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Re: Heavenli24's Stories - Updated 8/30, NEW STORY

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 4:06 pm
by Heavenli24
Sundae wrote:Congratulations Heavenli, tis vera vera oscar worthy. ;)
Alien_Friend wrote:Congrats on your nominations!! So well deserved. :D I love your stories.
Thanks, guys :) - I completely missed that you posted on here (I haven't checked this thread in months!) :).

Also posting that I got Runner-Up for Most Helpful Roswell Fanatic in the latest awards :D:


Thanks to everyone who voted :).

Just want to apologise for the lack of writing from me for the last few months :(. I've been going through horrible writer's block, where I either can't write anything or I manage a page or two and then give up on what I was going to write. I know I still owe you that Auction Story, Alien_Friend, and I want to get it finished, I really do, but I just have no idea what to write for it at the moment :(.

I've been getting so frustrated with not being able to write lately that I might just have to go with whatever story I can write... I've had a few story ideas, but I've barely got past a few hundred words of any of them - I've been suffering from a sort of fear of not being able to write anything worthy of posting :(.

It really doesn't help that my new job has been crazy and I've been pretty exhausted the last few months. It's been 5 months of intensive training courses, lots of studying, exams, on-the-job training at a military air force base... and I've still got 6 months of training (in defence/military weather forecasting) left to go!

Re: Heavenli24's Stories - Updated 3/10/11

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 4:29 pm
by Alien_Friend
Congrats!! :D

Aww wow that's so long. I don't know how you do it. No worries. Do what you can, when you can. You can't force writing. When it comes through, I know it will be awesome whatever it will be.

Good luck with your training course!

Re: Heavenli24's Stories - Updated 3/10/11

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 6:14 pm
by trulov
Heavenli24 wrote
Just want to apologise for the lack of writing from me for the last few months . I've been going through horrible writer's block, where I either can't write anything or I manage a page or two and then give up on what I was going to write.
You and I should get together and go bowling or something.

I'm going through exactly the same thing! I write in my head...but then when I put it on paper (maybe a paragraph or even a page)'s just blah! Then it's like this vicious cycle, where I'm actually afraid to write b/c I think it's just going to be bad so what's the point?

It's very frustrating :( .

The comforting thing is this has happend to me before. Half way through Twisted, I couldn't put two words together to save my life - and it really felt like I would never be able to write again.

And then - ta da - one day it was just there - the mojo was back.

I had a writing teacher who said the best way to get through writer's block is to get out, do new things and try and look at the world with the eyes of a child. He also said it was important to write...even if it's bad and you don't feel like it...keep writing and eventually it will work it's way out.

Sending you happy thoughts! :D

Re: Heavenli24's Stories - Updated 3/10/11

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:53 am
by Sundae
Congrats once again.

I do enjoy the way you write even though I haven't posted much feedback, I can only claim that I'm new to the fanfiction world and so....I'll meet you when you post your next story and hopefully that's enough incentive for writers block to life and for you to start writing again. :wink:

Good luck with the training and the writing,

Re: Heavenli24's Stories - Updated 3/10/11

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 3:43 pm
by Heavenli24
Wow, I just checked the awards again and I won one :D!! Yay!

Fic For Which You'd Most Like To See a Sequel: Between the Covers


Thank you to everyone who voted for it :).

I originally said I would write a sequel, but then I couldn't think of a good storyline for one. I've thought about trying to write one for a while, but although I have a few different scenes in my head for it, I'm finding it hard to come up with a really worthwhile storyline :(.
Congrats!! :D

Aww wow that's so long. I don't know how you do it. No worries. Do what you can, when you can. You can't force writing. When it comes through, I know it will be awesome whatever it will be.

Good luck with your training course!
Thanks :). I'm hating that I can't write at the moment - it's so frustrating! Fingers crossed that I can get the inspiration back soon :).
trulov wrote:You and I should get together and go bowling or something.
That would be great... oh, except that I live 4,500 miles and an entire ocean away :P.
I'm going through exactly the same thing! I write in my head...but then when I put it on paper (maybe a paragraph or even a page)'s just blah! Then it's like this vicious cycle, where I'm actually afraid to write b/c I think it's just going to be bad so what's the point?
Yeah, it's like I have 'great' ideas in my head but then when I come to actually start writing them, they just seem stupid, or I feel like I can't make those ideas into a fully developed story... but I don't just want to write only a one-parter.
The comforting thing is this has happend to me before. Half way through Twisted, I couldn't put two words together to save my life - and it really felt like I would never be able to write again.

And then - ta da - one day it was just there - the mojo was back.
Glad you got the mojo back - I'm hoping it will happen to me soon too :).
I had a writing teacher who said the best way to get through writer's block is to get out, do new things and try and look at the world with the eyes of a child. He also said it was important to write...even if it's bad and you don't feel like it...keep writing and eventually it will work it's way out.

Sending you happy thoughts! :D
Thanks :). I know I really need to sit down and write, but I always get distracted by other things :( - I just spent 2 weeks in a hotel with limited internet, so the plan was to get lots written... but I got nothing done at all. I think part of the problem is that I don't really have any real-life inspiration for my writing at the moment - other stories came easily because parts of them were based on my own experiences, but the last few months haven't really provided me with any good inspiration - unless I write a story based on the physics of the atmosphere :P!
Sundae wrote:Congrats once again.

I do enjoy the way you write even though I haven't posted much feedback, I can only claim that I'm new to the fanfiction world and so....I'll meet you when you post your next story and hopefully that's enough incentive for writers block to life and for you to start writing again. :wink:

Good luck with the training and the writing,
Thanks :).

I'm hoping to get writing again soon - I miss writing, as well aas posting stories and interacting with everyone here on the forum. Until last October, I don't think I'd gone more than a month between finishing one story and starting a new one in 5 years, but it's been almost 6 months now and nothing :(.

The training is kind of getting interesting at the moment - I'll be working with the Royal Air Force for the next few months/years and next week we're going on a 'field trip' to a training base, where we'll get to see a Tornado up close and fly in a Grob Tutor. Then the week after next, we'll get to fly in a Sea King. Cool story though: we just spent 2 weeks at RAF bases doing some weather observing - I was at the main helicopter training school, where both Prince William and Prince Harry learned to fly, but my colleague was at the army flying base where Prince Harry is currently stationed and she lived in the same building as him for the 2 weeks (in the Officer's Mess). Apparently he introduced himself in the dining hall by saying: "Hi, I don't think we've met. I'm Harry." :P and he bought her a drink in the bar one night!

Re: Heavenli24's Stories - Updated 3/10/11

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 6:53 pm
by Alien_Friend
Congrats again!! Yay! :D I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Re: Heavenli24's Stories - Updated 3/10/11

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:04 am
by kismet
Congratulations for the winnings :D
And I'll keep my fingers crossed for your mojo's return :wink:


Re: Heavenli24's Stories - Updated 3/10/11

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:05 pm
by Sundae
Heavenli24 wrote:
Thanks :).

I'm hoping to get writing again soon - I miss writing, as well aas posting stories and interacting with everyone here on the forum. Until last October, I don't think I'd gone more than a month between finishing one story and starting a new one in 5 years, but it's been almost 6 months now and nothing :(.

The training is kind of getting interesting at the moment - I'll be working with the Royal Air Force for the next few months/years and next week we're going on a 'field trip' to a training base, where we'll get to see a Tornado up close and fly in a Grob Tutor. Then the week after next, we'll get to fly in a Sea King. Cool story though: we just spent 2 weeks at RAF bases doing some weather observing - I was at the main helicopter training school, where both Prince William and Prince Harry learned to fly, but my colleague was at the army flying base where Prince Harry is currently stationed and she lived in the same building as him for the 2 weeks (in the Officer's Mess). Apparently he introduced himself in the dining hall by saying: "Hi, I don't think we've met. I'm Harry." :P and he bought her a drink in the bar one night!
Hey...It would be awesome if you got your mojo back. *cough*sequel*cough*

See, apparently good wishes do that.

LOL, I wish I was that girl. Prince Harry is for lack of better term: smokin'. He's so cute and that sounds like him too. And this reminds me of something. Last week, China released some upcoming wedding memorabilia that showed Kate marrying "Will" but it was a picture of Harry instead of William. They're flying off the shelf. :lol:

Re: Heavenli24's Stories - Updated 3/10/11

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:09 am
by Ashita
Sorry double post.

Re: Heavenli24's Stories - Updated 3/10/11

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:09 am
by Ashita
Oh, sorry, I hit the wrong link. :oops: