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Re: How to Know When You Are REALLY Obsessed???

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 1:52 pm
by FallenMagic
Sarieah wrote:
Liz Parker Evans wrote:I just bought The Sims 2 game and they have a town with aliens in it so what did I do?? I made all the Roswell characters....currently they are toddlers but I honestly think I need help. And I need to have a talk with Diane Evans...she has been seen shamelessly flirting with Jim Valenti....<G> I need help!
:yes: I can see how that can happen. I'd do the same, but I think my boyfriend may have something to say, lol! And of course, i'd make myself, and "get involved" with Max ;)
LMAO I do that too! currently I'm trying to get Liz and Max married but Max apparently just hates Liz and Liz can't stop flirting with a married neighbour :lol:

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 8:20 am
by belleoftheball
I realized my obsession had reached critical mass yesterday when my boyfriend was getting on my last nerve (he was acting like a complete and total moron) and before I could stop myself I said "I soooo need a new lamptrimmer"

He of course looked at me like I had lost my mind but my sister and fellow roswell fan burst out laughing.

Re: How to Know When You Are REALLY Obsessed???

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 11:06 am
by isabelle
FallenMagic wrote:
Sarieah wrote:
Liz Parker Evans wrote:I just bought The Sims 2 game and they have a town with aliens in it so what did I do?? I made all the Roswell characters....currently they are toddlers but I honestly think I need help. And I need to have a talk with Diane Evans...she has been seen shamelessly flirting with Jim Valenti....<G> I need help!
:yes: I can see how that can happen. I'd do the same, but I think my boyfriend may have something to say, lol! And of course, i'd make myself, and "get involved" with Max ;)
LMAO I do that too! currently I'm trying to get Liz and Max married but Max apparently just hates Liz and Liz can't stop flirting with a married neighbour :lol:
Did you make your pod-squad half-alien? It was pretty tricky, but I did it. I got a couple guys abducted, then killed them off when the babies were toddlers. (One guy had twins and the other just Michael... dunno why but I get twins about half the time in that game.) When the fathers' died, the social worker came and took the kids. That put them at the top of the adoption pool. So when Diane and Phillip called the agency -- voila! they got the alien kids. heehee heehee.

As for Max and Liz not liking each other in your game, FallenMagic, probably they have disparate zodiac signs. Certain signs 'click' better than others. It'll take some work, but you can get them together.

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 11:16 am
by nunki
By reading this thread you suddenly feel completely normal. :lol:

When Roswell was still on the air I was just satisfied by watching every single episode (even when it meant to stand up in the middle of the night to watch the repetition,because there was a power falilure when it was on TV sooner).
But ever since it was cancelled I hace collected every single piece that has to do with Roswell.I bought the sunset poster,the necklace,ring and key chain with the whirlwind symbol on it.And the DVDs twice (the UK-import versions as soon as they were available and later the German versions because they kept the original music on them).
And you just have to ask my family about how unnerving I can be connecting everything with Roswell ("that song was on Roswell","that actor also played on Roswell"...).
And when my friend who is also a Roswellian stayed at my house we had a marathon and watched 12 episodes.
-You know you're slightly obsessed when you put Tabasco sauce on cake... just to see if it really is good, even though you've never put Tabasco sauce on anything else before in your life, so you don't even know what it tastes like on its own. P.S.... it actually does taste pretty good on cake. *lol*
I did that too.I once met up with a few fellow Roswellians for a weekend and someone had cake with her and someone else brought Tabasco sauce,so we ended up trying it out.And it´s really not that bad. :lol:
-You know you're slightly obsessed when you realize there is a town called Roswell, GA... and you check to see how far away it is from the town you're living in, because you just wanna go check it out, if for nothing else than to take a picture of the sign saying 'Welcome to Roswell' (Still haven't made it up there yet... I will, though.)
I did a 9 week internship at a pharmaceutical company and then I realized that the gloves where coming from Roswell GA...first thing is I looked it up.And the machine that distils the water was called behroplast and the name og the producer´s company was Behr.I always grinned like stupid when I saw that. :lol:

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 4:07 pm
by LovinGuerin2Much
I know I am obsessed because...My password for my computer at work has to be changed every 30 days... and all my passwords are Roswell inspired...


Thats just a few of many!!! lol

How you know your 7 year old daughter is obsessed.... she tells me today. Mommy I like almost everyone on the show except Tess and what was that other girls name... the one that was a Skin? (Courtney)

I burst out laughing.

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 9:01 pm
by SweetnSpicy
I know I am obsessed when....

I have about 4 different versions of the Candy Couple on my Sims 2 game! And I changed Strangetown to Roswell, New Mexico with the aliens

I relate everything to it

I read at least 5 fanfictions a day(maybe more depends on length)

I am going to order all books

Have all seasons and watch them everyday

Randomly reapeat quotes from show

Wanting to read Ulysees

Putting Tabasco sauce on some foods(it is actually good!)

Collecting pics from the show and icons

and when my mom said I feel like a Tom Collins I started talking about their aliases from Viva Las Vegas

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 9:57 pm
by xhollywoodx1
I was in a Denny's(I think?) the other day. Now keep in mind I have just became recently obsessed with Roswell. THANK YOU SCI-FI AIRING IT LAST MONTH! Anyways, At the time I had never had tabasco sauce before, I hadn't even seen it anywhere. I was eating and I looked over.. BAM! There it was sitting on the table across from me. I smiled for a min. and had to tell my family about "the aliens on Roswell and how they always put it on their food." Of course I tried it expecting "sweet yet spicy" because thats what they said on the show..and it was! I was thinking.. do they have cake here?!

Im always on this board.. It makes me feel better knowing that even five years after the show was cancelled, people are still talking about it!

I just ordered Season 3.. I haven't seen it yet. Im pretty excited for that to show up at my doorstep :D

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 10:22 pm
by thetvgeneral
glad i'm not alone. ever since i watched all three seasons after renting from netflix i'm hooked!!! i can't seem to get enough. i've been reading fanfic like crazy...instead of doing work. waiting on my order from amazon to make my roswell dvd collection complete. and then i plan on watching them all over again!!!! this is one series i'm sorry i didn't watch from the start...and there were so many more stories to tell. i wish it was still on tv!!! so glad i found this website!!!! 8)

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 3:51 pm
by Morning Dreamgirl

I've done just about everything that people have said on this thread... (Although I have to admit that the sims thing did take a long time! Between the parents, minor characters [Pam Troy, etc., etc.] I must have spent an entire 48 hours just setting everything up! Not 48 straight, mind you, but pretty close to it.)

Also when the show was on, I made a chart.

It was basically a count-down to when the next episode would air. Say that it was 5:30 Sunday Evening, I could tell you that it was X amount of hours and X amount of minutes until the show came on. When it changed stations/days/time I redid the entire thing again.

I would rountinely wake up in the middle of the night to read fanfiction since I didn't have enough time during the day, and when the seasons finally came out on DVD, they were basically the only thing that I asked for as far as Birthday/Christmas gifts.

This is also the only show that I actually read fanfiction for, and I've been around for so long that I can remember when Jen started this board... sigh. The good old days!

So many memories!


Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 9:11 am
by Topy458
Wow, I've done the 'making my Sims town into Roswell too!' After what seemed like hours trying to get Max and Liz to even like each other (guess I should have fine tuned their chemistry points), they ended up making the ugliest child!

I know I'm also obsessed everytime I watch tv or a movie and spot someone from Roswell (either a main character or guest star). I'm like, "Hey, it's Agent Pierce!" Then I get the weirdest looks from my family since they have no idea who these people are or what I'm talking about ... :oops: :lol: