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Re: Stranger than fanfiction...fanfic chads.

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:33 am
by Misha
:lol: There was a fic -I think by WR- where Max says "Baby" and Liz turns around and says "Baby? Not even for you." :mrgreen:

Re: Stranger than fanfiction...fanfic chads.

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 12:46 am
by Fred
Kzinti_Killer wrote:
xmag wrote:
If anything, "bad Max" (or bad anyone else) fics have been way over done.
That's true. The question is, why does it still go on, in fics?
Because, like I said, "Different strokes for different folks". One man's meat is another man's poison. Just because I don't like something, some particular element or style, doesn't mean that someone else can't adore it. As long as it doesn't break the rules, it's welcome here.

I know this hasn't been discussed in over a year but then I probably haven't been over here in over a year. :oops: I just had to defend "bad Max". When I started reading fanfiction (ok that was a long time ago) the "bad Max" stories were few and far between and Max was alway a puppy dog once he found out about Future Max, begging Liz for forgiveness for all his sins. I didn't like it. It didn't set well with me. (Now- that's why I quoted Rick's post - I realize a lot of people do like that and that's great for them.) So I started writing a "bad Max" who wouldn't just take everything Liz dished out. I made him so evil some said he couldn't be redeemed. Anyway - I'm not saying that I was the first because I'm sure I wasn't and my story is certainly not the best. But I did notice that some really liked it and other author's (much better then me) started writing "bad Max" and I though it was wonderful. Of course (like I said earlier) I haven't been around in a while so maybe it is getting to be too much but I don't think it was always that way.

Re: Stranger than fanfiction...fanfic chads.

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:38 am
by spacegirl23
nibbles2 wrote: 8. Despite being slutty, brazen and forward, they are only interested in Max but ignore Michael who has the sexy bad boy thing going on and who has the advantage of his own apartment.
Haha, I haven't been really aware of this as 80% of the fics I read are purely M+M or Candy-centered with other couples.

I'm a late joiner to this thread, but I did notice some chads:

1) On the show, Michael was this total guy's guy, grunts-for-an-answer Guerin. But they have so many M+M fics (especially those not AU) where Michael goes into long sappy declarations of love for Maria. And the thing is, not just ONCE during the fic. It's like he has to go into this monologue everyday why he loves her, why he can't live without her, yada yada. And we know Michael. Michael told Maria he loved her THRICE during the series run. Once a year. Not every frickin day. :lol:

2) Some of the fics I read (not on this board) describe Michael as a moron. It goes as if Michael is a dumb brute (and not a sexy deep bad boy!): Michael looks on dumbly as Max explains the plan. Seriously, Michael was hot impulsive, not dumb.

Re: Stranger than fanfiction...fanfic chads.

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 8:47 pm
by April
spacegirl23 wrote: Seriously, Michael was hot impulsive, not dumb.
So freaking true! In AU fics, I can forgive it, because it's AU. You get to mess around with things a little more. But still, even in AU, he should be written to have some kind of brain unless he's intended to be written as a static, background character. But how often is Michael intended to be written that way?

In Canon fics, it pisses me off way more. Michael showed himself to be one of the smartest people on the show on more than one occassion. Street-smart, that is. Not so much with the book-smarts. ;) Poor guy didn't graduate.


Re: Stranger than fanfiction...fanfic chads.

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 10:15 pm
by spacegirl23
April wrote:
spacegirl23 wrote: Seriously, Michael was hot impulsive, not dumb.
So freaking true! In AU fics, I can forgive it, because it's AU. You get to mess around with things a little more. But still, even in AU, he should be written to have some kind of brain unless he's intended to be written as a static, background character. But how often is Michael intended to be written that way?
Yup! I believe Michael was one of the most interesting characters in Roswell, and it's such a disservice that some CC fics reduce him to a total idiot. How many time has he saved their asses right? :D

Re: Stranger than fanfiction...fanfic chads.

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 8:53 am
by chanks_girl
Michael was one of the intersesting and even complicated characters on Roswell. He had so many layers that made him an enigma. Sure, he was blunt and rude at some point but he was honest. He didn't idealize the world or life. He saw things like they were without any exceptions. He knew life was hard and unpredictable. He didn't expect anything.

What he really craved was acceptance and love for who he was.He didn't want to change for someone. Take him as he is or let it be.

I have to agree with April and Spacegirl, Michael was more than the 'idiot' like he is mostly portrayed in fics. In my opinion, making him look that way just shows that certain people don't understand his character or they don't want to. There can just be one great guy in a fic :roll:

Well, he is my second favourite male character from Roswell. He is great to write because you HAVE to see what kind of man he is.

Re: Stranger than fanfiction...fanfic chads.

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 11:44 pm
by spacegirl23
chanks_girl wrote:I have to agree with April and Spacegirl, Michael was more than the 'idiot' like he is mostly portrayed in fics. In my opinion, making him look that way just shows that certain people don't understand his character or they don't want to. There can just be one great guy in a fic :roll:
Michael is much more than that! I love your observation. :D He was different, he had a difficult life, so he ended up being this gruff fiercely protective guy.

Re: Stranger than fanfiction...fanfic chads.

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 9:16 pm
by killjoy
nibbles2 wrote:Ever notice when Liz is described as having legs that go on forever?

Liz Parker (and Shiri Appleby) is an absolutely gorgeous woman. But she's short. She has a fantastic and enviable figure but she does not have long legs. They are short. And they are in perfectly normal proportion to the rest of her body.

It's not a big deal really but it's weird when an author makes a point of describing Liz as being short - although they use the terms petite and tiny instead of short - and then mention that she had really long legs. It just always makes me wonder how that is possible.
Okay you want a woman who has legs that go on forever than you have to go with Isabel(Katherine)....she's so tall and hot and...............sorry what was I saying?..... :oops:

Re: Stranger than fanfiction...fanfic chads.

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:21 am
by Coccy
i don't know if someone already said it
anyway: Maria and Tess being BEST friends in fanfictions :lol:

I get that some fans didn't like Liz so they want another option for Maria and give her another best friend but canon Maria DESPISED Tess with her whole being.. even more than Liz! :lol: and this even BEFORE Tess killed Alex.
Liz and Tess had more chances to be friends and interacted more than Maria and Tess.
Tess basically ignored Maria 99,9% of the time if she acknowledged her existence at all (just like the other humans but Kyle and unfortunately Alex who served her for a purpose) while Maria continually made mean comments about her. She hated Tess and wanted her to die and she absolutely did nothing to hide it. They were like the last people in the group who could be friends. And i doubt that Maria hated Tess only because she was "loyal" to Liz. Liz herself wasn't hostile toward Tess in the same way Maria was. Maria often incited Liz and didn't like it when Liz was too "good" with Tess (and sometimes i agreed with her :lol:)
Maria simply hated Tess since the very beginning, she didn't like her and she didn't want to give her a chance. I think that Maria sensed since the beginning that Tess wasn't someone to trust. Maria is a "transparent" person and by looking at her friendship with Liz and Alex and her personality itself it makes sense that she could never like someone like Tess.
Still in some fanfictions they're best friends. :lol: Now, when it's about AU fanfictions it's a bit more "possible" but even in those it seems to me that Maria isn't really friends with roswell-Tess but she's friends with a Liz called Tess or an original character named Tess. (and i understand that it's already difficult to write a realistic Tess)

Re: Stranger than fanfiction...fanfic chads.

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:26 pm
by April
Well, as someone who has practically built a fanfiction career off of this and even has a Maria/Tess icon right now, I'll go ahead and respond. :lol:

I've chosen to write Maria and Tess as friends in my last three fics (particularly my last two, 521 and 522) because I felt that it wasn't something that was ever explored on the show and something that I wish had been explored. Before they made Tess the show's biggest villain by having her kill off Alex, I actually noticed some similarities between her and Maria that I think might have allowed them to be friends. Especially in the Christmas episode. Let's face it: Love Tess or hate her, she's very funny in this episode. She's got a good sense of humor like Maria does. They're both kind of girly girls, they both know how to bicker with guys (Kyle and Michael). I just think it could have worked and it actually would have created a nice non-sci-fy conflict between Liz and Maria.

Maybe Maria didn't trust Tess, but I still think her loyalty to Liz would always have been the primary thing standing in the way of them ever becoming friends. It's sad really, because if Tess had been more closely-knit with the group, she might never have killed Alex. For this reason, I would have also loved to have seen her develop a closer (non-romantic) relationship with Michael. She was very alien sometimes and he was very alien sometimes. That could have been an interesting (again, non-romantic) dynamic.
Still in some fanfictions they're best friends. Now, when it's about AU fanfictions it's a bit more "possible" but even in those it seems to me that Maria isn't really friends with roswell-Tess but she's friends with a Liz called Tess or an original character named Tess. (and i understand that it's already difficult to write a realistic Tess)
I guess that all depends on how you view Tess. To me, Tess isn't a villain because the writing at the end of that second season got so sloppy when they decided to make her Alex's killer. I view Tess a lot differently than many people on this board do. (Probably like how some of you may view Courtney or Billy differently than I do.)

I'm one of those who writes Maria and Tess as friends in AU fics. I may take liberties with the characters sometimes, but when I'm in my pre-writing stages, I always make sure there is something about the AU character that can be tied back to the canon character. So while Tess may not seem completely realistic and like canon Tess in AU fics where she is friends with Maria, there is usually still something canon about her that makes it work for me when I both read her and write her as friends with Maria in AU fics.

Of course, all this could mean nothing and the reason for me writing Tess and Maria as friends might just be that Liz is the most difficult character for me to write and however I end up writing her, people hate her. :lol: Or it could just be because Tess is my second-favorite female character on the show. I don't know.

Just wondering, does anyone ever question Michael and Kyle being written as best friends in fics? Because I don't, but since I'm writing them that way right now and plan on writing them that way again in my next fic, I'm curious.