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Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 8:14 am
by FaithfulAngel24
OOC: I hope this is okay. Tell me if you want something changed.


"Right well Kyle's out getting food and stuff for us and at current point I don't know where Liz or bitch as you call her is but I could almost guarantee she's having a seizure. Hi Maria how are you." He finishes his rant with a sarcastic smile. As far as emotions go I have to admit that I really missed him. I never realized how much until this exact moment. My features soften slightly. Before we were grouped together as prisoners. Held together by a cruel fate worse then death.

Now all that we have is each other. I guess that makes us some sort of family. I think back to all my hostility towards Liz. Well, all famlies have issues I suppose. I scratch the area between my eyebrows in frustration. This is not the way I wanted to start of a reunion. I am about to speak when Alex cuts me off clearly pissed. "PS. She's said she's sorry, she was your comander and also would you rather be in there than out here?" Much to my dismay he has a point there.

I've never apologized before so I'm not sure how it goes. I've seen it done but never attempted it myself. I always figured it was beneath me. Though if we are going to attempt a semi normal existanance here with the humans we are going to have to try to act like them. "I am glad that I'm no longer stuck in that hellhole. I am also very happy that you were not consumed by the flames. It would hurt me deeply if you were harmed. While..." I choke on her name.

"Liz...Is is certainly not my favorite person at the moment I do not want her dead. Although I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about it." I contemplate the way to word this. "I am...sorry I think." Narrowing my eyebrows in aggravation. "I am not very good at keeping my emotions at bay as you well know." Clearing my throat I add, "Though that is not an excuse. Please excuse my rude behaivor and accept my rather scewed if not sincere apology."

Looking at him scrupously I add, "Should we like...hug here or something?" I am not quite sure of the protocol.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 12:24 am
by Luvya

I couldn't help but give a small smile at the apology. Well that was Maria for you. I thought to my self.

"I think we can skip the hug for now," I stated with a grin. I eyed her up for a few moments, "So what have you been up to big sis?" I start back working on the cable again. Kyle would kill... well not so much kill but harm me if I don't finish this and I know for a fact I could have done this in half the time if I hadn't of distracted myself.

"No distractions" I murmer under my breath remembering one of Lydeker's rules.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 5:17 am
by isabelle
Athenea wrote:SHe is yours!!! We also now have to fill Ava's spot :?
I didn't realize we had Ava in this story.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 10:54 am
by FaithfulAngel24

"I think we can skip the hug for now," Alex answered with a sly grin. It appears as if all is least for now. "So what have you been up to big sis?" He questions while walking over to what must be his next project. "Nothing much." I state nonchalantly before remembering the kindness that lay in the eyes of one Amy DeLuca. "Actually I met a really nice woman who offered to take me in." There's a quick tightening within my chest. For some reason it hurts to think of her.

"I don't know how to explain it but I think she sensed that I was in trouble." Not wanting to be misunderstood I begin to clarify. "Not with abilities but just simple intuition. She suggested that I act like her daughter. No one would have to know." I swallow harshly. "I ditched her when I heard the call. She's probably already forgotten about me." My throat feels dry and unusable.

I turn away from Alex so he doesn't witness this pathetic emotion that has engulfed me. Is this really mine or am I channeling someone else's sadness? "How about you?" I inquire swiftily. "Anything interesting to report?"

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 2:37 pm
by Athenea
Woops I meant Tess, and who is playin Isabel?