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Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 6:35 pm
by CME
I'm looking for a beta for my Supernatural fanfic. If anyone is interested, please send me a pm. Thanks.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 6:36 pm
by madroswellfan
madroswellfan wrote:


I need a beta for my upcoming fic "Mistaken Identity". Its AU with Aliens and will be mostly Dreamer fluff. Probably will be rated Mature. Based on an idea that if Lonnie and Rath could shapeshift, so could Max. Basically a three way triangle, Max/Liz/Kyle. Dreamer assured.

It probably won't be regularly updated, although I would like it to be, so kicking my arse to update may be part of the job ;)

I already have the short prologue written and the next chapter is on its way.

Thanks in advance


Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 6:55 am
by carter13
hi, im looking for someone to beta my first fan fic. its called Unknown. its got a bit off uc and cc, its AU with aliens and the dupes are involved.

here the link.

PM me or email me, if your interested


Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 8:32 pm
by rwllmn
taken thanks

hey guys, i'm looking for a beta for a fan fic i've written.

its an AU with CC pairing with a mix of fluff. alex and tess are brother and sister as are michael and liz in this story. the plot deals with the group of eight's love life or lack of one.

i'm still new at writing fan fics so i would really l ike someone to help me out. thanks! so pm if anyone is interested :D

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 7:42 pm
by Behrystrwbry
I guess this isn't the conventional way of going about things but I'm looking for a beta to help me work out a specific plot point for a story that's already mostly written and plotted out. In fact I've been posting it, Deke's and DEBs over on the AU board.

As I said I've got it all outlined but I'm stuck on a specific point and I'd like someone to help me talk it out, bounce ideas off of, and possibly lend suggestions.

You can check out the story if you haven't already and pm me if you're interested.


Beta Offer

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 7:55 pm
by DreamerLaure
TAKEN - Two people have taken me on as their beta - Thanks for the responses everyone!

Hey, if anyone needs someone to Beta their fic, I'm free to help you out. PM me.

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 2:58 am
by Shadowlynxbehr

Hi guys, this isn't really a typical request, but I was wondering if there was someone out there who wouldn't mind helping me figure out some plot and character issues I'm having with a new story I want to post soon. Basically I just want to bounce ideas off of someone and get help with this one really tough decision I'm having. :lol:
It's going to be an AU without aliens and is a dreamer fic...that's about all I can say until I can talk to someone about it. :?
If I can't get it resolved, I may just have to abandon the fic and take up one of the others I'm thinking of.
You can PM me and we'll discuss it there or in Yahoo IM. Thanks.

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 7:04 pm
by nibbles2
I need a new beta for my fic Gold diggers as my current one is really busy at college and unable to beta it for me anymore.

taken. thanks orangesky.

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 4:09 pm
by Jen C
Willing to beta in every category except Alternate Universe w/out Aliens and Slash. I know most crossover universes, however, it would be best if you PM me with your cross, and I will let you know if I am well versed in it. Prefer to beta only M/L stories or any story that Liz is the main character (UC/Cross).

I am pretty good at grammar. A wiz at spelling. So-so at punctuation. I use Word 2000, but also have Microsoft Works. I love to have people bounce ideas off of me and to give ideas. If you and I decide to work together, I will ask that you tell me exactly what it is that you want of me. Every writer has different ideas of how they want things done. I tend to change fonts and font sizes to Verdana 11pt. for easier reading for me, but I can change that back to your original when I am done if you desire. Just let me know. The changes I make, I make in the body of the text in red. I can also make a list with the line the change is on so that something as small as punctuation can be found. Or even just cut out the paragraph that the change is in. Although, I think that sometimes that can be confusing.

I would really love to work with some of the Dead and Buried fics (as an idea bouncer if nothing else) if someone feels inclined to bring one back.

I am really not as bad as this advert sounds, I am just detail oriented. ;-)


Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 9:28 am
by Jull_ana
hey, guys!!

I'm writing a new fic, as an answer to behrlyliz's challenge #107 here.
It's CC, AU without aliens, and a new year one parter.

And I need a beta, mainly to bounce ideas with, because i'm still at the outline phase, and later to correct grammar and help me out with any plot mishaps.

Thank you!!!

PM me if you're interested.


:D :D