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Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 7:46 pm
by CheriBomb

Thanks for the update on Cherie. I am so sad to hear she's doing poorly. I wish that there was something that I could do, and as much as I want to talk to her, I don't want to tire her out with a phone call. Please give her my love when you talk to her again.


Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 1:45 pm
by xmag
Oh my god, that's awful ! I am so sorry to hear that she isn't feeling better. Keep us informed, Jero, please.

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 3:18 pm
by jero
I will be 'gone' Saturday and Sunday... I'll answer any requests for Cherie's address when I get back... Didn't want anyone thinking I was ignoring them. ;)



Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 4:55 pm
by IAmLongTimeFan
Hey everyone...

I just spoke with Cherie's son, Beau, because I wanted a clear understanding of her condition. He said that his reference to "any day now" meant she will be able to go back home from the hospital soon, as soon as they get this infection cleared up. In their zeal to treat her cancer very aggressively, her doctors started her chemo too soon - before they cleared her infection. If you don't understand chemo, it's very tough on the body because it depletes the immune system while it fights the cancer. Her white count got very low and the infection had a chance to get bad again. They're treating the infection now and have suspended the chemo until it's gone. However, they're continuing with the radiation. Don't lose hope for her - this is serious but there's still every hope that she can beat this. As we speak, they're seeking a second opinion and alternative treatment. Just keep sending all the positive energy in any way you can her way.

Every time I speak with her she makes me promise to let everyone know how much loves and appreciates your concern. So just know that as a group - we're all very special to her. As for her mailing address. I have it too, so if anyone wants to PM me, I'll be happy to send it to you.

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 5:47 pm
by jero
THANKS LIZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He just didn't sound optimistic when I talked to him. And you know how I get sometimes. :roll:

I'll leave the doctor reports to you. ;)


Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 3:28 am
by Eccentric One
Thanks for the clarification Liz! My heart can start beating again. When I read the "any day now" post, my throat got all tight.

Cherie - Lots of love, Behr hugs and a great big YO!

Cherie's family - Hang in there. I know it's tough on you guys too. Charles, I can't thank you enough for letting us know. And James, haven't talked to you since you dropped in on that one chat ages ago. Sorry, but I don't know everyone else's names. But remember to support each other, as well as our beloved Cherie.


Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 12:19 am
by jero
I sat here and debated with myself for the last half hour or so before posting this... Hopefully LIZ!!!!! will tell me I got it wrong again... Please, please tell me I'm wrong!

I talked to Cherie's daughter-in-law, Tammy, for about a half hour. I called because there wasn't an update posted anywhere and I wanted to know if she was still in the hospital.

The tumor is in all of her left lung and part of her esophagus. They think she might have emphysema in her right lung. The cancer is spreading fast.

Last Saturday(?) the morphine patch was removed and she wasn't in any pain. Tammy said Cherie came around quickly and was very lucid. I'm not sure when it was, but she's back on the morphine now.

Cherie has been demanding to go home from the hospital. Her white count is high enough that she shouldn't get sick right away. However, she's still not well enough to resume the chemo. They're having a hospital bed delivered and she's going home tomorrow.

Tammy said if her white count gets high enough, it would be up to Cherie whether or not she resumes the chemo. During our conversation Tammy mentioned Hospice coming in, but said she hadn't had any experience with them and didn't know how that would go. It wasn't until after I hung up and thought about it that it struck me that when you're under the care of Hospice you can't have medical treatment except for pain relief. (At least that's the way it is where I live.)

I know that doesn't sound good, but don't give up! Keep the good energy flowing her way.

Tammy said someone sent a picture of Cherie and Josh, but she doesn't know who Josh is and would like to know. If you sent the pic, please send Tammy an email to clear up the mystery.


Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 1:54 am
by IAmLongTimeFan
Unfortunately, you're not wrong. I had the same conversation with Tammie yesterday but at the time I told her I wouldn't post anything. She said she'd ask Cherie's grandson Charles to post a message from the family. I'm sure the family would want others to know how Cherie's doing and they all really appreciate all the kind thoughts and messages everyone is sending Cherie's way.

As for the photo - it's the pic of Cherie with Josh Leonard taken at the SXSW festival last year when they went to see Shooting Livien.

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 7:13 am
by magikhands
Thanks for all the updates Liz and jero.Image

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 1:33 pm
by Thanette
Thanks for the updates. Wish they were better.

Love to you Cherie.

And hugs to your family. All of you are in my thoughts and prayers.