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Post by Anna-Liisa »

Kyle's going to have powers, yup. Sorry the one's who didn't want, though no one said if it was a good thing or a not *lol*


"Finally, see, someone is in the same side that I am" I tell Max. But of course he doesn't listen to me. I changed my mind too often? Humm, no not that I know off. I looked at the door, Michael and then at Max again.

"Why won't you let me out?" I asked him.

He answered it, but I wanted to know the real reason. Of course the answer would be:
a). 'I'm no leaving anyone alone'
b). 'You'll get caught'
c). 'You're one of us, so be with us'

Or something like it. I sighed. What would buddha do right now? What does it teach at a situation like this. Uh, that would be nothing. I started to get anfry at myself and my own thoughs. 'Calm down Valenti, no need to panic...'. I looked around the room and focused my eyes on the roof and it's lamps. 'Focus on them...'

But I guess my nerves were too bad, since I sighed in frustation. I looked back at the group and pointed my somewhere else.

"That's it, I can't focus on stupid things. I want to get out of the room so someone's better---"

I got stopped by an explotion near me, so I jumped away from the thing I just broke.

Wait a second. I...broke?

Holy Buddha - This can't be happening to me.
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Post by isabelle »

Hope this is okay with you, Anna-Liisa....


I frown at Isabel when she seems to agree that the agents here are nice. I don't believe for a minute that 'nurse' is a nurse. She's an FBI agent, or a scientist waiting to disect us. I glance around at the rest of the room and I realize that only Alex, Tess and Maria have yet to offer an opinion on the situation. I'm about to ask them directly, when suddenly Kyle starts arguing about leaving again.

I grit my teeth in annoyance and refraim from responding right away. After all, I already explained why I want us to stay together. Look at all the trouble trying to locate Maria. I don't need to go tracking down people we've found before.

Kyle, however, pauses only a moment before his frustration bursts out of him again. He points at the ceiling and the light fixture explodes.

"Shit!" Michael yells.

"Kyle, are you okay?" Maria asks. "What happened?"

Kyle is looking shocked and confused as he turns his palms upwards and stares at his hands. "I did that?" he asks softly of nobody in particular. Then the small green sparks start, slowly at first and then slightly faster as Kyle's mouth opens in a silent gasp.

"Damn," I say, mostly to myself. Valenti's been deliberately contrary and for just a second, I'm angry at him for this, too, but I know he's not doing it on purpose. Letting out a deep breath through my teeth, I take one step towards him as everyone-else takes a step back. I inhale and again let it out, trying to let go of my annoyance at the same time. I don't want it to interfere with the connection that we're going to need.

Then the sparks get a little larger and Valenti's eyes widen. He raises his eyes, staring at me with a look of both fear and blame. "Let me help," I tell him, stepping closer. It's not as bad as Liz, not yet. No lightning, just the sparks. Not yet, but it's getting worse.

"Didn't you do enough?" he asks, an edge of panic in his voice.

"It's okay. It's gonna be okay," I tell him calmly, closing my hands over his. I concentrate on what he needs, not his words. "Look in my eyes." I'm glad that Kyle does it. Breathing slowly, I start the connection; the rhythm of my heart matching his and in the next moment, I'm in.

What I see; What I feel is similiar to what Liz was experiencing. It's not quite as strong, not yet, but the energy is still wild, overspilling the natural boundries. Again, I absorb the worst of it, using it to help him, while I work to channel the rest. *Center. Balance* I think without actually using words. I try to show him what's needed, not just do it for him. *Like this and this. Here and here.*

A short eternity later, which is probably less than a minute, he's under control and I pull back, blinking. "That should be better," I tell him.
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Post by Anna-Liisa »


I stared at my hand. The sparkling stopped. Stopped...I sighed in relief. I looked at Max and nodded. That was scary...creepy.

"Thanks..." I said to him. What the hell was that thing that came from my hand anyway? It was almost the same that Liz had, but yet different. I sighed. Maybe I needed to start being normal. Do what Max says. Yeah, maybe it was a sign that I wasn't myself.

Yep that it was. Thank you whatever you are. Buddha, Indian God, whatever you were. I learned my lesson, to keep my mouth shut. Or not to lose my temper anymore.

"Okay, so what are we going to do now..?" I asked silently and more calmly.
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Post by isabelle »


I sigh, looking over the group. Do I have to go through it all again? We still need to find out the truth. We don’t know if this is everyone they brought here, or if there are others. We don’t know what they want. We don’t know even where we are. Or when we are. Are we in the future? The FBI would be more than capable of faking a future story like this to make us think we have nothing to lose if we co-operate. I saw something like it in a movie once. There are no TV’s here and we have no way to confirm or dispute any of this. I’m starting to feel very antsy cooped up in this room. I wanna sneak out of here now and maybe ask the people out there where we really are, but I have to be logical about this. I need to know before I act.

“We need to figure this out. We lure someone in here and start asking questions,” I tell them again. “Maybe Tess can keep him off balance so Isabel can dreamwalk him and see if he’s telling the truth, like we did with Pierce,” I suggest.

“Pierce was an enemy. These people want to help,” Isabel says.

“We don’t know that yet,” I say.

“They haven’t done anything to block your powers,” Kyle says again, although he’s no longer arguing, just pointing it out.

I nod. That part is odd. If they know who we are and what we can do, then why leave us free like this? There aren’t even cameras or other surveillance in the rooms. That seems even weirder than being frozen for 1000 years. “I know, and that worries me. It might only mean they have some other way to stop us that we haven’t encountered yet.” I turn to those who haven’t yet voiced an opinion. “Tess, Maria, Alex? Do you have any ideas?”
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I'm about to lose my temper when Max asks if we have any ideas.

'Yes, I have an idea. I have an idea that this is ridiculous and getting us no where! Max is the leader. He makes the decisions. We follow through on the decisions. It's not difficult. The only thing we get otherwise is standing around arguing. What has all of this gotten us? Nothing. It's wasted time. We know nothing more then when we started. Whether the people here mean us harm specifically or not we are still in danger. We don't know where we are, We don't know how we got here. We don't know why we were brought here. We need answers to these questions, in some form, before we can attempt to make a plan of action. If Max asks by himself, or if we all ask, we need to do so soon. Standing here arguing is getting us absolutely nothing, except wasted time. I can warp us hidden, not for very long, but probably long enough. If we feel that we are in danger we can knock out the doctor from inside the warp and run. I think Max's plan is best, and even if it isn't, it's his decision to make. I think we should call the doctor and get on with it.'

Drained I cross my arms and move to the window before turning to look at the rest of th group again.
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Post by Anna-Liisa »


"He's not our leader, Tess. At least not mine..." I said, but I didn't feel like fighting again. I just said it. I walked to the little button that was for calling dr. Mclean, but I didn't get a chance of pressing it when the door opened.

"I didn't do it" I said before the doctor came in.

"So this is where you all were hiding. In Valenti's room...should've guessed..." Mclean said.

I saw Michael pointing his hand at the guy. I shook my head. Why was he always like that?

"Michael calm down" I said to him, but I wasn't sure if he heard me because he wasn't calming down at all.

"So what kind of plans are you making here?" the doctor-guy asked.

"We're thinking about away to find out what's going on here" I said to him and turned my gaze to him. "Mind to tell us?"

The doctor smirked. I guess he knew we wanted to know sooner or later.
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Post by isabelle »


I couldn't help but nod at Tess's statement. Not that I wanted to be the one in charge, exactly, although it always seemed to work out that way, but mostly because that was exactly what I expected her to say. At least she hasn't started sniping about me helping Liz yet or about how she and I are destined to be together although I'm sure that's going to come before long.

Kyle's reaction is also un-surprising, but then the scientist comes in, unexpectedly. Kyle proclaims his innocence but that's really not the problem. I glance at Tess, knowing she could still make everyone disappear for a short while. I decide to play it straight for a little while; maybe Tess can change his memories after the fact if we need to.

Crossing my arms in front of my chest, I stand at the center of the group, staring the guy down.

"You're going to answer our questions and explain what's going on. And you're not going to try to call any of your FBI goons to come help you, either," I tell him, my voice low and dangerous. "Let's start with the first thing you said. 'All of us.' Is this everyone or do you have others still being held elsewhere on the base?"
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Post by Anna-Liisa »


I looked at mr.Evans. Was he trying to scare me? For what? I sighed and just smiled.

"The records said that you're the 'leader'. It seems so. All of you, means the eight here in this room. Max Evans, Isabel Evans, Michael Guerin, Tess Harding, Liz Parker, Maria De Luca, Alex Whitman, Kyle Valenti" I said looking at the each of them when I said their names. I had a good memory when it came to names and faces.

"You're here because of an FBI experiment. They wanted to see how the cold freezing would go on. It was supposed to be a few years...but they made a mistake and it turned into 1000 years"

"So basically the FBI's bunch of people who don't know how to count right" Valenti commented.

"You can say that if you want. But the thing is, FBI doesn't exist anymore. It went down 2900 and you were moved to this place. We've got all your records and you're only as patients here. We don't intend to hurt you"

"Hah, I told you so.." Valenti whispers.

I decided to ignore him.

"But..." I started. "There are people who do want to harm you...that's why I though it was best to lock you all into your rooms, so you wouldn't leave the hospital.."


Geez, that man talks alot.
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Post by isabelle »


The news that the eight of us are the only ones taken is good news, if we can trust it. It's a bit surprising that the FBI would actually get it right and collect exactly those in our 'club' but at least it means we don't have to go hunting any others.

Kyle sounds almost triumphant, like he's won something, but I'm still not convinced that this man is harmless. Even if the FBI is gone, there would almost definately be another group to take its place. It doesn't matter if this is the FSA, the CIA or any other group. We're still being held against our will.

I look to Isabel, hoping she had some sort of clue but she just shrugs. She hasn't been able to get in yet. I give her a nod and hope she'll keep trying. We need to know if he can be trusted. With Pierce, we had a light show and a bombardment of questions, and I think, he was actually a bit afraid. Even so, it did take a short while. I'll have to give Isabel a little more time.

"Why were we taken for this little freeze experiment? Didn't you have any FBI volunteers?" I ask, a bit angrily. "And if the FBI was disbanned a hundred years ago, why weren't we freed then? If you're supposed to be our friend, then who are these who you claim would harm us?"
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Post by Anna-Liisa »


I took a deep breath and sighed. This was taking longer than I had though. "Look, FBI didn't want to test the freezing on humans, so at the start it was only you four aliens here. But then they decided to test it on humans too and for some reason took the rest of you" I said to Max in a calm voice.

"We had nothing to do with those choices. And the reason we didn't let you out of the freeze...we couldn't. It was set as a thousand years -- accidently -- so after the time was set, we couldn't wake you up. You would've died. And there are people who don't like aliens in this time too"

I crossed my arms. "Like some other countries. America -- yes it's still America -- doesn't dislike or like aliens. But then there's Asian and European countries who want to test you. Some Americans do want to do the same, but this hospital and city isn't your enemy"
The only "ism" Hollywood believes in is plagiarism.
- Dorothy Parker
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