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Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 18 12/9/16

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 6:40 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Things are slowly starting to heat up between Serena and Kyle. Liz is afraid to open heart to Max. But she can also see that he may care about her as more then a witness.

Carolyn Kyle and Serena are asking personal questions and getting to know each other. Liz is still scared to open herself up to Max.

Part 19

Gomez smiled at the young blond woman who came into his office with the updated reports on his dealings. She had been working for him for a year. He wanted to bed her but she was playing hard to get.

"Here are your reports Mr. Gomez."
"Isabel, I told you that you should call me Juan." Said Gomez
"That wouldn't be appropriate sir." Said Isabel
"We are family here Isabel."
"Sir, you are my boss nothing more."
"Isabel, I am sorry you feel that way. I think of you as part of my family. I will protect you."
"Yes sir. I should get back to work."

Gomez watched her leave. While he still planed on making the Parker girl is wife, he wanted to have his way with that woman too.


Isabel walked out of Gomez's office feeling like she needed a shower. She had nearly everything she needed to have Gomez taken down on a number of charges. She would meet her partner to hand off a flash drive with the evidence. If only she knew what happened to Alex. She watched as Gomez's son in law coming up from the basement. That was one of the few places she didn't have access to. She followed him and caught up to him and dragged him into a room locking the door. She knew that this guy was not part of the organization by choice. He had just had the dumb luck to pick the wrong girl to fuck.

"Ryan, what is going on in the basement?" Asked Isabel
"Don't bull shit me. I know that you are only married to Carla because the old man caught you having sex with her."
"Look you tell me what you know and I might be willing to help you disappear."
"Why should I trust you?"

Isabel reached into the inside pocket of her jacket and pulled out her badge and showed it to him.

"You're FBI?"
"Yes now tell me what I want to know."
"Gomez has this computer geek stashed down there. Had him for about two years. Makes him hack into files to hide all this money he has and cover the escort business as something else."
"What is this computer geek's name?"
"Alex. Alex Whitman."
"When you see him again you will give him a message from me. You will tell him that he will be free soon and that Isabel loves him."
"What do I get out of this?"
"I don't kill you."

Ryan nodded and kept his mouth shut. The tall blond scared him almost as much as Gomez did.


Tracy checked over her shoulder as she made her way into the police station. If any of Gomez's men caught her doing this she would be killed. Gomez didn't call her a hooker because she didn't stand on the street in skimpy clothes. But that is what he made her. She just was a higher price one. She would have the same fate as any of the girls working the street if one of her clients gave her HIV. She went once a month to be tested like the girls on the street did. She walked up to the desk and the officer spoke without looking up.

"Help you?"
"I need to speak to whoever is in charge of the investigation of Juan Gomez." Said Tracy
"You know something?"
"Maybe. But I will only talk with someone that can do something. Not you dumb ass."

Hanson just glared at her. He let Captain Valenti know she was there. She was then lead to a room for questioning.


Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 19 12/10/16

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 10:23 am
by keepsmiling7
Gomez is really a creepy guy.......if it weren't for Alex....
I'd say run away Isabel as fast as you can!

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 19 12/10/16

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 10:51 am
by L-J-L 76
Finally Someone is going to tell the police about Gomez doing. Love how Isabel can scare a person to death just by threatening them. Ryan better not piss Isabel off.

L-J-L 76

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 19 12/10/16

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 6:41 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Gomez is a very creepy guy. But I wouldn't worry about Isabel is can take care of herself.

L-J-L 76 Yes someone is standing up to the Gomez. Isabel is very scary when someone she cares about is in danger!

Part 20

Liz laid in bed trying to rest. She hated to admit it but Max was breaking through the wall she had built around her heart. But he was so sweet and kind. That is what scared her. There was a knock the door.

"Come in." Said Liz

Max came in and sat next to her.

"You feeling OK?" Asked Max
"Yeah just resting and thinking."
"I was kind of worried about you."
"Liz, I care about you."
"I don't get why? Max, you hardly know me."
"Maybe, I see the person that you hide from the rest of the world."
"And who is it I hide from the world?"
"You show the world this tough woman who won't let anyone close. But you really are this scared woman who has been hurt. That is scared to be hurt again."

Liz looked at Max and knew he was right. She knew that he would call her out if she tried to lie.

"Liz, you ok?"
"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"
"You are the worst lier I have ever met."
"Max, I am OK. I just need time to think about things."
"OK. Uh Serena found a deck of cards. Maybe we can play something if you want."
"Sure. What are you planing on playing?"
"You know how to play poker?"
"Then we can play poker."
"Ok. Might be fun."

Liz followed Max out wondering if they might make it a game of strip poker, just so she could see Max without a shirt.


Chrissy watched as the man she had learned was named Frankie left. She had runaway from a foster home where she was being beaten. She had met Frankie and he offered her a home and job. She just never thought that at fifteen she would be forced to become a hooker. That is what these men were training her to be. It had been only a week since her virginity had been taken from her. She had spent hours being forced to have sex. She hated the way these men made her feel. She could only hope that they would be caught soon.


Serena smiled as Liz came out of the bedroom with Max. She had hoped that Liz would join them for cards.

"So what we playing?" Asked Kyle
"Poker." Said Max
"Max, with what? I mean there are no poker chips and we ain't got money." Said Kyle

Liz looked at Serena with a raised eyebrow. Serena's eyes went wide with surprise with what she knew Liz was thinking.

"I have an idea." Said Liz softly
"What?" Asked Max
"Strip poker." Said Liz

Kyle who had been taking a sip of cherry coke spit it out at the suggestion.

"You scared to lose your clothes to me?" Asked Serena with a sexy smile.
"Who said you won't lose yours to me?" Asked Kyle
"Let's just play and see who loses their clothes." Said Liz

They sat around the table and started to play. An hour later both guys were down to their boxers while the girls were still fully dressed, expect for their sweatshirts.

"How about we call it a game while Max and I still have a little dignity left?" Asked Kyle
"Scared to lose another hand?" Asked Serena
"Yeah I am!" Said Kyle
"What about you Max?" Asked Liz
"I'm not scared. Just cold." Said Max
"Maybe Liz will come up with away to keep you warm." Said Serena

Liz blushed at her cousin's statement. Max couldn't help but smile.


Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 20 12/12/16

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 6:56 am
by L-J-L 76
Feel sorry for Chrissy. She had a bad life. Now she is even worse then before. Hopefully someone will come and save Chrissy and the other girls. Loved how Max is so concerned for Liz. And how Max and Liz are starting to get along. Oh boy strip poker let the games begin. So glad Liz and Serena got Max and Kyle to their boxers.

L-J-L 76

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 20 12/12/16

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 5:17 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Chrissy hasn't had an easy life. Max really is concerned about Liz. Oh yes Max and Kyle in their boxers is a very good thing!

Part 21

Michael walked into the room that the young woman who claimed to have information on Gomez.

"You know something about Gomez?" Asked Michael
"I'm Detective Michael Guerin. What is your name?"
"Tracy what?"
"Miss Carlson now what do you know about Gomez?"
"He's got this website set up. It is listed as a site that will set men up with a date for a night. There are fees of course. But it isn't a dating service."
"What is it?" Asked Michael already knowing the answer
"It's an escort service. As in high priced hookers."
"And you know this how?"
"I am an escort."
"You are admitting to be a high price hooker?"
"Yes. I ain't got nothing to hide."
"Miss Carlson, you realize that coming here Gomez is going to want you dead."
"I maybe a high school dropout but I ain't stupid."
"So why you doing this?"
"Gomez, has his men looking for teenage girls. He has them taken to a doctor that works for him. Makes sure they ain't sick. But also to see if they are a virgin. He likes his escorts and hookers to be virgins when they are brought in. Then the next two months are used to rape them. Gomez calls it training. The ones chosen as hookers have it worst. They are raped repeatedly with very little time between. Those chosen as escorts, which there are far less of, are raped less often."
"Hookers are expected to work until they get the minimal amount of money. That means as many men as it takes. Escorts on the other hand act as a date and are only with one man. There are different price levels, with what is expected. We are given a card with a name, address and what is expected on it."
"All levels sex is expected?"

Michael continued to question Tracy.


Serena moaned as Kyle kissed her. They had been skirting around their rapidly growing feelings for days. What she was feeling was so new to her. Sure she had been attracted to other guys. But what she was feeling for Kyle was different deeper then anything she had ever felt before. Kyle pulled her tighter to him as they slowly made their way to the bed. They fell on it and let out a giggle.

"Serena, you know that you are beautiful."
"Make love to me."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Please?"

Kyle nodded and slowly started to undress her. Serena helped him and soon she was laying on the bed with him in nothing but her bra and panties. Soon even those were gone. Kyle leaned down and kissed her down her neck starting at her ear to the valley between her breasts. He sucked on each of her nipples until they were hard. Then he continued down her body pausing at her bellybutton which she had pierced. His tongue played with the small ring there before moving the rest of the way to her soft mound. He then placed his fingers very gently into her and started to pump them in and out. Serena moaned at the action. She reached for Kyle's boxers and started to pull them down. Kyle removed his hand climbed off her only long enough to remove his boxers and grab a condom. He got back on the bed Serena grab the condom from him used her teeth to tear the foil wrapper open. She removed the condom and rolled it on his hard shaft. Kyle pushed her legs farther apart and lifted her legs over his hips as he slowly sank into her.

Serena gasped as Kyle entered her and started to pump in and out. It had been too long since she last been with a man. But even in this short time she could tell that is was going to be far better than the last guy she been with three years ago. Doug Shallow had been a pig. He had only cared about himself. Kyle on the other hand was trying to fill her needs at the same time. Kyle leaned down and started to suck on the pluse point in her neck. Serena gasped as Kyle continued to pound into her. She wrapped her arms tighter around him finally digging her nails into his back as the most amazing orgasm rocked through her body causing her to scream out his name. Kyle followed right behind her as he reached his own orgasm screaming her name out. Kyle rolled off her and she curled up in his arms breathing hard.

"That was amazing." Said Serena
"Yeah it was. You OK Rena?"
"More than OK."

She kissed him passionately. Kyle groan as he thought that this woman was going to be the death of him.


Liz laid in bed next to Max neither could ignor the sounds from the other bedroom. They both knew things had changed for their cabinmates. Liz just hoped that Kyle wouldn't break Serena's heart. She felt Max place a soft kiss on top of her head.

"Will Kyle hurt Serena?" Asked Liz softly
"No. He wouldn't sleep with her like that if he didn't have real feelings for her."

Liz just nodded. Max pulled her close and both fell to sleep. Liz didn't have a nightmare that night.


Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 21 12/13/16

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 6:12 am
by L-J-L 76
So glad that Tracy is telling Michael everything about the Gomez men. Hopefully Tracy will give Michael enough information to help bust them. So Serena and Kyle are going top the next step in their relationship. Glad Max is still with Liz and trying to be there for Liz.

L-J-L 76

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 21 12/13/16

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:40 am
by keepsmiling7
Liz is really beginning to come to life again.
Strip poker......I can just see Kyle spitting out his cherry coke with that announcement.
Michael and Tracy need to take Gomez and his men "out of business" and the sooner the better.

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 21 12/13/16

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 5:23 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 It is a good thing that Tracy is telling what she knows about Gomez. Things seem to be heating up between Kyle and Serena.

Carolyn Liz is slowly letting her guard down. Oh yes Kyle spitting out his cherry coke is very believeable. It shouldn't be long before Gomez and his men go down.

Part 22

Maria watched as Sean came out of Dino's. She pulled out of the alley and right in front of her idiot cousin.

"Sean, the Captain wants to talk to now." Said Maria
"Get lost M."
"I have orders to take you back to the station."

Sean got in the car next to her and Maria took off for the station. Once there Sean headed right to Captain Valenti's office and Maria headed for the desk of detective Michael Guerin.

"So Michael, heard you were talking to a girl who works for Gomez."
"Yeah she's an escort. Been put in protective custody."
"By escort you mean high priced hooker."
"Yeah, Maria most of them girls the hookers and escorts are runaways from abusive homes. They were getting knocked around by someone. Most are from foster homes. They ranaway to get away from being a punching bag. Only to find someone who sells their bodies in exchange for food and a roof over their heads. That girl, Tracy, I talked to today. She didn't know that when Gomez's son Frankie picked her up six years ago at fifteen that she would be forced to have sex. But weather they are listed as an escort or hooker as soon as they test positive for HIV they are killed. It is high risk for both groups. Hookers are told that all their clients are to use protection. But sometimes for a little extra fee some will let them go without. Escorts, on the other hand for the right price will be told do whatever the client wants. Tracy, has been lucky so far, all her tests have come back negative. But here is the thing. Escorts do have repeat clients. The clients are never informed if an escort they were with has tested positive."
"God Michael this guy is horrible!"
"Yeah I hope I get to help take him down. But I hear the Feds are after him too."
"Does it matter as long as he and all his people pay?"
"Does that include your cousin?"
"Hell yeah. He maybe responsible for the deaths of a number of witnesses."

Michael just nodded.


Sean DeLuca walked into Captain Valenti's office. He had a smirk on his face. He didn't know what this about. Not that he cared.

"What up Cap?" Asked Sean
"DuLuca, I hear you been hanging around Dino's."
"Yeah so? I go get a drink there after shift sometimes."
"You do know that is a bar that Juan Gomez does business in."
"Well, it seems since you have been hanging around that place a number of witnesses against Gomez and his people have turned up dead."
"You saying I snitchen?"
"I don't have proof. But know this if another witness ends up dead and you keep going to Dino's I will have the DA look into your finances. Or better yet the Feds. Do I make myself clear?"
"Sure Cap."
"Good now get the hell out of here."

Sean left and walked through the squad room. He saw his cousin with Guerin. He set a glare her way before heading out. He was pissed. He knew that his goody goody cousin had to have said something to the Captain. He needed to burn off some energy. He smirked and went to pick up one of Gomez's whores. He would deal with his bitch of a cousin later.


Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 22 12/14/16

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 5:34 am
by L-J-L 76
Glad that Maria turned Sean in. Sean is a mega asshole for being a snitch. Hoping Sean will be going down with the Gomez family. Maria, Jim and Michael need to keep an eye on Sean. Wow Michael told Maria a lot of things he found out from Tracy. Hopefully Tracy will be safe and alive in witness protection.

L-J-L 76