Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 70&Epilogue 3/7/17 Complete

Fics using the characters from Roswell, but where the plot does not have anything to do with aliens, nor are any of the characters "not of this Earth."

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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 19 1/16/17

Post by Roswelllostcause »

L-J-L 76 It's ok I don't actually live in Hell Michigan. Yes that was some way for Liz to see Max first thing in the morning. We will see if Zan is the man that Ava is going to see.

Carolyn It is good that Michael told Max about Sean attacking Liz. As for how he will act now? We will wait and see. But I think he will be come more protective of her. No research has not found out that they are neighbors. Yes poor Ava!

Part 20

Zan took a long puff of his cigarette as his men dragged the pregnant girl in and forced her into a chair in front of him. They were far from his mansion. They were in a small house that he paid the owner to let him use for this.

"Zan." Ava spat
"Yeah, bitch. Though I didn't really believe that you were knocked up when I heard."
"Yeah well it's yours and I will prove it."
"Yeah about that. Ain't going to happen. You see once you agreed to let me fuck you, you agreed to deal with the consequences on your own."
"I was drinking that night!"
"Yeah I was drinking and fucking high!"
"The only reason I am not going after you for rape is I can't prove it."

Zan just laughed.

"You don't get it do you bitch? I ain't giving you shit for that bastard you are going to have. You will never prove that thing is mine."
"Yeah I will. You see the court will order a DNA test and seeing as I haven't slept with anyone else it will be easy to prove."
"Ain't never going to happen. You see this is the kind of shit that will ruin my life. I have plans to be a big time star! This stupid show is only a stepping stone."
"Yeah right. That is why Elizabeth Parker stars in the highest grossing horror movie ever made and it's only been out a week and half. While that action movie you are in that came out a month ago hasn't brought in even half as much money."

Zan's eyes turned dark and slapped her across the face. He then took a drag of his cigarette and blew the smoke in her face. He laughed as she choked on it.

"Well the thing is everyone thinks that Parker is a sweetheart. But she ain't she is nothing but a prissy bitch."
"Bet you only think that cause she won't let you screw her. Got to admit I wish I hadn't let you take my virginity."
"Well that was your choice bitch."
"Yeah. That was a mistake."

Zan just smirked as he thought about what he would do to this pain in his ass. He got one of his men to grab a hold of her and he started to punch her. He ignored her cries he then had his men take her a dump her outside a hospital.


Max laughed at a story Liz was telling about when she and Serena had to mud wrestle. He remembered watching it.

"You two were really rolling around in mud?"
"Yeah. When we finished before they would let us back in the building with our dressing rooms and sound stages they used a garden hose on us."
"Was it fun at least?"
"No! Serena and I were digging mud out of everywhere on our bodies."
"Yeah. Alex was watching and laughing the whole time."
"I bet he was."
"Alex is one of the nicest guys I have ever met. I really want him to find love."
"What about you? Don't you want to find love?"
"Max it is not that easy."
"It's not important."
"Liz, does this have something to do with what almost happened to you in high school?"
"How do you know about that? Only two other people know about that. So tell me who's ass do I need to kick?"
"Michael, but only because he wants you to be happy."

Max watched as Liz started to cry. He got up walked around the table and wrapped her in a hug. He then helped her to his couch. He sat next to her holding her as she cried. He knew that this is what she needed right now. After a few minutes Liz pulled back and looked at Max. He was looking at her with concern and caring. Not with pity and shame that she always believed someone would if they knew. He pushed her hair back from her face and leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. Liz pulled back looked at Max and made a bold move. One she had never done before in her life. She placed her hand on the side of his face and leaned in placing her lips on his and kissed him. Max was surprised at first but it only took him a couple of seconds to start to return it. It wasn't long before it deepened and became fully of the passion that both were feeling. Liz let out a moan as Max's tounge slid into her mouth fighting to take control of the kiss. Liz felt herself slowly being lowered onto her back onto the the couch. Max laid above her continuing to kiss her passionately. Max moved on of his hands to slid it under her shirt. Liz grabbed his hand and gently pushed him back breaking the kiss. Max looked at her breathing hard seeing fear in her eyes. Max slid off her and back onto the couch.

"God Liz! I am so sorry!" Said Max
"Max, you did nothing wrong. In fact I was the one who started kissing you." Said Liz sitting up.
"But I did start to gorp you."
"But as soon as I sent the signs for you to stop you did. Sean didn't do that. Michael is the only reason that ass didn't rape me. I know that you will never take things farther then I am ready to go."
"You're right. You know I have always hated that Zan got to put his hands all over you."
"Well, let me tell you something Max Evans, you kiss a hell a lot better then your bastard of a cousin. Taste much better too."

Max smiled and started to kiss her again. Just as it was heating up Max's cell phone rang. He pulled away and answered.

"Hello?... Yes this is Max Evans.... Yes I know Ava Stevens...... Yeah I will be there as soon as I can."

Max hung up and looked at Liz.

"Liz, I got to go. Someone beat Ava up. She is in the hospital. They are trying to stop her from going into labor."
"She isn't even eight months is she?"
"Little over seven."
"Max go. She needs a friend."
"Thanks Liz."

Max grabbed his wallet and keys and ran out of the apartment leaving Liz in the hall outside of their apartments.

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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 20 1/17/17

Post by clueless »

Thanks for the quick updates, it's nice to have something new to read!
L-J-L 76
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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 20 1/17/17

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Can't believe Zan would beat a pregnant woman like Ava. Poor Ava! She needs Max, Liz or someone to help her before Zan kills her and the baby. Love how Max and Liz are laughing and getting long. Love how Max is being so loving and caring. Way to go Liz making the first move. So glad Max knows when to stop instead of forcing Liz. So glad Max and Liz are so worried about Ava and her baby. Thinking Liz is probably going to confront Michael and Maria when she gets back to her apartment.

L-J-L 76
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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 20 1/17/17

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Maybe this situation with Ava will finish off Zan for once and all.
It appears that Liz is beginning to trust Max, but it is a slow process.
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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 20 1/17/17

Post by Roswelllostcause »

clueless Thanks for reading!

L-J-L 76 Zan really is an ass for beating Ava like that. Max was raised right. He knows that no means no.

Carolyn Zan is going to crash and burn before long. Liz wants to trust Max. But part of her is still scared.

Part 21

Liz walked into her apartment to find Michael and Maria having breakfast.

"You looked like you enjoyed breakfast." Said Maria with a smirk taking in Liz's swollen lips and messed up hair.

Liz sent a glare at Maria and then turned to Michael.

"Liz, I only did that because I care about you. Liz, I can tell just looking at you with him that you are in love. But you are just so stubborn that you weren't going to act on your feelings." Said Michael
"Michael, you did the one thing I asked you not to. You told him that I was almost raped! Look, I know Max will tell no one. But when I tell you not to say anything about something you need to do it! Don't you get that I want no one knowing about my personal life? Where did you tell him?"
"The parking garage last night."
"Well at least I know there is no way that anyone heard you. Reporters have been banned from the property by the owner. I am not the only high profile person who lives here."
"I'm really sorry Liz. I just want to see you happy again. You know like before it happened."
"Michael, I understand that. But the fact is it wasn't your place to say anything."
"Liz, babe we both love you. There is this light in your eyes, when we talked on the phone there was this happiness since you met Max." Said Maria
"I think you both should go back to Roswell tomorrow. I will make the arrangements." Said Liz

Liz walked off to her room slamming the door. Maria looked at Michael. She had never seen Liz so mad.

"Michael, we both know that she is falling in love with Max. But she is right. You shouldn't have told him."
"You told her parents after she left."
"They had the right to know why she changed and as soon as graduation was over packed her bags and hopped on a plane out here to start her career up again."
"Yeah, they were worried. They knew something happens at that party. But no idea what."
"Well she hasn't made it easy on them. She flies in the day before Christmas eve and takes off again the day after Christmas. Everyone knows she had no reason to be back here that week before New Years."
"True. I know she will forgive me at some point."
"Yeah. But I think it is best that we do what she wants and go home tomorrow."
"Yeah give her time to cool off. Maybe really get something going with Max."
"I think they started something today."

Maria had to smile. God she hoped that Liz forgave Michael for butting in. She didn't want to wait for the tabloids to break the story that Liz was in a relationship. Or worse yet the likes of Kip Peters and TMZ to do it.


Max sat in the waiting room waiting on word on Ava. Just then a doctor came out.

"Mr. Evans?"
"Yes." Said Max standing up.
"I am Dr. Sadler. You are a friend of Ava Stevens?"
"Yes. Is she and the baby OK?"
"We were able to stop the labor. But whoever beat her did a number on her. She has a broken arm three cracked ribs and a number of other cuts and bruises. The police are on their way to talk to her."
"May I see her?"
"Of course."

A few minutes later Max was lead to Ava's room and he looked at her small broken body in the bed.

"Hey Max." Said Ava softly
"Ava, you have looked better." Said Max
"Yeah I felt better too. The cops here yet?"
"No. Do you know who did this to you?"
"Yeah, and I am hoping he rot in jail."
"It was Zan wasn't it?"
"Yeah. He was trying to make me lose the baby."
"Ava, I knew he was a jerk. But I never thought that he would do something like this."
"Yeah well he scum. I will prove he is my daughter's father and see in jail for beating me up."
"Good. Ava, you don't deserve to have this happen to you."
"Thanks Max, you are a great friend. I haven't had a lot of those."
"Ava where is your family?"
"Don't have one. Grew up in foster care."
"I'm sorry."
"Hey don't be. Max, I am glad I met you. Now mind you I think you are a great guy but not the one for me. You are more like a brother."
"Yeah well I got my eyes set on a different girl myself."
"Maybe this actress that will dump high priced coffee on assholes?"
"Yeah. She is my neighbor by the way. I think you would like her if you met her."
"Bet I would."

Max gave Ava a gentle hug and headed out.

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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 21 1/18/17

Post by L-J-L 76 »

So glad that Ava and the baby will be ok. Yes finally Ava is going to make Zan pay for hurting her. Now all Ava needs is someone else to press charges and Zan will go to prison hopefully. Love how Ava thinks of Max as a brother. And also love how Ava knew Max loves Liz. All I can say about Michael is he made a wrong move by telling Max. And also Maria made a bad move too by telling Liz parents what happened at the party. Michael and Maria need to stop telling people and let Liz tell. Agree with Michael and Maria they need to leave so Liz can cool off and maybe start something more with Max.

L-J-L 76
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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 21 1/18/17

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Liz really let Michael have it for telling her secrets.....but I bet one day she will be glad he did.
And Max is such a good friend to Ava. Maybe they will get Zan once and for all.
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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 21 1/18/17

Post by Roswelllostcause »

L-J-L 76 Yes Ava and the baby will be OK. Avaisn't the only one who will make Zan pay. Michael should never have told Max what happened to Liz.

Carolyn Liz did let Michael have it. She knows that he did it because he cares about her.

Part 22

Liz heard a knock on her bedroom door.

"Maria leave me alone."
"Liz, Mrs. Marks is here and wants to talk to you." Came Maria's voice

Liz got up and walked out to the living room. She looked and sent a glare at Michael who got up and headed for the bedroom with Maria.

"Hi Mrs. Marks. How is Jessica?"
"She is awake."
"That's good."
"She told the police what happened."
"That's good."
"Liz, she went to a party at her friend's cousin's house. She told them that there was both drinking and drugs going on there."
"Why didn't she leave?"
"She saw someone she always wanted to meet. Someone you have worked closely with there."
"Oh god! It was Zan wasn't it?"
"Yes. Liz did you know he could do something like this?"
"No. I don't know him that well. I know I work with him. But he has only ever had one intreast in me, and it was not something I wanted."
"Why would he rape a sixteen year old girl?"
"Mrs. Marks, from what I know of Zan Banister he only sees women as something to use for his needs. He doesn't care about them. If I had any idea that Jessica liked Zan, I would have warned her to stay away from him. I didn't know about him using drugs. But I did know he liked to drink and smoked heavily."
"Liz, I don't blame you. I was just wanted to see if you had any idea that he could do something like this."
"I didn't. But Mrs. Marks from the rumors I have heard about Zan, he doesn't believe in condoms. So Jessica needs to be tested for STDs and HIV."
"It will be a few days before anything will show on the STD test. The HIV will have to be repeated a few times."
"I know. Mrs. Marks if she wants to talk to me about what happened I would understand. If not for two really good friends I would have been raped in high school. It's not something I talk about. But I can understand sort of how Jessica is feeling."
"I will tell her."

Liz said goodbye to Mrs. Marks and went to talk to her friends. She knocked on the bedroom door and Michael opened it.

"Michael, I forgive you for telling Max. But I still want you to go home tomorrow. I like Max and I need time to see what these feelings I have are. I can't do that with you two around." Said Liz
"I understand. Liz, I didn't do it to hurt you. I did it because I think Max will make you happy again." Said Michael
"I know."
"Liz are we good?" Asked Maria
"Yeah we are Maria."
"How is Jessica?" Asked Maria
"Awake, but not good. She had been at a party. It was at the house of the cousin of a friend of hers. Long story short is that there was a lot of drinking and drugs going on. Zan was there and he raped her." Said Liz
"God what a asshole!" Said Michael
"Liz what does this mean for the show? I mean I am sure that charges are going to be filed." Said Maria
"I don't know. But there is a good chance that Zan will be written out."
"Good." Said Maria
"Yeah. Uh I will see you two later. I am going for a walk on the beach." Said Liz

Liz grabbed her keys and headed out.


Zan rammed his dick into the blond's pussy. She was tight and oh so wet. He pounded into her hard. He grunted as he kept pounding in and out of her. He had no idea what her name was. He didn't know the name of most of the girls he fucked. That is all this was a fuck. He knew that Rath had fucked this girl a few times not that he cared. Sex was sex. It didn't matter if the girl was a virgin or not to him. Though he had to admit that he did enjoy having his dick in a fresh pussy. Though an experienced pussy was nice too. He didn't have to work as hard to get off. He screamed as his seed exploded into her. He rolled off breathing hard and picked up the crack pipe and took a long hit off it. The girl got up dressed and left the room. She knew that she wasn't going to get anything else from him. After a few minutes Zan pulled on his pants and returned to the party to search for his next fuck. He had just walked down the stairs when the police burst in. Everyone was placed under arrest. Zan struggled with the officer who shoved him against the wall.

"What the fuck you doing? You have any fucking idea who I am asshole?" Asked Zan
"Yeah I know who you are Banister. See my little girl is a big fan of yours. Too bad she is going to learn what a bastard you are." Said the cop

He read Zan his rights and dragged him out of the house. Zan nearly went crazy when he saw the TV cameras and flashes go off. He saw Rath getting shoved into another car and they were both driven off to the police station.

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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 22 1/19/17

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Finally Zan and Rath are going down for the rape and drugs. I hope Zan and Rath will never get out of prison for what they did. So glad that Mrs. Marks went to see Liz and let her know how Jessica doing. I feel so sorry for Jessica having to go through that. Glad Liz told Mrs. Marks about Zan never wearing a condom. And that Jessica needs to be tested. Finally Liz goes and talks to Michael and Maria. So Liz can understand where Michael and Maria were coming from. But agree with Liz she needs to sort her feelings for Max with out Michael and Maria there. Hope Liz is right Zan maybe written out of the show.

L-J-L 76
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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 22 1/19/17

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Happy Dance........the police hauled off Zan. Hope he never sees daylight again.
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