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Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 6:47 pm
by StormWolfstone
ooc: I was waiting to see how others would react, but figure I'll post since others aren't lol, maybe help get things moving again.


I'm feeling more comfortable, safer now that I'm around my friends, but the pain is still there. I'm wondering what to say or think about the new comers, when one of them walks over towards us after the girl had spoken loud enough for all of us to hear. She talked about trust... strange... but interesting.

“Let me see him," the new guy says as he gets close and I can't keep from instinctively cringing. “Maybe I can help.”

"I don't think so..." I begin only to be interrupted by the angry yell of Merengue.

"Don't be a damned idiot Dominick. If he thinks he can help let him try for Christ's sake... stop being a jackass! I swear if I didn't know better... which by the fucking way... I do... but if I didn't I'd think you liked to be the center of attention and having drama." I glanced over at her and saw her eyes taking on that eerie feline glow and can't keep from looking over at Phillip, knowing that he's the only one that can ever calm her down when she gets started. Though, maybe she won't get too bad.

"A... alright..." I look at the stranger and give him a nod.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 8:11 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

Everything is happening so fast. I try to keep up with all the comings and goings but find myself simply watching in amazement as Max and Liz both go off to mingle with the other captives. I ache to join them but fear keeps me frozen in place. Is this really the right thing to do? I steal a glance at Michael and notice that he is holding Isabel’s hand. I guess that shouldn’t surprise me but there’s a sharp burn low in my belly that tells me otherwise. I couldn’t possibly be jealous. Could I?

Why would I? He flashes her a look of concern and an image hits me. A heated conversation had lone ago.
“How do you not know?” I toss back angrily.
“ I just don’t know. I don’t know anything anymore. I mean I don’t know what the hell it means; I don’t know what I’m feeling…” Michael argues frustration clear in his tone.
“Wait a minute. Feeling? Now you have feelings for her?” I question my eyes begging him to deny it. I feel my whole world fall to pieces when he retorts.
“Maria, this isn’t about you or me or our stupid relationship. This is about Isabel. Something is happening to her, and that’s all I care about.”
Relationship? I almost laugh out loud. There is no way I ever had a relationship with that big lug. This is all just too much. I am about to leave the room when someone enters it. Oh my God! He looks terrible. What happened to him? Another boy rushes to help him cross the room. "Dom, what'd they do this time?" The untrusting fellow glares back at us. We had nothing to do with the state he is in. Do we? “Took me just… after I went… to my room… didn’t let me… sleep. They pushed as… always.”

The poor guys answers difficulty. I feel a rush of sympathy toward him. Who are ‘they’? Will they come after us next? “This was electric shock day…” He finishes as if it were nothing out of the ordinary. Okay now I am really freaking out. We’ve got to get out of here. I will not be shocked. Max offers to help although I’m not sure how. I only know that so far no one has done anything to prove they are trust worthy. In fact they keep looking at us as if we may be the enemy.

My voice comes out a little shaky at best. “Be careful Max.” My eyes lock with the mysterious stranger across the room. His gaze is unerving to say the least but not entirely unpleasant. :D

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:00 am
by FaithfulAngel24

Max shoots me a look basically telling me to trust him as he walks off to talk with the others. I do trust him. I think to myself the bitterness building within me. It’s them I don’t trust. I feel myself starting to panic when Michael takes my hand in his. Immediately I feel a wash of calm rise over me. I know that he will protect me at whatever cost. He’s my family. Family. That word. It conjures up an image of sorts. I try to sort through the pictures in my head but none of it makes sense.
"Yes, there's something you could do. You can get out of here, both of you! And let me take care of Michael. God, he needs me right now, not strangers." I stammar worry filling every syllable.
When I finally come back to myself I see a boy in the middle of the floor badly shook up. The others seem to expect this as if it isn’t an unnatural occurrence. What did this to him? I listen as they banter back and forth and then Max offers his services. Exactly what is it he’s going to do? I don’t like this not one bit. I step forward to say something but find myself falling silent. The scene before me startles me into a stillness.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:41 am
by isabelle

Even 'though he's hurt, Dominick argues with one of the others about whether I should help him. I frown, waiting, feeling very unsure, but in a moment, he agrees.

"Okay," I nod. I can feel everyone watching me, my friends and the others. I kneel next to Dominick's chair so that my eyes are nearly on a level with his. I don't even know what I'm doing. I don't think I'm a medical person. Why exactly am I here? Why does this feel like something I could do?

Meeting Dominick's eyes, I put one hand over his. I can see how pale he is, feeling how cool and clammy his skin is. Shock. His body's in shock. He's trembling and his breathing is too slow and hard. I can't help but be afraid. They'll do this to us, too, I'm sure. And we don't even know why.

I want to talk to Dominick, to say something, but I don't know what to say. I don't know what to do.

"It's okay," I say slowly. I don't know what I'm doing so I put my hand on his chest, feeling for his heartbeat. That's wrong. Aren't you supposed to take a pulse at someone's wrist? But I feel the beat through his chest and it makes me feel connected in a way that touching his hand didn't. "Look at me," I tell him, wanting to see his eyes.

He does and suddenly it happens. I'm ... connected. I can feel everything about him as if his body is surrounding me. My breathing slows and my heart beat speeds up to match his. I can feel his pain and distress. Instinctively, I push energy out trying to fix it and I see flashes of images. The images are filled with emotion that I feel as intensely as if they're my own but they're not. They're all of him. His memories.

My breathing comes harder for a moment as I keep pushing out the energy, keep trying to fix his body. And then, it's over. The pain is gone and the flashes have stopped. I can see Dominick's face filled with normal color again. His breathing is stronger again. I don't know exactly what happened but I know that he's okay now.

"You're okay," I say, catching my breath. I pull back my hand. It's shaking. I'm shaking. What happened? What did I do? How did I do that? I'm something weird, just like them. What's going to happen now? Biting my lip, I stumble to my feet again and step back, feeling incredibly scared. I glance back at my friends and then back at Dominick's friends. I want to get away to someplace safe, but there is no safe place anymore.


Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 10:01 pm
by isabelle

I stand with my arms crossed, staring as Max steps forward and starts to touch Dominick. I don't know what Max thinks he's going to do, but if I don't like it, I'll pick him up and throw him across the room. I swear I will, and I don't care what the rest of them think.

At first, Max seems to do nothing at all and frankly, that's not a problem. Shock treatment is no fun but it's happened to all of us. A few hours of rest and plenty to drink and we sort ourselves out. It's not like he's dying or anything. Still, it's not comfortable and we do what we can to make it easier during recovery. Max seems to be doing the same except I think it's better from friends, not a stranger.

Then things start to change. I'm not sure what's happening but I can see it's something. I lean forward, my arms opening, ready to use my own powers to stop it but in a few moments, it's over. Dominick looks better and Max looks -- exhausted and scared.

"Thanks, I guess," I say, not sure if I should help Max or tell him to get away from us. I reach out to put a hand on Dominick's shoulder to be sure he's okay. "How do you feel?" I ask him.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 6:56 pm
by StormWolfstone

"Okay," I watch as the guy kneels beside my chair and is almost even with me and when his hand touches mine, I feel the warmth of his skin compared to mine.

"It's okay," he starts and places his hand on my chest which I have to say feels very strange and I’m tempted to change my mind but one look from Merengue keeps me from saying anything.

"Look at me," I turn to look at him and then it’s like I was somehow drawn into something, but I’m not sure what. As I keep my gaze even with his, I feel as though I’m warming almost instantly, the rest of my body seems to be rebuilding aspects that I’m really not certain how to explain.

Somehow I feel as though he’s reaching inside me and pulling things out or something of that sort. I see bits of images flashing through my head but I don’t recognize them at all. I know the boy in them is me, but I don’t remember anything about them.

His breathing seems to speed up and I look at him wondering what’s going on when I feel so much better then I’d expected.

The pain has finally ebbed and I can breathe normally. When he draws back I look at him with surprise.

"You're okay," he says and I can see he’s shaking and breathing heavily. The brunette that had been talking to him steps up to him and puts her hand on his shoulder as he stands.

“Max… are you alright?”

"Thanks, I guess," I hear Phillip say and turn to look at him as he puts his hand on my shoulder, "How do you feel?"

I know I probably look shocked as I reply, “Better… as if it hadn’t happened. I don’t know how to explain it, Phillip, but he really did help me. And… I felt as though I was… I don’t know… I had like… memories or something but I can’t remember them now.”

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:23 pm
by isabelle

I feel Liz's hand on my shoulder and I feel a bit safer, but still scared. I don't know what's going to happen next but I'm not sure it's going to be good.

“Max… are you alright?” she asks.

"Yeah," I nod, swallowing hard. I've caught my breath now and I'm fine, but I don't want to be here. "Let's get back to the others," I say, suiting actions to my words and backing up towards the table where we left Isabel and the rest of our group.

I can feel all their eyes on me as I sit down again. "I don't know what happened but I ... I healed him, somehow. And I saw things. Memories of him. He wasn't always here. He had a family." The glimpses were so quick, I couldn't say where he was only that it wasn't here. I also saw him doing things that were definately not normal. stopping time.

I meet Tess' eyes then. She'd cautioned me not to try, but I did it. She also thought that we might be 'different'. Now I know -- well, for me at least.

"I guess I'm a freak, too." I add, sadly, looking around at Isabel, Michael, Maria and Kyle. I hope this isn't going to change things. I don't want to lose my own 'family' such as it is. Their friendship is all I have.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 4:24 pm
by maougha
OOC-well I sure took my time posting didn’t I? lol sorry.


“Ahaaa!” I yawn loudly walking into the rec room, which is a lot more crowed then usual. But at the moment that isn’t really registering to my sleep deprived brain. I’m a man on a mission people stay out of my way!

I make my way across the room eyes fixed on one thing and yes I know I’m ignoring Phillip, Dominick, the other guys, and people I don’t know but they’ll under stand I’m sure. Making it to the table set up at the other end of the room I grin and give a silent cheer. There waiting as f just for me is freshly brewed coffee!

I poor myself a glass and still ignoring every thing around me find a vacant seat near Phillip and the others. Taking a long sip I smile and exclaim. “ Ah caffeine is a glorious drug.”

Already I can feel my self waking up, the gears in my head are starting to turn again. And it’s then that I take notice of the new faces. Well everyone seems to be mingling so I guess I must of missed the earlier introductions, to bad.

“Hi.” I say glancing around the room to see that there are indeed quite a few newbies. Then turning my attention back to Phillip I say. “Sorry for being so late but the docs let me sleep n this morning.” another sip of coffee. “I had a rough night.”

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 2:19 pm
by FaithfulAngel24
OOC: I'm not sure what to post for Maria and Isabel. Could someone tag me please. LOL :lol:

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 4:45 pm
by isabelle
You could respond to Max.

I meet Tess' eyes then. She'd cautioned me not to try, but I did it. She also thought that we might be 'different'. Now I know -- well, for me at least.

"I guess I'm a freak, too." I add, sadly, looking around at Isabel, Michael, Maria and Kyle. I hope this isn't going to change things. I don't want to lose my own 'family' such as it is.