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Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:36 pm
by FSU/MSW-94
Reminder: LUX Series Finale airs on 1/18 for two hours!

The DVD release will be on 4/5/11!

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:59 pm
by Roswellian117
Earth2Mama wrote:I'll take that ... at least they start to feel like mother and daughter? I'm thinking that what they meant.

So, no Baze and Cate - figures with the way things are happening/ending at the moment. But ... let's take this time to through our little theories out there people.

If they got a full season (all the way until May), what do you think would have happened?

I'll start by stating this:

1. Cate looses the baby - in an accident or just a spontaneous/no fault miscarriage. :cry:
2. This further strains her relationship with Ryan, because he wanted the baby, but as we all now - Cate really did not. :?
3. After much fighting and accusations, Ryan and Cate separate. :(
4. Meanwhile, after find out about Dad and Emma, Baze reverts back to his old whorish ways :roll:
5. Maybe the same accident that injuried Cate perhaps - hurts Lux also and forces Nate to once again - GROWN UP and ACT LIKE A MAN WITH A TEENAGE KID, not a kid himself. :?:
6. Said accident draws Baze and Cate closer somehow - perhaps the injuries to Lux were more severe? :shock:
7. Ta-da ... love re-awakens for these two, but Cate and Ryan still haven't put the final nail on the coffin that is their marriage. :twisted:

Cliffhanger for next Season - which would have been Season Three :idea:

:lol: Damn, I cracked myself up writing that - as it was just off the top of my head. Should I pack it all up now and head to Hollywood and write scripts? Nah! I'll keep my day job. I like my benefits package :wink:

So ... come on guys! I know you've got theories ... I wanna hear 'em! :mrgreen:
First off no baby fake or real deserves to die by accident or any other means... Not down with baby killing... UNLESS it's a zombie baby or child then GO FOR IT!!!!... Rather Ryan DIES!! Cate is devastated and has the baby anyways because it's a part of Ryan... Cut to a year later... Baze has consoled Cate during this time and they get closer and closer and he gets really attached to the baby... Cate realizes Baze has really grown up and Lux has herself a family and is attached to her baby brother or sister as well... Just a happy ending and a good life LOL!

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 12:11 pm
by Earth2Mama
Despite what has been written ...

2 HR. SERIES FINALE TONIGHT, starting at 8 p.m. EST

I know that Baze and Cate won't get together in the finale tonight, but I have to admit - I'm anxious to see if they leave us with the impression that sometime in the future, they did wind up together and/if how it came about.

Hmmm ... can they fit that in a 2 hour finale? :lol:

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:42 pm
by FSU/MSW-94
I am excited about tonight's finale. I am especially wondering what will happen since we know there will be a 2 year jump in time to Lux's H.S. graduation. I am in the minority, as I prefer Cate with Ryan (possibly b/c of my Kerr Smith crush :twisted: ), but we shall see very soon.

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 6:51 pm
by Earth2Mama
:shock: GET OUT!!! :shock: Seriously? There is?! :D

La'Shon, girlfriend ... I'm crushing on you right now for that bit of a spoiler 8)

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 7:38 pm
by FSU/MSW-94
OOOPS :oops: I thought everyone knew that! :oops: Sorry if I spoiled it for anyone. I lurk on the Spoiler thread over at Fanforum and I assume everyone is doing it :lol: :lol:

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 8:52 pm
by Earth2Mama
No worries La'Shon ... I still love ya :wink:

OMG ... I am so DISLIKING Lux right now!!!

Lesson 1 - if your lying to your parents, its because you know what your doing is wrong! And her relationship with Mr. Daniels is so very WRONG! No matter how you try to spin or justify it.

Lesson 2 - attacking your parents by using information you've learned against them to justify your own wrong action ... Pathetic and so very juvenile. Yeah right ... she's a mature one :roll:

Lesson 3 - If it's obvious your child needs help, professionally, then get her the help!

Oh god ... this is torturious!!! Damn, the look on Baze's face .... Gah! I so dislike that snottty, self-righteous little bitch! :x

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 9:09 pm
by FSU/MSW-94
Actually, I was holding my breath the entire time Lux argued with Cate, b/c I was so afraid Cate was gonna get pushed to the ground by Lux and lose her baby :shock:

As for Mr. Daniels, I am glad he broke down and realized how wrong it was to carry on a secret relationship with Lux. I think he is sincere about his feelings for her, especially since when he first met her, he assumed she was working at the Bar and was legal age. :( Lux has so many issues, and she does need longterm counseling. I hate that she told Baze and Sam about his girlfriend/mom just to divert attention away from her own mess. Sam I wanted to give him a hug. Seems both his parents are effed up :x

Emma should have told Baze about the affair the moment he started becoming serious about her. He should have heard something like that from her, and 4 years? 4 freaking years? wow that was more than a fling, she had a full on relationship with Baze's dad. That has got to destroy Baze... :(

At least Cate and Baze allowed Mr. Daniels to leave town and begin again with his career. If they would have gotten him arrested, he would be classified as a registered sex offender and his career would have ended before it truly got started. Let this be a lesson for him!

Wow Cate just lost the baby :cry: Why bother writing her pregnancy if they are gonna have her lose it anyway? That is so what soap opera's do! :x I guess they want to pave the way for a Cate/Baze reunion and have no reason to keep Ryan in the picture. :x

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 9:17 pm
by Earth2Mama
Oh damn! My prediction of losing the baby came to fruition. Can't say I'm shocked they went that route.

Also, did you notice that Ryan's ex, whom he slept with, was in the credits for this epi? Oh yeah, she's pregnant. And now that Cate can't have anymore kids ... They'll be setting it up so that he goes with his other baby's momma?

Ugh ... sounds like a cop out :x

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 10:08 pm
by Earth2Mama
So ...

It was Baze and Cate in the end ... WOOT! But, I would have loved to have seen how it came to be. :(

And did my ears deceive me ... Lux finally referred to Cate and Baze as ... Mom and Dad? Guess everyone did do a bit of growing up. Hallelujah!!! :lol:

Ryan did end up with his baby's momma, aka Julia, and they have a son. That was so heartbreaking to see Cate go and tell him. I also wonder about the aftermath of that revelation.

Also, I didn't notice any wedding rings on Ryan/Julia or Cate/Baze. Thank goodness too. Maybe they have finally learned to take their relationships one day at a time and truly get to know one another before rushing off to a lifetime commitment. Again, I say ... HALLELUJAH!!! :mrgreen:

In the end ... It was Jones and Lux as well. Not surprised to see that as well. I had a feeling ... :wink:

The biggest shock - Math and Alex! And they've a baby on the way? :shock: Whoa! Didn't see that one :?

What I'm most happiest about ... even though relationships ended/changed/altered, EVERYONE managed to 1) stay friends, 2) still love/care about one another, and 3) manage to be include everyone in their lives - like an really big extended family.


I give it a 10 out of 10. :D