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Post by Anna-Liisa »


All eight of us were there. Max was making a plan. I sighed. Why did I have to talk to the doctor? Of course we were in 'my' room, but...this was going to be so annoying. Tess was glaring at me earlier, so I checked if she still did. Not right now.

"So everyone else hides and I stay here and lure the idiot doctor or whatever here?" I ask.

"This is ridicilous.." I sighed again. "Where are you going to hide? There isn't anything to hide in" I mumble.

"Well, unless you have better plans, this is the plan" Michael says, supporting Max of course.

"I didn't say I wouldn't do it. I'll do it, but I'm not sure it'll work, Space boy..."


I'll post a long post when Kyle talks to Antonio.
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Post by isabelle »


I don't roll my eyes at Kyle and Michael's sparing again, although I sorely want to. "Listen," I try to explain. "I think we all need to hear whatever this guy has to say at the same time. And while I don't expect him to tell us the whole truth, I think he'll be a little more forthcoming with one of the humans than with one of us. And, he already knows you, Kyle. I believe you're the only one who's talked to him besides Michael, and I definately don't want that guy to have another chance at him."

I shake my head, not sure if I'm getting through or not. "Afterwards, you'll get rid of him and we'll get out of here. If it goes bad, we can take him out." I look around at the group. "If someone has a better idea or a suggestion, let me know."
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Post by Anna-Liisa »


"Afterwards, you'll get rid of him and we'll get out of here. If it goes bad, we can take him out, if someone has a better idea or a suggestion, let me know." Max says.

"What harm can one doctor do, Max? Can't you see, that there's no harm in him?" I asked.

I sighed. We were going back to the beginning again. I shook my head and then continued talking.

"If they'd be testing you, wouldn't you be unable to use your powers and be locked into the bed while they give you some drugs to keep you unconcious?" I asked.

"Didn't we just talk about this?" Alex sighs.

"All I'm saying that you all are being paranoid. We're a thousand year to the future--"

"That's not 100% sure.." Alex comments.

"Shut up Alex..." I sighed. "I believe we are. Have you looked closely out of the window. I mean, for god's sake...who would make a big scene like that??" I pointed at the window.

Then I was quiet for a while. Then I closed my eyes and leaned agaisnt the wall.

"After we find out that we're in the year 3000...If of When we find out...what are we going to do? Run out and be strangers in the whole new world?"
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Post by isabelle »


No harm in him? Wasn't Kyle there when we found him with Michael? What in the world did he think he was going to do to him and why? The biggest thing he can do is alert three thousand FBI agents with guns or sedatives to take us out before we can make good our escape.

"We can't do anything until we know what's going on. If it's all really as harmless as you think, then we'll all have a nice chat. We'll exchange e-mail addresses and cell-phone numbers and have a lovely get-together every Christmas," I say, adding the last bit sarcastically. I cross my arms over my chest, shaking my head.

"We need to know what he has to say before we can make any decisions. Everyone get out of sight. Tess, help if you can." I turn around - still worried about Michael. I don't want him shooting too soon but I also want him nearby. I give Isabel a look, hoping she'll try to keep Michael under control. "Everyone, go hide into the bathroom. I'll stay out here, in the closet in case you need me," I say, turning to Kyle. "Hit the call button and let's get this started."
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Post by Anna-Liisa »


"Hit the call button and let's get this started." Max tells me.

I sighed and walked over to the button, but then I stopped. Was there a point in doing this. We could find out easier. No hiding, nothing. They weren't going to do harm - I was sure about that.

"What if I don't press the button, Evans?" I asked. I knew I was being a moron, but I couldn't help it. I didn't want it to go like this.
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Post by isabelle »


"You already said you were going to do it, but I really don't much care. You go hide in the bathroom. I'm sure Michael can drag you in there if you chose to be stubborn." I say, turning away from him. If he had a better idea, I would listen. I wish someone would offer suggestions or ideas, but instead, all he does is refuse to help.

Turning to Tess, I ask. "Do you have enough energy to mindwarp him into thinking that I'm Kyle, or should we have Alex ask the questions for us?" It could be really a good idea if I were the one talking to the guy. I could control the interview better and maybe get what I need. So, before Tess has a chance to answer, I shake my head. "Nevermind. I'll just talk to the scientist myself. As me."
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: I know it's been too long getting this up, and hence why it's so long in length, I hope that it works anyway though, and I promise to try and keep more up to date with it from now on. Sorry :oops:


Although I’m willing to sit and wait, albeit reluctantly, Alex and Isabel seem to have other ideas and as soon as the others leave, they head on after them. Knowing that I’m not going to be able to change their mind, and that being here alone would be a pretty bad idea, I hurry out after them.

Max barely seems to notice the expanded group at first, but I can see from the look on Tess’ face that she has. This is all taking a huge amount of effort from her, it’s plain to see, and I just hope that the added burden of hiding us as well isn’t going to prove to be our downfall…

Max and Michael entered the first room next door, but weren’t in there long enough for the rest of us to follow, and that in itself proved that there was nothing there… The next was locked, and for a moment I thought it might have been Maria, but from the sight which met us, that thought was soon squashed.

Max motions to Kyle to come with us, but to my complete and utter amazement, not only does Kyle not come closer, but he actually moved further away, insisting that he’s not going… Is he crazy…?

His insistence about needing answers, finding out what’s happened makes sense, but at the same time me personally – I’d rather remain in the dark and get out of here. Of course that could have something to do with the fact that Kyle has just brought up now… We don’t know what’s happening to me, but who knows what they might want to do if they find out about it…

Kyle insists that he’s not an alien, that he’ll be safe here and I just don’t know what to think. I’d say he’s right in some respects, that I’m not an alien either – although I don’t see that making too much difference to the FBI right now, they took us for a reason… Then again, as soon as this something comes to mind… I’m not alien, but I’m not as I was before either…so what am I…?

Michael seems less than impressed by Kyle’s statement. "Listen Valenti…Weee…As in all of us aliens and humans don't have time for you. Maria is still missing somewhere in this place that is filled with FBI agents making up stupid lies about us being in the future just to trick you. If you're dumb enough to believe what they are saying then that's fine with me. But don't put our lives in danger by deciding to stay here."

He’s angry obviously, but also speaking an awful lot of sense…

"Kyle you know about us and our history. that makes you knowledgeable and useful to the FBI if they decide to torture you in just the right way. If you have flashes of what Max went through with the FBI than you know the type of torture I'm talking about. I'll be damned before me or anyone else is endangered, hurt, or possibly killed because of you're stupid decisions. Now....You're coming with us one way or another."

My eyes widen as he says this last though, raising his hand at the same time in a threatening manner. This is not the way to convince Kyle…of that I’m pretty sure…

Max seems to agree, trying to convince Kyle, but at the same time refraining from any of the tactics Michael was using. He mentions the fact that he’s not safe just because he wasn’t born alien, and then mentions me having powers – that still sounds strange, wrong even, but then that’s talking about it…feeling it, is another matter, and the energy that’s following through my body right now is pretty well under control, flowing as I feel it should…

His mention of this gets a definite reaction from Michael though… he obviously wasn’t listening to Kyle very carefully when he mentioned it, well either that, or he didn’t understand what he meant… Max tries to explain it briefly and then moves back to Kyle again.

He seems to take a different tact now, showing that he agrees with Kyle about finding out, but still insisting that he’s not leaving him, or anyone else.

It seems that Kyle is convinced this isn’t as it seems though – pointing out that they haven’t blocked Max’s powers. This is true I know, but I’m not so sure it means an awful lot… For starters, whatever has happened, we were taken from our homes and families…that’s not what I call a friendly thing to do.

Michael then starts ranting, saying that we can’t be in the future before trying to leave the room. It’s pretty much a mirror of what just happened in my room a few minutes ago, except that it’s Kyle who’s stopping him – or trying to stop him anyway – from leaving this time. I don’t hear exactly what he says, but Michael doesn’t seem very impressed and Max steps up to them both.

Quickly, he outlines a new plan, splitting into two, which will allow Michael to look for Maria – under the watchful eye of Tess, and also means that she won’t have to expend quite so much energy…keeping Michael hidden is enough for anyone I’d guess… Although this sounds like a contradiction against what he had just said, Max quickly clarifies that we’re not going anywhere just yet…not until the group is back together…and reveals the thinking behind him.

The two of them exit the room quickly, and the rest of us stand around. The tension in the room feels like it could be sliced with a knife, that’s for sure… I walk up to Max, just needing to be close to him, and listen as he argues with Kyle, trying to make him see sense. He voices my feeling about the fact that we were taken not being an action of a friend, and for a moment suggests that this could all be a movie set.

I don’t think any of us really believe that though, and Max is no difference, admitting after a moment that he thinks no such thing… I can’t help tensing as I think about what might have happened… What if it wasn’t only that they took us…what if my parents got hurt in the process. I agree that we need answers, but staying here is the last thing I really want to do…

I can see that Max is doing his best, trying to take charge, and he’s doing his best to make what sounds like a plan. First we get together, then we find some answers.

Of course the big question is the one that Isabel now asks…how…?

Max doesn’t have a chance to answer before Michael and Tess return with Maria. Oh God, it’s soooo good to see her. I go over to her, pulling her into a hug for a moment. “I am so glad to see that you’re ok…” I tell her softly before releasing her back into Michael’s arms. Somehow I don’t think he’s going to want to let go of her again any time soon…

Meanwhile, Tess is asking about the ‘plan’ such as it is, and Max is trying to explain. Kyle finds problem after problem with it, and Max is obviously getting frustrated. I go back over, touching his arm and hoping to calm him a little but it seems to have little, if any effect. He mentions ‘getting rid’ of the doctor and I can’t really believe that’s coming from Max. This is not like him, but then I think this whole situation is making us all act a little crazy… The arguments go on and on, but Max finally halts it, refusing to discuss any more and just insisting that we go and hide while Kyle presses the button.

Although I don’t want to, I go to do as he says, but stop as Kyle starts saying that he won’t. This apparently is the last straw for Max, and his reaction is to decide he’ll be the one to talk to the doctor. Hearing this, I move forward again, going back towards him.

Michael reaches out to stop him but I look and shake his head. I’m not going to let him pull me in there with the others…

Going over to Max, I reach out to touch his arm. “I want to stay with you…” I tell him softly. “From everything you’ve said, most of you they know are up – they came round to wake you as such, but me, as far as we know they don’t, and maybe that will be an advantage… Seeing me here with you might shock him into saying something he might otherwise not…” I try to explain my thinking, not wanting him to think that I’m trying to be awkward, but needing him to understand.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by Anna-Liisa »

ooc: It's okay, it's cool to read so big messages ; ) Everyone writes when they can...

Do you think Kyle could have powers in a little while too...I mean, I made the game so I can decide, but I want to hear opinions. Maybe when he gets mad at someone he could accidently do something he doesn't mean doing, lol.


Max said he was going to question the doctor. I sighed and got back into leaning agaisnt a wall. "Wouldn't it be muuuch easier for us all to be in this room when Mclean comes in? I mean, four aliens versus a human-doctor. Hmm..." I said, but mainly to myself.

But then again no one would support the idea, so I just got to the door. I tested if it still was open. Of course not. Who the heck locked it again? I looked at the others.

"Could someone open the door so I can get out?" I asked and looked at Max. "I just don't want to be in this room when you investigate this little problem, so open the crappy door..." I pointed at the door, hoping someone would open it.
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Post by isabelle »


"You're not going anywhere, Kyle," I tell him, trying hard not to grit my teeth. I hate having to force him but I gotta. I nod at Michael and he goes to stand near Kyle, ready to grab him, if needed. "I don't want to have to try to find you again later, or risk you being captured because you're apart from the group. There could be thousands of agents within shouting distance. They took us against our will and we don't know what they want. I don't want to lose anyone."

I don't really understand what's going on with Kyle. Sure, he thinks we might actually be safe here, doesn't he want answers, too? First he says he thinks we should all be together and then he says he doesn't want to be in the room?

With a sigh, I run my fingers through my hair, trying to sort this out. I know that what happens in the next few minutes is likely to make all the difference between us being safe or being lab-rats for the rest of our lives. The very thought makes me tense up even more than I already am, but I rigidly control it. I can't let the past control me.

Actually, that's pretty funny concidering how we've been expected to our lives now based on our past lives on Antar.

That thought brings me back to Liz. The one I want to be my destiny, if only she would let me. She also asked to stay out with me while I question the scientist, but for different reasons. As much as I'd love to have her at my side for any reason, I'm not sure that's a good idea.

"As for you, Liz, I don't really know that the 'surprise' factor is going to affect him much." My voice is gentle even 'though I'm disagreeing with her. I just can't help it. I love her too much. "He'll already be surprised to see me here instead of Kyle. I don't know that two will make a big difference. I just want you all to be safe." Although my words include everyone, I'm looking only at Liz as I voice my concern for their safety. On one hand, she might be just as safe with me as with the others. I can always use my shield to protect us. But I just feel better if I knew she was out of sight...

Crossing my arms, I survey the group. "Listen, I asked before if any of you had another idea, and Kyle's come up with two. I still think this doctor will be more truthful if he's only facing one of us, while the others are listening in and on hand to help, if needed. Kyle thinks we should question him all at once - " he also thinks he wants to leave, or even be left behind, I think, but I leave that part out. And of course, Michael just wants to blast our way out, but I hardly think that'll be the best course.

"What do the rest of you think? It's your lives, too," I say.

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Post by Galita »


"Max....their not all that bad. Their not agents. They're trying to help us.", I said. Everyone stares at me.

I sigh. "The nurse I had was really nice. Maybe if I get out of the mindwrap I can get answers from her." He shakes his head.

He frowns and sighs thinking of what we can do next. I look at the others and sighs.
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