance to observe things. My guards that are at the ship will not try to halt your entry and if you feel more secure, feel free to bring a contingent with you." I stated calmly, showing that I had an idea of the way some things work as I added, "If it were my lands, my people that were being approached I am certain that we would be wary in trusting and have at least twenty or so soldiers around at all times."

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 1:50 pm
by ~Ruby~

"What kind of gentleman would I be if I allowed you to go alone." Michael says with his usual charming smile.

I bite back a smile. Michael? Gentleman? Ha! He’s far too interested in women to remember his manners. I’ve already seen Max send him a warning look. It would seem that our beautiful guest is out of bounds. I wonder if that has made Michael want her more. Forbidden fruit and all that.

"Both of you are more then welcome to join me. It won't take long for me to gather my things and I'm honestly not concerned about you having the chance to observe things. My guards that are at the ship will not try to halt your entry and if you feel more secure, feel free to bring a contingent with you." She says, "If it were my lands, my people that were being approached I am certain that we would be wary in trusting and have at least twenty or so soldiers around at all times."

“I believe that my personal guards and Michael will be quite sufficient, thank you.” I say but its on the tip of my tongue to ask if there is a reason that I should be so wary. “Shall we leave? I’m eager to see the ship.”

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 1:58 pm
by Anna-Liisa
Uhm, so we need Travis or Percy posts?
I think me and Storm are working on a JP... so that's the next thing for Kyle and Raxar.

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 4:34 am
by Anna-Liisa