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Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 18 7/25/17

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 5:28 am
by L-J-L 76
Finally the truth is out. Max and Liz were right about somethings. So glad that Serena is helping them. Can't wait to find out how Isabel, Alex and Kyle are. Also can't wait to find out how bad Max was. Hoping everyone can work together and come up with a plan to stop Tess.

L-J-L 76

Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 18 7/25/17

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 8:21 am
by keepsmiling7
Max still doesn't trust Serena......but he'll have to wait his turn. No telling what Tess did to his mind.
At least Liz finally told Max the truth. He had good questions for Liz......
Michael is just beginning to know what it feels like to have two pain in the ass sisters!
Thanks, Carolyn

Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 18 7/25/17

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 10:39 am
by Natalie36
can't wait to see how much max was mindwarped

Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 18 7/25/17

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 4:25 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 It is good that Serena is helping everyone. We will have to wait to see how bad off Max is.

Carolyn Max doesn't trust Serena. It is good that Liz and Max talked finally. Michael is going to learn just what it is like to have two pain in the ass sisters.

Natalie36 You are going to have to wait a little longer to find out what Tess did to Max's mind.

Part 19

Michelle parked her car in front of the small house in Dexter New Mexico. She had not been surprised that Cal was refusing to help. There were only two people who could actually get him to do his job. But right now she needed to see if Natasha was ready to head to Roswell. It was going to take all of them to get the Royal Court ready to face Khivar's army on Earth. She sighed and got out of the car. She walked up to the door surprised to find Natasha waiting for her.

"Let me guess Cal is leaving the Royals training to us." Said Natasha
"Yes. May I come in?"
"Of course. We all owe you a great deal for leading the Special Unit away all those years ago."
"It was not enough in the end."
"It was not your fault. The traitors are to blame. Nager led them to the King. He had to find away to gain the trust of the King, Princess and General. While making sure they turn their backs on the ones they love."
"Natasha, how am I going to explain to Jim why I left?"
"He already knows. Nancy, Amy and Charles explained everything to him as well as the King and Princess's adoptive parents."
"I hope he can forgive me."
"Michelle, I am sure he will."


Isabel and Kyle came down the stairs and sent Maria and Alex up the stairs. Isabel smiled as she sat across from Liz.

"So Liz, how do you feel?" Asked Isabel
"It is just so over whelming. I mean until a couple hours ago I believed that I was a normal small town girl. Now I am this reborn Queen of another planet." Said Liz
"Hey what about me? I was you average all American jock. Now I am this alien freak that was in love with Guerin's baby sister." Said Kyle
"Watch who you call a freak Buddha lover." Said Liz shocking him.
"What the hell?! When did you get powers?" Asked Kyle
"Serena woke them when she cleared my head. With us having been twins back on Antar our powers are very similar. So she also passed on the knowledge on how to use them too. I mean we both have our own special power. But most of them are the same." Said Liz
"What is your special power?" Asked Max
"Well Elexa use to get visions. You know like the flashes? But these weren't of the past or like day dreams from others. These were of the future. But I would have to touch someone or something of theirs to get the vision. But it is only of one possible future." Said Liz
"What about Serena?" Asked Kyle
"She is immune to mindworps. It is part of why she can remove them from others."
"Do you fully trust Serena?" Asked Max
"Yes Max, I do. She is my twin part of me. Now that she and I have connected we can't hide anything from each other. We were close on Antar."
"They were pains in the ass on Antar." Said Michael
"Oh come on Mikey we weren't that bad." Said Liz with a grin
"Don't call me Mikey pipsqueak." Said Michael
"Should you really be talking to your Queen that way?" Asked Liz
"Yeah when she is my pain in the ass sister." Said Michael
"Oh please you could never hurt me or Rena."

Michael just smiled. He knew Liz was right.


"So you any closer to getting in the King's pants?"

Tess glared at the boy who looked no more than thirteen. But she knew better. This boy was really Khivar's top agent on Earth.

"Nicholas these things take time."
"Khivar wants it done soon."
"I need to set it up just right. Besides I need to get that book translated just right. I also need to know how to work the Granilth to get us off this shit hole planet."
"You have the key then?"
"Of course. Don't worry I will do my part."
"You better. Because you don't you are dead."
"I get that. Now I need you to make sure that human bitch that Max thinks he is in love with is out of the way."
"Why should I help you?"
"If you don't get Liz Parker out of the way it will be much harder to control Max."
"Fine. Do I get to kill her?"
"Not until I get what we need from Max."
"Well I could still have fun with her until then."
"Yeah well just keep her alive until I am done with the boy King."
"Oh don't worry that can be arranged."

Tess smiled evily. Soon Liz Parker will be out of her hair forever and she will have what she always wanted.


Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 19 7/26/17

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 1:17 pm
by keepsmiling7
Love how the sisters tease......and torment Michael. He gets what he deserves.
I am worried about Tess lurking in the shadows.....

Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 19 7/26/17

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 8:07 pm
by L-J-L 76
Love the way Liz and Serena are teasing Michael. Love the way Liz used her powers on Kyle. So everyone is starting to get their heads clear thanks to Serena. Wonder how Jim and Kyle are going to be when they see the wife and mother. Someone needs to stop Tess and Nicholas before they try and kill Liz.

L-J-L 76

Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 19 7/26/17

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 4:22 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Liz and Serena are having fun messing with Michael. Tess is very dangerous. But she is out numbered don't forget.

L-J-L 76 I don't think that Liz and Serena will stop teasing Michael. You find out here how the Valentis react to Michelle's return.

Part 20

Max took a deep breath as he walked into the Parker's apartment. Serena sat on the couch looking tired.

"You sure that you are OK to do this?" Asked Max
"I will be fine. Max, look I know that you don't trust me. But I am the only one that can do this. Max, I know you don't remember but we were friends in our last lives."
"It isn't easy to trust anyone."
"I understand. Not sit your ass down your Highness."

Max sat down and looked into Serena's warm eyes as she took his hands and slowly opened a connection between the two of them. It was nearly five minutes later that the connection broke and Serena passed out. Max checked her and breathed a sigh of relief when he realized that she was just passed out. He got off the couch and moved her so that she was laying. He put one of the throw pillows under her head and covered her with the afgan from the back of the couch. He kissed her on top of her head and headed down stairs. He smiled at the memory that she gave him. Dexa had been the one that helped him win Elexa's heart. He walked into the Crashdown and Liz looked at him.

"Serena is fine. She wore herself out. She is sleeping right now." Said Max
"Liz, you would know if something happened to her. You now have a permanent connection to her." Said Nancy
"Because they are twins?" Asked Alex
"Yes. Twins are rare on Antar. Powerful ones like Elexa and Dexa were even rarer. They could actually read each others thoughts. In time Liz and Serena maybe able to get that bond back." Said Amy
"What are we going to do about Tess? I mean we can't keep having her live with dad and me." Said Kyle
"I know Kyle. We will come up with something." Said Max
"Does this Khivar know that the whole Royal Court is here?" Asked Maria
"No. It is best if he doesn't find out. Liz would be in great danger if he were to find out that she is Elexa." Said Charles
"Why? Because she was Queen?" Asked Isabel
"No. Because he was obsessed with her. He believed that he loved her. But the truth is he just wanted her because she was one of the most powerful women ever born on Antar. Liz, you should have that power in you. But you need to train to use it properly." Said Nancy
"Yeah well whose fault is it that I haven't been trained mom?" Asked Liz
"Lizzie don't speak to your mother that way." Said Jeff
"No Jeff, she is right. None of us have done what we should have done. We didn't teach any of them to use their gifts. Natasha did her job with Serena." Said Nancy
"Oh and I guess I should tell you that Rena let me in on a little secret that the three of you don't really want known. That all true Royal Protectors have to follow any order issued by the rightful King and Queen. That means Max and myself." Said Liz

The three alien protectors all paled when Liz made that statement.

"Is she telling the truth mom?" Asked Maria
"Uh well..." Said Amy
"Amy answer Maria's question." Said Liz in a firm voice
"Yes." Said Amy
"Liz and I will need to discus this. But unless we have to, we will not use this power." Said Max
"That is the only way you will get Cal Langley to do his job."

Everyone turned as two women entered the Crashdown.

"Michelle?" Asked Jim
"Hello Jim. I see you know everything now." Said Michelle
"Yeah. You could have told me the truth." Said Jim
"It was too dangerous. After the one you called Nasado went on his killing spree your father was a little too involved in alien hunting." Said Michelle
"Where is Serena?" Asked Natasha
"Upstairs resting. She cleared the mindworps from all of them. She passed out after she finished." Said Nancy
"I warned that girl about over doing it." Said Natasha
"Everyone this is Natasha Turner. She has been possing as Serena's mother since she came out of the pod." Said Nancy
"Sorry for not introducing myself when I came in." Said Natasha
"I'm Michelle Valenti for those of you who don't know. I have been trying to keep the Special Unit away from you for the past ten years or so. But that traitor Nasado screwed things up." Said Michelle
"So why come back now mom?" Asked Kyle
"You will need all the help you can get. The skins are getting ready to attack. Unfortunately none of you kids is ready for this battle. But that is not your fault." Said Michelle
"We should call Courtney Banks." Said Serena walking in.
"Courtney?" Asked Max
"She is really Ioda one of those Rathron worshipers." Said Serena
"Rathron worshippers?" Asked Maria
"They are a very small faction that believed that Rathron would have been a better King then Zander. But in order for that to have happened Rathron would have had to marry Vilandra. But they loved others people on top of the fact that they had a almost sibling like relationship." Said Natasha
"Will she help?" Asked Isabel
"Oh I think she will. We tell her that if she joins us then she will not face any charges on Antar for treason." Said Liz
"What Liz?" Asked Maria
"OK Courtney is part of a group that wanted to over throw the King and place my hot head of a brother on the throne. So that can be seen as treason. She helps us take down Khivar and she will be given a pardon. If she gets anyone else from her group to join us they will receive a pardon as well." Said Liz
"Liz, you are starting to think like a true Queen." Said Natasha
"Yeah well that is what I have been told I am." Said Liz
"Michael should talk to Courtney." Said Max
"I will go with him. She knows that I know about her." Said Serena
"Oh there is no way that I am going to stay behind while Michael talks to that hussy." Said Maria
"Maria, chill out. Courtney won't do anything with Rena there." Said Michael
"He's right. I scare her a little." Said Serena with a smile.

Maria huffed and watched the two of them leave.


Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 20 7/27/17

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:47 am
by keepsmiling7
It appears that the group will have lots of help now.......Michelle came back to help
And now Courtney will join forces with them, much to Maria's disgust.

Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 20 7/27/17

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:47 am
by L-J-L 76
So finally the truth comes out and everyone knows everything. Love the way Liz is thinking. Jim and Kyle handled see Wife/mother really well. Can't wait to find out what happens when Michael and Serena talk to Courtney.

L-J-L 76

Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 20 7/27/17

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 5:08 pm
by Natalie36
that is so good. They are all back together.