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Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:42 pm
by NightshadeIsis
OOC: Hey everyone! Guys, I’m so so sorry that I’ve been gone for so long. The past weeks have been hell for me with the illness I’ve been through. But I’m fine now, and back to the game


I smiled warmly at Dani, shaking my head. Did she honestly think that she had to bribe me with something like details about what happened the night my old man was wasted? Yes, it’s bothered me all of this time, and yes, to this day I want to know the truth. She knows this. Dani is the most important person to me. But I never questioned that one day, she’d eventually tell me. I know that she never wanted to talk about the subject, but I never doubted that eventually, she would. It was all a matter of WHEN. She didn’t have to bribe me with that to do what she asked.

Now sex…she didn’t have to bribe me with that either. But I was more than willing to take the offer anytime she was willing to lay it on the table. Or lay me on the table. Whichever comes first.

“You don’t have to say that,” I say softly. “I knew you’d tell me someday. Don’t make it seem like you have to ask me to do something for you to get you to go off with your secrets. I knew you’d tell me one day.” I lean in, my hand sliding behind her to quickly pinch her rear playfully, grinning slyly.

”But I’ll take it. And I’ll take the rest of the deal. Always up for that. You know me.”

Winking suggestively, I turn to Lonnie, sighing as I do. “Come on, kiddo. Let’s get going. Let’s hit that greasy spoon up there….that…what’s the sign say…”Crashdown.” See what we can find there first.” I walk on down the street, not waiting for her. “And try to keep up,” I shout to Lonnie over my shoulder.


I sigh as she goes off to get the drink, sitting down at a booth. But I jump as I hear a glass suddenly shatter. Looking up, I see her bending over, apparently cleaning up the mess with a pretty upset look on her face, some other guy talking with her. Seems pretty upset. Geez…now I’m starting to feel a little guilty. Did I get her that rattled just from saying the wrong thing? Great. Now I have guilt. Perfect.

I start to stand up, move over from my table to check on her, when I realise that the man with her is talking to her. Probably checking on her, making sure she’s alright. Might be better if I just save an apology for when she makes her way over here. If he’s hot under the collar about something or worried about her, another person coming in wouldn’t be smart. It would be stupid, in all honesty.

So instead, I simply sit and wait, watching in curiosity as she goes about fixing the drink. I should be looking to see if any of the others are around. But I haven’t yet. I’ll take care of that as soon as I at least give her an I’m sorry.

Yeah…occasionally, I’m capable of things like that. Occasionally.


Hot day. But then again, when wasn’t it a hot day in this town. Pretty stupid thing to think. I haven’t seen any of the others all day. Tried calling Liz. She answering machine. Tried calling Isabel. Got the same thing. I always get the same thing at her house. I’m used to that. I don’t know what to make of that, but I’m getting used to it. As long as I can at least be there, be around, then I’ll be satisfied with that much. At least for now. Maybe one day, she’ll pick up the phone.

Maybe one day she’ll answer more than just the phone when I talk to her, when I ask her something important.

Making my way down the street, The Crashdown comes into view in the far distance. The gang usually congregates there. More than likely, they’re all there. It’s the usual. And I’m usually late. So it’d make sense. It’s my lot in life; it’s not a lot, but it’s my life. Heh.

The café gets closer, when I see a small group of people just a short distance, just outside of the inn on the far side of the road, gathered near a rather busted up old car. I pay them no mind, really. Just visitors probably. Why on earth anyone would visit New Mexico would be beyond most people, except for the one word that strikes everyone in the United States. ROSWELL. That one words gets all the crazies brought right to our door. You get used to it after the you turn…well…at least three. By that time, you’ve seen every manner of freak and weirdo. Doesn’t phase you anymore.

But there was at least one “weirdo” among them, as I got closer, that wasn’t all that bizarre. Long dark brown hair, tanned skin, and a rather sneaky yet attractive smile.

Well…it could never hurt to say hello…

Making my way over as a man disappeared down the street, motioning for another of the women to follow him, I walk up to the woman, smiling and waving in greeting.

“Hi there,” I say. “New here, I take it? Roswell tends to draw that kind of attention. We’re good for that. I’m Alex. Just thought I’d be a friendly welcome wagon. You looked like you looking around for some interesting sights.”

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 2:37 am
by StormWolfstone
I am making this note on many boards. Those I am members of because I'm not certain that some of the creators have had the chance to be on and see this as well as my own games. There has been a new ruling made. If you are in a Mature or Adult rated game, you have to check in ... 04&start=0

Only 17 years of age or older are by ruling allowed to be in games with those two ratings. For my games, I will be checking this thread regularly and if I don't see a name on that list within two weeks of a player in my game, characters will be reassigned. If for some reason you have not been on the boards within that matter of time but you do get added to the list, you can PM me to let me know. However, as of right now in my games which will be listed below, a person can not post until they are on that list and if they post without being on the list, it will be reported to Mods. Players in my games have until July 8th to either have checked in on that thread and be posting, or to inform me that you are under 17 and will need to give up your characters.

My games are as follows: Pirate's Bounty, Masquerade, Future's Visitation, Preternatural Curses, Choosing Grounds, Sons and Daughters, Roswell Magick Legacy, Matches Made In Heaven, Crossing Distances, Roswell Next Generation (used to be Anna-Liisa's), Dormroom Diaries (used to be Lizzie_Parker_17's), , Shadowed Dawn.

I co-run the following: The Fifth, Darkened Doorways, World Of Change

Games I'm In: Destined Mates, Soul Mates by Madroswellfan, Three's a Party by Madroswellfan, A new day...every day by Madroswellfan, Land of Hope, by Anna-Liisa, Change of Heart by Anna-Liisa, Happily Ever After by Buffsteraddict, Where the Stars Don't Shine by Isabelle, A Baby Story by Isabelle, The Missing Piece by katnotkath, Fleeing Roswell by AlexEvans, Sacrifice by Anna-Liisa, Deny My Heart and Dangerous Intensions by Zanssoulmate08, Age of Ulyssa by isabelle (formerly by emmylala), Deceptive Appearances by Katnotkath, Second Generation by Zanssoulmate08,

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 2:20 am
by StormWolfstone

“You don’t have to say that,” Sly tells me, and I can’t help but wonder what he’ll say next, “I knew you’d tell me someday. Don’t make it seem like you have to ask me to do something for you to get you to go off with your secrets. I knew you’d tell me one day.” I can’t help but smirk as I feel him slide his hand around to pinch my backside. Damn, he sure was having fun with this. ”But I’ll take it. And I’ll take the rest of the deal. Always up for that. You know me.”

“You’d better be, I aim to tire you out tonight, Sly.” I return with a grin and then watch as he starts things off to get to work with Lonnie.

“Come on, kiddo. Let’s get going. Let’s hit that greasy spoon up there….that…what’s the sign say…”Crashdown.” See what we can find there first.” I can’t help but laugh as I hear him call back as he walked along the street, “And try to keep up,” Lonnie shoots me a glare as she take off after him.

I turn to the others, “Remember, stay in disguise. Never know what we’re going to run into.” No way in hell did I want the royals to know that their dupes were in town just yet. With a bit of training, they’d gotten down the alteration of their full appearance. I owe Khivar for teaching me that trick so I could teach my peeps.

Rath and the others nod and begin gathering things to take into the rooms while I peruse the area, trying to determine which course of action I want to take. I guess I was a bit lost in thought because I nearly jumped out of my skin hearing a voice sound suddenly, “Hi there,” I turn to look at the guy. “New here, I take it? Roswell tends to draw that kind of attention. We’re good for that. I’m Alex. Just thought I’d be a friendly welcome wagon. You looked like you were looking around for some interesting sights.”

I shrug slightly and determine to be nice as I hold out a hand toward him, “I’m Dani. Yeah, we’re new around here… but not for the normal reasons people come here I’m sure.” I say, giving him a slight smile. He seemed, a bit geeky, but nice. Obviously friendly, this is a good thing. “Would you be offering to give me a tour?” I decide to ask, giving a light wink. “It certainly would be nice to figure out things, like the best places to eat and hang as well as where the Sheriff’s office is. I’m hoping to find out some info for my friends and myself from him or the town census information.”

Might as well see how far things spread in this town. Who knows… maybe it’ll spread to the royal four and they’ll come seeking me out instead. That would definitely be an interesting situation. “That is, if they kept records in eighty-nine of how many children were found in the desert and adopted… or who might have lost children in the desert. I guess I’ll find out somehow, my adoptive parents suggested starting here to try and find my real parents… figured the others had the same situation that came with me. Most of their folks said the same.”

There, I’ve planted the seed, now let’s see if he is the type to gossip.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 7:04 pm
by StormWolfstone

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 10:15 pm
by StormWolfstone

I couldn’t believe how shaky I was. It wasn’t like me to be this way, but with the pain in my wrist, I didn’t really have much choice about losing the grip on things at times. Still, I couldn’t help but fear that someone other then Brand would realize that I was having troubles. Once the glass was cleaned up, I gave Brand a weak smile and readjusted my sunglasses to make certain that no one caught sight of the shiner my dad gave me.

Moving to get a glass of cherry coke again, I step out from behind the counter and skirt around the tables, wincing at some of the movements as they caused my ribs to ache. Damn it. This was too much. I really wished I’d had time to do a minor healing to help at least my ribs and wrist both of which seemed to have the worst damage.

Making it to the table where Michael had seated himself, I set the glass down, removed a bottle of Tabasco sauce from my apron pocket, and set it down as well. “Would you like to order anything else?” I ask, taking out the order book and a pen just in case.


As I hear and feel Nicholas responding, I can’t keep from grinning. He would always please me in at least this way. Kissing him, I make certain he can easily feel the effect he’s having on my body as I push him against the door to the room, locking the door as I pressed my body against his. “You do know that I’m going to enjoy your body repeatedly tonight.” I told him, speaking against his lips as my hands slid beneath his shirt.

I couldn’t keep from enjoying the feel of his new husk beneath my hands so much more then the old one. I trailed my lips to his ear and whispered, “I’m going to take you until you are screaming for me. And then take you again.” Even as I was speaking, I slid my hands beneath the waistband of his pants and cupped his thickness. “Tell me, Nicky… do you want me in your mouth first? Or do you want me deep inside you?”

I stroked his length, waiting for his reply. I knew well that Nicholas would enjoy anything I did to him. Even if he hadn’t enjoyed being with men, I could have easily made his body react. Just as when I got to my prey, I was going to enjoy doing just that to some of them.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 5:03 pm
by ~Ruby~
Storm, would it be okay if I borrowed Kyle for my next Tess post. Or is there something else you wanted me to do with her since she isn't doing much at the moment?



Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 4:34 pm
by StormWolfstone
Go for it, hun. I don't mind at all.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 5:32 pm
by StormWolfstone
Is everyone still interested here?

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:10 pm
by FaithfulAngel24
I am but I need a Zan post to continue :D

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:14 am
by ~Ruby~
I am. I'm just having a little bit of a block as to what to do with Tess.