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Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 12:33 pm
by ~Ruby~
Bre, sweetie, I hope that you don't mind but I used Maria at my end of my post. If you want me to reword something then let me know. *kisses*


"It's not a transport ship," He comments.

My bite my lip nervously. Is that a yes or no? Suddenly, this pushing forward thing doesn’t seem like such a good idea. I should have waited for Maria and Liz. They know what they are doing. I’m just a stupid farm girl from Lamia. Oh hell, what have I done?

“It doesn’t matter,” Maria says, stepping in and saving me once again. “We aren’t looking for any luxury. We are looking for a ride off this damn planet. We have money and we have each other. We don’t need anything else. Now, can we speak to your captain or what? We want to get off this planet as soon as possible!”

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 3:46 pm
by OnDragonflyWings

I look from one girl to the next. They seem desperate to leave this godforsaken rock, and I can't blame them, but I also can't quiet my curiousity. Why are they so eager? But it would be out of place to ask them that.

"Not a big fan of Janos either," I say casually, as Aphrodite introduces herself.

I cross my arms over my chest, introducing myself,"I'm Max. Captain of The Pheonix."

And now for what it always comes down to,"How much are you willing to pay?" So long as the price is right, they can come on my ship for a while anyway.

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 4:43 pm
by ~Ruby~
If people don't start posting continuously soon then I will be recasting. I don't understand why no one is posting. If there's a reason then please let me know.


He introduces himself as the captain and I bite my lip nervously. Wow, way to make a first impression. I glance towards the oiled covered girl, Aphrodite, and smile. She said that they can relate and that works in our favor.

“How much are you willing to pay?”

That works in our favor too. Money talks and it obviously talks extremely loudly to Max, Captain of the Phoenix. This time I’m in no hurry to open my mouth. I don’t know how much it costs to hide on a ship. I’ve never been on the run before. I notice Maria and Liz share a look before Maria steps forward.

“I think that we should discuss fees back on the ship,” she suggests with a easy smile. “I don’t want the wrong people hearing how much we have and robbing us if you decide to pass up on this offer. You’d have to be stupid to do that though and you’re not stupid, right?”

My eyes widen slightly when I hear the word stupid. Doesn’t Maria want us off this planet? I look at Liz to see if she is going to say anything to make the situation a little better or do something that will help us get passage onto the Phoenix.

“What my sister means is it would be safer for us to discuss this business on the ship and that we are willing to pay a lot to get of this planet.” I say, stumbling over my words in an attempt to get them out quickly.

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 11:07 pm
by OnDragonflyWings

Something seems a little off about this, but I can't exactly put my finger on it. I nod at them. "We'll discuss it at the ship, but we gotta get some parts first..." I trail off, glancing at Aphrodite. I would leave her here and go back to the ship on msot planets in a situation like this, but this planet is different, that's not safe here.

I let the stupid comment slide, since the blonde sister seems really sorry about it. Some people just don't know how to communicate.

"Your rooms aren't gonna be anything special," I begin to tell them,"And we've got business to you go where we're going. You can make your leave whenever you want...but we aren't going out of our way to drop you off somewhere. You don't ask any questions about our business." Hopefully they'd keep mostly to themselves. Otherwise I could see my whole ship going wonky with the arrival of three girls. "You aren't part of my crew..."

They didn't need to think that I ahd any loyalties to them. This was simply a business transaction. I wouldn't let anything bad happen to them, but if they ever jeopardized my crew, they were gone.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 10:15 pm
by Lizzie_Parker17

I look to Tess who I know is desperate to get off this planet then to Maria to gauge their thoughts. When I realize we are all on the same page I step forward.

"We aren't asking for much Captain Evans, just a ride out of here. We will pay you what is necessary to achive that goal. As for questions. Don't worry we wont be asking them and I kindly ask the same from you."

I cant help but feel a little apprehensive. I get strong vibes of arrogance coming off the captain which I suppose makes sense with his postion on his ship. I just hope he doesn't cause us any trouble.
As for the girl hes with she seems nice enough so I flash her a friendly smile before turning back to The Captain to await his decision.


Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 5:37 pm
by Fehr'sBear
I'm afraid I just can't get into the swing of this rp. I unfortunately would like to give up my character. sorry everyone.

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 8:07 am
by ~Ruby~
I'm sorry to see you go, Fehr'sBear, but I completely understand.

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 3:26 am
by FaithfulAngel24
OOC: Sorry I've been MIA. Things have been a bit screwy. I hope this post is ok. If not just let me know and I'll edit.


Standing rather awkwardly Alex announces “I suppose we should,” I decide to take charge by leading the way. Pausing for only a brief moment when he tells Kira goodbye. We reach the outside and I shield my eyes from the obstructing light.

Damn when you spend all your time in the darkness it makes resurfacing a tad sensitive. Alex gasps beside me and I turn to him with a worried expression.

“Is everything okay?” His features are abnormally hard as if he is desperately trying to contain emotion. This is unlike him. Is there something I don’t know? I take a deep breath and await his responce. :D

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:28 pm
by baby_bre
Good to see you're back :)


I am aware of Isabel's gaze on me but I can't seem to stop the images that are flashing before my eyes. Make it stop, I plead in my head as I stand there, "I'm... fine." I finally choke out, trying to compose myself but it isn't easy. I probably don't look fine and I sure as day don't feel fine but I don't want Isabel to know that.

"Shall we get moving?" I ask and take a deep breath, willing the memories away as I smile at her.

[[sorry my post is soo meh.]]

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:26 am
by FaithfulAngel24
OOC: Thanks Bre. Your so sweet. :D


I narrow my eyebrows in confusion at the look of horror stretched across Alex‘s features. What is wrong? I worry a bit more about him then I‘d care to admit out loud. "I'm... fine." He stammers but his expression tells me that he‘s anything but.

"Shall we get moving?" He takes a long deep breath before flashing a smile that doesn’t quite meet his eyes. Something is not right about this. I can’t go on pretending everything is honky dory when it is obviously not. Before I think better of it I reach out to him. My fingers wrap around his toned forearm.

“Alex I…” The feel of his skin on my fingertips is almost too much to bare. How embarrassing. Being the second in command of a highly successful ship and still getting the butterflies in my stomach when a certain man is near.

“Maybe a walk wasn’t such a good idea.” I try sheepishly. “We could always just go back on the ship and…” Okay I’m drawing a blank here. What in the world would Alex want to do with me? “Talk.” I finish a tad lamely. He must think I am a complete spaz.