Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}The End Pg17 9/11/15

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L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 95,96 Pg20 10/13

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 98
“Dear Daughters and friends.
We are going to find you. When we find you, you are going to pay for faking your friend’s death. You all are going to relive your deaths except for you, Lizzie. Lizzie, you will be marrying Khivar the day we hang your friends. Your fate/destiny is to marry Khivar and join both kingdoms together. Then we all will be unstoppable from Zan’s followers that are out there to destroy us. So my dear Lizzie, be ready to marry Lord Khivar when we find you. And also you need to say goodbye to your cousin and friends when they find you. See you soon.
Senior Rath, Khivar and mystery man.

After Liz read the note she looked up at everyone. Liz saw they were all looking at her.

“Does he know that Liz and Max are married?” Diane asked.

“He doesn’t care. He had a plan before Zan and Rose met and fell in love in the past life like they did in this life,” Ava said.

“I wonder what will happen to me and Larek?”Serena asked.

“He is going to send you and Larek back to Larek’s planet. Because he thinks you and Larek would have nothing to do with this and all of us,” Liz said.

“But he is wrong. We had everything to do with this. We can’t let them do this,” Larek said.

“Larek, you know how Senior Rath is. He will do everything he can to get what he wants. And what he wants is for me to marry Khivar,” Liz said.

“You’re not going to marry him. It will be over my dead body,” Michael and Max said.

“Max, Michael, he knows that. Why do you think he wants to have a war?” Liz said.

“He wants to start the war because he knows we won’t give you up without a fight,” Alex said.

“Yes, that is what he wants,” Serena said.

“So all of you are training in case he comes,” Kyle said.

“Yes. And that is why we keep asking if you trained with your powers and fighting,” Larek said.

“Ok. We will start training in the evenings and when we don’t work. We will be ready to fight,” Max said.

“Good. You will be ready for anything that may happen,” Ava said.

“Aunty Lizzie, why is everything changing?” Ricky asked.

Everyone looked around and noticed everything was changing a little. The clearing was becoming bigger. The lake across from the clearing was becoming bigger. In the trees were clear Christmas lights. And around the trees were big candles.

“What just happened?” Maria asked.

“Everything is getting changed for the Halloween party tomorrow night,” Liz said.

“What else has to be done?” Isabel asked.

“All we have to do is get the tables, chairs, food and your costumes here,” Liz said.

“Aunty Lizzie, can I come to this Halloween party?” Ricky asked.

“Yes, you may come to this Halloween party,” Liz said.

“Thank you, Aunty,” Ricky said.

“You’re welcome,” Liz said.

“Aunty, look what I put hanging from tree,” Ricky said.

Liz, Max and friends turned and saw a ghost piñata hanging from the tree. Liz, Serena and Ava all had smiles on their faces when they saw the ghost hanging from the tree. Max and others were smiling also as they saw the ghost.
“What do you think, Aunty?” Ricky asked.

“I think that is great, sweetie,” Liz said.

“Max, Michael, Larek, Cal, Steve and I have been watching over the girls. Liz and the girls do train a lot. They are training from the time they wake up till the time they got to bed,” Greg said.

“Wow, I didn’t know you practice that long. How long have you all been doing this?” Jim Valenti asked.

“We have been practicing since Milly and the queen came to us,” Serena said.

“How long has the Queen and Milly been with you?” Michael asked.

“They have been with us for almost a week now,” Greg said.

“Have they been practicing their powers too?” Tess asked.

“Yes. But they practice their powers at Cal’s house,” Ava said.

When Ava said Cal’s house that is when Max remembered something. Max knew Cal lived somewhere near them but didn’t know where he lived. Max figured if he knew how close Cal’s place was to them then he could somehow find Liz.

“Wait, how far does Cal live from where you are?” Max asked.

“About an hour away from us. Why?” Ava asked.

“If I can remember where Cal lives then I can find you,” Max said.

“Max, you will remember. As you remember what happened on Antar you will figure out where we are,” Liz said.

“Good. I can’t wait to find you,” Max said.

“Don’t worry, you will find us,” Liz said.

“I’m hoping,” Max said.

“So what do you have to do today?” Kyle asked.

“We have to get everything ready for the kid’s and adult party tonight,” Serena said.

“Aunty, it is morning,” Ricky said.

Liz looked at her watch and noticed it was 8:00am. Liz looked up and looked at Max, parents and friends. They looked at Liz.

“Liz, what is it?” Tess asked.

“It is 8:00am. We need to get up and get everything we need for the kids and the adult party tonight," Liz said.

“So I guess we have to go,” Max said.

“Yes, I guess you do,” Liz said.

Everyone hugged Liz as they were vanishing. After everyone was gone Liz and friends vanished.

In the morning:
Liz woke up and looked around. As she looked around Liz saw it was 9:00am. Liz stood up and walked to her closet to find something to wear. A few minutes later Liz found a pair of hip hugger jeans and a black short sleeve shirt. Liz grabbed her clothes and walked up to the bed. Liz started to change her clothes. After Liz got dressed she sat on the bed and pulled on her black socks and black Nikes shoes. After she had her shoes on Liz walked up to the door and opened it. Liz walked to the front door of the apartment and walked out. She walked down the hallway and down the steps. Liz walked up to the bar and sat down. When Liz looked up he saw Steve, Greg, Ricky, Larek and Cal sitting a couple of chairs down from her.

“Hey Liz, are you ready for the kid’s and adult’s Halloween party tonight?” Greg asked.
“Yes, I’m ready. Who is doing what today?” Liz asked.

“Well, you, Serena, Ava are going shopping for the food and drinks for the kid’s and adult party. While Cal, Larek, Steve and I are going to put up more decorations for the parties,” Greg said.

“What about Stacy?” Liz asked.

“Stacy is on bed rest till it is time for the baby to be born,” Steve said.

“Steve, you know that will piss Stacy off,” Liz said.

“I know. But I think Stacy needs some rest,” Steve said.

“Good luck,” Liz said.

Ricky ran up to Liz and gave her a hug. Liz hugged Ricky back. After they hugged Ricky and Liz both looked at each other.

“Greg, do you want Ricky to come with me?” Liz asked.

“It is up to Ricky what he wants to do,” Greg said.

“Ricky, do you want to go shopping with me or do you want to stay here with your dad?” Liz asked.

“Can I go with you?” Ricky asked.

“Better go ask your dad first just to make sure,” Liz said.

Ricky walked up to his dad and pulled his pants leg. Greg looked down at Ricky.

“What is it, buddy?” Greg asked.

“Can I please go shopping with Aunty Liz, Aunty Serena and Aunty Ava please?” Greg asked.

“Yes, you can go with your aunts to the store. You better mind them, Ricky,” Greg said.

“I promise I will,” Ricky said.

“Ok, then you can go with them,” Greg said.

Ricky ran up to Liz and jumped into her arms.

“Daddy said I can go with you,” Ricky said.

“Good. Now all we have to do now is wait for Serena and Ava to wake up,” Liz said.

“OK,” Ricky said as he sat next to Liz.

Liz and Ricky sat down and ordered something to eat. As they were eating their breakfast Serena and Ava came down stairs and sat next to Liz. Liz turned and looked at Serena and Ava.

“So what is going on today?” Serena asked.

“We have a lot of things to do,” Liz said.

“What things do we have to do today?” Ava asked.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 97,98 Pg20 10/14

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 99

“Ava, we have to go shopping for the food and drinks for the kid’s party and the adult’s party,” Liz said.

“When do you want to leave?” Ava asked.

“45 minutes after you and Serena go get dressed,” Liz said.

“Ok. We’ll grab something to eat on our way to go shopping,” Serena said.

“Sounds good to me,” Ava and Liz said.

“Good. Come, Ava, we got to go get dressed really quick,” Serena said.

Liz and Ricky watched as Serena and Ava ran up the stairs and to the apartment to get dressed. Liz and Ricky turned and looked at each other and smiled. Greg walked up to Liz and Ricky. They turned and looked at Greg.

“We are going to go and get the rest of the things we need for the party. You and the girl’s drive safely, ok,” Greg said.

“Ok. You drive safely too,” Liz said.

“See you later. Ricky, you have fun,” Greg said.

“You too, daddy,” Ricky said.

Liz and Ricky watched as Greg, Cal, Larek and Steve walked out of the club. Ricky turned and looked at Liz.

“Aunty Lizzy, I’m going to say bye to Aunt Stacy, ok,” Ricky said.

“Ok. You be careful hugging her, ok,” Liz said.

“I promise,” Ricky said before running into the dressing room to see Stacy.
While Ricky was visiting Stacy, Liz stood up and walked up to the mirror. Liz thought of Max and friends while she waved her hand. A few seconds later Liz saw Max and friends were at the Crash Down talking to the parents. Liz was glad to see Max and the others were doing well. Liz missed Max and everyone. Liz waved her hand and the mirror went back to normal. Liz turned and saw Serena and Ava looking at her.

“You miss them, don’t you?” Ava asked.

“Yes, I miss them,” Liz said.

“Don’t worry, you will see them tonight,” Serena said

“I know. Oh, before I forget, Ricky is coming shopping with us,” Liz said.

“Good, he can help us on what to get his friends from school and here would like to eat,” Serena said.

“I know. Hopefully it will be good. Because all I know is Greg told us to get hot dogs and hamburgers,” Liz said.

“I do hope Greg realizes that he and the guys are going to be making the hot dogs and the hamburgers,” Ava said.

“That is what we are hoping,” Liz said.

Ricky ran up to Liz, Ava and Serena. They turned and looked at Ricky.

“Aunty Lizzie, Stacy asked me to tell you to get her some magazines to look at,” Ricky said.

“Ok, we can do that,” Liz said.

As Liz, Ava and Serena were about to leave Milly and the queen walked in. The girls were surprised to see them. Queen and Milly walked up to Liz, Ricky, Ava and Serena.

“What are you doing here?” Liz asked.

“We are here to keep Stacy company since she is on bed rest,” Milly said.

“Let me guess: Steve sent you to keep an eye on Stacy,” Liz said.

“How did you know that?” Queen asked.

“Steve was looking nervous when he heard we were leaving,” Liz said.

“Yes, that is why he called us,” Milly said.

“So what are you girls going to do?” Queen asked.

“We are going shopping to get the food and drinks for the kid’s and adult’s party,” Liz said.

“You girls have fun,” Queen said.

“We will. See you later,” Ava said.

Liz, Ricky, Ava and Serena all walked out of the club. They walked up to Liz’s jeep and got in and drove off. A few minutes later they were at Wal-Mart. They walked into Wal-Mart grabbed a buggy and started to get the food and drinks they would need. Liz and Ricky got 6 hot dogs and 2 boxes of 20 hamburgers. While Ava and Serena got 4 bags of Honey nut BBQ, BBQ, Regular chips Doritos and cool ranch Doritos. After they got the drinks Serena and Ava got Kool-aid, Sprite, Mountain Dew, Pepsi, Coke, and Root Beer. Liz and Ricky got the hot dog buns and hamburger buns, ketchup, mustard, pickles. Everyone meet at the register. They went through the register and everything they got cost them $250.00. After they paid for everything they grabbed their bags and went to the jeep. Liz, Ricky, Ava and Serena got into the jeep and buckled their seatbelts. After their seatbelts were on Liz drove off.

“Where else do we have to go?” Ava asked.

“All we have left to do is look for a couple of things at Party City and then we have to get some drinks for the adults. After that we will be finished with shopping,” Liz said.

“Ok. Let’s get this done,” Ava said.

Liz drove to the liquor store that was across from Wal-Mart. She parked the jeep and everyone got out and walked into the store. When they walked into the liquor store Liz walked up to the wine coolers section and grabbed 2 12pks of Black Cherry wine coolers, 2 12pk of Fruit Punch wine coolers, 2 12pk of Cherry wine coolers, 2 12pks of Strawberry wine coolers. After Liz got that she walked to the margarita section and grabbed 6 pouches of Strawberry, 6 pouches of Lime, 6 pouches of cherry, 6 pouches of Grape and 6 pouches of Fruit Punch. Then Liz went and got 3 bottles of White wine, 3 bottles of Strawberry and 3 bottles of Grape. After that Liz went and got 2 20 packs of Bud Light Beer. After Liz got all the drinks Liz paid for the drinks and then walked to the jeep where Ava, Ricky and Serena were waiting for her. Liz put the bags in the back of the jeep. Liz got into the jeep and they drove off. A few minutes later Liz parked her jeep in front of Party City. Liz turned and looked at Ricky. Ricky looked at Liz.

“Ricky, you can pick out some games for you and your friends to play if you want to,” Liz said.

“Really? I can really pick some games to play?” Ricky asked.

“Yes, you really can pick some games to play,” Liz said.

“Cool. I can’t wait to see what games they have,” Ricky said.

“Ricky, we need to make some grab bags for your friends too, ok,” Liz said.

“Ok. Can I pick what goes in the bags?” Ricky asked.

“Yes, you can,” Ava, Liz and Serena said.

“Ok, then let’s go,” Ricky said.

Liz, Ricky, Ava and Serena all got out of the jeep and walked into Party City. They went down the candy aisle and got 2 big bags of Kit Kats, 2 big bags of Starburst, 2 big bags of M&MS, 2 Big Bags of Skittles, and 2 big bags of Reese’s. After they got the candy they went to the game area where Ricky found some Halloween games to play. Ricky picked a ghost hunt game, a kidnap game, and scary hunting. After Ricky picked the games he wanted to play Liz and Ricky went to the register and paid for what they got. After they got what they needed they waited at the door for Ava and Serena. A few minutes later Ava and Serena walked up to Liz and Ricky with a bag in their hands.

“Are you ready to go?” Liz asked.

“Yeah, let’s go. We got what we needed here,” Ava said.

Liz, Ricky, Serena and Ava all walked to Liz’s jeep and put the bags in the back of the jeep. Then they got into the jeep and drove off. Half an hour later they pulled up to the club and saw Greg’s and Cal’s car in front of the club. Liz parked the jeep. They all got out of the jeep and walked into the club. When they walked into the club they noticed that the club looked and sounded spooky. Liz, Ava and Serena didn’t see Greg, Cal, Steve and Larek anywhere. They didn’t even see Milly, queen or Stacy anywhere.

“Greg, we’re back. Where are you guys? Come out now,” Liz yelled.

A few seconds later Greg and Cal walked out and saw Liz, Ricky, Ava and Serena standing in front of the bar.

“Hey, you’re back. Did you get everything we needed for the parties?” Greg asked.

“Yes, we got everything we needed," Serena said.

“Ricky and I are going to make some grab bags for the kids,” Liz said.
“I think that is a great idea,” Greg said.

“Thanks. Ricky, show your dad what you got for the grab bags?” Liz asked.

“Aunty Lizzie, we left the bags in your jeep,” Ricky said.

“Ok. Let’s go get them. Greg, you need to get the drinks for the adult party. So come on,” Liz said as she grabbed Greg’s hand and pulled him out of the club with her and Ricky.

A few minutes later Greg, Liz and Ricky walked in with 5 bags apiece. Greg went to the bar and put the adult drinks up. After he did that he walked up to Liz and Ricky to see what they had got. Greg saw 2 big bags of Kit Kats, 2 big bags of Starbursts, 2 big bags of M&MS, 2 Big Bags of Skittles, 2 big bags of Reese’s, ghost hunt game, a kidnap game, and scary hunting , 6 hot dogs and 2 boxes of 20 hamburgers. While Ava and Serena got 4 bags of Honey nut BBQ, BBQ, Regular chips, Doritos and cool ranch Doritos. After they got the chips Serena and Ava went to get cool-aid, sprite, Mountain Dew, Pepsi, Coke, Root Beer. Liz and Ricky got the hot dog buns and hamburger buns, ketchup, mustard, pickles. After he saw everything Liz, Ricky, Ava and Serena got for the kids party he turned and looked at Liz, Ava and Serena. The girls turned and looked at Greg.

“What?” Liz asked.

“All of this is for the kid’s party?” Greg asked.

“Greg, 2 bags of Honey Nut BBQ, BBQ, Regular Chips, Doritos, and Cool Ranch Doritos are for the kids. But the other 2 bags of each are for the adult party,” Ava said.

“And when we went to Party city we let Ricky pick some games he might want to play with his friends. And then we went and got some things for the kid’s grab bags,” Serena said.

“I say you girls did well on your shopping trip. I can’t believe everything you got for the Kid’s party and the adult party,” Greg said.

“I hope that is a good thing,” Ava said.

“Yes, that is a good thing,” Greg said.

“What is left to do before the kid’s Halloween party?” Serena asked.

“All that is left is for us guys to do is finish a couple of things while you girls go ahead and get ready for the kid’s party. Since the kid’s party starts in 2 hours,” Greg said.

“Do you want me to go ahead and take Ricky to get ready for the party too?” Ava asked.

“Sure,” Greg said.

Greg watched as the girls and Ricky rain up stairs to their rooms to get ready for the kid’s Halloween party. Greg turned and saw Cal standing next to him.
“So the girls went to go get ready?” Cal asked.

“Yes, they went to get ready. Do you think Senior Rath, Khivar and the mystery man will find us?” Greg asked.

“No, I don’t think they will find us. I think we are safe,” Cal said.

“I hope you are right,” Greg said.

“Greg, don’t worry, there is a shield around the club. We should be safe,” Cal said.

“Again, I hope you are right. Come on, we better set the rest of the decorations up,” Greg said.

“Yeah, we better,” Cal said.

“Why do I have a bad feeling about tonight?” Greg said before he followed Cal to the back room to get the rest of the Halloween decorations to put up.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 97,98 Pg20 10/14

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 100

Meanwhile in Liz’s room:
After Liz finished putting on her costume and wig she turned and saw Serena dressed as Beauty from Beauty and the beast. Then she saw Ava walking out of the bathroom dressed at Sleeping Beauty. The girls looked up and were surprised at how they looked so beautiful in the costumes.

“Liz, wow, you look beautiful. Who are you?” Ava asked.

“I am Giselle from the movie Enchanted,” Liz said.

“Wow, I can’t believe you look like her,” Serena said.

“Thanks. I just can’t believe we are wearing corsets under this,” Liz said.

“Liz, we have to look as thin as they did in the movies,” Ava said.
“How long is the kid’s party for?” Serena asked.

“The kid’s party is for 2 hours. Then the adult party is for 3 hours,” Ava said.

“And the dream world Halloween party is from midnight till whenever,” Liz said.

“Are you still going to have Max and the others remember the rest in the dream world?” Serena asked.

“We have to wait and see how it goes. Because we don’t know if Max and the others will be mad or not,” Liz said.

“I guess we will have to wait and see,” Ava said.

“Come on, let’s go downstairs and see if everything is set up,” Serena said.

“I wonder if the guys are ready for all the little kids,” Ava said.

“I guess we will have to wait and see,” Liz said.

Liz, Ava and Serena all walked out of Liz’s room. They walked out of the apartment down the hall and down the stairs. When they got to the bar they saw Larek dressed as Beast from Beauty and the Beast, Stacy dressed as Princess Cinderella, Steve was dressed as Prince, Greg dressed as a Prince and Cal dressed as a king all turned and saw Liz dressed as Giselle, Ava dressed as Sleeping Beauty and Serena dressed as Beauty from Beauty and the Beast.

“Well, how do we look?” Liz asked.

“You girls look great,” everyone said.

“Where is Ricky?” Ava asked.

“I’m right here, Aunty Ava,” Ricky said.

Liz, Ava and Serena turned and saw Ricky. Ricky was dressed as a wizard. Ricky walked up to Liz, Ava and Serena and hugged them. After he hugged everyone he took a step back and looked at everyone.

“Wow, your costumes look great,” Ricky said.

“Wow, I like your costume. It is great,” Liz said.

“Thank you, Aunty Liz. Aunty Liz, can I wear this in the dream world Halloween party?” Ricky asked.

“Yes, you can wear that,” Liz said.

“Cool. Thank you, Aunty Liz,” Ricky said.

“No problem, sweetie,” Liz said.

Liz, Ava, Serena looked around the club and saw that everything was great.

“Wow, guys you did a great job,” Ava said.

“Thanks,” Greg said.

“When are the kids coming?” Serena asked.

“The kids will be here in 30 minutes,” Greg said.

“What were you guys doing while we were getting ready?” Liz asked.

“The food and drinks are ready for the little kids. Ricky even set up the games by himself,” Greg said.

“Wow, you got everything set up,” Ava said.

“Yeah, now all we have to do is wait for the kids,” Greg said.

Everyone sat at the bar and waited for the guests to show up. As they were waiting everyone was drinking a can of pop. Half an hour later the parents and kids walked in. As they were walking in Liz turned and looked at Greg and the others. By the time all the parents and kids walked in Liz counted 60 people in all. Liz turned and walked up to Cal. Cal turned and looked at Liz.

“Do you know there are 60 people here?” Liz asked.

“Yes. I thought this would be a good way for Ricky to make friends. What do you think?” Cal asked.

“I think you are the nicest, sweetest, kindest uncle we have,” Liz said before kissing Cal on the cheek.

Cal had a shocked look on his face as he watched Liz walk away. He thought Max did a great job when he picked Liz to be his bride. Cal looked at his phone and realized that everyone was here. He turned and looked at Greg, Larek and nodded his head before turning off the lights. After the lights were turned off everyone started to look around as spooky music played. Liz turned and saw Ricky looking around with a smile on his face. Steve walked onstage and looked at everyone.

“Hello everyone, and welcome to our Halloween party. There is going to be some games to play, dancing, and just having fun. I hope everyone is ready,” Steve said.

“Yeah,” everyone yelled.

“Then let the games begin,” Steve said.

“Yay,” everyone said.

“Kids, we are going to start bobbing for apples. So get ready. Oh, before I forget everyone be careful where you walk and touch. Things are not as they seem,” Steve said.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Ava asked.

“You will have to wait and see,” Steve said before walking off the stage.

Ava and Liz turned and looked at each other.

“Do you know what he meant?” Ava asked.

“No, I thought you did,” Liz said.

“I don’t know anything,” Ava said.

“I don’t know anything either. But I have a feeling they made the club a scary place to be,” Liz said.

“Great. I hope whatever they did doesn’t scare the kids too bad,” Ava said.

“I have to agree with you there,” Liz said.

Liz and Ava turned and saw the walls moving and hands coming out of the wall. Liz and Ava looked at each other then walked up to Cal, Greg and Steve. The guys turned and looked Liz and Ava.

“What is wrong?” Steve asked.

“I want the truth. Did you guys do something to the walls?” Ava asked.

“No, we didn’t do anything to the walls,” Steve said.

“Tell us the truth. Did you guys do something to the walls?” Ava asked.

“No. I swear we did nothing to the walls,” Cal, Greg and Steve said.

“Promise you didn’t do anything to the walls?” Ava asked.

“Ava, Liz I promise we have not done anything to the walls. What the hell is wrong with you girls?” Cal asked.

“Just keep an eye out and you will see,” Ava said.

“Ok,” Greg said.

Greg, Cal and Steve looked at Ava and Liz and saw that they were a little scared. They didn’t know why Ava and Liz were scared but they saw that they were.

“Liz, do you want to help me with the kids?” Steve asked.

“Sure,” Liz said.

Liz and Steve walked up to the bucket. When they got to the bucket there were 6 kids ready to play.

“Ok, form a line and we will start,” Steve said.

Liz helped the kids form a line. Liz turned and saw Ricky and a little girl sitting next to each other talking and laughing. Steve saw Liz had a smile on her face. He walked up to her to see what she was looking at. When he saw what Liz was looking at he had a smile on his face.

“Wow, Ricky is already crushing on a girl,” Steve said.

“Yeah, I know. I hope Greg doesn’t go into shock when he finds out,” Liz said.

“I don’t think he will. But you never know,” Steve said.

“So are you ready to help me?” Steve asked.

“Yes. By the way, where is Stacy?” Liz asked.

“Liz, Stacy is at the booth over by the bar. She wanted to come and watch everything. Even though she is suppose to be in bed resting,” Steve said.

“I might go and say hi to her,” Liz said.

‘Good. I need her to have someone to talk to,” Steve said.

“Steve, don’t worry. Ava, Serena and I are going to make sure Stacy has some fun, ok,” Liz said.

“Thanks. Ready?” Steve asked.

“Yes, let’s do this,” Liz said.

Liz stood across from the bucket. Steve stood next to the bucket. Liz and Steve saw that now there were 10 kids wanting to bob for apples. Steve and Liz smiled as they looked at the kids.

“Ok, Liz, please bring 4 kids over here,” Steve said.

“Ok,” Liz said.

Liz brought the first four kids to the bucket. 2 kids stood across from each other while the other 2 stood next to them.

“Ok, kids, I’m going to count to 3 then I want you to get as many apples as you can with your teeth. Ready?” Steve asked.

“Yeah,” the kids said.

“1… 2… 3,” Steve said.

Liz and Steve watched as the kids tried the get the apples. 5 minutes later all four kids got 2 apples apiece. After the kids got their apples they looked at Steve and Liz.

“Now that you got the apples would you like to decorate them?” Steve asked.
“Yes,” the kids said.

“Ok. Then come to the table and pick what you would like to put on your apples,” Steve said.

“Steve?” Liz asked.

“Yeah?” Steve asked as he stood up and looked at Liz.

Steve looked at Liz and saw that she had paled and was pointing at the wall. Steve turned and saw Liz was pointing at the wall that was moving and hands were reaching out. Steve turned and looked at Liz.

“Ok. Please tell me that was a trick you guys did for this party?” Liz asked.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 99, 100 Pg 20 10/1

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 101

“I didn’t do that. Where are the spirits of Zan, Rose, Rath, Ava and Lonnie?” Steve asked.

“I don’t know. But I think we better go find out,” Liz said.

Liz and Steve walked up to Cal and Greg. Cal and Greg turned and saw Liz and Steve in front of them with a weird look on their faces.

“What is wrong?” Cal asked.

“What did you do to the walls?” Liz asked.

“What do you mean?” Cal and Greg asked.

“Did either of you put something in the wall? Or are the spirits of Zan, Rose, Rath, Ava and Lonnie doing it?” Liz asked.

“Liz, I promise Greg and I did nothing to the walls here in the club. I don’t know where the spirits of Zan, Rose, Rath, Ava and Lonnie are,” Cal said.

“What is going on with the walls?” Greg asked.

Liz, Steve saw a hand coming out of the wall. Liz pointed behind Greg. Greg and Cal turned and saw a hand reach out acting like it was going to touch them. While the other arm was moving around.

“Please tell me the truth is that you’re doing that?” Liz asked.

“No,” Cal and Greg said.

Liz looked at the guys. The guys looked at Liz.

“You are not doing this?” Liz asked.

“No,” the guys said.

Liz closed her eyes and called Zan, Rose, Rath, Ava and Lonnie to come to her. A few seconds later Liz opened her eyes and saw the spirits of Zan, Rose, Rath, Ava and Lonnie standing in front of her.

“Did you do anything to the wall to make arms and faces come out?” Liz asked.

“No. Why, what is wrong?” spirit of Zan said.

“Look behind you,” Cal, Greg said.

The spirits of Zan, Rose, Rath, Ava and Lonnie turned and saw the wall had faces and arms showing.

“Please tell me this is your doing?” Liz asked.

“No, it is not us doing this,” Spirit of Zan said.

“Then who the hell is doing it?” Liz said.

“I don’t know. All I know is something weird is going on,” Cal said.

“We need to make sure the guests think it has to do with the party till we can figure out what is going on,” Greg said.

“Do you think that is going to work?” Liz asked.

“It better. Because I don’t know what to say,” Cal said.

“Steve go check on Stacy and see if she is ok,” Liz said.

“Ok. I’ll go check on her,” Steve said.

Liz, Cal, Greg watched as Steve walked to the dressing room to check on Stacy. While Steve was gone Liz, Cal and Greg looked at the wall. Liz turned and saw Serena and Larek playing with Ricky and some kids. She watched as Serena, Ricky and Larek all turned and looked at her. Liz smiled then turned away.

“We need to find out what the hell is going on. And there is only one way to find out,” Liz said.

A hand reached out and acted like it was going to grab Liz. Liz reached out and grabbed the hand. When Liz touched the hand she saw the deaths of Zan, Rose, Rath, Ava, Lonnie. Then she saw the deaths of the people in the town that were fighting with Zan and the others. Liz saw what Kivar, Senior Rath, Mystery Man, and their men did to the people and their dead bodies. Liz let go of the hand and took a step back.

“Oh my god,” Liz said.

“Liz, what is it?” Cal said.

Liz turned and looked Cal, Greg. They saw that Liz had a scared look on her face.

“Liz, what is wrong?” Cal asked.

“I know why there are faces and hands in the wall,” Liz said.

“Why?” Greg asked.

“These are the people that fought with Zan, Rose, Rath, Ava and Lonnie. Senior Rath, Kivar, mystery Man and their men killed theses people. Because they were willing to fight with them,” Liz said.

“But why are they here? Why now?” Greg asked.

“I don’t know. All I know is they are trying to be seen. Maybe they are trying to warn us about something,” Liz said.

“Warn us about what?” Greg asked.

“I don’t know,” Liz said.

“We need to find out,” Cal said.

“Zan, do any of you know how to… I don’t know,” Liz asked.

“Let me try and see if I can maybe see and try and talk to them,” Zan said.

“Good luck,” Greg said.

“Make sure everyone keeps having fun while I’m gone,” Zan said.

“We will,” Cal said.

Liz, Greg, Cal and the spirits watched as Zan walked into the wall and vanished. Liz turned and looked at Greg and Cal.

“I better go and see if Serena and Larek need help,” Liz said before walking away.

Cal and Greg turned and watched as Liz walked up to Serena and Larek. They talked and then Liz helped them with the Halloween games they were playing with the kids. Cal and Greg went back to helping with the Halloween games. As the hours passed all the kids were having a great time with their parents playing games. Even Ricky was having fun with Liz. When the party was starting to wind down Cal, Greg, Steve and Stacy started to make the kids grab bags to take home. After the grab bags were finished Greg and Cal walked up to Liz, Serena, Stacy and Ava. Liz and the girls turned and looked at Cal and Greg.

“What is going on, Cal?” Liz asked.

“Nothing. I thought you should know Zan has not come back yet,” Cal said.

“What?” Liz asked.

“He is still gone. I’m hoping he will be back soon,” Cal said.

“I know,” Liz said.

“Liz, why don’t you and the girls go ahead and get ready for the adult party. The party starts in an hour,” Greg said.

“What about Ricky?” Liz asked.

“I’m going to have him stay down here to say goodbye to his friends,” Greg said.

Are you sure you want us to go change?” Ava asked.

“Yes, go change. We will handle this,” Cal said.

“Ok,” Ava said.

Liz, Serena, Ava and Stacy walked up the stairs and down the hallway to the apartment. Liz went into her room to change while Serena, Ava and Stacy went to change in Serena’s bed room. A few minutes later Liz walked out wearing sky blue spaghetti strap crop top with sky blue carpers. Liz had a long auburn wig in a ponytail. When Liz walked in the living room Liz saw Ava dressed in a French maid outfit, Serena dressed as a nurse and Stacy dressed as a pregnant flapper. The girls turned and looked at each other.

“Oh my god, Liz, you look like a genie,” Ava said.

“That is good right?” Liz asked.

“Yes. You look great,” Serena, Ava and Stacy said.

“I love your costumes too. They look really great on all of you,” Liz said.
“Thanks,” the girls said.

“Come on, we better go downstairs and see what is going on,” Ava said.

Liz, Serena, Ava and Stacy walked out of the apartment, down the hallway and down the stairs. When they got downstairs they saw all the parents and kids were gone. Cal and the guys were at the bar dressed in different costumes. Cal and the guys turned and saw Liz and the girls. The guys were surprised at how beautiful the girls looked in their costumes.

“Wow, you girls look great. What are you dressed as?” Cal asked.

“I’m dressed as a genie,” Liz said.

“Cool,” Cal said.

“I’m dressed as a French maid,” Ava said.

“I’m dressed as a pregnant flapper,” Stacy said.

“I'm dressed as a nurse," Serena said.

“Your costumes look great,” Greg said.

“What are you guys dressed as?” Ava asked.

“I’m dressed as a doctor,” Larek said.

“Cool,” Ava said.

“I’m dressed as a gangster,” Steve said.

“I’m dressed as a rapper,” Greg said.

“I’m dressed as a hobo,” Cal said.

“You guys look great. I love the costumes,” Ava said.

Liz looked around and didn’t see Ricky anywhere. Cal and Greg looked at Liz and noticed she was looking around.

“Liz, what is it?” Greg asked.

“Where is Ricky?” Liz asked.

“What do you mean?” Cal asked.

“I don’t see Ricky anywhere down here. So where is Ricky?” Liz asked.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 99, 100 Pg 20 10/1

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 102

“Last time I saw him he was sitting at the booth next to the bar,” Greg said.

“He is not there,” Liz said.

“Ricky, where are you?” everyone yelled as they started to look for Ricky.

Greg and Ava walked up the stairs and checked all the rooms. Larek and Serena went to look in the office and kitchen. Cal, Stacy and Steve went to look outside. Liz closed her eyes and thought about Ricky. Liz called his name in her head. All of a sudden Liz heard Ricky’s vice in her head.

“I’m back behind the stage,” Ricky said.

“OK. I’m coming,” Liz said.

Liz ran behind the stage and looked around. She saw Ricky standing facing the wall. Liz walked up to Ricky and turned him to face her. She looked at Ricky and saw that he was just staring off. Liz touched his cheek and nothing happened. She pulled Ricky towards her and hugged him. After the hug Liz pulled away and looked at Ricky.

“Ricky, look at me please? Ricky, what is happening?” Liz asked.

Liz tried to get Ricky to look at her. But Ricky wouldn’t look at her.

“What happened to you? Please tell me?” Liz asked.

Liz looked around the room to see if she could see anything that could have happened to Ricky. She didn’t see anything in the room. Liz turned and that is when she saw a townsperson from Antar come through the wall. Liz stood up and stood in front of Ricky.

“Who are you? What do you want?’ Liz asked.

“I’m Sarah. I was a towns person before the war,” Sarah said.

“What do you want?” Liz asked.

“I’m here to let you know the people that died in your past are here to fight back,” Sarah said.

“Fight back?” Liz asked.

“We are here to make sure history doesn’t repeat itself,” Sarah said.

“Would you please stop talking in riddles and tell me what are you doing here?” Liz said.

“Rose, we are here to make sure you and everyone else doesn’t die like you did in the past,” Sarah said.

“What did you do to Ricky?” Liz asked.

“Oh, we didn’t do anything to him. He just saw us and well, you know,” Sarah said.

“Great. Ricky, honey, please look at me?” Liz said.

Liz kept trying to get Ricky to look at her. Liz didn’t know what she was going to do. As Liz started to cry Ricky came out of his shock. Ricky looked at Liz and touched her face. Liz had a smile on her face as she saw Ricky looking at her smiling.

“Aunty Lizzie what is wrong?” Ricky asked.

“Nothing is wrong. I’m just glad to see you. Please tell me why you just stood there not noticing me?” Liz asked.

“I saw something in the wall. Who is that lady looking at us?” Ricky asked as he looked at the woman that stood in front of the wall.

“Ricky, this is Sarah,” Liz said.

“Sarah, why are you here?” Ricky asked.

“Ricky, it is all Hallows Eve. When the dead can come and talk to the living. I came to let Rose know we the townspeople will not let Rose and the others die like they did in the past,” Sarah said.

“Why do you call Halloween all Hallows Eve?” Ricky asked.

“Because that is what we called it when I was alive,” Sarah said.

Right at that moment Greg and Cal walked in and saw the lady looking at Liz and Ricky. Liz and Ricky turned and looked at Greg and Cal.

“What is going on?” Greg asked.

“Cal, this is Sarah. She and the other dead town’s people who died on Antar are here to help/ protect us,” Liz said.

“Where did she come from?” Cal asked.

“She came through the wall,” Liz said.

“Excuse me, what did you say?” Greg asked.

“Daddy, Aunty Lizzie said Sarah came through the wall,” Ricky said.

“Are all the people in the wall from where you are from?” Greg asked.

“Yes, they are,” Sarah said.

Cal looked at his watch and noticed the adult party started in 5 minutes. He looked at Liz, Greg and Sarah.

“Um, guys, the adult Halloween party starts in 5 minutes,” Cal said.

“Great, what are we going to do about Sarah and the other spirits in the wall?” Greg asked.

“Well, just tell them that they are a Halloween party trick. Are any more of you going to pop out of the wall?” Cal asked.

“I don’t think so,” Sarah said.

“Well, keep them away from this party,” Greg said.

“I will try,” Sarah said.

“Try harder,” Greg said.

“Greg, you need to calm down,” Liz said.

“Fine, I’ll calm down,” Greg said.

“Let’s go. Liz, will you please take Ricky upstairs?” Cal said.

“OK. Come on Ricky, let’s go,” Liz said as she and Ricky walked to the door.

When Liz got to the doorway she turned and looked at Cal and Greg.

“What are you going to do about Sarah?” Liz asked.

“Don’t worry. I will handle Sarah,” Cal said.

Liz and Ricky walked out of the dressing room and walked through the club to the stairs. Liz and Ricky walked up the stairs and walked down the hallway to the apartment. Liz opened the door and they walked through. Liz turned and shut the door. After Liz shut the door she turned and watched as Ricky walked into the living room and turned on TV. Liz watched as Ricky turned on to ABC Family 13 Days of Halloween.

Liz walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of microwave popcorn. Then she put the popcorn in the microwave and pushed start. A few minutes later the popcorn was ready. Liz opened the microwave and grabbed the bag and took it to Ricky. Ricky smiled at Liz as she handed him the bag. Liz sat down and watched a movie with Ricky. When they started to watch Haunted Mansion Liz stood up and looked at Ricky.
“Ricky, I will be right back. I need to change for the Dream World Halloween Party, ok?” Liz asked.

“OK, Aunty Lizzie,” Ricky said.

“When I come back you want to watch movie number 4?” Liz asked.

“Yes, please?” Ricky said.

“OK, sweetie, I will be right back,” Liz said.

Liz walked out of the living room and walked into her bedroom. When Liz walked into her bedroom she shut the door and started to change clothes. Liz changed into her Belly dancer outfit. After she changed clothes she was about to leave when someone grabbed her by the arm and turned her to face them. Liz turned and saw Nicholas standing in front of her.

“You bitch. You think you can hide from us and get away with it. Think again, bitch,” Nicholas said.

“You’re dead. How can you be here?” Liz asked.

“Khivar made a copy of me. Now you are going to pay,” Nicholas said as he backhanded Liz across the face.

Liz fell to the floor. She backed up towards the wall. When Liz got to the wall she stood up slowly. Liz stood against the wall as Nicholas walked up to her. When Nicholas stood in front of Liz she punched Nicholas in the face 3 times and tried to run. As Liz ran past Nicholas he grabbed Liz by the hair and rammed her into her dresser. Liz hit her face on the dresser before she fell to the ground. Liz turned and looked at Nicholas. Liz looked at Nicholas as she as she called upon a weapon. When the weapon appeared Liz raised her hand as Nicholas charged at her. Liz stabbed Nicholas 3 times in the stomach. As Nicholas fell to the ground he punched Liz 3 times. Liz watched as Nicholas lay on the ground dying. Liz tried to stand up but she fell to the ground. Liz closed her eyes and thought about someone helping her. A few minutes later Serena, Cal, Larek and Greg all ran into the room. When they got into the room they saw Liz lying on the floor with a black eye, bloody lip, a big bruise on both her cheeks and a bloody nose. Liz was holding her stomach. Serena walked up to Liz and laid her hands on Liz’s body. Serena closed her eyes and tried to heal Liz. A few minutes later Serena looked at Liz.

“What is wrong with Liz?” Cal asked.

“I had to heal Liz she had 2 broken ribs and her shoulder had to be put back in place. Nicholas did a number on her,” Serena said.

“Will Liz be OK?” Cal asked.

“Liz will be fine. I need to try and heal her face before we see Max, parents and friends. Larek, please go check on Ricky? Make sure he doesn’t come in here,” Serena said.

OK. I can do that,” Larek said before walking out of the room.

After Larek was gone Serena turned and looked at Cal.

Cal, help me heal her. She is hurting,” Serena said.

“OK. I’ll try and help,” Cal said.

Cal and Serena closed their eyes and tried to heal Liz. A few minutes later Cal and Serena opened their eyes and saw Liz still had a black eye, bloody lip, bloody nose and big bruises on her cheeks. Cal and Serena watched as Liz opened her eyes and looked at them.

“Liz, are you OK?” Serena asked.

“I’m fine. I’m just hurting a little,” Liz said.

“Do you feel well enough to see Max, parents and friends?” Serena asked.

“Yes, I want to see them. But how am I going to hide the bruises?” Liz asked.

“We got makeup to cover it up with. Let’s get you ready,” Serena said.

Serena walked out of the room and came back a few minutes later with a makeup bag. Serena started to put makeup on Liz to hide her bruises. A few minutes later the bruises on Liz’s face were hidden.

“How long do we have till we leave for the dream world Halloween?” Liz asked.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 101, 102 Pg21 10/1

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 103

“We leave in 10 minutes,” Cal said.

“Ok. Can you tell I have bruises and makeup on?” Liz asked.

“No. You should be fine,” Serena said.

OK. Where are Greg, Ava, Ricky, Stacy, Steve, Larek and Cal?” Liz asked.

“They went to close up and clean up the club before they meet us in the dream world. We better lay down,” Serena said.

Ricky, come here, sweetie,” Liz said.

Ricky walked into the room and sat next to her. Ricky looked at Liz.

“Ricky, we got to lay down so we can go to the dream world and decorate for the party,” Liz said.

“Can I help decorate?” Ricky asked.

“Yes, you can help decorate. Ready?” Liz asked.

“Yes, Aunty,” Ricky said.

Liz, Ricky, Serena and Cal all lay down and closed their eye. A few minutes later they were fast asleep.

Dream World:

Liz, Ricky, Serena and Cal appeared in the dream world. They looked down and saw they were dressed in their costumes. Liz was dressed in a blue spaghetti strap crop top that ended under a couple of inches above her breasts and a blue shear hip hugging skirt that fell to her ankles. Liz had sheer see-through scarf hanging around her head. Liz turned and saw Serena was dressed in a pink spaghetti strap crop top that ended a couple of inches above her breast and a pink shear hip hugging skirt that fell to her ankles. Liz and Serena turned and saw Cal dressed as he was in the past life. Cal was wearing a white button down shirt that was tucked into a pair of black leather pants. Cal was wearing black leather boots under his pants. Ricky was dressed as a wizard.
Liz, Ricky, Serena and Cal started to decorate the area. Liz and Ricky put paper lanterns hanging from the tree along with clear, orange, and black lights in the trees. Cal put 4 rectangular tables in the middle of the clearing. And Serena put the chairs all around the tables. After the tables and chairs were set up Liz and Serena put black tablecloths, plates, orange cups and clear silverware on the tables. After everything was set up Liz walked over to the side and hung sheets up so Max and friends could change into their costumes. After the sheets were up Liz put the costumes behind the sheets with their names on them. Liz walked up to Ricky and tapped him on the shoulder. Ricky turned and looked at Liz.

“Ricky, I got you something. Come with me,” Liz said as she put her hand out for Ricky.

Ricky put his hand in Liz’s as they started to walk to a tree with orange and black lights on it. Liz turned and looked at Ricky.

“Close your eyes, sweetie,” Liz said.

Ricky closed his eyes. Liz waved her hand towards the tree. A few seconds later there was a pumpkin hanging from the tree. Then she turned and looked at Ricky.

“Ricky, open your eyes and look up,” Liz said.

Ricky opened his eyes and looked up. When Ricky looked up he saw a pumpkin piñata hanging from the tree. He turned and looked at Liz.

“Is this for me?” Ricky asked.

“Yes. Maybe you could get one of your uncles to play. What do you say?” Liz asked.

“Ok. Aunty, what about if they bust it?” Ricky asked.

“Don’t worry another one will be there if one busted,” Liz said.

“Promise?” Ricky asked.

“I promise. I hope you have fun with your aunts and uncles,” Liz said.

“I will. Thank you, Aunty,” Ricky said.

“No problem, sweetie,” Liz said.

Ricky turned and gave Liz a hug. Liz hugged him back and kissed him on the cheek. As they were hugging Larek, Ava, Greg, Stacy, Steve, Queen, Milly, Max, parents and friends all appeared. Liz and Ricky pulled away and saw everyone looking around. Liz stood up and walked up to Max. Max turned and saw Liz standing in front of him.

Hey,” Liz said.

“Hey. Did you all do this?” Max asked.

“Yes. How do you like it?” Liz asked.

“It looks great,” Max said.

“Good,” Liz said.

“Lizzie, what is going on?” Jeff Parker asked.

“We are having a family/ friend Halloween party,” Liz said.

“Cool,” everyone said.

“Oh, before I forget all of you are going to be hitting the piñata with Ricky, ok,” Liz said.

“That sounds fun,” everyone said.

“Oh, um, we changed your costumes a little. Don’t worry it is nothing bad. I promise,” Liz said.

“Changed whose costumes?” Max asked.

“We changed Max’s, Isabel’s, Michael’s, Maria’s, Alex’s, Kyle’s, Tess’s costumes,” Liz said.
“What did you change them to?” Isabel asked.

“You will see. Your costumes are behind the sheet with your names on them,” Liz said.

“When can we change into them?” Alex asked.

“Now if you want. Only one at a time though,” Liz said.

“The women go first then the guys will go,” Michael said.

One by one the girls stepped behind the sheet and changed into their costumes. After they changed they walked out from behind the curtain. Everyone turned and saw the girls wearing white short-sleeve shirt with a navy spaghetti strap dress over the top. The dress fell to their ankles.

“Is that your costumes?” Michael asked.

“Yes, it is our costumes,” Maria said.

“You better go change into your costumes,” Isabel said.

Each of the guys walked behind the sheet and changed into their costumes. When the guys walked out they were wearing black pants with a white button down top and boots. Max and friends turned and looked at each other then turned and looked at Liz, Larek, Serena and Cal.

“Um, what are these suppose to be?” Kyle asked.

Liz and Serena turned and looked at each other then looked at Max and friends.

“Ok. What don’t we know?” Michael asked.

“Should we tell them?” Larek asked.

“You better tell us something,” Alex asked.

“Um, the clothes you are wearing are the clothes you wore when you were on Antar,” Liz said.

“What?” everyone asked.

“You are wearing the clothes you wore on Antar,” Cal said.

“We are?” Maria asked.

“Yes,” Serena said.

“And what about you?” Tess asked.

“We are wearing what we wore on Antar,” Serena said.

“You are?” Isabel asked.

“Yes, we are,” Serena said.

“Come on, everyone, let’s go get some food and have some fun,” Liz said.

Everyone followed Liz to the tables and saw they had their favorite Crash Down food and snacks. Max, parents and friends were surprised. Everyone sat down and started to eat their foods. Everyone was talking and laughing. Liz turned and saw the spirit of Zan, Rose, Rath, Lonnie and Ava standing next to the trees. Liz stood up and walked towards the trees. Max and Michael watched as Liz walked towards the tree where they saw shadows of something. They stood up and followed Liz to the trees. When they got to the trees they saw spirits. Liz and the spirits turned and saw Max and Michael standing next to them.

“Um, who are they?” Max asked.

“Max, Michael, I want you to meet you past lives spirits. This is Zan, Rose, Rath, Lonnie and Ava,” Liz said.

“Oh shit,” Michael said.

“Yeah, nice seeing you again,” Zan said.

“Huh?” Max asked.

“We met you when you were on Antar. We even fought with you,” Rath said.

“Ok,” Michael said.

“Come and meet the others,” Liz said.

“We can’t. We’ve got to check on some things. We will be back though,” Zan said.
“Please don’t cause trouble?” Liz asked.

“Liz, you know us, we don’t start trouble,” Rath said.

“Yeah, right. Be careful and see all of you soon. No trouble, guys,” Liz said.

“We are not going to make any promises, princess,” Zan said.

“Zan?” Liz asked.

“I promise we won’t let them cause problems,” Rose said.

“Thank you, Rose,” Liz said.

Max, Liz and Michael watched as Zan, Rose, Ava, Rath, and Lonnie disappeared. Liz turned and looked at Max and Michael.

“So?” Liz asked.

“So?” Max asked.

“Come on, we better go back,” Liz said.

Max, Liz and Michael walked back to their tables and sat down. After they sat down everyone went back to eating. An hour later everyone stood up and walked around. Liz was at the bar when all of a sudden Liz fell to the ground in pain. Liz had her arms on her stomach and was crying. Max and Michael ran up to Liz and knelt down beside her.

“Liz, what is wrong?” Max asked.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 101, 102 Pg21 10/1

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 104

“Oh, god, it hurts. Please make him stop?” Liz cried.

“Make who stop?” Max asked.

“Oh, god, you son of a bitch, stop it,” Liz cried.

“Liz? Who is doing this?”Michael said.

“Ahhhhhhh,” Liz screamed as she held her head.

“Max, do something to help her?” Alex asked.

“I don’t know what to do,” Max said.

“Tess, help,” Liz said.

Everyone turned and looked at Tess. Tess had a scared look on her face when Liz said her name. Tess walked up to Liz and knelt beside her.

“Liz, what can I do?” Tess asked.

“I’m sorry. You need to see this,” Liz said before reaching out her hand and grabbing Tess’s hand.

Liz grabbed onto Tess’s arm. As Liz grabbed onto Tess’s arm they both saw who the mystery man was. And as they saw the mystery he was causing them pain. Liz and Tess both screamed out in pain. Everyone watched as the girls screamed.

“You asshole, stop it,” Tess said.

“I thought you were dead,” Liz said.

“You’re killing us,” Tess said.

“How can he be alive?” Liz yelled.

“I don’t know,” Tess yelled.

“Someone please stop him,” Tess and Liz said.

“God, I hate you,” Tess said.

All of a sudden the pain stopped. Liz and Tess both looked at each other. As Tess and Liz looked at everyone they all looked at them. Max and Kyle helped Liz and Tess up.

“What happened?” Max asked.

“Max, you are going to be really pissed when you find out,” Tess said.

“Why?” Kyle asked.

“We know who the mystery man is that is helping Senior Rath, Khivar and their men,” Liz said.

The queen, Cal and Milly walked up and stood next to Max and Kyle.

“Who is it?” Milly asked.

Liz and Tess looked at Milly and the queen.

“You know who it is, don’t you?” Liz asked.

“No, we don’t know. We never saw him. Do you know him?” Queen asked.

“Yes, we know him,” Tess said.

“Who is he?” Max asked.

“Max, you are not going to like what we have to tell you,” Liz said.

“Who is it?” Michael asked.

“Max, Nasedo... he, he isn’t dead,” Tess said.

“What do you mean he is not dead?” Max asked.

“Max, Michael, he faked his death. He is helping Senior Rath, Khivar and their men hunt us and kill us,” Tess said.

“Oh, god,” Isabel said.

“There is more,” Liz said.

“What more can there be?” Kyle asked.

“Max, Nasedo is my father,” Tess said.

“Serena, Nasedo is our uncle,” Liz said.

“What?” everyone asked.

“Nasedo is alive and we are related to him,” Tess and Liz said.

“Oh, god, I think I want to sit down,” Maria, Ava, Serena, Isabel said.

“Are you sure?” Kyle asked.

“Are you serious?” Max and Michael asked.

“Yes,” Liz and Tess said.

“I can’t believe Nasedo is alive and his hunting us down,” Max said.

When Liz stood up Max, Michael and Kyle noticed the bruises on Liz’s body and face.

“What the hell?” Michael asked.

“What?” Liz asked.

“Liz, what happened to you?” Max asked.

“What are you talking about? I’m fine,” Liz asked.

“Then how in the hell did you get bruises all over your body?” Michael asked.

“Oh, god. You can see them?” Liz asked.

“Liz, we see them all over you. What happened?” Max asked.

“Nicholas and I got into a fight,” Liz said.

“How did you and Nicholas get into a fight? He is on Antar last we heard,” Milly said.

“I don’t know. All I know is I went to change and he attacked me,” Liz said.

“Did you kill him?” Michael asked.

“Yes, I did,” Liz said.

“Wait, how can Nicholas be alive when he died on Antar?” Queen asked.

“Nicholas said that Khivar made another him. And he said he was going to love what he has planned for us,” Liz said.

“I wonder what that was,” Tess said.

“I don’t know. I’m just hoping that another Nicholas won’t show up,” Liz said.

“We are all hoping,” Serena said.

“Um, question, why did you have a Halloween party?” Jim asked.

“Jim, it is time for Max and the others to remember what happened on Antar when they were there,” Liz said.

“Are we really going to remember all of it?” Maria asked.

“Yes. You will be remembering all of it,” Liz said.

“And you will know what happened from the time we left Antar till whenever,” Serena said.

“We are going to know what is happening with you too.” Tess asked.

“Yes, you will know everything,” Serena said.

“Before we do that we need to try and have fun,” Liz said.

Ricky ran up to Liz with a bat in his little hands. Ricky stood in front of Liz with a big smile on his face.

“Aunty, can I now?” Ricky asked.

Liz looked down and smiled at little Ricky.

“Yes, you may. But remember, no hard time, OK?” Liz said.

Ricky turned and looked at everyone then he walked up to Michael and Alex. Michael and Alex looked at Ricky and smiled.

“Uh hi,” Michael said.

“Hi, Uncle Michael,” Ricky said.

“What do you need?” Michael asked.

“Will you and Uncle Alex please play hit the piñata with me?” Ricky asked.

“Sure. Why not, little buddy,” Michael said.

Ricky grabbed Michal’s and Alex’s hand and took them to the piñata. As they were walking away Liz turned and looked at Max and the others.

“What was that all about?” Kyle asked.

“Ricky wants to play with you. And try to get to know you,” Liz said.

“That is sweet of him,” Maria said.

“Max, Isabel and Tess I want you to meet 2 people that have been helping and planning everything,” Liz said.

“What?” Max asked.

Right at that moment Michael walked up to the group covered in something purple. Everyone turned and looked at Michael. Michael looked at Liz and everyone.

“What happened?” Liz asked.

“I don’t know. All I know is Alex and I are covered in this stuff,” Michael said.

“What about Ricky?” Serena asked.

“Nothing on him. Someone please tell me what this is?” Michael asked.

Liz walked up to Michael and touched the purple stuff. Liz put to her nose and smelled in. After she smelled it Liz took a step back and looked at Michael and started to laugh.

“What are you laughing about?” Alex asked as he walked up and stood next to Michael.

“Michael, Alex you’re covered in Ricky’s favorite jelly. And the weird thing is I don’t know how,” Liz said.

“Jelly?” Alex asked.

“Yes,” Liz said.

“Great,” Michael said.

Sorry. But um, I want to know who you were going to have us meet that has been helping you, Serena, Ava, Larek, Greg and Ricky,” Max said.

“OK. Here goes nothing. Everyone, I want you to meet Max and Isabel’s mom, the queen, and Milly who was my, Serena and Rath’s past life mother,” Liz said as she pointed to the queen and Milly.

“Our mother?” Max, Isabel, Michael asked.

“Yes. And Tess, Milly was your and Ava’s aunt in past life,” Serena said.

“What?” Ava and Tess said before they fainted along with Isabel.

“Was it something I said?” Serena asked as she looked at everyone.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 103,104 Pg21 10/17

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 105

“Yes, Serena,” Kyle said as went to Tess.

Greg walked up to Ava and picked her up and carried her to the table. Liz turned and looked at Serena.

“Serena, we need to make sure there are no more shocks or surprises for them,” Liz said.

“I’m sorry,” Serena said.

“I know. We need to wait till they wake up before anything else can happen,” Liz said.

As everyone sat and ate their meals no one said anything. A few minutes later Ava and Tess woke up and looked at each then looked at Serena and Liz. Liz walked up to Ava and Tess. When Liz stood in front of them she waved her hands and checked them both. After Liz checked them she smiled.

“You both are doing fine. You were just shocked by the news,” Liz said.

Ava and Tess nodded their heads and sat up.

“Are you OK?” Kyle and Greg asked.

“Fine,” Ava and Tess said.

“Are you ready to remember what happened on Antar?” Larek asked.

“Yes, we want to know,” Everyone said.

“Then let it begin,” Liz said.

As Liz said that everyone got hit with a vision.


"Yeah, why?" Serena asked.

"I need it. Can I have it back?" Liz asked.

"Sure," Serena said.

Serena disappeared and then reappeared with a computer in her hand. Liz took the computer and hooked it up. After the computer was hooked up Liz turned on the computer and typed something. Then all of a sudden there was a picture of a dungeon. Liz touched the screen and that is when she saw Zan, Lonnie, Rath and Ava sitting around. They turned and saw Liz.

"Hey," Liz said.

"What's up, hon?" Zan asked.

"Zan, drop the hon act, OK," Liz said.

"What is our game plan for tomorrow night?" Rath asked.

"OK. Here is the plan. I got a date with Khivar. While I'm out I need you and Zan to get into his computer system. Make a copy of everything on disk and bring it to me," Liz said.

"We can do that. What are you going to do?" Zan asked.

"You leave it to me. You, Rath Ava and Lonnie need to be here in case of attack," Liz said.

"Fine. But what about you?" Rath asked.

"Don't worry, I can handle Khivar," Liz said.

"No, you’re not doing this on your own," Max and Michael said together.

"Yes, I will. After this is over you’re going home," Liz said.

"What about you?" Max asked.

"I can't come home yet. I have a few things to handle before I can go home," Liz said.

"When will you be able to go home?" Alex asked.

"We don't know. Liz has some things to do here before she can go home," Serena said.

"Michael, I'm sorry we didn't tell you. But we figured you were safe if you didn't know," Liz said.

"I don't know what to think. I'm going to need time," Michael said.

"That is understandable. I just hope you can forgive us," Liz said.

"You know I will," Michael said.

"Yeah," Liz said.

"What time are you meeting Khivar tomorrow?" Serena asked.

"8pm at his house. I was thinking we could have Alex look at it. Alex is the computer whiz on Earth," Liz said.

"That is a good idea," Larek said.

"That is the plan," Liz said.

"Liz, that could be dangerous,” Max said.

"Max, I'll be fine. You need to calm down and relax," Liz said.

"I won't be relaxed till you are back here safe," Max said.

"OK. You know I will be. I um better go to bed. See you in the morning," Liz said.

Liz was about to walk away when Max grabbed Liz and pulled him towards him. When they were face-to-face Max leaned in and kissed Liz. After the kiss Liz walked away and went to bed. Max watched as Liz walked in her room. After he watched Liz, Max and the others went to their rooms.

In the morning:
Max woke up and walked out of the guy’s room. Max looked around and saw the guys were still asleep. Max turned and saw the girls were still sleep. Max walked up to Liz's door. He opened the door and saw that Liz was not in bed. Max turned and saw Michael and friends.

"What is wrong?" Michael asked.

"Liz isn't in bed. I wonder where she is," Max said.

Right at that moment Zan appeared. Max and friends turned and looked at Zan. Zan looked at them and smiled.

"Zan, do you know where Liz is?" Max asked.

”Of course. She is training," Zan said.

"Can you take us to her?" Max asked.

"Sure, come on. Oh, um, you need to be ready for anything," Zan said.

"We will," Michael said.

"OK. Come on lets go," Zan said.

Zan, Max and friends walked out of the room and walked down the hallway. They walked into another room and saw Liz and Serena laughing at Larek at his lip sync goodbye. After the song Liz and Serena shook their heads at Larek and laughed. Liz stopped smiling and grabbed a stick. Larek grabbed a stick. They both looked at each other. Then they started to stick fight. Liz and Larek twisted, turned, bent backwards and tripped each other.

After that Liz and Larek grabbed swords and started to sword fight the same way they did with the sticks. Max and friends were surprised as they watched Liz and Larek.

"Liz, now!" Serena said.

"Are you sure?" Liz asked.

"Yes, now," Serena said.

Liz raised her hand and that was when Larek froze. Liz stepped back and raised her hands. When Liz raised her hands that is when Larek rose from the ground. Liz moved him and put him on a table. When Larek was on the table Liz lowered her hands and smiled. Larek was unfroze and looked at Liz and Serena.

"What did you do to me? Why am I on a table?" Larek said.

"Serena said I could so don't get mad at me," Liz said.

"Fine. Oh, here, I got something for you," Larek said.

Larek got down from the table and walked up to his bag and grabbed a brown bag and turned and looked at Liz. Larek walked up to Liz and handed her the bag. Liz looked at the bag then looked at Larek. Liz opened the bag and looked in. When Liz looked in the bag she saw what Larek had brought her. Liz closed the bag and looked at Larek.

"Is this what I think it is?" Liz asked.

"Yes. Why what is the problem?" Larek said.

"I can't believe you got this," Liz said.

"You might need it. You never know," Larek said.

"I think you are really crazy," Liz said.

Max, Zan and friends walked in the room and watched Liz and Larek argue. Serena turned and looked at Max and friends then turned and looked at Liz and Larek.

"Do you know how to use it?" Larek asked.

"Yes. But I don't want to," Liz said.

"You need to keep it with you. And you need to keep this with you too," Larek said.

Larek handed Liz a blade she could carry with her in her pocket. Liz looked at Larek then looked at the blade then looked at Larek again.

"What do you expect me to do with that?" Liz asked.

"Carry it with you when you go out alone and with anyone else," Larek said.

"You are crazier than ever. I can't believe you gave me a gun and a blade," Liz said.

"You need to protect yourself. And be ready for anything," Larek said.

"Larek, I am ready for anything. So will you just stop?" Liz asked.

"Fine. But you need to make sure you carry these with you always," Larek said.

"Why does Liz need to make sure she has what with her?" Max asked.

Liz turned and showed Max what Larek gave and was talking about. Max eyes were wide as he saw that Liz had a gun and a blade in her hand. Max turned and looked at Larek. Liz looked at both Max and Larek.

"You wanted her to carry these things on her," Max said.

"Yeah, they are for her protection," Larek said.

Larek turned and looked at Liz.

"Do you know how to shoot a gun?" Larek asked.

"I know how to hold a gun. I never shot a gun," Liz said.

"OK. It’s time you learn how to shoot a gun. So are you ready?" Larek asked.

"Um, OK," Liz said.

Larek walked up to the wall and put a target there. Larek walked up to Liz and helped her hold the gun.

"Are you ready? Remember, keep your shoulders even," Larek said.

Liz did what Larek told her. She held the gun towards her and shot the gun. Liz watched as the bullet hit the target in the head. Liz turned and looked at Larek.

"How was that?" Liz asked.

"That was great. Since tonight is your date with Khivar. Where are you going to put the gun and the blade tonight?" Larek asked.

"For me to know and you never to find out," Liz said with a smile on her face.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 103,104 Pg21 10/17

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 106

After the vision ended Max, parents and friends all looked at each other then looked at Liz, Larek, and Serena.

“Did that happen?” Maria asked.

“Yes, it happened. Are you ready for more visions?” Liz asked.

“Yes,” everyone said.

“OK,” Liz said.

Right at that moment another vision started.
"For me to know and you to never find out," Liz said.

Liz turned and looked at Serena. Serena walked up to Liz.

"Liz, are you sure you can handle this?" Serena asked.

"Yeah, I just got to make sure that I can hide the gun and blade," Liz said.

"Do you know how to throw the blade right?" Serena asked.

"Yes, I do," Liz said.

"Good, show me how you throw it," Serena asked.

"OK, I will," Liz said.

Liz grabbed the blade at the end and threw it. The blade landed in the middle of the target. Liz then turned and looked at Serena. Serena looked at Liz.

"Wow, that is great. And by the way I know you can handle it," Serena said.

"Thanks. I think," Liz said.

"Liz, wow, that was great," Max said.

"Thanks, Max. I was nervous at first. But I know I can do this," Liz said.

"So how long do you, Larek and Serena train for?" Max asked.

"We train for 3 to 4 hours a day,” Liz said.

"Wow. That seems like a long time to train," Michael said.

"It is. Larek wants to make sure we know everything there is in case we get attacked or there is a war," Liz said.

"Has Larek been protective of you?" Max asked.

Liz walked up to Max and looked him in the face.

"Yes, Larek has been protective of me and Serena," Liz said.

"Can you and I talk alone?" Max asked.

Max and Liz walked out of the room. They walked back into Liz's room. When they walked in the room Liz shut the door. Max and Liz both looked at each other.

"Liz, I don't want you to do this. I want you to stay safe," Max said.

"Max, I want to do this. I want to help. You need to stop worrying, I'll be fine," Liz said.

"You know after tonight we will need to talk about you leaving on our honeymoon and what you told Isabel in the dream world. Your training, acting like a princess and teaching the children with schooling," Max said.

"Yeah, I know we have got a lot to talk about after tonight. Max, will you promise not get mad?" Liz asked.

"I promise," Max said.

"Good. Um, Max, in the talk, is it going to be me and you or everyone?" Liz asked.

"That will be up to you to decide. Liz, I'm worried about you doing this," Max said.

"Max, I will be fine. Please trust me?" Liz asked.

"Liz, I do trust you. I'm just worried about you," Max said.

"I know you are. I got an idea. Wait here," Liz said.

Liz walked into bathroom and pulled out a diamond and pearl necklace. Liz then grabbed a very small recorder and walked up to Max. Max looked at Liz. Then Max watched Liz get a diamond out and put the very small recorder in it. After the recorder was there Liz put the diamond back. Liz looked at the necklace then looked at Max.

"What did you do?" Max asked.

"I put a small recorder in my necklace. So that way you will hear what is going on. Now I just got to hook it to the thing and you will know what is going on," Liz said.

Liz walked up to a black box in the wall. She hooked it up and messed with the wires so that way Max would know what was going on. Liz turned and looked at Max. Max looked at Liz. They both stood face to face.

"Liz, I love you. Please remember that? And please be careful?" Max asked.

"I love you too. And I promise to remember that. And I also promise to be careful. Remember, you will be able to hear everything that is going on," Liz said.

"I will remember, don't worry. Will our friends hear what is going on?"Max said.

"If you want you can let them hear what is going on. But it is really up to you," Liz said.

"I'll let them hear. Maybe we can come up with a plan to help out," Max said.

"Yeah, maybe we can. Max you and the others know you can't go out alone right?" Liz asked.

"What? Why?" Max asked.

"Max, if you go out there without Larek. Nick or Khivar will catch you and put you in prison," Liz said.

"Why would they do that?" Max asked.

"They are trying to get the people from here and imprison them. Me, Larek and Serena try to stop them. But we are never able to," Liz said.

"What do Nick and Khivar do to the people?" Max asked.

"We don't know. I wish we did, but we don't. Will you stay here with me while I change clothes?" Liz asked.

"Yes, sure. Liz, are you sure you’re OK?" Max asked.

"No. I'm not OK. But I'm worried and scared of what Khivar has planned," Liz said.

"Liz, don't worry. We will hear everything that is going on. And when you get back you tell us what we didn't hear OK," Max said.

"Yeah, OK. Stay here, don't move," Liz said.

"I won't move a muscle," Max said.

Liz ran into the bathroom took a shower and washed her hair. A few minutes later Liz walked out of the bathroom and went to the closet. Liz picked out her outfit and ran back to the bathroom. Liz got dressed. She fixed her hair and put on makeup and jewelry. After Liz was ready she walked out of the bathroom.

"Um, Max?" Liz asked.

Max turned and looked at Liz. When Max looked at Liz he was shocked. Liz was wearing an off the shoulder gown that showed a little bit of her breasts. Her hair was curling and around her face. Liz had on a diamond and pearl necklace and earrings. Her makeup made her look more beautiful.

"Well, what do you think?" Liz asked.

"Um, Um, Oh my....," Max said.

Right at that moment Michael and friends walked in and saw that Liz looked hot and sexy.

"Holy Cow," Kyle and Alex said.

"Thanks. Max, are you OK?" Liz asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" Max asked.

"Because you haven't said anything," Liz said.

"I I think you look hot and um sexy," Max said.

"Thanks. Larek, I'm ready," Liz said.

"OK. Um, come on, I'll take you to the carriage," Larek said.

Liz turned and looked at Max before leaving. Liz and Larek walked out the door and down to the carriage. When they got to the carriage Liz got in and sat down. Larek got in and sat across from Liz. Meanwhile in Liz's room Max turned on the recorder and they all waited and listened to what was going to be said.

"Larek, what is going on?" Larek asked.

"Max and I agreed to have a talk when I get home. And I told him about the thing that is going on with the people, Khivar and Nick. After that I went to get ready and changed clothes," Liz said.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine," Larek said.

"Larek, I think Max hates me. And if he does then I guess I don't know," Liz said.

"Liz, Max would never hate you. He loves you. He made you his wife and queen. Nothing can change that," Larek said.

"We will have to wait and see about that," Liz said.

“Did that really happen?” Max asked.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 105,106 Pg21 10/18

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 107

As Max asked the question everyone got hit with another vision.

“Don’t worry, OK,” Larek said.

"Fine. I hate how I'm going to be alone with that asshole," Liz said.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine," Larek said.

"Yeah, let’s hope," Liz said.

Meanwhile in Liz's room:

Max, Serena and friends all sat down and listened to what was said. Max was mad at himself for making Liz feel like he hated her when he didn't. Serena and Michael looked mad at Max. Max didn't know what to say or do. But he knew everyone was mad.

In the carriage Liz looked outside and saw it was evening. Liz turned and looked at Larek.

"I hope this plan will work," Liz said.

"It will. We just need to be calm and relax," Larek said.

"Larek, you’re staying right?" Liz asked.

"Yes. Remember, one hour then we leave, OK," Larek said.

"OK. I feel like this is crazy," Liz said.

"Don't worry. We are here. I'll be here when you get back," Larek said.

"Promise?" Liz asked.

"Promise," Larek said.

Larek opened the door. When he opened the door he saw Khivar waiting. Larek turned and helped Liz out of the carriage. Liz stepped out of the carriage and saw Khivar standing in front of her.

"Hello, my dear. How are you? You look beautiful," Kivar said.

"Um, hello. I'm fine. Thank you. So what is it you wanted to talk about?" Liz asked.

"I wanted to see if everything is good. And plus I wanted to see you," Khivar said.

"Everything is good. And, um, thanks for wanting to see me,” Liz said.

"Come my dear, let’s eat dinner," Khivar said.

"Um, sure," Liz said.

Liz and Khivar walked into his castle and walked down a long hallway to where the dining room was. Khivar walked Liz to the table and pulled the chair out for her. Liz looked at Khivar before sitting down. Khivar sat next to Liz.

"So what have you been doing since we last talked?" Khivar asked.

"I have been busy helping the people in town and I have been getting to know Larek's cousins. What about you?" Liz asked.

"Oh, you know just trying to figure things out and keep people happy," Khivar said.

"What is there to figure out?" Liz asked.

"Well, see I think I’ve seen you somewhere before. And I don't think you’re from Antar. Plus Larek’s cousins look like people I know. I can't figure it out, why?" Khivar said.

"Well, I don't know where you could have seen me before. And I have been on a hidden vacation till now. That seems weird that you think you know Larek's cousins," Liz said.

"If you don't mind me asking, where have you been all this time?" Khivar asked.

"I was on earth going to school and learning things about the people," Liz said.

"What did you learn?" Khivar asked.

"I learned that their school system is good. They know what they want to do. I wish it was the same here. I think if they learned then we could have a great life and world," Liz said.

"So how long were you there for?" Khivar asked.

"I went there when I was 6 years old and I graduated a year ago," Liz said.

"Did you have a lot of fun? What did you do while on Earth?"Khivar asked.

"Yes, I had a lot of fun. I worked, hung out with friends and I went to dances,” Liz said.

"Who was your date for the dances? Did you and the guy hang out a lot?" Khivar asked.

Meanwhile back at Liz's room Max, Serena and friends were all listening to what was being said between Liz and Khivar. Back at the castle Liz and Khivar were talking.

"Um, yeah, I had a date to the dances. He was a sweet, kind, funny guy and very lovable. After our prom we got married,” Liz said.

"How long did you and the guy date for?" Khivar asked.

"We started dating in um 9th grade. We have been together ever since,” Liz said.

"Was it love at first sight?"Khivar asked.

"Yes, it was. Even my earth parents loved me," Liz said.

"Do you think I will ever meet your husband?" Khivar said.

"I don't know. What would you do if you did meet him?" Liz asked.

"I don't know as of yet. But I will when I see him," Khivar said as he touched Liz's hand.

"What are you doing?" Liz asked.

"I just want to touch you is all," Khivar said.

"Well, I don't like to be touched. So please stop it?" Liz asked as she pulled her hand away.

"Sorry. I'll leave you alone," Khivar said as he pulled his hand away from her.

"Thank you," Liz said.

Liz was about to walk away when Khivar grabbed her and kissed her. Liz pushed Khivar away and slapped him.

"Don't ever do that again," Liz said.

"Why? What is wrong with kissing you?" Khivar asked.

"Because I don't want you to kiss me. So don't do it again," Liz said.

"Sorry. Do you want something to drink?" Khivar asked.

"No. I think I must go. I need to get some things finished back at home," Liz said.

"OK. Here, let me walk you out," Khivar said.

Khivar watched Liz walk to her carriage and helped her in. Khivar kissed her hand and shut the door. He watched as the carriage drove off.

Meanwhile in the carriage:

"If you ever leave me alone with him again you will be sorry," Liz said.

"What happened?" Larek said

"He kissed me. I told him never to touch me or kiss me again," Liz said.

"What did he say to you?" Larek asked.

"He said he was sorry. And told me he would ask," Liz said.

"Don't worry, everything is going to be ok. All we got to do is deal with Khivar and the war. Then after everything will be fine, ok?" Larek said.

"Larek, everything is going to be crazy. Khivar is up to something. And Max and the others are going to be pissed. So you better realize from now till this war is over that everything is going to be crazy," Liz said.

"Liz, I know it will. Now all we gotta do is be ready for anything," Larek said.

"I guess that is true," Liz said.

"Liz, I promise everything will be fine,"Larek said.

"Yeah, right. Nothing is going to be fine," Liz said before looking out the window.

After the vision everyone looked at each other then looked at Liz, Larek and Serena. No one knew what to say to each other.
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