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Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult ) chpt 6 11/20/

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 12:02 am
by jake17

Thank you so much for your amazingly sweet fb, so needed it, thank you again carolyn, thank you for any lurkers. So appreciate the support.

Chapter six

“Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.”
James Baldwin

It had been three days since Liz had been abruptly, mercilessly, ripped into a world that had been hidden behind a veil of a hideous nightmare and a beautiful truth.

Unable to let her leave on her own, he used his powers to seal the doors and windows leaving her no choice but to stay downstairs away from him while her memories continued to file in like uninvited guests.

Various ages and events, most horrifying, utterly unimaginable, but others, the ones that came as she slept, were nothing less than wondrous and magical.

He left her alone to work it out, if that were even possible, leaving food outside along with a gentle knock to let her know he was there when she was ready to talk.

But he wouldn’t let her go, the thought not even a possibility in his mind.

Sometimes he could hear her sobbing quietly, but mostly he heard furniture being smashed against the cement walls, glasses, plates being flung against the door.

Liz wasn’t just angry, she was furious, but as far as communicating with him there was nothing, not a word.

The silence tormented him, eating alive from the inside out, it was agonizing.

During the night he’d lean his back against the door at the bottom of the stairs till morning just hoping she break down and let him in.

By Wednesday night he was desperate, he could hear her pacing back and forth, stilling in front of the door.

He could feel her staring at the wood that separated them, knowing that he was there, his body blocking the light, his heart racing feeling her near.

Liz wasn’t giving in, and Max wasn’t giving up, they were at a crossroads, the tension growing with each day, every moment that passed between them making the barriers that kept them apart almost non existent.

By Thursday she had become completely silent, no crying, hardly any movement, nothing.

After a quick shower he dressed throwing a tee shirt on over worn jeans ripped from working outside.

Exhausted and drained he barely bothered to dry himself off leaving the clothes to cling to his body as his raked his wet hair back with his shaky hands.

Staring down the narrow dark staircase he felt conflicted, confused, torn up inside.

It was so clear all those years ago, his decision to save her, to sacrifice himself, he knew in his gut it was the only choice, he felt it so strong in his heart, to let her go, as painful as it was, it was right, he was right.

But now, after everything, after seeing the look in her eyes, as if he was a monster, as if he had destroyed her life, nothing made sense, nothing seemed… right.

Walking down the steps as he had done night after night, his hands slid down the walls as he attempted to keep his balance.

It had been days since he had eaten, his head was dizzy, his stomach too sick to even think of food.

As he reached the bottom of the stairs he turned and sank to the floor leaning his back against the door letting his head fall back and his eyes close.

It was hours till he heard her, once again pacing, halting right where he blocked the light on the other side of the door, her breathing shallow and quick, as if her mind was working out something important that she couldn’t quite form into words.

Max couldn’t take it anymore, he imagined the worst, her hatred for him growing stronger, uglier with every second.

They couldn’t go on like this, she wasn’t his to keep, she wasn’t a prisoner, this had to end.

Placing his hand on the door lightly he turned resting his cheek as his damp hair fell across his sad golden eyes.

“Liz… please... “

His voice cracked with emotion as he stopped to catch his breath taken off guard as waves of pain washed over him like shards of glass slicing into his skin.

“Please talk to me.”

The raw honesty, the despair in his voice, it was palpable as she turned towards the door, feeling utterly alone she couldn’t help but be drawn to his voice even though her anger was storming inside her.

He rested his head back against the door feeling empty, vacant as if there was nothing left.

Suddenly he opened his eyes, his body stiffened, his heart hammered, as he felt her on the other side of the door.

Mirroring him she slid down to the floor pulling her knees up to her chest, with nothing separating them but a thin piece of wood.

“I don’t know what to say to you.”

Her voice was direct, her words lined with betrayal and disbelief hardened with a mixture of sadness and rage that ripped straight through him.

Worried that one wrong word would send her back into silence, shutting him out again, he looked up to the ceiling trying to calm his beating heart.

“It’s ok… just please don’t go.”

Closing her eyes, her long lashes fluttered with emotion at sound of his deep, gravelly tone that sounded so different, so foreign, like a man, a man she did not know, nothing like the sweet, velvet voice of the boy in the memories that continued to flood her, gushing like a busted dam.

Her head fell into her hands as her stomach twisted in knots.

You… you don’t sound the same. It’s like… I don’t know who you are. I don’t know you, the you that you are now.”

Groaning letting her head fall back against the door she gritted her teeth.

“God, now I really do sound crazy.”

Shaking his head he wrung his hands together as his knees bounced nervously up and down.

“No, you don’t, I can’t imagine what you must be going through Liz, but you’re not crazy.”

A desperate seed of hope began to grow deep inside him as her voice softened slightly.

Licking the tears from her lips, she weakly smiled as if she was seeing into the past, like scenes from a movie playing out before her.

Feeling her anguish he fought against forcing the door opening and taking her in his arms, needing so much to comfort her, but he was frozen, stuck, not the boy he was, not a man anyone knew, he was but ghost, suspended in time, a time that until now only existed within the prison of his own mind.

“The flashes, are they disjointed? I-I mean are they coming to you in order of time, of when it all began?“

Liz was shaking now, listening again to the deep aged tone of his voice talk to her as if he was someone talking her through a bad acid trip.

She didn’t want to give him anything, not one bit of assurance that he was helping, not one inch of herself, but the isolation she felt was paralyzing, tearing into the very fabric of who she thought she was, of what she knew to be real.

She wanted him to feel the pain she was feeling, and nothing could do that like the truth, as she now had learned.

Standing she rested her hand on the doorknob shocking him as he stood quickly, breathlessly watching as the door slowly began to open.

Max waited feeling as if he needed her permission to enter the room, remaining on the threshold of the doorway, an imaginary line dividing them.

Liz stared at him gazing slowly over his body, and face, her mind drifting briefly away from the moment at hand, taking in the man he had become.

It seemed as though weeks had passed in that basement, weeks spent deep in the memory of seventeen year old Max Evans.

Liz blankly looked over his face, his wet hair as it swept along his intense stare, his clothes as they clung to his slick skin, the stillness of his breath as he held it straining his lungs waiting for her to speak.

Slowly she began to give him what he wanted, as if purposely holding hostage words that he was starving for.

The boy she knew had become patient, hardened, there was no trace of the insecure, vulnerable sweetness that alway seemed to be there lingering just behind the beautiful glow of his amber eyes.

But as guarded and tough as he was she knew he was waiting, hanging on her every word.

He had invaded her mind, stolen her memories, taken from her everything she held dear leaving her with an unsettling, confusing, numbing feeling that something wasn’t right, that there was something just out of her reach.

She knew in that moment he had no idea of the depth of destruction his mindwarp had caused her life.

“It’s coming all at once… graduation, the bridge, saving my life, Tess… Alex.”

Max went to step closer to her, needing to hold her, to help her in some way but her hand pressed against his chest preventing him.

Stretching his arms out to grasp the doorway, clutching the wall, he breathed in deeply feeling as if he was in some kind of purgatory, a tragic limbo, caught between the past and the present as he painfully stared into the eyes of the woman he didn’t recognize but knew as if he knew his own heart.

He opened his mouth to give some kind of apology for Tess, for the death of Alex, for all of it, but after the slaughter of graduation night and all the time that past, it seemed wrong or useless in some way.

She cut him off before he could get a word out, looking earnestly up towards him as if seeing this particular moment was being played out in the reflection of his eyes.

“There’s one memory, it won’t leave me, it keeps repeating itself over and over in my sleep mostly, it’s the most vivid one, it’s as if I can feel the wind in my hair, smell the smoke from the fireworks, taste the strawberry gloss I wore on my lips that night. I relive it, I … live… through it. It’s more real to me than anything else, and for days I couldn’t figure out why, but last night it came to me, why it was so important, why it just wouldn't leave me.”

Swallowing hard, digging his nails into the wood frame of the doorway he tensed every muscle in his body trying to prepare himself.

Taking a deep breath she smiled watching it again mirrored in his gaze, lost, sucked back into those few minutes in time that meant so much, that changed her life forever.

“It was the night of the festival, the night you, Isabel and Michael were going to leave. Remember? I had this crazy plan to trick Valenti. God how crazy we were, I couldn't imagine letting you go, never seeing you again. I can feel that right now, those butterflies in my stomach every time you looked at me. I would've done anything, absolutely anything for you. To keep that feeling, that amazing feeling alive, there, between us.”

Tilting her head her smile disappeared seeing her younger self and all the innocence that shone in her eyes.

“I remember.” Max tentatively, painfully answered.

Nodding Liz sighed, “The flash is us standing on that mountain, looking down at everyone, we were alone, you fixed my hair. I can still feel chills rushing through me when you touched me. Looking at you, I knew, I was never more sure of anything in my life. I loved you, it was the very moment I knew without question. I felt it so strong, in my bones, my heart, my everything … I’d follow you … anywhere, to the ends of the Earth. I knew I was in love with you, in that moment, with that wind, you touching me, the taste of that strawberry gloss on my lips. I can taste it right now, it all still feels so real.”

Stunned by her words, struck by the sweetness of her voice, of the scene playing out before them, so real he felt as if he was back there too, he moved closer once again feeling the strong resistance of her palm of her hand against his chest.

“No, you see, that boy… it was him I loved, it was him that I devoted my entire life to. I don’t know you. You’re a stranger to me, and Max I’m a stranger to you. You don't know me, you don't know anything about me. We’re not those kids anymore. What we had, yes it was love, but you wiped it away. It's gone, and now it’s time to let me go.”

Hanging his head Max did he best not to crumbled before her, her plan had worked, he was gutted, sliced open, broken by the one thing he had to hold onto all these years.

After everything, it never occurred to him that if for some reason the mindwarp would fail she wouldn’t love him, that it all wouldn’t come flooding back, they were forever, thisthis wasn’t possible.

Turning his voice ice cold he refused to look her in the eyes as he quietly recoiled back into himself.

“You can’t leave.”

Rageful eyes glared up at him as she stormed towards him ready to plow right past him.

“Michael called, he was worried, he went by your house, it’s covered with FBI agents. Dr. Dexton talked to the police, he says he has proof you’re unstable. The police were notified, your work, everyone’s looking for you. They knew who you were, that you were remembering, he just needed to be sure. Michael believes there's a tape we don’t have out there, you must have said something. At any rate, they’re looking for you Liz, and if they find you, they’ll put you away, for good. They will never let you go. They'll turn your mind into mush searching for answers about me. The life you knew is over.”

Slamming her fists into his hard chest she screamed in frustration.

“What the hell am I going to do?”

Letting her inflict her anger on him he stiffened up, cementing his old walls, becoming that stranger again.

“Michael’s working on it, we’re getting you a new identity. He’s getting you a passport, you need to leave the country, somewhere safe, but it’s going to take time.”

Grabbing her hands he pushed her away before reaching for the doorknob.

“Michael said it will take at least three weeks, then you’ll be gone. Stay down here, come up stairs, do what you like, I promise you’ll be taken care of. After that… I never want to see you again.”

Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 6 11/20/

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 5:44 am
by begonia9508
Hey Carrie, fantastic part!

“Michael’s working on it, we’re getting you a new identity. He’s getting you a passport, you need to leave the country, somewhere safe, but it’s going to take time.”
Grabbing her hands he pushed her away before reaching for the doorknob.
“Michael said it will take at least three weeks, then you’ll be gone. Stay down here, come up stairs, do what you like, I promise you’ll be taken care of. After that… I never want to see you again.”

Wow! I never expected Max's saying something like that to Liz but in some way, I do understand him; You can't force some one to love you and obviously, Liz doesn't! At least, it seems so...

In Liz's point of view, he mind-warped her so in her eyes, he isn't better than Tess and the answer he gave her at the end... not too nice! :shock: :?

Looking impatiently for more and thanks! EVE :mrgreen:

Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 6 11/20/

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 7:07 am
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what you will have happen next for Max and Liz. OK so the doctor and the FBI are the bad people. wow Liz is remembering everything again. I'm glad that Max and Liz talked. Will Max let Liz leave in 3 weeks? Will Liz have all her memories back by then? Will Liz leave Max? Will Max and Liz become close again? Will Max and Liz fall in love again before the week weeks are up? Will Liz ask Max about the flashes? Will Max answer question Liz has? What will Liz do when she sees Michael? Will Max and Liz fall for each other? Will Max and Liz kiss? Will Max and Liz walk away from each other? Will Max and Liz stay together? Will Max and Liz have a happy ending together? Will Max and Liz get married? Will Michael stay with Max or follow Liz? Sorry for the questions I was just wondering.Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz.

L-J-L 76

Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 6 11/20/

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 9:24 am
by keepsmiling7
It's so good to see you writing again Carrie......thank you for coming back to us.

But you certainly didn't bring us any happy feelings between Max and Liz. Agreed, they both have changed and are no longer the ones that Liz remembered.
It's strange that she especially remembers the night of the crash festival......
So Michael is working on a new identity ......but I never expected Max to say he never wanted to see her again. That's harsh even for him considering the situation.

Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 6 11/20/

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 2:06 pm
by sarammlover
Um wow.....that was quite sad. I feel bad for both Max and Liz. They are both in a life they don't want and can't do much about. It makes me sad for Liz. Totally uprooted in her life and poor Max....wanted her and she doesn't want him.....great update Carrie!

Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 6 11/20/

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 10:53 am
by Roswelllostcause
This is so sad. Max has made things worse for Liz. Her life is now in more danger then ever.

Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 6 11/20/

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 6:41 pm
by Natalie36
Omg, all caught up. What a story I have no words. Max Max Max. This is crazy and awesome at the same time

Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult ) chpt 7 11/24

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 8:46 pm
by jake17

Thank you so much for the fb, I know it seems as though they are both being very cruel, but they are both hurt, so they are lashing out as hard as they can. Don't worry you can trust me with them :) I'll get you there.

chapter seven

“He stepped down, trying not to look long at her, as if she were the sun, yet he saw her, like the sun, even without looking.”


by Leo Tolstoy

The house was eerily quiet after Max’s cold revelation five days ago.

“Michael said it will take at least three weeks, then you’ll be gone. Stay down here, come up stairs, do what you like, I promise you’ll be taken care of. After that… “

Cruel, practical or steeped within truth it was like a statement written on the walls that neither of them could avoid.

“ … I never want to see you again.”

Besides practical questions of where things were in the house and matters of necessities, or news of Michael’s progress they barely spoke.

Liz did her best to hold onto her sanity but images of graduation night kept seeping into her mind no matter how hard she tried to block them out.

The flood of memories of their love and what he meant to her was hard enough to deal with, but knowing the truth behind losing most everyone she loved was too much to handle.

Her head was spinning hard with the most horrid of flashes to the most meaningful moments.

A part of her wanted to rush to him, to lose herself in him, to forget everything, to forgive, but no matter how many times she ran over everything in her head it came down to one choice.

The one he took away from her.

With Tess and the death of Alex so fresh in her mind, it was beyond her comprehension that he would not only wipe away her memories, but keep it from her that he even had the power to do so.

It was unforgivable, nothing she could ever rationalize in her mind, or her heart.

But the flashes kept coming, stronger and more frequent with each day, it was tearing her apart.

By day six she couldn’t take it anymore, and as hard as it was to admit to it, there was only one person that could help her.

It was almost midnight when she softly knocked on his bedroom door.

He was awake, staring at the ceiling like he had been doing most every night since she had arrived.

Sitting up he waved his hand in the air effectively opening the door as he moved to his dresser to grab a tee shirt.

Shifting back and forth uncomfortably she noticed a scar just above his right hip as he quickly pulled his shirt down over his sweatpants.

“What’s that?”

Closing the drawer he sat at the edge of his bed unable to look at her.

The tension was prickly between them, thick like molasses, heavy with bitterness, misplaced anger and something else they both couldn’t put their finger on.

“That scar on your hip, what happened?”

Hesitating as if feeling the bullet of the special agent explode into his side he shrugged his shoulders.

“What is it that you need Liz?”

Sighing in frustration she waved her arms back and forth in front of her.

“You can start by looking at me, you’ve been ignoring me for days, is it too much to ask for a little understanding, maybe even some compassion from you?”

Staring straight ahead he remained expressionless, and silent, which only infuriated her more.

Refusing his avoidance she walked over and stood directly in front of him kicking the mattress between his legs to get his attention.

His eyes immediately rose to meet hers shocked by her actions.

“You’ve changed.”

His words were meant to be harsh, almost insulting, but his expression told a different story as he let himself take her in.

She was wearing one of his hooded sweatshirt’s, a pair of his boxers and his socks that came up to her knees.

Her wavy highlighted hair was twisted into a side braid that cascaded across her flushed cheek sweeping along her wide dark eyes.

She smelled like the violet wildflowers that grew along the north side of the cabin every spring, she was all curves and attitude, confidence and spirit, she was a woman, different than the girl he once knew.

“Ten years is a long time Max, change is pretty much inevitable, but that’s not why I’m here, it’s not why I need to talk to you.”

Averting his eyes again finding it too hard to look at her he moved giving her room to sit beside him.

“What it is Liz.”

She crossed her arms around her waist accidentally hitting him with the sleeve of the sweatshirt that was way too long for her.

Fisting the material around her hands she turned to look at him forcing him to really listen to her.

“I don’t know how to start this so I’m just going to jump in. I need your help, this is too much, I-I’m trying to deal with this past, and what it all means, but all I can hear in my head is … the screaming, all I can see when I close my eyes is blood… so much blood, there was so much blood Max.”

Tears filled her eyes as she leaned into him desperate for comfort.

Clutching his jaw, trying hard to remain strong he spoke low, without emotion.

“I can help… I can’t get rid of the memory - “

Lifting her head she grabbed his shoulders. “I don’t want you to, promise me that you will never do that again. Look me in the eyes and say it Max.”

“I can’t, even if I wanted to, besides, it’s too dangerous now, you have to know your past. For the rest of your life you’ll have to be careful. There can be no mistakes, you have to be aware of what happened in case you have to run again.”

Resting her head in the sleeves of his sweatshirt she whispered despondently, “I can’t even think of all that right now… you said you can help me.”

Nodding he searched for just the right words as he angled his body to face her causing her to do the same.

“Right now the most powerful memories are pushing their way into your mind. The good and the bad, the more… emotional you become the more vivid and heightened those particular flashes are. All your senses are being pushed to the limit, that’s why you can feel, smell, even get the sensation of touch. It’s like it’s all happening again, as if you’re living through it, instead of the others that seem like a scene in a movie you’re just watching.”

Wiping away tears that were coming quickly now she nodded understanding everything he was saying and hating every word, hating him.

“So what can you do to help me.”

Thinking for a moment he pulled her sleeves up taking her hands in his.

“Max - “

“Just please listen to me, I have to touch you or it won’t work. I need you to think of something that happened to you before the day you were shot, it has to be a memory of something that hasn’t been tampered with, a happy memory.”

Looking down at their hands intertwined then back up into his eyes she sighed.

“So something that you didn’t decide to wipe away from my mind.”

Letting her go he stared at her intensely holding on by a thread himself.

“Do you want my help or not?”

Reaching for his hands she took a deep breath. “My grandma, when I was ten she took me on a hike, we walked for miles. At first I was regretting the whole thing, it was hot, the trail was rough and hard to navigate. But then she began to point out all the flowers and rocks around us, telling me all about them, we even found an arrowhead. Everything looked different all of sudden, special, as if there was this whole world hiding from me until just then. When we got to the top of the summit, it was so beautiful. We sat for what seemed like hours, she told me how she met my grandpa, the story of how they fell in love. It was the first time anyone had talked to me as if I wasn’t a child. I was so happy that day.”

Suddenly Liz gasped as a strong flash passed before her eyes, she gripped his hands tight reeling from the memory of what he had done for her.

Max held her face resting his forehead to hers, “Liz it’s ok, just breathe, it will pass.”

She remembered it all, Max connecting with her grandma so she could say goodbye, what he risked in doing that, what Kyle’s friends did to him because of her.

Taking a deep breath she moved away as her eyes flickered open, reaching again for his hands she refused to let him know how much that meant to her.

“I’m fine, it’s over, just… go ahead.”

Bracing himself for what he had to do he took a deep breath.

“I have to be … close to you for this to work.”

“Just do it Max, I’m a grown woman, I can handle it, or do you not remember the incident in the kitchen that brought on this awesome breakthrough of events.”

It was the elephant in the room, the one they were both trying so hard to avoid, but she refused to give him an inch.

It was a hard reminder that she wasn’t the little innocent girl he once knew, she wasn’t going to swoon over him by the touch of his hands on her face.

“Don’t push me Liz, you won’t like what you find.”

Raising her eyebrows she laughed at his veiled threat. “You’re pathetically transparent, I see right through you. Trust me when I say this, it doesn’t mean a thing to me. Not anymore.”

He mastered his powers so much more than she was aware of, if she wanted to play this game that there was nothing between them then so be it.

It was then that she felt it, it was like electricity charged in the air all around her.

Suddenly one hand was clutching the back of her head while the other pressed hard against her heart.

She gasped as her face lit up from the white light emitting from his palm.

Slowly he moved in close brushing his mouth close to her ear.

Liz shuttered deep inside from the sheer intensity of his voice, the power, the command of it’s manly gruff tone.

“I want you to picture that day with your grandmother, hear the sounds around you, smell the dry air of the desert, the scent of the flowers, feel the wind graze your face. Put yourself there, with her, on that summit, looking out over the valley below. Listen to her voice, let it wrap around you, protect you.”

Suddenly she was there, sitting beside her grandma, Claudia, hearing her soothing voice muffled in the distance in contrast to his. She could feel the hot sun beating down on her, smell the plumajillo flowers sweet and strong all around her. She felt safe and whole again, she felt loved.

Rasping strongly against her ear as the barriers broke between them, he was forced to see into her soul, stilled images of her past love, the day she was married.

It was beyond excruciating, beyond any kill or suffering that came from his hands.

Forcing himself to look beyond the flashes that were all around him, he brought the focus back to the gift he was giving her.

“Are you there with her Liz, are you there on the mountain?”

Breathlessly she whispered a shaky ‘yes’ .

Dragging his mouth along her cheek he pressed his forehead to hers staring deeply, directly, soulfully into her tear filled eyes.

“The next flash you have of that night, of graduation you will be on that mountain, you will be beside your grandmother, safe, loved, protected.”

Breaking away from her he was sent slamming hard against the bedroom wall, his lungs straining for air, his entire being vibrating from the realization that came to him.

She had a life during these ten long years, college, friends, lovers... husband.

It burned in places he thought hard grown dead inside, her total lack of appreciation, of any kind of understanding of just how much he gave up for her.

“I put the suggestion in your mind but its up to you to use it Liz, I have no control over you, I didn’t… change anything inside you. It will take practice but in time it will become second nature to you. I promise, it will help.”

Holding her hands over her heart she smiled at last experiencing a tiny bit of control over something that was so inconceivably hopeless.

Moving towards the door she turned slowly hovering, trying to decide how graceful she should be.

“Thank you Max.”

She was just about to leave, to go back down to the basement when what he had done slammed into her chest like a ton of bricks.

All the years of uncertainty, of strange dreams, of feeling torn in half wandering around in a fog, a confusing daze she could never explain.

The life he took from her, all those memories ripped from her, it went beyond feeling violated.

She needed to hurt him, it was petty and low, but it was all she had.

“I was married, did you know that?”

Digging his fingers into the mattress he tried hard to catch his breath as jealousy and bitterness rushed through his veins.


Scoffing she shook her head. “Of course you did, you know everything don’t you Max. You kept me hidden in the dark while you controlled the world, deciding everyone’s future, playing God. I guess some things never change.”

He waited patiently till she was downstairs, till he heard the door to the basement slam shut.

Running to the bathroom he splashed water over his face several times before his eyes drifted slowly up to the mirror.

The answer was there all along, an escape from all this pain.

He could live with knowing he sacrificed his life for her, that somewhere deep and secret she would always love him, but he could never survive losing her, truly losing her.

Staring at his reflection he felt driven to just do it, to wipe away everything, to become someone new, not the monster she now saw him as but just a regular person.

It was dangerous, he wasn’t even sure it would work, but he knew had to try.

He was finally going to be free of all this pain, all this death. Free of her.

Glaring into his image he felt the power rising within him, he could do it, he just had to want it bad enough.

Soon Max Evans would no longer exist, soon he would be gone forever.


Sorry, I don't usually do this but I know I can be very vague, Max is planing on Mindwarping himself by staring at his reflection in the mirror.

Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 7 11/24/

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 9:03 pm
by Roswelllostcause
Oh Max don't do it you bone head! Don't forget the past!

Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 7 11/24/

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 9:27 pm
by L-J-L 76
Great chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. I hope Max and Liz can get past all the hatred,meanness and just try and talk like normal people. I know they are both hurting but they still need to talk and try to forgive each other. Please please tell me Max isn't going to mindwrap himself? What will happen next for Max and Liz? Will Liz be even more mad? Will Max and Liz talk things out? Will Max and Liz remember the love they had? Will Liz try and help Max with his memory? Will Max and Liz be close? Will Max and Liz go and talk to each other or stay away from each other? Will Max and Liz be like they were in high school? Will Max let Liz walk away? Will Liz walk away or stay with Max? Will Max and Liz fall for each other again? Will Max and Liz hang out and talk? Will Max and Liz admit they still have feelings for each other? Will Max and Liz start seeing each other? Will Max and Liz be a couple? Will Max and Liz kiss? Will Max and Liz get back together? What will happen when Michael shows up? Will Liz hit hIm or hug him? Will Michael let Liz leave? Will Michael take Liz where ever she wants to go? Will Liz leave Max and Michael? Why is Max and Liz cause each other pain? Will Max and Liz get past the pain? Will Max and Liz remember the love they shared? Will Max and Liz have a happy ending together? Sorry for all the questions. I was just wondering. Please please please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz.

L-J-L 76