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Leaving Normal - Chapter 11 - 4/04/2018

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 11:35 am
by Parker1947
“What are you talking about?” Michael asked seconds later as he watched his wife storm out of the kitchen after her words. What does she mean. Max is coming back into our orbit? He wondered. Does she mean because Liz’s is back to dealing with him again? “Maria, what is going on?” he asked as he followed her.

“It’s nothing,” Maria said as she walked upstairs but knew the tabasco was out of the bottle as her husband followed steps behind her, “I have to get ready for work,” she said as she went to their room, but Michael continued to follow, and she tried to stall him as she turned back. “Come on honey, hey, check on the kids.”

“No,” Michael said as he shut the door behind him as he entered the room. “What did you mean by that rant?”

“Look Space boy, I love Max, I really do. He helped me immensely when we were younger, but I don’t like this situation. I don’t like how he hurt my friend.”

“Your friend is a strong and independent woman, and she made just as many decisions as he did about their relationship. Yes, Max screwed up. Liz did too. We all did, but come on Maria, it’s a bit hard to lay it on Maxwell shoulders for what went down.”

“She’s here, he’s not.”

“Yes, he is. But Liz is just as responsible for that as much as he was for walking away.”

“He married someone else,” Maria said bitterly. “Liz has been here on the road dealing with his children and he goes off and marries someone else and lives a bliss free life while she deals with all the responsibilities of our life in Roswell, and the consequences it had.”

“That’s not fair Maria,” Michael said. “To hear Liz say it, well, she made the decision for him to stay away. He could have been here for her and the twins, but she didn’t want him to be and neither of them could have imagined Evan showing up on our doorstep after all that is why Max left in the first place. To find his son, and make sure he was safe. None of us could imagine that, and certainly not them.”

“I know, okay, I know, but…” Maria said as her face crumbled as she was forced to accept the reality of the situation even if she rebelled every inch against it. “Liz is overwhelmed and it’s all on her.”

“Maybe one of these days that will change,” Michael asked.

“Yeah maybe,” Maria sighed.

“Why do I sense you know something more about that,” Michael asked as he took a close look on the emotion on his wife’s face, “What do you know?”

“I know nothing,” Maria tried.

“Maria,” Michael asked quietly. “You’re way too stirred up about this for you not to know something.”

“OK Michael… fine, you got it out of me, Max and Isabel are headed this way. I don’t know anything about it. Kyle is the one who has the in with Isabel, but I do know that she told him that Max sold his place in New York, and they are headed this way and they should be here within days.”

“Are you serious?” Michael asked, in shock. Max and Isabel are coming back?

“Yes,” Maria admitted. “And I just hate how this is going to string Liz up all over again because she doesn’t need this level of turmoil,” she sighed as she paced the room. “I hate it.”

“Maybe it’s time for all of this to be over. If Max and Isabel do come back, then maybe we’re closer to get some semblance of finality to this drama?”

“Only if it’s indeed the end,” Maria sighed. “Liz can’t handle anymore angst.”


It was nearly noon by the time that Max and Isabel got in their car and started driving. Isabel slept in late and then Max got a call from his real estate agent who said they had an offer. And he had to decide whether he wanted to take it with a closing date immediately, which he did. And he spent the morning signing papers and faxing them back to be official, and then it was time to be on the road after an early lunch. “What are you doing with the money?”

“I have something special in mind,” Max said cryptically as he wondered if this road was almost over. “I am not ready to discuss it yet as it’s only something I am playing around in my head for the moment and haven’t put to action yet.”

“Okay,” Isabel said as they drove “Where are you putting the money?”

“That is worked out as well,” Max said as he knew he was taking a chance, but he was ready to take it and move on into the future, and he didn’t care what anyone thought of it. He was ready to grab what he wanted, and what was right for him.

“Tell me sometime, okay?” Isabel asked.

“I will,” Max smiled.


Phillip Evans Law Offices

“What’s going on?” Phillip asked as his wife came rushing into the office. He was just about to close for the day. His days were numbered at the firm, as he was talking about retiring and he had a few last clients he was going deal with before closing the doors, and he was only in the office that morning when he saw his wife come in. “Diane, why are you flush?”

“The bank called,” Diane said.


“You asked them to call if anyone touched Max or Isabel’s accounts, right?” Diane asked her husband, and Phillip didn’t know what had gotten his wife so excited. It had been eight years of no news about their kids, and they had sort of found themselves getting used to the status quo of their lives without their son and daughter.

“Yes, I did,” Phillip nodded as he remembered in the days after his children had disappeared in the mayhem of the Graduation disaster with the FBI. Max and Isabel got lost in the mayhem, and he and Diane hadn’t been able to find them and then Liz was scooped up by the Unit, and he had helped Jeff get his daughter released only for her to leave town the next day, leaving a note saying she was meeting Max to go and get married and they wouldn’t be coming back out of protection for their families. “I asked them to call us.”

“Well they called, and said that Max’s account was accessed today,” Diane said carefully. “They said a considerable sum of money was deposited into it from a real estate agency in New York.”

“Really,” Phillip asked as he reached for his phone and Diane sat down on the chair by his desk. “Hello, this is Phillip Evans, can you tell me if there has been any action on two accounts. One belonging to Max Evans or Isabel Evans,” he asked. “You called my wife earlier, and I just wanted to confirm. “No, I know you can’t discuss the details of the accounts. I am a lawyer, and I was only wanting to confirm that it’s indeed true”

Diane was in bated breath as she watched her husband on the phone. “Yes, thank you very much” he said as he hung up, and turned to his wife. “It’s true. Isabel’s account hasn’t been touched since they left town. But Max’s account had a large amount deposited in from New York earlier today.”

“What do you think it means?” Diane asked.

“We need to call Jim,” Phillip said. “Better yet, why don’t we go find him. I was about to close for the day, and we can get lunch afterwards.”

“Is it possible we might find out something,” Diane asked.

“You never know,” Phillip smiled as Diane waited while he powered down his office, and walked out with him as he closed and locked the office. “It’s been eight years.”


“Eight years,” Jim Valenti asked in the apartment above the Crashdown. Once he had received the call from Phillip, he commenced the group of grieving families to discuss recent developments. “There hasn’t been any movement in that account since they left town?” he asked as it had been a long time since the whole group had gotten together because after it was evident that their kids weren’t coming back. Phillip and Diane had gravitated away from the group as they wished to come to terms with the loss on their own.

“No,” Phillip shook his head. “I check occasionally, and until today when Diane came to my office about the call at home we hadn’t seen movement.”

“And no action in Isabel’s account?” Jim asked.

“Nope,” Phillip sighed. “I asked when I called the bank. They were able to confirm that only Max’s account was activated today with the new funds.”

“Have you thought to ask Jesse?” Amy asked Phillip and Diane. “If he’s heard from Isabel, if she has touched their joint account.”

“They are divorced,” Diane commented. “Jesse went to court and was granted the divorce after he relocated to Boston, and it was obvious Isabel wasn’t coming back, although she did receive the petition and chose not to contest it. I believe he remarried last year.”

“But their joint account stayed untouched right?” Jim asked. “Because it needed Isabel’s consent to close it, and the court wouldn’t rule on it and Jesse seemed fine with it because he had opened a new account and any funds went into that one once he relocated.”

“That is true,” Phillip sighed. “Although I suspect if Max didn’t touch his account, then Isabel didn’t touch her joint account with Jesse because of the legalities involved.”

“It wouldn’t hurt to ask Jesse,” Jim asked. “The bank would call him, right?’

“Most likely,” Phillip admitted.

“I am sorry guys,” Amy said. “I know this has awoken everything for you and the hope that comes with any new development.”

“It doesn’t feel like it’s been eight years,” Diane sighed. “I just seemed like yesterday. I miss my children.”

“Phillip and Diane,” Jim sighed as he knew they would have to discuss the newest information that the rest of them were in the know of and Phillip and Diane were in the dark regarding. “We didn’t want to give you false hope or worry you but in the recent days there has been some new developments.”

“How so?” Phillip asked.

“We found out that Tess Harding didn’t die eight years ago. She was alive and well until a couple of days ago!”

“WHAT” Diane asked, outraged and her husband was close behind in his disgust. “You said she was dead. That is why the kids were forced to make plans to flee, before the mayhem at their graduation ceremony.”

“The kids believed it, I believed it” Jim admitted. “It was the natural assumption when Liz drove Tess to the army base, and then moments later it exploded. We thought she sacrificed herself for her son. But it turns out for some reason, she didn’t die because she was found dead in Texas a couple of days ago.”

“My god,” Diane asked. “That means what?”

“You knew that the baby Max and Tess had was put up for adoption in the days prior to their departure from town, right?” Jim asked the group.

“Yes, I arranged it” Phillip admitted as he remembered those days and how his son after months of distance from his family, created by him and his wife but also Max’s conduct, he came back home to seek help with the baby but ultimately, he decided the child needed a safer home and that at eighteen years old, he wouldn’t be able to provide that especially once he learned the baby was human. “Diane and I took him to his new family.”

“You knew the new family turned up a victim of a car crash a few weeks later, and the baby was missing.”

“Are you serious?” Diane asked. “Phillip, did you know?”

“No,” Phillip shook his head as he tried to figure it all out, and what it all meant. He didn’t recall hearing about any accident involving the new adoptive family of his grandson. “Jim, what are you saying?”

“It was within hours or maybe days of mayhem at the graduation ceremony. The kids had a plan to leave. But it all went by the wayside because Max learned of the accident. As you know Jeff, Nancy, Phillip and Diane. Max and Liz were engaged, they got engaged just days before graduation and were planning on going off together, and getting married. But in the ensuing drama of Graduation and the FBI sweeping up Liz, she and Max got separated. Max was with Isabel. Maria and Michael were together elsewhere, and Liz somehow got snatched up. We eventually got her released with the help of you Jeff and Nancy, and Phillip’s legal expertise. Still, they had plans to meet up and leave together… But then…”

“What?” Nancy asked.

“Max heard about the accident, I forgot how. But he did. And he feared that Tess had lied about how special the little boy was so Liz encouraged him to go off in search for the baby. Isabel would go with him. While Liz, Maria and Michael and Kyle in the hysteria of the town reaction to the events of the ceremony. They went off together…”

“So, Liz lied when she said she and Max were eloping?”

“In a manner of speaking. Their plans got foiled and I do know as of three years ago when the Special Unit got dismantled, they hadn’t come together.”

“How does Tess work into this?” Amy asked.

“I truly don’t know. We did believe she was dead. But as you Amy, Jeff know I recently got a call from the police department in Austin, and they said they found Tess’s body and I was listed as next of kin. As Amy knows, to be honest, I haven’t seen her body. But the department wants me to come and pick her up. And I do plan to do that, this coming weekend. Amy and I plan to make what we can and have a weekend of it.”

“And now we have movement in Max’s bank account?” Diane asked. “What does all this mean?”

“I have no clue,” Jeff admitted, and Jim concurred. “But it’s damn interesting.”

“The real estate agency was listed in New York you said?” Amy asked. “And Tess was found in Texas. So obviously Max and Isabel, if they are still together, they were in New York. But what does Texas mean?”

“I wish I knew,” Jim sighed.

Maybe we are closer to finding our kids?” Nancy asked hopefully.


“Max is coming back?” Michael asked hours later as he cornered Kyle in the kitchen of the family house, as the plates were cleared from dinner and the kids were all doing homework and Maria was doing prep for the next day school plan while Liz was cornered off in her office, doing some accounting work and trying to ignore the rush of memories she kept having of Max, and trying to use work as a diversion. Michael didn’t have anything to do, so he cornered Kyle to ask the essential question. “Well?”

“So, Maria spilled?” Kyle asked.

“She didn’t mean to,” Michael assured his friend. “But she let it go in the wake of a rant about the whole damn situation we face ourselves in.”

“Yeah, I have been at the end of those rants when she feels ready to let out steam.” Kyle sighed. “Sorry you had to experience it.”

“This one was unusual in its intensity, and it’s all fueled I am sure because of the news about Max. Is it true. Are they coming this way?”

“As far as I know,” Kyle said. “I haven’t talked to Isabel in a few days, ever since they started their trek. But that was the intention. Once Max’s wife died, at Tess’s hands we find out, he sold their place and is on the road… this way.”

“Does he know… you know.” Michael asked.

“About Evan. Or most importantly… the twins?” Kyle asked. “No, we kind of got prevented from having that discussion involving the twins. She does know about Evan.”

“How?” Michael asked.

“Phone issues,” Kyle said honestly. “I truly don’t know what’s going to happen once he hits town. This has many ways it can go…”

“Liz doesn’t know. If I didn’t know until this morning than Liz doesn’t know, right?”

“Nope, and she’s going to have my head once she does know.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t tell her,” Michael said as he remembered their conversation from that morning and he knew his wife was right that Liz was an emotional time bomb and if she knew Max was coming their way, there was no way of knowing what she might do. Even if they needed this endless drama to end, and as he knew Liz regretted keeping Max away…but still, it might be one step too far.

“You really think we should keep her in the dark, and let him come here and surprise her?”

“Yes,” Michael said. “She should know to prepare the kids, but still, you never know what you might do if you know you have visitor coming that you have a history with and it provokes a lot of positivity and negativity in you. Maybe she needs the element of surprise.”

“Wow, I didn’t think I would hear that from you?” Kyle whistled. “I’ll think about it.”

“Do that,” Michael said. “I have to check in with work,” he said as he left the room as Kyle was forced to make some decisions.

“What am I going to do?” Kyle asked himself.

Re: Leaving Normal (CC, Mature) - Chapter 11 - Updated: 04/04/2018

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 12:09 pm
by Roswelllostcause
Things are going to get hot in Texas before long. Kyle when Liz finds out run for your life cause I got the feeling she with be a major lighting bug and it will be your ads she aims for!

Re: Leaving Normal (CC, Mature) - Chapter 11 - Updated: 04/04/2018

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 5:39 pm
by L-J-L 76
WOW great chapter!!!! It seems the crap is going to be hitting the fan when Max, Isabel, Liz and others are all together. So now Kyle, Isabel, Michael and Isabel know. And now the parents know something is up. Wonder who will find Liz, Michael, Maria, Kyle and kids first Jim, Amy or Max and Isabel? Will it be a happy reunion or a mad reunion? What will Liz, Michael, Maria, Kyle do when they see Jim, Amy, Max and Isabel?

L-J-L 76

Re: Leaving Normal (CC, Mature) - Chapter 11 - Updated: 04/04/2018

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 9:11 pm
by keepsmiling7
I agree with Maria.....while Liz was taking care of the kids, Max gets married......still don't understand that.
Did Liz really keep Max away??
So much angst......
With all of the recent activity.......the parents are beginning to have hope they will see the kids again. Hope they won't be disappointed.

Re: Leaving Normal (CC, Mature) - Chapter 11 - Updated: 04/04/2018

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 12:42 am
by L-J-L 76
Please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? Can't wait for Max, Isabel, Jim and Amy to find Liz, kids and others.

L-J-L 76

Leaving Normal - Chapter 12 - 04/08/2018

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 9:58 am
by Parker1947
And before they knew it, it was Friday when everything came to a head and there were results no one had anticipated earlier in the week as Liz was out for the day, in back to back client meetings that would stretch into the evening and back in Roswell, Jim Valenti was putting the last bag in the car, and closing the house. He still didn’t know what he would find on this trip, but he had some sense there would be some answers on the other end… or he hoped. After all they hadn’t gotten any more information in the wake of the discovery of the reactivated account registered to Max, and the hefty sum deposited into it. A call into Jesse confirmed that he had gotten remarried, and that he had no contact with his ex-wife since she left town except for a note about a year after their departures to indicate that she didn’t plan to return to him and that he should move on, so he started the process to divorce her… and their dormant joint account remained untouched according to him, and the bank.

And now they were setting off to claim Tess’s body, or figure out what to do next. As he still had questions. He was led to believe aliens turned to dust when they died. Heck Max did, before being recreated into Clayton Wheeler’s body and then taking possession of it, so why did they have a body in Austin?

“Are we ready?” Jim asked.

“If you are,” Amy smiled as she kissed her husband and got in the car, after Jim place a last call to the station to see whether anything urgent was calling her attention, but nothing was so instead he got in his car and drove off…


While Max continued to drive on their trek to Texas, as they were hitting the last stretch and knew they would likely hit Austin the next day if they kept going the rate they were. The closer they got, the more certain Max got this was the right decision while Isabel got more tense because of the discoveries she knew would be undercover once they did reach their destination and there was even information Isabel didn’t know, which would be news to her once they did reach the end of the line.

While in Austin, because Liz was out of the house… Michael and Michael once home from their jobs, well, they were on kid patrol as Kyle had a date, and this time he was generally excited about the women he was getting to know, and so he was humming to himself as he got ready for the date.

“Looking good Valenti,” Maria whistled as she came into the room and admired the suit Kyle had on as he came into the kitchen of the main house. “You look like you really want this one to go well.”

“I want them all to go well,” Kyle admitted. “But this one, I don’t know, I feel like she is special.”

“Then good luck,” Maria smiled as she checked to make sure his tie was correctly done up. “Michael and I will be on kid duty tonight so enjoy yourselves because we wish we could.”

“I will,” Kyle said as he thought of their roommate who was out of the house on personal and other professional duties. “You have been talking to Liz haven’t you. How is she?”

“She seems calmer then how she was earlier in the week, but still the calm seems unsteady and she could blow at any time,” Maria admitted. “We haven’t really talked about it, but I sense she’s trying to take her time with it all, one day at a time.”

“I don’t know if that is good or bad?” Kyle asked.

“Who knows,” Maria shrugged as she thought of the upcoming collision of the past and present. “You haven’t let your news slip to her, have you?”

“Your husband advised me to keep quiet on that front and given how unsettled Liz has been, I couldn’t help but agree although I know this has the capacity to go bad on me.”

“Yeah, he told me,” Maria admitted. “And he is probably right on some level as the last thing she needs this kind of news on top of dealing with the kids.”

“Let’s hope,” Kyle muttered as he fretted whether he was doing the right thing. “Evan seems like he’s no longer angry over being left in the dark about his father’s identity.”

“Yeah, he’s truly opened up. He’s like a new kid.”

“Let’s hope that continues,” Kyle sighed as he finished getting ready for this date.


“So, you’re ready to admit it to yourself?” Dr. Santos asked Liz as they sat in her office during their scheduled appointment. “What happened to change your thought process?”

“I guess I have had to come some realizations and not all of them have been pretty. I guess I wanted to believe Max needed to be out there, and it was just too dangerous for him to come home to me at the kids, when it was only me that has kept us apart. I can’t be angry at what he might have done, like get married to some else, if I didn’t want him with me.”

“So, your dreams?” Dr. Santos asked.

“I am still conflicted. I want it one way, but then the other way presents itself to me and tries to get me to wish it could have been different.”

“What does it all mean?” Dr. Santos asked.

“I have no idea. Max is still out there, but maybe it’s time I make some decisions. Evan showing up had clarified it to me that I can’t always get what I want, and I need to realize that.”

“You were mad?” Dr. Santos asked.

“Yes,” Liz admitted. “I guess I never came to terms that Max was with someone else. Yes, we were broken up, and I gave him the field to be with whomever he wanted but still it hurt that he took the opportunity, especially given who it was and the circumstances it all happened under, and what the fallout ended up destroying.”

“It has to. He was with someone else, and had a child.”

“I thought when he decided the put up the child for adoption that things would be better, and they were, and we were finally ready for that future. And then it all fell apart.”

“You chose to send him away,” Dr. Santos asked.

“I did,” Liz admitted. “And I do think it was the right decision for the time. He needed to find out what happened to his son. I never imagined my decision to send him away would get so complicated by my own pregnancy with the twins and would make me regret that decision.”

“And yet you didn’t welcome back when you had the chance?” Dr. Santos asked.

“How did I know he would stay?” Liz asked. “We had so much trouble in high school staying together. And now with the children, and potentially his son out there, I guess I was worried that it would come back to haunt me.”

“And it did.”

“Yes, I made a selfish decision, and it burned me in the end!” Liz sighed.

“It’s not selfish to want to protect your kids,” Dr. Santos asked.

“But it is to keep them from their father. I should have told him and let him decide, but then I knew what he would have done with the news.”

“He would have come running back to you and you didn’t know whether he would regret that, if his son came calling and made him choose?” Dr. Santos asked.

“It makes me wonder,” Liz admitted. “And then I let his son move into my home, so yeah, my life is full of contradictions.”

“You can wonder all you want, or you can actually decide to push for actual results, and to know one way or another,” Dr. Santos asked. “So, what do you want to do?” she asked, and Liz was forced to stew over as her appointment was over for the day as she let herself out of the office, and walked to her car.

“What do I want to do?” she asked as because she had an evening appointment with a client, she didn’t have time to go home and get some dinner, so she decided to stop by a local Mexican restaurant for some dinner.


While at the same time, Jim and Amy were pulling outside the same restaurant as their hotel was down the street. And they elected to get something to eat before checking in for the night as he was supposed to be at the police station in the morning to deal the business regarding Tess, so while Jim called the station to make sure everything was still running smoothly Amy went into grab a table…

And she was shocked to see a fellow customer waiting for a table to open, she had to rub her eyes because it had been eight years after all and she didn’t know if she had the right person in mind after all this time…

“Liz…” she said quietly before blurting it out loud. “Oh my god, LIZ, is that you!”

Liz who had been checking her voice mail while waiting for an attendant to take her to a table, when she heard the voice, she in a stunned trance like moment turned to witness a voice she hadn’t heard in so long, and yet was instantly so familiar.

“Amy…. Amy…Amy Deluca,” she asked as she turned around and stunningly looked at Maria’s mother with the same jaw dropping surprise and in a state of shock. “What... are… you…”

“What are you doing here?” Amy asked equally as quiet as she tried to grasp the sight she was seeing.

“I stopped in for dinner,” Liz said quietly as she worked out how this encounter would go. Eight years had transpired since she had last seen Maria’s mother, and how she knew her friend missed having her mother in her life. And she did too, so much of her childhood and being a teenager had been done within the walls of the Deluca home, and to cut that cord was also brutal as much as it was to cut off contact with her own parents. “What are you doing here?” she asked in her own voice.

“My goodness, Jim and I are here because he needed to do some business here in town tomorrow, and we decided to take some time.”

“You mean Jim is with you, I don’t see him.” Liz said as she looked for Kyle’s father.

“He was placing a call to the station after the long drive from Roswell, my goodness Liz, what are you doing here?” she asked. “Besides dinner of course.”

“I had evening business meeting, so I didn’t have time to go home.”

“You live here in Austin?” Amy asked clearly still in shock. “What do you do?”

“I am an accountant,” Liz said softly. “I know it’s not what you probably envisioned for me, and probably not what I envisioned for myself but it’s what life delivered to me. I had some clients today, so I stopped in here for something to eat between appointments.’

“Liz, do you know where my daughter is,” Amy asked finally voicing the dreaded question she long held in her head…


Outside, Jim was getting into a long discussion with his deputy over the merits of keeping an arrestee in custody or allowing him seek bail, and he wasn’t seeing what was playing inside the restaurant. “It’s your call, I trust your judgement. You know how to handle evaluating. If he wants an attorney, of course allow him one, but I trust you know what to do. I won’t be home until Sunday at the earliest” he sighed as he truly didn’t want to deal with the police department the next day, but knew he had to.

“I am glad we were able to get together,” Kyle was saying nearby as Jim was finishing up his call, and his son was walking nearby with his date, Stacie Thomas. They had met down the street at a pub and had a refreshing drink and had some small talk before electing to go to a more formal dinner at an Italian restaurant Kyle knew, and so they were walking down the street with when out of corner of his eye, he saw a figure. He didn’t want to trust the name he had put to that figure, but when he like Amy steadied his eyes and he saw the one man he craved to see for the last eight years.

“Dad,” is that he said out loud and Jim was startled by the voice as he turned and looked Kyle’s way and went pale when he saw his son for the first time in eight years. “What, sorry,” he said into the phone. “I have to go, call me with what you decided to do. I trust you deputy,” Jim said in a shocked voice, as he feared he was seeing a ghost as he concluded his call and steadied his glance on his son. “Oh my god, Kyle”

“Dad,” Kyle asked again.

Re: Leaving Normal (CC, Mature) - Chapter 12 - Updated: 04/08/2018

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 11:03 am
by L-J-L 76
Oh my god Amy found Liz. And Kyle found his dad. Wow now that is one hell of a surprise. But in a good way. So glad that Liz is talking to someone about what is going on in her life. But I do understand why Liz is feeling the way she is with everything going on. Will Liz, Kyle take Jim and Amy to the house? What will happen when Amy, Jim see Maria, Michael and kids? Will Jim and Amy be glad and surprise or in shock? How is Max and Isabel going to show up? How are Liz, Kids and others are going to see them? What will Liz, kids and others do when they see Max and Isabel? Will everyone be happy to see each other? Will Max be surprised to see 3 kids? Will Max and Liz talk? Will Max and Liz work things out? Will Max and Liz get married? Will Max and Isabel stay with Liz, kids and others? Where will Max and Isabel stay? Will Max and Liz have a happy ending together? Will everyone have a happy ending together? Will Liz, Kids and others go to Roswell? Will Liz ever see her parents again? Will Max, Isabel see their parents again? Will Max and Liz fall in love again? Will Max and Liz get married? Will Max stay with Liz? Will Max and Liz be happy together? Sorry for the questions I was just wondering. Please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? Can't wait to read what will happen when Max, Isabel see Liz, kids and others.

L-J-L 76

Re: Leaving Normal (CC, Mature) - Chapter 12 - Updated: 04/08/2018

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 11:24 am
by Roswelllostcause
Looks like Tess did do one good thing with her life. She is bring everyone together again.

Re: Leaving Normal (CC, Mature) - Chapter 12 - Updated: 04/08/2018

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 12:28 pm
by keepsmiling7
Can't wait for Max to arrive in Austin and discover his THREE children.
What a surprise for Liz to run into the Sheriff and Amy.
Will Amy get to see Maria???
I'm anxious to find out what Jim and Kyle had to say to each other.
thanks, Carolyn

Re: Leaving Normal (CC, Mature) - Chapter 12 - Updated: 04/08/2018

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 11:22 am
by L-J-L 76
Please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon ? Can't wait for Max, Isabel to find Liz, kids and others.
