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Post by tequathisy »


taken by M&M<3
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Post by Zanity »

#48 -- Taken by Evelynn

Challenge text moved to:

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Post by Zanity »


Name: The Young Bride

Pairings: M/L the rest you decide

Ok I got this idea while thinking about the destiny message....

Summery: Picks up during Crazy... We all know Tess came out of her pod late, but what if she came out really late? When Tess shows up she's only 11 years old. She still makes friends with Isabel (Though obviously not through school cause Tess is in the 5th or 6th grade., but she doesn't mindwarp Max, (So no daydreams or Max/Tess kiss) because she hasn't even hit puberty yet and she's not interested in him (or any other guy) yet. Max still gets captured and rescued, they still have the destiny message, but Liz makes a joke about Max's mother not kidding about his "young" bride and nobody takes the relationships mentioned seriously. But they do take the message seriously and start training for when their enemies arrive.

I don't care if you vaguely follow the shows story arc with the skins etc. from here or make up your own but continue the story through encounters with the enemy.
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Post by LizNdAlec4eva »


-Everything is the same up to Departure.
-Max and Liz do get back together.
-But the reason Liz's powers show up is because Liz and Max slept together.
-Max gets on the ship with Cal in L.A.
-Liz finds out she is pregnant.
-Liz, Iz and Micheal get really close and they all are very angry at Max.
-8 months later, Liz is heavily pregnant, her and Iz are closer than Liz and Maria ever were.
-Max returns without his son, only to find out that Liz is pregnant with his daughter, that Liz, Iz and Micheal are very close and that they all pretty much hate him.
-Max gradually is let back into their life, one day he get flashes from Liz showing that she has had a really tuff pregnancy (up to author what happened.)
-Happy dreamer ending.[/b]

My Numb3rs xo fic. Coming Soon!
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Post by FrenchDreamer »

Sorry in advance if something similar has already been proposed, if so i would like to read it :D
M/L Fluff and Smut
Short story maybe one part or more
The title is not official: Pray for the phone not to ring !
I was watching the episode 317 lately and this idea came to my mind...

OK so what if Max and Liz never answered the phone because they were too preoccupied about their study in Biology :twisted: ?

I know this summary is lame but i hope someone will be interested anyway :D
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Post by cardinalgirl »


CC? With some UC leanings.

Probably Tess-centric.

What would have happened if Nasedo had found Max, Isabel and Michael in Roswell, but something happened and he was killed before he and Tess could get there?

Tess, on her own, and suddenly unsure of what to believe (because to her knowledge, Nasedo couldn't even die), now comes to Roswell alone, and while she's grown up hearing about Destiny and the importance of following it, she begins to realize that she doen't know as much as she'd like to, and not everything that she does know makes sense.

Without Nasedo there to constantly remind her of what is at stake and why Destiny is so important, will she try as hard to convince the others? Or will she be able to give up everything she was raised to believe, and take life into her own hands for once?

-Remember, she will feel very strongly about Destiny when she initially gets to Roswell. As strongly or even moreso than she did on the show. Some Max/Tess moments are inevitable, at least at the beginning.

PM me if you're interested. No Adult or NC-17 ratings, please.
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Location: In my own little head where Roswell is still on and Max and Liz were never apart.

Post by Bubblegal »

CHALLENGE 53 - TAKEN: Dream Weaver

Couples: M/L - CC for others - will be explained.

Summary: Max Evans is frustrated with everything that had happened to him - the white room, Michael and Isabel's betrayal, the dupes and everything so he finds a way to vent his frustration.

He joins a fight ring (The ones that takes place in an abandon warhouse or something like that and no gloves are allowed).

Timeline: Set after Max in the City - Max and Liz still have their 'friendship' talk.


Max is introduced the fighting club by someone at school (One of the jocks, more likely).

Liz patches him up when he goes to her because he only trusts her - his excuse 'People have seen the cuts and bruises' so he can't heal himself - Liz doesn't know what is going on. She doesn't question him.

Liz goes to the club because someone took her there (One of the students that seen Max fighting) and she sees what Max is doing. Max stopped when he saw her and Liz flees the scene with Max chasing her.

Liz makes a deal with Max - She'll answer all his questions if he answers all her questions (Kind of like Twenty Questions). The truth comes out - Kyle, Future Max. Max - Tess and all that.

Please add in some embarssing ones (Like when they first started to masurbrate and who did they think of? Liz was Max's and Max was Liz's. Also, like how far the fanstasy actually went - Sexual Healing).

Max and Liz gets close with each time they meet up and they kiss, starting up their relationship. -this happens during when Liz is patching him up.

Max isn't Max - he is more tougher. He isn't bowing down to anyone and he isn't letting Isabel and Michael walk all over him as he used to. When he issues an order - he makes it very clear that its an order. The only time he's Max is when he's around Liz.

If Max could have a tattoo on his right shoulder - that would be great. :D

Kyle and Tess are getting closer. Maria and Michael are still together.

Alex is dating a girl - no one knows but Liz - who walks in on them and is happy for him then Isabel finds out and loses her temper. She and Alex later get back together.

Sean still wants Liz and he goes by the Crashdown/House and sees Max and Liz - A) having fun or B) Them kissing and knows that he has lost his chance so he joins the fight club.

He and Max go against each other and Sean baits Max about Liz - make it suggestive - Sean wants Liz in his bed and he will let Max know how he wants it and how he thinks Liz will be.

Max loses his temper and wins the fight.

Max, finally, gets himself out of the fighting ring and sorts out his life.

Optional (Meaning, they don't have to be in the story):

Sean tries to get back at Max for beating him so he attacks Liz - Alex saves Liz in time (Sexually or just physically - Liz never gets raped). Alex takes Liz to the hospital and tells Max the truth - who then goes after Sean.

Jim gets a call about the fight club and heads over there - everyone runs away but Max gets captured and arrested - Jim has no choice in the matter and the Evans's gets called in.

Michael and Isabel are annoyed with Max's attitude - Max is not Max - he has a tougher attitude, he's not lying down anymore and when he makes an order - he makes an order because he is tired of everyone walking over him. The only time he is Max is when he's around Liz.

Diane finds out the truth due to Max telling her.

Remember - these ones don't have to be in the story.

Rating: Mature/Adult - You can have Max and Liz cementing their relationship but it's mostly that because of the violence.

I really, really, really hope that someone will be able to pick this up - I've had it running about in my head for a while but as much i would love to write this - i can't - i have my own stories and other challenges that i have picked up.

Please let me know what you think or if you would like to take it up - i like hearing people's thoughts on it.

*Looks around hopefully*


*Bubbles to everyone!*
Last edited by Bubblegal on Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Zanity »

Oh I love that last one... unfortunately taking challenges isn't in the cards for me... I'm having enough trouble keeping up with my own fics.
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Post by Dream Weaver »

Dani....I love your challenge 53 and would love to take it....I will PM you! :)
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Post by Zanity »

#54 The Many Shapes of Love (M/L + CC) -- You can change the title if you like.

Note on powers: All of the pod squad can use any of the powers.

Max: Max is the best healer. He can heal the most severe injuries and it drains him the least.

Michael: Michael is the best at blasting. He can generate larger blasts than any of the others.

Isabel: Isabel is the best at dreamwalking, she as a bigger range than the others.

Liz: Liz can get flashes of the past, present, and future when she touch things or people. (Like when she saw the orb being buried when she was "touching" Max or when in the show she saw the future mugging of that woman.) They all can but it comes more naturally for Liz. (ie. Max said they could get flashes when thing got intense during Missing and he got the flash of Kyle in Liz's room. Michael got the flash off that key but then they all tried to get flashes from it and failed. Michael tried twice in the dome only succeeding the second time. Liz with full powers would have been able to get those flashes any time she wanted to. Not just when things got intense or after several failures.)

Ok this picks up near the end of Sexual Healing when they touch the orb the blue light flashes around them and it accelerates the development of both Liz and Max's powers. (Max hasn't finished maturing so his powers were still developing too.)

As a result they both become shapeshifters. The problem is their base form is blocked from each of them.

They see each other normal, but if they look at their reflection or photographs taken or security footage they see what everyone else sees. But they still have a sixth sense type reaction so they no who it is.

They are about to head to the Crashdown when Max notices Liz's reflection isn't what it should be so they head to Michael's instead.

Michael doesn't recognize them at first and they have to prove their identities.

At the beginning they aren't good enough at shapeshifting to change their gender. So Max can only be males that aren't him and Liz can only be females that aren't her.

So Max and Liz are apparently missing for a while as far as anyone who isn't in on the alien secret is concerned. Eventually after lots of practicing and trial and error they manage to be able to shift to either gender and Max can take Liz's form and Liz can take Max's form. But they are still locked out of their base forms. (This should take days or weeks)

You can choose whether or not Tess is in it. But Nasedo is definately in it. If Tess is in it the there isn't any Max/Tess kiss or daydreams cause they either don't know where Max is or they think Liz is Max. (You could have Tess trying to mindwarp Liz when she's in Max's form if you want though.)

Eventually its Nasedo who teaches Max and Liz how to return to their base form.
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