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Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 12:19 pm
by Anna-Liisa
Alex/Kyle sounds fine by me. I mean, you know, I'm more comfortable in slash any way.

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 12:54 pm
by isabelle
OOC -- Hope this is okay. I'll be happy to edit if it's not.


"God Maxwell. What is it about her that you have never seen in me?!" he says and I turn back in surprise. He's actually said that out loud? He actually asked? I'm so stunned, I don't know what to think or how to answer that question and I barely hear the rest of what he says.

"You want the truth Maxwell - the harsh, childish truth? No Im not too torn up about Liz 'Fucking' Parker. And yes I fucking hated her! You wonder why I can't pretend to care, that's why. I want you and you couldn't give a Shit! But that is not why I stopped you and you really are a prick if you think otherwise."

"Damn it, Michael," I say, getting really annoyed at all this. I'm annoyed at his question because I don't have an answer and now he's accusing me of not caring about him. I'm angry at Liz dying. And I'm taking it out on Michael, I know, but I can't seem to help it. I just can't be calm right now and I find myself starting to shout. "I never said that was the reason. I said you were probably glad about it and you got all pissy about it even 'though you're admitting now that you ARE glad."

Yeah, shouting like that actually felt good, but it's not solving anything. I slump down and take a seat on a rock nearby. His first question, now out in the open is the one that's still on my mind as well as his accusation about me not caring about his feelings towards me. I want to just ignore it but I know it can't have been easy for him to ask. It doesn't seem right to let it go unanswered.

"What does she have? I don't know," I say, quietly, repeating his question. Only after I say it do I realize I'm still talking about Liz in the present tense. It's not going to be easy to put her in the past.

I look up at Michael and I see his deep brown eyes -- so guarded and yet I feel I can read them so easily. I know him the way nobody-else can. I know his secrets and he knows mine. His attitude is so different from Liz. Even as he's hiding his true self, he's still brash and open and sometimes loud -- just the prick he's accusing me of being. As much as it annoys me, sometimes it is just what I need to bring me out of the protective shell I've made. It's not true what he said. I do care about Michael and his feelings. I care a lot.

But why I've never allowed myself to be with him, I don't really know.

"... Maybe... maybe because she's like me, except better. Brighter and happier. I wanted to be like that," I venture. And maybe it was because she was a girl, I think, although I don't say it. We're trying to fit in here -- to be normal. A guy lusting after a girl is normal. A guy with a guy is ... not as much. If people realized it, they'd have a reason to look at me. I know it's selfish but the instinct to hide has become very deep. I didn't want to be noticed...


Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 4:20 pm
by AntarPrince04

I can't believe I fuckin' said that out load, Unbelieveable! I berate myself. Some soldier I'd make. One minute I let my temper get the better of me and I go off blabbing shit. I'm just lucky it wasn't a second ago. That's all he needs now.

I feel him relax behind me and turn to face him with a guarded expression. Just because he's relaxed doesn't mean he's not still pissed; and I regret it as soon as I do. "... Maybe... maybe because she's like me, except better. Brighter and happier. I wanted to be like that."

I can see the surprise at my question, but behind that I see the pity. I'm not sure of the reason really. I have a few guesses, but any way you put it I don't like pity. "Don't pity me Maxwell", I warn him. "I'm not the one with the broken toy", I mumble to myself.

Apparently it wasn't quite enough as the next thing I know I'm flat on my back, holding my jaw. "Don't you Ever talk about Liz like that!" He shouts angrily. I heave a deep breath and stand, rubbing my jaw.

"Did you just hit me Max Evans?" I dawl calmly. I glare piercingly at him and let my power bubble to the surface. Directing it carefully I shove Max hard with it, sending him sailing backwards and watch him land on the hood of the jeep. "...Don't ever do that."

OOC: hehehehe, I fixed it. :twisted:

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 11:12 pm
by magikhands
That's not a problem for me Chris. :wink:
So does this mean that Tess is going to be good, or still undecided?

I'll post an Isabel sometime later tomorrow (Fri)

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 2:58 pm
by AntarPrince04
Okay, this is my first attempt at a proper Alex post in like, ever! So nobody shoot me when it sucks, I'll get the hang of it eventually.


Rule one. Of course everyone knows that roswell New Mexico is a tourists trap. What does that mean, one asks? It means that once every year Roswell is invaded; Not by aliens no, but by every geek who still lives in their parents house at the age of thirty-five. Guys who see a charter flying slightly lower than regulation and claim to have seen a UFO and say they've been abducted.

I'm not saying that there can't be other life out there. The universe is just well, too big to sit back and say that we are the only intelligent life out there; thats just arrogance, but that's beside my point.

This is not something I am eager to see - which is one of the reasons I'm sitting at the basketball court doing homework instead of downtown blowing my time at the Crash Festival. It'd be over soon and the only upside to the Festival was the 'unofficial' rave that was thrown afterwards.

I look up from my place on the bleechers to watch the 3 on 3 game. I watch as Kyle Valenti, star player in pretty much every sport he chooses to play, makes a shot from half court. I was never a sports fan. Hell, I can't even play Doge Ball without a busted nose, but it does have its...other advantages.

And there you have it if you haven't figured it out. I, Alex Whitman, am a gay man. Well, I suppose Bi-sexual would be the more appropriate term. I'm not adverse to women. As a matter of fact I find one Isabel Evans very...desireable, but while I am interested in women, I am Very interested in men.

I've found myself watching Kyle on more then one occasion actually, but of course it's not gonna happen. Aside from the fact that he's a clueless jock barely smarter than an Ape, he's my best friend - Liz Parkers - boyfriend and anyone who tells you that being a gay man is not in majority about sex is full of crap. So I know what I see in him...I smirk at the pun, but I have issues seeing whatever it is Liz see's in him.

I could go on with that forever, but I had to choose a place to stop, so there it is. You know where to find me if you need me dear.

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:37 pm
by magikhands

"Yeah, just moving in. My Dad is working stuff out with the landlord as we speak." She takes a couple of steps toward me and holds her hand out. "My name is Tess."

I look at her hand a moment and feel a shiver of anticipation course through me. I look at her bright blue eyes, big and round, the shade so beautiful. Without thought I take her hand in mind and I feel a small explosion of energy soar through me with the touch of her skin on mine. A lump forms in my throat and my mind becomes a bit hazy. All I can see it the blazen blue of her eyes burning in my mind.

A quick snap of electricity shocks me out of the haze and I swallow the lump. Who is this girl, so familiar yet a stranger? And why is she making me feel this way?

"I'm Isabel. Isabel Evans." I say and manage a smile. I really should be an actress, I think to myself as I hide the effects she's having on me. "Looks like you'll be going to West Roswell."

I mentally kick myself thinking I'm sounding like an idot. Why am I speaking so such foolishness? I'm Isabel Evans. Cool. Collected. Popular. The Ice Princess. The one with a heart as cold as steel. No one ever too close...with the exception of Michael and Max. I'd kill for them.

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 7:44 pm
by magikhands

Her voice smooths over me like molten lava, burning through my skin and heating my very core. I can't move my gaze from her gorgeous eyes, the blue reminding me of the waters of the Carribean. I don't really hear the words so much as feel them. Moving? Why would she speak of moving before she even gets settled here? And why would I care if she moves later?

I force my hand to remove itself from her touch and I suddenly feel a coolness settle over me, like a loss. It's a surprise and disappointing. I don't know how else to describe it.

Mentally shaking away the odd feelings, I remind myself that I can't allow myself to get too close to someone. There's too much at stake. There's too much to lose if anyone found out my...our secret. But looking at Tess, touching her skin to mine, I feel as if she would understand. As if I could trust her with our secret. But that can't be true. No, Max, Michael and I are the only ones as much as we want to know more about ourselves.

I smile. "Well, luckily, you haven't missed much. School has only been in for a couple of weeks. I'm sure you can get caught up soon enough and settled in. In fact, if you have any problems, I'm sure I could help. I've got a good grade point average and my classes aren't too difficult this year."

Now why did I just do that? I ask myself. I never volunteer to help. Am I suddenly turning into tutor girl? But then, spending some time with her wouldn't be that bad....right?

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 8:49 pm
by magikhands
Bumping this.... where is everyone??? :?

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 9:27 pm
by AntarPrince04
*Sigh* I'm here, just waiting my turn

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 2:53 pm
by Anna-Liisa

This has been one of the hardest games in a while. Whenever we scored the opposite team scored as well. This was our last chance to win. The last seconds and I had the ball. I throw the ball and hope it goes- no. It has to go in. I heard a victorious scream as the ball really goes in. I enjoy the feeling of victory as my teammates enjoy it too. I sigh with a relief. Yes, it was only a practive game... but playing seriously was definitely worth it.

I glance at the bleechers to see a familiar figure sitting there. Someone who I was suprised to see. Alex Whitman - a complete geek. Sitting there studying... but why a place like this. Curiosity hit me and I look at the closest teammate. "I'll catch up with you soon", I tell him and start walking towards Alex. Technically I should be in good ways with my girlfriends' friends, but that's not how it goes. I rarely talk to Whitman or De Luca. But hey, that's life. I stop near Alex and watch him for a while

"So I thought geeks used libraries to study", I say with a neutral voice and raise my eyebrows. Yes, I should have gone to a shower first... but well... I don't think Whitman minded a man covered in sweat. I mean.... we're guys, that's normal.