Lost & Found (CC, Mature) - Chapter 48 - Completed: 03/28/2019

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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 16 - Updated: 12/08/2018

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Wow, Max decided to see Liz. Now they really need to talk.
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 16 - Updated: 12/08/2018

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Max seems to be having an effect on the women in his life, nearly causing them to faint by showing up out of the blue.
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 16 - Updated: 12/08/2018

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Poor Liz stuck in the hospital with the bad food. She's ready to escape and try to find Bella.
Still have a hard time imagining Michael as the soccer dad. Everyone surprises us in the end.
So Bella knows who her father is, and has known for some time.........
Surprise, surprise.......Max is at the hospital. Now it is time for these two to make peace!
Thanks, Carolyn
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 16 - Updated: 12/08/2018

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Oh my god Bella knew Max could be her father. So Bella told Betty about Max. Can't believe Maria figured it out. So glad Maria told Liz about what Bella and Betty were talking about. Wow Max found out a lot of things about Liz and Bella. SO very glad Max went to see Liz. Maybe Max and Liz can talk. And maybe Liz will finally tell Max that Bella is his daughter. Fingers crossed for Max and Liz talk. And Liz tell Max the truth about Bella being his daughter. Plus fingers crossed that Max and Liz find Bella aND have a happy ending together.

L-J-L 76
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 16 - Updated: 12/08/2018

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? Can't wait to find out if Liz will tell Max about his daughter. Also can't wait to find out if Max and Liz will talk and try to work things out.

L-J-L 76
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Lost & Found - Chapter 17 - 12/12/2018

Post by Parker1947 »

Ten minutes later and the silence in the room was deafening as Max and Liz couldn’t keep their eyes apart. Michael stood amused with his confused daughter who had come along to see her god-mother. Maria could feel the crackle of energy in the room and was whistling under her breath as Michael could only give her a slightly amused look.

For Liz the silence seemed endless as she glanced at Max as if she couldn’t believe what she was seeing but then she found her voice, “Max,” Liz asked as she broke the silence, and when he nodded Liz felt like the world had ended and yet she needed something that made sense so she picked the small visitor to the room. “Betty…”

“Aunt Liz,” the pint size version of both her parents came rushing in and gave her aunt a hug.

“I’ve missed you too,” Liz said softly as she treasured the hug with her god-daughter, but her eyes didn’t leave Max’s and Max’s eyes didn’t leave Liz as he watched her visit with Betty.

“I won the game at camp,” Betty celebrated and the adults in the room all laughed. “I scored the winning basket.”

“Wow,” Liz smiled as she continued to glance at Max as Maria decided to end the suspense. “We better go Space boy. Come on Betty as Max and Liz have lots to talk about and you can visit Liz another time as she’s going to be here for the time being…”

“I guess,” Betty asked weary as she looked at her parents and then Max and Liz.

“Go spend some time with your parents,” Liz advised her god-daughter. “You can visit tomorrow or something, okay?”
Betty nodded and soon left the room. Leaving Max and Liz to glance at each other again for a little while before Max broke the ice. “Liz…”

“They knew, didn’t they?” Liz asked as she broke the silence that existed between them as she felt reality dawning on her given the quick exit of her friends as it dawned on her that she was last to know that Max was now back within town limits. Maria was too quick to exit for Liz’s taste and she had to have known.

“Yes,” Max admitted as he felt blown away by being so close to Liz after so many years apart. “I am staying with Isabel and Kyle.”

“When did you get back?” Liz asked as understated as possible given she was now talking to him after so much time and trying to show an aura of not caring. “So, you’re finally back.”

“I am sorry…” Max nodded as so much history was exchanged in their glances with one and another, and so much emotion was in the room and on their faces. “I never wanted to hurt you.”

“It’s a decade late,” Liz muttered as hurt fed her heartbreak. “You promised to come back…”

“Again, I am sorry” Max sighed as he faced down towards the door before returning his eyes to Liz and knew she was not prepared for how deeply affected he was to be in her presence. “I got in last night, and saw my parents and ended up seeing Michael and Maria…

“So, I am last to know or see you?” Liz asked as she felt deeply hurt by the fact she truly was the last to know… She knew she shouldn’t because she believed for so long that she had put Max behind her but knew it was lie that she had been telling herself as she felt so ill prepared for this moment even though she longed for it for the decade he had been missing…

“No Liz, as it was you…” Max began but stopped.

“Max, I remember you telling me that at one time and obviously I wasn’t” Liz asked feeling hurt by the distance and the history that sunk into her core.

“It’s the truth Liz. Never doubt my feelings for you then or now. I know I screwed up. I hurt you deeply and I will get over how much I hurt you but to me you were the most important person in my life. You scared me. So, I obviously went everywhere else but here to you…”

“Why!” Liz muttered as if she didn’t believe his declaration.

“I selfishly used our breakup to stay away,” Max said softly as she spoke the truth of the situation.

“You could have come back,” Liz said as her heart cried. “Why didn’t you. I expected to come back, but you stayed away. Why?”

“When you got fed up with my need to find out the truth, I realized I didn’t want to come back if it meant not having you in my life,” Max sighed as he told the truth of how he saw it back in 2001/2002. “I knew I couldn’t come back home and see you go on with your life without me in it. It would be too much for me, to know that life didn’t include me…”

“I couldn’t have been the only one holding you here Max,” Liz sighed as she thought of the family who loved Max so much and who missed him as much as she did, and even more at times. “What about your parents, what about Isabel?”

“I am not saying it was the right to think what I did or to be so selfish to hurt my parents or Isabel that way. I don’t think it even makes me a good person for thinking in those terms, but you were always key for me and I didn’t want to deal with my life if it meant you weren’t in… Because Liz, I knew that our last attempt to make it past my betrayal with Tess was going to be the last one you gave me because I had too many chances and I had screwed each of them up, and you weren’t going to give me another one and being in the same town was going to kill me so I took the coward’s way out and stayed away.”

“I can’t say what I would have done back then,” Liz admitted as if her reaction to seeing Max again was any indication, well, she would have to admit to herself that she was rather weak around him and so she had serious doubts if she would have the strength to stay away, but then she knew she had seriously fed up back then and coupled with the hostilities their parents were giving them in wanting to be together… so she might have stuck with her declaration that they were over… until she found out she was pregnant she mused to herself. The baby would have been game over she knew.

“None of us can,” Max recalled.

“But you didn’t try…” Liz accused. “You could have come back...”

“I was stupid, and I should have come back… But I figured you were right to be mad at me and to give me a kick in the ass that I needed even if it meant we were no longer together… So, I used it and went on a suicide mission to find out the truth… because what else did I have to lose…”

“What?” Liz squeaked although she had the weighing of their discussion until now was taken down another peg by the reminder of something that was even more shocking to her and something she hadn’t even begun to process… still the words shocked her.

“I went to Antar,” Max conceded…

Silence filled the room as it dawned on both what it meant if it had gone wrong for Max.

“Didn’t they want to kill you if you went there…”


“Max is back?” Jim Valenti asked as he arrived at his son’s house for a brunch with his wife and focused on his son and daughter-in-law as they sat and talked before eating. “That is unexpected.”

“Yeah,” Kyle nodded. “Michael called and he’s over at the hospital now talking to Liz.”

“So, a new chapter begins…” Amy asked as knew how much Max being back would change things all around. “How are you handling it Isabel?”

“It’s emotional to have him back, and in some ways it’s like nothing ever changed, but then it has as we’re both very different people, and eventually he’s going to go back to his life.”

“You never know things might change for him as he visits everything that Roswell has to offer?” Jim asked as Kyle nodded. “Son how are you handling the newest developments?”

“I always knew he would be back,” Kyle asserted. “I never thought he would be gone as long as he was, but I always knew he would be back as you could never keep him away…”

“Well he certainly took his time,” Isabel muttered.

“Son, about…” Jim asked.

“Dad, you don’t have to say it because we’re all thinking it. But if he does find out about Bella I am fine with it. Nothing will change her being a part of our family, except that it gives her even more family to love and for Liz to finally make peace with the past and put closure to that part of her life regardless of where it might go for them. Too much of the last decade has been stuck standing still, and all I want is for her to be happy.”

“Bella will have the best of both worlds,” Isabel smiled as they all sighed as they hoped the little girl could come home soon… “She will be very lucky.”


Los Angeles,

“I’ve told you before how the results have come out,” Dr. Baker was telling Serena in the lab at the LAPD as Serena insisted there had to be answer why Molly wasn’t showing as a resident of California. She insisted that the results had to faulty despite the lab’s history of truth in their forensics, and CJ would need to look harder.

But each time, the same information rang out regarding the little girl. They could find nothing to indicate Molly was a Davidson or nothing in terms of blood relationship to the family or even adoption records that would tie the girl to the family in some way.

“Sh!t,” Serena murmured as she knew that they had to believe it this time, and now she was fearing that they were walking into a deeper and darker mess.

“Have you tried Max?” Dr. Baker asked as she glanced at paleness of the detective’s face.

“No, I am not going to go to him until I have to as he’s back visiting family and dealing with personal business and the Chief wouldn’t like it if he comes back and tries to interfere when he’s supposed to be on vacation.”

“I guess,” CJ nodded as she did have a sense Max would be back if he was told half of what was happening in Molly’s case.

“So, we’re going to have to run DNA testing to see if we can find Molly’s origins in the databases?” Serena feared.

“Yup, and we’re back upped up so it’s going to take a while for the results to come in.”

Serena nodded, and sighed as she signed off on the plan. “Okay run it.”

Dr. Baker nodded as Serena left the lab and, on the way, to spend the day with her kids so she stopped by the hospital and noticed that Molly wasn’t in her room. “Where is Molly Davidson,” she asked the nurse.

“The playroom,” the nurse said. “The doctors wanted her to socialize more with the other kids.”
Serena nodded, and walked towards the playroom, and found the little girl looking at the computer…

“What’s up,” Serena asked as she approached the girl. “You’re looking stronger if you’re moving on your own.”

“I am just curious,” Molly smiled softly as her voice was starting to come back at full force as Serena could notice that the girl was looking at a website related to aliens.

“I didn’t know you like aliens.”

“I don’t know if I do,” Molly nodded. “It’s just something that popped in my mind, and I don’t where it came from” she said as her mind was fuzzy, and she didn’t like it. It wasn’t the drugs because they were weaning her off the pain medication, so she had to cope with the injuries without the aid of medication although her injuries were healing faster than the doctors were expecting but her brain was acting different, and she didn’t know why it wasn’t operating on its own timeline.

“What do you think about?” Serena asked.

“It’s still blank most of the time,” Molly admitted. “But these bits and pieces come to my mind, and they don’t mesh with what you tell me of my life.”

“Really?” Serena asked.

“Yeah,” Molly admitted. “You and Max tell me, and I do remember the Davidson house, but I don’t know how I got there…”

What do you mean?” Serena asked.

“I don’t know. My mind is all fuzzy,” Molly admitted. “You and Max wanted to know but I don’t know where my pictures come from…

“Just let time take its time, as it will make sense in the end”.

“I hope so,” Molly muttered in her soft tender voice. “I want my life to make sense.”

“I promise you that one day it will,” Serena signed as she walked the girl back to her room, and played cards with her for a half hour before Molly went back to drawing on her pads that were stacking up, and Serena instead of going home, well, she went back to work… convinced that something was not right with Molly’s home life.

And that they might have unearthed something horrible in terms of the girl. She worried they were looking at a kidnapping situation or something else dastardlier… as she went to work on the Davidson family.



“I can’t believe you did it,” Liz was saying to Max. “You went back to that place,” she said as she sat in bed as she tried to come to terms with Max’s return and what he was saying to her. “So, you’re telling me that you went because I broke up with you?”

“You were a motivation. I felt I needed answers,” Max admitted. “I didn’t have them, and I needed them. Only I didn’t quite know what I was getting into or going to. I am happy to know, but still I wish I didn’t know that I was tricked so badly.”

“We all make choices we wish we didn’t,” Liz muttered as she thought of the doozies she had made over the last decade.

“Everyone tells me you were married,” Max said softly as he wanted to ignore his move to go to Antar and his risking of everything in his life. “I am glad you were happy.”

“I may have gotten married, but I was never happy.” Liz muttered as she thought of both of her marriages.

“What do you mean?” Max asked.

“I married Sean to prove to myself I could move on… and for other reasons” Liz said not wanting to admit that being pregnant was a big motivator, but most of it was to try to move on from Max and show that she wouldn’t go back if he were to come back. Kyle was more friendship than true happiness, and while we lasted long enough… still, neither of us were truly happy.”

Max knew when she said other reasons, she must have been referring to being pregnant. “Kyle is with Isabel now, and they seem happy.”

“They are. Isabel is his one, and I am thankful he had that chance again to grab it.” Liz said with a genuinely smile. “We weren’t happy. He has found happiness with Isabel and I am glad he has that chance… they deserve it.”

“And you… what about you?”

“I just want my daughter back….” Liz said but trailing away any thoughts as she turned her sights over to the picture of Bella by some flowers, by the telephone “You heard, right?”

“Yeah, I am so sorry…” Max said quietly as he saw her staring at the photo, and the child, full of life, was so striking in the picture. The brown hair and looking so much like her mother as it hurt Max to think of what Liz had lost during their time apart.

“She’s the only reason I am still around. She made my life worth living,” Liz sighed as she knew that without that little girl than she might have been liable to have done anything and succumb to her darker impulses in those early days. “Life has not been the same without her…” she thought as tears came to her eyes as she thought of Isabella.

“You’ll find her…” Max said softly as he touched her hand and she felt the stirring of electricity in the touch as she took away her hand.

“I hope so,” Liz nodded as she battled to get her emotions under control. “Life seems to like kicking me when I am down.”

“Life can be like that…” Max acknowledged as he thought of all the challenges he had gone through since he was last in Roswell. “I am sorry because you don’t deserve this kind of pain.”

“So…. Are you married, kids?” Liz asked as she tried to get away from the pain she felt over her daughter as she diverted to Max, and what kind of life he had led during his absence.

“No,” Max shook his head as they exchanged meaningful looks. “I had a hard time once I came back Antar, and it messed me up for a long time and even now, I have never even wanted to settle down or wanted to attempt it”

“How bad was it?” Liz asked.

“I nearly died,” Max murmured to Liz’s gasp and wince. “I hate how it sounds but it was the truth that I was dead if not by some miracle they hadn’t dragged me back to the land of living.”

“What do you mean” Liz asked horrified by the description of it and the thought he might not able to come back at all. “You were dead…”

“Very close,” Max admitted. “I told Michael some of it and therefore the short version of it was that when I went over there to…you know.”
“Yeah,” Liz nodded as she thought of his home planet.

“I lost my abilities when I came back…” Max said. “So, I had no way of saving myself and truthfully I am lucky I am alive today and I don’t know how I am still alive.”

“You make it sound bad…” Liz asked horrified.

“It was bad Liz, I mean bad. I didn’t want you to be able to see it nor my parents or Isabel. That is why I didn’t come back after I found out about Tess’s betrayal. I should have come back but I didn’t want to put you guys through it because I didn’t even know me back then. I know I promised you I would come back, but I didn’t know I wouldn’t even recognize myself so no, I couldn’t come back.”

“We could have helped you” Liz asked as her heart flipped over the idea of Max going through so much pain away hundreds of miles away from them, and without any of them being aware it was happening. “We could have lost you and we didn’t know.”

“I didn’t want you mixed up with the man I was Liz,” Max said softly. “I screwed up your life so much by loving you. I didn’t want you to see who I was…”

“I loved you Max,” Liz said softly. “I wanted a life with you.”

“I know,” Max said. “But I was bad news Liz,” Max sighed at the memories. “I had to prove to the authorities I was still sane, and I couldn’t do that with you or Mom and Dad witnessing it. I was a mad man until my abilities were able to ease back in and I was able to balance myself.”

“We could have helped out” Liz insisted. “That is what being parents are all about, being there for their children in the hard times. Phillip and Diane would have wanted to be there for you,” she murmured but knew she was fighting a lost cause. “Fine, okay, you stayed away to get better but once you were doing better, why stay away?”

“By that time, I knew you had moved on Liz. In one of my free moments from whatever hospital they had dragged me to, I found out about your marriage from an old issue of the Gazette. I knew you had married Deluca. I assumed you were happy. I wasn’t aware you had ended the marriage but during those two years of my battles, I found out you and Sean got married… and I connected the dots and knew you had moved on only weeks after I left. Maybe I was miffed at myself, but you deserved a shot of happiness without me around to mess things up, and so I stayed away.”

“You knew?” Liz asked as she remembered Michael mentioning some of it.

“Yeah,” Max said. “I thought you didn’t want me anymore, so I might as well stay away.”

“God Max,” Liz sighed. “If you only knew…” unsaid in her words was that he was Bella’s father, and if only he had come back, she might have made different decisions.

Max nodded.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 17 - Updated: 12/12/2018

Post by Roswelllostcause »

It is good that Max and Liz are talking. It is not easy on them but it is good that they are talking.
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 17 - Updated: 12/12/2018

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Wow so the truth is starting to come out. About damn time. Liz needs tell Max about Bella. Max needs to know. And maybe then Max and Liz could be together. Wondering how long it will be before Liz tells Max or someone tells Max. What will Max do when he find out the truth? Hopefully stay with Liz and Bella. So Molly is trying to figure out the truth. Hopefully someone will know and do something.

L-J-L 76
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 17 - Updated: 12/12/2018

Post by RoswellFan68 »

I would like to think that a possibly kidnapped child's DNA would go to the front of the line in the lab, to speed up finding her family. Liz needs to tell Max about Bella.
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 17 - Updated: 12/12/2018

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Max and Liz are just talking around things.......wish Liz would come clean with Max.
Kyle realizes some day things will change with Bella.....but she can have several families.
Serena continues to find out new info....
Can't believe the DNA backlog is slowing Molly's identification.
Love that Molly was searching the alien web site...........
So Max told Liz he didn't come back because she moved on.........well PLEASE Liz tell Max the truth.
Thanks for the stress, Carolyn
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