Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 53 & Epilogue Complete 5/3/17

Fics using the characters from Roswell, but where the plot does not have anything to do with aliens, nor are any of the characters "not of this Earth."

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L-J-L 76
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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 22 3/31/17

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Another great Chapter!!!! So glad that Max and Isabel are going to be writing Liz. Hopefully Liz will write them back.

L-J-L 76
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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 22 3/31/17

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Tommy is a real prince, isn't he?
I hope Liz will get lots of letters letting her know she has friends waiting for her return.
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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 22 3/31/17

Post by Roswelllostcause »

L-J-L 76. I am sure that letters from her friends will go a long way to helping Liz get better.

Carolyn Oh yes Tommy is every parent's dream guy for their little girl. Not! I think letters from one one dark hair young man will help more then others.

Part 23

It had been two days since Liz recovered the memory of Katie's rape. She had spent a lot of time working through the emotions that she had buried so long ago. She had just left another one of her therapy sessions. She now went twice a day to individual sessions plus attended group four days a week. She walked into her room and noticed some envelopes on her bed.

"What is this?" Asked Liz
"Your mail. You are a loud mail, and at the end of your second week your family will be able to visit you." Said Carolyn looking up from the letter she was reading.

Liz, picked up the four letters. One was from her parents. One from Serena, both those were expected. Then there was one from Isabel. That was a little bit of a surprise. Isabel was more Serena's friend then hers. But it was the last one that made her smile. It was from Max. She put the others a side and sat down on her bed. She opened Max's letter and began to read the nearly three page letter.

~My dearest Liz,

When I heard what happened to you I was scared I had lost you. You should have told me what was going on with you. I would have done everything I could to help you. You really have no idea what you mean to me. I still remember the day that we met. You were this scared little girl. I remember the fear in your eyes when you learned that you would not be sitting with Serena next to you. I want you to know that I knew you had been through something bad. I wish that you could have trusted me. That you would have felt safe enough to tell me about the nightmare you lived. Liz, I want you to understand how much you mean to me. How much I care about you. I told you when I gave you that necklace that you are like a rose. You are on the verge of blooming. Get better so I can show you how much I need you in my life. How much you truly mean to me.

Liz, all our friends miss you so much. Even Michael, he won't admit it but he does care about you. You might not believe this but Serena got in a fight. Pam, Lori and Courtney were messing with her. Well this is all second hand. But Courtney said the wrong thing to her and she snapped. From what I have been told your sister tackled Courtney and beat the crap out of her. It took both Michael and Kyle to pull the two girls apart. They both got suspended from school. From what I understand Serena might have broken one finger, but Courtney has a black eye and split lip. Seems that you don't want to make Serena mad. I want you to know that I will never turn my back on you. Liz, get better so that I can show you how much I really care about you. I want you to remember that you that you are loved by more people then you know. Take care and I will write you again soon.

Love always,

Liz put the letter down and wiped tears from her eyes. Max loves her! She couldn't believe it. She had been told no one would ever love her. But Max does love her.


Serena sat at the table with her parents picking at her dinner. She really wasn't hungry but knew she needed to eat. But just knowing what Liz went through at such a young age made her sick. She had never been able to understand how a grown man could hurt a defenseless child. Liz had never talked about what happened to her with anyone. Serena and her parents knew about the physical abuse that Liz had gone through. Doctors were unsure if she has suffered any sexual abuse. All they had been able to determine was Liz hadn't been raped. But not if she had been touch sexually because Liz wouldn't talk about it.

"Mom, is Liz doing OK?" Asked Serena
"Yes honey. Dr. Davis said that Liz really is starting to work through everything. But she still has a long way to go. But next weekend we can visit her. But for now it can only be family." Said Nancy
"Will you let me go?" Asked Serena
"Yes. Serena, you are the one of us that is closest to Liz. She trusts you." Said Nancy
"I don't know how true that is. She didn't come to me when she was in trouble."

Serena got up from the table and headed for room.


Kathleen opened the file and looked at the photo of the girl with long brown hair and sad brown eyes. She was older but that was to be expected. It had been twelve years since she had seen her. She was no longer the three year old girl she had know.

"I hope you are getting better Lizzie. I have missed you. But it will be a little while before we will see each other again. I hope that you remember me. I never forgot you."

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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 23 4/1/17

Post by keepsmiling7 »

That letter from Max should make Liz well........or at least start healing fast to get to see him in person soon.
Serena is a good sister and one day she and Liz will be very close I hope.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 23 4/1/17

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Love the letter Max wrote to Liz. It is making Liz realize that Max loves her. Even though she thinks no one will. Can't wait to find out how it will go when Liz sees her family. Hopefully Liz will talk to them. So Katie is in Roswell. Can't wait for Liz and Katie to see each other again.

L-J-L 76
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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 23 4/1/17

Post by SmileeUk »

I have just caught up from the start & it is so sad to find out what Liz had suffered in the past. Also stories behind Katie & Carolyn make me so sad! But glad they have found a way to deal with it.

I like Brian, a good character out of nowhere.

If I were Serena, I would fight Courtney without a doubt :twisted: No one mess with my sister :twisted:

Comforting to see Liz finally confronted her fear. It is hard to deal with but will have a long term benefit. Love what Max had written to Liz. He did not scare her by declaring his love but I can feel it in between the lines. Isabel showed her caring side is rarely seen in other stories & I like it.

Want to read more :wink: :wink: :) :)
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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 23 4/1/17

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Carolyn I am very sure Max's letter is helping Liz heal. A visit might do a lot of good too!

L-J-L 76 Max's letter has made Liz realize that she is someone that can be loved.

SmileeUk Liz's past is very sad. But now she is learning to deal with what happened. Serena wasn't going to let anyone talk bad about her sister! Max let Liz know he does love her but not in an over powering way that would scare her.

Part 24

It was Saturday afternoon. The day visitors came. Liz knew that it would be another week before she would have any visitors, so she was laying on her bed reading the letters from her family and friends.

"Do you know where I can find Carolyn Dawson ?"

Liz turned to the door to see a man in his early forties dressed in an army dress uniform. His blond hair was cut to less then an inch. Liz had a feeling that this might be Carolyn's father.

"I'm not sure. Try the garden." Said Liz

He didn't say anything just turned and walked off down the hall. Liz felt a chill go down her spine. That man was just so cold.


Carolyn was laying under a tree in the garden when she heard hevy footsets approaching her. She looked up to see someone she wasn't expecting.

"Carolyn, can you get up?"
"I need to speak with you. It is very disrespectful for you to be laying around like that."

Carolyn sighed and got up and led her father to a nearby bench. Major Dawson looked at his daughter and noticed that she seemed less distracted then she was the last time he saw her.

"Are you doing better?" Asked the Major
"Yes father. But I still need about two months of treatment here. Then I will continue out patient treatment." Said Carolyn
"I see. I came to inform you that I have been transferred to Munich. Your mother, sister and I leave in three weeks."
"What does that mean?"
"It means that you when released will go live with your Aunt Stacey in Roswell. I have already spoken to your doctor. It is best that you remain here."
"So you are just going to forget about me?"
"Carolyn, this is for the best."
"No! You stopped giving a damn about me once you learned that I will not get in to West Point! Did you ever think that I might not want to go there? That I might not want to be in the army? That maybe Amber might not want to join the army? Matt did want to join the army. But not me!"
"I didn't raise you to speak to me that way soldier!"
"Damn it! I am not a soldier!"
"You got that right. Your mother will come next week to see you one last time."

The Major got up and walked off. Carolyn watched him go. She got up and headed for her room and cried.


Brian walked through the hospital and right to his cousin's room. He found her on her bed crying with Liz trying to comfort her.

"What's wrong Care bear?" Asked Brian

Carolyn didn't say any thing.

"Liz, do you know what is wrong?" Asked Brian
"I'm not sure. But about an hour ago a man in an army uniform was here." Said Liz
"Damn! That would have been her father. Major Asshole! I was hoping to get here before him."
"What are you doing here Brian?"
"Carolyn is my cousin."
"Yeah. Liz, I love her."
"You know why I am here right?"
"Yeah. You just get better OK?"
"I already am. By the way is it really true Serena got in a fight?"
"Yeah. Courtney, left with a split lip and black eye."
"What about Serena?"
"Other then breaking her middle finger on her right hand not a scratch."
"Thanks Brian, for being a friend."

Brian gave Liz a smile and then tried to comfort his cousin.

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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 24 4/2/17

Post by Natalie36 »

all caught up. glad is getting the help that she needs can't wait for her to see katie I think that will help the both of them
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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 24 4/2/17

Post by keepsmiling7 »

poor Carolyn, her family will all be moving away and leaving her here......
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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 24 4/2/17

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Natalie36 Liz is getting the help she truly needs.

Carolyn Yes poor Carolyn. He family is going to leave her behind.

Part 25 One month later

Liz smiled as she walked into the recreation room and saw her parents, sister and Max. It was visitors day. Once Dr. Davis helped her to start to deal with what she witnessed at such a young age she had started to improve. It had only been three weeks but Liz was not nearly as scared of her emotions.

"Mom, dad, Rena, Max! It's good to see you!" Said Liz hugging each of them.
"Liz, how are you honey?" Asked Nancy
"I'm getting better. But I still have a ways to go." Said Liz
"I'm glad honey."
"Liz are you really doing better?" Asked Max
"Yes Max. I want you to know that your letters mean so much to me. I read them all the time. I know that what you have written is what you honestly feel." Said Liz
"Liz, if I said something wrong I am sorry." Said Max
"Max, you didn't. Do you know why you are my best friend? It's because you are so kind and honest. You may have thought you were hiding your feelings from me. But I have always known that you love me. I just didn't realize how much until I read those letters how much. It makes me feel good to know that you feel that way about me." Said Liz
"Liz, what about me?" Asked Serena

Liz took Serena's hands and looked into her sister's eyes.

"Rena, you are my sister! My first friend. I wish I that I was to the point that I could tell you how I feel. But I am not there yet." Said Liz
"Liz, I just want you to get better. I don't want to lose you." Said Serena
"I promise that I will get better." Said Liz
"Liz, Dr. Davis thinks in another month you will be able to come home." Said Jeff
"I would like that." Said Liz

Liz spent the rest of the afternoon visiting with Max and her family.


Courtney sat in the doctor's office with her mother. They were waiting on the doctor to return with the results of the tests that had been done.

"Courtney, are you going to tell me why you have been sick every morning for the part week?" Asked Vivan
"I don't know mother."
"Tell me are being stupid and having sex?"
"Tell me Courtney! Are you acting like a whore? Are you spreading your legs for some boy that is unworthy of you?"
"Mother what I do is none of your business."

Just then the doctor came in.

"I have the results. Courtney is pregnant." Said the doctor
"I see. When can we get an appointment to get rid of the bastard?" Asked Vivian
"Mrs. Banks, we do not do abortions here. But if that is what you truly want then I can give you the number of a clinic in Dexter that you can have it done at." Said the doctor
"Don't I get a say in this?" Asked Courtney
"You are nothing but a stupid careless fifteen year old child! You will have an abortion and then you will be off to an all girl boarding school on the east coast! Maybe they will be able to shape you into a proper lady!" Said Vivian
"Mrs. Banks, I don't know if you are aware of this but the age of consent in New Mexico is seventeen." Said the doctor
"Really? Well then you will give this boy up and I will see that he is arrested. You will still have the abortion and go to boarding school." Said Vivian

Courtney knew better then to argue with her mother. Once her mind was made up there was no changing it.


Tommy took a long drag on his cigarette as Lori sucked on his dick. This girl was good at giving blow jobs. She had gotten the hang of it rather fast. He grunted as the girl ran her tounge over the tip of his dick. He felt her hand reach up and squeeze his balls. He grabbed her head and held her in place as he exploded in her mouth. He heard her start to choke on his cum. But didn't let go of her until he was milked dry. He let her up and watched as she wiped her mouth.

"You getting better at that." Said Tommy
"Yeah. Listen you know that if you tell anyone that we do this I will kill ya."
"I know that! You tell me that all the time."
"You just don't forget that!"

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