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Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 5:57 am
by pijeechinadoll
POM wrote:
4.) To me...this little bit is annoying--here it goes: No body believes that I am 25 yrs. old--I've been told that I look like I'm 17yrs. old for the past 6yrs. , and even when I was 17--they didn't believe me and thought that I was 15yrs. old. This is the story of my life--cuz no matter my age. Never once has anyone actually taken my word for it, I always have to show my ID. PICTURE OF ME ** Decide for yourselfs**

LOL hehe dont worry im 25 as well and i get it as well... are you sure you're not 17? :oops:

Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:08 am
by NotYourChick
I get told I look 12 or 14 and I just turned 23. So I know the feeling.

Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:42 am
by Heavenli24
pijeechinadoll wrote:
POM wrote:
4.) To me...this little bit is annoying--here it goes: No body believes that I am 25 yrs. old--I've been told that I look like I'm 17yrs. old for the past 6yrs. , and even when I was 17--they didn't believe me and thought that I was 15yrs. old. This is the story of my life--cuz no matter my age. Never once has anyone actually taken my word for it, I always have to show my ID. PICTURE OF ME ** Decide for yourselfs**

LOL hehe dont worry im 25 as well and i get it as well... are you sure you're not 17? :oops:

I get this too :( . Nobody at work believes I'm as old as I am... one of my friends often gets customers to guess how old I am and the majority of them try to be generous and say about 18 or 19 (although I've been told I could pass for 16)... I'm actually 26 :P !

About 5 years ago we went on a family camping trip with some people/families from my brother's sports team and when we were all sitting around a bonfire one night, one of the guys (in his 50's) offered my brother a beer. Since he was underage and not used to drinking, I thought it might be a good idea to help him out with it so he wouldn't drink too much ( :wink: ). However, the man who gave him the drink turned to me and asked 'are you sure you should be drinking that?' (i.e. 'are you old enough to be drinking that?'). The irony was that I was 21 years old (UK drinking age is 18), and my brother (who he'd given the alcohol to without blinking an eye) was only 13 :shock: !! He's 18 now (and my other younger brother is almost 24), but I think most people assume that I'm the youngest sibling rather than the oldest when they see us together, lol,

Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 3:36 pm
by pijeechinadoll
hehe sounds all too familiar. BIG GRIN. pingx ^^ :D

Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 6:04 pm
by NotYourChick
I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets bugged by it.

I went to a bar with my mom like 2 weeks ago. My step-dad is a cop and was working over there that night. I sat with him and talked with him for abit. Everyone kept looking at me. Most of the people thought my step-dad let me in, because I'm his family. Not knowing that I could be in there since I'm over 21.

Another night a lady who checks I.Ds looked at me and told me to get out. I handed her my I.D she checked it like five times. Even gave me a long look.

Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:39 pm
by spacegirl23
1. You know how some people eat to overcome stress? I'm totally the opposite. I start losing weight when I get stressed coz I stop eating.

2. I would love to be a screenwriter, which is funny coz my degree's in business and economics.

3. I'd consume anything lychee-flavored.

4. I can't cook nor drive.

5. I believe in love at first sight. :D

Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 8:00 am
by SidneyAce
1. I am 21 but people always assume that i'm 14 years old. Yes, it sucks.
2. I am a senior in college. This year is hard and stressful but at least no more studying to do after that. :lol:
3. I have two sisters and two brothers.
4. I love tv shows, they're better than movies to me. I can't get into a movie because i don't feel like i know the characters but with a tv series you can get to know the characters and see them grow and that's more interesting to me. 8)
5. My favorite movie is Before Sunrise and its sequel Before Sunset. I have seen them thousands of times.

Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 1:41 am
by Morning Dreamgirl

1. Most people think I'm either from the northeast or spent a lot of time there because of my accent. In actuality I was born and raised in Texas. I've spent no more than two months (in almost 24 years) in the northeast.

2. I have no credit card debt. I've paid it all off and have closed all my accounts. I don't believe in them and have decided to live without them. (Which, surprisingly, you can do very easily!)

3. My family has an allergy to gluten but I don't want to be tested for it because pasta is my favorite food. I realize that there is gluten-free pasta, but it's the principle of the matter.

4. I can read quite quickly and really enjoy it. On average it only takes me two to three days to read a book from cover to cover. I'd read them faster if I didn't have either things that take up my time.

5. I'm a strong-headed, take-charge kind of person but I'm a horrible procrastinator. Really. It's bad. But I'll fix it. One of these days. :wink:


Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 5:05 am
by killjoy
1.My mind is a stock room full of useless history and triva facts that I can pull out on a moments notice.I'm the one my friends would call if they were ever on a game show and need to know things like....what year was President Garfield assassinated in....or....what year did the Russians put Sputnik 1 into orbit....or what was the name of the first person to reach the North Pole.I can't help it.... :oops: ....I LOVE anything dealing with history and will read books or watch the History Channel for hours upon hours.

2.Everyone has a dream on what they want to be when they grew up....mine was simple...I wanted to meet someone nice (a woman :lol: ) fall in love,get married and be a dad.For I've always thought that the number one thing a person should be good at in life and give it their best is being a parent and spouse.Anything else after that was just simple stuff to be delt with in life

3.This one is hard to explain.....I don't like to...well part with things....I'm not a pack rat mind you,but if something has been in my life for a long time and was part of my childhood I don't like to part with it.For example....when my mom decided to redecorate her and my dad's house after MANY years of it being the same she was going to throw out/sell the dining room set that she had there the entire time I grew up.I didn't like that idea so I bought it from her myself and now have it in my house....I have many former knicknacks from my parent's house that they were going to throw away/sell that I took and have put up in my house.

4.I like to have candles in the house.One of my favorite things to do after a bad day is to turn off all the lights in the house,light a few candles and sit in the dark and watch the light from the burning candles bounce off the walls.I found that it helps relax me after a bad day at work.

5.Much like Michael from the show I have NO ability to dance.Which is funny because seeing that for a LONG time now one of the things I've always wished I could do is ball room dancing.

Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:43 pm
by Earth2Mama
1. I'm ambidextrous - I only found out after I injured my right index finger playing volleyball in high school.
2. I'm double jointed in that I can wrap my legs around my head.
3. I'm 34 years old and I still get carded at bars - while this is flattering to some, it annoys the hell outta me as I always have to then dig around my purse for my license! :roll:
4. I sleep in the nude - during all four seasons.
5. I met my three closest friends because of Roswell - therefore it will always have a special place in my heart as I can't imagine my life without K, E or T in it.