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Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 2:50 pm
by soppysophs

Title: A Different Couple
Summary: Max is bad, Liz is bad, and they meet..........
Disclaimer: All i own are the thoughts of what I’d do to Colin hanks if i ever got him alone
Rating: ADULT
Pairing: M/L, like any other couple exists


Max Evans, Roswell's very own badass, strolled down the corridors of West Roswell High School, his destination Trig. Max walked into the room, to find he was 20minutes late & the teacher STILL hadn't showed up. He was going to take his seat when he noticed someone was occupying it.
"Move!" he said to the person with their head down on his desk. The reply he got was the occupier’s middle finger.
"MOVE!" He said again.
"Go fuck you sister!" Said the female occupier, still refusing to even look up
"Alright, thats it get the fuck outa my seat!" Max hollered
"Well would'ya look at that im not moving, so you fucked your sister already?" The bitch replied
"How'bout i go fuck your mar?" Max wasn’t gona give up
"What im supposed to care? Now i dont give a flying fuck what you do, just keep off my case, 'right?" (Liz with spunk, what'do'you think?)
"Just get'outa my seat, & run off & cry to your pimp!"
"Dont speak that way bout my dad!" (Joke, k?)
"Am i supposed to throw you outa my seat, or what?"
"You touch me, i remove your balls with a blunt knife"


Just then the bell went signalling end of period 3 & the beginning of period4. The girl walked of to her next class, while Max went to the loo.

Liz Parker sat in the back of the class, still pissed-off thinking about the wanker from trig. She put her head down on the desk again, in attempt to sleep. Max Evans walked into his English class, & again no sign of a teacher, he walked to the back of the classroom, where yet-again he found ‘that-bitch-from-trig’ in his seat AGAIN!
“No fucking way! Yo bitch you in my seat!” Max boomed at Liz
“You have to be shitting me!?!?!?”
“Why the fuck are you always in my seat?” Max asked
“Why the fuck do you always accuse me of being in your seat?” Liz shot back
“You don’t believe me huh? Yo dork,” Max said turning to a student, “do I usually sit there?”
“Y-yes” The guy nervously, said
“See, you’re always in my seat bitch. Now yet up!” Max shouted at Liz
“I hear ya, I don’t give a fuck” Liz said finally raising her head & standing up. Max was taken aback she was HOTTTT! Her hair was down & had gold streaks. She had a little make up on, which made her look her older. Gold hoops for earrings. She was wearing a short leather skirt, tight boob tube & a leather jacket & leather knee boots, all black. He was hard just by looking at her!

~Part 3~
Liz Parker stood up, “now I can see this wanker,” she thought. As she stood up she took in Max’ appearance; worn out trainers, tight leather pants, dark green shirt which clung to his chest. His face was dark, he had a little ring in the cartilage in his right ear, he had stubble on his cheeks, and his hair was spiked with dark blue lo-lights. The boy was soo hot he should be on fire.

“You da bitch, who always in my seat?” Max asked
“Well your pretty dumb arnt you?” Liz said
“Dumb-fuck” She then mumbled
“What was that?” Max asked obviously annoyed
“D.U.M.B. F.U.C.K!!!!!! Clear enough?” Liz shot back
“If you weren’t a girl I’d beat da fuck outa you” Stated Max
“Is that so?” Asked Liz walking closer to Max
“Well I might be a girl But I can still do this” Liz said
“Do what?” Max asked dumbfounded
“This” Liz whispered in Max’ ear. Before bringing her knee up to meet with his groin.
“OWCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” Max screamed out
“Haha!” Liz said returning to Max’ seat
“That’s it bitch, you’re going down” Max said pulling Liz out of his seat.

Five minutes later when the teacher walked into his classroom, he found Max & Liz punching, kicking, hitting & generally beating the crap out of each other.
“Mr Evans, Miss Parker, detention for the rest of this week!” Mr Cassidy boomed out.
The word shit could be heard mumbled by two particular students.


~Part4~ ~Detention~

Max walked into Mr. Cassidy’s classroom, only to find Little’Miss’Bitch in his seat AGAIN.
“Ah Mr. Evans, im glad you could join us, now take a seat & think about what you have done, & why you are here” Mr. Cassidy said looking-up from his work.

The next 45minutes went uneventfully.

“Im leaving you two alone, I trust you wont talk” The teacher said before exiting the room.
“He’s having a slash, he’ll be gone for twenty minutes” Max stated matter-of-factly
“Dumb-fuck” Liz muttered
“What was that?” Max asked getting up & standing in front of Liz’ desk
“It doesn’t take twenty minutes to hava slash” Liz said in a board tone.
“Fine, he’s havin’ a shit, happy?”
“Look, what the fuck is your problem?” Liz asked looking up
“My problem, your da bitch who’s always in ma seat!” Max replied getting angry
“As you seam like the only decent, non-cornball in dis fuck-town, then I’ll be nice to you, k?” Liz said putting her legs up on the desk, giving Max a hard-on
“Look im Max, Max Evans, you might seem like a bitch, but hey I’m willing to be nice if you are” Max said sitting on the desk adjacent to Liz
“Liz, Liz Parker, im moved from N.Y” Liz said looking at Max
“Why did ya move?” Max asked, trying to get comfortable
“Coz of ma ‘rent. Basically I fucked to mutch so they moved sum where, day knew I wouldn’t wana fuck nobody” Liz said clicking her neck round
“I’d fuck you” Max said then mumbled something along the lines of; aw fuck, I didn’t just say dat, FUCK!
“Well I’d fuck you, ’coz you da only fuckable guy in dis alien-themed-shit-hole” Liz said noticing Max’ erection. Deciding to have some fun, she stood up, went over to Max, jumped into his lap, & started to nibble on his ear. Satisfied when she heard Max groan she stood –up only to have Max pull her back & start making-out with her. As their tongues dulled, Max as sure mini-Max was growing. Knowing Liz needed air Max pulled his mouth away from her’s & started licking & sucking on Liz’ neck. As Liz’ moan’s increased Max pulled back & got off the desk.
“Not bad” Liz said, really thinking *oh fuck, that was shitting amazing*
Max needed more; he pulled Liz out of the classroom & down to the eraser room.

As soon as they were in the ‘eraser room’ dibbed ‘orgasm-space’ Liz started kissing Max again, only to have Max pull away.
“I got one of da most painful hard-on’s, & you are gona take care of it” Max said pulling his leather-pants (& boxers).
“I don’t blow guys I’ve only just met” Liz said
“Look, you are REALLY hot, & this REALLY hurts, so will you at least jerk-me-off?” Max asked pointing to his arousal
“Fine, But I aint getting’ cum all over my clothes” Liz said, walking to stand behind Max
“Ah, shit that’s the stuff” Max sighed feeling Liz’ small hands in-circle his cock. Liz’ hands began to pump Max’ dick as he moaned out in pleasure. Max brought one of Liz’ hands to play with his balls & the other to pump his faster. Max’ climax came quickly as he shouted “LIIIIIIIIZ!!!!!!!!!!!” his cum covering some erasers.
“Shit, that was fucking amazing!” Max commented pulling his pants up
“Yeah, well see ya” Liz said before exiting the room


~Part5~ ~Liz’ House~
Liz has just got out of the shower & is walking out of the bathroom (Little note, Liz’ hair is dry). As she walks into her room she sees Max sitting on her bed.
“WhatTheFuck do you think your doing here Evans?” Liz asks pissed off
“Well I enjoyed the hand job so much I decided to come here & see If I could get laid” Max replied, leaning back on Liz’ bed
“Wana get laid, then crawl up a chicken’s ass & wait” Liz replied fiddling with hr towel
“I’d rather crawl up your ass” Max said smoothly, getting up, walking over to Liz & wrapping his hands around her waist
“Fuck Off!” Liz said, slipping out of Max’ grasp
“Liz, if I were you, I wouldn’t be telling myself to fuck off”
“That doesn’t surprise me,” Liz mumbled
“The way I see it, back in New York, your life was sweet, & im guessin’ you got fucked on a daily basis, BUT now I Roswell, you aint gona have it so sweet & im sure you don’t wana fuck anyone in Roswell, well ‘sept me” Max said smirking
“Lil wanker!”
“Look Liz, your hot, any dude can see that & the way you described yourself earlier, you sound like a bit of a nympo, & what’s a nympo wid out sex?” Max replied still smirking
“Oh yeah dis coming from a virgin!” Liz retorted
“Look, dare is no way I would wana fuck any bitch is dis town, BUT you, shit I get hard just from lookin’ at ya”
“Max” Liz started, but was cut off by Max
“Liz, leme just fuck you” Max said coming up from behind Liz (again) & pulling her towel off, as his lips started to attack her neck. Liz’ dropped her head back & let Max’ lips explore the sensitive skin of her neck. Max, sucked, nibbled, licked, bit & kissed Liz’ neck, making her moan in pleasure. Liz pulled Max’ head up & turned around, her lips locked with Max’ & her tongue plunging into his mouth, making Max moan. Max pulled away, catching his breath.
“Max, you turn me on so much” Liz said sighing into Max’ chest. Max quickly regained his breath & captured Liz’ lips again, gently sucking on her lower lip, he pushed her back into the wall, as her legs wrapped around his waist, his hips started grinding into her’s. He could hear her moaning & pulled back.
“Why did you stop?” Liz asked whining
“I wana do this” Max said his mouth dropping to Liz’ left breast, as his nibble fingers started squeezing her right breast, rolling her nipple, between his thumb & forefinger.
“OHHHH GOD MAX, THAT FEELS SOOOOO AMAZING” Liz said thru moans. Suddenly a light went off in Max’ brain & his free hand finding Liz’ heat, plunging two fingers into her.
“Shit your so tight” Max said pulling his mouth away from Liz’ rosy-red
nipple. He put his head back between her breasts & his teeth, gently biting down on her breast, making Liz cradle Max’ head as close to her chest as possible. Sensing Liz’ impending orgasm, Max pushed his thumb over Liz’ clit as she screamed out in ecstasy.
“O fuck that was amazing” Liz said coming down from her euphoria.
“Hmmmmm” Max mumbled against Liz’ chest.
“I wana ride you” Liz said.
“Ok” Max said pulling Liz over to her bed
“No, I wana ride you face” Liz said pushing Max back on her bed.
“Ok” Max said again.
“Good” Liz said straddling Max’ waist. She pulled herself up his body, so her legs had wrapped around his head. Max’ hands grabbed at Liz’ ass.
“AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!” Liz moaned as she felt Max’ tongue come into contact with her heat. Max’ tongue started pushing up into Liz’ womanhood, thrusting into her, drinking from her.
“OHHHH GOD MAX, OH GOD THAT’S IT, THERE, OH SHIT MAX!” Liz groaned as Max pleased her. Max found as especially sensitive spot & started furiously licking over it, bringing her over the edge.
“Max, that was wow,” Liz said making an attempt, at standing up, only to find Max’ hands pushing her crotch into his face, his mouth still firmly latched onto her heat. Max’ tongue, went back to her clit, sucking on it.
“OHHHHHHHH MAX YOUR GONA MAKE ME CUM AGAIN!” Liz screamed out. As Max’ teeth slightly bit down on Liz’ clitoris, she came again,
“AHHHHHHH, MAX, OHHHHHHHH, MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAX!!!!!!!!” Liz’ body slumped as her cum ran into Max’ mouth & over his face. Max pushed her petite frame down his larger one.
“Wow you, you taste of strawberries” Max gasped, trying to get as much air into his lungs as possible. Liz moved pulling Max’ shirt over his head.
“You like?” Max asked
“Hmmmmm, strong” Liz moaned in approval. Max & Liz both tugged at his pants & boxers until they fell to the ground.
“Wow, you soo big” Liz said her eye’s glued to Max’ pulsating member. Liz pulled a condom out of her bed-side-draw, ripped off the wrapper & pushed it down Max’ shaft. Max leaned over Liz & pushed into her in one thrust.
“Wait!” Liz stopped Max & pushed her legs up & over, to rest on Max shoulders.
“This way’s deeper” Liz a shored smiling
“God, Liz your pussy is so tight & wet” Max marvelled, as he thrust in & out of her.
“OH, HARDER, MAX HARDER!” Liz urged Max on. Before to long Max & Liz came together, their bodies falling onto Liz bed & joining in sleep.

~The Next Day~ ~English~
Max walked into the classroom, to find Liz in his seat.
“Yo, bitch you in my seat; AGAIN!” Max shouted at Liz.
“Yea, well what you gona do bout it, prick” Liz shot back
“This” Max said pulling Liz up, sitting down & pulling Liz into his lap, their mouths attacking each-others. Max’ mouth soon found its way to Liz’ neck. Liz opened her eyes to see the whole class looking at them. Liz looked at the class (focusing on the camera)
“What do you think your looking at?!?!?” Liz asked her mouth joining Max’ again


Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 2:52 pm
by soppysophs
Doing Science
AU. No aliens. Liz is the most popular girl in school & usual Max is in love with her.
* Means thought
~Liz Bedroom (Max & Liz are studying)~
“So, thats that chapter”
“Yeah, you wouldn’t think you would need this mutch work for Biology”
“Do you want to take a break?”
“I’ve just gota go & you know” Liz gestured towards the bathroom
“Oh, right”
When Liz came back she found Max jumping up & down thrashing his head around singing to the knew Jon-Bon-Jovi single ‘Its My Life’. Max turned round when her heard giggling behind him *UH-OH* “It’s a good song” Max said in protest
“Yeah really I can just imagine you at a heavy metal concert”
“Oh, come on, you know its fun”
“Yeah, no, not today”
“Come on” Max said walking over to the CD player, Max turned up the volume & went back to the beginning of the song, BUT paused it.
“Oh, no you don’t we have to study”
“Later First you have to let your hair down & have a little fun
for a change”
“I have fun” Liz said in defence
“Oh, yeah fun studying”
“In fact I do”
“OKAY! The music is back on!” Max hit the play button
“ITS MY LIFE ITS NOW OR NEVER I AINT GONA LIVE FOREVER” Max shouted out jumping on to Liz’ bed & nodding his head violently
“MAX!!!!! Get down!”
“Make me” Max teased
“FINE!!!!!!” Liz said getting up on to the bed herself
“Your turn”
“To sing”
“Oh, come on”
“Fine. “Its now or never I aint gona live forever. Happy?”
“NO! Whatever happened to feeling?!”
“Oh yes & if you object then ve can use certain methods” Max said in a German accent
“What methods?”
“Vell ve r very fond of tickling” Max said continuing his German imitation
“You wouldn’t”
“Oh I vould”
“Believe me I vill, if I have to”
“Zinging” Max replied never giving up, the fight or his accent. Liz saw the look of intent in his eyes & swallowed loudly.
“I think im going to get down” Liz said growing worried of the look in his eyes & devilish smile playing on his lips. As soon as she started to turn around Max grabbed her waist & started tickling her
“Max! Stop!”
“Vill u sing to ‘Its My Life’ like a maniac vith me?”
“Vell I guess ill have to keep tickling you ven”
“MAX!!!!!!!!!!STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I MEAN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“Whatcha gona du?” Max questioned returning to his usual voice
“THIS!” Liz replied trying to kick him, but failing & causing both of them to fall & burst out laughing. But still Max didn’t stop tickling Liz
“Max come on stop it!” Liz said squirming so much that she was facing Max. Max took one look into her deep dark brown eyes that he was stunned by.
“Um” Was all that Liz could saw as she started to get lost in his dark amber orbs (eyes) & subconcesly leaned forward as Max lips descended on hers. As the kiss got heated up the couple naturally leaned into each other’s embrace.
~5mins L8R~
Max & Liz had to stop kissing to as to come up for air
“I um I um I er um”
“Wana catch a movie Saturday?” Liz asked the question that Max was fumbling over
“Er, um sure”

No matter what Universe Max & Liz will always be together


~soppysophs :mad:

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 2:55 pm
by soppysophs
Another State!
Max & Liz the New York version (I don’t care about Zan & the Dupes at the mow) Max is in love with Liz & always watches her at her waitressing job (her parents own the bar)

“Yoh!” A tall dark stranger greeted
“Oh, what can I get you?” A tired waitress asked
“Are your parents home?” The man inquired
“No” The brunette answered
“You closing?” The man was persistent, she had to give him that
“Yeah” She went with the flow
“Good” Max picked Liz up, & took her up-stairs & er, had his wicked way with her

~1hour Later~
“Now that was fun” Max said happily
“Very fun, might even border on fantastic”

~Bar, Liz has just been shot~
Max ran over to Liz, broke a bottle of ketchup, picked her up, took her out-back & healed her:
“Thank God your alright, you fainted & I brought you back here” Max lied
“Huh, oh, um, thanx” Before Liz could say any-thing else Max covered her mouth with his in a heart-soaring kiss

~Next Morning~
Liz woke up next to Max & looked in the mirror. Liz saw a silver glowing handprint on her tummy.
“Hm Liz come back to bed”
“Um, er”
“Liz what is it”
“Er, nothing” Liz said baking away &moving 2the door which was next to the stairs
“Liz” Max said getting out of bed
“Liz watch out” Max shouted grabbing Liz, pulling her into his arms
“Shit, I thought I’d lost you”
“Max” Liz said retreating to the bed
“Come here”
“Give me your hand”
“Why?” Liz pulled his hand up to the handprint
“Um, er” Was all Max could come up with
“What the hell are you?”
“Max?” Max connected to Liz & let her see evry-thing
“Did you um…”
“I love you, I don’t want any-thing to happen to you”
“Are you scared”
“Not really”
“Um, do you feel the same way?”
“Um, yeah, I think I do”


~soppysophs :mad:

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 2:57 pm
by soppysophs
AU---sorta in this universe pilot never happened
Izzy, Michael & Max are three alien friends going about their normal bissness
Alex, Liz & Maria are three human best friends going about their day-to-day lives
* Means Thoughts
There’s bad language NO sex (but it is mentioned)
/ \Means Flashes

~Max’ Dream~
“Since the first moment I saw you I knew I loved you & I never thought you could love me back nowing the truth & you have made me the happiest man alive, I love you Liz” Max said with a few tears in his eyes.
“You may now kiss the bride”

~Max’ Bedroom~
“Max, Max wake up, ugh must be dreaming of Liz Parker again,” Michael said while crawling threw Max’ window.

~Liz’ Dream~
~Biology Class~
Liz & Max both reach for the same item & their hands touch Liz looked into Max’ eye’s then Max lifts Liz on to the lab table & his lips start to assault her mouth & she meets his urgency while unbuttoning his shirt.

~Study Hall~(authors note: im not American so if I get the classes wrong, don’t get mad)
*Hmmm………Max Evans what’s wrong with me since that dream I havent been able to think about him in the same way, yeah sure he’s hot; short dark brown hair that some-times falls over his eye’s; those eye’s OhMiGod those dark, dark soulful eye’s there’s something about Max when I look into those eye’s I see so mutch pain & loneliness makes me want to cry*

Max & Liz reach for the same thing & their hands brush. Liz looked into Max eye’s *Oh Shit my dream!* Liz looked away BUT she could still feel Max looking at her. Liz got back to taking notes & subconsciously pushed some strands of hair behind her ear & started biting her lip *she’s so cute, why is she nervous, she only bites her lip when she’s nervous*

~Later In The Halls~
“Liz can I talk to you?”
“Sure Kyle”
“I don’t think were good together any-more”
“Oh, well I was thinking the same thing & their are loads of girls that like you”
“Like who?”
“Vicky Delaney”
“Vicky Delaney?”
“Yeah I heard her talking about you”
“Kyle I gota go”
“K, see ya”
“See ya”

~Max’ Locker~
“Hey Liz”
“Hey Max, I, um noticed in Bio that you weren’t taking notes so.. Would you like to borrow mine?” *thats the Liz Parker I love*
“Yeah, thanx ill give them back to you tomorrow”
“Bye Max”
“Bye Liz” & Liz walked off
“Stop!!!!!!!! You’re drooling!!!!”
“Wha? Oh Michael”
“Don’t torture yourself Maxwell”

“Oh here comes your boyfriend”
“Maria, Max isn’t my boyfriend”
“Liz he stares at you 24/7”
“Maria go away!”
“So you’ll close up?!?”
“Bye Liz”
“Bye Maria”
Liz wandered over to Max’ table
“Can I get you any-thing?”
“Ill just have a cherr…”
“…Cherry cola”
“How did you know?”
“Because its what you always have”
“Oh, well these are yours” Max said handing the study notes over
“Thanx, ill be right bak with your cherry cola” “don’t torture your-self Maxwell” “OH SHUT-UP if I want to hang around Liz Parker then I will”
Max was to busy arguing with himself to notice he was the only person there other than Liz until a guy walked in & went right up to the cash register
“Give me all the money!!!!!!”
“Shit he’s got a knife” Max mumbled to himself
“Give me all the money or else!!!!”
“Um, err, yeh” Liz said while fiddling with the till. Witout thinking the man stabbed Liz & ran out of the café
“LIZ!!!!!!!” Max shot up from his seat & ran over & knelt next to Liz on the floor
“Liz, Liz don’t die, look at me, please just look at me “ Max voice was soothing yet urgent & frightened. It took Liz all she had to flutter her eyelids open Yes Max ripped her uniform open & gently placed his hand over the knife wound & started to make a connection Bingo im in!
Liz in cupcake dress, Liz standing in front of a mirror trying on make-up, a dark haired boy getting beaten up, Max in 3rd grade getting off the bus
Max started to imagine the wound being fixed & it was. Im out!
“Liz? Are you ok?”
“Yeah. Max what…whatdidyoudo????”
“Iv got to go”
“Max? Max!”
“Bye Liz”

~Max Room~
“I can’t believe you healed her!”
“What was I supposed to do, let her die!?!” emotion charging his voice
“She’s 17, her hole life ahead of her, I wasn’t going to take her life away from her!”
“See ya Izzy”
“MAX!!!!” Izzy shouted as Max shot threw his window

~Liz Balcony~
“Liz, Liz?”
“Can i come up??”
~3seconds L8R~
“That was quick” Liz said noticing of how fast Max had climbed the ladder
“I try”
“Do you wana go inside”
“You first, I’ve just gota…”
“.. Course” Max jumped threw the open window & put his hand out for Liz
“Do you mind taking these?”
“Sure” Liz handed Max some blankets wich he threw on her bed. Whilst this was happening Liz slipped threw the open window & fell into Max arms
They stayed in that position for about ½ a min just staring into each other’s eyes
“Um, what ya doing here Max?” Liz asked retreating to her bed.
“I thought you might be curios about what happened” please, please don’t hate me
“Yeah kind of, Max I was going to die but I didn’t because you were there Maria can vouch for me; she was in the back because she for got something, Max what did, what happened?”
“Okay here’s the hole story: im an alien, so is Michael & Izzy were a family, were all adopted, we were in the 47 crash, we were in there incubation pods & we um ‘hatched’ in 1983 we looked just like normal 6year-olds, we were never like 3feet tall silver & slimy contry to most belief; we have always been ‘what you see is what you get’, we have emotions & human needs, we don’t get sick, we have a human skeleton BUT our cells are 100% not human. Any-questions?”

“OMG! OMG!!”
“Any-thing else?”
“You trust me?” Liz asked shakily
“With ma life”
“WOW, I mean, OMG, imean…………”
“Your in shock,…………do you always try on your mums make-up?”
“Oh…when you were 9 or something standing in front of your mums mirror trying on her make-up”
“H…h…how did you know that??” Liz asked baffled
“When I healed you I got these images & with each image I got feelings”
“Oh, what do you see?”
“Notin important”
“Give me a for-instance”
“Your cupcake dress, you hated it, your mum made it, it was the 1st dress she ever made, you tried it on for her she said you looked adorable, so she quilted you into wearin it the next day; to school, you were scared you’d get bullied, you couldn’t wait to get home & change”
“Thanx for my life story”
“Liz, I didnt, I didn’t mean to”
“No, NO its ok I mean im just still shocked & you saved my life, I, I don’t care what you saw”
“So these ‘flashes’ how do you get them?”
“Well sometimes if I toutch something”
“You, ok?” Max asked wandering over to sit next to Liz on the bed
“Got nother flash, I wasn’t expecting it, you know?”
“What did you see, wait you got it from my bed?!?”
“Yup from your bed, do you always dream bout having sex with me in the bio lab?”
“Not usually” Liz said going brite pink
“Iv got an idea, do you want to see what I see?”
“You mean”
“If I connect to you”
“You mean seeing into your soul?"
“Yeah its only fair”
“Okay” Liz said in a shaky voice as Max cupped her small angelic face in his huge hands
“Just take deep breaths”
Brite headlits from a jeep in the desert, Liz in 3rd grade (felling his heart jump), getting married to Liz (felling his heart jump), Liz walking into bio (felling his heart jump) Max Evans loves me Max is in love with me
“Did it work?”
“Do you always dream about getting married to me then having hot sex after would?”
“Wha? No i never I never dreamt that” Max said quickly while tring to defend himself
“Funny” Max grabbed a pillow & started hitting Liz with it.
“NO FAIR!” Liz picked up a pillow & started bashing Max with it, they continued like this until Liz was straddling Max waist & she stopped hitting him, Max threw his weapon off the bed.
Liz then lent over & kissed Max gently, the kiss got more ferocious as Max tong explored every area of Liz mouth. Both pulled away gasping for air then Max kicked his shoes off (liz was not wearing any). Liz carefully sprould across Max & the couple drifted off.
“Uh Liz”
“Iv got to go”
“My mum will send out a search party!”
“Ok, bye max”
“Bye my love, you can tell Alex & Maria”
“Thanx, love ya”
“Love you to Liz”

~Liz is explaining every-thing to Alex & Maria~
“Maria im serious he is”
“Alex you don’t believe her do you?”
“He healed you right & other-wise you would have died”
“Yeah, look he’s an alien they all are”
“We believe you, right Maria?”
“Yeah I guess it would make sense”

“We will give you two space,” Maria said to her best friend
“Why?” Max asked curiously
“HORNDOGS!!!!” Alex, Izzy, Maria & Michael all shouted at Liz & Max
“Exactly, your always all over each other”
They all sat down wen the movie started; Alex put a protective arm round Izzy, Maria sat uncomftubly next 2to Michael & Max & Liz started making-out heavily

~After The Film~
~Outside The Evans House~
Alex wasn’t sure what to do BUT Izzy grabbed him for a long snog. Alex then drove home happily

~After The Film~
~Outside The Trailer Park~
Maria stood there not sure what to do, she started to turn round BUT to her discomfort (then comfort) Michael grabbed her arm & pulled her to him & gave her a full on smooch

~After The Film~
~Outside The Parker House~
Max walked Liz to the ladder, then her balcony, then her bed, then he thoughtfully helped her undress while she kindly helped him lose his clothes then decided to hop under the covers for some fun sex
~Next Morning~
“Liz” said a sleepy Max
“Wake-up sleepy head”
“Wake-up LovaBoy”
“Its your fault im this tired” in mock anger
“You better go, as you said your mum will send out a search party"
“Okay, okay im going” Max said as he got out of Liz bed & started looking for his clothes
“Don’t for get your always welcome here”
“Where, this house, this room OR your bed?” Max asked, as he got dressed
“All of the above”
“Bye honey”
“Oh honey, huh?”
“Okay two can play at that game bye cute-ass”
“Max Evans cute ass huh?”

~1½ Years L8R~
~Elvis Wedding Chapel, Vegas~
“I now pronounce you men & wife’s”
“Thats a triple wedding im not going forget that in a hurry” Michael said as the gang walked out of the chapel
“You better not Guerin”
“Oh I won’t Guerin”
Max & Liz Evans, Michael & Maria Guerin & Alex & Isabel (Izzy) Whitman life’s about to get interesting
“How are we going to tell our parents about this” Izzy asked
“Duno, just prey they don’t kill us” Alex replied to his wife
Liz thoughts in green,
* Means thoughts

~Liz, Max, Alex, Izzy, Maria & Michael enter the Crashdown~
* God, there’s mum, dad, Diane & Philip Evans, Chuck Whitman (Mrs Whitman died the previous year) & Amy DeLuca. Time to face the music*
“Before you start to ask questions I’ll answer them. Max & I got married, Maria & Michael are married & so are Alex & Izzy. Um, we all love who we got married to” Max squeezed Liz hand for support. “What im trying to say is this wasn’t spur-of-the-moment or any-thing. We got married because we’re in love. I know that Alex has helped Izzy & now she’s more…………….caring & loving. Maria & Michael, well Michael was emotionally hurt & wounded, Not that he’d like to admit it! BUT since he found Maria now he’s……….happy. & before I met Max I, I didn’t no what love was, But now I can’t remember what I did before I found him. I………I love Max, that’s why I married him.”
The pairs walked over to their parents.

~Alex, Izzy & parents~
“Isabel do you love Alex?”
“Now Mr Whitman do you love my daughter?”
“Yes I do sir & I’ll protect her & never hurt her”
“Well done & welcome to the family”

~Amy, Maria & Michael~
“Now here me Michael Guerin, if you ever hurt my daughter I will hunt you down & kill you my-self, is that clear!?!”
“Yes mam”

~Liz, Max & parents~
“What’s takin them so long?”
“I don’t know Liz But whatever it we will work threw it”
“Er, Liz, Max?”
“Mr Parker”
“We understand that you think your in love, But your not, not at your age. Liz you are forbidden from seeing Max & grounder for two months”
“Mum, dad you can’t be serious”
“Lizzy we are”
“NO!!!!” was all Liz shouted before running up to her room, locking her door & jumping on her bed & crying, just crying. All she needed was the thought of not being able to see Max, & that did it, she just couldn’t stop the tears.
“Lizzy, Lizzy open the door”
“Nancy, I don’t know what to do, she sounds like she’s in mourning”
“She has just lost someone she loves”
“Nancy she’s 18 what was I supposed to do!?!”
“Liz, Liz you have got to open the door & come down-stairs” Max pleaded
“No!! Why does everyone get to be happy apart from us!?!?!?!?”

~Liz room 1:45am~
* If I have to live with out Max, I won’t live* Liz thought depressed walkin into her bathroom

~Max room 1:45am~
“LIZ! LIZ!!NO!!!” Max shouted (not really understanding why)

~Liz Window 1:55am~
“Shit locked” Without thinking Max jumped threw the closed window

~Nancy & Jeff Bedroom~
“What the hell was that!?!”

~Liz bathroom~
Max ran in & pushed Liz forcing the razor in her wrist to fly into the bath!
“Liz, don’t ever do that to me ever again”
(Mr & Mrs Parker watchin)
“Max I couldn’t bare the thought of life without you” Liz said. By now she was cradled in Max arms crying into his shoulder.
“I love you Liz & we will over-come this, we will”
“Elizabeth Evans!!!!!!”
“Im sorry to of ever doubted you” Mr Parker said remorsefully
“Im sorry its obvious that you & your…husband are in love”

~soppysophs :mad:

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 2:58 pm
by soppysophs
What If?
AU. Max is the only alien in Roswell, Maria & Liz are alien hunters, Max is in love with Liz
Character death
No swearing or sex
* Means thought

~Crashdown (Max is staring at Liz)~
*She’s so beautiful, I wish I could tell her every-thing*

~Liz’ Apartment~
Max tried to stay away BUT something was pushing him towards Liz that night more than usual. “Just coming” Liz replied as she heard a knock on the door.
“Max?” Liz asked as she opened the door
“Yeah, um can I come in?”
“Sure” Liz stepped out of the way so Max could come in
“What’s up?” Max couldn’t help himself, as soon as he was in the apartment he had Liz pushed up against a wall smothering her to death with kisses which she retuned. Something was happening to both of them & they couldn’t control their urges. The next thing they knew Liz was curled up in Max naked arms in her bed (I no its short BUT I don’t want to rite sex)
“Um, Liz there’s something I want to tell you”
“Well, um, im, well, im an alien”
“No, please be joking?” Liz said tears forming in her eyes
“What, why, I am”
“No one can ever know, no one!” Liz replied burying her head in his chest
“Why, what’s wrong”
“Im, im a, an alien hunter, so is Maria”
“Oh, that’s why your so upset”
“Max im sorry”
“Its okay, just Maria can’t know; got it”
“Max, im just scared you would have to leave me”
“No one & nothing would ever be able to take me away from you im never gona leave”

[For the next two months Max & Liz were happy, even thow they never said that they loved each other it was always implied. No one knew Max was an alien apart from Liz. Seeing as Max lived in a hotel Liz asked him to move in with her- & he accepted]

~2Months Later, Crashdown~
Liz was waiting tables Max was watching her & Maria was standing in the back. Two men were having an argument, that turned nasty & one of them pulled a gun. Before anyone knew what was happening Liz was shot. The pain & fear that was cursing thru Max was enough to push him up & heal Liz.
“Shhhhh Liz I’ve got to go”

~Liz Apartment, 2:35am~
Liz was awoken by the phone by her bed ringing.
“Yes, BUT he’s good, he’d never hurt anyone”
“NO!!!!!!! Maria you cant”
“Huh? Why is Maria calling?” Max asked waking up & gently hugging Liz
“Yes it is BUT Maria please don’t”
“What did she want?”
“Doesn’t matter, just go back to sleep”

~Liz Apartment, 7:45am~
“Maria, what you doing here?”
“Where is he?”
“NO Maria you said you wouldn’t. He’s good he’d never hurt anyone; he saved my life”
“Hey Maria”
“Liz get out of the way!”
“No!!!!!” Liz said forcefully standing in front of Max trying to protect him
“Liz, please get out of the way, let her do what she’s got to do” Max said reassuringly, pushing Liz to the side. As soon as Max was in clear range Maria shot him. Max fell to the ground, with Liz instantly by his side
“Max, no, you cant die you said you would never leave”
“Im sorry, it was meant to be this way, my purpose was to save your life, even if I die in the process”
“NO, Max don’t leave me”
“I have to” Max brought Liz hand up to his heart with a shaky hand
“I know I never told you BUT I love you,”
“I love you too Max”
“Never forget how mutch I love you, never forget. Even thow Im gona die my love for you will last an eternity”
“I wont, ill never forget”
“Ill never forget you, whereva I go ill never forget you” Max head fell to the right as his heart stopped beating
“Liz um im”
“MARIA GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

[Scene zooms out on Liz crying & cradling Max dead body in her arms]

People may die BUT their love for one another will last forever- Me (Sophie)


~soppysophs :mad:

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 3:00 pm
by soppysophs
AU Fic, Some People Are Strange, & Some Are Stranger Than Others
Liz has just started at West Roswell High & her parents have just brought the Crashdown
* Means thought

~Bio Class~
“Now class this is Elizabeth Parker, I hope you all make her feel welcome”
“Um Ms Hardy where should I sit?” Liz asked in her usual gentle voice
“How about that one third back next to Mr Evans?”
*God, she’s beautiful; yeah she’s sexy BUT there’s something else, like my soul is calling out to her*
“Hi, im Liz”
“Hi, im Max. So Liz not Elizabeth???”
“Well my dad still calls me Lizzy BUT Liz is more informal”
“Ok well Liz. Er do you wana share my book?”
“Sure, thanx”
“I guess because we’re lab partners if there’s any-thing you don’t understand or get stuck on then just ask k?”

“Come on Michael lets try it out” Max whined
Max & Michael sit in a booth at the back of the Crashdown.
“Im serious Michael I think I love her”
“Love who?” Liz questioned as she stood behind Max
“Er no one, so you work here?” Max asked obviously tring to change the subject
“Yeah my parent’s own the place, come on who are you in love with?”
“My mar” Max said lamely *SHIT!!*
“I take it you don’t want me to no, so what do you want?”
“Two Cherry cokes”
“Coming right up” Liz said walking away
“So you love her. Not my type” Michael said giving Liz the once over
“Look Michael I duno what to do Izzy is gona kill me”
“Max you cant love her”
“When I’m around her its like I’m happy & I just wana pull her into my arms”
“I hope your not talking about your mother” Liz said popping up again
“HA, got u there Maxwell!”
“Or Maximillon depends on how I’m tring to annoy him”
“Why don’t you fight back, you know come up with some names for him”
“Yeah Mickey”
“Great gang up on me!”

“SHUT UP!! Im sick & tired of hearing about Liz Parker, all you seem to do is talk about Liz Parker”

~Science Lab (Lunchtime)~ Setting: Heat-Wave, Slug thing, with no interruptions
Liz didn’t know what was going on, or why Max had his toung half way down her throat. BUT she wasn’t fighting it. Slowly Max pulled back when he heard the door open

~Max’ House~
“Hello” Mrs Evans said opening the door
“Hi, im, Liz, Liz Parker, I’m here to see Max, if he’s in”
“Oh, sure he’s in, I’ll just go & get him”
“There’s someone here to see you ”
“K” Max said walking to the door
“What are you doing here?”
“Science remember?”
“Oh yeah, do you wana work in my room?”
“So” Max said nervously closing his bedroom door once Liz was inside
“So your an alien”
“Yup, nope, why, why would you think that????????????”
“When we kissed I saw things, you let me see you, you trust me, your an alien, you love me” Liz said saying the last part in almost a whisper
“So you know, there’s no denying it”
“& Im a vampire”
“Your serious?”
“Great I have fallen in love with a vampire; im turning into Buffy!”
“Not quite”
“So, um how old?”
“So, that’s um”
“Old” Liz offered
“No, you could be like 98777”
“I guess”

~2Months Later, Max’ Room~
“Wat is it E.T?”
“Hey its M.E!”
“Sorry, I always get confused”
“Would you bite me?”
“You mean drink your blood?”
“Like turn me into a vampire”
“I know what your gona say, & I thought about it thats all I have done for the last two months, Liz I love you; so if you live forever then I wana live forever”
^Max had finally convinced Liz that he wanted to be a vampire, with the use of flashes^

~Liz’ Room, Liz has just turned Max into a vampire~
“So now im part alien, part human, & part vampire. Cool!”
“You really are unique”
“I love you”
“I love you to, so we’re gona live happily ever after”
“Yeah” Max replied, smiling his secret smile, that he only used for Liz

& they really did live happily ever after


~soppysophs :mad:

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 3:03 pm
by soppysophs
Category: AU, M/L
Rating: PG-13, may go higher
Disclaimer: I unfortunately own nothing L, so sue me But your not gona get any-thing
Feedback: Needed for the story to go on J
Summary: Max has a crush on Liz, Liz has gone off men! Read on to find out what happens. In response to a challenge by Sugarplum: ... 5&id=16030


~West Roswell High-School Cafeteria~
“Ugh! That’s it I’ve given up on guys!” Liz Parker said to her two best friends.
“That’s present company excluded, I hope?” Alex Whitman asked sipping his orangeade.
“Why, didn’t your date with Sean go well?” Kyle asked
“What do you think?” Liz retorted
“Tell uncle-Alex what happened”
“Well; in the movies as soon as the film started, he rammed his tongue down my throat, so I pushed him off-of me & I then said ‘no’ to which he said ‘ok’.”
“That doesn’t sound so bad”
“Im not finished, unc’, then throughout the movie he insisted on saying ‘oh, look’, ‘this is the best part’, ‘ah, this is where he’. So after his commentary at the cinema he was driving me home, when he suddenly pulled over & tried to get me t blow him!” Liz finished with a sigh
“So, he’s why you’re giving up on guys?” Kyle inquired
“Well, after; Sean, Tommy, Paulie & Nick YES!”
“Liz it isn’t that bad” Alex tried to cheer his best friend up.
“Let me list four of my resent dates: perverted, snooze-fest, weird & dumb!”
“So Sean was pervy, Tommy was boring, Paulie was weird & Nick was an idiot?” Alex asked an exasperated Liz.
“Hey, hey, hey Paulie aint weird!” Kyle butt-in
“Um, Liz can I show you my pet alligator. My mum, is over in the cemetery, would you like to meet her?” Liz imitated Paulie Hislop in a deep voice
“So he has a pet, & likes his dates to meet his mum” Kyle tried not to make her love-life seem so bad
“He hangs his Y-fronts on coat-hangers!” Liz replied to her little Buddha-boy.
“So Liz Parker, not dating, your not going to last!” Kyle said in disbelief
“Yes I will, no men,” Liz said confidently
The trio, so engrossed in their conversation, that they didn’t notice Max Evans listening to the end of their discussion, nor did they see his shoulders slump as he sighed heavily


* Means thought

~Bio Class~
“So for the assignment I will pair you up as follows: Flanders & Simpson (“DOH!”), quiet at the back! Walsh & Neil, Young & Campbell, Clot & Fry, Warwick & Bennett, Pearson & Hislop, Macintosh & Rabin, Deluca & Guerin” Ms Hardy read out, until Maria interrupted
“Um, Michael dropped out”
“Thank-you Miss DeLuca, you will be in a three with Harding & Higel, & Parker & Evans” Ms Hardy finished *Im with Liz, im with Liz, YAY!*

“Hey Max” Liz said sitting next to Max
“Um, hey” Max replied nervously.
“About this bio-assignment, do you want to come to my house at, say seven-thirty tonight?”
“Yeah, yeah, that would be, yeah, ok” Max shakily said, to which Liz giggled at.
“See ya Max”
“Yeah bye”

~Liz’ house 8:00pm~
“Hey Alex”
“I already told you, no more guys! That means that you dont sent me up on dates!”
“If, he’s that good looking, then why don’t you go out with him?”
“Ok, so, you’re now going out with James Pearson”
“Alright, bye Alex”

“Sorry about that” Liz said apologetically
“No probs, so you’re off men?”
“Yup, what about you?”
“How do you mean?” Max inquired
“I don’t see you with girlfriends” explained Liz
“Oh, I’ve never had a girlfriend” Max sighed
“Do you want me to set you up?”
“No!” Max snapped
“Ok, just trying to help”
“Liz, im sorry, its just that, im gay” *SHIT!*
“Oh” Liz seamed surprised
“Yeah, so if you know any single-good-looking-gay-guys then” Max hurriedly said
“Ok, will do. Biology?”
“No, I’ve, I’ve just got to go home, see you in school”
“See ya”

Part3 Phone Conversations
~Max’ House~

“Michael im telling you I messes things up big time” Max told his best-friend over the phone
“Whatdidyoudo?” Michael asked
“I, kinda told her I was gay”
“Haharhaharhahar! Dude, you are without a doubt, the dumbest guy I know!” Michael replied doubling over in laughter
“Look, you, gota tell her that you were lying” Michael advised
“I kinda told her if she knew any good-looking-guys, to send them my way”
“DUDE! You are soooooo stupid! How, or, why is Liz gona date someone she thinks is gay?” Michael said cracking up again
“SHUT-UP!!!!!!!! I know I did wrong, & so now im gona ring her, so get off the phone!”
“Bubi Maxie-boy”
“Yeah, yeah!”
“Hello” Liz chirpily said as she picked her phone up
“Um, hi, um, is, er, Liz there?” Max asked timidly
“Hey Liz, its, its, Max” Max said nervously
“Oh, hey Max, how are you?” inquired Liz
“Im, good, & you?”
“Im, ok” *Ohh, he sounds so cute*
“Look, about me being gay……….” Max trailed off
“Don’t worry, I wont tell any-one. Look my mum’s calling me for dinner, I’ve got to go, see ya Max” Liz said quickly
“Yeah, bye” *DAMB!*
“Shit, shit, shit!!” Max said aloud as he put the phone down



One month later, Max & Liz are best friends. Michael, Maria & Liz are the only people that know about Max being gay. One day Max stops by Liz’ house………….
“Come in” Liz Parker shouted from her bathroom, upon hearing a knock at her door.
“Liz, wana see a movie?” Max asked walking into Liz’ room
“What movie?”
“Oh, how about ‘Get Over It’? Colin Hanks is soooooo gorge!”
“Yeah, he does have a nice……………ass” *What the hell was that?*
“!Giggle! At least we agree on that. Ok, I need your opinion on something”
“Ok, coming out now” Liz shouted exiting her bathroom
“Y-You, bik-bikini” Max stuttered as he saw Liz in a very, very revealing green bikini
“What do you think?” Liz asked, doing a twirl
“Um, revealing-thong-bikini” Max stuttered *Ok, be gay, be gay, you dumbass be gay! Gay guys don’t get aroused by half-naked goddesses*
“Good, or bad?” Liz asked
“G-g-go-goo” Max continued to stutter
“Goo?” Liz mocked
“Good, um, but thing?” *SHUT-UP! SHUT-UP NOW!*
“Thing?” Liz asked threw a giggle
“Thong, um, thong, why thong?” *Don’t let anyone see her warring that, please god*
“Why not?” Liz countered
“Ass, in view, um thong?”
“To thong, or not to thong, that is the question” *Time to play*
“Ok, point taken. Um, oh yeah, good bikini, nice colour, nice ass, um any-way. A bit sluttish, if it, um, covered your ass more then, yeah, but….” Max tried to dig himself out of the hole he was in
“You think I have a nice ass?” Liz interrupted
“Almost as nice as Colin Hanks”
“Or Warren Stacey”
“Or Warren Stacey, can we see a film now?” Max pleaded
“Ok, I’ll just get dressed” Liz replied smiling


Part 5

~Max’ House~
“So Max, have you ever kissed someone?” Liz inquired as she stepped into Max’ bedroom closing the door behind her.
“N-No” Max stuttered
“Well I know that your gay, But I still think that you should know what its like to kiss, well a girl at least”
“You?” Max couldn’t believe his ears *had Liz just said no, it couldn’t, be could it?*
“Well I think you should learn how,” Liz said a little shakily
“We should kiss?” Max asked still in disbelief
“Yea. Come here” Liz said patting a spot next to her on the bed
“!GULP! OK” Max said a little too loudly as he walked over to where Liz was sitting, carefully placing himself next-to her
“Ok just relax, & be ready for what’s about to happen, unless you don’t want me to do this….” Liz said then was interrupted…
“…………No! I mean your right I need to learn” Max interrupted
“Um ok. Do you want to um?” Liz asked unusually nervous
“Ok” Max said leaning over to Liz, pushing her back, his hands holding her sides………..

[grin] hehehe im not leaving it there…
Max ducked his head his lips brushing over Liz’. She gently started tugging at his bottom lip, his tongue sliding out licking her lips pushing past them gently making love to her tongue as she lightly moaned into his mouth. Max pulled away suddenly.
“Was that ok?” He asked cautiously
“Y-Yea, that was a, a good kiss. Max I forgot im going out with Alex today” Liz said a little breathlessly
“Oh ok, see ya then” Max replied a little disappointed
“See ya” Liz called out slipping thru Max’ window

Next part’s will be Max & Liz’ POV’s talking to their friends J



~Max’ Room~
Max sat on his bed staring into space, he heard his window open
“Hey Michael” Max said
“Hey, how did you know it was me, you didn’t even, anyway Maria’s coming” Michael said sitting on a chair backward
“Why not thru the window?” Max asked
“Duno, she has this whole bitchin’ thing ‘because you should use a door, the window is just so, people will think your gay’ ugh!” Michael said imitating Maria
“Hey guys, ‘sup?” Maria asked walking into Max’ room
“I kissed Liz” Max said falling backwards on his bed
“What!?!?!” Both Michael & Maria asked
“She just said that I should know how ‘n stuff & wow. Her skin is soooooo soft & her lips are, their………” Max trailed off, sitting up
“Man, you got it bad” Michael said
“Hey shut-up, let the guy continue” Maria said whacking Michael with a cushion
“Hey!” Michael protested
“Guys! So as I was sayin’ & her lips are just, &, & she tastes of, ummmmmmmmm, strawberries hmmmmmmmmmmm”



~Alex’ House~
“Alex I need to talk” Liz said bursting into Alex room
“Ok” Alex said looking up from his computer
“Ok, I really need a girl talk” Liz said sitting on his bed
“HEY! See me Alex, guy! What about Kyle, ‘Oh Buddha I love you, oh Buddha’” Alex imitated
“Alex!” Liz sighed
“Fine, do you wana like do each other’s hair?” Alex said in a high-pitched voice
“Ok, now I really think I need to buy a new bra, what do you think?” Liz retorted
“So, is there a specific reason you’re here, other then ruining my life?” Alex mourned
“I kissed Max, I mean he kissed me, or rather we kissed, & it was soooooo” Liz said in one breath
“Ok, what happened, start from the beginning”
“So, I thought he should, know how to kiss, so I went over there, &told him just that. So we kissed, & it was soo amazing, &…” Liz said dreamily before Alex interrupted
“Oh, God, your falling for him, arnt you?” Alex questioned
“No, well maybe” Liz said truthfully
“I know, I know, but nothing is gona happen so, it ok, right?”
“So, about this kiss?” Alex asked not wanting to burst his best friends bubble
“He was so gentle, but the kiss was filled with passion, & it’s like I completely remember it, but it’s all a blur” Liz replied with a dopey-grin on her face



~Liz’ House~
“So, we’re going to a club, are you gona tell me anything more?” Max asked as Liz put the finishing touches to her make-up
“Nope, how do I look?” Liz asked flashing Max a smile
“Like a million bucks. Wait Liz this aint a gay-club is it?” Asked a nervous Max
“!Giggle! No, I don’t think there are any in Roswell” Liz said standing up

As Max & Liz got their drinks, they sat down & heard Britney Spears-Slave 4 U playing
I know I may be young, but I’ve got feelings too.
And I need to do what I feel like doing.
So let me go and just listen.

All you people look at me like I’m a little girl.
Well did you ever think it be okay for me to step into this world.

“Come on Max” Liz said pulling Max onto the dance floor

Always saying little girl don’t step into the club.
Well I’m just tryin’ to find out why cause dancing’s what I love.

As the song went on Liz started grinding against Max

Get it get it, get it get it (WHOOOA)
Get it get it, get it get it (WHOOOOOA)(Do you like it)
Get it get it, get it get it (OOOHHHH)(This feels good)

I know I may come off quiet, I may come off shy.
But I feel like talking, feel like dancing when I see this guy.

Max soon caught on, & pushed Liz toward him, groping her ass, with his free hand running threw her hair

What’s practical is logical. What the hell, who cares?
All I know is I’m so happy when you’re dancing there.

I’m a slave for you. I cannot hold it; I cannot control it.
I’m a slave for you. I won’t deny it; I’m not trying to hide it.

As they continued to dance they got a few stairs. But continued their movements

Baby, don’t you wanna, dance upon me,
(I just wanna dance next to you)
To another time and place.
Baby, don’t you wanna, dance upon me,
(Are you ready)
Leaving behind my name, my age.
(Lets go)

(Like that)
(You like it)
(Now watch me)

At some point Liz had found Max’ head & was messing up his hair as her body ground against his, to the music

Get it get it, get it get it (WHOOOA)
Get it get it, get it get it (WHOOOOOA)
Get it get it, get it get it (OOOHHHH)

I really wanna dance, tonight with you.
(I just can’t help myself)
I really wanna do what you want me to.
(I just feel I let myself go)

I really wanna dance, tonight with you.
(Wanna see you move)
I really wanna do what you want me to.
(Uh Uh Uh)

Max’ hands had found a new found love for Liz’ ass, as he continued to rub, his palms over the soft material of her dress (& ass)

Baby, don’t you wanna, dance upon me,
(I just wanna dance next to you)
To another time and place.
Baby, don’t you wanna, dance upon me,
(Are you ready)
Leaving behind my name, my age.

I’m a slave for you. (Take that) I cannot hold it; I cannot control it.
I’m a slave (It just feels right) for you. (It just feels good)
I won’t deny it; I’m not trying to hide it. (Baby)

Get it get it, get it get it (WHOOOA)
Get it get it, get it get it (WHOOOOOA)
Get it get it, get it get it (OOOHHHH)

Get it get it, get it get it (WHOOOA)
Get it get it, get it get it (WHOOOOOA)
Get it get it, get it get it (OOOHHHH)

By this time Liz had wrapped her legs around his waist

I’m a slave for you. (Here we go now)
I cannot hold it; I cannot control it.
I’m a slave for you. (Here we go) I won’t deny it, (Yeah)
I’m not trying to hide it.

(Like that)

By the end of the song Max & Liz were both panting & in need of some water.
“Um, that was, um” Max gasped
“Yeah, fun” Liz said just as breathlessly

~Max Room~
Liz has just fallen asleep on Max’ bed.
“Sweet-dreams” Max said kissing the top on Liz’ head. Max rolled out a sleeping bag, stripped down to his boxers & crawled into the bag

~Next Morning~
Max awoke to find Liz staring at him.
“Hey, sleepy-head” Liz said
“Hey, you, bed stealer” Max said in mock anger
“Sorry, can you forgive me?” Liz asked giving Max a puppy-dog-eye look
“No, I think I slept on your shoe” Max replied pulling what appeared to be a stiletto-sandal out, from under him
“Awwwwww, im sorry Max, I’ll tell you what, come & lie face down on here,” Liz said pointing to Max’ bed
“Ok, & this will help how?” Max asked lying facedown on his bed
“Like, this” Liz said straddling Max’ waist
“What, your gona tickle me now?” Max asked
“No, im gona give you a back rub, so you can tell me what’s on your mind” Liz said
“Nothing’s on my mind” Max replied quickly
“Yes, there is, now come’ on tell me” Liz persuaded
“Ok, there’s, this gi-guy” Max stuttered, as Liz started to work his muscles
“& He’s, smart & b-handsome, funny, & perfect!” Max sighed
“So what’s the problem?” Liz asked
“She, er, he thinks im, straight, & um, I even went as far as to tell him I was straight! Moan!” Max ended with a sigh (& a moan)
“So, you think he’ll hate you, if you tell him the truth?” Liz questioned
“!LOUD MOAN! Yes” Max got out biting his pillow


Phone conversation between Max & Liz
“So can you go to the club again to night?” Liz asked painting her toenails
“Nope, I got waaaaaay too mutch homework to do tonight” Max said sitting at his desk
“Ok, then. If you change your mind you know where I’ll be,” Liz sighed, staring at the clothes in her wardrobe
“Oki-doki, well I gota go, advanced-Chem calls”
“Bubi Maxie”
“Bye Lizziepoo” Max said hanging up

“Hey, Ant, Ant” Liz shouted over the music
“Oh, hey Liz, you want an OJ?” Ant asked
“No, im good. Your gay right?” Liz asked, her cheeks flushing
“Yea, & proud. Why?” Ant asked chugging his drink down
“What do you think of Max Evans?” Liz asked on behalf of Max
“Evans, cute, nice bod, great ass, it’s a shame he aint gay, otherwise, you can imagine” Ant said wiggling he brow.
“Yeah he is” Liz argued
“No he aint, Liz, Max Evans is as straight as a you” Anthony said getting another drink
“Are you sure?” Liz continued her interrogation
“I’ll put it this way, if he was then he would register on my ‘gay-dar’” Ant said gulping down his drink
“Oh, right, thanx Ant, um, I gota go” Liz said running out of the building

~Max’ House~
“Hey Liz” Max said as Liz slid thru his window
“I hate you, you lying bastard!” Liz shouted running toward Max hitting him
“Liz, Liz, stop, what are you talking about?” Max asked grabbing Liz wrists, forcing her to sit in his lap & look directly into his eyes
“You bastard!” Liz shouted at him, squirming in his lap
“Ok, im a bastard. Ok. Now why an I a bastard?” Max asked holding Liz still
“Hey Liz, yeah im gay, can you teach me how to have sex, it wont matter im gay, so don’t worry” Liz fumed, angry at herself for still wanting to be with Max, angry with Max because, he kept lying to her, using her.
“Liz, im sorry, im so sorry. Look let me explain” Max said in a soft calm voice, gently stroking Liz’ hair
“Let you explain, what so you can tell me more lies?!?!?!?” Liz shouted, jumping up, & climbing back thru Max’ window


NC-17!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BRING ON THE DREAMER NOOKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kiddies beware

~Liz’ Room~
Liz Parker sat at her desk it had been two days since she found out Max didn’t need to hop out of the closet. In those two days her answering machine had, had 57…….wait what correction 58 messages. Liz Parker thought as she her Max over her machine. You had to give the guy credit for his tenacity. Shame you couldn’t for his trust.

~Max’ Room~
Max Evans lay on his bed with one thought on his mind, Liz Parker! He had just left her another massage, & nothing! He made up his mind his was going over there to talk to Liz.

~Liz’ Room~
Liz looked up from her bio book, most specifically the one line she had been trying to read for an hour, when she heard a tapping on her window. Outside kneeled down was none other than Max Evans homosexual-impersonator himself.
“What do you want?” Liz barked at him
“My friend back” Max replied shyly
“Piss-off Max!” Liz growled focusing on her bio book again
“No!” Max said forcefully, sliding thru Liz’ window, walking up to her.
“Max im busy.”
“Your bio book’s up-side-down” Max says smirk on his face. *Dam I never noticed!* Liz thought to herself
“Max im really not in the mood”
“Then listen” Max pleaded
“Fine! Humpf!”
“I know I did a lot of wrong things. The truth is I like you Liz I really like you, I always have really liked you.” Max said starting to pace
“So when you asked me about setting me up on a date I don’t know. It just kinda came out, & I told one lie, then I had to tell another one to back it up, then another, & I knew the more I lied the worse it would be. I sorry. But when we kissed it was amazing & wow! It was everything I dreamed it would be like & more. It was like, I can’t even describe it. Im soooooo sorry for lying. But in my defence it was for a good reason. I just hope you can forgive me” Max said. Receiving no answer turned to leave.
“Maybe we can try again” Came a whisper from behind Max. The next thing Liz knew, Max had spun round & was on top of her, on her bed kissing her face
“Max” Liz sighed as he found a sensitive spot on her neck
“So you forgive me, Liz Parker?”
“Yes. Max um, I have a confession. I like you too” Liz whispered in max’ ear
“Cool” Max said casually, sliding off of Liz.
“Max, please don’t stop” Liz said, trying to pull Max back
“Um, Liz I don’t think that I’d be able to um stop easily” Max told truthfully
“You mean, like go all the way?” Liz enquired
“Well why do you I would object?” Liz asked pressing her front into Max’ back
“You mean, you’d be, you’d want me, to um?” Max stuttered
“Uh-huh” Liz replied coolly slipping Max’ jacket off
“We’re talking about the same thing right?” Max asked turning round to see Liz sitting in her underwear.

~Liz’ Room~
“Your, your, na-nak-nake-naked?!?!?!?!” Max exclaimed
“Not naked, im my underwear” Liz corrected smiling
“W-why?” Max asked, his pants tight
“Max, havent you ever found commando is more comfortable?” Liz asked
“Yeah, but your not commando” Max said
“I will be in a sec” Liz replied confidently
“So im just gona turn away” Max said shakily
“Why? Oh, its ‘coz im not pretty isnt it?” Liz asked looking down
“No! God Liz how can you say that you’re beautiful” Max said quickly trying to convince Liz she wasn’t unattractive
“Ok, so you don’t mind seeing me naked, ok” Liz replied a grin spreading over her face as she un-hocked her bra. Max’ eyes about bulged out of their sockets
“Now your naked” Max said staring at Liz’ face
“Half-naked” Liz corrected again
“Liz please, I, I” Max stuttered
“You what?” Liz asked
“You don’t want me…doing things” Max said, taking interest in Liz’ lamp, beside her bed
“I just want you Max” Liz said truthfully standing-up slipping her panties off
“Naked now” Max said slamming his eyes shut
“Max please, just open your eyes” Liz pleaded
“Liz no!” Max said forcefully. Then silence, no noise, no movement. Then he felt it, a small hand working it’s way into his pants, his boxers! Max snapped his eyes open & came face-to-face with Liz a sly smile on her lips
“Liz” Max choked out
“Yes Max?” Liz asked un-doing his jeans, slipping them down to his ankles
“Um” was all max could say
“Are you gona take your shirt off?” Liz asked making him stare directly into her eyes
“Uh-huh” Max replied being hypnotised by her eyes
As soon as Max snapped back to reality he was sitting on Liz’ bed, in his boxers, Liz kneeing behind him, her arms wrapped round his waist
“Liz?” Max asked
“Yes, Mr. Evans?”
“What do you want me to do?” Max asked feeling Liz’ lips on his neck
“Hmmmmmmmmmmm, what do you want to do?” Liz asked her hands resting in Max’ lap
“I want to make you happy” Max replied truthfully
“Do want comes naturally” Liz said lying down on her bed
“Wow Liz, your beautiful” Max said in awe, lightly kissing Liz’ neck, his lips working down to her breasts.

“Hmmmmm, Max” Liz moaned as his lips came into contact with her nipple. His tongue worked its way round her left nipple ever-so slowly. His hand gently pinching her right nipple
“Ohh, God Max, don’t stop, oh, God please” Liz continued to moan
Max changed breasts & started sucking on her right nipple, his thumb rubbing over her left nipple. As soon as he felt Liz’ hands gripping at his head pushing him into her chest, he gently bit down on her nipple, giving her, her first orgasm.
As soon as Max removed his head from between Liz’ breasts his mouth was over her’s drinking the taste of strawberries, from her mouth
“Wow” Liz gasped
“Im not finished yet” Max said smiling. Moving his body down so he was at eye level with Liz’ womanhood. He gently inserted one finger into her. Receiving a moan from Liz he started moving his finger in & out. Looking up Max saw Liz with her eyes closed, fists griping at her sheets.
Max slowly withdrew his finger & replaced it with his tongue.
“Maaaax!” Liz moaned feeling Max’ tongue enter her
Max began lapping-up Liz’ juices, his tongue making love to her, drinking her essence.
“M-M-M-Max! Oh god, please, im so close, oh god, please, Max” Liz didn’t stop moaning. Max moved ever-so slightly, so he could push his tongue over her clitoris, gently nibbling.
“MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Liz shouted out as another orgasm hit her. Max kept his head between her legs, lapping up Liz’ cum.

“My turn” Liz said getting her breath back, pushing Max down on her bed
Liz ran her tongue over Max’ perfect chest, carefully tracing his peck’s & abs. Liz reached Max’ boxers & without thought pushed them down, revealing his manhood standing out proud.
“Wow! That’s um, big” Liz said, her eyes wide at the sight of Max.
“Liz you don’t have to, oh god!” Max said Liz’ little hands coming into contact with his erection, gently stroking it.
“How fast?” Liz asked, still staring at what was in her hands. Max’ hand covered hers & started pumping himself with Liz’ hands
“Ok” Was all Liz said before removing Max’ hand & pumping his rock hard member.
“L-L-Li-Liz” Max moaned, his orgasm nearing. Liz continued her ministrations, staring in awe at was happening in her hands
“LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Max cried out as his orgasm ran thru him.
“Max, um, this isnt easy to say, um, can I, um, blow you?” Liz asked in a small voice
“Sure” Max replied breathlessly, his heart pounding
Liz looked back down to discover Max was aroused again. Liz’ tongue flicked over the head of Max’ penis. She then started licking max from base to tip.
“Oh god, oh god, oh god Liz, oh god” Max moaned, moving his hips. Liz took Max completely into her mouth. Moving her head, Max started to fuck her mouth, Liz gently pulled her teeth over his erection as he moved in & out of her mouth. As she did this, Liz played with his balls, bringing his orgasm hard & fast. “L-LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!” Max shouted out as he came & went limp in her mouth.

Liz collapsed next to Max on her bed, & started kissing him, their tongue’s duelling. By the end of the kiss both were gasping for air.
“I want to make love to you Liz Parker” Max said sitting up, retreving a condom from his jean pocket.
“Well I want you to make love to me Max Evans” Liz said stretching out.
Max leaned over Liz, “Are you sure?” He asked.
“Please” was her reply. Max gently entered her stopping at her virginity.
“Kiss me” Liz said. Max complied, feeling her hands slip down to his ass, then thrust him into her, she let out a cry of pain in his mouth.
“Do you want me to stop?” Max asked frozen
“NO, just give me a minute” Liz replied, then started moving.
“Liz I love you” Max said licking up her tear
“Do you want me to cry again? I love you to Max” Liz replied, feeling Max move inside her.
“Hmm, Max” Liz moaned, Max thrust, Liz moaned, Max thrust.
“Max, ha-harder, please, god, Max” Liz moaned. Max then thrust harder, sensing his orgasm nearing. He drew one of Liz’ nipples into his mouth & started sucking.
“Oh, god Max, god, MAAAAAAAAXX!!!!!!!!!” Liz screamed out as her orgasm hit. Liz’ orgasm pushed Max over, her walls milking him.
“LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Max collapsed on top of Liz as soon as his orgasm as over.
“Wow” Liz said gasping for air. Max rolled off Liz & pulled her into his embrace, wrapping the covers over them. All he said before nodding off was “Wow, I love you, sweet dreams Liz”


~soppysophs :mad:

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 3:05 pm
by soppysophs
The Agreement

Responding to this challenge by Sugarplum17:
Max Evans is a career-oriented kind of guy (you choose the profession in which he’s in). All he thinks about is getting to the top, and he’ll do anything and everything he can to get there. Some say he’s ruthless and cunning, others just say he’s good at what he does.

But unbeknownst to Max, his career-obsessed ways are actually hurting his chances of getting to where he wants to go. His boss (Valenti, Mr. Parker, his dad, or someone completely made up) is looking for a family man to take over the business/company/whatever when he retires. Someone with a wife and kids, or plans for kids sometime in the future.

When his brother-in-law who is one of his best friends, Alex (who also works at the same place), tells him of this startling news Max thinks he’s screwed. That is until a few days later, when he comes up with a plan. They want a family man? He’ll give them a family man.

Enter Liz Parker. She desperately needs a place to live, not that she’s poor or anything. She just has to get away from her crazy roommate (let’s say she talks to the walls like they’re real people, I don’t know, make something up if you want). Anyhoo, she desperately needs a place to live. And one night at a party that her friend, Alex, is throwing at his house, she meets Max.

They get to talking and he subtly drops hints that he’s got an extra room in his rather large apartment. The next day she goes over there to look at the room, and falls in love with the place. And the room is hers. That is, if she agrees to marry Max. She’s convinced he’s crazy but does it anyway. She’d rather live with him in a fake marriage than live with someone who talks to walls.

- Please no first person pov
- ADULT at some point wouldn’t be frowned upon.
- Give them some ground rules (i.e. He doesn’t expect anything from her sexually. They can date other people so long as they’re discreet about it, blah blah blah.)
- They have to kind of hate or dislike each other at first, but eventually fall in love with one another.
- Aliens or not, I don’t care. You can throw in the rest of the gang wherever you see fit.
- Please make it humorous. I like to laugh.
Summary: as above
Rating: ADULT
Paring: Max & Liz
Disclaimer: if you sued me you would just get an orange bedroom, & naughty thoughts about Colin Hanks

On with the Fanfic J it gets better after the prologue, I promise

Max Evans; typical hard working businessman, does whatever he can to get to the top. Doesn’t have a girlfriend/wife, or any type of love life. His job is his life. Max works for Mr Jim Valenti, Jim is retiring & the word is he wants one of his employees to run his business.

Alex Whitman; married to Isabel Whitman (formerly Isabel Evans). Alex is one of Max’ few friends. Isabel has a child on the way, Alex has a happy non-job-orientated life. Alex also works for Jim Valenti.

Maria DeLuca; fiancé of Michael Guerin. Maria is a smart, quirky woman, who ByTheWay is loaded. Maria loves to sing so its what she does. Maria has a very bubbly personality, & a lot of friends; Alex who she meet at school. Max who she knows thru Michael (she has a lot more, but I’ll just leave it at that)

Michael Guerin; chef, soon to marry Maria DeLuca, best friend of Max Evans since kindergarten. Michael is a romantic, strong-willed guy.

Liz Parker; daughter of Nancy & Jeff Parker. Small-town-girl. Beautiful, smart, funny young lady. A woman with few friends. Liz earns her living by painting. Liz is living with Pam Troy. Pam’s hobby is talking to walls. Liz thinks Pam is crazy & wants to move out ASAP, the only problem is where too.

~Part 1~
~Valenti LTD~
“Hey Max my man!” Alex greeted his brother-in-law, hitting him lightly on the back.
“Hey Whitman, how’s it hanging?” Max asked cheerily
“Good, good, you heard about Jim’s job?” Alex asked, walking with Max
“You bet” Max replied smiling, the job was his :)
“Well apparently he’s looking for a family guy, so I think im in with a shot”
“Really” Max asked, maybe it wasn’t quite his
“Yeah, you still coming to mine tonight?” Alex asked referring to a party being held at his house that evening
“Yeah” Max replied, suddenly worried about his job
“Oh, shit, im supposed to meet Iz & im late, she’s gona kill me. See ya Evans” Alex said running for his life, you did not wana keep Isabel waiting.
“Yeah, see you later, if your still alive” Max shouted as he watched Alex run to the lift.

~Liz & Pam’s Flat~
“Hmmmm, yes I see, & how long has this been going on? Oh really well I hope it clears up” Liz overheard Pam talking as she walked into her flat.
“Um, Pam?” Liz asked
“Yeah” Pam said turning to face her flatmate
“Who are you talking to?” Liz asked curious
“Kyle” Pam replied
“Who’s Kyle?” Liz asked (again)
“This is Kyle” Pam said gesturing towards the wall, as if it were obvious
“He’s a bit unhappy, apparently he sprained his ankle playing basket-ball” Pam said seriously
“Pam, it’s a wall” Liz said, giving Pam the once over to see if she was ok
“Shhh, Liz he has a name, & feelings” Pam said annoyed, Liz had just been rude to her friend
“Im, gona go & get changed” Liz said giving Pam a weird look
“Where, you going?” Pam asked
“Alex’ he’s having a party” Liz replied walking into her bedroom


~Alex’ Party~
“Whitman!” Max Evans shouted, moving thru the throngs of people.
“Max! How do you like the party?” Alex asked walking up to Max
“Its good. So your still alive?” Max asked smirking
“Yeah, just but if im ever late for meeting Isabel again then ‘she would make sex hurt for the rest of my life’ oh how I do love married life” Alex replied getting a drink
“Owch! Hey um who’s that?” Max asked pointing to a brunette laughing
“That’s Maria” Alex answered
“No! The other one” Max asked intreged
“Um, that is Elizabeth Parker. Sweet girl having problem with her flat
“Yeah, I gota go mingle” Alex said walking away.
“Elizabeth Parker” Max said to himself before walking over to her
“Hi im Max Evans, & you are?” Max said smiling at Liz
“Um, Liz Parker. Its nice to meet you Max” Liz replied tucking a piece of
hair behind her ear, a nervous habit.
“Its nice to meet you Liz Parker” Max said rolling her name off of his
“So Max what do you do for a living?” Liz asked making small talk
“The same as Alex, what do you do?” Max said gazing into Liz’ eyes
“Im, um an artist” Liz said blushing at Max’ gaze
“That’s a nice job. Alex says your looking for somewhere to live” Max
said a plan perfectly formed in his brain.
“Yeah, my roommate talks to walls” Liz replied smiling
“That’s um, unique” Max remarked
“Yea, its um kinda scary thow” Liz said truthfully
“Yeah, well I mean your looking for somewhere to live & I have a huge
flat, it gets soo lonely, maybe you’d like to take a look around
tomorrow. Here’s the address” Max said pulling a piece of paper out of
his pocket.
“Wow, um thanks” Liz said taking the paper from his hands
“No problem, just come after two. Now I really must go” Max said
smiling brightly at Liz
“Bye Max” Liz said
“Bye Elizabeth Parker” Max replied walking off. Leaving Liz to deal with
the butterflies rising in her stomach.

~Liz & Pam’s Flat~
“Liz, Liz? Kyle asked me on a date, what am I gona where?” Pam asked as soon as Liz was thru the door.
“You mean Kyle the wall?” Liz asked
“Im really tired im just gona go to bed” Liz said hurriedly waking into her room


~Next Day~
~Liz & Pam’s Flat~
“Hey” Liz said walking out of her bedroom
“Hey. Im going on my date with Kyle tonight” Pam said
“Oh, er, what are you doing?” Liz asked
“Renting a movie” Pam said flipping thru a magazine
“Oh, really which one?” Liz asked, she couldn’t help but be curious
“American Sweethearts” Pam replied dreamily
“That’s, um cool” Liz said worried about Pam’s mental health
“It was his birthday about week a go, & no one remembered; so I got him
some pictures, im going to hang them on him” [grin]Gracie![grin]
“O-Kay” Liz replied shakily *I hope you don’t put out, ew; disturbing
mental image* Liz mumbled
“What was that?” Pam asked
“I’ve got to go, see you later” Liz said exiting her flat.

~Max’ Flat~
“WOW! This place is amazing!” Liz said in awe, as Max showed her around
his flat
“It’s too big for just me” Max said suggestively
“It’s too big for three people” Liz remarked
“Liz, look, I’ll do a deal with you; I’ll let you live here rent free” Max said
“What your joking?” Liz said, think Max couldn’t be serious
“No” Max giving her one of his award-winning smiles
“Max, why, what would you want me to do?” Liz asked unsure
“Just marry me” Max said seriously
“What no way” Liz said backing away from Max
“Liz wait,” Max said grabbing Liz’ hand, “there is this promotion going at
my office, & to get this promotion, you need to be married, I know it
sounds ridicules, but, I need this promotion, look just marry me, I wont
want you to do anything, just be my friend, that I happen to be married
to” Max said tring to convince Liz
“Look Max” Liz started
“No Liz, your roommate; she talks to walls, I don’t I have any bad habits,
I would stay out of your way. You’re an artist, you have a whole room
For your painting, er, you can use the pool. You can do anything in
this house, just please marry me” Max pleaded
“Max, I need time,” Liz said, her brain running a mile-a-minute
“Ok, you have my number” Max said


* Means thought
ADULT part

~Liz & Pam's Flat~
Liz went straight into her room to think....
"Ughhhhhhhhh!" Liz heard someone scream *No, oh god no! Pam is,
oh god no! Not for Kyle, no, she is, NO!! Oh good god, she is, she's
wanking for Kyle* Liz thought, disgusted
"Oh, Kyllllllllllllleeeeeeeee" Pam shouted as she came. Liz
shuddered. She quickly reached for her phone & dialled the
number on the piece of paper in her hand. The person picked up on
the third ring.
"Hey Max, its Liz" Liz said nervously
"Oh, hey, how are you?" Max asked
"Yeah, im good, look Max about the thing we discussed earlier..."
Liz trailed off
".... Oh you don't wana move in?" Max said disappointed
"Yes" Liz replied sighing

im evil
"Yes, er, no" Liz said
"Huh?" Max asked confused
"Yes i wana move in. I guess we're getting married" Liz said, glad
to be moving away from Pam & her wall/friend/fuck buddy
"That's, great, wow, cool, im glad" Max almost shouted down the
phone with excitement
"Max, i gota get goin', early start tomorrow"
"Ok, good, see ya" Max said the smile evident in his voice
"Yeah, bye" Liz said putting the phone down, only to hear Pam's
VERY loud climax' *Oh great* Liz thought sarcastically.

~Part 5~ ~3Weeks Later~
/Liz moved in, her & Max are friends, Liz has noticed how involved Max is
with his work. Max & Liz invited all their friends & family over, to meet
~Max & Liz’ Flat~

“Max, Max” Liz shouted at Max as she made her way over to him.
“Yeah?” He asked
“I want you to meet my parents” She said pulling him towards a couple
that looked as if they were in their 50’s or 60’s.
“Daddy, this is Max, Max this is my dad Jeff. Mum, this is Max, Max this is
my mum Nancy.” Liz said introducing her parents
“Its nice to meet you” Max said shaking their hands
“& you” Jeff replied, taking in the young boy’s aperance
“So, how long have you know Lizzie?” Nancy inquired
“What’s it been; a month?” Max asked in thought
“Just a month?” Jeff interupted
“Well, when we met we knew how we felt about each-other. It sounds
strange, but it took only a minute in each-others company to know we
were soulmates” Max said acting his part well
“Hmmmmm, well as long as your happy” Jeff said thoughtful
“Excuse us, but I have to introduce Liz to my parents, its been a
pleasure meeting you” Max said & pulled Liz away

/Two weeks later Max & Liz got married & didn’t have a honeymoon\

“Can you believe what we did?” Liz asked her husband
“What?” Max asked confused
“We, got married, we don’t even love each other. We stood before god &
said we would be together & love each other no matter what. I have
always wanted to wait for love & we got married we don’t love each
other, what we did was wrong, why did I say ‘yes’? I hate this, im goin’
to bed” Liz said & went to her bedroom.
“Great, just fucking great” Max said to himself.

~Next Morning~
Liz sat at the breakfast table reading the paper, after just having
Putting Max’ breakfast on the table.
“Hey” Max said sitting down
“Hey Max, im sorry about last night. Its just I always wanted to be
married, & to be with my soulmate. Its stupid I know, im 30 & I’ve only
ever had sex once in my life & im still hopping to find my soulmate” Liz
said looking down ward.
“Liz, its not stupid. Im sorry too.” Max started
“Max, its never gona happen, im coming to terms with it & im happy &
lucky that I can spend my life with a friend. You could be a lot worse”
Liz said with a smile
“See, im not all bad. Now what have I told you about cooking my
breakfast, your not my mum ya’know”

~Later that night~
Max had gone to bed & Liz has just walked into his bedroom; where his is sleeping on his front the covers, lazily draped over his naked body. His left arm dangling out of bed his face turned to the left, his light still on.
Liz watched him sleep before getting her sketch-pad & sketching him, taking in his features, from slightly different angles. The next day she would start painting him.

~2Weeks Later~
It’s a Friday night, Liz has almost finished the portrait of Max & Max has had quite a bit to drink.
“Liz, Liz” Max called out as Liz headed for her room.
“Yea?” She asked turning round, to see Max walking towards her.
“Lizzzz” He slurred, standing in front of her, making her back up against the wall.
“Max your drunk” Liz said, a little scared
“Liz, can I tell you a secret?” Max asked not bothering to wait for an answer, “ Your hot. Really im 31, I havent had or even thought about sex since I was 20, that’s over 10years! & Now, I’ve know you like 2months, & im already having fantasies about you. 10Years, that’s over 3650days! No sex, & now all I think about is you lying under me screaming my name out in ecstasy, you naked, you ridding me, you, you, you!” Max said, the last part in a whisper his lips close to her ear, during this Liz had stiffened. Max pulled away & his lips started to descend onto Liz’.


~PART 6~
Max started to kiss Liz, his tongue parting her lips. Liz let Max’ tongue
caress her own, before she came to her senses & using all of her
strength, pushed Max away
“Hmmmmm, what’s wrong?” Max asked with a wide smile on his face
“Max, you drunk” Liz said turning away
“Hmmmm, & horny, really horny” Max retorted pulling Liz back to him.
“Max, why don’t you go to bed?” Liz asked feeling trapped
“Not with out you” Max whispered into Liz’ ear
“Umm, Max why don’t you go to bed & I’ll be in, in a minute, ok?” Liz
suggested, her heart pounding in her chest
“Hmmmm, ok” Max said making his way to his bedroom
“Ohgod, ohgod, ohgod, ohgod!” Liz kept repeating
Liz went into her bedroom & got changed into her pj’s. After Liz brushed
her teeth she went into Max’ bedroom & just as she suspected she found
Max lying onto of his bed snoring softly. Liz couldn’t get to sleep easily
that night because all she could think was *did he mean it?*

~Next Morning~
Max ran to the bathroom & deposited the contents of his stomach in to
the toilet. Once Max had stopped throwing-up, he could feel someone
stroking his back & making “Shhh” sounds.
“Are you ok?” Liz asked
“Remind me never to drink again” Max replied groggily.
“C’mon have a shower, then I wana see you dressed in what I’ve left out
on you bed for you.” Liz instructed
“Yes, sir” Max said saluting

~20 Minutes Later~
Max walked into the kitchen in a pair of blue jeans & an old t-shirt
“Like the look?” he asked
“Hmmm, I’ve never seen you look so dressed down before. Come here I’ve
made you some coffee, bacon & eggs” Liz said smiling at him
“I can eat that!” Max said wrinkling his nose up
“You’ll feel a lot better for it. Now, sit & eat!” Liz commanded

~Later On~
“Did I say anything last night that would of um…” Max trailed off
“Of course not” Liz replied quickly
“’Coz I remember some things” Max started
“Nothing Happened!” Liz cut in, almost snapping
The long awaited part 7:
~Part 7~

Max was walking ‘round his apartment in his boxers, he could hear music
coming from Liz’ room down the corridor. He walked into the room, she
had her back to him, she was painting & softly singing along to the

Life goes on, life goes on
Life goes on, life goes on

You sucked me in
And played my mind
Just like a toy
You were crank and wind

Baby I would give till you wore it out
You left me lyin' in a pool of doubt
And you're still thinkin' you're the Daddy Mac
You should've known better but you didn't
And I can't go back

Oh life goes on
And it's only gonna make me strong
It's a fact, once you get on board
Say good-bye cause you can't go back
Oh it's a fight, and I really wanna get it right
Where I'm at, is my life before me
And this feelin' that I can go back
Life goes on

She was only wearing one of his shirts, she had paint on her face, he
wrapped his arms around her stomach & nuzzled into the side of her

Oh life goes on
And it's only gonna make me strong
It's a fact, once you get on board
Say good-bye cause you can't go back
Oh it's a fight, and I really wanna get it right
Where I'm at, is my life before me
And this feelin' that I can go back
Life goes on

Wish I knew then
What I know now
You held all the cards
And sold me out

Baby shame on you, if you fool me once
Shame on me if you fool me twice
You've been a pretty hard case to crack
Should've known better but I didn't
And I can't go back

Oh life goes on
And it's only gonna make me strong
It's a fact, once you get on board
Say good-bye cause you can't go back
Oh it's a fight, and I really wanna get it right
Where I'm at, is my life before me
And this feelin' that I can go back
Life goes on

She stopped singing, put her brush down & turned around. She smiled at him & reached up on her tiptoes to his him. Silently she grasped his manhood & pulled it thru the slit in his boxers & let go. He pushed into her with ease. She wrapped her legs around his waist & he walked over to the wall & started pounding into her. She silently screamed urging him deeper, harder. They continued their silent lovemaking; all that could be heard in the room was the sound of the music flowing thru the stereo speakers.

Na, na, na, na, na
Life goes on
Na, Na, Na, Na,
It made me strong
Oh yeah, got this feeling that I can't go back

Life goes on, life goes on, and it's only gonna me strong
Life goes on, life goes on, and on and on

shame on you, if you fool me once
Shame on me if you fool me twice
You've been a pretty hard case to crack
Should've known better but I didn't
And I can't go back

Na, na, na, na, na
Life goes on
Na, Na, Na, Na
It made me strong

Oh yeah
Gotta feelin' that I can't go back
No I can't go back
Oh yeah
I've gotta go now
I'm moving on
No turning back
'Cause you made me strong.

Max woke up with a start & groaned into his pillow, what was Liz doing
to him?

~The Next Morning~
Max was walking ‘round his apartment at a loose end, board out of his
mind. Liz popped into his head & he decided to find her. He couldn’t find
her in her room, so he decided to try her ‘art room’.
He opened the door & saw her painting, with her back to him. He walked
into the room.
“Hey” he said
“Oh, hey” Liz said with a jump.
“Is that me?” Max asked surprised, he saw the painting of himself, Liz
had been working on.
“Um yeah” she replied nervously
“You made me look um…”
“Im sorry” Liz said tring to cover her work
“No, no don’t, I like it. I look better then I do in the mirror” Max said
“Really?” Liz said in disbelief
“Yeah. Look Liz I’ve started to remember more from when I was drunk &
look I want to know; did I say that I loved you?”


~Part 8~

“WHAT?!?!?!?” said a shocked Liz.
“So that’s a no?” Asked Max sheepishly
“Look Max, I can guarentee that whatever you think you said about whatever feelings you have towards me, had absolutely nothing to do with love” Liz stated flatly
“Oh, then how did I say I felt about you?” Max asked nervously playing with his hands.
“Well you, you, well you see, you, you,” Liz stammered trying to think of something reasonable to say, “You were very drunk, and when people are drunk, they, they um, talk, a lot of nonsense” Liz reasoned.
“But I thought when people are drunk, they tell the truth and let their real feelings out?” Max questioned to-wit Liz looked at him shocked.
“BUT you said that you loved me, and if what you’re saying is correct that would mean that you have feeling of love towards me, which cant be right; can it?” Liz asked taking a large gulp of air afterwards.
“Maybe” Max said, finally having the courage to look her in the eyes.


The sound of the telephone interrupted their staring match. Max instinctively picked-up the receiver.

“Hello Max Evans”
“Oh hi Alex”
“Oh my god”
“Yes she is, well we’ll be there right away” Max put the phone down & looked at Liz
“That was Alex, he’s at the hospital” Max said shock on his face
“Max, what is it, what’s wrong?” Liz asked worried
“It’s Is, she gave birth, to twins! A boy & a girl” Max said proud of his sister

~Couple of hours after Alex rang Max & Liz~
/Isabel gave birth to two healthy babies; Zan (short for Alexander) & Beth (short for Bethany).\

“I have an announcement” Maria said beaming
“Maria no is not the time” Michael replied
“Shut-up space-boy! Isabel, Alex I don’t mean to steel your thunder, BUT me & Michael have set a date for the wedding” Maria’s announcement was followed by a small chorus of ;
“Oh my god, Maria, that’s amazing”
“Way to go”
“Nice one Michael”
“I would hug you, But..well.”

“So, Michael & myself are FINALLY getting married. Isabel & Alex now have little people. Max, Liz is there anything you’d like to tell us?” Maria asked
“Like what?” Max responded confused
“Like your pregnant” Maria answered as if it were obvious
“What both of them? Max you never told me you were a hermaphrodite” Alex quipped, receiving a smack on the head from Isabel
“No. I’m not pregnant nor am I a hermaphrodite & Liz isn’t pregnant either.” Max said longing in his voice

~Max & Liz’ apartment~
“I love you” Max said crawling into Liz’ bed next to her.
“Maybe I’ll be able to tell that when your awake” Max said sadly

~Next Day~
/Max crawled back out of Liz’ bed before she woke up\
~Later On~
“So” Max drawled playing with the pasta left on his plate
“Fun day at work?” Liz asked nervously
“Yeah it was ok, look Liz lets not beat-about-the-bush” Max said pausing
“Ok” Liz said getting up & sliding the remains of her dinner down the sink
“I’m, well I’m in love with you & you probably aren’t in love with him, but you know it doesn’t matter.”
“Max, I, I am in love with you & well I, I…” Liz said being cut off by Max’ tongue; in her mouth


~soppysophs :mad:

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 3:58 pm
by soppysophs


Title: Caught In The Act
Rating: NC-17, mainly smut
Diclaimer: All i own are my thoughts of what i'd do to Colin Hanks if i ever met him
Couple: Max & Liz, is there any other?
Summary: Post Balance, Liz whilst in the shower decides to, well you'll see..........
Authors Note: the author cant spell, anywho my first POV fic, so tell me what you think

~Liz bathroom~ ~Liz' POV~
So there i was in my shower(think over a bath) still feeling down in the dumps, all because Max broke up with me! I was listening to the radio, and after washing my hair, moved on to my body. I started to get a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach But nether-the-less ignored it. As i moved on to washing my breasts the feeling in my stomach grew, and i started pinching my nipples. My curiositly grew as i had never masterbated before, i decided to give it ago. I slowly moved my small hands down my petite body, until they reached their destination. As i slowly & carefully masterbated myself, i sat down, finding it gave me more room. As i neared my orgam i started moaning Max' name. I put my forehead on the edge of my bath, my hand quickly moving in & out of my soaking sexual organ. Max' name a shout on my lips as i had my very first orgasm. I sat there for a moment calming my pounding heart. I stood up & re-conditioned my hair & finished washing my body.

BTW, as you can guess by the title Liz wasn't alone in her bathroom

feedback needed for continuation


Max’ POV
So here I am at the foot of Liz’ balcony, ok I just gota climb up, ok, here i go.
“Liz” I softly call out expecting to see Liz writing in her journal, she isn’t there. I climb thru her window, & still I can’t find her. Wait did I just hear something? Yea I did, its Liz, what was that.
“M-Max” She lightly called, wait was she moaning, oh god what if she’s hurt. I hurry to where the noise is coming from her bathroom. I try the handle, shit locked, without thought I unlock the door, & what I find I not what I was expecting, Liz is sitting in her bath pleasuring herself. Oh God, I cant move, ok that’s a lie, a part of my body is moving, yeah straining in my pants as I watch. I can’t take my eyes off her, when I see her walking around school, its usually quite difficult not to stare, now it’s all I can do. God she looks beautiful, stupid here’s the girl of my dreams, the girl im in love with, getting herself off & all I can think is that she looks beautiful. It just clicked that she’s moaning my name MY name, & I’ve lost the power of movement & speech. OH SHIT! Wait did she just oh, god, she’s….
“MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” She shouted out as her body went limp. Oh, god what should I do, oh, god, that’s it im gona go, shit I forgot I cant move great. She got back up finished washing her body & turned off her shower.
“Er, Liz” I say. Shit when did I get my voice back. She heard. I know because she was turning round & then stopped. Now I have the perfect view of her profile. Her ass is two round golden globes, her breasts are bigger then I thought. I knew she must be like an A or B cup, but now she looks like a C. He nipples are sticking out hard & im not sure but I think she stopped breathing, one word SHIT!



~Liz' Bathroom~Liz' POV~
"Er, Liz?" Oh God that was Max, oh god!
"Liz?" Just ignore him, i thought. I turned round, steeped out of my shower & picked up a from towel of the rack. I wrappaed the warm towle round my naked body, & went in to my room.
"Liz?" Oh God! Oh god he's following me, of course he is, he has to leave, of god he isn't leaving is he?
"Hi Max, how are you?" i ask casualy, oh God this isn't me, why arnt i nervous, or embaressed, i should be. I'm nervous when im in the same room as he is, & he caugt my......oh god how mutch did he see.
"Yeah, Max?"
"Your not embaressed?" He asks leaving against my bathroom-door frame.
"Before, i answer how mutch did you see?" I ask chewing on my bottom lip
"I, I, I walked, walked in whilst you were" He replies stuttering
"Why didnt you leave?" I ask, why am i digging a hole for myself, why?
"I dont know, i mean it my of been my, um, 'coz im a boy, a teenage boy, or an alien, or a teenage alien, or, or even a teenage boy alien, i, im sorry" He says looking down, oh god he looks like a 5year-old boy caught with chocolate all over his face, standing next to an an empty plate of biscuts (cookies, for all you americans).
"Why are you so guilty?" I ask, cant i just say 'please can you go?' NO!?!?!?!?
"Coz, i caught you, um, pleasuring yourself" He says, still looking down
"So?" I ask pulling my PJ bottoms up
"Im gona go" He says walking towards my window
"Bye Liz" he says not looking round
"Bye Max" I say back, but he's already out of my window. I put my PJ top on & do it up. I crawl under my covers, just laying there. About five minutes later, Max comes running thru my window..............


~Liz’ Balcony~ ~Max’ POV~
SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH YEAH SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t believe I caught Liz in the act, of pleasing herself. I can’t believe I perved on her. Oh god, I could be having sex with Liz, I don………I could be having sex with
I, im going in. I ran thru Liz’ window & jumped onto her bed & plastered kisses all over her face, whilst at the same time trying to loose all my clothes. Hey what can I say im a horny teenage alien J
“Max” I heard Liz moan. I did a double take & was surprised to see I was only in my boxers & Liz only in PJ pants. God she looks soo sweet. She locks eyes with me; I can fully see how naive she is. Her hands slowly wander to my hips & start tugging at my boxers.
“Not yet” I whisper in her ear.
She kisses me her lips moving over my face to nibble on the tops of my (sticky-outy) ears, then down to my neck & then she gently started sucking on my Adams-apple, causing me to moan. I stand up removing my boxers. Then ask her the all important question:
“Do you want the light on?” hey im wana be able to see, ok
“Um, do you?” she asks in a timid voice
“I, I want to um, see everything im doing to you” I say a smile evident in my voice. I see her gently nod, then her eyes move down my body & go wide at the sight of my erection.
She kneels on her bed & kisses me, her hands rapping round my penis.
“Liz” I choke out
“Yes” she asks an evil grin in her face
“Are you sure”
“Of course”
“Good” I cough
“Do you want to lie down?” Ok apparently im not the only horny teenager at the moment. I lie down on her bed, she’s still holding my manhood, gently stroking it.
“I think im in love with you Max Evans” She says looking at me innocently, her hands moving faster, ok she is DEFFINATLY gona have to wash these sheets.
“Ah, Liz” I moan, then suddenly she stops, aw I was enjoying that.
“Why did you stop?” I cant help the question escape my lips.
“Because I would rather do this”


~Liz’ Room~ ~Liz’ POV~
“Because I would rather do this” Crap where did all this confidence come from? I slowly move down his body so im face-to-crotch with him, god he’s HUGE
“Liz, don’t” He says. I snap my head up, a hurt look in my eyes.
“I mean, I wana save it, if you know what I mean” He says earnestly. Ohhhhhhhhhh now I get it.
“Liz, I dont know what to exactly do, so im gona do what I know. If that makes sense?” Awwwwww he’s so cute
“It does,” I whisper. He lays me down, removes my PJ pants. He bows his head & starts suckling at my nipples.
“Mmmmmmmmmmm, MAXXXXX” I cant help but moan. I suddenly feel two of his fingers enter me.
“AHHHHHHH MAX” SHIT what is he doing to me?!??! I can feel the orgasm building up inside of me, I think he feels it to because his fingers are moving faster, harder inside of me & he’s gently biting down on my nipples
“MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAXXXXXXXXX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I scream out as my orgasm hits HARD
“Liz I love you,” He says licking his fingers, I know I shouldn’t find that disturbing (AN, finger-lickin’-good LOL) but I do
“Make love to me Max” I whisper as his lips find a sensitive spot behind my ear.
“Anything for you” He says retrieving a condom from his wallet. Once the condom is on, he’s leaning over me, ready.

~Max’ POV~
Im about to make love to Liz, oh god! I gently push into her, stopping at her barrier.
“I can’t hurt you Liz,” I whisper into her ear
“You have to” She pleads, I gently push thru, claiming her as mine. As soon as it’s done I swipe my hand over her, to rid her of any pain. I slowly start to thrust in & out of her, her hips are moving up to meet mine. She’s softly moaning under me, I can feel the need for release building inside of me. I start to pound into Liz harder & faster urging her come. She opens her eyes looking dazed,
“Max, Im, im, oh god MMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAXXXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!!!” She shouts out as her walls squeeze around me
“Ahhhhh, LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIZZZZZZZZZZZ” I scream out falling on top of her. I flip us over so she’s lying on top of me.
“Hmmmm, I love you Max” She yawns. I kiss her forehead & know she’s already asleep. I also know that whatever happens we’ll be together & fight every battle together


Posted: Mon May 26, 2003 3:24 pm
by soppysophs
Tittle:Extra-Ciricular Activities
Summary: Liz & Tess find something better that studing to do. AU
Rating; NC-17
Disclaimer: I dont own anything, well except my sick mind
A/N: I know i have to finninsh "I Swear I Used To Be Straight" but this just popped into my head & i had to write it

"What are you doing?" Liz shrieked at her roommate Tess, who had fallen asleep on the bed. Tess wearily opened her eyes and blinked at Liz.
"We have a english literature final exam in twelve hours!" She collapsed on the foot of Tess's bed, curling into a ball. "We're going to fail."
"We're not going to fail," Tess said. "We've made it through four years of college, we can handle one stupid english-lit test."
Liz, whose face had been buried in the bedspread, turned to look at Tess. Tess was curled up on the bed, her rear facing towards Liz. Her short pleated skirt was hiked up around her waist, and Liz could see the edges of Tess's lips, completely shaved, pouting at her.
"You're not wearing any panties!" Liz said, sitting up in shock.
Tess laughed and rolled over, spreading her legs wide so Liz could see her pussy. "I haven't worn panties in years. I hate doing laundry."
As Liz watched, Tess slid her hand over her flat stomach and fingered her pussy. Her index finger darted between the folds of her pussy lips, spreading the shiny wetness from inside all over the wrinkled pink mouth. Liz swallowed and shifted closer. Tess could see her nipples were hard.
Tess smiled and slid her other hand down between her legs, flicking her clit lightly with one finger while she slid her finger in and out of her pussy. She lost herself in the sensation as her fingers got wetter and wetter, until she was shoving three fingers into her pussy as she rubbed her clit.
"YEEEEEEEEES!" Tess screamed as she came. Liz watched as Tess's pussy spasmed, squeezing her fingers, her juices flowing over her thighs and her hand, her clit throbbing.
Breathing raggedly, Tess opened her eyes and looked at Liz. Liz's cheeks were as flushed as Tess's, and she was still staring at Tess's gaping pussy.
"Did you like that?" Tess asked.
Liz stood up rapidly and walked over to her desk.
"I have to study," she said flatly.
"Your loss," Tess shrugged, and walked over to her own desk.
Two hours passed as the roommates read. Tess fingered her pussy at her desk as she read. She could hear Liz turning pages and breathing behind her.
And then she felt Liz's soft hands on her shoulders, rubbing gently.
"Need something?" Tess asked softly, turning in her chair to smile up at her roommate.
Liz stepped back and pulled her dress over her head. Her skin was a deep tan colour, setting off her straight dark brown hair, firm breasts, and hairy pussy. She rubbed her nipples as Tess watched.
"I want, I want..." she started, blushing, and then dropped her head. Tess stood.
"I know what you want," she said. She walked towards Liz, stripping off her own clothes as she did, and then kissed her roommate softly. Liz's tongue explored Tess's mouth as Tess lifted her hands to Liz's breasts, caressing them softly.
Tess pushed Liz back to her chair and she sat down. Tess knelt in front of Liz and licked her clit lightly at first, listening to Liz moan softly.
"Do you like that?" Tess asked. Liz nodded.
Using her tongue harder now, Tess continued to taste her roommate's pussy. She guided Liz's hand down and pushed her finger into her own pussy.
"Finger-fuck your pussy while I eat you," Tess commanded Liz. She complied, pushing her fingers in and out of her slit as Tess lapped at her clit.
Tess could tell Liz was getting closer when Liz brought her free hand down to Tess's head, pushing her tongue harder against her clit. Her hand pressed against her hole, her fingers flying in and out of her sloppy pussy. Liz arched her back and came against Tess' s lips, her clit throbbing on Tess's tongue as she cried out.
Tess pulled her head back and grinned at Liz.
"Come here," she said. She lay down on the bed, pulling Liz with her. The women caressed each other's breasts and then Tess placed Liz's hand on her pussy, sliding her own fingers into Liz's pussy. As their tongues danced in each other's mouths, the women fucked each other lightly, stroking their fingers in and out of each other's pussies and stroking each other's clits. They came again and again, shivering and pressing their breasts together, their hands sloppy with cum.
In exhaustion, Tess finally pulled away.
"We should do some studying," she said. Liz knelt on the bed, and then straddled Tess's face.
"We are studying," she said as she lowered her hot slit to her roommate's mouth.
“We’re just studying pussy, instead of english” Tess laughed and dove into Liz's wet pussy with her tongue.
