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Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 2:57 pm
by ~Ruby~
Okay, so I've heard back from everyone apart from Dying_Hearts who plays Max. Does anyone have any contact with Dying_Hearts? I'll give it a couple more days and then I will probably recast Max so that we can get this moving again.

I hope that everyone had a great Christmas. :)


Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 11:03 am
by ~Ruby~
Okay, so I’m recasting Max but for now I am going to temp him because I want to get this role-play moving.


I glance briefly at the list before shoving it into my pocket. There are more items on that list then I care to mention. Stupid fucking ship. Its more trouble than its worth. If it wasn’t for the miracle that is Aphrodite, the Phoenix would have died a long time ago. I suppose you get what you pay for and since I never paid a damn thing…

Fuck, I hate being on Janos. Pile of crap for a planet that it is. I should be with Kira right now. God knows what she is going through being back on this Godforsaken planet, what painful memory she is reliving. I clench my jaw as a familiar sense of anger forms in my gut. I can't stand the thought of someone hurting my beautiful Kira. I wish that I had killed those bastards. Its too late to change the past but I am going to make sure that no one ever hurts her again or anyone I care about. My crew is my family.

"I could always tag along you know, help you find the best deals." Aphrodite offers with a grin.

Excellent. The sooner I get the parts, the sooner I can get back to Kira and off this planet.

“Sounds like a plan,” I state with a nod. “Since you’re the one with all the know-how, where to first?”

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 12:59 pm
by OnDragonflyWings
((OOC: Sorry for my absence, everything's been kinda busy here. If you want me to, I would take Max too. That's actually the character I originally wanted, lol.))


My whole thoughtporcess, even my anger seems to still for a moment as we walk off of the ship. Did I know of any bars on this planet? Sure. One. The bar where they ran into the men holding Kira. Probably shouldn't go back there, it would round up unneccessary trouble. This was supposed to be a pretty quick stop, but on the Pheonix nothing hardly ever went to plan.

I shake my head at Byron, deciding not to tell him. He'd probably wanna go just to try and push the envelope. And Max nor Kira needed that kind of trouble. But the fight would be more fun than I'd had in weeks. I was itching for a fight.

"None on Janos worth going to," I decide not to lie completely because if I do, how can I explain not wanting to go to one bar over another.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 3:19 pm
by ~Ruby~
M'kay, OnDragonflyWings, Max is now yours!

So, where is everyone? I want to get this roleplay moving!

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 5:36 pm
by OnDragonflyWings

I give Aphrodite a lazy half smirk as she mentions that people are throwing away things that they shouldn't. People are throwing away junk. Anyone would see it as junk. Anyone but Aphrodite. She can seem to turn things into something beautiful in an engine room. Sometimes elsewhere when she gets the time and when we let her.

I hate this planet. After our last visit here. That man, hodling Kira, embodies everything about men that I hate. I promised to enver come back here, for her sake. And yet here we are. Jobs are sometimes hard to find.

I nod to Aphrodite,"Yeah, there's a parts store. Come on." I say as I continue my way off the ship. I ahte to ahve any of the girls off ship here, but at least Aphrodite will be with me.

I glance back towards the ship feeling a little guilty about leaving Kira behind, but she's safe. She's onboard. And she's safe. I ahve to keep reminding myself of that.

I glance around the planet, looking for anything out of the ordinary as we head away from the ship. And that's when I spot the three girls standing together, pointing at our ship.

I hope they aren't tlaking about trying to fly with us. We aren't a charter vessel. So unless they're willing to unload a whole lot of money on us, no can do.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 1:23 am
by baby_bre

Liz doesn’t say anything; I am going to take her silence as a yes. I don’t need her permission but I do need to know that we’re all going into this together. That everyone agrees. I am nervous beyond what I could put into words but my training is going to aide me as I come off as completely relaxed. I need to seem as though I have not a care in the world, if I go over there acting like I’m about to die from nerves they will become suspicious. That is the last thing we need, it could destroy our plan and not to mention us.

”What happens now?” Tess asks while looking at both of us. ”Do we go and ask them if we can speak to the captain?”

My heart hurts looking at her, I feel so bad for her. She looks so unsure of herself and I know she must be going crazy; I would be if I were in her place. They’d want to kill Liz and me for our betrayal but poor Tess wouldn’t be so lucky. She would probably be imprisoned again and then be given new protectors, probably horrible people who wouldn’t keep her best interest at heart.

“I think that is our best bet,” I tell her with a reassuring smile. I don’t want her to completely freak out even though I want to at the moment. “Now we have to remember to stay calm, don’t seem too eager and do our best to act relaxed.” Damn I suck at pep talks.

[[definately not my best. I just wanted to get something out there to get Maria, Liz and Tess moving again!]]

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 5:07 pm
by Lizzie_Parker17

I think thats our best bet" Maria stated

We need to find a ship. That much is very clear. Its how we find a ship that is the real question.
Something about the dark-haired mystery man tugs at me in a way that a stranger shouldn't. On the other hand I sense this over the top ego from him that I find completely disgusting.
Ugh! Men!

Just as Maria suggests we approach them he and a dirt covered girl start off in the opposite direction.
"Lets follow them Maria. We need a ship and the sooner we find one the better!" Maria and I follow the two of them into a junkyard like store. I had certainly never seen a store with so much crap for sale before.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:30 pm
by ~Ruby~

I think that is our best bet,” Maria responses with a smile. “Now we have to remember to stay calm, don’t seem too eager and do our best to act relaxed.”

Stay calm? That’s easier said then done. I’ve never felt such fear in my whole life. Its seems to be vibrating in every cell of my body. Every fiber of my being is screaming at me to run and run now. All this waiting around and staying calm is going to drive me crazy. Its just not in my nature.

"Lets follow them Maria. We need a ship and the sooner we find one the better!"

I shake my head. I can’t do this. I have to act now. I can’t wait. I have to get off this planet. Now! Without thinking, I lunge forward, running quickly through the crowd until I am within arm’s reach of the dark haired man and his dirty companion. I reach forward and grab his arm, ignoring the shouts of Maria and Liz.

“Hey! I need to speak to you,” I say, using all my strength to pull him around to face me. “I saw you come from that ship, the Phoenix, I need you to tell me who the captain is. I need to speak to him.”

“Tess!” I hear Maria hiss. It almost seems like she appeared from nowhere. “What the hell are you doing?”

I ignore her question and remain focused on the man in front of me, “My sisters and I need transportation off of this planet. We have money and we are willing to pay whatever he asks!”

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:30 pm
by ~Ruby~
I feel like such a broken record!!! So, where is everyone? I want to get this roleplay moving!

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 12:07 am
by OnDragonflyWings

I'm spun around by someone grabbing my arm. And I'm not taking very kindly to it when I find myself face to face with a small blonde girl. And her two...sisters? I raise my eyebrows slightly, not sure if I'm buying that one, they couldn't look more different.

The three girls I saw looking at my ship earlier. And jsut as I suspected. They want a ride. But why?

Although if they're willing to pay, does it really matter? And who wouldn't want off this planet?

"It's not a transport ship,"I comment to them. I'm not saying no, but I don't wana hear them complaining about their accomodations later. it's a cargo ship. It's a ship that usually is involved in shady business, which is why I try to keep people off of it, unless I'm desperate.