Page 9 of 13

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:30 pm
by Athenea
So should we skip ahead maybe to them all arriving back on Earth 2 weeks later or something?

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:31 pm
by isabelle
Yup! Sounds great. :)

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:35 pm
by Dreamer_Dreaming
Sound good to me!

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 9:51 pm
by sweetserenity
Hey this is shadows...I think skipping ahead sounds good cuz i dont remember a thing that was going on

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 1:46 am
by nickimlow
Lovely :D

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:00 am
by Athenea
Alright then, on you guys next post have them arriving on Earth.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:46 am
by nickimlow
Hey all, I'll try to post something soon. I just need to refresh my memory a little :D


Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 3:25 pm
by nickimlow
OOC: Here goes nothing. I'm really rusty, so if this doesn't work just let me know.


The two weeks after that went by rather quickly. I was surprised to find that I had actually grown quite accustomed to the way things worked on Antar, though I was still very much a foreigner. I had seen little of Xadalyn, though, as she had been busy sorting things out before the trip - she couldn't simply abandon her responsibilities on a whim.

Having developed a certain fondness towards Antar despite the dangers that haunted our every move, it was only natural that my heart was heavy as I looked into the portal that led back home to Earth. Of course, I would probably return soon, but still...

I took one last look around me, took one last breath of Antarian air, and then muttered under my breath, "Here goes nothing" before stepping into the wormhole.

It was all a blur at first, and then, before I knew it, I landed with a thud on the other side. "Surely there are more dignified ways to travel," I said as I hoisted myself up off the ground and glanced at the others, who were doing the same. Almost immediately I found myself choking and my eyes watering slightly. It took me a while to realise that we were surrounded by dust and sand.

We were in the desert just outside Roswell.

There was definitely logic to this, because it was unlikely that we would be spotted in this vast open area, which was more than could be said had the wormhole opened up in the middle of town. It took my eyes a few seconds to adjust to the bright blue sky that had taken the place of Antar's deep purple heavens. We were back in familiar territory, but I knew that things would never get back to normal.

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 4:59 pm
by Dreamer_Dreaming

Founding out we were finally going home, I was more than happy to be finally leaving Antar. But I am also sad, some part of me wishes I can know my grandma some more, and know about my alien heritage. It was also like I was leaving some part of me behind, on Antar. I know I didn’t act like the best daughter or a good person, but that has changed. My goal now is hopeful Xadalyn and I could be friends, and not enemies.

I don’t want to fight with her, and sharing our parents and Xan is fine with me. It really isn’t her fault or mine how the situation turn out. It is what it is. I just hope this while situation turns out for the best and not for the worse. The last thing I need is another disapproving look from my mother or from my father.

“Here goes nothing,” my brother said before stepping into the warm hole. From where I am standing, he looked like he was suck into it. It looks kind of scary, but also exciting. I look around and saw my parents looking at me. I guess it was mine turn.

I step near the warm hole, “good-bye Antar” I said and it was mine turn to be suck into it.

The experience was indescribable. It felt very strange and familiar at the same time. It wasn’t any threat of any force of feelings. It was just different. I open my eyes slowly and remove the dust out of my eyes. “Surely there are more dignified ways to travel,” my brother said as he got up from the ground, me following after him.

We were back on Earth, back to the old ways, back with we known as normal. But nothing will ever be the same or normal again.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:10 pm
by isabelle
OOC -- Katnotkath, if you want them not to know about the baby yet, I'll be happy to edit.
Also, are Skylar and Kyria coming along too?


"Come along, Xadalyn," I say with a smile. "Don't be afraid. Your vacation from planetary obligations is about to begin."

Taking Liz's hand, I step through the portal and out into the desert. I really miss this place. At least I know that Dad would have covered my absence with the law firm.

It's hard to believe how much has happened in the last few weeks. I met my daughter -- who was acting as Queen of Antar. I met my other mother, too. That was both strange and wonderful. I was surprised at how little time it took to organize the affairs of state so she could take an extended vacation with us. My mother and Larak will be running things there for a while while Xadalyn learns to be a 'normal girl.' She says it's something she wants, but I have to admit, I'm not sure that she's going to enjoy it. It'll be quite a change from what she's used to.

I'm actually feeling a bit guilty about that, too. This is her vacation from an obligation that has really been mine. I haven't been there doing my duty. Others have fought the war and won it. And now, I'm 'vacationing' again before doing much more than getting to know my way around the current political concerns. I know there are people there who are upset that I didn't grab the reigns and stay. Others hope that I never come back since they're so happy with Xadalyn. But I couldn't grab control. I wouldn't run roughshod over my daughter like that. As far as I can tell, she's done an amirable job there.

I give Liz's hand a squeeze. *Welcome home,* I tell her silently, sending my joy and pride through to her. We haven't told the kids, but Liz is pregnant again. We only figured it out this morning. We hadn't planned it and I know it will be troublesome, but I'm still overjoyed at the idea.

Looking back, I wait for Xadalyn to come through. I take out my cell phone. The charge has long since run out but that's not a problem. I pass my hand over it, giving it energy. Then I dial my dad's number so I can ask for a ride. Through dreamwalks with Isabel, my parents, Kyle, Isabel, Michael and their families, are all aware that we're coming today. They just didn't know exactly where or when.