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#57 AU or AU with Aliens CC Take by To KIss A Frog

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 1:55 pm
by Reamhar
#57 AU or AU with Aliens CC Taken by To Kiss A Frog

(but if someone wants to take it down a cannon route I'll happily shift it to another thread)

One of Nickelback's songs keeps sticking in my head since I downloaded it to my IPOD, I think the lyrics would make a great scenario for a story, but that's just my opinion.

Main Lyrics Given below and they belong to Nickelback of course, no infringement intended:-

Should've Listened

There's clothes all over the floor
I don't remember them being here before
Smell of perfume isn't here, why's lipstick on the mirror?
And still I don't understand

No pictures left in the hall, there's three new holes in my wall
Where the hells my credit cards, why's my wallet in the yard
And still I don't understand

Well now I guess I should've listened
When you said you'd had enough
A little trick I picked up from my father
In one ear and out the other, whys love gotta be so tough?

Should see the look on my face, my shit's all over the place
Why's this happening to me, why'd you take both sets of keys?
And still I don't understand

Well now I guess I should've listened
When you said you'd had enough
A little trick I picked up from my father
In one ear and out the other, Whys love gotta be so tough?
Well now I guess I should've listened

There's clothes all over my floor
I don't remember them being here before
There are no candles in here, lipstick still on my mirror?
And still I don't understand

Now I guess I should've listened
When you said you'd had enough
A little trick I picked up from my father
In one ear and out the other, why must life be so tough?


I'd rather it was cannon couples, but I don't mind which member of any of the couple comes home to find their stuff all over the place and their woman AWOL.

Being a Dreamer though, I’d love it to be M/L I had rather imagined it being a pod Max circa season 2 returning home to get his comeuppance.

Most importantly I'd like to see someone be creative with the back story that the lyrics set up

-where'd they go
-why/what went wrong for them to run/leave, etc
-why'd they learn that trick from their father
-why are there three holes in the wall
-how does this person leaving effect the other couples
-what's the message in the lipstick,

etc, etc; you get what I mean.

Smut and angst are both good, but it would be nice to have a happy ending.

Title is up to the writer, but “Should've Listen” is fairly thought provoking I thought.

So, now that I’ve posted this hopefully I’ll be able to get the song out of my head.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 10:51 am
by Jezebel Jinx
#5 in XO Challenges

Taken by KiaraAlexisKlay

Chimeras, Kismet, and Eros

Set: After ‘White Room’ and in the beginning of ‘Destiny’

Couple: Liz/Alec

Rating: Teen/Mature/or Adult

Summary: After Liz and Max separate ways from the rest of the group and are on the run, Max manages to get away but Liz is captured “re-captured”.

Must Have

-Liz is an X5

-Her and Alec are mated pairs.

-Liz is taken to another ‘White Room’ (since the one Max was in was kind of messed up) and tortured for a while before Pierce and other FBI agents realize what Liz is.

-Lydecker or Renfro goes to Roswell and takes Liz from the Special Unit.

Other than that stuff have X-tremer fun.

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 8:50 am
by Queen Fee
# 35 Roswell/SN


Imagine Max went to Antar in Control, Maria went to NY and Isabel left with Jesse leaving Liz, Michael and Kyle who move away to college together and have formed a sibling like bond.

One night Liz is threatened by a stranger in an alley when she is walking home but is rescued by Dean Winchester who is in town with his brother Sam investigating a tip off by a cop friend of their father's about a murder involving a silver hand print. Liz and Dean become friends and fall for each other. Michael is wary of Dean at first because of his interest in Liz and they clash as they both have the same temperament.

Liz, Michael and Kyle don't know about the murder but somehow find out about it and decide to run which makes Sam and Dean suspicious and they follow them, what will happen for Liz and Dean when he discovers the truth and who was the murderer?

I decided to take up the challenge myself. Here's the link:

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 10:20 pm
by Jen C
Taken by LysCat

Link to be added at posting of story.

Challenge #102 on the AU challange thread

AU with Aliens

Pairings: Max/Liz other couples are optional. Although I have ideas as to who I would like to see. And while I would prefer it to be Max/Liz driven, I do like to see all characters used. If it turns out somewhat UC, I can move it to the UC board.

Summary: Instead of someone going to Liz in TEOTW, someone goes back in time to prevent Nasedo from finding Tess. They are made to wait for her and leave the chamber together. Michael ends up with Hank, and Isabel and Tess end up with the Evans. I don’t know who Max ends up with. Maybe it is someone in town, or maybe it is someone in Clovis or where ever, and they end up moving to town.

I am of several minds as to how I would like this to go, so I am going to post all options. You can choose which way you like best.

1. If Max ends up in Roswell, then the whole Soul Mate thing with Liz still happens at an early age.

2. If Max ends up in Clovis, then they move to Roswell when he is young, and then the whole Soul Mate thing happens.


3. If Max ends up in Clovis, then they move to Roswell when he is older, and you make your own rules as you go along.

Must haves: Tess is a good guy. She is raised knowing that she is an alien, but without Nasedo's influence, she grows up 'human'.

I want a Tess and Liz friendly fic. Have them bond over something. They aren’t friendly at first. Not hate each other, but she is Isabel’s sister, and they run in the same circles. Something happens, and Tess befriends Liz.

If there is any crushing on Max on Tess’ part, I don’t want it to become a war between Liz and Tess.

I would prefer it to be somewhat fluffy relationship wise, but they are aliens, so something has to happen or it would be boring. That part is up to you.

Some questions I would like to see answered: Where did Nasedo end up? Is he even a factor? I would assume that he is still looking for them. What about Destiny? Is there one? They don’t have to be Royalty. Are they?

I am sure I can think of other questions if you want them. PM me or email me if you have any questions.

Definitely must have a Dreamer friendly ending.

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 11:23 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
From XO Challenge Thread

#20 ~~~~> Taken by Jennifer24

Roswell/Punisher X-Over
Couple: Liz/Frank Castle (Punisher)
Rating: Teen-Mature

Liz's family is brutally murdered right in front of her and she wants revenge.

She cuts herself off from her Roswell friends and gets together with Frank Castle who was a friend of the family's. Liz asks him to train her and help her (she knows about what he did after his own family was killed).

He agrees and spends months training her to fight and eventually get together.


The Roswell gang corners her at the Crashdown and tells her she needs to confront her grief and let it all out. Frank comes out from the back and tells Liz it's time for training.

Liz drops out of school.

Liz kills the men that killed her family in front of the Pod Squad.

Rest up to the author.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 5:58 am
by somewhere87
took my own challenge


Kyle/? Tess ?

- Maria died with Alex, but are they dead?
- Michael and Isabel dreaming again
- Michael dreams about Maria
- Isabel dreams about Alex
- Michael and Isabel are convinced that they are still alive
- The others tells them to move on
- Michael and Isabel decides to leave to find Maria and Alex
- You choose if you want the others to go with them

- The bad guy is the fic is either:
* The dupes
* Tess
* The skins
(You can choose to have more bad guys ex. Tess/Dupes)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:22 pm
by elodie
*taken by sprayadhesive*


Liz is fifteen years old and dying from a fatal illness. She is healed one night, along with the rest of her room, by a mysterious, handsome stranger. (Max, of course)

She is haunted by his face and sets out on a journey to find him and thank him for what he's done. She finds him and they fall in love.

*It takes Liz a few years to find him.
*It's not all from Liz's side. Write what Max is doing while she's looking for him. Her face haunts him as well.
*There is a dark reason why Max makes healing his life purpose. Liz helps him deal with that.
*Maria is Liz's friend from the hospital. She is haunted by a face too, the boy keeping watch at the door. She helps her in her search.

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 5:35 pm
by behrlyliz
#109 – M/L, M/M – AU/NA Taken by Behrsgirl77

Dream Come True Challenge

Max Evans, Michael Guerin, Alex Whitman & Kyle Valenti make up the band 40 Miles to Clovis and are on their first headliner tour in the US, which has been termed the hottest concert of the year by Rolling Stone Magazine & the “if you could only attend one concert the entire year, it’d be this one” concert by MTV. There’s no denying that this is the year of 40 Miles to Clovis and they’re finally getting their due, after years of hard work and dedication. Setting records with Ticket Master, for within two days of the concert’s announcement, tickets were sold out in each city. People are selling their tickets for thousands on Ebay. It’s the most sought after ticket in the country, so imagine Sean Deluca’s elation & dread when he wins 4 tickets, along with backstage passes to their concert in Santa Fe from Roswell’s local radio station, KROZ. Sean’s elated because he gets to see the hottest band in the country but he’s dreading the concert because the lead singer & guitarist of 40 miles to Clovis is at the top of the “list” of his girlfriend of two years, Liz Parker. The list…you know the list every couple makes giving them pardon to have sex with a celebrity.

Nineteen year old, Liz has been in love with Max Evans since high school when 40 Miles burst on the scene, nationally. His face adorns the walls of her dorm room. She has every album & knows the lyrics to every single song. Although the band hails from Roswell, Liz has never met the band, for when they walked the halls of West Roswell she was in elementary school. So, it’s an understatement to say that she’s happy when Sean wins the tickets. This is her dream come true. Her best friend and Sean’s cousin, Maria jokingly questions whether she will take advantage of her “consequence-free sex with Max Evans” card, since he’s on her list. Liz loves Sean but this is Max Evans they’re talking about and a once in a lifetime opportunity like this doesn’t come often. Suffice it to say that if the opportunity presents its self, she would go for it. Who wouldn’t?

Maria Deluca, may not be as ecstatic as Liz to attend the concert with Sean, Liz & Billy, her boyfriend but she’s pretty stoked about it. 40 Miles to Clovis is a cool band and she has nothing but respect for them musically. Being an aspiring singer, she’s knows talent when she hears it and there’s plenty of talent in the group. In her opinion the writing team of Evans & Guerin is one of best and she’d give her right arm for a chance to write with them, so like most aspiring artist, she’s determined to get them to listen to one of her songs and meeting them backstage provides her with the best chance.

Max is your typical womanizing band member and it’s no different when he meets Liz. He’s immediately attracted to her and is flattered & intrigued when Maria, again jokingly brings up the fact that he is on Liz’s list. He jokingly responds that he’s down if she is. This was done for Maria and Sean’s benefit but he privately tells Liz that he’s interested and would like to spend some more time with her. He takes Liz to his suite for what he plans to be a typical night with a groupie but their night together is magical. He falls hard for her.

Michael meets Maria Deluca and immediately gets a headache. She’s loud, opinionated and won’t shut her trap but when he hears her sing, he can’t help but change his tune about her. It takes one song and he’s enraptured by the blonde pixie with emerald eyes, Jolie’s lips and voice of an angel. He recognizes her talent and wants to help her.

Max, Michael, Kyle & Alex are all 25 years old.
Liz and Maria are 19 years old, sophomores at UNM
Liz gets the chance to have her one night of what she believes is consequence-free sex with Max, but it turns out to be more.
Michael helps Maria get her break (Their relationship is strictly professional at first but it’s hard to keep that professionalism when they work together).
Billy is jealous and tries to sabotage Maria relationship with Michael.
Sean is jealous & hurt that Liz left with Max. Later when Liz breaks up with him, he tries to sabotage her relationship with Max by making her insecure about Max’s ability to stay faithful to her on tour (Liz can’t go on tour with Max, since it’s the middle of the semester).
Alex is married to Isabel (Max’s younger sister) and they’re expecting their first child.
Kyle is dating Tess and their relationship is going through troubles because of his touring schedule.

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 11:17 am
by LysCat
Challenge 27 in the UC challenge thread

Alternate Universe with aliens...

Couples: M/L, M/T, A/T is a must. The author can put the other characters together with whoever they want.

Back story: After the events that unfolded in EOTW, nothing followed from the show. The author can mention things however they want. Max and Liz never really 'made up' after he saw her with Kyle. He gets together with Tess (while M/L weren't together, I still want the group to 'stay together' for better or worse).

Starts off years later when the group is in their 20's. They all split up when college came around (again, author's choice as to how). Max and Tess are still together...Max wants to propose. I was thinking that he's a chef, wanting to open his own restuarant. He's been working a lot of hours to try and save up enough money. As a result, he's been neglecting Tess (but he still loves her, no Max bashing). Max, Tess and Alex are all really close. When Max begins neglecting Tess, she begins spending more time with Alex. Alex is in love with Tess, but she has no idea. One night Alex and Tess sleep together. They decide that it was a mistake and would have never mentioned it, but Tess ends up pregnant from that night. When they tell Max, he can't deal and moves away. Now, I don't really care if they live in Roswell after college or if that's where Max moves to after Alex and Tess tell him.

Tess and Alex get married because of Alex's parents insistance. She believes that she loves Max still, and Alex is still in love with her. Now, I would like for it to be realistic enough to where the Evans' are angry with Tess and Alex. Alex, being the sweet guy he is, never pushes Tess in anything and supports her one hundred percent. He does things for her, none that she ever notices though.

When Max moved away, he never imagined running into Liz again. The two begin a tentative friendship. They become the kind of friends they had never been before in the show, both sharing everything in time. Max and Liz fall for each other again and decide to date after a respectable time (remember, before the A/T thing, Max thought he wanted to marry Tess). Max and Liz have a much deeper connection then in the show. Despite how close they get though, Max still holds a heavy grudge against Alex and Tess. Liz feels threatened, thinking that Max is still in love with his ex no matter what he says.

For some reason (I'm thinking after the baby's been born), Max and Tess run into each other. Through that meeting, they patch up their differences and forgive each other. Tess realizes that she wasn't in love with him any longer and that she does love Alex. Max and Liz come to an understanding as well.

The two couples live happily ever after...of course.

I really don't want there to be any bashing of the four main characters. They all have their faults, but there's no reason to over expose them for any reason.

Taken by alizaleven.

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 2:47 am
by xmag
# Challenge 92 - TAKEN by Darkness_within_me

AU fic with alien, M/L & M/M

When the aliens hatched, Max and Isabel were found by the Evans but Michael, scared, ran away in the desert where he was found by River dog, who adopted him and raised him with his grandson, Eddie. Michael lives on the indian reservation, and has good tracking skills. He is still volatile but happy with his grandfather and quite close to the indian people.

In Roswell, the shooting occurs and Max saves Liz. But Alex witnessed Max saving Liz, not Maria, who wasn't working that day. So Liz tells the truth to Alex because she has no choice. But she doesn't say a word to Maria.

So Max, Liz, Alex and Isabel start spending more and more time together, while Maria is on the outside, which causes some tension between the three musketeers.

But at the same time of the shooting, Amy is organizing a sit in to save an indian archeological site and drags Maria to the indian reservation to help her. Once there, Maria meets Michael and witnesses him using his powers. He has no choice but to tell her the truth.

The Roswell gang follows every hint they have to discover who Max and Isabel are (Atherton, and following Max's visions), while Michael, Maria and Eddie do the same (Nacedo, the caves, the healing stones...).

Until one day, Nacedo arrives and sends a signal to his charges. The Roswell gang and the Indian reservation gang meet at the place of the signal and Liz, Alex and Maria see each other and realise that they all know the alien secret and that they had been suffering for nothing (Alex and Liz feel awful for drifting away from Maria and not telling her the truth, while Maria feels the same).

You can add Kyle and Tess or not, ditto with Kal Langley